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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1882, p. 1

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- i , ' ^Published Everr'Wednesday. by _ " , *,irf VA> SLYKE, EDITOH AND PTFBLISHKR. iti Bishop's Blodt --OPPOSITR PERRT & MARTIN'S,-- | TBttMS OF SUBSCttlPTION. Ad ranco>....... i......Sl.50 *tf N»t T*ii t. wlthiAt'iroe Months,....../too <•' SntMBtipttofii rMelwt f"»r tliroo or six ! Months }« the sa'ni pTftriortion. ii BUSINESS CARDS, IT. T. WmW\,M.T). PHYStCTAV \VO StTltGEOV. Office over the Post OUco, onnosi'te Perry &?Martin'S Store nn st*ir«, Mcllcnry, 111. O. H. V KG Eft*. M, IV .... 1 AN \NO <4TTT{r,v,oV. J F|\S.--Office hours * to 10, k. >T. O. ,T. TTO\TART>,"U I>. fyilTRTCIXS WNO STT^GEON. Oflloe at | mv wi'l'iftCCt opposite M. K*, IfeHenry. III. v.. V. wn^T^, U. P., , PlfV^T^iTAV and <*nr2e<v«. » Office Residence, at Mcllehrv. Illinois. .T. J. MYF.Tt' Aalomi nncl Rc»tanra TN B VKMENT of KnhnerCs ^tore, lmrz'i, Til. The choicest brands of Wine- Llqnors ami Cisrurs %nd see me. alw-tvs on hand. Tall / TA. PTl \TT, Proprietor commode tions, "* " Waiiconda, HV PUATT HO ITS K. i First clns* ftf,- Goad Barn |n connection .n* TVVTMU VN BltOS GAlt Manufacturer*, McTTenrv, l 'l. Or • rlnv* solicitc<I. n OM "Mc.fTf.nvr, ji fceltcr "Rlft'-k, two doors west of Pi.aiv- >r.M.KR Office. ;« RTCM \"1» COilPTOX. TITITIOTC of the Prircni'l vftvKnfior.-- Will attend nromnflv to the collection of tebts. Volu, Lake County, 111. K. E. mcit vuiv*. HA*a coTinlf t* tract <»« Titles t.« l*h<J in M UenrvCountv, Xll"iol8. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock. HI. E. M. OWKN Pealer and Manufacturers low ami terms favora.ble. M<iTenr\, Q;ENERAT. . .jfl.R, cf>t.nv. ( ' i'i"r7tTCXT!T ^tcfTrnrV <1o;. 111. Wrefdor of \f "o-tnisli Me«-lno ItcrUi H-re and PoKnirM^ A choice lot ot V«««S jyeasecallanU examine tsefo ' 1 „G. KERNAHAN, M. D. I&COCK88OR TO DR. A. K. HA LOW IN.] "PHYSICIAN AND ftCRGEON. Office and I residenc-s on Clav St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. C.S. GREEN. Illinois. Richmond, JESSft A. BALDWIN, AWYER. Law Imsine^ in any part of thp State receives prompt attention. Office room 41, new Custom Home, Chicago Illinois. L SIDNEY D1SUROW, NOTARY PUBLIC and OonveyaBCjer, At-den. 111. DR. a E. WILLI VMS. DENTIST. "Residence* Dundee'.'•Wlli he nt Wauconda.'st Pntt? House, tbe Ittth and •JSthofeach monlli; at Parker House, Mc. Henry, the lith and 2fitli of each month. When date* occur Saturday or Stinday I make ray visits the following Monday. • ^ JOHN KLEIFGEV. HOtTS!E Painter, Grainer, Oiiic.iminer and Paner Wanser. "Residonc.e one B]nek West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom pi* and on reasonahle terms. McHENRlT HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIKTOR. C> oon lt.»aril bv the dav or week at reason-T alile rato* " The c'loiecst brands, of Wines Lwjuors and CiuaiM. G»«d <tabliiiff for lf'irani. \ flue Pi renn Hol« TaUle in conncction with the House. Give me a cili. PETKR SMITH. A. M. CHURCH, Watclmmkoi*untl Jeweler VfO. "Ki R \VT)0!,PH STREET, . (Bri*?s IN llo'isp.,) (Itucasfn, III. spnc.ial attention ir.tivin£ l'*ine w itc.lics aivl Chn>«. BS* A-Ert 11 Assortment of Goods in his line. -GEOBGE CURTIS, Ifofiso ami Sign Painter, ( i WIcMENRY, ILU- Shop Opposite Porry A Martin's. pro all Avork i>nd piwr- ricesas low aa gooilf Will attend p«' anti-e s.'itisfact'ion. work can he lioue anj r wlu-rc. FINE GRAINING A SPECIAL?* . MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish MVxeil I 'aint'of all kinds at the lowest livin* prices, and fur­ nish an artle.ljBL.far,,en:p«r»«>f' «'» 1,10 eonnnon Mixed Pivtets lieing sojd. Call and sr c mc. GEO. GURTiS> Mc.llt-nry, ApHI 14,1881. or«.»" SMTTIT. r>. (v. Promnt atton- Shoo in J. •!• bridsre, Mc- DEPOT, Tills. NEAR OnT AND slint- Mchenry, T>HYSICI AN AN D SURG RON. JT States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, ILLINOIS- ROTARY PUBLIC and Convevancer.-- IN Prosecute claims in all Rureans in Do- partment of Interior. Letters must contain stamp fur reply. Post Office, Iticlimond, III, JOSEPH N. EREUND. SALOOS AND RET AiURAXT' . old stand, opposite ltishoj>'s Bonslett's Mill. Mc [Jenr*, 111. The c. n<icest Wines, Liquors and ^ia^irs to be found in the county. _ Fresh Oysters in their sewn served up in any sliape desired or for sale by the On. V GOOII STAB LING FOR HORSES. A|(KLIONS AMESj il __ ^ mi Lake County, 111, Stock forfait. DREEDERof Tboroujchhred Poland China D Hogrs. BmdeiiKc l^ niiles south of Volo, Holtliers' De|)ariiiiciit. CONDUCTED BT DK S. F.'RENNKTT. ANTONY ENGELN, O AI.OON and Restaurant. Buck's old stand O McHcnry. III.--The eihoicest Kentnrky Whiskies,"Sour Mash, Wines, Oipfars, etc., always on hand. We buy none hut the best, and sell at Reasonable Prioes. fresh Oysters in their season. Richmond House, RICHMOND. LL. C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recentlv ^nwtha»ed the alio*e House, I have nut it in thorough repair, with new furnitiie thronjrhovt, anrt woulii respectfully invite the patronnjre ot the trav. elius puhlic and others. The tallies will al- wavs lie. provided wit h the best that eun lie procured, and polite and attentive waiters will he in readiness at all times to intend to the wants of sncst*. No pains will he npaMd to make litis :i First Class House. Lar|C« *nd ' commoiiioiis hams on the premiee*. "Free Omnibus to and front all trains. .Sample iloiHiis.on lirst Hoor. E. I4LWLUS, llerdani Tailor, ' ' I ), . ̂CEEPS Foreign aw Oomestie Cloths. WAR|S|NTS A FIT, OR ' wCJf SALE. ALSO CLOTIJINO, Men's Bo^' and C hildi-eii's sixes, of the best qual­ ity and at Ofticago prices. 1 HK„ WIG HTM AN, rropriclor. First . class lias, with or without drivers.<shed a I reasonable Jraie». Teaming ot nil kinds Hone on short notice. M. M. CLOTHIER, RICHMOND • - - ILLINOIS, MclIEXRT COUNTV. Prosecutes all claims inallhureans in the Department of the Interior. Sp,-»ci;it al tcn- tfon ifiven to diilic.uit. or rejected claims. Care.Till attention sriven to all maiters of Im­ portance omrent the restdeswe ol'Wai. H. (Viwlin, Woodstock, III. Business will ho at­ tended to hv'Mr. iViwlin in inv nlxnnc.e. I shall alwavs he l!u<ve on Sntuvdays, snd shall Ik! a t the office of.?. T. RoMm, Ks.j., Msven^t, on the first Friday In each month. ' All lette-rs of a business nntiYre rtinst contain stamp for reply. . -•%. H. CULVER, AUCTI0NHE1 Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, F:irniin<r Toole and Goods,<ft all kiiu s attended to on the mjbst" Reasonable Terms and s*ititf£*<*ti6n guaranteed. Post Office address, UUwtfOND, ILL. erman, ITOCK, ILL., IX Muzzle Loading Guns. tVads, nttrt CartrUlges.' le clman. . Rally Around the Camp Fire At Hie last meeting of Woodstock *Post 108 Grand Army of the Republic It was dei'ltlert to hold nn old time Camp Fire on Monday -evening, Dcc., llth. ln the Armory of Co. G, at which time hard tack, bacon, black coffee and sn^ar will be served. The committee were Instructed to extend ti cordial in­ vitation to all old soldiers to come for­ ward and have a general good time re­ hearsing old camp stories. Let us come and bring our wives and ftweethearts* and rekindle th« sweet memories or twenty years agrt. Let ns remember that each year Father Time Is calling many comrades from onr muster rolls. Therefore we ought to meet often and enjoy the sacred liberties we fought for. Hence we say come out and assist our Post In building up a, fraternal good fellowship throughout the county. Fraternally, - CAPT. L. D. KELLY. ~8. V. C. Chairman of Com. in?. Doable Barreled •del, 13 Shots, $25. . „evol ver, *2.50. «n!l l)o(t Pistol, rtrrel, Hreeeh Loading, !«. 'h'i is. tlon sriven lo Re fiilles' bnildins,. next Henrv, Illinois. " W. H. SANFORD, Xfiilor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Easlsute of PublicSquare, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A^ood Stock Of Fine Cloths for SwHmira al- ravson hand. Suits made to order and ft-flt warranted. Give ine a call. W. H.SANFORD. Woodstock. Ij^|. ̂ pt. l' ;" r ' . J. A. SHS^WOOtl ^UCTIONI^ EH AND APPRAISER,. Algonquin, 111. w. iVf SALESof Stock, KunniivzTuols and 6oS<W of all kinds promptly attended to. p arm tales a 301c.e ad cciaitv. Terms r ress: Aigonuuin, t i l . isonablc. Post ONLY S20 for a PHILADELPHIA SIN6IR of tiiis style. Equal to any •Singer in the market. Her mefw/wr, ire send it to b* examined, before you; , ishrliji other companies retail for $50. for it. This is the same P<» V AJl Mnrhinos wiirranted for 3 years. Send for Illustrated Cir- cu'larandTeNtimonials. Addrew CHARLES A. WOOD A CO., II S.Teath StMPhil»delphia,r^ R O U S GERMAN Manufactured by F, MARCUS, --DEALER IN- PURE WINES. LIQUO S AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic in the WQrld. Put np In aa'd t/uart llottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee, FIB ill FEED . ||||a iO qxxsXq ' Near the McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens c o n s t a n t l y on hand the I J n e < t brands of Flour and Kecd of-all kinds, whicli he^will bell at Wholesaler Retail 'at Bottom Prices. Five different livaivls of Fionr always on |>aiid :tnd Warranted as represented. Flax Seed N{e:il Always qi> Hand •WFlour dcltvcre.d anvwhero in the Cor poration. Or lors niav iw jriveu' by Bo^tttl OAr l. '-5 >x 107, Post ORU«a., «t^K ME A CU T.. L. BQ^SIETT, HiHiniry. .&L. ILLINOIS The best Brands «f tJflnnrs and Clears always 011 ilaiid. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO ACEMT FOR Franz Falk's I^ILWATJKEE •* iager Beer, Rcer in Lar?e <jr Small Koga or?B.ottios ai way s on hand cheaper t han any other, quali tv* consi'ieved. Tit is lian a world wide reputation, ano cr/od judges a^ki^wledje -it <i;uinot oe lur. :assed in the wiyi ld. .r. u .i Orders by mail promptly attended to, - JOS. WIEDEMANN. Mc Henry, III. AUK. lM.h, 1. WW JOHI^ISB URGH A. WENDELL, zmmm &m ;m Will take cont rac ts fur put t ing up Bui ld ings and gunrantpe inr work wi l l compare wi th any tnan in f lu* t f tu te . I can and wi l l do work f rom IB to *2v. per rent c l ieaper than o ther carpent^ ' s . as I have two of my boys who work wi th mc. which makes i t poss ib le for u te to do so. All Jobs In "the Carpenter line promptly attended to; Give mfe ajeall. A. WENDELL. B. RAIMTHORP, flina^wood - - litinoijf. To the poofrlo of Umjrwood and vicinity I would rospectfully suy thai I havQ opened si store near the Depot, where 1 w i 11 pnv t lie hiL'liest niaiUist value for Kair*. Iiuttei, and other pro luce, ca-ih or trude bein<r immaterial to me. I shall keep <»n hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of Ci- <rars-au<4 Tobacco, I am }?oin<r to sell at prices to dofv cf>mpotition, and thouirh 1 have met with a much more iiberal patronaarc than I hail cxpected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and *fe©ouve a larger ciulom. B. RAINTHORP, Uiyowuoo, III.. .Tunc 13^h, WJ. Breech Powder, tor sale. All kl$ds of wpoi* IXG DONE. AND A goo.l Bre Gun. warrant Wir.ehester.' Nickel I'la Self cocking \ pood Sin Single Gun, w I will under Cutis and Spo t* house in the county In Moris If you want all and see me. food gu») It W warn on to ml eve Clothes gers repaired and ,oui rrieo weir VoofUta (8u€B«»«or to J. CSfiaty) Ring^pod. e store lately ocr-upwn by nilaving refltted tilled it WKli J. W. Cristy, and class stock i-f new K MarMe_Worl[S. IIENBY MILLER, . --DEALER IN-- American aid Foreign Majjilc. Monuments, Headstones, JSTC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of. Mc Henry, III. _ Johnsburgh Attg. SOtb, 1877 THE CREAM of all BOOKS of ADVENTURE. Pioneer I A!IDj Daring: Heroes I I Deeds v The 111r111 iit<r adventures of al| the lier'o ex- ploriis and frontier lighter* xyitii Indians, outlaws and wild beasts, ovqr the whole country, from the earliest times Jo the pres. ent. Lives an<l f.imous exploits' pf Desoto, l.i 'Siilje, blandish, Boone. Kenton, Urudv, (;iioc,kett, B« wie, Houston, Carson. Custer, Citlifomi i Jot, Wiltt !5ill, lliidalo Biii, Gener- als Miles and Ciook, great Indian' Chiefs a«id selves or ot!•»:•* GOttGKOlTSLY II.LUS. TU.VTED will IiJ (ine engravings to the life. .VS.iCX i'S W,\f I L D. Low priced and beats mivijiiug to sell. ' al 'A.N L}.VttL> B.XHf pc». Sj, Mo. GROCERIES! QROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having rpmovpd his store to Colby's Brie.k Block "is now prepared tq offer tp the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES. Chimed GJoods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, $c„ ^c. « My Goods are all fresh and will be «old at the lowest living prices. _ . I also keep a full stock of Gun Material cishing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Haininocks, Und in fact evervtliing pertaining to Kisliinp aud Hunting, can be found at iny store at reasonable Prices Violins, A cord eon?, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, and all other extra § for Violilis. My stocks of TIN WARK is wpiipleti. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices tl^at defy all competition.. ^ EJjG^LN ^^otioit8,d3 Groceries,: Boot# Shoes, limits and Caps, * •: '• " Etc., I am now prepared to give We buying public as good bargains 's can lie found in any gen­ eral store, JK ' • I ito not claim to sell loiter than anybody d-e, but I do Claim to sell good lihods at liv. urices, and guarantee everything as rep : resented. My stock is NEW, FBEfH ASTD COMPLETE, And comprises ererytliliiif usuaf^ found in a % General Conn try', tore kinds of Produce taken in exchange for GIVK ME A. CALL. |t. K. DUEKS. GWOOD. Ap^. lath, ltw*-'. #• CHEAI MlkyOlS OF ACRES for sale la the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of ci rich Soil AS |bc son ever ihono on, tvltb good markets ea*i and west. for Deterlptlro anti Illustrated Boofy with $fapt>. Sent Free, Addrrtt L#NP pOUMiSSIONE^- Kansas DFy^cf inn long credit *nd ) cmj terms, in a Mild climftte, ' free from heavy snows, blight* lug fronts, and cessive rains. ANDS INKGDOTKS OF TIIR WAR Tt may not be out of place to mention on« or two incidents that occurred dur­ ing the battle of Stoim River. Cor­ poral Ed C. Hocker*mlth. of Co. Twenty-first Kentucky, acting as color- bearer on the occasion, was confronted by a rebel, wlto demanded him to "sur­ render tho*e colors;" but. Hooker, who was ad brave as he was fat, answered: "You may get me. but not this flag," aud pitched it vto the middle of the stream. Sergeant John T. Gunu, of Company E,n Twentv-flrst Kentucky, who was less an object of rebel attea* tlon at the moment, dashed into the rives and recovered the flag. Subse­ quently, while the charge was being made, a large number from various regiments rallied around those colors, aud to this promiscuous battalion Is due the honor of capturing the colors of the Twenty-sixth rebel Tennessee regiment and rolling from the field the large Parrott gun that bad been so lutai early in the action. t. A ROMANTIC MEKTIXO. During this sauguTnTM"* confllot .men of kindred blood met In imtatnl comb»t --even brothers measured| bayonets with enclt other, as on ijtjauy other ' iMtuWkftgils of wounded broi«WJ ,- wiP»on fflf« nlgiit soon after the fighting ceased, whom he kindly cared for. Col. Price himself discovered a cousin lying badly wounded on the fleld. The circumstan­ ces of the meeting were peculiar and even romantic. While he was riding over the battle-ground at night In search of the dead, dying, »i>4 wounded ot his command, he was stopped by Colonel Broadus, of the Eighth Ken­ tucky, to inquire about tije fate of Lieutenant-Colonel May, of his regi­ ment, who was missing. While tu con­ versation with hira an inquiry was niade in a feeble voice by a u»an lying near by, if that was Colonel Woodson Price, of J.exington, Kentucky. Receiv­ ing an affirmative response, the wound­ ed man informed him that he was a rebel cousin of his, Kidder Wood9on, ef Frankfort, Kentucky. The Colonel at once dismounted, and, removing the blanket front ihe face of the prostrate man, discovered by the light froin his lantern the familiar features of his relative. Coluiiel Price at once called an amluilance. aud, with the assistance of Scptt Dudley, the brave and noble hearted adjutant of the Twenty-first, yoppg Woodson was placed In the con­ veyance and gent to the hospital Colo, qel Price, In the meantime, directing Ills regimental surgeon to ttike particu­ lar care of him. But the poor fellow was mortally wounded,and, despite the careful nursing, died in a few days after the wounded were removed to Nash­ ville. This is a striking Illustration of the unnatural divisions which sundered Kentucky families during the war, and, on the other hand, of the ever-existing brotherhood between them in this $a tional struggle.--National Tfibtme, Novelty and Variety BAZAAR! STATIONERY- NEWSPAPERS, Marines, Books, Novels, MUSIC, f All Musical Journals, Libraries, 1ong and JnteltnoIvS, Letter Writers, Games, Plays, Dream Books, Motto Verses and cards, Toys and Toy Hooks, Inks, Mucilape, -Writing l*a-, pers. Pencils, Pens, School and Blank Rooks. \lips, olrid i!»;>lies, C ill trs, Ci^-irs, an I 329 othe articles not here mentioned, the Bazaar, McHenry, 111. AGENTS WAITED, And £ HuMES Home Life, How to attain Good Health, Long Life ^nd Happy Homei. How to prevent di^sc. How. when, and w lint to eat. Clothing Ae cidents. Cttre of the siclL^Marriage-its pur. pose, duties and"pleasures; Birth and care ot children --their, physical, intellectual and moral training and government. Social aud (jhsin'e^s life. " The la ivs of health. Signs and treatment of disease, ttepiesents the life work, experience a,id observations of an em. iiient physician, ar.d contains important in formation that Fathers, Mothers, Htjsbauds, Wives, Voting Men and Ladies, Dqv^ aud Girls onxhtto know. Nothing like It ever published. Sel!» at sight. Send for Circulars and terms, 1'. \v;'/.iEc;t.i:n ACu.. • • ' • 113 Adam8 St., Cliica^o, ^lj. RKSACA AFTKR KIOUTRBN T^AltS. Veteran Joe Johnston, wor.n with the rubs of war ^nd marked uu^er the bar ness of many Rqjitipil heats, ipust end bis campalgnii^ soon |i| surrender to thegriffl fellow with ti>o spy the, but tlie coves-, ^hat he built for his ftr.tyy ti^is place bl<l« fair ^tick the ueut|iry qut jn perfect forn^. When Storekftpppr Brown, who becarqo qiy guide, shut UP shop and led me a few liundred panes westward to the squthQcn end of the rebel line of worlds., 1 wa^ ^nrprisec! to see hqw well the fqytificatipms are pre- servedr. VV^ >y^»-.e near the Qostanaula river, anti ^t was our purpose to walk along the^qrks more tlian tlirpe miles to tl\e Connn?auga. At the tiiqq of the battle Johnston's army was in the el­ bow qiade by il ,e two r,vftr8» Whicli unite i\boye Remca, and Shermaq stretched ncvAM tl*e ewuntry tq the northwest. On some battle-fields it is har^to understand the positions of the opposing forces, but at tlils place tlie.. scratches upon old Mother tarth are too plain to let the visitor lose the trail. Tlie reason for the good condi­ tion of the works may be found in the peculiarity ot tlie soil, which is of yellowish slate. Bits of slate cover tlie siJcsof the tuuuad, whlcit ixu§ wai»|r liigh en an average wherever it pn»s«a through timber. A WALK ON TITS BREASTWORKS. At the point Where We struck this remarkable relic we went up a hilt, eltmblng constantly over banks of up­ turned sub-soil. Pasfing out of these remnants of nrtiUerr fortifications we followed a path that wound along tlie top of the embankment for infantry. At sl>ort int:rvnh we came upon trans­ verse sections where there wero double lines, aud down the slope we saw many rifle-pits. As it seemed to me the line was more complete even than Hancock's line which remains undisturbed along the Brock road in the Wilderness. ] was interested to learn tiiat tho plant en use the trenches as outlets for water, nor was it less curious to he U1 that the banks left by Johnston serve in tlie place of fences ii«re atid there over tlie battle-field. \ MANY 8IC.N9 OF GALLANT WORK. Along strode tfte ^uide, and alter liinv plodded the Klght-seer. Now, qn the right we saw a stretch of lowland, witli a few darkies picking cotton, and again, looking through trees far to the west, we caught sight of tlie range of hills beyond Camp oreek, on the crest 6f which had been the Federal line. Il seemed that we had walked more than three miles, never losing trace of Johnston's line, when the guide, halting significantly, said: •This is tlie place of Hooker's big fight ; lo«,k at the trees!" The trees are al­ ways the tell-tales on a battle-field. Here, where hundreds of large oaks and poplars, now fallen and half-wasted away, bore their innumerable marks, the Twentieth corps had breasted a bloody tide. Every foot of earth roundabout had been iroddeti by the quick heel of advance. The stream of *prlng water now trickling at the foot of tlie slight slope had caught red drops that belonged of right to the hearts of boys In the Adlrondacks and of fellows who still should be chopping for bread In the Northern Tier. Good Asa Churchill once sat on tho hill press­ ing his doath-wound as he sent his Biblo aud his love to his wife in Brad­ ford, In tliis Way QuVdc Brown showed me the whole llue of defense until we Came to the thick timber on the western bank •f the Counasauga, where the works end. Having seen this line and having visited several points occupied by the Union runted ^.tjufff (f- j*V with ^Wfrni)®y§ standing In the midst of rank weeds, particularly flirt patches of Egypt- Ian clover, to nifich now clung romantic interest, and a few forgotten graves In tho woods served to make tlie rest of the ramble interesting. Nor were these populous acres found at every place of combat left tin visited. The Federal dead of Resaca were moved to Mari­ etta. but the Southerner who fell re­ mains on the field. Many Goorglans, Aiabamlans, Teunessceaus and men from Mississippi rest in a cemetery near the village. Some of the graves have white headboards, while others are marked by iron plates shaped like scrolls. A marble monumeut it to bo seen In one corner of tlie enclosure, while In the oeutro Is a granite cross topped with cannon balls, phia Times. (9*There is a theory advanced by scientists thi}t if you whisper in (hp ear of sleeping m^n the im­ pression of yoqr words will be eq»\t vqyetl to his mind its by a d.reaiq. We reuei|tly experimented with this the­ ory ipid found It worked very satis­ factorily. A notptj western scant who boasted of having %iain 900 Indians watj stopping at the hQlel wftiere we reside. We entered his room and whispered in his ear: '*We are at- tae&tfd by Indians. The red devils are upop qsi Did Ijo Spring np, grab a knife Mud blindly r.qsli forward for a fray? No, he arofe from tlie bed aud crawlqd un Jpn It, There can he no doubt that the theory U correct,-rifas- toi\ Pqat. |QrThe uot)Qq tiiat the Immense transactions oq the oil exchanges In this country represent the actual trans­ fer of ciiudti petmleutq Is a mistaken •ne. It would be njore correct to say that sq many petroleum certificates chapged hands, "But W , ia' a P® trql^uq^ certificate?" be asked When a producer allows a barrel of crude, petroleum to flow Into the tanks of the Unitcc| Pipe Line Company, that company issue* a certificate to the producer, which certificate entitles the producer to the value of a barrel of pet role u in whenever the producer, or anybo/iy, sl\a|l present it fqr payment Besides these pi-oduoers^ other oil companies^ like t^e Standard, and, in fact, any cotqpauy holding large quantities qf qll stored with the pipe line companies.paM v*rtitl- catos sgfiinst it, and It is these certifi­ cates which are bought and sold at the petroleum exchanges. The sale of }0^- 000 barrels of oil at the exchange means simply that 10.000 of these cer­ tificates have changed hands--simply circulated at whatever price t#as bid by the buyers and accepted" by the sellers. The same certificates may be sold over and over many times In a day. Call and over look tlie fine lot Carriages at H. A1. Uiieu & Of KMISM ON INTKRK8T. A father, talking t« hie nireleil daughter said: ~l want «• speak you of yonr mother. It may be tb*4 you hare noticed a ca*ew«rti took i •n her face lately. Of conrse l| hatt not been breught there by any «et •# yours, still It is your dntv to rhaee It away. I want yon to get iip to-mor» row morning and get breakfast; aa4 when yaur.mother eomes an«l WgtM to express her surprise, go right up ft* her and kiss her on the month. tTse can't imagine how It will brighten op her denr face. Besides yn*t owe her • kiss or two. Awky b«ck, when yo« were a little girl, she kissed yon wlwi no one else WIH tempted by yonr ftrtf* tainted breath and swollen face. An4 througli these years of ohlhllsh son* shine and shadows she was always ready to cure by the magio of a moth* er's kiss, the little dirty, chnbby handa whenever they were lujured In thoes first skirmishes with the rough o|«| world. And then the midnight kl«a with which .she rotrted so many ba<| dreams as she leaned aboye yonr rest* less pillow, have all been on Interest these long, long year*. Of course aha Is not scf pretty and klssable as yo« are, but If you ha>l douo your share of work during the last ten yeara, the contrast would uot have been »% marked. Her face has more wrinkles than yours, far more: and yet if yo«i were sick that lam would appear more beautiful than an angers aa II hovered over yon, watching every op* poriunlty to minister to yonr comfort, and every one of those wrinkles woul«| seem to be bright wavelets of sua* shine chasing each other over the dear face. She will leave you one of these days. These burdens. If not lifted from her shoulder*, will breaR her down. Those rough hands that have done so many necessary things for yoo. will be crossed upon her lifeless breast. Those neglected Hps, that gave yen your first baby kiss, will be forever closed, and those sad, tired eyes will have opened in eternity, and then you will appreciate your mother, but ft will be too iate.l-- CenterviUe Aeeonbr, ewrTbNKU BYTIMS "tSlSSt ttian a month ago a wcSmtn^ef! about fifty years of age walked into tlie headquarters of a Georgia railroad, announced her name, and aald ahe ht4 come to make a settlement* **Wfien?" uNine years ago, yesterday,** •'Where?" u A bout fourtoen miles from Vseoo.N Aud so it proved. When the clreams stances were hunted oat it was fonn«| she was the Wife ofa dead man wb^ had been killed while walking on the track, and no one had beeu |b)e |ft identify hiuA. 'Why didn't yoaeome Iters saoaerf** Was asked. "Just beard of It the other day." sho replied. "I sjpposed the old man wan parading around somewhere, and wool4 come home when bis knees wanted nef patches." "And what damages do you ask ?** "Well, it was a long time ago, and my grief l«a% been sqftened up a greet deal; and I re con tĥ t #2̂ ̂ p|Sf tq Atlanta will be abqut rig^t.1' Settlement was made ^ ti|S spot, and she took the uext traiu for th^ (U|pital.-- Wutt Street Newt. A WOMHFKFUL HKSVItKKCTMHL 6« Tuesday afteruoon last Mrs. Wf. I,. I'ettit wife of ti|e teller of t^e F^lSt XutiQnal Bank at ftovt W^yqe. apnei^ eutly died, aud th* undertaHer tiKlt change qf the body. Arrangements wciifl ipade for tlie funeral, and watch- Sitting with the supposed corpse At ten o'clock * faint stgli was heart pqhilng from the body. The watchep Started to tiielr feet with atarm, ste|t ped to her side and foun^her eye*wide open, while in a voice that tyas scarce!) an audible whisper slierecognised th«q and asked for her husband. For i moment tlie a;teft<kiiita were speechlest with wo.qdwr at (h^s pesnrrect ion of (h| dead; then with tU« resulslon of fee) lug almost ^Bvaainieil with *Xo|lt| qieqt. The liqsbar.d caoj^e In haste, an< with joy unspe^kal^e clasped agaii his ilyi'ig w,le Uvs The doei loif was sent for, an.) was as muet astuulshed as the (%vl l\f househ*)« a,t ^hqlding liy^g what tn his tm| n^ditMl scUuoa he had d^oWed deeA tie. ^(\ the {UFftp&r r«storatM e«, and tlie jiMtleu.t «.ipkdlj(. --jfbrt Wcofn* Ome tie. I in si A frog fell Into a p»»ii«f milktn <je;-tIrtoate«^(^m^ctict,| town one nlgiit recentlj and iu the iqoruing \viv» (uund sittlqf on a roH of fresh butter. A ioe» paper say; the solq expl-^iiat lea Is the in 'rylng lo fx'^ica»e l^iins4>l(he.hadb diligent and vA»tluqe4 Strqkea of lung legs, ̂ hut ued (he lullfe into ' A Georgia pap*rt v**^ti-g th^s that a cow in his locality g*T$s ml>k i rich that the pVocrss of n^llk>ug tiirns fljd fluid into butter as fMt s(l fills Into the pail. Yes, alt |rty», •o is this: A dairyman north ot fed liis cow «>u sweet oorn atv4 beets aud gave tliem toe water t^i and at lurking time be was rei with a flue lot of ice cre^sfe -

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