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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1882, p. 1

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Pledged butt* Truth, to Liberty avid Law; lie Favors Win ua and ne Pear Shall Awe." VOL.8. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1882. ^Pab shed Krery Wednesday by J. Vjts SLYKE, CDITOit ANO JPtJBUISHEE. fc In Old P. O. Block, OSITR tl r«MID« Itocn- . TRRMSOF SUBSORIPTTO!?. )aeYear(tn A<1van<*,e» ...... ,«l.W» (f "ill •Tit'iinT'i'"^ Minths,..... .S.fln ^nbsfirlntii'vs rn-i'siml *•>!• *'ir»<< or six «onth« in the uni iMnirtion. BUSINESS CARDS. ,w BUSINESS CAltns. *T. T. tunwx. M. T». DHTHtfl.W wn StTUOfOV. or*' ' the Post OHoe, nrtTV>*'t« #. Store "« stairs, '•oHenr'*, ill. , r. W. *. ̂ nirr<TCi w <\vn «ttrt^ov. ..Tob«»b'<r?**v 1 Ills.--Office honr« « to in. * v.. ' ^ n, ,T. TTOW \ PT>, M n, r nHTWiw \vr» ^nnfj^ov " MV RESIDENCE, ANN^SLT* M. MeHenrv. Til. » K. V. AND1C1«<VV, H. II., PHY«tTOrYJT and «nr<s<»on. , rtWno nt iteslev's T»rn'* ^t,orn, Onn'osite Parl-er Hon sc. McHehrv, Illinois. fe tv JI .1. MYRNA. and Wwitnnwiflfci r' jf BA^KMKHT of Knhnert'a <!fore. .To^n* btirsrb, Til. The ch^if-eat bmiv*<» of W'les, filqjwrs and f?i«fars nlwtvs on hand. . .. . . . . . ' " PTCATT HOTTSR. TA. PRATT. ProriHetor. Fl^st oil*® ae. rnnnio'iitioii!). Uooil Rirn in wiMiSPtm* Wmoonda, Til. JOS. «T. FHBTTN ifEAT MAKKET,' near the Bridtre, Mn- |T| Henry. '11. Fresli and Salt Meats, «ao- rini, Smoked Meats, etc., always OH hand: Keeps none but the best. BAltBIAN BlUV. < C1IO AR Manufacturers, M<*Wenrv, 111. Or J rterg solicited. Shop, ii OH Mc'Tenrv, «n Keitar Block, two doors west of PLAIN.- JRALKB Office. , JtTCH AW> COMPTOSf.' 1 WtTHTIOKof the Peaceand Oonvevancer.- #1 Will attend promntlv to the collection of tebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. I. B. R. RICHARD^. HAS* complete Abstract ot Titles to land In M HenrvOonnty, tll'nnis, Office with Connty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. E. M. OWEN f>, EXKRAIi Dealer and MnnnfaHiirer% T Agent In teadinjr Farm Marhinerr.-- Prices low and terms favorable. MoIlcnrv, II'. S. s. OOT.BV. mireWRHRY, McHcnrv Co.. 111. Breeder of HI Spanish Merino Sh««sp, B«rki life #»<t Poland China s wine. A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. • Pleasecall and examine before buying elsewhere. E. G. SMITH. BOOT AXD SHOE M AKER. Prompt atten-tlon given to Repairing. Shop in J. J. lilies' building, next to river, bridge, Mc- pjUspry, Illinois. PETER LEICKEM. 1»«PAIRS Watches,Clocks and Jewelry Qt 1% aW Marts. Also Repairs VioliiiB in the best DonsHile manner, on short notice and at rca- Enable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHonry III. •I'*'" .A' W. H. SAN FORD, ©reliant Tnilop In the store of 0. H. Dickinson, Eastside of .public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILV ' A good Stock of Fine Olpths for Snitmgs al- • '"'irtjrton hand. Suits made to order and a (it warranted. 6iv« me a c*ll. W. H. SANFOR.D. «.}. WQQdstock, HI., Sep^Ttii. H76. J. A. 8HE«?WOOb AlCPK »> 1-: ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. 3 AT-RS of Stock, Parn»initT'#f>is and UQO.IS ^ of all kinds promptly ittcnded to. Farm sales a specialty. Tcrni* rn^stnable. Post Offlceaddress: Algonquin. III. M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F, M4RCUS -DKM.I:;: IN-- epE W'NES.i.iauo s AND Soodstojklll, ' :• The l»em Toni<-in iiij- >vofM Put up »n Pint and <^u:ivt Itotilcb. P. MARCUS, Patentee. Q. KERNAHAN, M. D. L»nCCK8SOR TO DR.-A. «. BALDWTW.] PHYSICIAN ANn SCRGEOV. Office and residcnca on Olay St.,, Woodstock, III. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. C.8. GREEN. Illinois. ttiotamond, JESSE A, BALDWfH, TAWYER. lav business In any part of i thf Slate receives prompt attention. Office room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. 8IDSETDBBROW, XTOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer; iM den. 111. Al- DA 0. E. WIM.JAMS- D^EHTl^T. Residence Dnndee. Will be at Wanconda the 10th and 'JSth of each month. When dates oc.cur ̂ nturday or Snn. day I make my visits the following Monday. JOHN' KT KIFGEN. HOTTSW Pointer. Omincr. Oaiolminwn and Pnp#r W inwr. 'l«si one Block West •of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on re»son-iblc terms. McHENRY,HOUSE. PFTRR SMITH. PROPRIETOR. G«»on B<nr t bv the dav or week at reison-able rates The cvncest bran«(s of Wines, !.unions and <ii'.iflr*. G<»od ^tabling for Horses. A Hno Hi-inon Hole Table In connection with the Hons*. Give me a call. * PETER SMITH. CHURCH, Watchtiiaker and Jeweler NO. W7 R^vnoi.wn STRKEr, (Briggs il-»u<e,) 0'iic.ij», III. -ipe-'ial attention paiving Fine i'i I H ir«»iv> Ht ters. Full Assortment of Goods in his line. * GKoaciR cun'pis, Honso and Sign Pii tter, WlcHENRY, lU. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin's, Will attend pro nptlv to all *ork and guar- •intee satisfaction Prices as low •• good work can be done an y wheve. FINE CItAIIIINll 4 S'lCIAlTY MIXED PAINTS, I am prepared to furnish Mixed' Pain** all kinds nt the lowest living prices, and fur- nish an article far superior to the common Mixed Paints iielng sold. Call and see m®. CEO. CURTIS. Moffenry,; April13,188». JOS. WEIDEMANN, Aanfc A*A NEAR THE DEPOT, ^ MoHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brand's of Wines, Liquors and Olgars always on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE? rieer in Kargo or Saiall Kegs or'Bottle* al ways on hand cheaper than any other. q»«all tv considered. , . This lleer has a world vide reputation, and roodjudges acknowledge it cannot 00 sur. aseedinthe world. Orders by mart! ̂ ronjptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111. Aug. 10th, 1. 18ft JOHNSBURGH IHale Worts. "HBENKY MILLER,' ' » -- I N American and foreip Mari>le. 'MoaiuneQts, Heidston^g, - ' »,. EJTi:,. ,KT<':. America i Saofeli ^^nite ..^Ofistanrt!4. . p^^iandp;.';/- • '• • \Je;. Ii. Boaslott. Neur tlje Depot, MoHENRY • « ILLINOIS, Keens constantly on hand the finest brands af k'lonr and Feed of all kin is, which ho will gal) a£ Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. five different brands of Fiour always on f^pd and warranted as represented. S^Fiour ileliverei Anywhere in the Cor Kration. Orders inav He given by Postal #d, Bo* 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CAM.. L. BONSLETT, H#iI*n*Ti lta«>i Stlij l«8l. ;f.&r ;:(;U " T • -"v.'.u 9. . •I'.mr 4 J '• Pi >neer i Heroes i I Jeacte Ttie. t lii'i 11 i •« ir !i'lvi;ntiirc, if ill tiic IIITKI. <>loi.ers in I frontier lighter* wltli In lians, ('nilliw* aii'i will l»">sis, over l.he whole I'lHiiilrc, fn-in the is irl'cst ri nes to llie pres. «ut. I.ivi's in'1 fiiniii* ex >!<iii» uf l)c"i<ito, |..i"i:ille, brandish, Tbwne. Kenton, Rnidv, Of-ockett, K< w:i». Houston, Carson, Ciiste'r, (Vtlifornia Jo« , Wild Rill, Huffilo Bill, (jener- „|s Miles and 1'i tok, greqr tndlMn Chief» and scores of olhf:-s ' GORGKOU.SI.V/ll-Lns. TR vTKD will K' fine engravings to the life. AliKNTS wa) I I D. Low priced and beats anything to sell. STA3C DA RD BOOK CO, ST. ^ooif, Mc. "IS. ¥' BENNETT, M. ] •PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. Also United Richmond, M, M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, • ILLINOIS ]WOT.\BY PUBLIC aid Oonvevnqcer.-- il Prosecute claim In all Bureaus ip l)e- partipent of Interior. Letters must contain stamp Jir reply. Post Office, Richmond, III, JOSEPH N. FREUND. KWi SALOQS AND RETAURANT old stand, opposite Bishop's Henrv, III. Tl>e c loicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the c<iunif. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the C»n. OQUUST.VBI.ING FOR HOftSBS. > ANTQNY ENGELN, 8AT.OON and Restaurant. Buck's old etapjl McHenry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «onr Mash, Wines, Cigars, etp, always on hand- We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Richmond House, RIOHMONB. ILL. C.N.CULVEB, - -r PROPRIETOR. H AVTNG recently purchased House, 1 have put it the a>wva in thorough repair, with new furnitne thi-oughor.t, and wonl'i respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav­ eling uublic and others. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can lie procured, an<1 polite apd attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. p'uns will be sparfd to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the prcmiees. Prep Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on tlrst floor. H E. WKillTM AN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rate,. Veaming ot all kinds done on short notice. M. M. CLOTHIER. RICHMOND r - - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Pro»ecutps all claims in all bureaus in th£ Department of the Interior. Special atten. tlon iriven to difficult or rejected claims. Careful iittpntion given to all matters ofiin- ports nee Office at the resider.c.e of Win. H. Cowlin, Wood«iock, III. Business will be at­ tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall alwa vs be there on Saturdnys, and shall be at the office ot ,1. T. Beldin, Esq., Marengo, on the rirst Friday in each month. All tetters of a business nature must contain stamp Iter reply. A. WENDELL, ummB&m jomxs in. mcnenry, Will take «*ontrnct8 fur putting tip Biiiiiliiig? and aiiarantfie inV work will compare' with any man In the State. I 0'in and will do work from 15 to 9i> per cent cheaper than other carpenter*, a* 1 have two of my boys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. AH Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me ajcall. A. WENDELL. B, RAINTHORP, Rinejwood - « lllfnols. To the people of Rmpwoodand vicinity I would respectfully sny that-1 have opened a store neap the Depot, where 1 will p»iy the highest market value for J£g«rs, liiitter, and other produce, ca*h or trade hein^r immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < 'i- ipars and Tobacco, I am jaroinj? to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RIVOWOOD-, III.. June 13th, 188i GROCERIES! CROCERIE8! M. Engelu, Having removed his store to Colby's Qrfak Block is iio-.v prepared to offer ty (R«i buying public a full line of CHOiCE FAMLY GROCERIES, f 'aimed Ciood>i* CKiAR, TOBACCO, <3fccf* Ml lies b iip'J will lie soltl at >1 ; . . . • tn • • iiVb i - i iiric.j'fi. • ' t-.ili si.K-k of GU" Material ,Mi'i'i 'W Seios. (laiiiiiiocks, iti, |ii ta«% <:>*> i iiiug purutini»ig to Fishing i. IIitiiI in2, cah be foapd at my stove at •riM-o'iiihle '.'rictK. -Vi<liiu<i. VC=>rdooi)p, Pi< i| lis, Utiles, Violin -i;V ano ill <t!n:r e.vlra.s for Violibs. M>' <>i riVW >RK is «!i>Ui!de$i. Call and i•!» li. 1 r'" 'Mniee |»rie«s that defy all • M. KNGKI'V n long rrenit end Mf terms, in a mild , liuate, firee from •&J:S i U.I li'l f Know#' •* m.- ». | ,(jg fr0fct,gt ant« OF ACKv- 1 MiTe ,aiM- .'or sale in the x ~.C>*3EK PEL: ' of, by the ' UN!0N KfliiiFlC RAILWAY, of cm rich Coil as the inn ever shoaa on, with good mnrketa east ami west. For Jtesrriptire and ffffMtratad Bookf with Mlap*, {Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,-Ka*as WVLIUCT KANSAS CITY, MISSOMfU. | AIJKLIO^ AMES " BREKDER of Thopomjhtored Poland China Hoga. Resideacc miles south of Volo, Lake County, 111, Mock for sale. E. LAWLTJS, Merchant T&iio KEEPS Foreign and DomegtiQ )€lotht, WARRANTS A FIT, OR W SL4LUS, ALSO OLATHING, Men's Boys* and Children's size4. of the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL,, -DEALER IX-- •ad Muzzle lg»#as Shst GUBS. . • Powder. Shot. Capa, Wads. aftdT iQsltrM|li tor sale. Vialiing 1i«klt ehaap. All kinds of Sportinf Good^, AND REPAIRING DONEJ. A good Brpeeh t/i|itinic, Double Barreled Gnn. warranted Twlit, WO. Wir.c.hester llitle, 1fmoi|»*l, ]5 shots, fSSu Nickel Plated fl Shfli Revolver, #2.50. Self cocking: I'rltlslf Bull l>ofr Pistol, I&00. A (rood single UBrrel, Breech Looting, Sinirle (inn, I will undersell anf house in the county In Guns anci Spotting woods. If vou want a good (tun It will ua« «MI to call and see me. I warrant every gun I sell, Clothes Wringers repaired and new Rolls put on. Price per pair wafrauted, $2.50f B. SHBBVAIT. Waodatook, July l||fe, I8M. (acoeasor J. W. RlngwooH. flllnoit. OHHving refltt^ »w»,lately «>eBtt»l«>1 by w v\>n*«7 »r«* »vr« iiYw»n w m iva eMaaawck of Di?f Goods, Notions* ° Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc., I am now prepared to give the buying public as nood bargains ts can be found in any 8ol<tt?r|< Department, • | CONDUCTED BV DR. 8. F. BENNETT. MssbWlrs Gnna The rninm^l report* of General Be net and Commodore slcard. chlefa re«p«ct- l»*ly of the Army and Xavy Ordlnnnc« Bnr«t»n«. will apeak both In very high terms of the system of steel-wire wind­ ing In the construction of heavy ordin­ ance. There !* no reaaon why we 3«n not make In thl» country at good guns aa Armstrong. Whltworth, or Knipp. *n«1, when once our Government en ables the wort to b^gin, onr mannfac tnrora, will, IQ all probability, outstrip all tlie factorlea of Rurope In the strength, llgtitneas and cheapneas of their heavy ordinance. New Artillery Saben, "Artillery oMcers on light dmy In tha West and South will be pleased to hear that the War Department lia« devised a regulation sftber for their u*e, which will hereafter be made and sold to .them at the National Armory. Tho new saber is not so long as the cavalry caber, ftnd weigh* only thirty-flve ounces against the flfty ounces ot that weapon. It has a well-rounded and sharply-pointed blade, and is altogether a very handtome saber, with a charac­ ter of its own. 'fhe first suggestion qf It eame from Lieutenant Alexander D, Schenck, of the Second Artillery, nep­ hew of Genera) Robert C. SchencU, of Ohio. eral store, I ilo not claiia to sell else, but I do gen­ re to sell lower than anybody claim to «e|l good (ioods at liv. ing prices, and guarantee everything as rep­ resented. My stock is NEWT. FRESH AXD COMPLETE, And comprises everything i)siially found In a General Country tore Al| Jslnds of Pro4#ce taken in exchange $r «*>•<»•, . GIVEMEACALL. B. K. DUERS. RINOWOOD. Aug. Ifth, 1884.' A NEW Carriage and Shop, Wagon XHE WEST SIDE. V ; Tripp Bros., Have tmmght a fine stock ot WJIOOII nirttcrial to town, and ar<' prepared to do all kinds of Kepairinn- sjfepl uotice, And will » PUT UP NEW WORK In the,best o WATER TANKS MAPI ORDER, TO t'all and see lis |ibop,^ rear ot < "Srpenter's |)liick«niith Shop, opposite the Parker House. TRIPP BROS, Mr Henry. 111., April J2,188S. ICE] ^A>"1 & And | HUMES Home Life. How to attajn Qopd Health, Long Life an«l Tlappv Homes. How to prevent disease. Ilow. when, and what to eat. plothinjr Ac­ cidents. Care of the sick. Marriage--its pur, nose, duties and pleasures. Bivth and care of eiiiloren--their physical, intellectual and moral training and government. Social and business life. The laws of health, signs and treatment of disease. Kepresents the life work experience and observations of an em­ inent phvsician, and contains important in formation that Fathers, Mothers, Husbapds, Wives. Youug Men and l.adtps, Boys and Girls ought to know. Nothing, «'*0 it ever published. j|3 Adams St., phicajjp, lUr a»(| terms, BC8iMICaSOPTMKP|C>l8|0»l BCRKAV. The accumulation of business In the Pension Bureau Is something enormous. Many uf the original claimants have died since filing 'heir paper#, and the difficulty of obtaining evidence on which to establish certain classes of cases has been greatly aggravated by the lapse of tlqie. This is especially the case with dependent "father and mother claims*' wh*re the soldier filed liis evidence and has since died. It is comparatively easy to obtain evidence in most of the claims for pensions. All classes of pensioners have to be sus­ pended for additional evidence of some kind. AA every examiner Is tiece.«siul- ly both judge ami jury In the cases be* fore him, subject to the Pension laws and rules of the Pension OfHefe, great care is being exercised to get liim started oft right. There have been about 000 clerks appointed In the Pen­ sion Office within a month, moat of the W8W sppplntees being asjiigPf d (0 duty as examiners. The new system of special agents Is said to be working well, and In tlrno will prove the most satisfactory branch of the pension ser­ vice. A Significant Fact, A gentleman from a Western State-?- one of the new appointees in the Pen­ sion office--said a day or two since: '*When I reoeived my appointment I supposed, from reading the New York papers, that my business would be to select, from a ma*8 of fraud, here and there a meritorious case. I have only been engaged upon the claims for a few days, but long enongh to ooiivino me that I w*s greatly mistaken in sup­ posing that the mass of the claims are fraudulent. A man must be made of sterner stuff than I to read some of the declarations without tears ot sym­ pathy for the long-neglected claimants, and a blush of shame for the govern­ ment which has so long ignored them " The Pension Office Is now a busy work-house, and the Army of clerks have no time to dawdle over their work. General Dudley recognises the fact that, while some tardy clerk Is lingering beyond the hour for work over a late breakfast, many a soldier's widow. *v||Ose long-neglected claim lies in its du*ty pigeon-hole, has no break­ fast to eat, There Is not a Department at the capital where greater punctuality Is required op in which the ch|ef himself sets a better example of promptness and Industry, v v - W , ' * , . . • . ... ' "AuaJSA. , A FAMOUS BKOIM The Seventh Pennsylvania VnfunUtr Cavalry-It» Qpganhation and ifeoord The Seventh Pennsylvania volunteer oavslry was raised by W w. B. SI pes, of Philadelphia. A mental ovganljia tlon was eflvuted at 0<unp Cameron, near Harrfsburg, »nrl the following field office re, ooniioigbioned early In 18611 George O. Wyncoop. of Potta- ville, colonel | Wn|. B, Sipes, of Phila­ delphia, lieuteniint-pojoiiel { James J. Selbert.of Philadelphia(Jsmes Given, of West Chester, and Jno E. Wyncoop. of PottsviHe, major*, Governor Curtln presented the regimental cqjprs on De­ cember 19th, »nd on the following day the regiment "started for (lOiiisyille, Kentucky. After repelvlng inductions in Jeflersonville, Indiana, tl)e regiment went to Nashville, Tennessee, soon after Ita occupancy by Union forces. On the 1st of Mar, Captain Newlln. with Co. F, repulsed and rotited the rebel Gen. Morgan at Lebanon. One hundred and seventy prisoners were taken. The Seventh lest three killed, thirteen wounded, and three taken prisoners. The regiment was engaged in numerous small skirmishes, uutil Generft) Rosencrans succeeded to the command of (he Army of (he Cumber­ land. On Deuember ?6tb the army ad­ vanced on the enemy at Uurfreesboro, The rebels attained m* Seventh wltb V great #nry, buf fet with determined resistance. After the buttle waa over, and the elerny was making tl\e best Qf his way from |Ue field the cavalry was sent In pursuit, Abont six mile* out the rebels were met In force, and the Seyfhth cavalry w%s oa« of thftte that had ro bear tl^e brunt of tho light on the Union side. After several successful skirmishes around Murfreesboro, the Seventh en­ gaged in the important battle of Shel­ by vi lie, fron\ which It obtained the title of the-'Sabre Regiment." Arriv­ ing within Ave mites of the town, the enemy opened with artillery from his intrenchments. The Seventh wa* held in cohtmu. The advance wns sounded the men commenced clieerli\g, and the $erenth was among those who made the charge. Dashing forward with wild shouta. the Intrenchments were stormed and taken with many prisoners, and, nerved by their success, the sol­ diers pushed on after- the flying foe. A mile frpm town a rebel regiment was hemmed In, in an open field, and cap­ tured, offering lktle resistance. As the troops advanced towards the town they were suddenly checked by a rapid lire from a battery of six pleoes. In the public square, CqI. Mlnty. who was in puiqmantl, st once brought up two pieces of artillery and the signal to charge was given. The 8eventl> w<\s obliged to move fit the face of the rebel gnnt, which were trained full upon It, and were served with greet rapidity, at first dealing shot and shell, and then doiible-shftted cannister. But unmindful of the storm the Seventh dashed up the narrow street the shouts of the men ringing above the noise of battle. As they came near they were saluted by a shower of bnllpts from the rifles and pistols of the enemy. A short run brought the polumn h^nd to hand with the hostile farce and a brief Strug* gle ensued over the guns; but the slash of the sabre and tho rapid rounds from pistols and carbines proved too much for rebel valor. The enemy was driven in confusion, %nd the powerful battery was captured, as few have been, by a direct charge of cavalry. , After the loss of the artillery a panip seemed to <eize the enemy. The rebels fled in consternation to the bank of Duck River, a mile away, where they at­ tempted to form * lint to cover the passage of their trains. But it was a vain attempt. Chaw* »f»#j VHtMlnni iHth an Impetuosity spired of success, and finally, a wagon having befn o?ermrnefl upon tlie bridge, in wild affright the rebels broke and threw themselves Into the river by hundreds, where large cumbers were drowned. Shelbyvllle, with all Its military stores, fell Into Union hsnds, and tbe defeat of the rebels In that section was complete. In September the cavalry marched after Wheeler** band for eigh­ teen days, with little rest snd frequent running fights. On April 80th tbe regi­ ment set nut with Sherman towards Atlanta. After many severe charges and skirmishes, the regiment was or­ dered to Louisville to be once more prepared for active duty, it having Severely suffered In a campaign rarely equalled for endurance. The regiment next set out on the expedition across the Gulf Sfgtes. ft led the assault upon Solma, Alabama, swept over tl)e works like s hurricane, and helped to drive the rebels in confusion toward the city. Gen. Wilson says; "I doubt if the his­ tory of this, or any other war, will show another Instance In which a line of works ao strongly constructed,.and as well defended, was carried by a single line of men without vupport." The regiment was finally mustered ouMp the 13th of August. M>OIfOUr MOUNTAIN. The Old Battle-Field as it hooka To- Day--Hock of Chickamayaa--The Houne Where Rotencran* Made Hit Hemdquarter$. [(?eorge Morgaa in Philadelphia Times.] With Lookout Mountain, dar); and cloud-capped, on his right, ant) the long, low Hue of Missionary Ridge on bis left, the visitor finds the road of "seven miles from Chattanooga hither bordered with most pleasing objepts. I was surprised when Tom whipped hie horse from the KosevlJIe pike into * by»way. remarking m he snapped his lash among the bushe;: '*Heah we am, au' we come a-kitin*; pnt nigh n f«s' ez 1 kited awsy from lieah 'bout twenty yeah back." IN TUB BJ.ACKJAC* WWM. *We were riding through flat1 wopds, the larger trees of wh|ph had been much cut up on the Iflth of September, the first day of the battle. Here had occurred s series of brilliant dwrffes and connter-ch&rges, none of any ap- count except that in theip hundreds were slain. Most of the trees *«} black­ jacks, which, though so hard that light­ ning itself sparsely P*W PWk the wpod. bear pountless sc^ra and a^e-msrks. Tho scars wer® by bullets--Vsp- kee l«*sd on pne side P(| rebe) JeatJ QII the opposite b«rk. The a*e-m«M*» were caused by Chattanooga darkles, who from the blackjacks and among the leaves picked thousands pf pound* of valuable mets|l. Tom hitched hjs hprsfl to ft sapling in silenpe. Then he led the way between trees until he c*n»e IP *n oak as big around aa tbe body of Senator David Davis. In tb« t»rk, sbout five feet from the root#, WIM a WOHQd »w<l| M might bSTe bHO W»«ls rt/ f by the see-sawing of a itmb «W*je« the storu^* fitful fowl. DKSOLAT1QN jyT THK CXTT%X. f A trot of ten minute} tfkofc ^ o«l «)f the flat woods %nd aV>.ng a lOVft with trees bordering to the ^FtdlMP Glenn's place. «rh|cti is the contra ct . the battle-field. Hera Rosencr^p h|» headquarters, and here, on tbe of September, the great day of tlMl grest battle, some hew fighting waft done. The hoffM stood on the cseat at A hill, as high as any round a boot. an4 with hlsglasfl Rosecranspovtldse»*al«sVC both of his wings. As he looked to the east he oould c^tPh * glimpse of tha yellow Ohickamauga wlri^^g b^tweoa low banki, More than two bIIn in front of iilm Bragg'a lino a# T0t,W| men, thaso he nig atpo^g them street sod hie f|««h leglnn flM) Vir­ ginia. Ht Murfreesboro YcCeolT WS3 on the right, und M at Murfr boro McCook wai driven In utter Ti\e whole right wing wss swept from tbe field. THK ROO£ OF CHIOKAMAV^A. When halt the grand army was fa route, the other half drew Itself grean«| the "Rock"of Chlckamaugan and with* stood aa wild a storm as ever tpllt t<» shreds the s^lls of a ship of *t*te* Wltl| Rosencrans gone Thomas took fdotholt| on the eminence known |n huofes St "Horseshoe Ridge," just ItSfOpd Pyer homo and a little ott! of eye^hoV Of the Glenn place. I would HHe to piptwps Mils h>H In Its outlines if 1 were ible-rVHtnMltk# to make at this point a sort of nmMoK tor mark--for long after readets writer are dead and gone t)|P bill wfl$ be a plaoe of pilgrimgae, a Mecca M lovers of the bravo. Now It carpet ||g;. Wild covering of ^gs«, bnt tl|0 gSflera? tieus yet to spring wjl| cle^r |t «ihI orown (t while cannons thnndoy. Its crest will be lifted a pillar of Stttnf^ and thereon will sts«4 M)a IflKMP ®<" the hero. Qn his front pressed the epemr. W his left thousand* stormed, and, Ilk* the Incoming of mighty wives* line after )|ne roiled Sgainst his right, B«t there Thojpss stood, almost liirrvHIsded yet with no thought of surronder, csl«i in the midst of the tbrast, Mie psr#y« the hoarse call of m<m Id (Mil, tlit^ rattle of many muskets, *h« roar (ma huge logs of Iron too hot to tenet* , smoke that screened and • r»d<ieosd tfr* September sun--firtn la th^ Mi SIGHTS OS TO* FAMOUS Rhetoric is rhetoric and fact I* fao|, and so I h,if|en to te)l the if g4ef t^ft this hill with JVhistory is known lacnHy^ as Snodgrass hill. As the worshipful knight in armor of gold walk* In fthal^ same fpo(patli as the clown with cap and bells, so the wortfe^'^nodgfsisfaadif "the Rock of Obleksmnutfi* we)K thol mme chalk line of fsme, Guided by Mr. Dyer I pllmbpd the slope on tha j east to the spot where General Thomaa ^ stood in the thiplfof tbe bsttle. Tha vi whole surface of the hill Is wol|ss)tsi| 4 j and peppered with bits of flint. Oraw*^ JS ing out of the gravel are trees of* , several kinds-- blackjack, i^jsp^ fMilr. hickory, pine, and sassafras--aed tbJ' devll'fc shoe-string, with tho roots of- ' : J which one could securely bSnd a Samson, Is found here and there sassy tfc* /I vines. Most of the old tress ase seara4f ^ and chipped, The Union defenders of j the hill fired down the slope, and whlle; /;:- . ;f| their bullets remain en oqe tide of ^ - J tree the bullets of the enemy may ba dug from the other, Hundreds of ' i scooped-ont plates. li||s snPh aa mad# by wallowing swinp, are fopod on th#' . slopes bv the score. Ail such sinks onca ; J contained dead men, but the bones . have been shoveled out to fill the peste? ^ terles. In some plaoes we osms eproes 5 burial tronches tlist looked se though they must have popuinpd whole oow* ^ panlps, so long, deep and wide do the? yawn even tn these days of peactjsrhoit \--;7§ tho partridge flutes among them 'sn4|;|i»|| the whip-poor-will whistles sbave. Three or four little grave saeunds^" whereof the reddish soil seemed newlfr turned, were objects of snrprtsa toma ji until Mr. Dyer coming up explalno^| | that here on the top of thp hill was tho|v t i;| nnfenced bpvylng gropd of ty|e Sno<l« grass family. These *re not the ooly|» ^ undisturbed gr«ves, far QD ftp# «f Ihfit spurs of tbe Horse«hft* Is # pit SPntoln^ « Ing tha bodies pf a dosep Upton sal* If diers, snd tn the tiipber just at the foot, of the western slope thiftepn (I0#M«K ate soidisrs of (he Heatnfky Ha Is. »row, ________ Aw Immense mastodon's remains hsv» been fpund nesr P«r'*» KF* Some Wwt groes excavating fPF » rsllmd, t»^ (piles from town, pamo iipftn iMn tan feet below the sprfacp pf the eartl, Tfio gr*t bone iH«w*ered VP the ankla- which, on being measure^, sljpwed dismpter pf seven Inches. fFaJlowlog* ^ up this bane, they diM*ov*re<l the knee,; wlijph, through the soflfsf. W*» twolva inphfS In diameter. FfSlfl the apkls t» t|»e top of the shonlder-hiadp--It be|ny three feet two inches wlw--was foot* teen teet seven inphe^. The hos4 w»# of larsre proportions, mfMnHftf •**" feet in length and eevrr*l lt| widths The jaw waa twelve inches thtytc and the teeth sre preserved III |«mm| condition, The b«$ hpna «SS then followed np, and forty feet f*aai tha head were the hpuet nf tha t%il. Tha hindquarters wrr® e<PPe<)(Mg»ljr lM|»k iuea8iu ing Iti height tweu!j3we# fcet eight h;che--. The h|p bope was to^ ami a quarter Indies thick, Tha Itltk ou being weighed If two to three ypmt&t • JUl Ky . Mi

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