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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1882, p. 8

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iDUCATIONAt COLUMN. m Ooxorcran ur s. t». BAi.ntri*. HVxt work closes tl»« fall tarm of tlie M^FTpnry pcIiooI. Tiie winter term optns JaiiifllTf &?. l§8.t." j' "Tiie Ptnd^ of Is too mtich neglected 'fti tli« country tehooK J'art of tine t ime \\*H|eh U nrt# spent on Oograplir. might f»« more profUn- li^ ppeiit,ot| I.angiias^ lesson?, ^Iift State wnnto of panteda 1^11, eomppJIiiijf the adoption of tlie town p.Vfteni of Pchools by the towns of the State, l>nt not to tuke ef. feet until March 1st. 1S85. «\ Vermont has Secretary Ranch of the Staite Board of Health complain? because ,«o little attention Is paid to the requirments in regard to t^t^itYsitlaa.... Tt Ira mat­ ter that i« important and appropria­ tion? of public money may be wltli- lieH) for non-compliance witfe |^e>r- deiv "-'T « • - • B #««eesMrwJ.«*r? feingwood. Ilinelf. £ -V '> $ - TlrtpMnf refitted tMe ̂ re latelyocottpJeAby J. W. Crlsty,**! harin* tilled tt with a $*t class stock of Dry * Goods, I Boots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc., tiik mm-k; Notion*, ^rocwifs, Tiie jjrnmmnr department of our jmldic school will liold a sociable at their school room 6n,|n.iLi)m1ay evening" Pec. '21st, 1882. 'Fhe exercises tvll' consist of a short address, rccitntioris select reading, music, etc. An ndmis- slon fee of five cents will be charged y ahd the proceeds used to ornament the sMioolfooWi All are invited. Pro- ' ^rfcmtne next week. There will be a teachers' meeting at Tftpula next Saturday "and we hope tpseeAgood attendance. J, A. Shel. ct&n of Nnnda, E. Buchanan of Wood. slock, R. E. Cutler of Harvard, W. W. Parsons ot Onrey. J. H. Burger of Ifnnda and B. R. Morse of RldgefieM vHll each present a topic and others ale expected to take part in the dis­ cussions which will follow*. The exer­ cises w!U begin st ten o'clock A. M. The tiling to be first sought, aad the filing most often neglected in our public tecliing, is the development of Abound character fn the pupils. The education that neglects or undervalues morality is worse than worthless: it ••fits" the pupil^to be a mule fact oi Tiie next thing to be ' 'sought is to ^Waken the minds of tiie pupils, to ntlmulate their thirst for kuowledge to train them in the habits of inquiry, ^fhe successful teacher is the one who makes his pupils think patiently and independently, who stirs them np to 04"l«rinal investigation. Any pnpil who Wis had this done for him lifts been •flitted" so far as his mind is concerned" Ur nny calling.--The Century. ^Teaching is not the only work of a fiacher; nor is teachingalwnysa teach- #**8 best work; ' 'but nothing short of teaching, is. or ever can be, teac)iiuga ^tbu ma:y influence'aud impress a school l»y your character and your words with­ out any Co-wOrk On hU part, Toucan- not teacli him, unless lie and ,you work togPtner to nmke his own that which would t«in cause him, to know. You may have ten scholars In your class, and influence nnd impress them * All, even while they seem listless and passive; roti can teach bnly so many of the ten as are learners, through the intelligent appropriation of tiie truth jt>u declare to them.--S. S. Times. An alligator's throat is an animated . .. §fwer. Everything which lodges in tils open mouth goes down. He is a lazy dog, and instead of hunting for ffomethiiig to eat, he lets his victims imnt for blip, That is, he lies witlf " : bis great mouth open, apparently dead, like tiie 'possum. Soon a bug crawls Into it, then a fly, then several gnats and a colony of mosquitoes. The alli­ gator doesn't close his* mouth yeU He It waiting for a whole drove of things v He does hie eating by wholesale. A little later a lizard will cool himself *v |jiider the sdiade of his upper jaw. Jfhen a lew frogs will.tiop up to catch moiqnitoes. Then more inosqui- ;4, ;^oes and gnats will light on the frogs Finally a whole village of Insects and Iwptik'S settle down for an afternoon Ulcnie. Then sill at once there is an ; Earthquake. The bjg jaw falls, the' j»llig4tor blinks piie eye^ gulps down ; pie whole menagerie, ami op#nfc. his great (rout door for moie.--Sunn# South. . - fc; Xsmn otMcmb«M «l ']ll,C.f A? r- r. 1. S.IJ,. Lincoln. 2, T. L. Morris. "8. J. A. Baldwin. 4, F. Lester. 5. Morton. 6. Win. Nickle. 7, D. W Boper. 8. James Faulkner. 9. Wm* Orifflth. 10.11, 11. "Morse. 11. J. H] Burg«;r. 12. Mrs. Coca, Dicklnsoni 18. £mma Mnnsfielil. 14. Warren Wilkie 15. E. W, W^tueler, 1C, M. J„ W ri^htt l'KESENT liCSINESS AX1> LOCATION. " l.Farm near Harvard. 2^,Farmer And dealer in Agricultural Implements Hear Nunda. 3, A^istant United btates Attoriie.y, Chicago. 4. f>. In the iiit-rcantile liu^iness at Os- l>orue, Kansas. 6; Teaching school at 111ngwood and pa6tor of the Metho* •list church at Greenwood. 7. In the loercautilit Ibusir.css at Greenwood, fi. l 'rincipal of a school iit--:--Califor­ nia. 9. Teaching at Wilmot Wis^ 10. Fariuing near Hidgefield. Ill Teaching at Xunda. 12. Teaching a select school in --Texas. 13. Teach. Ing in one of the departments of the Marengo school. 14.. Principal Of the school at Austin, 111. liVOue of the proprietors of the Riverside liouse. I am now i>rop«r«<1 to pive t!»e buyinc public as poo«l b>rfr;tlns ns can be found fn any jreti- er»l storo, t rto not etalm to sell Sower than anybody ei*e, i>Ht, 1 <io claim to sell gooti Uoods at liv. ing, and guarantee everylhing as r«p- roinnto<t. My stork ts NEW, FRE5H AND COMPLETE, And comprises everything usually found in a General Country, tore All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Oiv® ME A CAW-. B. K. DUERS. RIKGWOOD. Ang. 15kli ( 1882. FACTS. 1st. That the Phmats. of JlartCnnl Is d e voted exclusively to tbe business of Fire In­ surance. 2nd. That, with two exceptions, the cap­ ital of the Phujnix is double thai of any other Company in the Unite<l tate9 doing a Fire, Insurance business exiMusivelv. 3d. That Its rales of premium are. and wil- continuf to be, as low as strictly choicel Ar->t class Iasnranne can be furnished fi>r. 4th That It has pronecutpit the General Ajrenrv business in the Western nnd Southern States and Territories tlirougrn the means of a Department Headquarters in Cincinnati,Ohio, for a period ot' more than tweniy-tlre years to the entire satisfaction of a vast lumber of underwriters and property owners . 5th. That it* manner of adjustiiig and pay­ ing losses has been tested in every great Are of the period, and found to be at all times in harmony with tho principles of strict justice and liberality. 6th. That It has spent a large sum of money in organi/.incarrying on and perfecting its preseut admirable system of commercial and rural districts, whereby it is ensbled to offer Uie ad vantages and facilities ot genuine in­ demnity to the people of evarv city, town, village ami county 'n the United state*. 7th. That il* capital N Two Million l»ollars --its lie insurance Itcservc, one million, one hundred and eighteen lhnu«nd dollars--its Reserve lor ouiKtitinltng losses, one hundred .•mil ninety tlioimand dollars--Ms net surplus, one miiliou <lulUi> and its casli assets. Vf i u: ife' ' s? m .i*. /•l°u n<-. s.iwwfit'j!'- . >T I ^ -ft . »3i •••t fsit V - r> % , a, n- 1 '• fij '4?-*-' ! *'> ' • lij 'tl '** i .<}«! 'Vfi ' ;. "A-4 ;,#***»«&-. • 'imirl'- McHENRY • . !{ • . i»? ! U... "- ILLINOJ i Who is fwHy prepared for" the*foil - and winter trade* with a hundsome assortment of Dry Goods, Diess Flannels, Dress Novelties, Woolens, &c., Men and boys' CUothing of every description. "S" • , x ! ft'Jy.. • Bargains in .r,. h : t> v $ • w *.9 '«.* ryfM««' ipw T , ^'i^s T f t<- , f » 1 1 , > 'fx ' Alt ttie latost stylos in Gents' ^urnislnror Croo' ls," ttats, Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., at hard-pan prices, Good, New and Stylish Goods, and prices as low as the lowest, are his mottoes, Don't buy a dollar's worth of genera! merchandise, until you have called at his store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. Butter and esss wanted at Fancy Price®. t . - 'WW-01- li:-* And wish to con vert them into cash at onoe and •make prices very reasonable. Also choice line of TV ••'»'>' . * K \ ' .fy? '• '<?: . '• ' ,/t 'till *»(#^• .j[ • , t - • r .. ; o- p;r _ •« U« -rri-'jHf 7;^- ^ »"* 1 ' f TrT *i- («!>« gtif? no Kternt »*i. bUM *hnnJ* • 4 - - >td i, *>», a ,h*r'4t * s il -/(* accordingly #r Efw;:,» i fci " 1 Established 1800* ' .7^ JOHN STERBA, , Woodstoek I. i Woodstock JFormerly of McHenry, Cftiicago, has returned,t9 And^has now on hand tbe stoi k of lltlnof*, largest and bMt READY MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, ftp., to be fonnd in|tkc Oountv, and has everything made of tka BB8T MATERIAL. Call andjsee me. JOHN 8TERBA. In Latest Styles oe o: .M'•<- $ r: . *« 4-vrf . ? j. if'. O. IT. STEVBH9. te: 1T1 .1 lluve built and furnished a New Store on the collier 8*a. That the old l*b«nlxof Hartford la s live institution and every wav worthy ttie^x ceedingly liberal patronage it has received from the' people In every section of.the coun- try* . ABA W. SMITH, Agent, lot Woodstock and Vicinity. .Uj .. A» F. GRAT, ^ Always Ahead. SRBW6 ftWPAIGN . • -4AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon ry, BLACKSMITH SHOP RICHMOND. ILL. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PI,aTFORM SPRING, DE­ LIVERY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele braterl manufactory of J. W. Henry A Co., free port. BlackHinithin^ Painting and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufacture.I, we select that best ada|>tc>i for this section,and upon the BEST TERMS THAT OASIl OAK PURCHASE, which en- ables us to supply onr patrons with j nst whuti they want, and at lower prices than anv: otl^er concern northwest of Chicago. Cafl ! and. iriake examination for yonraelves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you iij;iv neef' the coining season, and yon will flii'l the best and most complete line of Kami Machinery ever before offered In McHenry Co Kemcinber that we offer the VERY IlEST MVCIIISEIIY at the VERY LOWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. t mA. P. QliAY^ * - ®H0t8 ll Rtehmon$, J&, v •' Centerville, Aud stocked the same with a full line of k Dry Goods Groceries, -AND- REABY . MADB CLOTHIN^ And do respectfully invite an inspection of their stock by the purchasing public. We shull keep as good Goods as any other store in toWn. aiid sell as cheap as the cheapest, the quality to be tuKen into consideration. Do not fail to call and inspect our stock. Butter and eg«rs audi $11 kiuds of farm produce token in exchange at ill a muJ't'O* •" McHENRY, ILL., MAYES &, BARTLETT. October 18th, 18«2. It*- 1A j BOOTS AND OOTTOV.ILAVBBU, fill SHOE! WAUCONDA. r Ihute 1 h<. In " ,n < ' 'p.-vl. f *; t» • •n v'f'n- . ' ,*r ' '{f-f- UiUli' tlall in and look us over. FITZSIMMONS OOTS. A. EVANSON. *mers, Look Here! Do you want first class machinery something we buy so much oi that you get'tlie benefit ol it? YVe know of some dealers that buy Vo much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their pisces and thcu couie to us and we wiU sell you the same goods cheaper thau We have just receiv«d tho finest car of ! "CLOTHING! For Fall and Winter a full line of piece goods of the latest style# and at the lowest liguies. ! CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES, AI L STYLES, 'That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call5,' as the finish beats them. all. A guarantee of our pwu tor oue year !u. !u[^ ;• iitw'tifj •j- S\'#» '• '{) tt i Kj Of Pumps we'hiive hAthiwot^ahdrii'i^ilFor a wood pump we ll'H; ivfiioslta, 'Fc»tnfyl!V^te^rBu^ 'liTistiwnute^e, «nd for an iion pufnp the well known Trakem and Buckeye^ Can al- Vaji6a'epaii' '«rp$it. the l^^owii ^^ • , u\* " . " '• «'*!> «>i. •; * ' E. M. OWEN & SON. ll;is received a fine Stuck of Fall and Wintei Millinery goods, and of tiie Jatost sty'e». i '• rt^i ^ "'"'e lot of UiUboiis and Pinnies. The rl.ailies <if Wesiejyi I.ake Coiiutv are especially uvited to call and examine £o6ds and prices. ; W-Miss MAKIXG donem tbe best 8#l# and at lCeui>oiiable Priceo. liift We have just received an immense Stock ior t4j|| FALL AND WINTER TRADE --«And oan 8how McHenry Cotiiity. ffoods at you the finept line of these goodfi ever brought to Remember we buy and sell for C^tsh, buy our B. Sherman, WOOD STOCK, ILL., -DEALKB IN-- ing Wclieury, Stock. 10. Fanning near WQOII- Breecb and Muzzle Shot Guns. Powder, Shot, Caps,47ads, and Ol(lri(i|ll tor sale. Fishing Tackle cheap. All kinds of Sporting ^oo^s, AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech Loading, Double Barreled Gnn. warranted Twist, *20. Wir.chester Rifle, ~iii oif-lel, 15 shots, $2SL Nickel rlated <> shot Revolver, *2.50. Self cocking Bull I)OK Pistol, »6.0®. A good Single Carrel, Bieech Loading, Single Gun, warranted, #5. I will undersell any house in the county in Guns an<( sporting Goo<ls« If you want a good gun it will war you to call and see me. I warrant eveVy gun 1 sell, Clothes YVringers repaired and new Kolls put on. Price per pair warranted, $2.50. „r , B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1882. •Hi CULVER, r I1?- Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Gioods ot iill, kiiu' s att ended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guawnteefl. Post Office address, r\ E. LAWLUS Xerdat4. Tailor, KEEP^ Foreign and Domestic Cloths, WARRANTS A FIT, ALSO ^ '*JSS:*5iM • ^ • w-v • * «. CLOTHING, Men's Boys' anJ f hildren's sizes, of the best qual- n at Chicago prices. x ('-un and will give you sucK bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of theeounty to trade with us, no matter how srreai t h e d i s t a n c e * - W e k e e p a f u l l l i n e o f t h e l € i ? SELZ CELEBRATED CUSTOM ~ni k-O &•' ^ . h hand, both fine and coarse, f^r ij|e^< MADB fc;> GOODS, en and A tme "w:̂ . WIGHT, Woodstock, 111. "ZttiSI !, TH IS . AT E "W >M A- • j. ' j. Piovus beyond any reason'ble question that the CHICAGO' & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds theibest road for youtotak hen traveling in either direction between Chic3 no anil all the Principal Foists in the West North & Northwest Ca refill I v exHtnine this Map, The principal Cities tn the West and Northwest are Stations on this roa l. Us llirwugli trains make close connections >vith the trains of all railroads at'. Junction paints, ' ftS \FL^R!ENC^cg4p A ChamUltrI Quinne«c 6paldi V Clayton iiriinera Jfjrrw Ordwa/ Clotld **£APO\-y*i ooJl Jb"a Green N.OR. Qr Priuc -W>%t«rto LKOY • .W^amairAl Dt'fm jilgODA TAXKTC.N Sioux q C^iyfojt VMtl City ilcna rreepor . 7»» QU,\ CLOTHING A Bigger Stbck than ever. " [Vr:- W >.pi • SUITS f' :>- SUITS AT J S#LT8 afl 'PI^CEA LL ;;' AT 84.50<, ; , V 85.00 ' f • " • • P" ••".'.V.V'ZH Ma imam's GLQTKIEfG' m. w «•; <U?t *. r ill AT WAUCONDA. tl --f wU Fo* *nything made to order, Maiman's is |lM pl'ice fo go, Also a full line of Gent's Furnishing .KAtft^CAPS, i- . v H. MAIMAN. • ^ 'a««iSnda|^t»i, l&>2. MiiU IIS'SUTlIfl t ' Jj>-' i wiaiifriiB Mutual Life of New Y^rk- Ktarm*TJC fea^sc-.chi.. t,\ncl CHICAG^ & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY.I TIIE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAtLWAY, Baps HENRY COLBY! L&YNCt ififln^fttpnObtoago. . »! : " 1 ! ' IN-p^T i&'S-i-I JIIKt General s Merchandise. * RIVERSIDE ttc r~i-Tf|- itrti U: BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. Evei^ Department Bow complete with t 'l. ' v Goods, An Inspection of which is rcspectfrllv solicited x > OVer.ftll of its principal lines, runs each way diiilv from two to four or more Fast detains. It w the onlv road West, North or Northwest ofCliifago that u^es the « IMPERIAL PALXCE DINING CARS. - Is the onlv road Miat runs Pullmnn ^leeplnf? Cars North or Northwest of ChicajKKlJ: It ihaB over 3,000 Miles Of Road- la forms, amonsrst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Mliil^, Ootori l'i Sc C-tlifornia rilne. Winon-i, Minnesota A Central DaKota JL1|I® sioux Citv it N'cirtIic.i-l.«'rn Nebraska l.ine. <'liicujro, St. I'r.ul & Minneajiolts Kine, F.lzin, Koc.kford, Krceport & Dulimiue l.ine, MIIwankee, Oreeu Bay A T.akeSnpe Jim ltiver Valley, Pierre & Dead wood Line. Waukesha. Madison ANorthein Line Tickets over this iwid are sold bv all Coupon Ticket .Vaents in tl*e United States ft Canada Kemeinber to ask for Tickets via this road, be sure they read over it, and take none other W. H. 8TEIHITT. Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B BUSS, Ag't C. A- W. R'y, McHenry, III JACOB STORY, • H^HKTVRY, DEALER IK Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Sliovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstues Window Glass, ? > GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. ' J l . . . stfo- STCRIf^ Because it is tbe oldest Company In lilt Uniled States with*thirty.nine years «tf «*. pcrience, leeciHisp it is (lie inrsest Company in Ml world. Assets, ^94,702,a38, nearly double thai of any other Co'r pun v. Been use if is the most popular Company. Its policy ho 1 d<rs mwm11er over 140,000. Becauae every dollar of the alxive immense sum bcliMf/s tot'i'j )<n'ir.'f hnhlerx, and the sur. ,t>lii6 ovwr'wjiat is actually veipiired, is an. nually diviiled ainoiivrst them, which surpliie may tic tipplicd m eilher of two ways: Kirst, to |>ay a portion of the animal premiuAt, thus materially reducing the cost, or it rnity !»• used lo purclias'1 additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eiirht policy holders of tiie year just past, holding policies, tho face vnliie of which was ifiy;!,54K>, were carried foi an a vera jre term of JW years at low rates, nml the additions liroutrht the snujr snin of a little over $;joo t000. Muuy uf these.j|oUeies had been 'self sustaining lor'vears: ltecause the rates ef every other Company are u«arly eighteen pi v cent, higher than those of tho Mutual Life. ) Because Its ritnning expcnMi He 'ow#» than any other. t.- » i;- Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, feliow its expenses of manage, incut to have averaged U.i.'J (iimnjr tho last three years, those of the Mutnal Life 7 8 the diflerence of lirit eo«t of pol'cy, and manage* ment expe.pses alone, uroeijual to 23per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Because it cun and does afford the cheapest, safest and most »at ii-lac.tory insurance invest ment of any (Nmuntny vi the world. As it will lie imi«>ssilile for ine to see all who are desirous of oMainin^ Life insurance at actual vast, l will say Io such that a postal card will always re«*.h me at this place anil r)i>n receipt of same 1 will forward different pl ins ami atstwil results (not estimates) wlucfc ?are certainly astonishin;; and out do anything In the history ot Life Ins urn nee. Tiiis Company issues only regular I.lfe ancS Endowment policies and likeother Coinpanyt «>f the hiirhest standaril refuses to have any­ thing to do with Tontine {fumbling. ,C. H. MOHKY, Agent, For McHenry County and western part of LakeCounty. McHKNBY, ILL. 30 CHEOMOS CTmmfog FrCCe with the 1'EOI'I.K'S MAGAZINE. The most magnificent premium ever srlven, and one of the liest maRazines published. Only ei^htv cents a year. Sample sent free on receipt of 3-cent stamp, or three mrnths on trial for 10 cents. A'JKNTS W'ANTKll. Send 2S rente •*•17 *T A MONTH r.nd lioacd. in your own oniiiy. Men or Ladiee. Pleasant 'iimue^s. Address, ."•'..(pBopuK's MAGAZINE, ,.a#f .4- Philadelphia, Pa. ?r That Wonderful Book. PUIDE TO SUCCESS Foil Busineai . , A N D '«4NL)CI£TT. , Is selllnpby tensof thonpa.ids. It Is the most universally useful l«)ol erer published m sat tells cwwuietely How TO no KVKKV > liilNt' in the bosl way, Mow lo be YourOwu L;iM-yer, How to |»o l*u>iuess Correctly and Miccesj-iiilly, How to Act in Society and everywhere* A jrolil n.ine of varied in forma ! C1;I<m'- h.<r <-oiift:'int reference. j,V", WANTKI) Isir nil or spare time j jflo know why this lunik of ItKAL value an<| 'attractions sclls liotter any other, apply lor terms to 11. B, SCAMHKLL A Qft, }|, Louis, Ui^aourl. OO,

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