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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1882, p. 7

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* THE TERKT-BBODERICK DUEL. An old Galiforniaa has related to The St. Louis Globe-Democrat -what he claims were the true circumstances leading to the duel between Senator Broderick atid Judge Terry, of Califor­ nia, in 1859, which resulted in the death of the former. He says: "The men were warm personal friends, and both were Democrats when the vigilantes ran the town, in 1857. This was before Broderick's election to the senate, but Terry was on the bench. One day, While the vigilantes were arresting, try­ ing, and hanging whoever they pleased, Terry happened to be in the United States naval agent's place, when a ser­ geant and a squad of the vigilantes came there to arrest some one. Terry protested against it, and in the talk that followed was jostled roughly by a man named Hopkins. What followed was done very quickly, the judge whip­ ping out a knife and slashing Hopkins, half severing his head from the body. He escaped and went to the United States arsenal, where the vigilantes fol­ lowed, with several small pieces of can­ non, and threatened to attack unless the fugitive was given up to them. He was offered protection but preferred to surrender himself, and did so. He was held a prisoner abont three months, and was repeatedly threatened with hanging. The officer in command of a few little war vessels in the bay, assert­ ed that if he was executed he would tiOmbard the stronghold of the vigilan­ tes, which was known as Fort Gunny- bags, but Hopkins recovering, much to everybody's surprise, Terry was tried «nd acquitted. Broderick during this time retained his friendship for Terry, and did what he could to assist him in his strait. The rupture occurred after­ ward with the split in the Democratic Earty, when Broderick espoused the olters and Terry remained a straight Democrat. The "splits" held a conven­ tion and made nominations, and shortly after the "straights" did the same thing at Bentoii's church, which was, for lack of something better, used at that time for political gatherings. In the even­ ing after the last convention a meeting was called, at which a number of the prominent politicians of the State spoke. Terry was not much of a public speaker, but being pressed to do so, made a few remarks, and to some extent ridiculed the opposite party, pronounc­ ing it as of such diminutive proportions that Broderick, its originator, could put it in his pocket. There was apparently nothing personally offensive intended; but a synopsis of the different speeches having been telegraphed to San Fran- <asco, appeared in tlie papers there the following morning. Broderick had evidently read the rcpoi*ts before or on coming to the breakfast table, but made HO remark concerning them until asked at the table by Daniel S. Perley, an Englishman, what his opinion was re­ garding them. Broderick replied something to the effect that he had until then always thought well of Judge Terry, and considered him a gentleman, thus intimating that his opinion had changed. Perley retorted that Brod­ erick had no right to use such language ip the absence of the judge and in the presence of liis friends, adding that he considered himself one of the latter. Broderick made a liarsh reply, of which several different accounts were given, and added something that Perley con­ sidered personal. He challenged Brod­ erick in consequence, and the latter placed the matter in the hands of his utjn that tliA social position of the senator was so much above that of Perley that a meeting could not be had. When this conclit- .sion was made public, the judge's friends apparently looked to him for a continuance of the affair, and the papers in discussing it intimated a curiosity to know what lie was going to do about it. Broderick waited several days without making any allusion, and then remark­ ed, while in conversation at a political meeting, that he came from Washing- . ton to California to conduct a political campaign, and until that was over Would not permit himself to be drawn into any personal difficulty. At its dose he was ready for any of them, or Something to that effect. This was . made public, but was ignored by Terry Until three months later. On the day following the election he sent his resig­ nation to Governor Weller, and at the same time challenged Broderick. The latter accepted, and a meeting was ar­ ranged, but the authorities interfered and arrested Broderick. Arrangements were concluded a second time, when Terrv was arrested, pis friends did not hesitate to assert that the interfer­ ence was at the instigation of Brod­ erick's friends, who feared a meeting, «nd both parties were so incensed that ft third attempt was made, with a fatal tesult. lobster in the Groves of Blarney. , I venture to cull an uncut leaf from the life at Marsfylield, which is in keep­ ing with the oilier leaves of the twice- told story of liis life at home. The time was in the summer of 1852. My father's manuscript makes the record. .. . ... " j was riding with him last sum­ mer in his carriage in Marshfiekl, a "plain-looking man--a neighbor of his --who had been a-fi siring, passed near the carriage, with his basket on the -arm and pole on the shoulder. Mr. my unqualified approbation of this ex- erase. I regard the catechism as the most-admirable epitome of religious l>e- lief extant." The superintendent pulled his sleeve, and asked him to ex­ plain the word epitome, which he eluci1 dated as follows: "By epitome, chil­ dren, I mean--that is--it is /synonvmous with synopsis!"-- Congregattonalfat. p The Walrus. The walrus is a marine Arctic animal somewhat resembling the large seals in appearance, yet differing from them in structure. The lips are covered with a thick mat of bristles, and from these project downward two long bulky tusks, which the sea-horse, as the walrus is often called, is capable of using with tremendous effect when battling for life \ Why win T«mT Wbj use,waves and lotions for coring eruptive efcln diseases? The relief thus ob­ tained can only be temporary. Why not strike out the root of all blood "and skin dis­ eases by atrentrthenin'r ibo liver and kidneys. This can be done by usinjr t iat well-known and tried remedy, br. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla! Tnis medicine will perma­ nently cure all blood and skin dieea'ep, from syphilitic disorders to a pimple on the fore­ head Its effect is marvelous, and it is not injurious to the most delicate constitution. Ask your druggist to get It for you. Brother Gardner on Good Old Times. "De odder nite de ole man Salera- tus Brown drapped ober to see me," be­ gan the old man as Pickles Smith got through swallowing a ten-penny nail which he was holding in his mouth to cure the backache. " He sot down wid tr yon feel dull, sallow color cm f toe or el doQ, drowsy, Mffitated, haf* of skin, or yetlowiah-brown spot* body, frequent headache or dtnh neaa, bad taste in month, internal beat or chills alternated with fioahea, km apirita gloomy forebo<"-- *-- * tongue coated, gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, joa ate suffering from "torpid liver," or "biixmaaem." In many oaaea of a grunt, Blioved out his feet wid a groan, against human or animal foes, though it j and remarked dat times had so changed is under ordinary conditions an inof- j dat he didn't car' to lib anoder day. It fensive animal, in spite of its truculent,tide me narvous to h'ar him take on aspect. Walruses sometimes attain * a j®?" tell how modern folkses were dyin' length of twenty feet, and a circumfer- j off--modern houses no better dan cof- ence of half that length, weighing fully j fins"--modern food a pizen to de system * 3 ' --an' dat ninety-nine men out of el»eiy hundred war' liars, cheats an' thieves. " Almos' every day I h'ar Rome of you takin' on *bout de good ole times when nobody died an' de front doali of eberv house stood open. You doan' know what yer talkin' bout! In de good old times a ton. The walruses are rapid swim­ mers, but are very awkward on land, whither they go to rest, bring forth and suckle their young. Not afraid of man unless they are hunted, they bravely de­ fend their young and their wounded companions. They often have furious combats with the polar bear on the ice, j de common house was'bout as coin- and with the narwhal and other carmv-1 orous fishes in the water. Walrus meat ' is a favorite tidbit with the giant bear of j the north, and he will travel many miles on the chance of making such a lnxuri- fortable as de common liog-pen. More people had Fo ride ten miles fur a doc­ tor dan a less distance, and when lie ar- rove he" didn't know bran from broom­ sticks. ,Any sort of a man who knew ons meal, in spite of the fact that he not ; Moses from Aaron was good 'nuff for a unfrequently gets worsted in the battle, j preacher, an' de man wid de loudest Large herds of walrus will life together j voice an' de loudest bellow was de bes' in their resting-places like swine, and j lawyer. Women war' freckled an' men their loud roarings when disturbed can ! went bar'futed to church, an* de fadder be heard for miles. The tusks, which j who didn't bring up his sons wid a great furnish ivory of the finest quality, are : deal of stern dignity an'blue beech gad used as weapons, for climbing on the I mixed togeder expected de boy to turn ice, and for tearing tip the sea plants on out a pirate. whose attached bivalves they largely " In de good ole times men stole an' feed. The capture of the walrus is a j cheated an' lied an' played hypocrite, dangerous sport, and not every remun- j jist de same as men do now, an' if de erative except for food purposes,though the tusks are valuable. The Esqui­ maux are very fond of their flesh, and Dr. Kane and other Arctic voyagers women didn't gad quite so often dey gossiped jist as much. De man who sighs fur de good ole times, am frowin' away his breaf, an' dar am a dim suspi- have given testimony that it makes a i shun in my mind dat he am lazy an! toothsome and palatable dish, whether ' eaten raw or cooked. The weapon with which the Esqui­ mau hunter attacks the seal and walrus is to him what the rifle is to the Amer­ ican backwoodsmah, the sword to the *Agageer, the lasso to the South Ameri­ can, the sumpitem to the Dyak, or the boomerang to tliSe Australian savage. It is a harpoon of ingenious make, with a long wooden shaft and a float attached to it. Owing to the great scarcity of \^ood, the Esquimau is obliged to fash­ ion the shaft from a great number of pieces strongly lashed together. The head is made of walrus or norwlial ivory lashed with iron, and it is so con­ trived that it loosens from the shaft when the blow is struck. The long line of seal-skin is coiled around the hunt­ er's neck, there often being several hundred feet of this seal rope looped and ready to play the quarry. To manage this line is a matter of great dexterity with the hunter, for, unless he casts it instantly free when the great walrus feels the quiver of the lance- head in his body, lie would either be choked to death or dragged into the sea and drowned. There is aflso great need of keeping the colls from tangling, or the game would certainly be lost. Ex­ traordinary skill and promptness of movement are thus essential to walrus harpooning. Instantly the blotf is struck, the hunter jerks the coils free { Bejfeeventually made public. of hi" neck, and then he is prepared to play the walrus like a salmon, till the exhausted beast can be brought near enough to receive the fatal thrust from a spear .--"A World of Wonders shiftless. De pusson who can't play his hand wid de world of to-day am either light in de head, or wobbly in de knees. I furder desire to add dat de nex' time I h'ar a member of dis club wishin' fur a return of de days when only one fam'ly on a road ten miles long had an um­ brella to lend, an' not one family outer sixteen could lend a cupful o' sugar widout scrapin' de bottom" of de box, I shall purceed to read him a lecktur dat will slant his ears at an angle of fo'ty- seben degrees." MB. R. Q. WALLTNOTOV, of Troy, Ohio, writes: "I was jnrcatly reduced in health and strength by a disease, the symptoms of which indicated a very severe case of blood poisoning-. I had a dozen boils in different parts of my body when I lieiran using1 Dr. Guysott's lellow Dock an^i tSarsaparilla, the use of which remedy has entirely cured me." " liver complaint** only part of theee symptoms arc experienced. Aa a remedy for all auoh cases Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medical Discovery" has no equal, aa it effec's perfect and radical cures. At all drag stores. THE obliging visitor, to show that he really te fond of children, and that the dear little One is not annoying him in the least, treats the kid to a ride upon his knee, Trot! trot! trot! How do you like that, my boy? Is tliat nice?" "Yes. sir," replied the child, "but not so nice as on the real donkey--the one with four leys " BAD tempo: often proceeds from those pain­ ful disorder? to which women are subject In female complaints Dr. R. V. Pierce's " Favor­ ite Prescription "* is a certain cure. By all druggists. "OH, say, ma!" exclaimed a brljrht fl-year- •ld girl, at dinner at a hotel, "hasn't that man over there got dreadful liiuf ears?" "Hush, child; the gentleman might hear you,' cautioned her mother. "Well. I puess If he couldn't hear me with those eiirs," quickly chirped the youngster, "he had bet­ ter haul 'em down."--Conunereial Advertiser. IOCNO or middle-aped men, suffering from nervous debility, loss of memory, premature old age. as the result of bad habits, should t-end three stamps for Part VII. of Dime Series pam­ phlets. AddresH WORIJI'S DjsrtNSAia MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. . us ioke on the pen- makers. " remarked one merchant to another, j as he clipped the points of his worn-out pen; | "saves me considerable in my pen btdl at the ! end of the year." "Yes,r returned the other, | "but the amount of extra fluid you aae with it is ink-calculable."-- The Judge. I See. Feel anil lli'licvp. I "Truth conquers," and PUTNAM'S PAINI.ES> j CORN EXTRACTOR is the embodiment of truth "Actions speak louder than words," and its action on corns of every description has \ been the means of extending its reputation far and wide. The explanation of its success > is that it performs all that it claims to do, ! viz.: To remove the worst eom>- in .1 few j days without pain. Beware of imitations and substitutes! Sold by drutfpists every­ where. Wholesale, Lord, Btoutenbunrh '& ! Co, Chicago. |" 'WHAR'S the man that's going up in that j balloon?" inquired a couutryman. "That's' the fellow standing on the left of it" "ltather tliin, isn't he, though?" returned country. "Yes," answered the other; "he's thin in'purse as well as in person. He's the heir o'naujrht."--The Jiulfjf. Personal!--To Men Only! The VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for j thirty days to men (young or old) who are j afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality i and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and man- , ly vigor. Address as al)ove. N. B.--No risk j is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed A PHYSICIAN says whistling a good exersi- j cise for the lungs. But what does it benefit i a youth to have a sound pair of lungs if he | is destined to haw his httad caved in by a : brick before he reaches the voting age"?-- | JfwriMown Herald, Kidney Disease. Pain, Irritation, lletention. Incontinence, j Deposits, Gravel, etc., cured by "Buchu- i PERKY DAVIS' * Mfcti k tAFI *0 sun RENEUr FOt Rbwmatisi, Sprain Bnim, AND ScuHhii Toethacbt and; S. GILLINGHAM, of St. Thomas, Can­ ada, left for England the other day in connection with an improvement in the telephone he has invented, and which he thinks can be utilized for cable pur­ poses. He has been in communication for some months with certain capitalists of London, and has now taken the in­ vention over with him for the inspection of these gentlemen. Mr. Gillingham was for many years a fellow-workman with Bell, the father of the telephone- system, at Bradford, and claimed to have broached the crude ideas which Headaehs. FOR SALE BY ALL DRGtttflSTS. THE SEW REMEDY. [HOPS I MALT BITTERS, (Set Fermented.) : : THE GREAT i Liver &Kdney ItettiSy I AND BLOOD PURIFIER. This new Remedy il compounded from the best known curatives, such aa j Hops, Malt Extract, Cascara Sagrada j I (Sacred Bark), Buchu, Dandelion and I Saraaparilla, combined with an agree- 1 able Aromatic tiixir. I These Remedies act upon ths Liver. They act upon the Kidneys. They Regulate the Bowels. _ They Quiet the Nervous System. They Promote Digestion. They Nourish, Strengthen, Invigorate. S They give Tone, Health and Energy. HOPS ATID WALT BITTERS •re the ORIGINAL nrd ONLY 1311 TERS containing Malt Extract. Ask your Druggist tor them, and be sure that the label has on it the (our words HOPS AND MALT BITTERS in large red letters. r^"Take no other. At Wholesale and Retail by al I dealers. "IOCBESTKR ilEDICrSE CO., •foehwtfer, A*. I". Wasn't In. f * , The occupant of an office on Congress street west fixed matters one day t.hia Aeek in such shape that any caller had to run the gauntlet of a boy in the ante­ room, and as he retired into his den be­ yond he said to the youth: "Now, young awn, k>ok ma.Jn. the eye." * . !fr-' ' "Yes, air." "And remember what 1 say." "Yes. sir." ^ "If any person calls and asks if I . am in, you must say you don't know. Yon will then nsk their business. If they say it is a financial matter yon must come in liere, stop a minute, and return and say that I am out of town to take baths for my rheumatism." "Yes, sir." It was hardly an hour before a stranger came up, and when asked his business he replied: "Well, I called on a little errand yi- volving some money." That was the cue for the boy. He retreated to the back room, winked at his employer, and returned to the ante­ room and reported: "He has just left for the country on a vacation." "Then 111 leave a note," said the man, and he sat down and wrote a few lilies and took his departure. When lie had been gone ten minutes the em­ ployer came out to read it. It read: "Galled to pay you that $90, but yon were out. Am off for Tennessee. See you when I return in January. Tra-la!" It was the. work of only ten seconds to fling on his hat and reach the street; but it was too late. An hour's hard work, including a walk to one of the depots, failed to turn up the man who had money to leave instead of a bill to collect. The boy.over there was look­ ing very much cast down yesterday. One would have said that somebody had l»een swearing at .him.--'Detroit Free Press. ~ ; RHEU1ATI (Cork) Insoles: What They Do! The Miurnt tie IMMOII-S oont in A wries of Mitsnets, wii'iitifii aily urraii^eti, that iorm minutr l>utu.'nea, re- cliatvhik' tlie blood with mainn-ti*m. luid exerting a traiKiuilizm? inflni'iiw upon flu- entire system through the fonsisnn nt improvt a em ulation. Ueposl !>aib&' ITELLS, Jersey1 City, N. J." paiba" $1. Send for pamphlet to E. S. WE T---- R Avoid the Cigarette. Scarcely less injurious, in a subtle and generally unrecognized way, than the habit of taking "nips" of alcohol l>e- ATHpiidliiTferil. Time over and again THOMAS' ECLECTRIC On. has proved a salutary friend to the dis­ tressed. As a reliable curative for Croup in children, sore throat and bronchial affec­ tions, and as a positive external remedy for pain, it is a never-t'ailin<r antidote. TVE lost a patient," said a doctor, sitting down to a bojirdintf-house dinner table, while a frown on liis face was as dork as agunpow- . - , - . . , der poultice. "I am sorry to hear it Man tween meals, is the growing practice of ; or woman:" asked one of "the boarders. "A smoking cigarettes incessantly. We 1 ™an." . "When did he dieV^ ^ "Die,- darn him; ' "Webster halted and called to him. He Came up and Mr. Webster put out his hand to salute him. 'My hand is not fit. to be touched,' said the fisherman. HP liad been dressing fish and his ; hands were unwashed. 'Never mind,' Said Mr. Webster, 'I have dressed many a, fish.' And he took his hand as heart- ' fly as though it had been the hand of a president. 'Well, what luck?' said Mr. Webster. 'Poor.' was the reply. 'I kiave done but little,' 'I am. sorry,' was the answer, 'but you have this to com- •- fort you; the less taken, the more is left; the wheel of fortune is up and down, and poor luck to-day promises wetter to-morrow.' I said to the man: 'Yor. mu-t be greatly favored to have so good a fisherman as Mr. Webster amoug you, . to assist and encourage , pou.' The man looked earnestly at me' J|ndsaid: 'We all love Mr. Webster, air.' Mr. Webster turned his great eyes upon me, and said: 'I have good neighbors, kind neighbors, sir; I have every reason to love them.' The tones of the voices of each, as they spoke, combined with their moistened eyes to sure me that what was said came >m the hearty that the greatest man the Nation and the humble fisherman loved each other as brethern. This is what I call true greatness of soul." Synonymous with Synopsis. A grave and dignified doctor of di­ vinity, after listening to the recitation the catechism by a class of children, as asked to make a few remarks to em. Whereupon he arose and said: "I desire, my young friends, to express have not a word to say against smoking at suitable times and in moderation, nor do our remarks at this moment apply to the use of cigars or pipes. It is n gainst the habit of smoking cigarettes in large quantities, with the belief that these miniature doses of nicotine are innocuous we desire to enter a protest. The truth is that, perhaps owing to the way the tobacco leaf is shredded, coupled with the fact that it is brought into more direct relation with the mouth and air passages than when it is smoked in a pipe or cigar, the effects produced on the nervous system by a free con­ sumption of cigarettes are more marked and characteristic than those recogniza­ ble after recourse to other modes of smoking. A pulse tracing after the subject has smoked say a dozen cigarettes will, as a rule, be flatter and more indi­ cative of depression than any one taken after the smoking of cigars. It is no uncommon practice for yrtung men who smoke cigarettes habitually to consume from eight to twelve in an hour, and to keep this up for four or five hours daily. The total quantity of tobacco consumed may not seem large, tint .beyond question the volume of smoke to which the breath organs of the smoker are exposed, and the cliar- acteristics'of that smoke as regards the proportion of nicotine introduced into the system, combine to place the or­ ganism very fully under the influence of the tobacco. - >. A considerable number of cases have been br ight under our notice during the last few months, in which youth and young men who have not yet corn- he's not dead. He stopped taking my medi­ cine,-got well, and ran away without payipf the bill." An Im |it»rtailt Discovery , Has been made whereby a successful vegeta­ ble combination has been introduced, which acts upon the bowels, the liver and the kid­ neys, and at the same time imparts strength ancl vitality to the entire system. IintnocK HLOOD BITTEHS constitute this important <iis- oovery. Price $ 1.00. A NEW YORK man, desiring to commit sui­ cide, shot at himself four times without hit- tinp. He will probably be piven a position on the American team in the next interna­ tional shooting match.--Xun-isiown lit rahi. "I SHOULD so like to have a coin dated the year of my birth," said a maiden lady of un­ certain ajre to a male acquaintance. "Do you think you could s<et one for me:" "I am afraid not," he replied "These very old coins are only to be found in valuable col­ lections. " And yet he cannot see why, when he met the ladv the next day, she didn't speak to him.--Cincinnati Saturday IfighL; Free to All MiniHtera of Churclies. I will send one bottle-of White Wine ofTar Syrup, gratis, to any minister that will recom­ mend it to his friend* after trivinjj it a fair test, and it proves satisfactory for coughs, colda, throat or lunjr diseases. DK. C. D. WARXER, Beading, Mich. "I KSEW your father very well," said an Austin lawyer to Gilhooly. "*He was a short, thick-set niau, and had little short arms." "It my father had your Angers at the end of his" arms, he would have left a bigger es­ tate than he did." «And now that lawyer says it Gilhooly and a yaller dojr were* to run for Congress, the dog would capture his • vote... : ... ,t ^ - •> The Highest Antioipu 'ionn." 4 S MAI>ISON. Ind., June 15, 1881. - H. H. WARNKK A CO. : Sim--lour .Safe Kid­ ney and Liver Cure realized, niy hitrhest an­ ticipations. and I cordially recommend it to all who suffer with kidney or liver diseases. J. W. LITTLEJOHN. cessantly smoking cigarettes. It is well that tlie facts should l»e knolvn, as the impression evidently preva ls thait any number of these little "whiffs" must needs be perfectly innocuous, whereas they oft^n do infinite harm.--London Lancet. L__ A Judge's Experience. Judge J. T. Bossier, of St. Tammany parish. La., and of, the State Legislature, thus expressed his opinion to one of our representatives: "I have found St. Jacobs Oil to be very efficacious in sprains and braises. In my opinion there is no oil or liniment equal to it."--JVeic Orleans, La., Times-Democrat. CALIFORNIA woodchopper, we are told, teculiar had produced a peculiar do<r that could whip male bird, we should not have been more surprised--juid could have believed the story just as readily.--Xurrixtowu llrrald. Five Tliotisaml Letters Have been received by proprietor of the White Wine of Tar Syrup, from parties claim- in" to be cured of consumption by its use. A NEW submarine torpedo boat has been constructed on the shores of Stock­ holm harbor for the defense of that port. It is to steam twelveknots under water witliput, any part --being visible al>ove the surface. On arriving within reasonable distance of the enemy it can either ram^jjor discharge torpedoes. Having accomplished its work, the crew can make their craft rise to the surface, or, at will, can return into harbor, keep­ ing below the surface. THE result of my use of St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism is: I have been recommend­ ing it ever 6ince, says the Mayor of Chicago, Hon. Carter H. Harrison, in the r fVmea. SAYS an exchange: "The foolish Turk loves precious stones" Why shouldn't a Turk foolish love a turquoisy--Tf« Judge, HOPS «VRTAF **,T HITTERS is the best combi­ nation of remedies ior tnie care of Dyspep- sia, Iftdipesti/n, Constipation and other troubles arising from a disordered stomach or inactive liver. It is purely vegetable and contains nothing that can do injury. A StrNDAY-Rcncv->i, paper asks what animal Adam tirst named. The spring chicken, of course. ' USE the Fraxer Axle Grease, 'tis the best in the world--will wear twiee as long as any other. Ask your dealer for it, and take no other. -- LORD SALISBURY once made a speech which may now well be recalled. In it he reminded his audience that "wher­ ever there was a disturbance the En­ glish were always to the front and got something substantial." LADIES, send 35c. to Strawbridge & Cloth­ ier, Eighth and Market streets, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for six months. New miuia-aad aviegs in each number- „ * • . HOPS AXT> MALT BITTERS is the best tonio for the restoration to health and Rtrength of those we»k<Mied ami enervated by over­ work, sicklies*, general debility or other cause. It contain^ no likhffral substance to remain in the system and do permanent harm. ' IF anybody ever longs to be a millionaire,' it ts the youth who treats his girl to soda- water aiid then finds he has mistaken a but­ ton in his trousers ppeket for a dime.--Trza* OdditU'x. ' WHAT in beautiful ? Why, Car holme, & debt donzed extract of petroleum, as now improved and perfected. Clear am spring water, delight­ fully perfumed and will uct soil the tineet linen fabric--a perfect toilet preparation and abso­ lutely makes the hair grow on bald head*. VOLATILE friend--"Hullo, what's the mat­ ter, old manV Toothache? Tut-t-t-t! Have it out, If it was mine, I'd have--" Sufferer --"If it was yours! Yet-, sy would I!" Exit, groaning. CHAPPED Hands, Face. I'imples, and rough Skin, cured bv using JUKIPEB TAB SOAP, made by CASWELL, "HAZAKD & Co., New York. ."AMATEUR Gardener" wants to know the easiest wyy to in;ik-: a hot-hou^e. Leave a box of matches • where the baby can pl;.y with them.--Marathon Independent. PURE Cod-Liver Oil, made from select liv­ ers on the sea-shore, by CASWELL, HAZAKD <FC Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet Patients who have once taken it pre­ fer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. AN inveterate dice-thrower in this city has had an attack of malaria This is the first t me he has had to shake for something he didn't want. -- Ihiltimore f'reri/ Sattirtlay. DR. WINCUELL'B TEETHING SYRUP is just the medicine for mothers to have in the jhonse for the children It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and regulate the bowelB. Do not fail to give it a trial, you will be pleased with its charming effect Sold by all druggists. THE sting of a bee is only one-thirty-sec­ ond of an inch long. It is only your imagin­ ation that makes it seem as long as a hoe- handle. COMMON corns NBOLECTED cause one- half the deaths Consumi>tion lurks in every cough, often using as a mask the ruddy cheek and sjKirkling eye till its deadly seeds are deeplv planted' in the system. KII.EHT'S EXTRACT or TAB AND WILD CHEERY will surelv cure colds, coughs, croup, catarrh, bronchial complaints, and ward off consump­ tion. "I BELIEVE in moderation in all things," said the red-nosed man "I drink myself sometimes." "Great heavens!" exclaimed Fogg, "and you call that moderation!" CELEBRATED lnnulali- the tret troiu tin ,nl<l ;uu1 damp earth, and thus urevent tin* abstraction ot the iK>»itive force from the IKMIV. Ueuernte by their magnetic action an afnveable warmth and secure perfect circulation in the feet and lower extre mitie*. Cure ('hillilaius aiwl remove all 'unnatural heat, per- R]> ration, sw-fllin:-' of the teot and*. lYeveut. ivhev<>. ;uul in some raws cure rheumatism, neuraicia ami kindred discane». . In all forms of chronic and nervous disease and dft- bihty uiv invaluable. Are a pivat coiiserver and direct promoter of general health, mid can 1*' worn at all seasons of the year: being j luadc very thill, take up very little room in tlie shoe. Ouepuirof the Magnetic Insoles will demonstrate ! the truth ot thexv claims. Price. per pair. | Fifty thouxand men. women and children ot the CttjT : Of rhicRuo and »he West are wearius them. The Matmetic Indoles will convince the wearer of the Powe- residini: in our other Mm.".ietic Appliances. Kt >niitt«nces can 1M' made in one-cent postage stamps or currency sent in letter at our risk. Sent by mail on receipt of lirice, and the sine of ahoe usually worn, by the Magnetic Appliamv *>>.. 21S State Street. Chicago, 111., sole manufacturers ol tlie United States. For full Instruction in the new Magnetic Treatment for nervous and chronic diseases mil for the " new j departure" in healiirjr and physical culture, containing i testimonials of the marvelous cures obtained from wearing Matnietic Appliances without ttw of drugs and medicines. NwrtUgh, Sciatica,, Backache, Soreness of # Ciitf, 6mft, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smeit- mg« and Sprains, Barm - »V Sca/ds, General Bodily ! Pains, . Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frottt# Feet and Can, mad all other ( Pains and Aches. W» Preparation MI «urth aqaali S*. 3t aa a */e, »ur«, mimpU «M »IIM ltemrdy A trial entails bat 0m ocm toiling outlay of M Oats, and mrjm with pain can haf* clM«p mui potfttn ] tlaima. • Dirt Bona la Bewa Uapafii. * •OLD BT ILL DKTGOI8T8 JUD Of MEDicnrs. JLVOOELER ft CO.. J foi^tivulars and siwvimens of work to FA.IMTKLD t TAYLOK. corner State and Van Buren 8ti ,(Slieago, V S*M9 NtnMi la di 19 MM('J A. REED & SONS' ORGANS. >ew Illu-tr^ted CatalomMa, 1883, tent prices. Agent* wanted In vnn aowtfy. TKMl'l.E OF Xl'SIC, lu» 8tato BOUNTY"!!^ ACT OP AUGUST 7th, 188*. KILO B. STEVENS &M OFFICES: Le Droit Building,WARHIXOTON,D.ELS Oa«e Buildinir, CLEVELAND, OHIO: Atwtnwt BuildiHk DETBon, MICH.: Metropolitan Block. CUCUKUS M i a Paiwin' PnrirMtlvc I*ill* mak« Xew Klch and will complete!; change the blood in to* en tax* ee tnontna. " ' % jadi niglit from 1 to 12 weeks ra-ty be restored to health, if fuch a thing be poiwible. Any neroon wbo trill take oat Sold sent by :uatl for 8 letter stamps. _ I. (i. ,!<»H\SON A CO., Bsttca, Ma former v Ban|ev, Me. NOTFAIIt toMd for wwfaH flrihft aae, with over wholraale prtoea In qamtitiea to Nlt lM inaatntie The only •MM. llO\T A tW Wabaih Am tutioB who 0\T60iUERV a titles to *att tlM IBU, tUMH, lltHMNK |W . STOMACH ^ 8|TieRS 7%e true antidote to the effects of .miasma i« Hoe- tetter's Stomach Bitters. This medicine ia one of the moot poimlar remedies of an age of successful pro­ prietary specific*, and la in immense demand wherever on this continent fever and apue exists. A wineglass- fill three timea a day is the best possible preparative for encountering a malarious atmosphere, regulating the liver and luvhroratiue tlie stomach. For sale by all Prntrirists and Dealers generally. Are You N< eTnUeV* d Lack Vital D WHOM AS' ECLECTRIC tetfin M In al! diseases of a nervous or muscular type, such as Nervous Deoility, Paralysis, Overworked lirain, Ex­ haustion, or I»ss of Vitnl Ivieiw, Weak Back, Kidney Disease, unr .MasnK'tlc B"lt or Regenerator is made ex­ pressly for the cure ot dcr.-iiKreiiiciitsot the i>: <iere:itivo ononis. Whenever any deliihty oi the generative or­ gans occurs, from whatever cause, the continuoiw stream of Mai-netism ix-riueatind fhi-ouirli the parts must restore them to healthy action. There is no mis­ take alxiut this appliance. Year~ of use have tested it, and thousamlsot cures atv testified to. Weakness from luctiscretiou, Incapacity, Lack of Vigor, Sterility--ia fact, any troubles of these oIvans is yured. l)o not con­ found this with electric l>elts advertised to cure all ills from head to toe. This is for the one specific purpose. Price of Belt, $10. Sent bv express upon receipt of price, anil, if not loutul as represented, money refund­ ed. In ordering,send ineasuiv of waist. Kemittanoea Can be made in currency, sent ill letter at our risk. MAliSiri'OX APPLIANCE COMPANY; »'is sute stix-et. Chicago. A P Rl TPO Wanted on S AI.AKV or conimis- WVIBill • w sion. Henil stamp for particulars. lYLMKIt STRONG, ;w:i W.Madison St.. Chicago, ill. * A* UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POWDEBS nhould lie UKCHI by every one owning' or having the care of' hordes, cattle, hogs or poultry. It. improves the appetite, promotes the growth, antf restores the sick Sold by all dr uggi sts. • "Do YOU own this fence?" pavtigely inquired a fanner of a tramp who was hanging over the structure. "No, I don't own it." grinned the nomad, "but I've got a lean on it" i Youso men from tiie best families fn Chi- <bago are attending H. B. Bryant's Chicago Business College. FISHING for a rich husband isn't all net gain. , AVHEKE machinery 1B used the Drew Oil Chip will nave .VJ per cent, of oil. Write for cir­ cular. Borden, Selleclc & Co., Chicago. To BE disposed of under the hammer--A carpet tack. 25c buys a pair "of Lyon'f/patent Heel Stiii- eners and make a boot last twice as long. Cures Rheumatism, Lum­ bago, Lame Back, Sprains and Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Burns, Frost Bites, Tooth, Ear, and Head­ ache, and all pains and aches. The best internal and external remedy in dM world. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere. Directions in eight languages. Price so cents and fi^o. FOSTER, MILBURN 4 CO., Prop'rs, BUFFALO, N. Y.. U. S. A. JEWELRY, RILVKHWAKK, retailed at wholesale rates, price-list tree. T. W. Kennedy, P. O. Box s.v>. X. Y. WATCHES! THRESHERS] i The JteH is rkc ^CHEAPEST. ULNA- "trstedprioellal THB AULTMAN &. TAYLOR CO.. UanatUld.a RTKK'S U*U VLIXIR Tivmit lonriiM Maataak*, WS ktrt, «r fesJr h«>d kaada 4a SO dave. N© iuj»rr. Ea*ty usi U«*U U« WOFM. J ©R S I'BGE 6T watk. Will rre*a H ©r fnti t «lik dir*M<«tta miM and , . SMITH *4)0.tSttle/ lUCOII li U1IM HI ORGANS •inmun-- ASM are certainly best, . so decreed at EVKR'_ WOKLD'8 »DII! rOMTETITIOX for SIXTKKN YKAKK no«tt«r AtnericanOrjrar.s hioinir lieen foondeonalatany. flni CHK.U'ES'i'. style itx»: S^octevn; nOcitBtt pass and power, with best quality, for poptuar aai and st ciilur mu.sic in school* or taiiiilieM, atvoly OSK IllMWKII OTHKK STVI.KS at •57, SMiti. sna, ' and upward. The lari, * 5 7 , * < > < ; , , 9 1 0 8 , S I 1 4 , to ran-itnlat are %CAoilt/ unrir Also for easy payments. lUl SXIUTED CATAI^KiVEFRKK. PIANOS ipany li the manufacture ot I'I'lUG GKANI1 PIANOS, introdi of tone and aural'ility. Will uot require twtiua -- quarter ax much a* other Piano*. lLlL|I8TllATrKDe CIK<T'LAKS. with lull particijlars, FHSK. THE MASON & HAMUN ORttAS* AXD* I'LANO CO.. 154 Treuiunt St.. Bo«Uui: 4« |& 14th St., N. York; 14D Walxuli Avt- Consumption Can Be Cured, §§ » H A L L ' S " FOR THE LUNGS. Cnm Consumption, Coli , ltr<iiiclU«ri)itfU-ultli U A • D cheapest and Ixwt. Send for Ill'st'd W #% 11m Catalogue. Hair Htore Clucaxo.' --OOb«st U'fr'e Mich. Address J. A.. Bronaon, D. trolt, Vni|L£ ilCfii " yon want to leam T«l«mphr ia* lUUltO men tow montli*. MHJ certain ot a aiV «aUon. addrw VALENTINE BROS.. JanMrflle. Wia. • .. • NONE CU-T THE 5T .. " H R. C- K Z AT FA N* I LV IF a woman were to chanjre her sex, wbat •would she liwome? A he-then. TBT the new brand, Spring Tobaooa NEVKK lend vour ivy plant, becatus® yon cannot get an IV ureen back. „ AS EXTKAOKDESARY CASE. . AUSTIN, Texan, February 20,1881. To Mr. J. W. Graham, Druggist: T>ear Sir--My case was an acute form of Bronchitis, and was of one and a half year*B duration. I employed the best medical aid possible, but failed rapidly, until the doctors said I would die--that my case was incur­ able. Thrown upon my own resources, I pot a bottle of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOB THE LUNGS, and in six hours felt a decided relief. In three days the cough almost disappeared. Now that my chances of life are good for many years, I earnestly recommend •Kg ftyvf to every sufferer of throat or lung disease. ^ C.p. LATHBOP. r V-^cONGENTf-.tT; \ SCI. DBVALL r.R" F F^N'A.-ALT MF'G rC [PENSIONS TO AIL )kliers Aat were disabled by wounds ordUer^ ssoft fingeror toe, piles, diarrhoea, ruptwie. 'eyesight, loss ofhearing,heart and lurvg<f^- "ummtism, c>ra|iy other disease or hurt b it or otherwise, gives you a pension. WL«, u,fathers9 mothers, brothers and sJste» 1 to pensions.Pensions procured wtotW Is lost. Kew discharge* obtained. By* discharges aad pensions for til dutiwfi -'*ugust 7,1680. PglfSIOItS IltCttPMflm ^)STF. PritehardeWsshiogtoa.lxC AUGERS, ROCK DRILLS , •ad UM BUT MAorantmr LATKA WORLD tor BORIIIQ a ad ORtLLINQ WELl* ky Haras ar Staaai Pawar I .BOOK Fame. Addre«» LOOMIt * HVMAM. TIFTOI. OHIO.' rNCLC'SR by mail for Hcctrical Outfits lli.ittcrv an 1 «irc included! a- tollows: Hectrio i!» U, «•» ; Electro Ma^'.ct, #«; Medical Battery, corils atid hiiiidlcM. S •; Klectro Motor, *4i Spark Coil and Vacuum Tube. Addri-ss lor t'in ular, CURT W. MEYKIt. U Iky St., New York. T!HKET MTSIC FKEK! TO iutrcduce our Mu*ic J3 we ^ill Ken'l a set ot 'i'-i smiples 'ir v. c il and ui"t. (fi r oiyan and iiiano). coutair.:ii>r "S--:.t.i!ivnt«], l>iiri;y. Ac.-.. Souir-i; W .ltzi -. jlan-lie-. Po'.k i-. tiaJi'P*. fcr. •. al-"> is beautiful tjtle )ii tun- . t ri>:t.y l(V (s,l.erl. N. B --T <tlie tlrst )it r-u>ii uus-.»er.iiit tUi • &-lv. we will trivJ ^1Uwol'tu of felicet Miu-ic. JAhQN A: sO.\, Lodi. nljo. 1 AA/1 EN'GMSll FKRRKTS FOR SAI.E. JLUUUI»7 per Pair. Iijt4 for Females: H* 4 for Males. Can funiish parties with B<'. :-*le.-i or lint Terriers at reasonable prices. Will tell you how t.»i"ake the 1 -1 strinu muzz e for your Fem-t in the \v • ri.i r^r 1 Oc. in stamp-. l'le <se state what paper you saw this in. aud cut it out, for it will not apix ar a^aiii in tl'.i* i>a|)er. Heud money by l'o.stotfiee Order or R sri-ten-1 Letter., Address, with stamp. ( Iiacles H. Van VoolitMi, Victor, Ontario CViunty, N. Y. CDRU WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, fm Best Cough 8y run. Tastes pood. IM Vse in time. Sold by drtiKRists. ^ faj-wbinBiuinsn O WHIT.VKY & MOI.MIA* R C A N S Kxerl All Other» le Tone iind Du. rublllty. III-HOI JIIMI Rep tlta(lon. Ktii4hll»ho« lo Nend for cnmlorn*' of new •tylw* Whitney A Holmes Organ CA, Quincy, 111. /inuuum v* via^t »i i all Disease* of the Brvjtthii and heals the Membrwneu ancl poisoned by the dlisease, aod preveata tka nljfht sweHts and HchtneM acnm t&e dflK wliich accompany it. Conagnutttoii U not M Incurable malady. HAIX'SRiUSAM^ailaJI yx»u^vei^houjrly»Pofe»aion^^ldl»Ua^^^« OKAY'S 8PKCIFIO JfRDICIKK, TlAOl MAM Th* GHXATKK 1 aun RKMXDT. An anfailincow* for SmtaalKeak- naaa, Spanaator- rhaa, Inpottner, and all Ptaaaaaa that follow m a aaqaeae* of Mt Abu*; as kiaa of Memory, Univer­ sal Las* iade.paiii in U>aBaok,lita' BEFORE TARIRtaM* of Afitt ffltlMi* "slur- u'i A^Tand maayotliOTdwMMthatlaSt* ln»>.!vtr or CuQsumption and a Pronator* Gnu*. gyFis'i paiticalaia in oar i>a»phlat. WhiaK W dart* to send free by mail to erery oa*. nTTh* «pa*MW Medicine is sold by all drmqnata at <1 par pirtiw rn til packa<r«a for D, or will be aant fia* by aulanib eeipt of the n^ney, by addraainc T trRAY MEDICINE CO., Butalc. N. ««( Oa aeeoant of counterfeits, w» hava adopt art tjM jaw Wrapper; the only ganuina. | INCBEASH YOCIt CAPITAL. « FIVE-TON nsii SCILES sea 411 Iroa aad BtaeU DoaWo Br*M T»ro B««u JoM >1 p*r> th* !r«l(lit. All 8iM® low, TOR book, KIIKM UMU #F •IMHAMTON, Kpytuwtra, 27. r. \ CANCER I W B T I T T T T X L Established, 187J; Incorporated, For the Cure of Caaeera. Tunon. Heera, Itralhla »I-4 SKIN DISBASKS. without tha use of knife or LOSS OF BLOOO. and little pain j .For UfTORMATlON. CIBOFLARS AND SIKiRSM. Efkaddreea BJcTf. L. FOSD, Aurora. Saae C^, 111. DMY SUMMNTITD THIS fiUCtt mMi ABH MOtML SCMOfDRCMTMLQajC. . Vi. MORGAN & CO. iMMNAHiUSkiNaiMA. Investors of email mni amount a in Grain, Frovijuaoa Btocks as fully protected aa extensive and mnuontialop Our successful, rally tried. -- _____ tubU-he<.l plan. TIT >*• RAPART# WHEAT sent weekly, dividends paldmmyhF ij. Send at once for e*pi»n« -o** mrcolars and nast record̂ nit' SlvidandB paid auni $50 uria£pa»t^uiMM» Address Qtiia on this JKRRIAM. 141 * ltt STOCKS St.. Chicago, 1U. ^ SS-Vio vast a-; local every town. Eioelien nienfe. Good pay to a bie. enterpdaiBit man, tomia. $100 MEVE« FAILS. Is and tie in curing Q aS.- Impotency, Scro ttd aQ mrvim Blood DM Ogprnen, charn and all whose ryeaoploymtAit Nervous Fm IrregvUrities < blood, stoniaek, or kidno-s. ar Qiihv a ivrx« petuer or Samaritan Ir.vahiaWe. prvx-lattti it _ _ wonderful In*, . that ever sustained the sinking aysteiUl. ft#*For i by all Druggists. '« DR. 8. RICHMOND MEDICAL <JQ^ ,V4 Sole Proprietoia, SL lncloae stamp for Circulars. * C.H.T7. ; I hap* . Mii-'-fr;- . • W Jj' ' - r H ' ^'*1 " •• " 'H. . ! iVC . \ t' * ' W, ^

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