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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1882, p. 4

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* , *\x gv^ ' V» /\^r- '-• « >-? >•• , V "i , _ >$f < '? vv \" <-7- , . . V--T--V ' "« ' "*$/ •<.' & : '/"• - hV * .'. , *> .% * . ;• ,' ""//' v~ *> • f] • . i'v.-* 1 ^ *1' Yj*Z^-#.1* ~--'4* ^ -'it M«n ?I«»JM1W, &' • WROTBrtDAT. XOV.ti, 188#. T> 111 I.T. VAN SLYK lf_~ jj Editor. If; t9-niauil Twister sliot a boy named ,l8mlth at Niagara V.ills yesterday, and ^ "Jtliort pnt ahuhot through his own body. ^-.'Leister had bo«n reccttjly discharged from the employ of SmHlVstAtlier. aiid #ay» In extenuation of hi* crime, that " Ihe loved the 1;»d. and desired to %« al- way* with Mtn. •BT^ompWe official return* have , jnoir been received tvjr the Secretary of rf8tate from all ftm counties in the State ^ of the late election. Ther give the . following result: For Stiite Treasurer. - -Smith, Rep., 254.542; Oremlorff. Dem., J?'"! 249.067. For Superintendent of Public ;• I jInstruction. Strattan. Rep., 250,276; ;>; '* • Raab. Dem , 258.145. Smith's plurality, ^ '**,475; Raab's plurality, 2,869. ; v;v.:}., (9*J. R. '"Iiaimers yesterJay KIM a ' ':•mandamus to compel Secretary af State ' ' Myers of Mississippi to credit him with •' i'- ^ wt*1 W f*>" 'M. It. Oliamb1lMn'ln' |^f;®ln Tate County. The election com ml* s„ '1^ •liners have sent an amended return, ."V'i showing the ballots were cast for Ghal- mers. and not fnr Cham bliss. IS^The election of Hon. Charles E. Fuller to the Legislature was celebrat­ ed by the citizens of Belvldere with qnlte a demonstration. , A large dele­ gation, headed by a brass band, march- •d to his office and called him out. He responded with a neat speech, thanking them for the honor conferred upon him and assuring them that, in the future as In the past lie should do his whole duty 'to the people. Several others also spoke and a grand bonfire WAS kindled. jaway from the polls \ Aess votes than Garfield did K^Having floured the thing all out the New York Tribune arrives at the ^conclusion that only a few thousand ^Republicans in that State voted direct­ ly for Cleveland: they simply stayed Cleveland got two yearn before, and less than two thousand in excess of the vote polled for Ilancoek. ;iRepiiblic*n harmony and enthusiasm ^ innst combine or the state cannot be carried, ami that is the substance of the trhole matter. ; :< . 1ST The gentlemen who have sought t® purify the party, by crushing the Sf <• #plrlt out of the rank and file should lose no time in submitting the plans • , for organizing victory, which they have ^ jMed the people to believe are secreted In easy reach. The Republicans who have defeated the Republican party Jiave the floor. The country would be glad to hear from them the best meth- •s^1 for quieting resentments and sec- -enrtnit harmortw. M»r: -^V.* havs wSr* ̂ Tied their resentQienta to the extrem* point, anr! who have sought to adjust party differences by open treason, should be able advisers on this point. Wh'le the old'fashioned party men are 1omfec1 down with sneh trouble as has »Ot come to them since 1862. let the ex- tiltant and glpesome reorgatdzers take the floor. After they have rejoiced efficiently let them explain, with a fair degree of particularity, just how .^-JjhJ! P#rty is to be made as good as we*, '-Xnter Ocean. \ \ - v K2T According to the reports coiulng In there-Is likely to be an unusal num­ ber of contested seats In the Congress lately elected.. In a large rwimber of districts the vote Is very close, and the stiecessfid members frotw these districts reach the goal .of. their ambition by a yery narrow margin, Tn many case# these are Republicans. But the Bour­ bons having a large majority in the Hon*e a»bai>p7 thonght strikes the tin- successfui I)«mocralio candidate. From Virginia alone three contests are threatened, and present Indications are that, the Jist from the whole country will he something unprecedented. If the Democratic majority remains oil Its good behavior these contests may be settled On their merits, and in most cases disposed of in short order, but. the chances are that, partisanship will get the better of discretion, and that the Bourbon will generally be seated. But in ono respect both parties are to blame for the miserable practico of so many contests. The custom which pre­ vails in Cougres* of paying all the ex­ penses of the unsuccessful party to a contest serves ^ increase the number In such ca&«*. The contestant knows that he will not. be out of pocket, ow­ ing to the liberality of this custom, even if'lie loses his case. Therefore, having everything to gain and nothing to'liose. Ti* enters upon a contest, where perhaps, if lie had to bear the burden of his,own expense if unsuccessful, he would not consider his chances worth the venture. It has not been very long since a defeated contestant for a seat in the House was voted a liberal allow­ ance for attorney's fees, and the fact was he as his owh attorney and pocketed the fee. It was said by those who knew him that his practice at home for five years had not yielded him as much all told as that one fee he obtain­ ed for presenting a weak case to Con­ gress. In the present Congress a contest ant. who was seated got an allowance for expenses, including attorney's fees., and then went back on the attorney, who is still unpaid. ,,, ' , _ RING WOOD- l5t»rrort PLAIXDEALEU School' wH open for the winter term on Monday. O. E. Churchill will teach at Tryon's Corners the coming winter, school to begin "to-ditv. Mr. and Mrs."W. Ladd are visiting relatives in Boston, Mass. Miss Olive Stevens arrived on Tues­ day last. fr'Am an extended visit ln 3fot;theru Wisconsin. John Dweller returned last toetek from a tour in Minnesota and Dakota. Mrs. B. A. Park, of Painesville, Ohio, is visiting Mrs. Park's parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Stevens. The people here were'g'ad to hear that Mr. Park ha«« recovered his health since his re turn to Ohio.. Miss T-ulu Stevens, of Iowa, and Miss Cherry Walton,of Lake County. Ill;, wVU ntteort octiooi at King wood the The singing school in this place is H success. 1 he class now numbers about forty, and will be considerably In­ creased at the next meeting. \Mr. Vasev has paid close attention to this subject for some time, Mid is, we be­ lieve, an able instructor. His terms are reasonable and all interested in vocal music should avail | themselves of this opportunity. J Vf aueonda Department. tor the TI.AINDK vL'.R will be recoive'r in Wuueoiuki ill K. Jt. Il»r- rison'8 I>r«g ;*U>re Hint by John UoMin£ EDITOR, PLAIKDEA^KK.--Mr. H nScey. a photographer from Chicago, hus had a tent on the vacant lot between the; Pratt HdfutQ %id the old ttothl, for' about two weeks. He is said to be a very g<v>i] artist, but the cold, rainy weather has been very unfavorable for Ills business. i! ' V Mr, Herbert' Dole, of Ivanlioei will have asiuglug.clas8 in the school house every Wednesday evening. Mr. John Ityouey-has purchased a lot of Mr. Svveuson and is expecting to build a barn upon it soon. It is the lot near Dr. Wells' residence. • Dr. MuChosney paid a visit to his Old home In Edgerton, Wis., last week, It was reported that lie had gone to see his mother, which of course would have been a very commendable thing to do, but tfie story neemed to lack the requi­ site amount of thickness with most people, and they were not-surprised OII- Thursday evening to l<» irn of the arri­ val of Dr. and Mrs. McChesr.ey. Jr. All wish the young couple ranch joy. BOOTS "#1 no longer from Dyspep*> sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,loss of Strength lack of Energy, Malarid> " Intermittent Fevers, &cu BROWN'S IRON BIS­ TERS never fails to.curpj. all these diseases. Boston, November 26,1881. BROWN CHBMICAL CO. Gentlemen :-- For years I hare been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, arid could get no relief (having tried everything which was recommend­ ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted j>y BROWN'S IRON HITTERS, I tried a bottle, with most surprising,results. Previous to taking BKOWN'S IRON BITTBRS , everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since tak­ ing BROWN'S IKON BITTERS , all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re­ sults. 1 am practically another ' person. Mrs. W. J. FLYNN,. : 30 Maverick St., E. Boston.'! BROWN'S IRON BIT?^ TERS acts like a charm • on the digestive organs^1 removing all dyspeptic? > symptoms, such as tast­ ing the food, Belching' Heat in the Stomach* Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give hfead&chg. And can shoiv you the finest line of these ijoofls ever brought to McHenry iJo^oty. Remember we buy sell /or our goods a1| H - 'V-iJlr <4 . . . 3 ' Prices, • iii£ * » i #T . i /fW H Jki ^ Goods .We shall make a specialty of DBY GOODS AND CLOTHING- tor the :«* ^ati4nd you such bargains t^at it will pay you to cotie from any part of the county to trade with us, no* matter how great the distance. We keej> a lull lino of the • ('onstantly on hand, both fine and course, for meb» women arid children. ... WrE2£T THIMT DAYS, have an immense stock of each and aire prepared to exhibit an assortment found nowhere else.ill town, . We have a verv laro-a etock of Men's and Youth's - >*'/• , * *\ D WIGHT, Woodstock, III. AND-NOW 4 Have It! THE CR1SWOLO LAKE. _ 4 IRiMTOR PLAINDy.ALER:--Th« !»«#• iSTA heigh Coring paper arjtueR that j month* are past ami we take our pen the publipliers of country papers will ln 1,and to n°te a few ii^ms for publi- •lwajrs b3 poor, becau««4 tliey have no \ cat<on. bosioesft ««n?e ^>ut insist on ^iTiug Sold by all_Dyvigaist«» yi - "Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md.. •' Sct that 'all Iron Bitters are Ru^de by » * .-'Sspwa Chemical Co.. Baltimore, and * ., • j^atvo crossed r^ci lines and traae- * ji " T mark on wrapper. ARB OF IMITATIONS ao » Season. pLn extvti heavy blue Print, inches wide at cents per yard. We have also the largest and best assorted stock of goods of all kinds that we have ever shown. We hade a goodv many Bargains tef show $©iu (Ml ancj.aee. TO THE PUBLIC. *TOHNSBURG H, ILL., Would respectfully inl'orin the public that lie has just received a full stock of Goods lor the Fall and Winter Trade, To which lie invites their especial attention. II is Stock consists 111 part ot P And are willing to make very low prices to dispose of them. pecial attention paid to Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Dolmans at popular prices. A full line of Groceries, Paints and Oils always on hand. Call and examine. FSKR7 <& M&RTHT. HENRY COLBY! IN-- Merchandise. r Volo,S<^. 1R. 1882. GKOCERIES, Katiajis, Boats and Sltaea, TINWARE, &e„ Ac.. S.4 •v#rytl»!na for nothing. It says: A merchant will not fifive away Ills *jomm<»cllties; yoti do. A minisrei will •ot marry a couple without pay; you puhlloh a notice thereof without pay. A laborer will not work half a flay Tor nothing; you will worry ami work over •n article, that benefits somebody else, forhalf a flay or <nore, and get no pay tor ll. Yo« «lifl it last week, you are «loing it a<r.tiii this week, and will be lit ft arfcain next week. You are every <l*y violating the very fundamental mien of business. The public makes - demands upon yon that they would t»«ver dream of making on nnv other biinlnePB man, and yon encourage them •o keep it up. \Vhat sensible man would go Into a store and ask the pro- prletpr to give him a dollar's worth of eoffe*^. Yet that, fame man will .saun­ ter into** your office, and demand as a right, that yon fjive him a dollar's worth of »pace i« your paper, for some matter thut only concerns liiiu. What wond«Mv then, that newspaper men are proverbially poorP Their poverty 1s ' (he theme of Jests and gibes among the -very KtuH who sponge t to in them. When newsp.tper men shall adhere as strictly as other btisiness men to the immutable laws of business, they will as well to-do and comfortable. M a class, as men are in any other kind of r JKWKIX A p«S11t!cal cyclone has recently •wept over Boone County, and it will tbortly extend into MeHenry and ijtike. It has already blown away Mr. PtelWs chance of election in bis own eounty, and It is certain to sweep on through the entire district until the |pM(t vestige of Ring Bos^Jstn ha* befn. •ntlrely ilestroyed.-^Siandard Extra, before election. f oWe have one advantage, for we can the niauhlnti, and elect David C. Cbwan and Capt. Try011.--Standard M&ztra, before election. To make sure of two Republicans, #y«ry Republican »hould vote for D*vid C, Cowan.--Standard Extra, be- election. ? > TUe electtoa of Cow*n and Tryori * be considered certain.--Standard jkctra. before election. <& iTbe independent movement in favor 'St Mr. Cowan, luteuded as a rebuke of ijis County Convention fraud, ttccom- yliehed iff pjJrppse.~ Standwdt qfter 4/eceion. l :\ . •• OFFICIAL VOT*. • , 7,6fl?i. Oowjin. 2.871, ; • ^ Fuller's majority, 4.797^ ; A full feeling after meiiK dyspepsia, ftteMU-liuni, mid general ill iieuUil ie- tkveU bjr browB'f Irou iiiiuru. Mr. Rhynders, who has worked the Murlgett farni for the past three years, U disposing of his private property as fast as possible for the purpose of mov­ ing to Iowa, where he has purchased a Hvery stable. Mr. Rhynders will carry with him the good wishes of tlie entire neighborhood. Miss Lyda Smith, of Volo/has been engaged to teazh our school this Win­ ter. Mr.%. A. Parker has rented liis farm for a tenn of five yearfrto John Wright, for the handsome of #900,per year. Mr Parker is to reside at MeHenry, we be< lteve. Miss Ettle Kittle Is to attend school this Winter. Where, we did not, learn. Thomas says that yellow dog will not bite. We take his word for it as Tom must know that dog's character bythi«time. Y-e-a-s. r •James Novel's new barn is nearly completed. Wendall, of MeHenry, did the work. ^ • • t J. C. Cox has rented his/farm for a term of years, Miss Annie Knox hes bein engaged to teach the school in the^ Frlsby dis­ trict. John Courtney," of Wauconda, has been buying bogs in thrtvicliijty. The price paid being 6 cjeTijts per pound. R. G. Smith baf^een putting in n«W vats in the factory, which were much needed. Corn husking seems to be In a back­ ward condition in this neighborhood from the amount, outstanding. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate.. BY virtue of .ni <,vi(>v >f.the County Court of McHenrv'Coil,!! y, i'.i till 'Svit;» of nil liois, made at the Xm-enilwr term thereof, A. D., IRS-i, upon the petition of the iin(ter-<iKneft, Kitartlian of <*e«. C. ̂ iavr, (jity W. Starr, . oi-it M. Stnvr, Chns. I„ Starr «JH). Kva I ' . Starr, minors, 1 will, on the 'il^t il;iy of Decent her next, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, nn't tive o'e.K.rk on the afu-monn of eaift itiiv, sell at pniilU'. vendue, oil th<> prem- i-es, the following ile<crtl 'ed real ectsite, fit- uate«i in the Town of Oovr, County of Mc- Henry ami State of Illinois, to.wit: Lot No. two hn mlreil md 'I seven ly-eiiyht, (278) of A«- lessor's ttlatof the.Town'of Dorr as made by John the Heeonicr'a ofllco of said county, on the 18th ilayfrf® Deremher lC lA. D., l8tK. Also li 'otsone, (1) two, (2) Hixt thiee, (3) in Hlock Four (4) of Asa W. smith's plat near .the «• i ty of \V.of>d.stockMn paid coitnly. said if lock four (4) liciiijr r.iimbured a s T ot one liundred and seventy MTni, on s i'1 Assessor's jdut. in f'e<-t.ion ejirhi (i) in said town of Dorr. Teitns cfisli. ASA W. SMITH, Guardian. Dated this lStir^av of Nov. A. D., i-»>2. CHRONIC DISEASES C L'llEl). Xmv nmrkeit out by. that nv<-t pojuilar book.on MtuiCAL, So<-!AT. t! 1) 1 Sl.xUAti ktCIKNCF, 1 h.'is HOME TALE ami IklmrrAi, CI M1XON SBKHK. Kcnrlv 1000 rnK"» and 200 illustration*, treating ot t!.o huniiin body in Hc a.ih a?.a disease. Ly BR, E. K. t'OOITiijCf \civ kork City} J'Lice, $1.50, . Over £00,000 of his books have (jeen wold in thi'Umtcrt States,E -fjIand, Gertnany :;i.d Australia. An EdiB- horout'U ).h\Mci.-m. rctircl nftcr fif y yc HTS practicc, writes: '• i'ovr .aj ricclrati t>, trilne, anrtcal- < <.l iUU co regenerate Mt.Uty."' A }0-;>n;*o cor.leiita table of Plain H<<me Talk, c copy of-Dr. Foote'a lfralth Monthly, ar<l a 1tM> page part piik tof " net H" of the cnnliility of n" Chronic Di casta of whatever par., scut furl! cetitn. NN. FOOTE'S II a N d- Book of llealtli Hints and Read) Receipts gives 128 p 'gpsof advice about daily habits in nil se.'iKons, nr.d t-ccipe# • lor wtg ot' Gomiv.on a 'tnt nti8-- a valuaMo refercnco book for every fnmilv. By mall, 85 C l'fs. LlBi>BAL lilSOOUSX TO A< KWT8. Murray Hill Piibllnlilng; Co., 129 East 28tU Street, Kew fork City. c G^CKEKY TO CLOSE. ; ' *fo room for other goods W% will ee 11 Crockery anu Glassware at oost until eio«ed out. C. V. STEVENS. 0OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I oiler my house and lot. situated in the village of MeHenry, for sale. Titer* is a ?ood barn, outhouses and Kmall fruit ou the precui#et>. VViH be sold ou reasonable terms. Apply to ic. P:ngkln JENTS. 10 POUNDS. Ten potmda O. K. good arr*e»i Coffee for or.e dollar. <J. V. STEVENS, « The only Buientiflc* Iron Medicine lh*t doc« nor produce beadnche. etc.. bttt i«» tin; system all the benefits of iron without-its bad effects, U Brown's liwi Bittei*. Hair to f an 1* »e B«>|^ B'.lt te-r C'olV>f. Fi iz.-immotiH Jil. !;)•« the Valiw af Bat|nv r & Ferry's* Natural .Tune Sample Bottle Free at & Evausou's, Mullenry, 8en<l a rouah sketch or a model of vour invention to WOEK'IC I:. I.I: VIO\, . Washington, 1>. and a Prelimitiary I'^xaininaticii uiji be made, without i liarcf, of nil rutted Staf.! patents of the •amc class of Inventions and yon will be advisfjd whetliei- or not a fin'cnf crta br <»!.taiiii'd. If you aro :i<lvise<l thaty<mr1nveiitio;i iqiatcntabl*, Kmf SJO, to pay fioveniujcut t'<» yf and for oravvi!ii.M required by the (iuvcrniii r.!. i lii^ in pav- •L>!e WIM-II ap;di,-att '>N Is) ma'te. A.'IM'II MIIOWH, tiwr attorn».v'< (i<. c>2.>) and t1H• finii; Government fee is pa.vat lo. An attorney n liosc fer depends ou hi:) «iicc<><w In nVn1 tiin;; a Patent vn!i not advise you that your invention i* p:»t<>iiial«!« uiilo.^ it really is, •o fur as ids bc:.t ! 1Ci-I..L!1 determine; heuce, jrou caii rely on tlm advice L'ivcn after a preliminary- jxamiiiaiioii is had. Design Patents and the ration of Labels, Trade-Marks, and Re-issues secured, f'ave-.tsi prepaiwl nnd filed. Applicatimn in Ki'j-<-te.-., AbMidoa^d, or ForlV .ic l i it.-ie. 11' v •I tuiv,- undevtaUeit to secure your own patent and lailod.askilll'ul hand-. Hnjt oi tlie case mav lead 10 8<ir<;ess. scuil me a written request addressed to the Commissioner of J'B' * "S >'i!it be re v.'nize (iroitGn E. LICMON, of A.'x-'," af'.u, V t'., it-your;.f i ,.ey ia the cane. «v- injf the title of the Invention and about the date of Alius yirir iripHe&tfon. An examhiatlou and report n-iU i-oil witM.ii Ttemem' er, thln'oHlw -as I :-!i In»ov«at:rfu1 «|H-r!i*.»i.*-i..•••' eca.. fiven f',i actual cdi<..:ti< tin.. 1), wtevi > :i. :vtn i .e '• H. P:!inriblet relating to Patent* tree upon request. GEOPtGE •.£, LEiViON, Attcr:.ey at I^aw.'and ^"'lc'«or o*" A*r-rlenn ' a:rJ * • ' nts., Fiftwith eet, V.^u.WiJX, to. C. The Hlodel Newspaper. The Inter Ocaan for I833> ttjo pivo the news without iuilulpinp in of- fenstvc scusat tonaliRin : to l>6 eonraircottH an«l agtrressive in the advocacy of well -establish- ed principles, without 'oeins narrow-ntinduil or1unfair: to cater to the tastes of all c-liases of intelligent rctiders, without pnpduriiig to th^} prejiutices of nn v; to present in tnot t at. titfttvc' fortn Hi o greatest iltsplav of niatter, wilhoiit i ' urt 'iilint; or lowerinir the standard ot ally depart niein ; to urnw in inlevest iitnl cxr.eflenee with each sui'eee<iHt^ of its erd.steijce, i# to be the model uevyspaper. Krom\i>e lirst it 11itbeen liieXiiim of the pnbliwhersol' 77i.* [tiler Onr/m to iiav<: the (ia. per reach this tiiitli standard; and in each of the ten yearn of its existence a notable step forward has been taken. As every etiau<e tn- met with encourailinj? response from the pal)- : lie. in the «<hiipe ot increased patronage, i ' . is fair to asfjtnne t hat, the effort a of the publish­ ers have boon in the right direction, and have been a nuriicia t I 'd. The Ja'cr Ocmin will remain uncompromis inftl.v Itepubiicitn, wil. maintain its present at­ titude of protecting American ic.duslries; will continue to devote special attention to trade, transport.!t ion, and econonuc. quesiions; will retain Ih.e dopartniet ts of The ('tu-tmity Shop (a current encyclopediit of curious, in- tercstinp, and valuable in forma U«jni. called out by inqttirios of subscribers); The Woman's Ktnyilom 'devoted to the progressive inove- tnents in which women are interested); The Mirm antl Home (covering topics of special in­ terest to farmer*, their* wives, and their chil­ dren); Tlie Veterinary (containing answers to (jtiestions as to the I reatnient of horses, cattle | antl 'other animals bv one of .the best veterin­ ary s nrjteons tn tin* \Vc>t); and ('oiinJicitioiix (takintr :u puzzles, enijftnaa. eonundrunis, etc), all of winch are peculiar to the paper; will pive as mttcdi space as hitherto to serial anil short fctories, original and selected sketches, and poems, and with increase! facilities for news iraUterinpr in I he shape ol' xjiecial irirrx to New York and Washington, and experienced correspondents well pltieod at home and abroad, wtll more than maintain Jta high standard for enterprise and accuracy in all departments of news The Jnl;r Uan't-n* always clogcly identified with the iiitere.sl4 of the West, has led in the work of ilevf loinnent. td' both the Northwest and the Southwest, ar.d it will continue to make prominent the characteristic features of the progress oj the newer to­ ward statehood. No paper tn ibe country has ;:h en *o niucli attention to ton move-, ini-nts. railway and canal enterprise*, race and economic problems, and other topics rt^ latino to tips prosperity of the 'older states and the iievtd'opiaeirt uf the newer sections as the hit •}• Ovi'iTi. IJec-use it is constantly enlarging tlie'lield of newspaper discussion, anil grappling tin- h(!sitatinv;iy with all.imw <i;.estions that come before the i»ople, it has increased rapidly In c.lrculation amon^ all classes of ira .<'sm«n ami farmer*. Uccattse of its. enterprise in Ic isiny xpefiutf tcO'i/raph icirrx to the frreat news centers, it has grown in i 'avor\ with all who like completeness and accuracy in dispatches. of its steadfast Republicanism and 11.« close sy at pa thy with the be.-l elements of the Republican p:ir(y, It has grown steatlily in favor with part? men. Heeattse of the high character and'wide range of its literary itntl specinl d.tparimenls, it litis become a greater tavorne m the home than any other (listinglively political paper in the country. The aim has ..een to make it the West paper for city, suburban, or country reader; the bett paper for the business man and his fami­ ly; t no heat paper for the strong partisan as well as the general reaoer; and as the circu­ lation ot the sever/1 editions has increased more rapidly the past yerr than in any previ­ ous year, ami as it is now larger than* that ot any other paper vest of N<nv York Citv, the publishers, lei-Iiir^ that thev have fair ' treas­ ure of populnr apnroval. will continue in the course marked out, making such improve­ ments as will keen the 'InU-r Ocean at the bond of the list of American journals as the model newspaper. The circulatiomis best shown by the amount of postage paid on the papers sent to actual subM>ribers, Judged by this, standard, the lulf.r Ocf<m is far ahead of all of -iis Chicago contemporaries, a* shown by the table lielow. This table gives the amount of postage paid ot* circ.u hit ion by each newspaper limited (all of Chicago) for tlm JUoul yuw mtiiiig June 30. 1*S2: „. . ' '.' . ,,; The l^ter Ofm.... . . . . . . . J W , B O O 3 n The Mnct 7.189 14 TheTim'*.... v r . ' . fi ,481 10 'The Tribune .... ft,»U4 61 The. Herald.......... 1 443 68 This statement needs no comment. It speaks for itself. The subscription price of the Inter Oeean is follows: Week'v eri 'tion, postage paid . . . . . .fl.eft pr y'r -et ii. Weei. ' .y fii ' i<>r.. n<>atage paid. 2..W j>r v'r U*.ti> edit. >*, postage , jo.oo pr y'r Rumple cooiee of the litter Ocean will be sent r wefrtttifi??" n sualiy sept iti ft Ji'irst^larfs General Store. The Highest Market Price-, »• IX CASH OR TRADE, 10a BU2IES MS im. Thankful for past favors I solicit a eontiiut- nnr.e oTthe sttme, and shall Always be glad to .meet all my old friends, anrl as many new ones as may see lit to cull. CHAS. KUHNERT. Johusburg, Oct. 17th., 1882. * RIVERSIDE BLOCK* IWIcHEWRY. IL»L - •. ' - • ̂ ' ' t y Every Department now complete with " Fall and Winter Goods. An Iuspootion of which is respeetfrUy solicited, ' ' HENRT COX.Bf "ivi : ii-f --DEALFR IN-- Wauconda N^EALEK "T itotioxs, CIGARS, TOR Whose Store can be found on the ,WTest Side, wlieae *& this tine can be found, Fresh and Pure. )\ Groc ianned Goods, ChoiceConfectionery 3u&mL W'AIiK, CUTLERY, CX?0, &c., &c. From 25 to R5 cents per nmnul. We make specialty of these goods, My «tock Is fresh-and commie to in every iiartionlar,and I will not be undersold, qivil. ty of good ft considered 1 buy none but tlio best, and purchasers will find it anolject to call and see me before purchasing. Quiclc Utiles Small Is mv motto, anil it will t |p lived up to. E- W. BROOKS. \ Wauconda, Oet. 23th, is^3. r The MeHenry Briek Manufnoituring, Porti pany ai-e now ready to supply Brick In qttan. tities FEQtf SMALL LOTS ' --TO--.' Ever broticht to MeHenry county, amonjy which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that doty competition. Call and see their oefore purehasii^. s 3 . . --V ....... BESLE^".-- Carefully Compounded. MeHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. Give nt ea Cal». t o. ml Novelty and Variety <»n • i ' . in nd inline* in Re^iotered l/eller. Money Order, Bat k Draft, or by Express, at onr riot, •.'id unround write Dip nitn e nnd address of eacti stibd-. ritH-r i-' iii l\. \ii ires* 1 ' i-J*. UN'ii.ii OOliAV, 1 - tMMW. llU Their Hrick are second to none to be found in the market, and w^ll be sold at the lowca* market price. . , , , .. . . • Persons intending t|o build, or those hand- ling brick, will do w^fll to call and see tis be- tore 1 urchiiKinc. i For further information apply to or address, tcl Maotfactnrisi ffiCHCM CciKpasy, ; 4*. , ST A TIQNER F, NE WS PAPERS, Magazines, Books, Novels* MU8IC. All Musical "Journals, Libraries, ong and Joke Itookii, l.etter Writers, (ianies. Plays, Dream Hooks, Motto Verses a ml" cards, Toys ami Toy Hooks, Inks, Mucilage, Writing Pa­ pers, Pencil*, Pens, School aud Blank Books, Mips, c.liool applies OilUrs. Oigirs, a a I AW othe articles not here mentioned, at the If not, don't fail to oall at the Wanila Drii Store and Boot ^ flaunt. 7 ^ Jearn wi# Iprioit, Bazaar, MeHenry, III ' G. J. CULVER, AUCTIONEER, Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools nnd Goods ot all kiiu s attended to 011 the most Reasonable Terms »md satisfaction guara host Office address, RICHMOND, ILL. And 1eaa*a f Iprioi^ " Wo have just completed arrange­ ments with the publishers, act that we can now furnish you all papeis and magazines, by the day, week, month or year, at the low­ est club ratesj. And when call­ ing, ask to see , those Albums marked way down to clear out stock. Al ways glad to see you whether it bo to «fet papers, Albums, Knives--marked down too,--Ala- bastine-- one pound or fifty- Carbolic Sheep Dip--much better to kill Ticks than H Tolwicco wash --or any other article in our line, or simply to shine upon us the light ot your countenance. F» B» KAR R^S.PNi

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