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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1882, p. 1

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Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and L%w; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 8. „;m«r ' M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1882.; •ST N0.J4. © CP, Pub hed Every Wednesday- by / jr«v^v^v EDITOR 4NDJPUBLISHEB. c© || . Old 1*. O. Block, -^OrPOStTBRl VERSIOB Kot 'SK.-- "V t TRRMS Or SUBSCRIPTKJSi Advance) .$1.50 vrIt hi n Ttlrea Mon th,^.iL4>.0 for,three or six ijnnnths In the s\mo nrooTtiori. '•tf'v 0i»e Y«ar tin JT *»t p-ii'i -J*' SuJn<-rintim i receive 1 BUSINESS CARDS. a. KI:RN*AHAN\ M. D. [SUCCESSOR TO DR, A. K. BALDWIN.] PHYSICIAN AXD SCRGKOV. Office and resrdehcs on Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hOu.r&. VEtERTtfAKY Illinois. C. S. GKKKN. RURGEOK, Richmond, " i" ^business cAnns. W. T. BROWN, M". T>< PH YSTCTAV \XO SSTTRGKON". Office nver the Post OTlce, ormosile Perry AM^artin's Btore un stairs, McUcnry, 111. P. H. FEGKKS, M, T>- PTTr«?TOl \"N" AND strRG^OV. Johnsburgh, Ills.--Office hours S to 10, A. M. O. .T. HOWARD, D. PHYSICIAN AXDSTTRGEOX. ft>v residence, opposite M. MeHenry. III. Office at E. Church,, K. V. AXORR^QV, W. !>., UY^T^T \N and Snr^eon. Office at Tte«Ws T>rji" Opposite Parker onse, MeTfchrv, Illinois. J. J. MYFUS, HaloAtl nncl RcHtanrnnt* TV H \«EMF,NT of Knhuert's store. .Tohns-burch, Til. The choicest brands of Wities, termors and Cigiirs always on "hand. CA I! tn<l see me. PRATT HOITSK. _ T V PTIVTT, Proprietor. First Has* ac. conm'vl-iMonB. Good-Barn Iti connection Waucom'la, 111, ^ ' JOS. J. FRETT'S Rriritre, Mc- Kresh an:l ftiilt Heats, S>a\i. >"ffe, SmAVed M>nts, etc., always on hand. Ke*ps none but the best. MEAT/MARKET, near the ITeWry, 111. --•: V • • • JESSE A; ;UAUD WIS, ' i&*.•• AWYEIt. t.sw business in any part of tli» Slate receives prompt "attention. Office rpo,ui -41,' new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. . u SIDNEY UISBliOW, NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer, Al-<1 en, 111. - - ' . DIL C. K. WILLIAMS. ENTI«ST. Residence Dundee. Will be a Waneonda tire.- Jfth • and ifl!h of' cfiel month. Wtici' dates occur Saturday' or dstv I make mv visits the followinsr Mon D' i'tcltv 5'in-J .JOHN* KLEIF(JEN. HOTTSE Painter. Grainer, Calciminer and Paper H-inffer. Residence one Blonlc West'of Uiver*ide House. Work attended to proViiply and on reasonable terms. S. V. BENNETT, M f D. PHY9ICIAX AND SUU<; K<tN\ Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, - . ILLINOIS. NOTARY PUBLIC and Con vevancer.-- Prosecute claims in all Bureaus in l»i>. •partnient.ot Interior. Letters must contain stamp for reply. Post Office, Richmond, III,; - 4pSHPH S. FREUXI>. S.VI.OOJT AVI) RET A UU.VST Bonslett's - old «tand, opposite Bishop's Mill,; Me­ Henry. Til. The c u.icest Wines, Liquors and Tiiiur* to !>e tv»unil in the county, "t ret-h Oysters in'their season served hp in any shape desired or tor sale by the On. ,GOOI> STABLIXU FOR I10KSK& ' AMKT.IOXS AMES BREEDER of Tbo^>uff!ibred Poland China Hogs. Residence -'.V miles south of Volo, Lake County, 111, iftook for sale. ;. v AXTOSY EXGEI.X, ' V SAT.»"K>X and Restaurant', Buck's old stand Mclfeiiry, 111.--The .choicest Kentucky Whiskies, s.iuc Masli; Wines, Cigars, etc., always on .hand.' We buy- noue but the best. and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in theii' seasou.' v McHENKY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. rKJOD-Boar-t be the day or week at reason-T able r.i es The choicest, brands of Wine<, i.jqu.i. 's and riimrsv Good Stnblinir for Horses. A tlhe Piirenn * Hols Table in conneotiou with the House. Give >T»« a call. PETER SMITH. &. Ml. CHURCH, Wotcliniakor and .ToWOteis NO. 1«7 Ti V VT>OI. PTT STREET, (Briff?s Home,) CJiiu'a'ji, 111. Special attentfon pairing h'ine watches and Chronometers. ^*"3" V Full Assortment of Goods in his line. O EOUGE PUBTIS, Houso and. Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shbp" Opposite Perry & Martin's. * Richmond House, RICHMOND. ILL. C.N. CULVER, - FIIOPR^ETOR. HAVIXG recently purchased the above House, T l.a've nut it in tlinraurrh repair, with new fu'-nitue" throughout, ami would respectfully invite the pan-om?.* ot the trav. elinir public and others. The tables will al­ ways be orovided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will lie in readiness at all times to attenil to the-wants of guests. No p'Utis will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large'aJKl commodious btfrne on the premiees. FlVe Omnibtis to and from alJL trains. Sample Rooms on llrst floor. E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, .^KEEpa,"'-. Fortfirt HI Domestic Clttths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR NO SALE. AtSO CLOTHING, Boyf and Children'^sizci^ of the best qual­ ity aiul at Chicago prices. '•&a \ ^ f? •! HE. V»*I<;HTMAX, PI-opvietor. , First • class ligs, with or without. drivers, furnished at'reasojiable Jrates. -.Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. BARBIAX BROS. rllG AR Manufacturers, MeHenry, III. _/ de's solicitor. Shop, li Old MeH< m Keiter Block, two doors West of i Office. ^ Ji " " Or- onrv. PLAIN. RTCHARU COMPTOX. *TTTSTICE«f the Peace,and Conveyancer.-- il Will attend promptly to the collection of iebte. Volo, Lake County, III. ' 2 E. E. RICHARDS. tTASacomplete Abstract of Titles to land Jrl ' .ln M Henrv Oonnt«y, Illinois. Office with "oiinty Clerk, W roodst.ock. Til. _ __ E. M. OWEX. EXERAL Dealer .an'l ~>TanufTTPTuVcriT T* Acrent *Vg» Leading1 Y.avm Mnehinervj-n, rices low and terms favorable. MeHenry, X. S. COLBY. MCHEXRY, McHcnrv Co., lift Breeder of Soanish Merino Sheep, Bevki hire and |»oland China 'wine. A choice lot of young |5uck st ock for sale. Please call and examine fkefore buying elsewhere. E. G. SMITH. OOT \xn STIOJ.: M VKER. next to river bridge, Mc; BOOT \XDSTioi<; >i \M-:tt. Prompt atten-tion ariven to Rcivtitfng. Shoii in J. .T. Silles' luiildiiig fienrv, Illinois, i -- m ; PETER -LEICltEM. HEP AIRS Watchea, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violin's inthebest «ossilde manner, on shirt notice and at rea­ son Able rates. Also Violins for Sale. Slittp trst door Xorth of Riverside Block, MeHenry I'. if.-:- '-- W. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor In the store of C. II. Dickinson, Eastside of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A »nnd Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- '#fty*on hand, ^uits made to order and a fit Warranted. Gi ve me a call. W. H. S AXFOttD. WooiHtock, III., Sept. 27th. 1*75. J. A. 8HE9WOOD lAIH ' I'K )>'K KR "'|XII AI'l'ltATSER, Algonquin, |||. i3 \ I K1* »f , KaruiliigTuols and Goods ™ •• Iit 11 kin I* in'omni lv attended to. Farm tv'i ' k tin. I »li'«c illi 'i ' adui'u mltv . Tevnis rcisonable. Post Altfoiunuu. HI. R O U S ' GERMAN Will attend promptlr to all work and guaf " satisfaction. Prices as tow as goott work can be d.iue any where. FINE GRAINING A SPECIALTY . JkllXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish "Mixed Paints of all kinds ai the lowest living prices, anil fur­ nish an article far superior to the common Mi\pd Paints being so|d. Call and sre ine. CEO. CURTIS. MeHenry. IS.«»-' Saloon and Restauraat, NEAR THE DEPOT, - ILLINOIS The best "Brands of Winejs, Liquors and Cigars a!way» on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. • ' . . ALSO ACENT FOi? Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, Beer in Large or Small Kegs or?Bottles al wiiys on hand cheaper than any other. <]iiali ,tv considered. „ This Beer has a world wide reiiutation, an'l, gooil judges acknowledge it cannot i»e Bur passed in the world. • Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. MeHenry, 111. Aug. 10th, 1. JS3 JOHN3BURCH r**" » v . Manufactured by F. MARCUS, i ' --DEALER IX-- PURE WINES, LIQUO S AND CIGARS. Woodstock, The best Tonic in the world. tiPitit and Quart Bottles. 111. Pit* ',##)• In ^ F. MARCUS, Patented. L. Bouslett., Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. 'Keens constantly'on hand the litest bramls Of Hoar and Feed of all kinds,"which he will WsljHt Wholesale or Retail at » Bottom Prices. ^Fiv iliOTerent brands of Fiour always on ' *• fcmiid and warranted as represented. " w®*F!'our delivered anywhere in the Cor *y»rati>R. Orlers may be given by Postal Otird, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. I. BOJiS^ETT. jk IfcHenry, March 8th, lsy. Marllejorls: HENRY MILLER,, --.DEALER IN-- American mi Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones,- ETC., ETC., ETC. America)! & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of He Henry, 111. Johnsbitrgh Aug. 20tb, 1^7? ' »•*£' i THE BREAM of all " BOOKS of ADVEffiJRl Pi-meer Daring Deeds L9 I AXl> Hsroes i r „ , , Tin; thridinir ;i'l vehttires of all the hero ex- plorer* and frontier- lighters with Indians, outlaws ant wild beasts, over the whole country, from the earliest, times to the pres. entJ iJives and famous exploits of DeSotOj- LaVJalle, Stuvllsli, B»>ne, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, l!« w;e, Houston, Carson, Caster, California Joe,Til I Bill, Buffalo Bill,- <iencr- als Miles and Cr^ok, srreat Indian Ciiiefs and scores of otlii s GORiiEOv^LY II.LIJ1*- TR.VTEl» xiil K* lineengravinsrs to the life. AOEN I'S VT.\)' 11 ,D. Low priced and beats anything to sei I. STANDARD BOOK CO. ST. LoLIfi, Mo. M. M. CLOTHIER, RICHMOND - „ - - ILLINOIS, McIIHXRY COUNTY. Prosecutes 'nll claims in all bureaus: In the Departm<»«t of the Inferior, Special ntten- tion given to <HAicult or rejee.fed Claims. Careful attention given to all mat ters of im­ portance Office at the residenrc 'of'Wm. II. (^owlin. Woodstock, Til. Bu.-inass will be at- tended to !iy Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall alwrtvAbe there on Saturdays, nnd shall be at the oi'.icV of .J. T. Bel lin, Es.(., Mareago, on the llrst, ErttlSly in each month. All letters of a busitre«8-ttature must contain stamp for reply. A. WENDELL* B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL., . -- DCA£GR is--° ' and Muzzle Loading Shot «Gun8. Powder, shot. Caps, Wads, and Cartridges for sale. Fishing Tacltle cheat). All kinds of | I Sijorting Goods, AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech I/>a4in*, Double Barreled Gun. warranted Twi*ft&:>. Winchester Rifle, 7»i Ki",iel, l. 'i shots, $25. Nickel Plated fi shot Revolver, #'2.50. Self cocking British BnU IV>)f Pistol, A „ Rood Single Barrel, Breech Loading, Single Gun. «.inanteil, W. ^ I will undersell any house in the county in Guns and Sporting Goanis. if Vou want a good gun it will IHIV von to call and see me. 1 warrant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired and new Kolls put on. Price pei* pair warranted, $2.50. Soldiers Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. 8. F. BENNETT. OROKRHD iron (EXAMINATION. This following is a list of Apollcitnts for pension whowt orders for exam!na­ tion have been r^cpived alnce the last rejtort in the PI.AINI>EALKR. The per­ sons nainod may report for examination any day of the .week UR weJI aa Wednes­ day. All should report at as early a day as poasi ble: Amos Wallace, Ii, 47th III. loft., wrlg. 466.619. Capt. C. Case. K, 64th III. Vet. Vol., orig., 388.272. 6. S. Soutliworth, I, 95th III., orlg., 415,119. " Nathan A. Taylor, O, 17th III. Cav., orlg., 121.630. . - , Charles H. Rogeti, O; S2nd III. Vol. Increase, 18.181, 7' > ' Moses Evans, Stirgeon, 96tt» III.'Vol., orig., 459,335, Edward R. Shapier. 1,15th III., orig., 389.175. Woodstock, July iftthi SHERMAN. w#. . ... •«," . (uccewr to; ^ingwood^ iiiinois* f^cHenry, ill. Will take i*ontracts f«»r pnffing up 6»MdUio;s ami KiuvrantD.^ inv work will compare with any man in tlx* State.. I fcon ami will do work froui 15 to '2i- per cent clicatier t han ot her carpetilers, as I have two of my boys who \v<^lk with ine. yvVyoh makes it possible for me to do so. . ( All Jobs in the Carpenter Jine promptly attended 'to. Give me a;call. A.WENDELL. B. RAINTHORP, Rin^wood - - Illinois. To Ihe people of Rniprwood and, vicinity I would respectfully s;iv that I have opened a store near the pot,.where I will piiv the highest market value for Ea<js.> Hntter, and other produce, cash or trade I mi n <r immaterial to me. J shall keep oil hand a select stock of' Groeeines and Flour, which with choice brands of < i- wais ami Tobacco, I am <r<>ini? to sell at prices to defy eoinpetition, and though I have inefc >\;itli -a mucji more lil>eral patronage thiVi'il had expected, I shall yet hold 'out. inducements calculated tOvi ncrease iny trade uu<^ secure a laifger cu'stouiV* '• ^ ; - . : "B. RAlVmbRP. Rl^«W060, ill .^pTunc l.!th, mi V GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Having removed his sfftre to Colby's Brick Block is now prepared to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, ^ Oaiiiied Good>«, CIGAK, TOBACCO, PIPES, <&o,, &c. MyGooilsareall fresh and will be sold at the lowest living price's. ; I also keep a full stock of Gun Material aishing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Hammocks, and ivrfact. evei*vtbing pertainiiig to- Fishing and Hunting, rah be found at iny Biore at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acnrdeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, and all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of HNWAKE is complete. Call and examine it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. . KNGELN oYla ving refitted the store lately occupied by J. W. Cristy,and having tilled it with a ilrut . olaats stock of Iii original invalid pension claims, where more than one disability has been alleged, the case will be allowed as soon as one disability is satisfactori­ ly proved; leaving the other disabilities to be established at pleasure. In all bounty and' pay claims tinder the late act. the charge of desertion must be removed and formal discharge procured (In cases where none lias been I iaued) from the War Department be­ fore payment will be made. All regular and volunteer officers of the army in service between 4nly 1, 18G6, and June 30, 1868, are entitled to 33$ per cent extra pay, allowed by Sec. l, of Act of. M^arch 2, 1867. lliia was denied them tit the time of mu«ter out under a ruling since reversed. At a cotinell of officers, early In llie war, It was remarked that Major ------ was wounded, and would b? unable to do the duty assigned him. "Wounded," said Jackson. "If it is really so, I think It must have been by an accidental di»- eimrge of duty." ' heath ot a'Veteran ot 1811, ^ John Peshtne; one of t1i¥ few tfnrvlv- 4iig veteram ef the war cf IS 12, dic« a few days ago at his home in Mamaro- *f. oC nluety j'ears. The deceased was widely known and had many warm friends. His rec­ ord as a g::llant soldier was without blemish. instant was to lie lost. Had the shell exploded the concussion would certain­ ly have exploded all the shells in the caisson." causing a great loss of life. All held their breath for a time, when a private belonging-to the above battery walked with the utmost coolness to the caisson, seized the shell with the binn­ ing fuze, and threw it a few yards into a pnddle of water. The only reward offered for the brayc deed was a corporal's stripes. It is now seventeen years since th« close of the war and the veterans who fought, in the great armies of tJie Union Each ence to the "arrears of pensfon" bHL Not one person became entitled to » pension "under thav.> bUl who waa no* ' entitled under the afet wf'jnly 14; 1863, -',is and July 27,1868. had application been fi'etl within the l'mits prescribed bjr those acts. The "arrears" bill dl«l oot create claims,but merely permitted the piesentatlon and consideration r«f claims improperly. If not iHegafiy, barred by statute,^ TH*T nAT^v.^; h?>% We were runnins: throifg^i Sow V 'i are grown old and graV» Kach yeari„ .. u . , ^ , »w„. . j , . . Carolina when a great big giant of a that has passed since 1865 has borne * Notions, Oroceries^ Boots and Shoes. Mats and Cape, lite.. • - s • I am now prepared to give the buying public as good bargains as can lie found in ar.y %en- eral store, I do not claim to sell lower than anybody else, but I do claim to sell good Goods at liv". ing prices, and guarantee every thing as rep., resented. My stock is « NEW. FRESH AND COMPLETE, And comprises everything usually found in a General Country tore « All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, " . GIVE ME A CALL,. B. K. DUERS. UlNGWOOD. Aug. 15th, 1883. 1 SEW Carriage and . Wagon ;^|ON TIJE WEST SIDE. Bros., lon^ creriit »»nd | easy terias, in a wild climate, IVeo from heavy Knows, blight, LUS frosts, and ex* MILLIONS OF ACRES 3 - c«»"Te -w®"- for sale in the COLDEH QELT of Kansas, by the 7'ilNEON'PACIFIC RAILWAY, ol" as -icli [>o11 as liie Nilii ever, nbont oa, v.'itb food ntarUets east and west, Hir Descriptive and, Illustrated Itool^ with. Maps, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMiSSJONER,-- Kansas D?H*icl KANSAS CITY, MLSSOY^L,^ :Mtave';broutfht a fine stock ot Wa iron 'material to town, and are prepared to do all kinds ot liepairing on short notice, ant] will . - 7 PUT UP NEW WORK 'In the beat of style. WATER TANKS MADE TO ORDER. Oill and s,ee us, Shdp, i?ear of Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, opposite the Parker House. TRIPP BROS. McHeiwy.IlL. April 12,1882. AGEST8 WASTED, & N HOMES Home Life. flow to attain Gooil Health, Long Life and Uappv Homes. How to prevent disease, llow. when, itfid what to eat. Clothing Ac­ cidents. Cure of the sick. Marriage--Its pur- pose, duties atad pleasures, llirth and care of chibiren--their physical, intellectual and moral training and government. Social and business life. The la ws of health. Signs and treatment of disease. iiepreseuts the life work, experience and observations of an em­ inent physician, ar.d contains important in formation that Fathers, Mothers, Husbands, Wives, Young Men and l.adies, I Soys and Girls ought to know. Nothing like it ever published. Sell# at sight. Send for Circulars and terujP. W- ZIEGLEK A Co., 113 Adams St., Chicago, III. 1 When a Union gunboat was .going into action, on* of the men Who was on his knees, was eneerlngly, asked by inn ottlcer if lie was afraid. "Xo, I was praying;" was the re- spouse.- "Well, what are von prayingJfor?" "Playing." said the sailor, "that the enemy's bullets may be distributed the same way as the prize money U, prin­ cipally among the ofHcers.*'v There was no legal obligation on the part of th^Government to pass pension laws ftfr the benefit of those who be­ came crippled in its service, or for the widows, children or parents of those who died. Having assumed such obli­ gation, It should be faithfully observed. All beneficiaries should be placed upon the same footing, and not only the letter, but tiie spirit of the laws should be fully carried out. Soldiers and others having unsettled claims, can best serve their own inter­ est?, by employing an honest and com­ petent attorney of experience; and having employed him, pay hlui his legal and proper tee,at a time when he has a right to expect It of you. No person can work with the persistency which must necessarily characterize a soccessfuhclalm agent, with,a mind di­ vided between his client's case, and the effort to collect fee* to defray hII own necessary expenses. This pauper Government of ours, which at the present titne has a surplus in the Treasury of only one hundred and fifty millions of dollars--or some such small matter--pays to each sol­ dier's orphan the munificent pension of two dollars per month! And yet there are Congressmen who declare that the pension list Ishoneycombed with fraud and would gladly vote to abolish it en­ tirely. • The Owner* Foond for • Hohtter'a Pipe. Tne curious bowl ef a wooden pipe recently found ib Hatcher's Run, with the various battles In which the owner participated cut upon it. has- been claimed by the owner. He pfoves to be John H. Van Houtoii, of Patterson, N. J.„ He was a drummer of Company I, Second regiment of New Jersey vol­ unteers, Gen. Kearney's old First New Jersey brigade. First Divisiou, Sixth Army Corps. The finder, J. Marshall Donnelly, of Concord. Franklin county, Pa., will forward the pipe to the for­ mer owner, who will greatly prize his old friend. • • He r>M U. The incident is said to have occur red at the battle of Olustee, Fla., during the war of the rebellion: 'I'he First United States Light Ar­ tillery, commanded by Captain Sam Elder, was engaged, "When a time-shell from the enemy came whizzing through tie woods, and struck some four ro^s short, and bounded along and lodged in an open caisgon, two-thirds tilled wiih joaded shells, Not a moment, not aq away scores and scores of those who were oufx'ouirad^s, to be seen on earth never again. Each month that goes by adds a thread of silver to the hair, a wrinkle to the face, a new ache to the frame of those of us who yet remain. Though our years may be less than forty, we, nevertheless have the feel­ ings ofmen who have lived mortf than half a century. There are times, how­ ever, when we renew our youth, if only for a brief season. At ;he reunion, or the G. A. R. oamp Are, our hearts thaw out. the blood flows in warmer currents and tingles In our *eftis as we talk of those grand old times when we battled together for our glorious flag--"Old Glory.'* Then we become "boys" once more. Memories of those terrible days come back to us a living reality, and, as beardless urchine,some of us, scarce­ ly fit IO leave.our mothers, we are fight­ ing o*er again our battles, side by side. We had some fun in those far off years, but now come to think of it<it was hard fun. There, was too mn3h of pain and sorrow mingled with it to make it altogether joyous. But our sufferings, our anguish and mourning over comrades lost to us as we passed on our way, were all real. And these now, like a dark shadow,hang above us to temper the pleasure of each succeed* Ing reunion with them that survive,, Yet why should we not ejolce that we have khown such noble men as were those comrades of ours; that army of more than 300,000 heroes, now swollen to half a million, over whose remains it is the nation's duty to keep watch and ward, Is it not a glorious thing to have be£n the brothers In arma of suck as they? Surely it is. Let »s then cher­ ish' their memories, reaoh their virtues to otrrtJhlMrert, ftto£^ m*king the best of life while it is yet ours, keep our hearts united by frequent gatherings together hero below, preparatory to the Great Reunion tiiat awaits us. FRAUD YUKSTION AUAIN. Some good man at Laingsburg, Mich., has recently published In the Detroit Evening News, an article, over the signature of "Stalwart" upon the ques­ tion of pension frauds. The whole sub­ ject is carefully gone over and the pen­ sioner, pension claimant, claim agpnt, member of Congress, the family physi­ cian, and witnesses in general receive marked attention. It is charged that "frauds are daily perpetrated by pensioners and claim agents;" that claimanis pretend to be afflicte*! with disabilities which are merely imaginary, but which are ap­ parently proved through the connivanco of? comrades* neighbors and family physician; that members of Congress are so eager to win the soldier's vote that they are ofttimes willing to aid the prosecution of an unjust claim, aud at ull times ready and willing to shut their eyes to the existence of rrauds., lest, by a display of too muoh virtue, their political fortunes and prospects be thereby impaired; and that the "arrears of pension bill" was the most damnable outrage ever perpetrated upon a tax ridden people," This is a style of talk to which sol­ diers have become somewhat accustom­ ed, and heime it excites but little surprise, r ' There may be and no doubt there are dishonest claimants and dishonestclaira agents. It would be strange were it otheiHvise; but the percentage of ras­ cals in the two classes cited may be no greater than Ssi the medical profession or among the"stalwarts." Occasionally an attempt is made by a dishonest claimant to get through a fraudulent claim, but the times in which such an attempt is successful, are much less numerous than is generally supposed. It is upon cases of "attempted frauds" that men like the Lalngsburg writer wax most eloquent. Sometimes, possi­ bly, a member of Congress has inad­ vertently given countenance to a claim which proved to be"°fraudulent. But that is no difference, The rule does not yet obtain that a man is to be adjudged guijty of attempted fraud, because of the filing of a pension claim. No one knows better than a Congressman how difficult it is for a dishonest claim to go through. No one knows oetter than he, that a sworn officer of the Govern­ ment stands at the door of the treasury to see that no pensions are paid until the technical proof has been supplied. 'Stalwart" might charge that horse stealiug was very prevalent in his State, but the fact is only to be deter­ mined judicially. Pension frauds are to be determined by a careful scrutiny of*all the testimony, by officers sworn to discharge their duty honestly and fairly. Until it is shown that the Coiu- tnissionerof Pensions is lax iu his duty it is idle to talk about frauds. We only add a \vo.\l, and vvith f*frr- • fellow with a terrible eye and a voice like a fog-horn boarded the train at a small station. I think most of the pas­ sengers sized him up as a chap whom it would be dangerous to argue with, but thej^iant wasn't satisfied with that. He blustered at the eondnctor, growled at the brakeman, aud looked around as if seeking some one to picket fnss with • Every one answered him clvilljr, ami he had two or three seats to himself, but the man who wants a row can gen­ erally find some pretext. About thw center or the car a pale-looking chap, about 25 years old, occupied a seat and was reading a newspaper. After a tlmo the giant rubbed along to where tb» young man sat and growled out: "Stranger, what may beUhc first eoek ef such a hat as yours?" The young man looked up with a Hash in his big blue eyes, and then turned to his paper without replying* "Hey! Did you lmr me?" roared the other, as he leaned over tho seat and lifted the hat oil the young nan** head,. < Quicker than one could eoont tlx a shining revolver came from you couldn't tell where, lifted itself on a level with the big man's eye, aud the white fin-' gers clutching the butt never trembled a hair's breadth va the words: 1 . ' ' <' .• \ ^ "Drop that hat!" . ,, The hat fell from the giant** grasp, and the quiet voice exclaimed: "Now you sit down, or I'll kill yonf* The muzzle of the weapon was not six Inches from the man's eye, and I saw him turn from red to white In IM seconds. He backed away at the CM** mnnd. sat down In a seat opposite, and never stood up or spoke another word during the ride of twenty miles. He had a "navy" under his coat, l^^aae- tliftig in that »iuiet vMtte an it liH >| a warned htm that the move of a flngnr on his part would crash a bullet into .his head,--3/. Quad, in his trc lll.KSS HIS V « tii a very elegant palace car entei a weary-faced, poorly dressed with three little children--one babe In her arms. ^ look of joy crept into her face as she Settled down into one of tM luxurious seats, but it was quickly dis­ pelled as she wa« asked rudely to "start her boot." A smile of amusement was seen Oti several faces as the frightened grottp hurried out to enter one of tho com mail cars. Upon one young face, however, there was a look wtiieh thameil tfe* countenance of the others. "Auntie," said the boy to the lM^f beside him, "I am going to earry my basket of fruit and this box of sand* wiches to the poor woman in the ntXI car. You are willing, of course He spoke eagerly. br»t she answered: Don't be foolish, dear, you may need them yourself, and perhaps the woman is an im poster." "No, I'll not need them,"* he answvend decidedly, but in a very tow tone." "You know I had a hearty breakfMl, and don't need a luueb. The wonnu» looked hungry, auntie.and no tired, toe. with those tltree little babies clinging to her. I'll be back 1ii a minute, auntie; 1 know mother wouldn't like it if. ( didn't speak a kind word to the least •! these when t meet them."*' , The worldly aunt brushed a tear from her eye after the boy left her, and salt) audibly: "Just like his dear mother.** About five minutes later, as the lady passed the mother and the three dill* dren. she saw a pretty slght--the fatal* ^v feasting as perhaps they had never done before; the dainty sandwich** were eagerly eaten, the fruit basket stood open., The elde«t?ohild, wlth^her month tit* ed with bread aud butter, said, *Was the pretty boy an angel, mammar* "No," auswered tlie mother, an<$ r% grateful look brightened her fade«t eyes^'bnt he Is doing angela' vflrt, bless his dear heart!" And we, too, said *Blem hN 4|ft heartiV-oria Call. • »„ tSTAn Individual in Chicago .tpfc been keeping tally of newspaper libel suits in thi« State, and out of 463 tultt instituted against reflectory Journal* within the past five years, oily thre« cases were successful, Two of thank gaining damage* to the ainonut of onn per tfei>t. Total »n!ount sued fot, 000.000. Yes, by all means, when jrntt fur is ruffled the wrong way by an Wh complimentary notice, sue for A CMl hundred thousand or so, and If thn editor lias any spark of humanity, hh will shell out. What da they o*«* 4*P m o u e r ? P l e n t y o f i t . -- J S S * > porter, H. H. Nichols will sell you 3 powull of Co%e for 30 tents* aud make present of* ulceljr devofftted saucer.

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