v 1 ' : i i-Vf&y? *< --• j ' \ S"-;'"^'.:.'* ,;;r ;r Vj, ;> Jf*l. 'y;w •*•*,:-4 •' -»4 'S'"4 ;l ,C'\ '.1, 'v • *< >. • . i OTBSATIONAL COtUHN » Good Goods, Established in 1865 0»Kl>t?cTCl> »Y A. |>. BALDWIK. JOHN STEfiBlt, t.4 . In thlrq psnigniph of ln9t education- jfl column rem! county |n place of Formerly of McHenry, Ohicago.Ihas returned to Vtodiawk «£»,* ? vfaj. mm D 'W : r ^ Woodstock, Illinois, largest and tnit An<1nha*|no\v 011 hand the Block of „ * ' h - -Mjvl, READY MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found inlthe County, and has every thins made of (the BEST MATERIAL. Call and sceime. Anq wish to convert them into cash at once and accordingly will ,^S9, choice line of WAUCONDA. ' W 1M f/ f ; >m» of th* nHphbnHrtjr •!1Ug«« are t trouble In their schools. ^V> are wot. Inftrmpil a* to tli« causes and hope trouble mar not be serious ^ CI. K. Mow, ajrent for Sheldon A jlfSjiO* publication*, made w « very ploaaant mil lMt week. Sheldon & Co. JNIMIFII one of the best series of read* that «re have *ei»n. - Kent week we shall hegtn the list of ' IHemWrff nfthe M. O. T. A. Being al- Wiost entirely confined to the secrct*rv?» - tto»ki»n4 mir* memory for thr Items In 1 "tMaflMi tW the different member*, our remark* wjll Ue brief and possibly In- ilbearate. -ft • ' • | . - ••• • - • : • Y'\' *' i Contrary to general expectation Mr. IMtrallan wr« defeated for the office of plate Siiperliitenrientof Public Instruo Ilea. Although the successful candi date comes with a good record as an luatnictor he is no improvement on the ftrewnt Incumbent. Mr. Strattnn made % hW of friends in his vigorous but sful canvass. 1 , , ' '• |Ooo<t Dmlcntkmtliig on the Border. [AVom the Avrtin (Tteraji) Si/ting*. . The Mexican custom-house official is capable of appreciating a joke if his •Ifentiolii Is called to it. At least, w« Infer he is amenable to liumor front wliat a gentleman, who has just return ed to Austin from Monterey, tells us. His trunk was searched at Laredo, but nothing contrabind wax discovered. al though the official was particularly careful in looking into every hole and corner of the trunk. He even explored the cavernous recesses of a pair of new loots the American traveler had In his trunk,whereupon the Gringo remarked. *Tl»er« is nothing in those boots, but tl»ore is something in the other pair." f*ke cuuom-hoiise official, after an Inef fectual hunt for the other pair, asked: ••Where are those other boots that have fat something In them 1* •"Here." said the American,"pointing to the pair of Soots lie had on, and in which there a»rtalnly was something, they being nenber elevens. As the Mexicans have T*ry small feet, the absurdity of the caused that Mexican to keep on f Milling for three whole days, THK IDEAL HULK. > ' x • v X® wonder the mule is a kicker. Wore 1 a mule. I. too would kick. I %»«W jnst exactly what kind of a mule I would be. A bay mule. One of fttiM *ad-eyed old fellows that lean , %ack on the breeching and think. With , striped legs like a zebra. And a dark- brown streafe down my back, and a teh t»>. Ami niy inants cut abort, and my foretop banged, and s f Ifad as long as a floor barrel, and I'd » worth two hundred and a half In *•»>' i»arket, and I'd wear a flat harness and no blinders, and some day when < tone man bitched me up to a dray,and piled on a ton and a half of pig iron, a «ord of wood, six barrels of lllour.and « steam-boat boiler, I would start off vtth Ic patiently and haul it steadily wntll I get to the top of the grade on tl»e new road around North Bill, and right abont there and then a falling •Mple leaf, fluttering down in a spark of gold and crimson, would scare me but to death, and the authorities * /Would have to drag the Mississippi 'f Blver six weeks to find alt of that load .and somo,Of that driver.while In three ^ iminutes after theemente I would be f. t«ninqelll.v browsing von the grassy «nWo abo«f the silver pflowlng riven That is the kind ot a h\ mule I would be,--Burlington Hnwk» Real Herit the Basis! C. L PRATT, WAUCONDA, ILLINdtd,' © . Wortld respectfully inform ?;he oiticens of WaiicoD<lti nnd unrroundjng country that he has n liTjre »nd well selected stock of Giods in hi* line, for the Fall and Winter trade, cousistimg, in part of Dry Goods* Notions, Groceries, Boots, hoes, Crockery, Glassware, Ac., Which he la bound to sell as cheap as #ood> go«Mis can be tioiijrht any where. He also kcepa u line line of Rockford Hand Made Boots ;ind shoes, to which he invites par. ticulur attention. In short, everything that can be found in a general store will tie kept, and sold as low as the lowest, and.e very thing warranted asjrep- resented. Who is fully pre the fall and winter trade, with a handsome ftssortment of Dry G oods , Die&s Flannels, Dress Novelties, Woolens, Meu tuiii b^® C4othing of every deacripfciou. , ia OveS'eoAti; Chick's Celebrated flour, IliwAYS ON" HA^b. Rockford When in want of Goods in my line yon will And It for your interest to nail and see me. C. L. PRATT. WACCOKDA, Oct. 10, 1802. And Dressmaking. I 1EBS. 0. L. PBATT, ' Has jnst returned from the city, with a full stock of Full and Winter Millinery, toadies' ftimishlne (joods, etc , to which sho invites the attention of the Ladies of Wauconda and vicinity. Dressmaking promptly attended to aiM satisfaction guaranteed. 1st, oted i FACTSi That the Phoenix, of Hartford is. tie •oted exclusively to the business of Fire In surance Snd. That, with two exceptions, the cap ital of the Phneni x is double thai of any other Company in the United tates doing a Fire, Insurance buriness exclusively. 3d, That its rates of premium ar«. and wil. continue to v*. as low as strictly choicel first class Insurance can be furnished for. 4I'M TiiiVt it pfMKmiiwt Gciitittl Agency business in tne Westernand Southern States and Territories through the means of a DefMrtnient ileadqaftrters in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a period of mora than twenty-five years to the entire satisfaction of a vast mumber of underwriters and property owners. 5th. That its manner of-adjusting and pay. in g losses haa been tested fn every great lire of the period, and found to be at all times in harmony with the principles of strict justice and libcrcititv. 8th. That It hus spent a large sum of money in organizing, carrying on and perfecting its present admirable system of commercial and rural districts, wlieroby it is enabled to offer the.advantages and facilities ot genuine in. deninity to the people of everv cit*', town, village and county 5n the United States. 7th. That its ca'pital is Two Million Dollars --its Bo insurance Reserve, one million, one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars--its Reserve for outstanding losses, one hundred and ninetv thousand dollars--its net surplus, oae million dollars and its cash assets, All Ihe latest styles in Gents' Furnishii:^ Goods, Hats, Caps, Choice Groceries, Ac., at hard-pan prices, Good, New and Stylish Gocdsraiid prices as low as the lowest, are his mottoes, Don't buy a dollar's worth of genera! merchandise, until you have called at his store, near the Depot, Mctieury, III Fancy Prices. ^ "iivit j wu uavc vaucu av uio Butter add egg's wanted at v. STETsira NEW FIRM! Have built and furnished a New Store du lthe cot*n«r Al Centerville, And stocked the same with a full line ̂ Dry Ooods ~ " ' .. -AND-^J ; READY . MADK ^ CLOTHING, And do respectfully invite an inspection of their stock by the purchasing public. We shall keep as good Goods as any other store in town, and sell as cheap as the cheapest, the quality to be tnken into consideration. Do not fail to call and inspect our stock. Butter atid eggs and alllcinaa oi iurm pi^jiqo taken in exchange at the market price. • i MAYES,®, BARTLETT. McHENRY, TLlj,,; €)ctobor 18th, 1882. TILL FLASPLS, JILL SIQES, o HAND MADE BOOTS, (Jail in and look us over. FITZS1MMONS & EVANSON. Farmers, Look Here! Do you want 'first class machinery something we buy so much oi Miat you get the benelit ol it? YVe know of nouie dealers that buy ^so much that they cluini to sell low, but you get all their prsces and then come to us und we will sell you the same goods cheaper, than , uny other deeler We have just received the finost ear of 9ARHIAOES, ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats theni.alf. Aguarantee of our own for oue year with 6aeh carriasro. " • 8.o. That the old Pliffinixof Hartford is s live institution and every way worthy the ex ceedingly liberal patronage it has received from the people in every section ofjtlie coun- tm ' " W. SMITH, Agent, 7«r Woodstock sad Yieiaity. I The Farmer's Friend- s Piibllslied at South Bend, Tmilium. Terms, only fifty cents a year. Olrcu- IkUon. 33,000. Tl»e laigest and best agricultural paper In tli* country. ' JTlffct larjje pasrpc, fortv-eiglit columns, w|vMtiseiHstit»fiiid almost double reading matter given by the 91.50 91 agrlfiiUnial papers, but we send yon for fifty cents a year. Pre »* to «very snbpcrlber. premiums 3|Mb ralMtrf. and 232 splendid pres- ytlven t lie in in addition, consisting #470 New BSrdaell Clover Hullcr,, t«, including re-clcHiilng attach-! ft, which cleans the seed a» shed; a 860 Oaladay Sulky Plow; 8» tide baker I'urm wagon; Oliver ['hilled Hews, Sewing Machine. Silver- are, etc, Some of the departments • l»f the Partner* Friend are "Karin ;^*!>pk•e1,, "The Orchnrd." "Live Stock," Ponltry Yard." "Home and ^|IIefcnh.* "Domestic Economy." "Our ?|Y<Minf Folks." "The PiiKjsler;* "The f fhtorr Teller." -The Funny Place," ^r;^«i«Hday Keadlng," "The (Jlover Leaf." f'k "Tlio Aplorv.'"-Letter Basket." "Va- * ; |rlo»i» ToplOT.1 "Correspondence." ^ V*'Hlnt* for the Season," -World** Re<v Vk«rd.M etc. Practical fanners and tlie , writers contribute to It. Agents J money canvassing for It. Any *W-#«bnerlber authorized to act as agent. « fc%.,l#nd 110 l,<"nts for a year'p subscription, •oh <|i<w write your name and tho«e of your f;}HelJthbors on a postal card for Iree 3*an»|ile copies, and our illustrated pre- Ai nri»ni lUt. Addrefs, Fanners' Friend u«}fttbll«Uiii£ Co.. South Bend, Ind* v-- FEEO~MILL riM suVcrlber having.purchased, and iroughly repaired the mill situated 'And one half miles west of King- i<formerly owned by C. A. North- mow prepared to grind feed at notice. Best grades jot flour hind, and for a*le at pocslbla rates. FKAKH f . Coooiw. PARTICULAR NOTICE. |ter*on« knowing thi^m«elTes In to fne are requested to call and • '•'Witl® the same without delay, as I -vjttteu, tlw money. Now this means ' journalnes*. and 1 want all. owing nie to> par up at onoe. •, .«- >•• • 5^S', •• f : ;V, iJohnslwrgh, Oct. 17 th, -MWJ. , i„ ' ^» lf yoa wnnt Bas^t-'nsiM Pluiues go to /: JHrs. 8«arle«*. ' u\' Farmers, you wanfr a light running tfiulky Plow. If at y. A plow that will I? run lighter thar any riw*. If so, nmcMat U. Owen A. P* #RAy Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED " r-Atf'HIS- Carriage and Wagon Factory, SHOP BLACKSMITH RICHMOND, ILL- I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine farm tor wants. I'L ATFORM SPRING, DE. MV'fittY AND FARM WAOONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES One, two and three seated, l»m to "I manufactory of 4. Y Freeport. from the eele? . B*utf * Co, '* Blaeksnnithiiiff, Painting and Repairing Done in % workmanlike manner and war* ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufacture, we select th:it l>est a-liiniod for this Bection, and upon the BEST TKUMS THAT CASH OATS PURCHASE, which nltles IIK to supply our patrons with jnst wliut they want, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery jrou may neer1 the coming season, and you will ttud the Iand most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenrv Co Remember tlmt we offer the VKHY hK.ST MACHiKKIiy at the VKRV l.OWKST PRICK that Cash can produce anywhere. . A. P. GRAY, ^ > Richmond, III, 1 ii n alklnjr p'o«v on * Pfr ^ Dissolution Notice, Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Stevens & Schnorr is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F _ Schnorr retiring. All indebtedness of the late Arm will be naiuimed bv C. V. Stevens, tc> whom aii notes and book aooounts owing tp said Arm will lie paid. O. V. STKVKVS. r..\. SOHSOltR. i McIIenry, 111., October M, 188i. T wottld herehy inform our old customers eud Ihe public generally tint T will contfnup th<> huainess at the old stand, wltn.a «r.^t of-rootis m n)v )ir>o, nn<! wilt be Irnppy to net: all who may give me a call. O.V.STEvENS. A true assistant to nature in restor ing the eyeteni to perfect health, ttina enabliiig'lt to rev let disease, U Browu't Jjv» Bitters. STORE rumps we have botit woof nn<l iron, b or a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and |or an iron pump the well known Trakem^^ au4 Buckeye. Uui' »l-> ways repair or put tftem down auy depth. . V CLOTHING! Per PaHaad Winter" A full line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. v CLOTHI A Bigger Stock tfean ever. SUITS Burrs AT Suits all prices At. AT 84.50. «5.60 Maimai^i CLOTHI UG AT WAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Dfoimah's U the ylnce to go, Ai»o a full line of Gent's Furnishing Gnods. HATS, CAPS, &Cn &c* Mrs. Maimgua, .Has received a line Stock of Fall and AVintet illineiy ^oods, unci of the latest siiy'e*. 'A nice 'lot of Ribbons and Plumes. The . ladies ot Western J.uke County are especially nviled lo call unci examine goods anil prices. *«*DRESS. MAKIXG done in tlio best styl» and at Reasouable Prices. E. M. OWEN & SON. T*«> Doore Ncrth of Perry A Martin's Where ydn will find alt grades of Purniturc, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People /bmin C t me will fiud all my, ' >resei tfobMhg and Ttepairiiig, neatly and prompty doi^l UNDERTAKING. In this Department keeep a first-classass ortment of Caskets, and tvoffins^ .and- Shrou<kr qarae furuiahed ut reasonable ratee. • or* & JSQN, •4 li'v'V..* KVAUCONDA - ILLINOIS, tht Leaders qf Lo-or Prices. ^ Never make any misrepresentations. Deal fair, square and up« right with all. Sell goods at low prices. "Will not be undersold" is their motto. Can pr*>ve the above iacts if you will call on them. Ou® stock of Dry Goods never was more complete than at present, and in Dress Goods we defy competition In style and price. Our Jiiie of Prints comprises many different patterns, and are marked way down. Gj>od Prints from four to five cents per yard. In short oqr Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots id Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, Crock-and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clpth bemade * nBV^' awe^oai^late - will © f 8 . . _ ..f ^ '.tya LOW m. THE have a fine line •Or i-W T H I S . J S E W M ̂ J P , Piovua beyond auy reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds thejbest road for you to tak hen traveling in either directionbe* ween Clicap and all tie Prinoipal Points iB lie lest Norll & Northwest Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Shit ion 6 on this road, its through trains make close connections with the traius of ail railroads at* Junction psints, H. MAIMAN. W ai*co»4»i »tuK 1US2. s * » vnri^I Mutual Life of New York . ' WHY? oldcHt Company In. the or e*- 0 xrr RENC^imn Chanaler Quin ~Wbrec8ter Spa Voile Ordw&y Clcyfon noU k >N.OR •Alrona I'AKKTOA Siou.t Crrifjf P'Jfct JJ CitM eepori WEST < : NORT AILWAX THE CHICAGO & NORTH.WKSTERN OvW an «»f its pVinclpal lines, /mis each way daily from two to four or more Arain*.. tIt,}S the only road \\ oat, North or Northwest ofChicago that u*es the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING RAILWAY, Fast ̂ apr CARS. ^ Is thef)nlv road Miat nins Pullman ^"epinfr Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has over 3,000 Miles Of Road- In tonus, amonffst others, the following Trunk Lines• Council BlulN, Colorado ,« Oallfot-nia Mae. Winona, Minnesota A Central Dakota fLlne Chicajro, St. Pr.ul A Minneapolis Line, * Milwaukee, Orcea Bay A .l.nkeSupe Waukesha, Madison Si Northein l.ine !<loux City &, Northeaatern Nebraska l.in Elgin, Rockford, Free port & l>ubu<|ue Line. Jim River Valley, Pierre & Dead wood l.ine. » Ss Canada none other Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Asrents in the United Slate Remember to ask for Tickets via this roa«, be sure they read over it, and take n J ». LAtffG. Ben'l Sup't Chicago. w.H. 8TEIHITT, Gen Pass Agt Chlcaga B- BUSS, Ag't C. A- W. R'y, MoHenry, III McHE^RY, ILL DEALER Coa! and Wood Stovasi^ r wkicU -we invito the attention of the public. Calf and |Tir 1 ^2 %Wauconda, III , Oct. loth, see 5 A.^XXM, Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades 1 BlioreIs, Forks, Com Knives, Axon, Griuclstiies Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND JIN-WARE. m- Because it is the United States with thirty.nine years perience, lteranse it U the largest Conipsnv in tht world. Assets, ^)4,70'2,l)ud, nearly doiible that of any other Company. Uecniiee it 1« the most |iopular Company, its. policy holders muober over 100,000. Recaune eviry dollar of the aliore isnmens^ sum bclonys to the ]>u/ici/ holders, and the sur. plus over'what is actually -required, is an, nnallv divided aiuon^st th'eni, which surplus nitty tie applied • 11 either of two ways: First, to pay a portion of the nnnual preniiuni, tliua inat'.'i'ially reducintc the cost, or it may In* used to purchase additional insurance. lu the latter way forty-ei.u'ht policy holders ot the venr just pa6t, holding policies, the l'acei value id" which was $133,600, were carried loo "an averasre term of 3;l years at low rat es, anil the addit ions brought the snug sum of a littler over.#.'5(10,t)00. Many of these policies hadbeea self MiNtainins tor years. lJecaiisc tlio rat (is el'every other Company are nearly eighteen ptv cent, higher thaa those of the Mutual Life. Bccause its running expenses are 'dwer .than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage ment to have averaged 14.23 during the last three years, those of the Mutual Life " 8 tlio (lilterenc.e of lirst cost of pol'oy, and manage* lnent expenses alone, are equal to 25 per cent in l'avor of the Mutual Life. liecanse it can and does afford tliecheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest ment of any Cofrinany t/i the wOrlU. As It will be imisissible for nie to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual co.it, J will say lo such that a postal card will always reach me at this place #nd on receipt of bj'uhe i will forward different plans and actual rarulUt (not estimates) whicfc are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history ol Life Insurance. This Com pa n v issues only regular I.ifJ and Euitowmentpoiicies and likeother Company! of the highest standard refuses to have any- 'tiling to do with Tontine gambling. C. 11. MOKEY, Agent, For McIIenry County and western part oft LakcOuunly. ^ IH.. *>A CABD „ >>U CHR0M08 112 ciuo^o> F r66i with the I'r.ori.K's MA<;AZINE . The most magnitlcent premium ever given, and one ot the t>est magazines published. Only eiKhty cents a year. Sample sent free on receipt ot 3-ccnt stamp, or three months on trial for 1CI cents. AUKNTS WANTKII. Send 25, cento for complete outfit, including all the chromoa. .Honey returned it not satisiied. 2* 17 A MONTH r.nd board in your own Jpl-1 (vouuty. Men or Ladies. Pleasant uueineaa, Audi tress. PEOFLE'R MAGAZINB, , Philadelphia, Pa. fhat Wonderful Book. CUIDETOSUCCESS WITH FOR BusiiiegHI AM) SOCIETY. Is soiling by tens of tfeousaads. I* »ia, tM most universallv useful book eVer puhlisne t. It lelU completely lloW TO 1)0 KV KKT THING in the best way, How to lie YourOW# LflH jiT, lldw in ho Business Correctly UB'I fucrcvfiilly, ilow io Act in Society a»<l •ifcvei'ywhere. A jjotd n.ine of varied in form* lion to ail classes for conslHut i-efereiicn. AoKXi'S WANTKI) for a!l or ipmc liino. iTo kno.v why this Ixiok of. UEAl> value uwj attractions suits better th.in anv otber. apptj for terms to H. Ii. A vUi