0€ /*>>• • " * , < / / c i -.1-- - , ... " • • . - j^e|[eBry ^Uiiiealer. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2R. 1S83. Railroad Time Table. IIOIXO SOtTfll. BmmT,sk« Pnmeneer..............7:fK A.Ji Geneva I^KE FXHWM i. *:W Beneva Lake Freight .......la® r. * aoTwn KOHTII. T,«Ve Frelrtt *. * Rtnctii Uke Kxpre**.. *:B5P. * Bcnm Uks Passenrer B. BrM, Aeont. McTTeurv, III ./ TWi\eONTO HcfTKvnr T ORTOIN. VO.'W *. F. FIND A. H.- BcTnlnrOiwmminli'iHoin "ie on or before the full of the moon and every two week* thereafter. _ . CHA*. C. COURT, W. M, VnffKHWT fwvprwn Sn. S4 R. A. M --W^sm. |or Oonvnentlon# hoM on the second and fourth rridarg in each moneh. / SMTTH^KART.KH. H. P. „ JON. J. FRFTT IS putting a new front In hi* meat, market, and otherwise Im proving Hi* building. FfsHKBMRir are report!n? excellent [Inck at the Lake* about tljose davs. Several fin* strings have hpen exhibited on our streets the past week. Press Goods. Dolmans. Cloaks«.LadIes «nd Gent* nnderware, Overeoats, &c.. nil new and stylish. prices vetV modor- ate at Flt*flmmon* ft Evanson. _ a -- A Foot Hace of one hundred yards took place In this village on Wednes day last, between .Ta*. Revolr. of Ptill- man.and Ernest Wright. of this village. Ttevoir wan the winner hy about three feet. • THR dancing public should not for get the Party at the Parker House, to morrow (Thursday) eve!\lnjr. the 2fith. The Janesvllle Light. Guard Band will furnish the music, and a grand, social time may he expected. TirketR 81. MRS. E. W. HOWK wish to call the attention of the ladies to the fact that she has a fine line of Fjill and Winter Millinery, of the latest, styles, which she Is selling at tow prices, ('all nnd see. % j>R.'<V16. WII.MAMS. Dentist, will hereafter visit McTIenry on the 11th. and 26tli of each month for the practice of ills profession. Dr. Williams is a first class Dentist, and we bespeak for lilm a liberal patronage. QUAUTKKI.Y Meeting will be held AT the M. E» Church In McHenry on Sab- iVth evening next. October 29th, at 7J o'clock. Preaching by Dr. C. E. Man- devllle. All are cordially Invited to attend. Morning services at the usual hour by the pastor; Rev. J. 0. Bigelow. MRS. 8RARI.ES has this week received • fine assortment, of Winter Millinery, consisting of Birds, Plumes, Tips, and all the Fancy Feathers now so much used. Also a choice lot of Beaver, Felt., Plush and Velvet TIats. widish will be •old at the lowest possible figures. ^ On account of. poor health .Tns. .T. Frett has leased his market for the Winter, and by taking a rest and out door exercise hopes to be himself again by Sprln £i> In another column can be round ft nojjrce calling on all who are Indebted to hl.m to pay up. FOUND. In this village, on Sunday last, the 22d Inst.. a Pocket or Memo randum Book, containing a small sum of money and a receipt, the name on which could not be deciphered. The owner can have the" name by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. PKK40NAL. JOHW FITZSIMMONS. of Boll city, Kansas, jalllti^ fri*u4*-her^ last week. . H. L. StoRT and wife, of Chlc&go. were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. O. W. Owen last week. Mrs. F. K. GRANGER is spending a few days with friends In Chicago. MB. GREENLIEF. a resident of Mc- Henry in early (lays,spent Suuday with old friends here. H. E. WIGHTMAN, of the Riverside House, and Mr. Cummings, of Chicago, are hunting ducks %t Lake Ostikanong, Wis. A. F. PABSONS will please accept thanks for a neat pamphlet entitled '"the leading, industries of Lincoln, Nebraska." It Is an Interesting docu ment. 1*HE Young Folks* Temperance So ciety will hold their next meeting at the M. E. church on Sunday evening nett. All are invited to attend. The following Is the programme': V'Song. 2. Praver S. nprlaraatfori.... "4. Snnit 8. Recitation. fi. Remarks.. 7. Reading 8. Sonff .... ft. Recitation.;. .;.... lo. Address : •' H. Sora'. ...i.... 13. Ker.itation.... ... . IS. Reading............. 1*. Sonsr IS. Reading' : 1ft. Passing of Pledge 17. Song.. , Fred Polhv i........Millie Watte v.4.;. ..T.onnie Rishop '•W.... F. K. «ranger .i.iiClara Wlehtman Belle Oolbv .>. .Belle Stoddard .Mnry Gri«wol«l .v. . Edith" Carpenter Alice Bennett • v....Corn Mr.Omber Etoise Walte The season Is here, long waited for and long expected. It comes every year. Fragments of psalms, emphatic and broken utterances from the old prophets improvised for the occasion, startling ejaculations are freely used* You may know the victim at first sight" He has a confused and troubled air. A portion of skin is wanting fr«m the point of bis nose. H* is caressing an invalid finger. He put a rickety box on a chair and was standing on it. lie was reaching up wlrli both bands nui with a hatchet Was trying to adjust loving together two ends of refractory stove-pipe. There was a sulphureous sound, a crash, a sudden catastrophe, and ch:ilr and box and pipe and stove, and vii-tlrn were mingled together in dark ruin. L THE committee appointed to make , arrangements for the entertainment bv the F^adies Cemetery Aid Society, and all others lnter*ste«l, are requested to meet at the residence of John I. Story on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock for " -the purpose of making the necessary arrangements for said enterffclnnmmrt?^ Br a telegram before us from the Leader of the Janesvllle Light Guard Band, it is announced that said Band will positively be at the Parker Hons© In this village, to-morrow night, the 26th. We make this announcement for the reason that the "Rise or Shine Club.** at Xnnda. are advertising them for the same evening. This is surely n mistake as the Janesvllle Band wilj surely be at the Parker House. HCNDRRDS have learned that "mould ing |ihbllc opinion** is a mighty poor business. Moulding stove lids pays much better, and don't cause half the wear and tear on the moulders system . A good many people- think that news- Taper work Is just as easy as falling down on ice or finding a girl's lips in the dark. We used to think so ourself, but that was when we we?e a bigger fool than we are now. t IN the Dundee Tt'F'rfts In the Itlgliv frank we find the following: PERSONAL.--The undersigned would like to correspond with a limited num ber of gentlemen In Dundee. Ob|«»et. tnn and entertainmer t. Address. Nelli»- M. White, McHenry. Ills. Now. why Nellie should prefer .the gentlemen from Dundee to any other locality we don't know." And It would seem that there are gentlemen enough In McHenry to furnish "fnn and enter tainment" for Nellie, and who would consider lt'a pleasure to do so. And- b* the way. who ttie deuce Is Nellie M. *" white-.anyway? f ir iny of our readers have failed thus far to get a good look at,tne comet, let us advise them not to let anoth er morning pass without making the attempt. These past beautiful clear mornings it has been visible, shining most resplendently in the eastern heavens, at any time from four o'clock, or somewhat, earlier, until five, and nn-. til eclipsed by the rising sun. Here tofore we have spoken from hearsay; now. from our own observation. Such a phenomenon mav not appear again In a lifetime. If ron bavp children, do not fail to give them an opportunity to look at it. It? will pay theni tuuny tiuie& ioi ou« jnoi:uii;g'8 rising. •J&ti.&iiiiSh&L' QUITR a serious accident hrtppaned at Nunda on Saturday evening last, the particulars of which, as we learn them, are as follows: The wife and two daughter* of Capt. J. E. Beckley. ac companied by Mr. Horace Drury and wife, attended the Universalis! socia ble at Dr.Ballon's, and when starting for home the team became frightened at a passing freight traMi. overturned the buggy, spilling out the occupants In a pronflscous manner. Mrs. Beckley was severely bruised about the head and face, and her youngest daughter was ironsider&hly hrujaed. tfee rest escaped with a good shaking tip It was. indeed a miracle that no> bones were hrokeiijJ Nothing was heard of llUi iMUIh nritll about noon the next day.wiien tliev were found near Bar- revllle, but little the worse for their fracas. The buggy, however, was in a badly demoralizer!condition. Muflc of ye Olden Tyme. A Lyste of goOdlle hymnes and tunes and likewise worlrllle songes to be played anl sung at ye groat conoert of music, at ye Riverside Hall. &|cllenry. Illinois, on ye 2d day of ye monthe of November, Anno Domini, 1882 (N, S.)^ at eighte o'cleoke, p. M., after which refresliments will he served: ; ' „ * PROORXMMK. •Instrnmentalle musick-hy one of re young maidens. * " Openinp Plcee--AH yemenne and Mrymmen singers. " Qnnrtette--By fonre of ye wymmen cinsr- ers. A troode piece--By fonre of ye mennp and wvmmen slncrerf. Recitation--Bv one of jve menno. Sonsre-- Bv one of ye wymmen singers. m Sonce and chorus--By 'fourc of ye menne »nd wrmmen sinsers. S \ iroode i>iece--I\j- one of ye menne singers. 9 DnPtte-Bv txvo of ye wy'nnren singers. 1(1 Recitation--By one of ye menne. 11 Ohorns--.By all ye menno and wvmmon 12 A gooile piece--By Ave of ye menne and xvvmmen singers." 13 Closing piece--All ye menne and vjrmmen sin vers. Ye admission fee to the hall will be 10 centes. Ye Tythlngmonne will observe ye actions of ve vonnge menne and mai dens, end will prevent undue levltio and fparkinge. ' Fornfmuch as manie of ye youuge wymmen who finge have never funge before fo manie folkes, and are there fore fhamed faced, ye menne prefent are requefted to look awaie from them when they finge. Loud ftamplng and fcraplng of ye feete on ye flooref are not oonfidered feemlie in this houfe, 'and ve people will pleafe fignify their approbation in a moare becoming manner. FOR SALE. A first class new Pallor Organ and Violin--with Box--for sale very oheap. Inquire at this office. We want your trade and if yon want our goods there will be nothing ,to prevent "us from doing business to gether. Our new Stock is certainly complete" and prices always right. Call in. FlTZ8IM*03TS t EVANfOI*. The Highest Rank Made from harmless material*, and adapted to the needs of fading and falling uair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken thehighest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. You will find Co^toiijlats and Prints very reasonable at Fitzsimmous & Evansons. SETTLE UP. Having leased my market for the Wi liter I hereby request all tlios« «»i- debted to me to call and settle t e same without delay. I trust those knowing themselves owing me will not wait lor another notice hut call at once, as my book* must be settled up. JOS. J. FRETT. Do not fail to examine those suspen d e r * n o w b e i n g s o l d a t F i t z s i m m o u s A Evanson*. They are worthy your in- r ^ Waueoiida Department. **"SUB>CRIPTfOXS for the PLAIKOKALRR will lie received in Wancondant P. B. Har. rison's Drug Stow »iM by John Uolding Mr. P. 8. Swinson |A q>ilte slefc^ Messrs. A. L. Calkins and lleirfy Golding are upon the street again. Mr. Robt. Harrison and Mrs. Swl/ison. left Monday morning for California, to visit friends, see the country and with the hope that their health may be ben efited. Mr, W.H. Ford and wife, Mr. E. Fletcher and hi* daughter, Mrs. Lam- phere. started Moudey for ft trip to Dakota. * v . Mrs. T,ee Andrus, nee Miss Edle Duers, lias been visiting in* town the past week. Mr. Andrus was here oyer Sunday. • r •' ' % . Mr. Thomaa Bennett, lately chief assistant In Mr. R. Burton's meat mar ket, now lias a similar position with Mr. Swlnson. ,;:rMr. Morrison lias fitted! ttpV * very attractive shop and store !n wh'at£%a3 formerly tbe front room ot his house, and filled it with an unusually flue as sortment of jewelry. I Mlss-Hattle Parker and; Mr* Frank Dunning, of Barrington. were married at the residence of the bfrlde, Wednes- day. Mrs. Jolin Goldlng presented her leige lord with a daughter recently. , Mr. John Mnrr has erected a carriage simp on the comer opposite Mr. Henry Wells' house#- Political candidates, or <their agents, are pbroad in the 'and. Thursday. Mr. Bradbury of the Waukegan Patriot and Prof. I lane kl an were In town, and Fri day Mr. Van Slyke. of the PLAIN- DKAI.KR. and Capt. Tryou. Kepublicau candidate for Representative, ap peared. T.lie many friends ot Mm, Clarif A. Wiley St John were pained'tb' !i«»ar of her death, which occurred Tuesday morning after a brief illness. She had b«»en siifl«»ring with a severe cold for about two weeks, but, with her accus tomed energy, refused to give up her household duties and take to h,er bed until Thursday, Dr. McChesney waR called and pronounced the case acute capillary bronchitis, and from the first expressed doubts as ton her recovery. Sunday she appeared slightly better, but tlie hopes of her loving watchers were quickly dispelled. She snnls rap idly and died Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. St John was born In Pleasant Valley, N Y., in 1808. In 1823 she married Garrett Wright in Albany. In her ?4th year she joined the Baptist Church in Troy. In 1833 Mr. Wright dleil. In 1H43 she tiiarrled Curtis St John in Marble tow-iw N. Y.. and the following year came to Lake County, where she had since resided. She leaves three children: Charles Wright, a veterinary surgeon, well known In this section "of the county, Mrs. Martha C. Boylan. of Wnfertown, Dakota, and Mrs. Jennie w.' Mcwolium. ° THK following from the Sterling Gazette, should serve to put the farm ers in this vicinltv on their guard: "He hasn't appeared in tills county yet, hilt he will come, doubtless. Look out. for him. He is a* slick and oilv of tongue as Sellers. He drivesfa spank ing team and dresses in styllsli clothes, lie is now working up other counties, and tlus is the wav lie does It: He lias a nnjuher of samples of carpets with him. and he offers the nicest sort, of an ingrain at so low a price as 37} cents a yard, and a genuine--no snlrle-- n<-usse|« at 43} cents. Who can re«lst ^uch figures as these? Not the honest granger who is on the lookoiit for a bargain. So he makes chMe« of the klod he wants. The gentlemanly and polite (O. so oolite!) agent then makes out a list, telling price, style, etc., and of course gets the farmer to stgo bis name. The wilv agent then gets up and dusts, and Ills handsome face ts se;n no more forever by the farmer. He don't see any carpets, hut. he gets notice that a note for a larger or small er sum awaits payment by him. Some times the agent takes another shoot. He contracts to sell, and then simply asks the tanner to let 111 in have two Or three dollars to hind the bargain and pay for packing the carpet. Who could resist so charming a young man? Not the farmer, certainly, and lie gives It to him. When the agent takes this shoot the farmer gets off - cheaper. Look out for the gentleman when he gets in this county." Bock ford Yarns and Flannels, !!>«*! goods in the market, at Fit^simmons ft Evansolis. While1 the Repudlicans Jn Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania appear to be making fools of themselves and greatly endangering the ultimate tri umph of Republican principles In the national government, in Illinois "the situation is entirely satisfactory so far as the State and Congressional tickets are concerned. There is no district in which the Republicans are in danger of loss. ^ But the struggle will be for the choice of Members of the Legislature, and the danger there coines from the prohibitionists who by running tickets ^gainst their best friends are likely to secure the success of their worst eife- mies. < The disasters in Ohio and impending dangers in New York and Pennsylvania should stimulate Illinois Republicans to get out a full vote and show what the strength of tte publican Ism is when fully united--Sycamore Republican^ Ginhamf and Plaids, new and stylish prices right. Ai Fitssiiumoii& & Evan- sous. H. n. Nichols will sell you a pounds of Ooflee for 50 cents, anil make you 'a present of a nicely decorated crtp and saucer. Richmond Department. CONTRIBl'TED UT i F. BKKNKTT. Woodstock Department. \ Geo, Earring's new house is nearly complete*). - It adds to the good looks of the street. During the past week Messrs. Alex ander & Hyde h«*ve been receiving large invoices of new goods, many of them for the holiday trade. H. L. Chevlllon has bought the house and lot on Main street owned by Mr*, nelen Burrows, and will move Into it before long. Mr. Burrows and family win "go West." A new sidewalk is oeing built from Mrs. Ransom's to Grav'scorner, and also In front of the Baptist, parsonage. Pas tor Palmer lis doing tbe work on the latter. The,Park U beginning to nssonie a tTinterr fhc sear and yellow leaves are aspeclk tin.I th nnmeipus. I.-CT Ch~.se, • Tom Miller returned to Richmond last week from a trip to the far West, He ts pleased with the country he has visited and thinks of removing to that, region In the Spring. * One evening last weekthe fatnlly af Spencer COttlng were agreeably sur prised at the unexpected arrival of a brother of Mrs. Cot ting's (ind his wife, a sister and her husband, and an un man ted brother, all from Ford Co., this state. They remained to make only a short visit. The Board of Registry was In session at the store of Alexander A* Hyde the. 17th inst. Three hundred and sixteen names were registered. Then* were 16 A's, 28 B's, 28 C*. 8 D's. 7 E's, 7 Fs 11 G *. 40 H's. 6 J's. 9 K s, a |/s, 34 M's! 4 Vs. 8 O's, 14 P*s, 1 Q, 23 R's, 32 S's, 15 T's, 2 V's, 30 Ws, and 1 Y. A list Is at the post offlee for public inspection. THK DUTY OF THE HOUR:--A* the dav for election draws near, a few words as to the duty of republican voters may not he amiss. This Con gressional District is always counted on for a largo Republican majority, but that fact should not maVe Republicans so confident as to Induce them to abate their zeal one jot. or induce them to stay away from 'election. Of course our county ticket Is safe. Every man on it is reliable and worthy of support. But things look somewhat mixed as to our Representatives. Try on and Fuller ought, tosweep tlieir Assembly District. But Haines in Lake Co. aud D. C. Cowan as well as Thompson, the Democratic candidate,, wlil draw many votes from the regular nominees of the Republi can convention. Mr. Cowan, whose "call" to become an Independent candi date against Charley Fuller, with five or six hundred names appended is pub lished in the Belvidcre Standard, is said to have always be«»n a straight Republican, and Ills support will be drawn largely from the Republican ratiWs, H ilhin", pflcf r*ill ab hy a '•wire polling demagogue.** fete., Is a long headed politician, aud hasn't gone into the canvas unless he thinks he sees in Republican divisions a chance to wilt, it is thought by many that tho candi dacy of Cowan lias been managed bj Haines to promote bis own interests. The result rests largely on Lake aud McHenry Counties. They ought to stand shoulder to shoulder and poll a solid Republican vote for Tryon and Fuller, Lake ought to be satisfied as she is already represented in the State Senate by Hon. Geo. Kirk, of Waukegan and she ought, and we think will, stand firm with her sister, McHenry, Looking over the whole ground one will »ee that this Is no time for Republicans to be asleep. The duty of the boor Is a full and a straight vote. OYSTERS! OYSTERSI 13. W. BROOKS, Wauconda III., dealer In Gro ceries. Canned Goods, Confeoiionery. Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, &o. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnUh Fresh Ovsters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up.well warmed and light ed. and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Tan Good«, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give.me a call. ' K. W, BROOK9. Set Back 42 Years. MIS was troubled Tor many years with' Kidney Complaint. Gravel, &c.: my blood became thin; I was dull and inac tive ; could hardlv crawl about: was a old worn out man all ov >r; could get nothing to kelp me until I got Hop Bitters, and now, 1 am a boy again. Mv blood and kidneys are all right, and am as active as a man of 30, although I am 72. and I have no doubt it will do as well for others of tny f age. It Is worth a trial.--Father, -- The most obstinate cases of Catarrh and Hay Fever are cured by the use of Ely's Cream Ilalin the only agreeable remedy. Price SO cents. Apply into nostrils with little finger. CATARRH.--For fifteen years 1 have been greatly annoyed with this disgust ing disease, which caused severe pain in my head, continual dropping into my throat and unpleasant breath. My sense of smell was much Impaired. By a thorough use for six months of Ely's Cream Balm I have entirely overcome these troubles. J. B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, Broadway and Uth St., N. Y. My daughter and myself, great suff erers from Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's ('ream Balm. My sense of smell restored and liealth greatly improved. C. M. Stanley. Dealer in Boots and Shoe9, Ithaca, ST. Y. BEAUTIFIERS, Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and sparkling eves with all the cosmetics of Franco or beauii- flers of the world, while in poor health, and ncthing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant; spirits and beauty as Hop Hitter*. A trial is eer^ tain proot. ' See af»ot h'-r column. Buckleri' Arnica Salve. The best shlve In the wyrlr^for Cuts. Bruises. Burns. Sores, Ulceus. Salt Rheum, Fever Sore*. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect, satis faction or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box- For sale by Henry Cul- Uj, l«te of *en*<ut, lino returned from visiting fiTen'T* h«»h Kast and Wejt an't now ocrnnie* his new home, formerly tile W. K. Smith pit>pelrtj-, situated in the Southwest part of town. \ Dr. C. N . Kendall Is at his pevst onee more. The Dr. is one of the best dentists in the Northwest. J. M. Kimliall wan very «lok enrly taat week but is slowly paining hi* usual good health. Miss Emma Choat, of Vinelnml, N. J., is risitinpr the family of Thomas Whitson. The young lady has been visiting friends in Mln. nesota and. slopped >ver here on her way home. * „ *...• Mrs. W, W* DwitrM and two children, ar. companies hy Ml«s Addie Tavlor, left this rity for Albany, V. T., last week Tuesday. Mr*. D. goes there to visit her Father, ln-oth. ors and sister*. We believe the intends being g-»ne ahout a month. " P. I>. Richards, of Chicago, has eomo to Wood stock to live, and ha a moved into the J. I.. Mibbard house In the southeast part ot town. Mrs. J4 I,. Hlbhard has been qnite sick fhr'a week or so past? but we hear Is slowly on the mend Miss Kmma Whitson left this eitjr f*»r. Chi. cagoaml Waukegan last Friday where she will visit relatives add friends fbr about two week si '. A son ef J. TJ. 'Hibbard, from Kansas, IS home for a. few days with his Aither, who how lives upon the old Rlinck farm, south of this city. J. L. floyt was upon our streets onee more the latter part of last week. Mr Hoy t is gain ing In health rapidly. Mrs. M. L. Joslyn goes to Washington some tinre this woek to Join the Judge, where we believe she intonds remaining for the Winter. Mrs. W. W. Kennedy, who has l»een visiting relatives in Pennsylvania and Ohio for some Weeks past returned lo hor home in this city' last Friday. Those stereoscopic views maty'by Medlar are just ferteot and ought to been seen by every body to t>cappreciated; for it is impos sible to describe them as they are. Ws mean the views Mr."Mo<ilar recently showed us, made from different point* on the Square, of the new fountain in the pavk. They are car- tainly correct and exact pictures of the foun tain and surroundings and those who have not had the pleasure of seeing tho fountain itself throwing the spray In all Its beanty should send to Medlar for some of the views. We believe C. L. Curtis Is the artist who brought them to such perfection. They aro by all means the bent wo have yet see*. Mr. F. Merton, who deals tn Cigars, Tobacco I'ipes and Candies, has recently vacated the Furer building on the east side of the Squaro and moved 'nto Dwight's store. Just avmtml tho corner on Main street. Sir. Merton keeps in slock articles the best to be purchased in his line of trade anil guarantees satisfaction. This is the,wa; he has built «p a, good trade, and not aaftiany suppose, because he is nearly sightless and the community trade at his place wholly out of sympathy for his condi- tion. Besides ho it a gentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet and converse with on almost any subject, Call in amt SJO if what we say is not true to the letter. Of the six candidates now on tho Demo, cratic ticket for county and legislative offices from McHenry County not one, so lar as we are able to learn, ever carried a musket or thought the late war would IKS aided ty his I presence, but believed It a safer place at home and more money in it. Ot the same niimhur on the Republican ticket for the sameoiHc.es there are three men who served their country faithfully and well for three years, two of them bearing wounds npon their persons that the Union might live, ami another for ou« year. What does John have to say to tlmt; and-why docs he not assail a single candidate upon the Republican ticket? Simply because their private and political rocord in the past has been clean, not a spot or Meinish appear ing thereon,- . A boy belonging to James Gallagher was Instantly killed one evening last week by falling between two froigh( cars from a train when near KUhwaukee. With other hoys he had stolen a ride to that siation and wns returning whon it is supposed by a mis- step he fell between the cara. His head'was completely severed from his body and ho was terribly crushed and manglgd bosides. Will this prove a lesson to the hoys who follow the same dangerous habit of 'climbing npon pass ing trails? „ j It is understood that the Hejnnblleans have alxnit given it up this year. -'-Wonder if they will withdraw tU« County ticket!--McIIfnry County Democrat of last iveefc No, John, not by Hny means, and the Repub lican County tickct will be'elected as usual- The loss of three or four Congressmen in Ohio "will not effect the politics of McHenry County in the least. Wo are pleased too)»aervo that "Flossie," of Richmond,has not gone back on the selfctyled leading paper, the Settiinel, and noticed her newsy letter of last week, which is considered here the only matter of interest that appear* in that sheet. We hope it will be some time before "Flossie" keeps its in suspense so leng Vgaiu, fbr wo do like to read her correspond ence. We ennnnt, however, imagine what has become of the SetUinel masher Will "Flossie" please post us in regard to that individual? AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farms* formerly owned by the late Samuel H. Walker,and now occupied by Peter Weidrick and Fred Weidrick four miles south of Richmond on WeJnesday Nov. 1st at 10 o'clock^ 47 milch cows, 2 blooded 9 year old Bulls, 5 three year old steers. 6 two j'par old steers.3 two year old heifers, 9 yearlings. ̂ TERMS OF £>ALE.--Cash or one years time on approved notes At 7 per cent, interests. No stock to' be removed until settled for, J. W. CRIST r, -«i Kxsoutor of S. II. Walker Estate. * MRS. H. H. NICHOLS Flfis just returned from tbe city with a large and selected htock of Fall and Winfr 31 illiii«*rv Goods. f^»r the Full and Winter trade, ami is now prepared to slmw to the Indies of McHenry and vKri'Mty 'be finest lot of stylish Hats. Flowers, Feather. Ribbon*. Neckwear, etc., et<\. ever brought to tills town, aihl which she will sell at bottom pric es. Do rot fail to call and examine her stock oefort purchasing, as she is sure to plea«e you both ID quality style and price. • FEED MILL The subscriber having purchased, and .thoroughly repaired the mill situated two and one half miles west of Ring- wood. (formerly owned by C. A. North* up), is now prepared to grind feed at short notice. Best grades of flour constantiv on html, and for sale at lowest possible rates. FHAKR F. O06S1K PARTI CO LAR NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves In debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as I need the money. Now this means business, and I waiit all owing me to pay up at once. MARTIX BI'GNEH. Johnsburgh, Oct. 17th. 1884. v Come and take out a Hapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own Judge. Give It a thorough test. You all know that It will carrv a BIG man and then run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow made. See ons at E. M. Owen & Son's, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ofler my house and lot. situated In the village of McIIenr)', for sale. There is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. KNOKLH ESTRAY. \ Came Into the enclosure of the under signed, near Barrevtlle. Oct. 14th. a Black and White Cow. The owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take Iter awav. 3 MRS. A. McXtsn. Oct. |8th, 1882. SORGHUM MILL AT YOLO, The undersigned has a jSorghnm Mill, situated-about three fourths of a mile south of Volo, and Is now pae- pared to grind Sorghum fttr all parties at *20 cents per gallon. My Mill is In first class order, and I invite all to call and see me. GEO. RICHARDSON, VOLO, 111., Sept. 8, 1888. If you want Bargains In Plumes go to Mrs. Searle*'. WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, my friend; if you eould see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have beeu raised from beds of sickness, suffering, and almost death by the use of Hop Bitters; you would say. "Glorious and invaluable remedy," See another col umn. Walking 3hoes.-~-A full line, latest styles and first class. Wo have also a few dotcu pairs we are offering at a reduced price to close. Ask to see them at Henrv Coibv's. '« If youjwant a Silk Die#sor Dolman, please call and examine our line of Silks. We have the Guinet, French, Chaftan)on, American and several other brands. -- PKRRY A MARTIN. ~ AUCTION SALE. •'T&e undersigned will sell on his farm four miles west of McHenry, on Tuesday, • October 31st, 1883, at 10 o'clock, A. M., 10 good cows, 6 steers, 10 three vear old heifers, 10 CALVES, 3 brood mares, 3 horse. TKRMS--One year on good approved notes at 7 per cent. Two per cent, of! for cash. PHILIP GIKSKLKR. Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Mediuines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right at Henry Colby's. A. Vexed Clergyman. Ev«?n the patience uf Job would be come exhausted were lie a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audi ence while they were keeping up an incess-int conhging. making it impossi ble for liiin to b# heard. Yet, how very easy can all this beS avoided by simply using Dr. King's New IMttcov erv tor Uousiuuption. C^ougiis aud Colds. Trial Bottles gitcn away avt lltjiii y ColhyV. Fitzsiuiinons & Evauaou are closiu^; 9}tt a |<ot of Suspender* ut halt price. Mrs. Searlea will open this week a large stock of Ladles' and Children's Cloaks. H. If. Nichols will sell yot) one pound of choice Japan Tea foY 50 cents and make you a present ot a nicely decorated cup and saucer. A pure, .strengthening ' tonic, free from whiskey ami alcohol, cures dys pepsia andsiiuilar diseases. It has never been eqnalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale by L. H. Hartinan, RldgeQeld. 111. II. H. Nichols keeiis Oat Meal Crack' srs. Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers. Star Wafer Crackers, Frosted Creams and Ginger Snaps, al ways fresh and the best grade that oan bo found in the market. Igii8ine«8 Notice*. fP Go to Mr*. Howe's for Millinery attd I>res#maklng. Fishing Tackle of ail kinds At If* Engeln's. tn dowels Block, seat th* new Bridge. Buckeye Force Pumps, aft X, Owen*s. v *' * Alway< KetrcahiiHfi A (•eiicious odor is imparted by Floreston (Cologne, which is always re* freshing, no matter how freely used. The 3ne»t line of Silver and Plated Ware to h# found iu the county, at O, W. Cv.'2li*s. On acebunt of its rumarkaMy del* .. ,. loate and lastl»g frsgranee, society ^ belles are lond In their pralaes of ' Floreston Cologne. J ; FOR SALE. , 40 Acres of land in Section' H. all fenced. Also 80 acres «f land, .with a; go*>d house and bam thereon, with, timber aud water In abMiidauce, in Sec tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Qoo't new house, barn and uther onthnthttnga.-* Apply to JOHN FI.U»KT. • i\ • Kid gloves, button and loop laee, tw black colors and all tints at Perry A Martiu's. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS Wanted in exchange for Furniture, «| John B. Blake's. Case, Furst & Bradley, Mnlla«,*ffap* good and other Sulky plows at K. M. Owen A Son's. IF you. want to buy Clot*hIng at Chi cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, I a Lm* siuig's Block, MeHenrv. CARRIAGE^' CARRIVOSSf CAR* Kl AGES! Any one In want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should trot fail to : call on E. M, Owen A Son aud see (lis large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to tliift oouuly and will sell them cheap, t HEAD-LIGHT OIL. v The best Kerosene Oil In toi||; d H. H. Nlehols, 175 Fire Test. - t; • I FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poet* - ^ for sale. Inquire of 1 JOH* DOliHI, FOR SALE OR RENT. A Blacksmith Shop and Tools, at Bllven's Mills, McHenry County. Illl« itols. Inquire of R. TWKKU & SON. ;;i| BL.IVKN'S MILI.S, August 16th, 1882. * We have just received onr full Steele of ctotbiug. Call and examine. J PKBRV A MARTOt.. . . %;:1 All the new shapes in Dress Buttons ^ at Perry & Martin's. An envaiuable strengthener of the nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, Is Brown's iron Bitters. The best 60 cent Tea In the county at H. H. Nichols'. Call fttr tt t-ample and be convinced, . * Farmers, yon want a light running Sulky Plow, If any, A plow that will run lighter than any walking plow on place. If so, purchase a Hapgood at E. M. Owen t Son's. Farms For Sale- Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. II. H. Nichols has the finest Show Cases of Cigars ou exhibit this side of Chicago, Drop in and smoke. A general Invitation to all. City residences for sale. Apply |o Asa W, Smith, Woodstock, 111. For first-class insurance against flro and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock/III. CIDER MILL, * John W, Smith's Cider Mill Is now in running order, where apples will he made Into Cider on short notice and the best of satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN W. SMITH. Go to H. H. Nichols' for your to bacco. HE keeps the largest and finest 8lock in the county. 1 Call and over look the fine lot Carriages at E. SI. Owen A Son's of AT A BARGAIN. ' We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less tliau cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be sold to inakje room for Fall stock soon to be oh. I'KKKV * MAttTIN, MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a tew chaitxr jarling Bucks for,s*le at his farm, 1| inilessoutheast of Spring Grove. Mc2 Henry County, III. They are the finest lot of .Merino Bucks in the County, Post office address, BJiviu's Mills, 141. * AARON UQIMAII, JulyVnU. ' Jobs and Bargains in every depart ment at Perry & Martin's. Sash and fancv ribbons in Watered and Brocade at Uerrv Martin's, Corajene Corsets to be had only at Perry A Martin's. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out ou man and horse, at, K. M* Oweu A Son's. V' , NOTICE. I am in the mil) again, am) am pre pared to gried wheat or feed on short it<>tice. Give me a UhMtYU^VilKllT. Sprioj Orove, ill,,'Sept, a, la«i - ^ You will always Hud good fresh Oysters at H. H. N idiots'. An effective medicine for kidney diseases, low feve«*s and nervous PBO»* ' tratlon, and well worthy of a trial, ta Brown's Iron Bitters. A true assistant to nature in restor ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling It to resist disease, is Brown'* Ifuji BUters. " ~=i. Cook's Cider IWIII.^ Two miles Northwest of Wanconda Is now prepared with TWO PIR»T-0(,A99 PRKSSKS. to make your apples iuto Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give tne a call ami I will guarcntee eatisfactlott.iu every parties "lar, > ° M.Cook, Call at W. M. Owen A 8on's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow' that is warranted to run lighter that! a Walkiug Fiow. ^ , " blLKS. v a >" ^ «tr*.S?lab*i#& Atuerii^ljlii^ Sillui at Perry & Martiu's. KSTRAY. liroko Into my. enclosure on Angtia «tb, a raan or grayish oolored cow. Tho own^r Is requested to call, prove piop« erty, pay charges and take her away, Nunda September 21st. 1882, j, K. BEOKlil^r, A General Stampede, Never was sncli a rush made fop any drug store as |s »tow at Henry Oolhy'*, for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverv for Consnmptiou, Cougiia and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se« vere Coughs, or any affection of tho Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot tle of this great remedy Jfree by calling at above Drug Store. NEW UZUJHEBY STOBI, A t N u n d a , . MRS, G. W . COLBY wouhl respect fully inform the ladies of Nunda antl vicinity that she has opened a Milli« nerv store In the rooms over the post office and has just received a full lin# of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons. Laces, and Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, and is confident she o*n please all whq may give her a call% My goods are all new and of the latest styles to be found in the market, and as 1 buy for cabh 1 am confident that I can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than any other place in the eoiinty. Call and see my styles and learn prices, be fore you purchase. Mas. G. w. Oocav. Niimli, Sept, l*th, ISHS. ' , . The Mo Henry liriok Muunfito^ tuvin» are now rqtdy to aupply iirick in quautitie*, From Small CAR LOADS. Thoir Briok ;tr» stx oml to noae to bo found in the market, and will he sold ;»t tho lowest market price, PerBuus mteuduw to build, or those handling Brick, will do well to call and see us befoi* pwr« ehssiaw For further information* apply* to or atldvejte. • Brick Cmipiij, , McHENKY - - July itli, VSK, • «*J - '"'i.i