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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1882, p. 5

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9» * *• . * r. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18. 1882. \t\ •" ** \f v T* vjip*« VA <> ' 35 Railroad Tim* Table. ' <X»1WQ HOVTB. flimsn Uk« PuMtnter ......*7 :W A.* Itmw f<afce Express .8:10 Itun Lake Preinht ...,..,--.1:'® * aofia noun. Beiim T.ake Pretsht A. * »sn Ukt Kxpreas IflR * ••a Ukt Purnnr «:® '$ B. Bum, A.*ent.» MeHenrv, Ill M ASONtC .McIIkwrt T/ttwn, No.ll.M \. F." ami A. ,M.-- •tegular Communications the Sntunlay «i» or. before the full of the moon and every two week* thereafter. _ Chas. C. Colby, W. M. .McHcwrt Chapter tfo. 34 R. A. M --Rejrn. ttjr Ooavocations held on the •eeona and fourth *rM*?a in each moneh. SMITH 8EARtKS, H. P. Fi I; - Sre the notice of Cows at Auction ' kgr Morton * Chapell,ln another col­ umn. ^ - . • The "Seven Barks" can be found at Jjeslef's Drug Store. The best thing v.#*. - „ • • ' Roar, J. Sutton raised the frame tor I new barn oh Saturday last. It It to be36»40. 'i? Stovks are getting to be highly decorated articles, but the poker and (he ash pan, we notice, remain as un* esthetic a* ever. . Bra notice elaewhere, It will* be feen that A. R. Aliens Greenback nom­ inee for Representative, will speak at Mi vers! de Hall to-night. ^ ^ Thk next meeting of the Young Folks* Temperance Society will be held Sunday evening, October 29th, IfM, at the M. E. Chtireli. Fitzsimmons & Evanpos, Mayes A Hart lett and Chas. Kuhnert, each have now advettiseinentsin «iur paper to­ day. H. H. Nichols has the finest Sliow '• "4lhee* of Cigars on exhibit this side of Chicago, Drop In and smolte.--A general Invitation to all. . Thk Cemetery Aid Society will meet - . ^th Mrs. John I, Story Saturday, Oct. i, at 3 o'clock. ^ MRS. T. J. WAtSH; Sttss Jolta A. Htoht, See. / ' ' Thb "L. L. C." will meet with Mrs. |j>r. Anderson, Wednesday,Oct. 23th, at Mini) hour. Topics, Washington Irving, Charles Reade. Mrs. J. B. Pkbry, President, JVU4 A. STory, Secretary. All persons Interested In the re­ organization of the Band, are requested to meet at the Riverside House, on Saturday evening next, at J o'clock, for the -purpose of taking measures to that end. Lost, in this village, on Sunday last, ft small black d<fg. answering-to the name of "Sly." Anyone knowing the J . of itnlri <ln<r will confer a j^lfe|»vor by returning the saute to lira. Geo. Scltrelner. f h ; . ' Frank Peck, son of B. F. Peck, had tile misfortune to have a shell, from which he was trying to remove a cap, explode in Ids hand, one day last week. The wound is not serious and he thinks had a fortunate escape. ^ j^IMrs. Srarlks has this week received fe line af^ortment of Winter Millinery . consisting of Birds, Pinnies, Tips, and Ail the Fancy Feathers now so ran ah used. Also a choice lot of Beaver, Felt. Plush and Velvet Hats, which will .be at the lowest possible figures. "f; "-Rev. L. J. Dinsmorr will take for tlie subject of hi# discourse at the / Universalis! Church on Sunday mem- Ing next, '•Sifting of Satan." and in the evening, "Pitfalls." The latter is •more especially tor the young people. ' * ' ifSie Sunday School will also be com­ menced in this church on Sunday next. A patent'•flre-kindler" in advertised . .fj«t unless it is made in the shape of a kerosene can and contains something that wlli explode and knock the hired girl end over end over two or three r-- . . chairs, and burn off her eyebrows, with­ out doing any other damage, thye .fjtwt be mudi demand for it. '"Tint Lndic*' Cemetery Aid Society are getting up an ^entertainment for the benefit of the cemetery, the time And place of which will be announced next week. together with the pro­ gramme. The extensive and much needed ImprovemeuUMVhich have been l»ut on the cemeter^ grounds this year liave left the ladies somewhat. In debt, end we trust that when this entertain- JP|ent comes off it may be well patron- ' (Med, as we have no doubt it will be. nt . ' -We would call especial attention to ' the new firm of Mayes 6 Bartlett. to be found in another column. They fiave filled their handsome new store 'with a stock of general merchandise, * which they advertise to sell to the tlnying public at living rates. Mr. Mayes having been in business in McHenry over twenty-flveyears. needs no recommendations, and Mr. Bartlett 1s a young business man who is not un- # Jknown In this section. We predict for the new firm a liberal share of public gMUronage. Read their advertisement. Ws were shown by Mike .fusten, one , <lay last week, a curiosity which lie found on the banks of Fox Lake. What Co call it we do not know. The shape was nearly like a horses head, the larger part of it having the appearauce of - marble, with layers of stone every three or four inches. To look at it one -«#ould judge that It would weigh ^ twenty-five or thirty pounds, but on Attempting to lift it would find it to Weigh full one hundred. It is certainly ft rare curiosity, and we would like to tMMre some one name it. L|.VT, - fa.;v T, *. * : , • , Farmers, you want a light running Sulky Plow, if any. A plow that will Win lighter than any ^alking plow on place. If so, purcliu$e %. Hupgood at £. 31. CLWCO % SOU'S. PRKSONAL. Mrs. T. J. Clifton returned from a visit in Wisconsin on Friday lastt Jos. MasQUElkt, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in Jahnsburgh. O. H. Gilmokk. our next County Judge, was on our streets on Wednes­ day last. Mrs. E. M. Owen has been quite sick the past week, but is now reported better. L. Buck, of Grant Park, HU 'pent Sunday with the families of C. H. Beers and L. C. McKinstry. Herm Curtis, son of C. B. Curtis, who has been in Nebraska the past year, returned home on Tnesday. Mrs. Willard Colry lias been very sick the past few days, bifjt U now slow- ly recovering, ^ C. E. Cobb and family hare moved to North Hyde Park, Vermont, and not Ohio, as stated last week. 8. F. Berry and wife, of Oshkosh, Wis., were the guests of Mr. Joel Wheeler and family last week. ' J. A. McCall, the Sheep Shearing Chair maft, has been in USwn tor a few days past. Mrs. James B. Perry started on Monday for a visit with friends In Kansas, v Mrs. C; P. Waite, who has been ^sit­ ing with her pKr^nte In tills village the past month, sta/rted for her home in Kansas City, on Monday. Fred Marcus, of Chicago, who travels for the firm of Lnerssen 4 Co,, wholesale Tobacoo dealers, tnnde us a call last week. Mrs. J. W.Carter and daughter, and Miss Mamie Cono, all of Chicago, are visiting with the family of 6. W. Bes- ley. Mr. and Mrs. John SchuenrManv^ of Chicago, are spending a few da^n with tlio narents of Mr*. Schticueinann, at Johnsbiirgli. • Mr?. Aaron P. Boomer, ot- Wood­ stock, formerly of this village, has Iteen visiting with Mrs. L, A. Clark, in this village, -- While In Chicago the other day we accident ally dropped Into the Restau­ rant at 163 and 165 Clark ' Stivet. and found there, as one nf the proprietors, our old friend, W„. W. Simmons, "for­ merly conductor on tho Northwestern Road. •"BUiy,^* now as ever, never does anything by halves^ and we can assure all ills friends in this county, (and he has scores of them) that when in Chicnsro they can do no better than to give him a call, as they will he sure to get a square meal, and put up in as good style as any place In tlie city. Chas. Kuhnert. Johnsbnrg, HA* ft new advertisement this week, which our readers will do well to carefully persue. He lias just put in a large and complete stock of (looil» tor Fall otu] Winter trade, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoe* Tin Ware, etc., which lie is bound to sell as cheap as the same goods can lie bonylit elsewhero in tba county. Ills stock is selected with especial rcfer- ence to the wants of his customers, and lie is sure to please all who may favor hi in with a call. Read his advertise­ ment. On Friday evening last .the "Mary Griswold" was the 6cene of a pleasant surprise for the Captain. He was call­ ed into the cabin by the officers of the Ingl<*side Club, when Mr. J. W. Lyke^ of Ch'cago.ln a few well chosen words, presented him with a solid gold charm in recognization of services performed during the past summer. The charm is tablet shaped, and upon the face is beautifully engraved a steamboat in full sail and on the reverse side the words, "Ingleslde Club, to Captain Hill. 1882." It was a handsome igiin- pllment lo Capt. Hill, ami one that was well deserved. ^ W ̂ ^ i r ir .w . T • , ' ' f " 1 t i. .**: . c mm Wittieottda Department;. Tickets have been ordered for a Social Party, to take place at the Parker House, ill this village, on Thurs­ day evening of next week, October The JanesvHIe Light Guard Band will furnish the music, and tick­ ets will be put at the low price of one dollar. At this time it will be decided whether or not Club Part ies will be held the coining winter. If a sufficient nurnbei are present who signify a de­ sire to attend, a Club will be formed and a series of six dances Inaugurated, If the dancing public desire a half dozen" pleasant parties at cheap rates, and with the best of music, now is the time to secure' tliem. Remember the date. Thursday evening of uext week. Oct. 26th. -- "!' ' », You will always And good fresh Oysters at H. H. Nichols1. GREENBACK MEETING. A. H. Allen, Greenback nominee for Representative, will address the voters of McHenry and vicinity, at Riverside Hall, this Wednesday evening, October 18th. Let all, Irrespective of party, oome .out and give him a candid hearing. Bf Order Committbb. The bestoO cent Tea in the county at H. H. Nichols'. Call for a fcample and be convinced.' ESTRAY. Came Into the enolosnre of the under* signed, near Barreville. Oct. 14th, a Black and White Cow. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges aud take her away. Mrs. a. McNisb. Oct. Wlh, 1883. H. H. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack­ ers, Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers, Star Wafer Crackers, Frosted Creams aud Ginger Snaps, al­ ways fresli and tlie best grade that cau be found la the market. An envaluable strengtbener of the nerves, muscles, aud digestive organs, produciug strength aii& appetite, Is liiuvvu's uou ttuters^ RINCWOOD. Editor Pj.AiNDEALSR.wNot having written anything for our "leading county paper" for some time, we again resume tfce task with pleasure trying to pen a few Items of interest of the past two weeks. Since our last, Mr. E. Carter, of Jef. ferson, Iowa, has been here visiting friends and returne<| to again attend to business. Hfo wife accompanied him on the return trip, after quite a visit with parents and friends in this place. Mr. Walton, of Chicago, spent a few days with his daughter now attending school in this village. c By invitation of Jas. Bobbins, of Solon, quite a number of onr people at­ tended a meeting held In the school honee in that place on Snnday last. The sermon was by tlie Rev. L. J. Dinsmore, of McHenry, and was listened to by an appreciative audience, which gathered iu from the surrounding country, from Lewis Hatch's place of English Prarle to Capt. Tryon's. of Tryon's corners. The Ringwood band are to play four nights this week. Ben Raiuthorp spent a few days In Chicago last week, selecting goods to completa his stock. On Friday evening last the teacher, scholars and many friends of the school met at the M. E. church and heard the reysbrt of the school as read by Mr. Nickel for the five weeks ended Oct. 13, after which a number of pieces were rendered by the members of the first spelling class. In mentioning events of the past, Mr. Editor, allow us to nfention one to which your cor. held a card but was un­ avoidably absent; it being a birthday party given by Miss Nellie Peck and eujoyed by many of her young friends who tl^ciare that it wits as joyous an occasion as they ever witnessed. The r resents were numerous, and not ha v. ing received a list we can Out say they consisted of bonks, albums, vases, silver ware, contributed by young friends, aud a shining double eagle from her father. It is such occasions as these that strengthens the ties of kindred love aud social fri|utlsliip and will long be remembered by Nellie and her asso­ ciates with pleasure unbounded. On Thursday evening last week was celebraj^d the fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valen­ tine. now residing 1n the town of Hebron, and having just received a llct of the numerous presents, by request of friends li»-re Wlio were present, we seud the same to tlie Plain dealer: Card receiver, Mr ami Mrs Ilutton; standard picture traiiic, Mr and Mrs Wickhnni; liiffli rhatr, Mr and Mrs Austin; Inrge picture, John Connell, Churley Sumnur;center table, Jennie and Ell* Lie unison; clothes pins, Johnny IMerc.e; Klas* mug arid lunch IvisWet, Mrs Hooth; cfirred It. W. pipe, George Burnett; water pai I, Mr anil Mrs Slater; wall bracket, Mrs Itur>rctt; lounge, Kuffoue Swan, J A Alexander, C Smith, li Cr&li'e, Z Robinson, N Miller, E Covill, James HurireU; medium bureau, E Smith, 11 Kenner, \V Parsons, A Wilcox, s Smith; large bureau an<l basket, card basket, pipe l>ox, Mr and Mrs llrown, sons and daughters; eiysy chair, <ieo Uookina, F Herman, U S Seninau. K Bruce;c.euter tabic, Mr and Mrs Simeon ami Hubert I'otter; paper holder, Mr* Gookins; camp chair and btule deak.'Mr* li Simpson ani Mrs I? Lawson, Mrs Pieiee; towel rack. Mrs ItaMeumn.' THE DAUBY MARKET. Fmm the Elgin Dally News, Oct. 17. There was a decided boom In butter on the board of trade Monday. ar.d two lots readied 36 cents on the call board The rolling price, however, ranged at 35). Tills is an advance of 2} cents over last weeks ruling figure, aud i&attrlb- utable to several ^causes. The mi))t supply is getting slort and butter is iu active demand ay all the large cen­ ters. Buyers who w«l on orders are are unable to meet the demands upon them, ami ar« anxious to secure goods. Factorymen sre enabled to hold stocks If not satisfied with the offers, and buyers are obliged to come to their terms. Most of the goods offered on the call board this week were taken nt seller's figures, and stocks Mn the hands of makers are therefore limited. The prospect for next week's market Is hopeful. Cheese about holds Its own, and prices rule same as last week, with sales a little largeR. When part skinchcese sells at ten cents there is a chance for factorymen and farmers to live. The New \ork market of Maturday is quoted at 35(036 cents for creamery biitter. and 30@32 for dairy; full cream cheese 11 C$12, and fair skims at 8@9. Good demand for both. ^ PARTICULAR NOTIC*, All persons knowing themselves in* debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as I need the money. Now this means business, and I want all owing me to pay up at bnce. Martin Buohbb. Johnslmrgh, Oct. 17th, 188i. Go to H. H. Nichols' for your to­ bacco. He keeps the largest and finest stock in the county. Farms For Sale* - Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. - Cltv residences for sale. Apply Co Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. For first-class Insurance against Are and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornados, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, UK H. H. Nichols will sell you 3 pounds of Coffee for SO cents, and make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and saucer. CIDER MILL, * John W. Smith's Cider Mi% Is now in running order, where apples will be made into Cider on short notice and the best of satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN W. SMITH. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS Has just returned from the city wltfi a large and selected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, for the Fall aud Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vicinity the finest lot of stylish Bats, Flowers, Feather. Ribbons, Neckwear, etc., etc.. ever brought to this town, and which she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do not fall to call and examine her stock uefort purchasing, as she Is sure to please jHMt *« ^*»Ut style and Richmond' Department. CONTKIBUTBO BT S. F. BBHKBTT. Wm. Besteder Is building a barn 34x84. t Mrs. Bell Hasting* and Mrs.W. Hogle are on the sick list. Frank Bowden Is again able to re­ sume his duties as station agent. Mrs. Milan Hicks Is visiting friends In Milwaukee. Rev. S. P. Davis preached In the Bap­ tist clinrclt last Sunday. , We don't see many of those new walks building yet. The photographer mentioned last week has folded Ids tent and gone to Genoa Jupction for a season. Michael Greely, who dislocated his shoulder last week. Is convalescing rapidly. In the village more than the nsnal number have been on the sick list dur­ ing the past week. Rev. Mr. Dinsmore. Universallst. preached a very Interesting sermon at Solon^last Sunday. At a large auction of northern cows on the Cropley farm, on the l*th, the animals brought good prices, Hattle Costing, tli^ little daughter of Spencer Cotting, Is recovering from a severe inflammation of the lungs. We hear that Messrs. Bogart A Baker are io open a new restaurant lo Rich­ mond soon. Tlie late rains have greatly Improved the fall feed and will put thousands of dollars Into the pockets of dairymen. Spencer Cotting Is manufacturing cider by wholesale. His receipts of apples are already over 1.000 bushels. » A young road mare for sale bf Dr. Bennett at Richmond. Will part with her Kirkwood foal for 0100. Alexander A Ilyde have already oom- aienced to receive their Christinas and New Tears soods. Tlie I r stock will be fnil and in great variety by-and-by. Our merchants are all receiving large Invoices of fall and wiuter goods. The crops being abundant and prices good, a heavy fall trade Is anticipated. The boys are busy nowadays"gather­ ing In" the'hickory tints and squirrels. Both are abundant this season and good "bags" are reported. Tlie board of registry met at the store of Alexander & Hyde on the 17th Inst. Getting ready for election. Will give result next week. The missionary meeting of the Rich­ mond and Genoa Baptist chnrclies was held at Mrs. Miller's, Genoa, on Tues­ day, tho 17th Inst. IPiagtli- IVk^^w'a I^ausa -- f i mm * y w pushed to completion rapidly. When tlie cag> is built, Frank, how about the bird to put In It f There was a slight "scrimmage" be­ tween two of onr citiaens last week. Results, a lawsuit and fine, but not much bodily damage done. Our house will be a lonely one, for awhile, at least, till we become recon­ ciled to It, as our little girl left tie on Mondsy to spend the winter in St. Louis. The dance at the Culver Heuse last Friday night was like all the pintles at that popular resort, a very pleasant one. We have not heard' the number of couples present. It will pay the '.aslest person to arise between 4 and ft in the morning to see the comet. It Is the largest, brightest and most beautiful one we have ever seen. jTlie Covli monument, lately erected sfn the Richmond cemetery is one of the, finest we have seen in a long time. We are Informed that It came front Ver­ mont, and cost WOO. Roberc Bennett. Richmond, has a few pairs of Light Bramah and Crested Poland fowls for sale--the same lot that took first premiums at the late McHenry Co. Fair. It is said that Charley Burrows is so much pleased with the Western country he lately visited, that he contemplates selling out in Richmond and seeking a new home further toward the setting snn. An epidemic catarrh, or ̂ Influenaa," has been prevalent hereabouts for some days past. Noses have been objects of most earnest solicitude, and the num­ ber of handkerchiefs In the "wash** un­ precedented. Notwithstanding the fears and fret, our farmers are now husking some as good corn as ever was raised in this section. A. M. Wray"'estimates his crop on one field of only lft -acres, at 2,000 bushels of ears. We should have before mentioned that Jimmy Bennett, late of Chicago has entered Into a copartnership with Tommy Bowers in the Billiard Hall, east side Main St. By careful and polite attention to business the new firm expect to secure a large Increase of patronage. Why should no young Udy in this free and enlightened Land, never ob­ ject to being hugged by the printer man? It would be Interfering with the freedom of the press! The above conundrum we have not yet copyrighted and our exchanges can use it by giving plenty of credit. A. J. Flitcraft, general agent Provi­ dent Life and Trust Con Philadelphia, struck the village on the last train Fri­ day eveuing, took Ibe application of Rer. Mr. Palmer for a 12,000 policy, had the applicant examined by the surgeon and was on the wing again the first train Saturday mornings We V*U that' driving thin®!.'* , We hear Mr. Davis' lecture. UA Trip Through PelestlneAgiven in Riciimoud last Saturday evening, very highly spoken of. The lecture was repeated at Genoa Junction ou Sunday. _ * ' b Now that the long aud dark evenings of tlie fall are upon us, the necessity of street lam$e becomes more apparent. The petitions to the Village Board for the same are very numerously signed. So far we observe only two names on the side of the petition lieaded "Against." An exchange estimates the plekle crop of McHenry Co. the present season at 600.000 bushels. The Richmond fao- tory looks for a large increase of busi­ ness another season, as those who raised cucumbers in this vicinity have made money out of It. We hear ef one far­ mer who paid the rent of his rarm, •350, from the product of a rather small patch of vines. Charles Case, late Captain^ Co. K, 64th III. Vol.; Gardner S. Southworth, Private. Co. 1,9oth III. Vol., and Nathan A. Taylor, Private. Co. G, 17tli III. Cavalry Volt., will please take notice that they are ordered before Surgeon Bennett, Richmond, III., pending their olainis for pension. The orders are dated Oct. 9th and 10th, 1882, good tor 3 months. Be port as early as possible boys, fpr it may make a great, difference In tlie time of settling your claims. Wo saw onr next Assemblyman. Capt. Tryon, seeking the dej>ot^ptlchmond, Wednesday morning, Chicago being his objective point. He went to attend the meeting of the Repullcan State Committee,which was held that day at the Grand Pacific Hotel. We suppose all the necessary arrangements are made for the successful management of the political campaign during the «hort time left for active work. We hope the people will pile up a majority for Cliarly Tryon that wlllf bury his op- positron out of sight. On Friday Mrs. Henry Reliorst, liv­ ing just east of the village, on Sec. IS, was run over by a wagon loaded with three-quarters of a cord of wood and quite serlonsly Injured. Mr. Rehorst had struck a soft pleco or road near the lionse, and the load being bevvy oak wood, the team stopped and could not go on. Mrs. Rehorst noticing the trouble went out and took tlie lines to start the team while Mr. Rehorst lifted on the sunken wheel. Just as the team started she slipped and fell in such a position that the forward wheel passed diagonally over her right ankle and the hind wheel ever her right thigh. Im­ possible as It seems, no bones were broken, though the tissues about the ankle were badly bruised and burst open with the pressure of the great load. At this writing the patient Is doing as well as could bo oxpected. On Wednesday evening, the 11th Inst., a very enjoy$ble affair came off at tira uvtivv Oi mT« a\iu 5£vS, rfnTik Valentine, Hebron, the occasion being the "wooden", anniversary of their wedding. Notwithstanding the rain had made tho roads bad, the bouse was filled with a crowd of merry friends mid pleasure reigned supreme. The gifts showed the good sense of the donors, for almost every article was of real practical use--just such as the yet young couple oan make come handy In housekeeping. We have received no list or we would give It gladly; but we hear mentioned, among the gifts, two flue bureaus, two fine tables, high chair for the baby, camp-chair, an elegant divan, etc., the value of all represent- Ing a good one hundred dollars cash. Some members of Mrs. Vslentitie's family came frem far off Idaho to at­ tend. It must be very gratifying to have one's friends attest thel# esteem In so pleasant and substantial a manuer. Makricd.---On Thursday, Oct. 12th, 1882, at the residence of the bride's Pi rents In Kichmoud. by the Rev. Mr. aimer, Mb. Gro. Rowk. of Genoa Junction, aud Miss Clara Randall,of Richmond. A large company of friends and rela­ tives witnessed the ceremony and en­ gaged In the festivities of the occasion. Clara is one of our most estimable Richmond girls and we wish her and her husband s pleasaut journey through life. Following Is tlie list of presents: Met of glARftware, twenty-nine pieces, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Howe; camp chair, Allen Rowe and sisiers; parlor lamp, Peter Howe; one dosen »lt cellars, Laura Ford; two dol­ lars, Mr. R. Randall; five dollar gold piece, Mra.C. M. Kand; set glass goblets, Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall; bed spread and linen towel, Mrs. Mary Noyes; shaving outAt, Mr. A. W Noyes; one dos sauce dishes, Clins. Mores and wife; silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stew­ art; either butter dish, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Thomas; silver buttei knife, Myrtie Thomas; two dollars, Mrs. C. Reed; one dollar, Hamil­ ton Thomas; glass water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs G. O, Meeker; two dollars, Frank Thomas; hanging lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas;one doz silver knives, pickle fork, sugar spoon, set silver tea spoons and set of glassware, twenty pieces, Fred Burgett and Wallace Harrison; bracket Samp, Kittle M. Wing; silk sofa cushion. Tressie A. Howden ; set silver tea spoons, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Martin; bed spread, Mr. and Mrs. Seneca Wing; sot glass­ ware, Miss Gertie Johonutt; *et silver tea spoons and linea table cloth, Mr. and -Mrs. J. Havthorne; six napkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1), Fuller; eofltee pot and dishuan, Mrs It. M. Hastings; red table cloth, Mr. and Mrs. T. Udell; one dos napkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wilcox: pair linen towels, Stolla Wilcox; Bi^kledlsn, Martie Randall; one doa napkin*, Ir. and Mrs. Ok N: liar niton; pair vanes, Kddie Scheuman, fortv-seven yards of factory and cotton thread, Mr. and Mrs. I^traih Martin; glass saose dish, Anna Rasoh; indeliable pencil, Mn Baker. A pure, strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dys­ pepsia and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. ______ Buy the Casatlay Sulky Plow for sale by L. H. Hartnian. Kidgefield. 111. Come and take out a Uapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own judge. Give It a thorough test. You all know that It will carry a BIG man aud tlieu run lighter than auy 14 inch walking plow made. See oue at E. M. Owen A Sou's. <SrsUB*CRt?TIOX3 f„r the Plaimdralkr will lie receiver in Wanconda at r. B. Har­ rison'* Drug Store ana. by John Goldiag FEED MILL The subscriber having purchased thoroughly repaired tlie mill situated two aud one half utiles west of ltin£- wood, (formerly owned by C. A. North* up), is now prepared to grlud feed at short notice. Best grades of flour constantly on haud, aud for sale at lowest possible^j^ates. ' JT&AXiKl'.OOQQlX. Mr. Hiram Weir and family have moved to Pennsylvania. Mr. Herbert Werden Is home Cor a vacation. His brother Will takes h1» place for the time being In Chicago. Jack Taggart spent Sunday in "Wau- conda. The temperance movement Is pre gresslng quietly, bat it Is thought eurfely. Good speakera from abroad are expected soon to aid In the work. The Junior base ball nine from Bar* ring ton played a game with the Wau- conda juniors on the grounds of the latter Saturday, resulting In a victory of one tally for Waucooda after playing eleven innings. Mr. Albert Calkins Is very side. News has lately reached us of the death of a former resident of Wau* conda and MeHeury, Mr. John W. BoyUn,- a son-in-law of Mrs, St. John. Mr. Boylan was a soldier during the war, and at Its dose went to Wisconsin. About two months sge he moved to Watertown, Dakota. His health which has been feeble ever sinoe he was iu the service, completely failed him. 11 lertly after his arrival in the Terri­ tory. and lie died early In /the present month. Through the efforts largely of his friend, one of the Senators from Ohio, he hid recently obtained a pen­ sion. Rev. Mr. Breakwell preached morn­ ing and evening at the Baptist ehurch, and Rev. Mr. DuBols, the new Metho­ dist minister, In hlschurch. He preaches again next Suuday evening. A somewhat unusual proposition was posted on tlie streets last week, to the effect that- a well known Wanconda gentleman on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, would reduce to civilisation, and drive, a wild mustang pony, and at the same time, for a consideration of 45.00 each, "and an oath on the Holy Bible never to divulge the Information or tench it toothers, he would "form a class for the purpose of teaching how to subdue aud govern any Individual of the animal kingdom. Including man and children (that the latter may be a comfort to their parents aud useful to society, instead of a pest and disgrace), as well as the mustang pony." Now, while that is a pretty comprehensive grind, as we were all children once, and especially upon the present generation of cherubs, thereby causing their proud and loving mammas to be wilder, prob­ ably. than the mustang pony aforesaid, It Is greatly to be regretted that more did not avail themselves of tho extra­ ordinary advantages then and there oRered, as we understand that only a few, perhaps not more than six or eight, joined the class. The annual Lake Co. Snnday School Convention will be held at the Baptist church Thursday and Friday, Oet. Mth and 37tli. A basket festival, the proceeds of which will go toward procuring a new organ for the Methodist society, will be held at Matman's Hall on Thursday evening, Oct. 36th, An effective medleine for kidney diseases, low fevers and nervous pros tration, and well worthy of ft trial. Is Brown's Iron Bitters. A true assistant to nature In restor­ ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist disease. Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Mrs. Searles will open this week a large stock of Ladles' and Children's Cloaks. f Cook's Cider Mill* ^ Two miles Northwest of Wanconda is now prepared with two first-CLASS prrssks, to make your apples into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarcutee satisfaction; lu every partic­ ular, M. Ceok, For aged men, weak and sickly chil­ dren. without a rival. Will not cause headache. Brown's Iron Bitters. SORGHUM MILL AT VOLO. The undersigned has a Sorghum Mill, situated about three fourths of a mile south of Volo. and is now pie- pared to grind Sorghum for all parties at 20 cents per gallon. My Mill is iu first class order, and I invite all to call and see me. GKO. RICBABDSOIT. Volo, 111.,'Sept ». 1982. If you want Bargains In Plumes go to Mrs. Searle*'. WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, my friend; If you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering, and almost death by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say, "Glorious and Invaluable remedy.'* See another col­ umn. Call and over look the line lot of Carriages at E. M. Owen 4b Son's AT A BARGAIN, y We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less than cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be sold to make room for Fall stock soou to be on. pKKBY A MABTOU Go to Mrs.Jionro's for Dressmaking. Fishing Tackle of all kinds nt H* i EngeIn'*, In Howe's Block, nesr tti f new Bridge. * Buckeyc Ferae Pnmpe, eg X. 18 ^ Owen's. Always MefHi^lwg. ; A delicious odor Is Imparted-ty 'r\ Floreston Cologne, wMdt is always re* fresh lug, no matter Wow freely need. •* _ The finest line of sAver nod Ptatedl Ware to be fowid iu tbeeounty, at O* W. Owen's. gasletj ITOLLM. On aoeount of Its resnavMMf del- 1 Icate and lasting fragrance, *od#tjP ") belles are loud in their pralaes «f Floreston Cologne. , FORSAKE, f. 40 Acres of land in SeetlM M.n« fenced. Also 80 acres of land, {with a good house and bam thereon, wltlft timber aud water in abundance. In Sec* tion 31 Also my homestead on the Crystd Lake and Nunda road. Good new : house, barn and other outbuildings*** ^ Apply to Juum Fll'skt. t Kid gloves, bsttsii and loop lace, $i black colors and all tints at Perry 4k Martin's. FIFTY BUSHKLS OF OATS Wantedjn exchange for Furniture, at John B. Blake's. •4 'M Case, Furst A, Bradley, Moll no, Bas> ! ood and other Sulky plows nt X. M. iwen <fc Sou's. Ir yon want to buy Clothing nt Cll- eago prices, call on E. Lawlns.ln Lan* sing's Block, McHenry. ' CARRIAGE*! CARRIAGE*! CAJU K1AGES! Any one In wnnt of a Carriage. Buggy or Wagon, should not fail t* call on E. M. Owen 4k Son nnd see tho large car-load just reoelved. The finest finished lot ever cons to the county and will sell them cheap. HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil In town 4H H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Teat. FENCE POST4 FOB8AJ4B. M0 seasoned Burr Oak Fenee Pont* for sale. Inquire ef JCmx BtNta*. FOR SALE OR BElTf. A Blacksmith Shop and Tools, nt BllvenN Mills, McHenry County. Illi­ nois. Inquire of R. Twkkd 4k Sen. Bmven's Mitm. August Mth, MB. We have just recei ved onr fill eteek of dothing. Call and examine. Paaar A mnwg All the new shapes ht Dress Bode** ' at Perry ft Martin's. Call at E. M. Owen 41 Son** end see tlie celebrated ffapgood Solfcy Pise that is warranted to ran lighter than a Walking Piow. DRESS S1IJCS. fx The celebrated AsMrlini;: * Silks at Perry 4b Martin*. ESTRAY. ' ttroko Into iny enclosure on Anona ?th, a roan or grayish colored cow^tle owner Is requested to ealLijmve pte#» erty, pay charges and tiNvl#r awftv. Nunda September 31st. 1881.', i. ••#«««• : •a osnarai ismia. Never was suvii a rush ntade fbr of « drug store as la now at Henfa OelMfn, for a trlal*bottle of Dr. KvngV Mom Discoverv for Consumption, Cougha and Colds. All persons ajffifld with Asthma. Bronchitis, llqd»|iifMOss. So- vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Dot- 1 tie of this great remedy /Ni by calling at above Drug Store: -i ? At Nunda HTIt8. O. W. COLBY tally Inform the ladles of Sfnmls ami vicinity that she has opened a Mill!* nery store In the rooms over the puet office and has just received e Mi Mae of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons. Lace*, and Ladles Furnishing Goods geneseHy, of the latest stvles, and Is ennfldent she can please all who may give here ceD. My goods are all new nnd of the lateet styles to be found In the market, end as 1 buy for cash 1 am confident that I can sell as cheap. If not cheapet then any other place In the county. Call and see my styles and learn prioes, be* fore you purchase. Mns. o. W. oouv. Nuwta, Sept. Mth, 188*. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. Tlie undersigned has a tew choice yearling Bucks for s*le at his farm. 1} miles southeast of Spring Grove. Mc­ Henry County. 111. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in the Coenty. Post offico address, Bllvtn's Mills. 111. Aim Mowmav. JnlyS-mt- _____ Jobs and Bargains in every depart­ ment at Perry & Martin's. Sash and fancy ribbons In Watered and Brocade at Perry & Martin's. Co rale ne Corsets to Perry & Martin's. be had only at The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aud horse, at E. M. Oweu A Sou's. NOTICE. I am M the mill again, ami am %pre^ pared to griod wheat or feed ou short notice. Give mc a calk HKXRY payment J: ^RIAJ GRAVE, ILL, ^ WBI. MTTBHWMEt MECT AN& raVCRrUL CERTAIN, EASY. OUtCIC. 8TRCNQ. CHEAP, fer fWl SssmfMrs < sad SOU FOBTEB BLANCHASW 8011% B.M. The McHenry brick Maitfiw* / turing Com|ia»y are wow rea4y to supply Brick in qoantitiw. Ff8MAmalt 48M| • «?"• ^ : CAlt LO AO#. Their Brick are second to to be found in the market* will bo sold at the lowee* iitfM price. Penona intendia# to Vulld, o* those handling BvWk^ *ill dm well to call aud set no before pwt* chasing For further infoyaalira, apply to oraddreao. ItHorr 'McHES&r ILL1X018* ..rrm V ji

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