WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15. 1S82. Vtailroad Time Table. »»Of2TG SOUTH. Bettera T.ake f*n ssen a;cr *-M *• * Ctoaeva I.ake Express...vBrSo tsun Uke Freight * AOIVFL VORJPTT. T^ke freight. .SdW A. * n*l)«n I.»k« R*wes<....o....i. 4:fl5P. M fi#aov& Lake Pasaensrcr--.....* B. Brs*. A (rent. Wetlenrv, 111 "•« MASON TO *rllKKWT Ix*nr,K. \n. WW A. F. *n«V A. *.- Regular Communications the Snrurtinr on or ttefore the fall of tbe moon and every two week* thereafter. CHA8. C. COLBY, W. M. MoRkxwt OHAPTK* rto. 34 R. A. M --Resn- lar Convocations-held on the seeond ant! fourth Prldars m each moneh. ' SMITH SwAm.rcs, H. P. TICKETS will be ISSUED this week for a Ttianksgl vtng iWtv; to be held at i the Parker Tloitso; tn Mils tillage, on "I horsday evening, November 30tli. Music by the Janesville Lli?ht Guard Band. The danring public should bear thl* hi tlStuand look ont „ferjlie Invitations about Saturday next. IN the Infer Ocean of Wednesday we learn thatVjJojte" Howe. while en. gaged In a saloon fight in Chicago on Tuesday night last, was severely and dangerously cut *vith knife In the hands of his assailant, Howe was for merly a reel dent' of tills village, and is a sonof G. T. Howe. REMOVEDi The PLAINDKALKR Office lias been removed to the rooms in .Bishop's Block, opposite Perry <fc Martin's Store, tip stairs, where our friends can lierelifter And us, and where we Invite them to call and see us ift our new ters. ' WILL THURLWELL- has moved Into the rooms over * Mrs. Schumacher's millinery store. ; : /". . SKE the new advertisement of Perry A Martin in another column. Prints fof three cents per yard. Think of it. Sliee Alusic usually retailed from 30 to75,ct*..Sets, per copy. A tliousnn/l ^pieces to select from at O. W. Owen's, FINK new fence adorns the North and We*t h'de of the premises to be occupied by Tho$; Walsh. ^OUXD, on the streets In this-village, a small brass door key. The owner elm tiave the same b/ culling at this office. FOR want of time we are obliged to, lay over several articles 'of'in'teres which will appear next week. THK subject ot the discourse at the TT«iver«nlist Church on Sunday morn ing next will be "Heaven." ; Service* »t the usual hour. 10J o'clock. THE addition of a woodshed on the South side'of L. C. McKinstry's resi dence is one of the Improvements of the past week. TIIK U1<, L. C." will meet with ML«s Julia A. Stofy, Wednelday Nov. 22. at usual hour. Topics: Hood. Mrs Hem- ans. W«s J. B PERRY, Pre«iL iJtTLTA A.8TORT, See. f , MltS. HILL is the name of^afie.w milliner who has leased ihe store next door west of Fitzsimmons& Evanson'*. near the Dopot, and put in a full stock of Milliners' Goods. The Young People** Temperance meeting will be held ift-nhe, M. E. Cbtirch. Sunday evening; Nov. 19. The following is the programme: 1 Instrumental Music ....GraceOwen 2 Sonjt-- Cospel tlvinns 3 I*r»ver 4 Reading Minutes...,,,.. Secretary 5 select Retirlin? Frank Martin 6 Duett Sirs. Bishop and Mrs Rijrelow 7 Recitation ....Haftie Mead ft Select Reading ftffle Til ton 9 >"onit '....... Mr. J. Vasey Irt Recitation . ,,.;..».Oha8. SlaUe'r 11 Sanjr--Gospel Hymns 12 Rearllng....; Effle Tiltnn 1-1 Heading. »Rer. J. C. Bisrelow H Son*.. ...... ...Hetty Wentworth 15 .Pas^inst of the Pledges 11 Declamation,... ..Oarl Fay 17-Song--Gospel Hymns. - ON account of moving our office the PLAINDKALER is a little late this week, for which, we hope, our readers will bear with us. No one, unless they have bad'experience in that line, can appre ciate tlie trials, vexations and actual labor which one has to go through In moving, and to get through without breaking some one of*"the Command ments would be almost miraculous, and we presume we have made no excep tion to Mie rule. - If besides being late our readers notice a lack of the usual amount of original matter they will A singular story comes from HancdCkContvty: It seems tliefarmcrs liviug four or five miles back from the river have been engaged for the past week or two in tain endeavors to solve a human enigma which has b*en wan- ;lb*ring about that part of the countiy. The individual is described «s being a man ot slender bnihVand effeminate appearance, always J^ell dressed and apparently havirifif plenty of money He generally makes his appearance just ^boujjt dusk or dawn at some farm house.\^lkes signs that he desires food pays for it from his well filled wallet and dissapears in the. woods, rarely going twice In the same direction. The folks who have seen the individual think'it a woman in male attire; but whence It comes or whither it goes none seem to have yet ascertaine*M*N though many efforts have been made, to keep track of It. Another singular circumstance is that the stranger has not yet appeared twice in the same clothing, there always being a radical change in cut, texture and color of gar ments on each visit, and he !is6 hot been known to speak a word. The community is considerably excited over the eccenftlc actions of this individual, and there are many predictions that a well developed sensation will grow out of it. #^-The question £beiiig, asked this earlv is, "Which of tlie two will the Democrats select for their Presiden tial candidate for 1884, Cleveland or Butler?" It seems to be a necessity that one of them be chosen, and it is hard to tell which has the greater strength, owing to the anomalous cir- cumstnncns securing their elections to Gnliewietorial places. Wouldn't it tye well to double them up? Cleveland Woodstock Department. please overlook it tills time, and siyeT*nd But Her would lie a good ticket to us credit for doinj; the best Could under the circumstances, I R BRKYER'S Comedy Company have heen playing to full houses at Riverside liali every 'nijjlit this week, ami In every Instance giy'iig unbounded satisfaction TTM oiid:iy*evening tl«ey presented the Drama »f "Dora." on Tuesday "Di vorce." and on Wednesday "Fanclion tlie Crieket." and we can truly say that they have never been surpassed by any troupe that ever visited tills place. Maggie Bryer has few equal* outside tlie big cities, wliile in almost every part site is ably supported by the bui- ance of the company. In her celebrat ed character of ••Fanclion.'* i&e ^'»s simply immense- They will stay here tlie balance of th« week and wiil pre sent. a ghod bill each evening. No lover of the play should fail to see Uieuii -bury.-- Titter Ocean. MRS. H. if. NICHOLS IS receiving a fine stock of Winter Millinery, to -wtoleU-shaJuuitM^u* «tt*»Uou ~af tt» ladies. Look out f«»r her new Hdvcr- tisement next week. E. IS busy repairing nnd putting in shape the building former-- ly occupled by the PLAIXDEAI.EK, Mid -will move in his goods early next sweek. • •. THE examination of the parties iu tlio Bolger-Kronse fracas, which w:i« to Itave come off at Woodstock to-day. Wednesday, was postponed until lite 35th lust. t.;'V JOS. M. FREUJTW has leased tlw» Meal Market of Jos. Frett. In t^iis village, for one year, and will he found there hereafter, with a supplv of rneats of .-ill kinds. Frett was obliged to change buelnes*on account of po^r health. WE learn that L. Bonslett has pur chased tho corner lot just west of tlie Parker House, and will build a fine Brick store thwe in the. Spring. Thus It will be seen that our village Is dow^ ly but surely Improving. RS. THURSTON, who ha< been very low for some months back with that dreadful disease.. consumpt'on. died a ^ the Parker House. In this village, on W^^iesday evening. Mrs. Thornton a sister of Mrs. John Flusky. THE ne^t next Sociable by tlie La dies of tlie Univerbalist Society, will tie heid at tlie residence of O. W.Owen •on Wednesday evening of next week. November 22d, A!l are cordially in- *Wed- A CAItl). itr. Editor. .1 wish in public manner to return my heartfelt thanks to He\\ Joel Wheeler and wife for tlie very beautiful and appropriate present handed me a few days since, and WiUoU. l vi'iz>* very > higltly, ms b«y good from friends for whom 1 have tlie greatest re.spcct.. May their paths through life alwivs lie as bright as thoy.are trying to make till# patlw of. otlteni, to «ny •I ueere wisli. JOHN MCOMBKTI. Mr.lHUJkr, one of the pfilars of the Baptist CjuTreh In Wiscoiwin has been censured Jny the associat^oti because of a discovery he recentlyinade. He at- tendeil a negro minstrel performance, getting into tlie ball, as he claimed, by mistake. Tlie show was so amnning that he remained to the end. and the discovery for which lie was reprimanded was that there was nothing iu tlie pro gramme offensive or Immoral. If yon have not given Henn«tt a call go in and see what lie is doing. > Buckten'Arnica Salve. . The best salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Burns. Sores. Ulcer*. Salt, Rheum, Fever Sore®. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refnitdejlr Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Col by. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are going to have a fair of Boots. Cuil on i*. V. Stevens Dr. Jeauifu$w Hajruer, of Chicago, wx> at biwQe in thin city a few days last week. - v Will Cummlus Is home from tbe West.. Suppose* the near approach of holidays brought him home; O. II. Glfmore received the larges* vote east last week in this city for any County office. Iris majority over Hastings being 133 ballots. * Thanksglvlhg party at Murphy's Hall, tills city, on Thanksgiving night. This is for the benefit and under the auspices of t^lie tiuards. Col. Avery's majority in this (Dorr township) over J,D. Short for the office of County Clerk, was 70 votes, Mr. Miort belitg a reel den tof Woodstock &t that. . Mr. J. H. Mayliam,of Csllfornla. call ed with a friend In this city one day last week. The friend and himself were the gnests of th^l family of Titos. Wliltson, Esq, * A fracas, occurred In QHinn's saloon, tills city, the other night In which a man by the name of Daniel Flaven, of Hartland, was cut with a knife quite badly. James Bolger, who It was supposed was about done for In ^Tie drunken fracas that occurred In Mcllenry some time ago Is about again antf is running one of the drays*!used In this city. Mr* B. Is our night watchman no longer. Capt. James Nish come£_t.o town pnee more, and the foot that was' so badly injured som^4 time since by a heavy timber falling upon it at the building of the Cnry bridge. Is geUiug better and with the aid of crutches he is able to get around considerable. Lester does not seem to like the way the squad sent ffot by the Captain lias "a?*hunting, the boys (fSwn. >We always understood, however, that a good sol dier obeyed orders under ai»v and all oircumstauieeftv'at least such should be the case. ° The L. H. &. Barrows property on Chemung St., next to W. B. Austin's agricultural buildings, has been pur chased bv Charles Gutli, who will make needed repairs and fit the same for a bottling factory. Mr, Gutli seems to be doing a good business in thlft line. The residence of Mrs. Harry Jewett, on East Jackson HL./ITRAT IIM been UII* gdergolng repairs, etc,, |« i»*»w ready for thf |»UItiter's brush, mid W!IH»I tlnUhed >v i 11 be a decldeil Inipi^veilKMit l« the street and luur* VuliVt'lliliUl to lt» oirupunis. . i « Will Giles, ft fftn 9t Allen (Ilies, of tiiis ctty, had Ills hnnd badly Injured recently while coupling cars. Will Is a brakemau on the linu of the N, W. Ry., running through VVoodstock, We be* lieve the injury to his hand was not serious a«»(l twit igaln. Hlchmond u»cpartment. OOKTHIBCTM) BT F. RRKKKTT. MT«W> S iniiM#^)w,' theliniy'Hertr «A medicine of real merit, prescribed by many leading plivsMaus, and uni versally recommentied hv .those xyho have us»d lc. as a true tonic is, Brown's iron Bitters. A Vexed Cler^ynmn. Air e"*ehaHge says; Those who are troubled by having their potatofs rot fa tiie cellar, will find that sortinjf tliem «ut and then scattering some air slack ed iiiue over them wiM effectually put ft stop to all decay." It is surely worth trying. jL MOKTANA wife sued for divorce %WNsanse her husband kissed the Jilred flrt. T he justice dismissed the .suit 4>n the ground that a man who had so faomely a wife was justified in kissing ^tlie servant. And if the girl was good looking we think tlie wotuau wue tniglky particular anyway. Miss C|.ARA B. OWEN starts for New TTork this week, where she intends opdnlnga Studio. While' her many friends in this section regret lier de parture, yet all are glad to know that AS an Artist she Jls. fast gaining that premioeoee that in a short trmt? will put her in the front rank of tho best in the world. DIKO.-- At Krifthton, inwa, Xnremher 4th, 1SH2, of rontresliou of th« liver, John Header- yon, .son of vii'trcw Henderson, of Nuttda, aged Hbout 40 yearsL The subject of the above not ice was an employe'of the Chicago, Burlington and Pacific Railroad Otmpauy, and was liigitly honored and respected by all who knew liint. A letter to hi* father, written by one wlwi has been associated with him for many years, in business and otherwise, says: "John Henderson was a .good, true, honest. square man, ami,we know htm as such. having been for several years, as you.j call at are aware, closely .cna.uecled with hiai. lu short he was. honored ami respected by all who knew him. and his deat-U w!i« a loss to tlm country and mankind lu general." The Tuesday before he died he wrote to Uifi fatlier that be was coming hoine for a visit, and although not feeling well, having just got oyer an attack cf q'uinzy. lie was around as usual until Satuiday morning., when he was taken with jgongestTou and before night was aeorjise. His sudden death caused tlietj Iron ltitters, slart ingtrff rumors, tint the above are the facts. His parents and little daughter have the sympathy of kll. Ev^n the patience of .lob, would 'be come exhausted-were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audi ence while they were keeping up an incessant couhging. making it impossi ble for h<ui to be heard. Yet. -how very easy can' all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's D'scov- er.v fnr Consumption, Roughs ami CohK Trial Bottles gitcn uWajr at Henry Col hy's. A M'K<;iALTY Made of tMotiiing. - A snit for Bovs 5.«.7. 8. », 10. 11. I V, 17. 18, 19.30 yearg.-old; urn! from 20 to 100. (!. V. STEVENS. CIOAKS. CKOAKS.--Call at Mrs.S, Searies". and look over her large stock of Doluians. Roman Circulars. Peiitses Ulsters, and Chlldrens Cloaks. Also (Moak Trimmings iu Plusii, Fur. Orna ments. Uuttons, etc. Mrs, Searles is prepared to'take Orders for Silk and Sat in outside garments of every de- scrinttou. Revitalizing the blood is nbsolnteh' of ! hllitv, weakness, lassitude, «Sfcc. Tlie best euricher of the bloo^tl Is Brown's r)p» As will be seen by It's car«l on tho flret page of this paper. Dr. C. E. Wil liams, Dentist.lias made arrangements to visit tliis place An the 11th and 26th of each month for the practice of his profession. When those dates occur on Saturday or Sunday he will come (lie Monday following. His next visit, therefore will be on Monday, tlie 27th Inst. He is a fir«t-class Dentist, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronage. OVERCOATS, OVERCOAT8. Best styles and lowest prices in Mc- Hen«*v or l nl.i»fe»' i^S., new ones fualfOPENED. ijd V. STEVENS. A .Oreut. Keduetion. We call the attention of our rWders to tlie advertisement of Charles A. Wood & Co., No. 17 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., who manufacture the Philadelphia Singer Sewing Machine, which they ofler for twenty dollars. TUev warrant it to be an exact dupli cate, and as good, in every respect as those manufactured by the old Singer Company, which they sell for fifty dols lars on installment's, o • forty dollar- cash. The fact that Charles A. Wood & (Jo. ofler to send their machine to be exa.nincd before beitig'PH<(! for ought to be full guarantee that they are all they claim. Ask any one who bus had pictures made at Bennett's what they think of tlie iu and then notice the reply. An envaluahle strengtliener of the nerves. niu>cies. and digestive organs, producing streij<;th and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Attention, Dairymen. Bean & Per ry ' s Natural Juno Butter" Color has no equal. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by Fitzsitnmous & Kvansou, McHenry, 111. We hear Landlord Culver Is to have another dance'b»fore long. F.dward Stockton has sold 40 acres of his farm to A. M. Petting!!!. We bear of numbers of people In this vicinity who intend to notrt West, next Spring. The election returns bate made mo*t of "we nns" feel as if we had been struck by an almighty lively streak of lightning., A traveling show will hold forth in Hlchmond next w«-ek, commencing on Monday. The performances we beliove are to be dramatic nnd musical. The Marengo Republican * reports fc'ostinafcter Adams' return from bis hunting tjlp North, recruited in health, and reporting a large score of deer and bears, . The yodnger portion of the Richmond dancing public, many of them taking lessons for the first time, have organ ised a •'club" and have already held two or three parties. The imisic is furnish^ by Messrs. Heck, Motley A Wolf. A large room In Cole Cooley & Co',s Mill' is used as A dancing hall. The rarmer's Friend- Published at South Bend. Indiana. Terms, onlv fifty cents » year. Circu lation. 33/SOO. The latest and l>est agricultural paper in th- country. Eio'ln large pages, forty-eight colnmiis. few advertNeunMits r.nd nlmost douhle the reading mailer given by tlie 81.50 and $2 agricultural papers, but we send it to von for fifty e»nts a year. Pre miums to eyerv s-.ihecriber. premium* to 2lub raisers, and 232 splendid pres ents given them in additioir. consisting of a 3470 New Birdseil Clover Iluller. complete, including re-cle.uiing attach- ineii t. which cleans the seed a* threshed; a 860 Cas.ul.iy Sulky Plow, a 865 Studebaker farm wagon; Oliver Chilled Plows. Sewing Machine. Silver ware, etc. Some of the departments of the Ihrmers Friend are "Farm Topics," "Tlie Orchard." "Live Stock," "Tlie Poultry Yard." "Home and Health,*'"Domestic Economy." "Our Young Folks." " The Puzzler," "Tl^ Story Teller." "Tlie Funny tflace." "Sundav Reading," "The Clover Leaf." "The Aplorv," "Letter Basket." "Va- rions Topics." '•Correspondence." "Hints for tlie Season," "World's Rec ord,"'etc. Practical farmers anil the best A-riters contribute to it. Ageiys make money canvassing for It. Any subscriber authorized to act as agent, send 50 cents tor a year's subscription, or write your name and those of your neighbors on a postal card for tree Sample copies, and our illustrated pre mium list. -Address, Farmers' Friend Publishing Co., South Bei»d, lud. '""DETRoifc'" IUB. I. EAT--No. i;White-...' IX--No. 8...... .34 @ .SB 6.50 .08 .74 .9* gg The thermometsr ranged--Mixed.. V.™.".'.ss from 70jto 80 most of both days. Thernjt--Best.^T air seemttd heavy and -fclr- 6 50 Friday and Saturday. Nor. 10 and 11^--Mixo<i!,';i6 should long be remembered lii this e iNbiANAPOLia 21l5° vicinity as the warmest for the "P^oi^t^Na a 2R®d--- - ever knowli 'I'll tjTLK--Iiest'.'.1. Fftlr............. Common. .. t.oo pressihg to the spirits,and provocative" 7.00 of IIHKMI perspiration. Horses '»»""» 2-75 Into town deluged with sweat as 011 a sultry day In suiitmer, and panting with the beat, } But what a change on Sun day morrtlbg! Forty-five degrees colder inside of twelve hours. Delightful climate, we liave. Who woulcKgo to Florida or--Labrador! tl *"99 II @32.00 .9# .89 .3*. <9 7.00 <£> 6.00 @ 4.50 @ aoo @ 4.00 AND HOT It* is ready for work llMitt Perry' Natural June Butter Color The strongest Color on the market., only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fitzsinimoug A Evansou, Mcllenry. 111. groceries A full line of choice always to be obtained at J . IlENKY COLBT*i* 'YOUNG MEN. We can fit you .to the nobbiest suit of clothes or ulsteretto to be found in the County. v. PKRKY & MARTIN. -- •r YOU KNOW Tbat we have the largest atock of Gloves anil Mittens in toivu. V. STEVElfii BQfTlie parish of South London Is lu a clerical hubbub, there being two church factions fn deadly hostility, the one against the ptber. The singular cause of>"?l7is%hiagonism is the "fash ionable" propensities of the curate's wife. She wearAloud colors, false hair pencils her eyebraws. and uses cosmet ics, all of which aue very offensive to the straight facejd members ol' the congregation.' An attempt was made to have the curate removed for tolerat ing such, a worldly-minded wife, and the vicar actually did* dismiss him. Tlie curate, however, appealed to the Lord Bisho p, ami that eminent func tionary sustained the curate and re buked the tiou LU jtossip. •y.'j-i'w •. Go %0 Bennett for your pictures. ^ CROCKERY TO CLOSE. To make room for other goods will self Crockery "and Glassware at cost until closed out. * C. V. STEVENS. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. . I ofler my house and lot. situated in the village of Mcllenry, foiv-^sale. There is a ffood barn, outhmi^es iwfl small fruit 011 the premise^/ Will be sold on reasonable terius^Apply to S£. ENQBLH 5 10 POUNDS. Ten (pounds O. K. good green Coffee for oi;e /dollar. C.V.STEVENS, The^ndy scientific Iron Medicine that does not "produce headache, etc., but. gives to the^sysiein all <tlie benefits of iron witii&utlUs bad effects, ls Brown's Iron Bitters. ttow to the Value of Biittf»r. Use lieau Butter Colyiv Fitzsiiuiuous 111. t Perry's Natural June Sample Bottle Free at 6' Kyansuu's, McHenry, at the Boston Store, this city, is quite siekuit thiswriting. We believe it was an tmack of bilious fever. She will be gl'eatly missed in her place of business by many friends nod patrons of the store while absetta. Capt. A. E. Bourne Is now Judge Advoca*fe of the second brigade I. N. G„ which in our opinion is just the place for a "Book soldier," and there is not a doXht but that lie will till the bill ac- ceptrfbly to all concerned, ami we be lieve tbe promotion is aenernHv ap- f roved\by our citiceus, by Co. ' Not quite * two tfilrds vote was polled in this ciiy election day, but fully up to the average off year vote. .Toe Republican ticket more than held i<s own, even our home caiwlidates on the Democratic ticket, one of whom, E„M. iiamb, is a very popular citizen and an old settler among us--failed to carry his town. V • Prof. David Swing will deliver the first lecture of the course-under the auspices of the Literary Assoc!at ion/fSP be delivered tills winter. The Subject to be "The Beautiful and, Useful." It is needless-for its to praise tlifl well known ability ot Prof. Swing as a lecturer, for lie has fewK equals in this or any other country. ^ Mrs. A. L. Salisbury, who we have heretofore spoken of in these columns as being very HI, djed-'last Saturifay night at her late this city. Mrs. S. was the-wife of A. L. Salisbury, of the firm of 1. T. & A. L. Salisbury one of our oldest and most reliable business houses. We believe the fuiier-^ al will take place, Monday, Nov. 13th. but have not learned further particulars at this writing, so that we defer writ inj£ a more extended notice until next week. Acad Udell did n<VV run behind his ticket, as was predicted, and hoped for by tlie •'i«outhworth-Gleunon Combina tion," Not only throughout tlie entire County did lie rmi ahead of the ticket, but right here lie was second on the list, receiving-102 votes more than his demo cratic competitor for the office of Sheriff. The Elmira Invalid Camp General did (eel so awful anxious for his success QU election morning. ."J*was almost heart-rending the way I10 took an. , • Whitson's folks have jnst placed in their office a very large new safe, per haps the largest ever brought to this city. We have not learned whose tnanuficture it is, but understand it Is warranted to be both fire and burglar proof. This firm Is doing an Immense business in tlie hardware trade and have ;iow nine persons engaged wait ing on customers, doing job work and setting up stoves. They ar»> certainly busy &» bees from early till late, and from all we can ascertain, are doing more business in their line than all the other institutions of the kind combiued III Ihe County. OYSTERS! 0YSTERSI E. W. BROOKS, Wauconda III., ile»ler In Oro- eeries. Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars. Tobacco, Notions &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. 1 am now pre- piiYed {to furnish Fresh Ovsters by the CAn or Dish, at all hours of the (lav or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light- edi and no pains will be spared to please all who call. I also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a Hue line of Confectionery. Give me a call. E. W. BROOKS. " 5 You frill find Cotton Bats and Prints very reasonable at Fltssitrituoiis A Kvansom',^ Standard Prints at Five "Gents per yardHt C' V. Stevens'. BETTLE UP. . Having leased my market for tbe Winter I hereby request ^11 those in debted to me to call anil settle t .e same wit bout delay. '»I trust^fhose knowing themselves owing me will not Wait for another notic but call at out#, a3 my I Any WATW U WEAR Ot T. FEED Wfn-cr"" Business NotiMfh GOHO Mrs: Howe's for Ulltfs D re ss making. _ Fishing Tackle of all kind* St H* Engelu's, in Howe's Block, neer tN ! new BriUge. ' ' ; ' ' 4, Buckeye Force ]'um|M, at X». H- * I Owen's. KolrrAlag. A delicious odor is imparted t»JT Floreston Cologne, wbiclt is always **•• tresiiiug, no mat ter how freely need. The finest line of Silver anil 1'hiisl Ware to be found in the county, at Oa W. Owen's. Society Hello*. On account of its remarkably, del*, icate and lasting fragrance, soeietj belles Are loud hi their blorestou Lulogne. FOR SALIC. 40 Acres of land in Section IS. a|tt fenced. Also SO acres of land, with ft 'good house and barn thereon. witMt timber and water iu abundance, in See* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nui da road, Good "new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. % Kid gloves, button nrid loop lace. A* black colors and all tints at Perry £ Martin's. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS Wanted>1 n exebange forFuriiltiMe, it John B. Blake^s. Case. Furst & Brauley, Mollne, good and other Sulky plows OiXpn & Son's. Tlie subscriber having purchased, an thoroughly repaircl the mill situated two ami one half miles west of Ring- wood. (formerly owned^y C. A. North- up), is now prepared to grind feed at short notice. Best grades of flour constantly on hind, and for sale at lowest possible rates. * 1 FKANK P. cooow. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as I need the money. Now this means business, and 1 want all owing me to pay up at'once. Y 3 1 MARTIN BPOKEB. Johnsbnrgh, Oct. 17th, 1881. If you wAnt Bargains In Plumes go to Mrs. SearleV. 4/' ^ IF you want to buy Clothing aK Clti* cago prices, call'on K. Lawlus, i n las* sing's Block. McHenry. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGKSI CAM* KIAGKS! Any one I11 want ol a Carriage, Bvggy »r Wagon, siioutd not fail f» caMpOn E. M. Owen &'Son and see tins large car-load just received. TtMfr finest finished lot ever come to tlm county and will sell them chvap* HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil in town H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. WORTHLESS Not so fast, my friend; If you could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and -children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering, and almost death by the use of Hop Bifter^vou would say. "Glorious and invaluable remedy.'* See auother col- umn. _____ Fltzslmmons & Evanson are closing <1 ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. Rheumatism, disordered blood, gen eral debility, and many'chronic diseases pronounced incurable, are often cured by BLOWU'S Iron Bitters. books must be settled up. . 4 Jo OS. 4. FRETT. The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading nnd falliiig nair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken thehighest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. H. n. Nichols will sell yon f pounds of Coffee for 50 cents, and make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and ,-er. Ginhsmf and Plaids, new and stylish prices f ight. Al Fitz«lmmons A Evan- sons. . i • • . ' -- ' Do not fail to examine, those susfjen- dei> now being sold at Fitr.simm'uis & Evanson#. They are "worthy your in spection, A trite assistant to nature in restor ing the system to perfect health, thus enabllne It to resist disease; Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRESSES . to make your apples into Cider on Short notice and In the best maunfcr. Give me a call and I will guarciitee satisfactlonlin every partic ular^ >' N.Cook, Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and spe the'eelebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that Is warranted to run lljcliter than a Walking Piow.l A General Stampede. ' Never was sncli a rush made for any drugstore as is now at Henry Colby's, for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discnferv for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicte^ with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Se vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat ami Lungs, can get a Trial\Bot tle of this great remedy free b*railing at above Drug Store. ~ \ Benn«tt does ijot i^pt any p|ctur< out of his rebuts (bat are (tot satirfau- tory. Clothing:. Our stock of children's boys' and men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. When in town we would He pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. G ood goods at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by which we hope to re tain the very liberaJ patronage so generously extended to us in the past." We appreciate your trade, and shall at all timesdo our utmost to please you. HENRY COLBY. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets hi all styl*£ and colors, guaranteed to fft any figui-e, -at manufacturer's prices at Perry A Martin's. ^CLOTHING! CLOTHING.* The latest -styles and lowest prices to be found l:i the county, at C. V. Stev ens'. : and^jf y«o want lofblng We Want your trade our goods tiiere will be ilothing to prevent , us from doing business to- ' iher. Our new Stock ia certainly coinplete iiutl prices always ri Call ttf,". } » " FLTZSIMXONS A EVAKCOV of sedentary habits, and others whose system needs recuperation, nerves toned, and muscles strengthened, should use Brown's Iron Bitters. Come atVfl take out a Hapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own Judge. Give it a thorough test. You all know that it will carry a BIG man and then run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow made. See onu at E. M. Owen «fe Sou's. FENCE POSTS FOR SAME. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce PoetS* for sale, inquire of • J OH X DORAJT^ " • ; FOR SALE OR KENT* A Wncksmith Shop and Tools, at Bllven's Mills, McHeury County, HII* iiols. Inquire of R. TWKRD A SOK. BLIVBN'S MILLS, Aitrnst Htth, IS8B. Our stock of drugs, chemicals «ud patent medicines was never* inore complete. Goods reliabi*- rices right. HKNRT COLBY. Anew and complete stock of Gl hams. Priuts. and Woolen Dress- this week at PKRRY & MAKtlN's- You will always find good frerit Oysters at H. H. Niehols'. " An effective medicine for kldnef" diseases, low fevei^s and nervous proe- tration, and well worthy of a trial, la jBrowu's Iron Bitters. Mrs. Searles will open this week a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. II. II. Nichols will sell yon one pound of choice Japan Tea for 50 cents and make you a present ot a nlcclv decorated cup and saucer# A pure, strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dys pepsia and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. _______ for 111. Buy the Cnsaday Sulky , Plow sale by L. H. Hartnian, Ridgetleld, H. srs. II. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack- Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers, Star Wafer Crackers, Frosted Creams and Ginger Snaps, al ways fresiyauiVthe best grade that can be found (11 the market. 'JThe best 30 cent Tea in tbe county at H. II. Nichols'. Call for a sample and be convinced. „ Farmers, you -want a light running Sulky Plow. If any. A plow that will run lighter than any walking plow dn plaee. If so„purchase a Hapgood at E. M. Owen t Son's. Farms For Sale- v Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstoek, ««• * H. II. Nichols lias tlie finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibit this side of Chicago, Drop in and smoke. A general invitation to all. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woo/lstoek,Ill. For flrst-cliiss insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. The largest awd best assortment of Gloves and Mittens iu town, at C. V. Stevens'. , Go'and see the new stock «if Shawls at C. V. Stevens'. Roctfford Yarii3 and Flannels, best goods iu the market, at Fitzsnuinons & Evansons. Cotton Bats, cheaper before, at C. V. Stevens', tJMtt e™r Go to II; H. Nichols" for yow to bacco. He keeps tlie largest autl finest stock in the county. of Call and over look the fine lot Carriages at E. M. Owen A Suu'ti FOR SALE. A good Stove, suitable for office or shop, inquire at this office. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. V. Steveus. He will save you money. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing »ut 011 man ami hurs<'^H|^^£. Al, Owen A Son's. i-| ant pre NOriOfC. I am in Ihe mi!l«ifain, am) pared to grind whear or feed ou shMfi notice, uite uae a call. UENRY DAYMBK^v SpriDjGrjve, 111., Sepl.y, 188i. Fine Shoes. ©ttrstock afKoster'sceltot^ 1 JO • 4" style and durability they cannot . be excelled; Ask to see them. ' | BKNKT OOLBY« '•'! Look over our Drive In an all wool Diagonal Ulsterette. It Is a leader PKRKY A MABTIN* Dress Goods, Dol ma us. Cloaks. Lad lea' and Gents uuderware. Overcoats, all new and stylish, prices very mode** ate at Fitzflmuions A Evanson. Gossamer circulars; and coatS- for ladies and gentlemen, and «i tull line of rubber goods alwtwa. W be kSd T " HKNRY OOLBY*%, . I' LAMPS. LAMPS. Office Lamps. Parlor Lampe, ilaagllM| Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and (be call* hraied Oscar Wilde Lamp, at £esley*f. Drug Store. \ ANOTHER BARGAIN. We have a few pairs of child's ant misses' Shoes we are closing out at halt' price. PERRY A MAKTIK, Overcoats and ulsterettes. A large line and the latest style*. You are asked to examine thenb HRMBTCOLBY*S. If you want a pair of good Boots sf Shoes, latest style, go to Perry A Mar* in's BUTTER AND EGGS; - Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Prices at U. V. Stevens'. ALB. Pailor Organ ant) / F0Ri /'A first class new! Yloiln-^-with Boxt-for sale ver^ cheap. Inquire at this office. Th«i celebrstted buffalo boot*» a full 'ine of men's and boys' ways to be had at i HKXIIY COLBY'S^ ^ NEW UILLIKEBY ̂STOSI, At Nunda. MRS. G. W. COLBY would respect* fully inform the ladies, of Nuuda and vicinity tuat she has opened a Milli* nery stove lu the rooms over tbe poa% ottice and has just received a full liasea of Hats> Bonnets, Ribbons. Laves, an<| Ladies Furnishing Goods genernllr^ of tlie latest styles, and is wufiitosi SIM c«n please all who 10ay give Iter a i-««llA My g004is are all new aud uf tli» iutesb styles to be found iu the market, »»"t as 1 buy for cash 1 atu confident that | cau sell as cheap, if not cheaper that% any other place in tbe cotuu>*. Caj| and see my styles and learn prices, bo* tore you porvbaae. • * i.rtm Sept. 12th, W88. 5; j A complete Uue ot Groceries* ^ . reduced prices, at Y- S.eveus POTA'lUfclS WANTJtD, Thousand bushels of I'otltMl wauted. delivered at Dundee,for whldb I will pay 50 cents per bushel, casli, for assorted S»H»W Flake, AAD Pe«VB Bluera p. it. W*Mrr " Du»«lM, OCL. SMU. Debiliiate<l nu<1 stifteren from wasting diseases such as e*>usnMi|^> tion, ^erotnia. kf h!fjS#)pectiuu», miii iMh greally Ueu«dti«a (ft MWbuC iron Bittern. w /