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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1882, p. 1

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(». KERNAHAN, M. D. I 18CCCES90R TO DR. A. E. BAl.DWlW.f A 1 "DHYSIPIAN AND SITRGEOV. Office and JSP jl aim. M.Xd^ Jt re*idcn'-3 on Clay St., Woodstock, III, ;fcvv«vi* <«gf>TTO.;t*AVIl PUBt/TStllc*,, -r^r .'. ,,i mi. OiHce in Bishop's Block .--OPPOSTTB PI^RY & MVllTIlf'S.-- 'ftkil.+tyMqlyi'.i >•: .i ••' -f '••• ft.'i W f fKRM so* fitnwouipnoifVV •y;:^tAr^in. AI* iric.e)... -;•" if >T.»t wiH 'Tlt'ii lT'ir^a * Snb»ftriptt->n<t ><»*ei*$V fir, t'lreo/ift^ <'1nontM in the "'t-n" wW-irtlow. -,*• -*L_a_ ' . ^nths,„r....2.(K) six t /••W ^ hMfr. BUSINESS CARDS. - . . . • • ' T T . T . n w o w v . l i r . n . , HHT«TnT\y \vn Stt^i-jFOV. fliiSM nv«r Poat A-Ve, n*tv»«dte **«rTV ft Martin's -> i";«'%t«re tin stairs. MeHenrv.Ul. •> , - P. 11'. FF.fJ^RS. M, t». y.t/ • W \VD "'TTTjijVO^. jo.hjujftnirflrh. 1 Jll*.--Office hours ft to V, a. m. .-1 fir - . S:L. - .j---- , * fi. .T. TtrtTT A^ri.-M.#*!. < " -*'••' 'f\ifystfT "A^ee n t 1 iwv !'mce, opposite ' M. MeHearv. Til. my, O •*;. V. M. TV, %Sttr«5tr>T<a.,r?"on. Resident, MeMehrv, tlUnolK„,. ; -, at .T.'.T. MYR1', • t Saloon and T? rant, y «-y j^ctrxfr.VTnf Tn^nor^' e»or». ,T«hn am fit bnrirh, Til. The eVdcnst brand* of -Wlne«.- i,l«»ior«i»pd-Cigar* tilw:vy« tuin-t. P«H md nee m«. PR ,\TT r?OTT#«. T, \TT, t*f*>nrii»tor. clans «wMi<nndi.Mo»*» Good War* in conne/ W.-utconda. 111. . *$* UAHUTAN BROS.. nto %U Minnfnftnroi-s,, MeTI^r*,: 111; °r-;1o.s cnliritPil. 1 V OV1 M^nnrv. »n TCoitor "lock, Wo' doffw urost ofw IM-xin- >RAI.KK Oflice. t -- A • J 1 HTCTIA^D OOJTPTON. .sfr?K_ TT^TIOI of tho DnifnTati^er.-- Will '< ttnltil nri'n'HIv to the '•oUartJon of , ,.B lebts. Volo, LnKe Connty, 1)1. ^ ;, i,' "" 'W\~* '. 1 ' 1 "' '• 1 . T " V'- \ W R. E. UICU\TIT>9«.-* ;:fu« ' ̂ s- «V » i-T \Sa".omnlote vi.^Mct.o, yitlffi f.o ln^ T1 in M nonrvOonnty, Til--»-»*«. with "'4taonntv Olorlv, Woo IMork. TH. • • • ; . «s •. t - B. M. <j>\VK>f t, f , F\F,RAIi Oetll^r ynl /Jfinuf*i^tnrors S|^, Jprtoes low nwl tornii fuvorShlft., Mi'iW^niy, j& <• V. «. (!Ot.rtV- cfore ;R. oi^HIXiL i'••.•••;. V»OOT vvn «!TT'>K M Pro'iint atten- H tlon civon t<» lto\>'»ii iivi. J • •'• Silies' iMiil'lMi?! "uxt l,) i iver t»i i'Uo» *lB- ilenrv, Illinois. . W. H. SAN FORD,1 MercHii^t bailor, f • ^ ' . - - J " ' k In the store of G. H. Dtektuaon, Kaslsnle of j<PubltfiSq»:lVO, ' . WOODSTOCK ft ^ .^od^tockrtfVine O!«»Uiafor «*iiU.itrtr»aJ- >nvson hand, suit*-inn l<> to order and a lit < warranted. Give inc a <"!l" -:1 " • .t(, w. ii. <sAvront>i Woodstock,-HI., Sept. 27H*. j. a; m&^ooD r jypO'-TK >^> 10 KH D appkaisbE#--'": Algonquin, 111. • .• tin' J VLR*5 <>f Stock, KnvmititrT'jol-i and (Joods of all kinds promptly «tteiidc. to. lales a spcMiiltv. Tenn^ r; :Uouablc. lost afflce address: Algonquin 1 1 1 . Prompt aiteution given to proieauiou^l oajls %t ali hotlrs. " "ETKRlXAUir Illinois. C. S. GKEEX. scrituEON. Rictomond, •* ° • •- .. &>,f J«SSE A. BALUWIV, AWYVfo. business in any part of th® State receives prompt Attention, Oftl<-e room 41, new Custom House,;Chicago Illinois. ; '» r> GJ^DVEV DISB1UTW, ?• T^OTART PUBLIC! and Oonreyanner, Al- den, £11. r>' nn. o. «. 'Vii.i.t vms. . KNTT^T, flj'^r'lonoe Don li>n. Will be at T*rst; the l"th ;»nd 05th of e:fh month; ;it. I'irlier House, Henry, t,ho 11th ,niii| 2<!th of eioh month. When date* occiir Satnr'lay , or Anndiiv. I mako my visits to .Vnuronda on Monday, atja MtHenry on Tuesday, following. JOHS KMCtFG^. Piiintor, ttrainer, (SleimUi«r and roitSK Hi Paper Hangar. Iti'si l'Min; one Block West of T!iver>ide Honso. Work attended to pnnnfily and on reasonable terms. McIIENSiY HOUSE. PKTBR SMTTTT. r'ROI'RIETOR. pltHin IS.v-uM bv the ilavor week at reason- "t' j)hie rit«<"" T'i'* <• ioici*«t hrands «*f fino< l.ujno»*< -ind ni-»^r^. (;»o l ^tnijllnc Hfn'S-'s. A Hn.^ I'i.'i'nn 1 V>*t* T.nhl'e I" couuttiilwro with tlie House. «;ivem«' a •'all. «v*r??r T PKTKK <\IITlt. M. 'OHURCH, Watflhm'ii<er aud Jowclor 1^7 ltVN"l»OI.PIT STIM-'RT, (Hri**». HI. SiMVial attention Kine \v ttc.lien an I Chr,onom€ ters. \ro. jiRirln; «5|r v Knll A<nortinent Of Goods in Ills liittj, ' : ,<£KO*iciTC CURTIS ' House and Sign Painter, WIcHS-N^Y, ILL. ; S^iop OpposUo Parry & MartJu'li Will attend pr,>u\utly (o :ill wovVc and prnar- rfnfi-e Riti«ft<"tionl. - Pr'ire* 4-«' low a* yowl work^ibe done any Whcrt.' ; .A FINE CRAlNIMa A SPECIALTY ^IIXED PAINTS. I dBi^provarert to fitthish Mi sod l<«int»of all kiiwti iit, the Imycfif Ifvinc and f'«r- nisli ,'ui fu-tii'le 1'aV i-iif»e,ri(ir To flip roniuwn Mixed Paints heillg so'd. OnII and B< e ine. ! 4 : .-u.u- GEO. CURTIS. MeltenfyiAprU JJ. I>^-'. , , , in... » t.irti. I tin*--• ••--•----r TT «3i JDS. WEIDEMAM '•-.••-•v*' . "rffi . • - w - t r : 4 -A Salooa ani Xlsstaxiranti : •» nA ,j • - Nl. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, • . ILLINOIS. VJOTAKY PlTBMC ami Conievancer.- i-> Presenile rlaiins in all Itnre^UH in i>e- iuirtment of Interior. l.i*tti>rs must eon tain stiimp f.»r reyly. Post Oftico, tiiclnnond, 111, JOSEPH N. FREITXD. SA1.00X AND RKTAUItAXT Bonslett's old stand, opposite Bighop'g Mill. Mf- Heiirv, Til. Tite e joicest Wines, Liquors and Oijtnrs to be tonnd in the county. Kresh •Oyster# in their se->8i-n serve<l up in any shape desired or for sale by the On. GOOU«*ABLIXG FOR HORSES;. ? -r: •rrr AXTOX V EXGELX, SALOON Ar.d Restaurant. Ritek's old stand McJIenry, III.--The clioicest Kentucky Whiskies, ^onr >latsli, Wines^ Cigars, etc.., always on band. We buy iioue but the best, and sell at Iteasonable Prices. Fresh Oystovs in their seaman. Richmond House, c RICHMOND.CL. C. W.* CULVER, - I!5- ' Propristor. nAVTVG rerently pnrclin<ed the al>ove IIon>e,.l have put. it in thorousrh repair, with new fuvnitne tlirouffhor.t, nnn would respectfully Invite the patronise ot tin* trav- ellnar public^and others. The 1 aides will al­ ways \h> pmvliled with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters Will i»e i;i iwnliness al all times to attend to the wants of iruests. No puns will be spared to make this a First-Phil's House. Large and commodious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Ktvitnstitt first floor. "T*"! it, •' 5»r»v •*J3C V ' . f I , " ^ S \ : • i H - tj fe'- 7, •.<, ,|j typi&to,'Si -"4.V nE. WIiilTTM.VX, Proprietor. First . class vi^s, with or wilhont drivers, furnished at reasonable frnlcs. Teaming ol all kinds done on short notice. M. M. CLOTlIIEIi, aiOHMONP t - - tLLL\0(^. McIIE^RyCpiTN'tYV • : Prosccntes all claiins in all burcani in ftic department «>f the Interior. Sju-cial alien. Tlon jriven to dlflleult or rejected claims. Careful attention ziven to nll nvuters of im. porlance Office at t he residence of \V n. H. Powlin, Woo'tstock, TU. Business will lie at- ten-led to by Mr. Powlin tn rnv absence. I shall jilwn vs be there on ^-unr l iys, and shall tie ar the office of .1. T: T'.eMm, Ks.j., Mareiiffo. on The tl^st Friday irt'each nmn ih. All letters of a business nature must contain stamp fsr reply. , ~ _ -WENDELL, CaEPSHTSa A1IU _ JOIHEfi XK.VR TUB mcmnnr, DEPOT, 0NLTS20 fora PHILADELPHIA SINGES of this style. Equal to »ny iSingcr iu the market. S«- rni'tnhrr, tre send it to be rxamiwd before you pay /<ie it. This is the same style other companies retail for $o0. All Marhirics wnrranted for 3 yeara. Send fur Illustrated Cir­ cular andTtbtimunials. Addresa CHARLES A. \V00S» & 10., 17 i Tenth SL, fhikdel^Eiia, fi The best Brands of Wines. Liquors and OUrars a'AvaJ* ou llitnd. tiuad SUbitng for Horses. , ALSO AGENT FOX Franz Falk's MIMVAUKEB Lager Beer, Ueerin Lar?e or ̂ ntill Kc2s or^Rott let* «l wavsonhahil cheaiKir than any other, quali -t considered. V This UetM- lias a world wide reputation, ami ixmdjudges acknowledge it cannot uo sur. l(»#se«l iiitlie world. • , Orders by mail promptly Attended to.* JOS. WiEDEIVlAltN. K«H«nry, III. Aug. 10th. 1. Itw M S K C U S . CKRMAN ?>• m Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IX-- PURE WINES, LiaUO S AND CIGARS. Woodstock The best Tonic, in the Pint and Quart Bottle*. \ in JOH^SBURCH " \ m ' ,iYf%" i «•• ' > » hlh. f >r ?^kSi McHenry, III. r ^ "HMTVtiike ooiitrncts fur Buililiiiirs anij £ii!>r.iiit'4»«* inv work will ODiiipHt'f with itmy inan hi flic State, 1 esiH will <!«• work from l*> to'iu (tor wnt cheaiMT than otlier ea'-petiter®. as i have two of my hovs who work witk me. which iuaket> it j»ossible for utu to lo so. ' - > , A1I .?oli« trt tliP C:irpotilpr li«e prannptly aXHwided to. Give m« a.e.tll. :•». • . f ' « v ^ A. WEKDSLL. B. RAINTHQRP, Rinswood lllinoi Pi •^^Vthe j^eopl© of Riii"rw^»o<| a«<l yicinity T wouM respectfully say that I linve optMK»iJ a st<»re nostr the Depot, where 1 will pay the Ki^Tiest'"niarket value tor Hntter, and other prodin-e, < or trade'leiug- immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand >selet!t st<x-k of (^roperies and Flour, which with choice brands of < i- jrarn and I'o'kicco, I am <roin<? to sell at prices to defy competition, nnd thonifh I have met with a much more liheva I put rename .tlL-in T had expefted, I shall yet hold out uuW^tu&uU -calculated to my and seeui'o ti ,|.arger custom. •. B. RAINTHORP. RlW.W«M>T», 111.. June 13th, 1882. CONDUCTED^ ItEXXETT. r. MARCUS, Patante L. Bouslett. HENRY MILLER, •• t. • j;-:. «H-BKA.LEK l#«~y • • \m ' and Fore i l " Mar l t l e Monuments, Headstones, ; ,1 1'Cx i iliTC,, ii'l'l '. h' n "'-4 flAiilfeWcM a^iotch tflMte Constantly on Hand. Shop Two milos North of Me Henry,5 111. J ", - / ihnsl,urgh A«lC'BWtte« lHXl Near the Depot, - ! McHENRY - f - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly «n l4ft*d the finest brands Of Flour an I Feed of all-kinds, which hu^wtii ® sell at Wholesale or Uetail at , Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour always on baud and warranted asirepreseiued. s Flux Seed Meal Always on Hand •f aWFIour delivere-i anv-where In the Cor J poration. Orlorsmu- 0J given by Postal tiMbjU :JfcMt-Wi-Pe*i.Ofl»ce. , i " * ' crVK ME A PALL. r L. BO^SLETTI Meilcury, March tith, 16^1. THE CEIif ef ell BOOKS of m A N D Darfir •.Harass i.. J Deeds: • Tin- iin-'Hi . r'adv.'-ntur««* of i ii the hero vs. ulorers and fioi>tier ugliters with In<lians, outlaw.- and wil I beisis, over the whole country, from the earliest times to the pre*, ent. Lives and famous exploits of DcSoto, l-a^alle, St-indish, Iio<ine. Kenton, Itradv, (jroi-kett, lb w!e. Houston, Parson, PiiKter, Palitornia Jih , XF ild Bill, lluft'alo Bill. Gfener- •i!-> Miles and Pi mk, great Indian Chief?, and 'score* of othfi's 'GOIMJ-EOUSLY ILLlTS- '•Tit iTKl) wifl lit flne eugrHVings to the life. Ai;KN" r-j vv a ; I I D. Low priced and beats BOOK CM*. SK-feotrn, Mf. C«OCERIES! CROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's RricS Block is now nrepared to.offer to the buying public, a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Caiiiied C* oods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, v - &Vt, &c»: . •'• •;•• My Goods are nil fredi and will to S^Jtld !mt, t l io lowes t l iv ing pr ices £ ' ; f I also keep a full stock of Gun Material ai-hing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Ha'.n;>i u-ks, si,,,! in fact everyll'iitg pertaimi.ji l" hishmg and'Hunting, be found at my Store at reasonable Prices Violins, Acordeone, Picalas, Huies, V lolln Strings, and all other extras for > tolihs. My stocks of I'iXWAliE is I'ompN't... Pall and examiue i*. 1 guarantee Prtoes that dely all competition. ^ EXUEL'N I W ^.ILLtQNS OF /.CBCS for saie In tbe COLDESJ.BELT of Kaosae, by tbe on long ercrtlt ^nd »l$f terms, in a aiild elhaatc, frie from bcary snorts, blight, ing frosts, aiid ev- cessive rtins. AMQTHKK »RjE y«L 'll'R flOKK. TIir d«"ath otf'HIl IJitniilton N' Eitlridge, in ^fpBuHL!Hon(V.iy Nov­ ember 27th. is more tliftti % pacing notice.1 ^^CTejJheral had inany warm trie ml* i xvWBmMijf; Co^ many of whom r<?c«H pld^^Hpnipmori^s of school «layp !9i%t»BHmr State. whci« Eltlrlrige was tliwHR^p^otor. Tie wa<* born of PtirUiui , in Western MassaciuiMtts, imw gW on a fttrm that nesned it raj bo^tifui vatley. ninong I;t1lt» thntjgfttf wttoWfl by ,ol<l (i rev lock niotitit^|D^HBKbo?e summit Eldridgfi Ikk! oftjVPj^9H|^i](f looked out upon the the Hud­ son, aml tiie ^U<wHM|P*a Connec- ticut. e?it?tl lDitivj^^Kri|KiF' Who will eay tlt%t snrea^i out at Iik fe«i^|^^Hp|^id old nioumafn did n#flH tiou that pared brifiiiant surcessei iu afIc^^Hj^^^HpiinRed at Willunqs, the detn^^^^H^aiid cla*w* male of law with his cousin, Ju<)£*$PBBBKTl4>Ti*, of Aibttiiy, and at the law school, »nH JBBpwBwtg to f.hica- ro at i ri bejr i n ' pf act 1 <v of- law In Hie Inking rank In thr ^ali^^HHHatrien of his prolefipioii. OCf .^KS*MM*Bt noted of early cases Craig vs. Sjira^ue for breacMUMatme ih wiikdi he obtained for l|j|HBpM^^erdict for $100,000, the tiia,t liad ever been 'A f?w years ago he madSF t^Affif) to Europe. In tiie gieal nieatjK']Mj[^j)pase, wiijclt hnr, at tracted ro and was successful url^^Br hnd fulled. RIs military jSPj^^Bw*btilllaiit in the highest degsS^^^Bfflf ihe battle of Cliicasaw Bara|^^HjMj|kitsas Pu«t, bis regiment »".'lite rebel works. In the slw^^KHBt^^btirg be distinguished bi«p|^^^Km)liiea«, dta- cretlon and and on the 10th of Uay,lj^^H^Hwig:tde1o wliiclt be of the I{egiilar|, tile udi ana that gained a nvH'ka. ie|i>* c< Toi-P of tbe (571b>) own Awn or Dri-jatlrt. iu general ftnlew. dtidfje, then a Colonel, was broveted-a Brigadier General. .., Iu the forum of debate. And a* an advocate at tEte- bar, tli* was the peer of iho (iblent. He fe|r a commendable pride in furthering the business, great­ ness, and Increasing the fair fame of Ills' adopted city. The charities of III,* great heart flowed like a ceaseless ri ver, and no descrying poor man or woman went, einptv fromU'Kdoor. It may M truly said that few if any law- yen? J ii Chicago iiave done a3 much work for no pay. Th* destitute and tlie friendless, with an honest cause, and with no money and no hope or means of being abli^ to pay attorney*, (ees, wben oontf tiding in their own defense, found a taiihfui -advocate and f-ietid iti Kliiridge.nud many thousands of doll a it} of fee chargss have been blotted from his books rather than (lift- tress his clients. The tears trlcklftfg down careworn faces of laboring men are tlie highest tribute tn the dead. But alas tlio great heart of the humanitarian is still. The hand that made the orphan glad is cold: , At the age of .51 lie loji^ aside the scepter of liis greatness ati^l liis glory, and the hero of A busy HTo is lowered in the gravi?. The noble mother tliat he go tenderly loved, s!ie A'ho sang by h it cradle, bow* hi sorrow and follows hi* hear«e. Ills body rests i>y the side * of 1»18 ItiiKlreJ, In the land of bis birth,- In the bosom of the great city, by the hi- luml sea, no truer tfian^pver.yielded up his life. •Noble kinsman, falfjifnl friend, pi^ (riot, comrade ; hail and farewell.-; 5 " M. M. ClotH^R;'^ ^ Here We Are Again." Below von will find the names of the prominent farmers that have bought the celebiated liitlit running Hapgood SulUy 1'iow within the last six weeks: .James Barnstable, "Bernard Harrison, Nicholas Freuntl, . ('has. Parks, Augustus l'own^end, <m*o. I'arks, Put lis iiarvey, ^ lake Snyder, Wm. Wood. Freeman Whiting A. t>. Faiiver (2); K. K. Doolittle. Ask tlif nt what they think of them, Kemeinher it is the only sulky plow tu.'ule that is warranted to run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow. NVe will make any man a present of the Sulky, iI ii fails to till our warrantee. If in want ol a Sulky Plow, don't fail to call on us, as u*e are sure to suit you. Sold onl^y by K.M,Owen& Sou. An effective medicine for kidney diseases. I >w fevers and nervous pros­ tration, and well worthy of a trial, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. |jpee|din|(8 of the of T-1 • Bupervi»«rs. ,i > ••-i: S M.' I k* DIICKMl'.KR MKKTINGi -* TM (tanarabiff Boftisl of Supervis­ ors of Mefleiiry County met at their rooms in the Court House in ^Vood*tqck on Tuesday. I)e- 0 inher TJtli, 1882, w? nor call of th. Cleffc. The meeting was failed "to order by tbe Chairman. Hon. "Wm. A, MeCou- nell. At toll call the following mem­ bers responded to their names: A. Rnrboi", Z. K. Goodrich, I. K. Cnrtiss, John Snotvden, H. w. W illiams, Owen •McGew, Simnel Cutter. G. W. (»ood- rkili, Lester Barber. IV. Gr Sawyer, K. M. l.itmh, G. II. Garrison. H. Vt. W. A. McCojmell. Kred Haloii/ F. K. Grangrr. H. Keller an«| U.S. Friirv. Sundry bills were read n»ul referred; to the Committee ou Claims. ; The seint-annual reports of .Treas­ urer. Circuit Clerkt Sheriff and County t/ierkwere reiwl to tbe Board ftud re>- ferred to tins Committee on fees and salaries. Tbe houds of tlie County Superin­ tendent of Schools, County Treastfrer, County Collector and County Clerk were read to the Board and referred io tlie Committee on finance. The report of R. M. Lainb. pbrchns- Ing agent, for the past six months • tiding December 1st, 1S8*2, waa read to the Board and referred to tbe Com­ mittee ou Claim*. The bill for ilie Judges ami clerk* of the election of November 7tl». were presented lo tbe Board. On motion. Board adjourned to meet- to morrow morning at 5) o'clock, WKIJNKSlktY MOUNIXti. I>KC. G, 1882. The Board met pursuint to a>ljourn« Hient. me niieis ail pioseut. The minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved, The Chairman of tin? Board present­ ed tlie matter of a mortgage ^iveu by P. W. Murphy to Imtoiunlly the Coun­ ty agalnr-t |o.s"Iii issuing duplicate or­ ders, and asked said mortgage be discharged. Supervisor Garrison prevented a sim­ ilar claim for liichard Harrison, ask­ ing that tliis Board discharge a mort- guge given lor the s«iuc purpose. 1 On motion. Supervisors McConnell Lamb and Garrison were appointed a committee to investigate Mie matter with power to dtJHjharge said mort­ gages If thought best after proper ex­ amination. The committee to settle with the '"treasurer, presented the following re­ port, which ou motion was adopted, tow-it: SI'ATK OF ILLINOIS > ^ McHeury County, J , ^ m' ; Board of 841;wrvlsfHf,- T^etffmber l»rm. i>eceinher 5. A. I). 188*2.' Air. Ch'UrmavkWid tIrU lh«T/ "baVe FXairiTued the books, papers and vouchers of the treasuivraud ttrtd the following to be a correct account, of ills receipt* and disbursements for tiie past year: Balance on hand Dee 29, 19)1 | «,!»l 57 Total tax levy of iSSI 84,7SJ U Geo. !laird's P P tax since (collected; ,. 'i fill llelinijuent tax costs collected....;151 .IS lilt <111 delinquent tax do .... .'" 22 :il Nuiida pauper bills received ' IT'! <i7 D«»rr do do |4 SO Coal for treasurer's office 1 year..;.. lt> ou Total... | 34,658 aa tSlXTRA. , i f Rebates Oo and lvtck lax issi 68 13 Kuetand incidental office exp's 'St 41 M do <lo 'S-J #8 40 Advertising forfeited lands listed in error 1 4S Dclin(|ufdt tax of PW1. 7B 30 Advertising B per cent. #300County order fin' redemption 17 50 Oo i.'l'ks tees detmtiticut tax Of 1381. 29 !© Oo Colleftor'a tlo do 4t 19 Oonnnisiions jmid town Collectors* Po tax ..., ... _j445 6*2 "fitness fees paid bv order of Cir1.'1 ' c.uit Pourl, M'l... 74 Witness tee* paid bv order of Cir. • cuil Court issa [v» P A Lincoln do do vs Win Leonard Approved coroner, bills pud 41 county oi'durs redeemed lilt paid on 14*1 ti per cent $.100 Co or­ ders Contingeut County orders paid.,.. Jurors eei'li leates paid i per cent #3U12.S1 Co lax collet-tud. I do ii447l.72 Vo tax rec.'d,,.., 1 do f4» 1113.80 do do Hal nice on hand Dec 6 U>8i.... •fOt! 50 <15 ,r»2 ItitI 52 W,<00*00 %m 00 10,054 !»1 1,57.1 4i- 72 26 t-H 72 CM in 4.7:16 s: union nsms bailvjay, of Qa rich f)oil na tlie inn ever i>Iione ou, ifilh {rood markets east and west, Fot Descriptive and. Zllustrated Jtoofy With Slaps, Sent Free, jdddrcs* LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kansis DivialOl KAMftAS UTY, MiSSOtML to •City residences- for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Uh > We get. all J lie principal Magazines and papers at club rates, aud both old and new subscribers can receive the benetit ot reduced rates by subscribing through us for such other publications as they may desire. ^ Remember the fact that Dwigtft bought an immense stock of Kubber Boots, Shoes aud Arctics before tlie great advance, rnd can .give you bar- guius iu jjooU*, Total $ 34,558 2.1 Your commit tee would further re­ port that of the sums paid by said Treasurer, the s'liii-of thirteen thous­ and two hundred dollars (813,200) was paid 011 the 1st day of April, 1882. in redeeming and canceling fortv-l'our county orders,"calling lor tin* sum of three hundred dollars ($1100) each, numbering as follows: Nos. 7. 9,10. IS. 24. 27, 32. 37. 40, 4«. 48, 55. 65. 68, 73. 75, 81, 84. S«J, 92. 94. D7. 99. 138, 140. 14l\ 147. 14t>, 14!>, loo, 1»7 l««. 1«2. 1«5. 1G7, V<i9, 173. 17<i, 177, 181, 183. 1k6, 189 and 190. Comity order No. 5G was included in the call for redemption April 1st. 1S82. but Iihs not been presented for redemp t ion, or the Interest due 011 same at that dale. Also County Orders 33 and ltJti have not been presented for p iv- ment of interest due April 1st, 18S2, (one year's interest ou each). The forty-four 'county ortlers redeemed, contingent expense orders and juror's certificates have been destroyed by burning. Tiiut the number of unpaid and outstanding count v orders is nine­ ty-nine (99) calling for the sum of tliree hundred dollars (#300) each, l' we have examined the town ac­ counts of the several towns of the county and find they have ali been paid. The Treasurer reports deposits by order of the County Court due to unknown and minor heirs tiie sum of three hundred and thirty-two and 34-100 dollars (3332 34). Tlie treasurer reports deposits, subject to cheek or draft in the First National Bank at Woodstock, tlie stun of five thousand thirty-eight and 21-100 dollars (.$r>,03S.21). We find the hooks, ac- countf. ere., tn thr Treasurer's oltice iu a very fcalitiftfetorf eouditio i for tlie protection of the interests of the county. * Allo^wkiob is respect fully submit­ ted. 'fo-y Z. K. GOOUIUCH, a U- *V. Mead. • in A ii. CuitrisS, ; V5 • ' 'Z'i G..S Fkauy, {.V •< JOHN Sxowukx.- "f Cuiii-uif tee. Tlie committee 011 finance presented t he fid In wi ng report w liicii Oa was adopted, to-wit: J f}^~ STATE OF ILLINOIS ) M ^ McIIenry County, | . rfW-'-: u- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisor«: Your committee 011 finance, to whom were referred the bonds of James Nisb as treasurer and collector of said uouu- ty, tiie boiiil of Wuj. Avery as county clerk of said eoiinty. and tbe bohft of S. D. Baldwin, as County Soperiuteud- fnt of Sciiools of said county, *>foiilii beg le,aye to submit tlie f«dlo ing re­ port: T'liat they have examined all of said honds antl Hnd them to l>e in. the usual and proper form, and duly signed ind acknowledgeil iu accordauee with the statute in sileh ease made ami provided. Your committee at* of the opinion that said 'bonds fire gttml nnd ample .security .respectively for tlie purposes for which thej' were 'sev­ erally given, anil recommend<tbnt tl»y be accepted and -approve 1. All of which is respectfully suUuit- ted. Dotted December 5tIi. A. l>.. 1882. ' iKA R. Cuirrlssl 'v .;:'r S. WILLIAMS, •r^'.y-f^-r'i.w^'t'F.STEn BAUHKU, JOHN SNOWI>K»V. -•" '•••' G. W. GOODRICH, tTommittce. The Comniltfe rtn Public Buildings made the following report, widch waft i»ad lo tbe Boa^l, and *011' iuotioii adopted, to-wit: *•" - " STAIR OF ILLINOIS)^ Mclleiirv (bounty, f 5 Board of Supervisors; December Term. A. D„ 1882. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisor*: Your committee on Public bitildings would recommend that the dome, cor­ nice, roof and other woodwork on the outside of the court house he repainted »s soon as practicable ; also that a suit­ able #e|| be sunk on the court house ground*, and also that the wood stov4l now in t he Clerk's office* be removed lo the court room and coal stoves placed in said offices. We would also recommend that the Sheriff be author­ ized to employ a competent person to assist Id 111 as jailor and janitor ,aud that the Sheriff lie allowed tweuty dollars per month for such service. All of which is respectfully submit- teUv - - - • Bum M. L4#i,<M :'A. Baubkr??' Ii. KELLER. -MN SXOWDKN, OWEN McGrk, CoMMITTF*. Tiie Clerk statetl tbe amount due from the several towns for bills paid for paupers and insane persons. WEDNESDAY AFTiRNOOX.: Board met pursuant to adjournment: called to order by'Cliair'man. All ^res. ent except Supervisor* Granger, Flavin and Sawyer, Tiie miuutuRof the morning session were read and approved. 'tye committees not he Ing ready to report, on motion the Board adjourned until tp-inorrow morning at 9 o'clock. TlfUUSDAT MOirXtKG, DKC. Ttll, |SS3. Board met piusuant to adjQurinoeiit. Called to order by Chairwtau. All pres­ ent e*cept Sups. McGoo and Grander; tbe matter of a |iuupeiv;iMiii Mathlas Ilal.'einan, who died in the town of Seneca but had fS6't gained a resilience, he being taken sick immediately on enuring Into ^aid town, and asked'that the County pay expenses of his illness and ire:;th, amounting to $57.00. Sup Lamb moved that the bills be allowed and paid. Motion carried. Sup. McConnell, from the committee appointed yesterday to Investigate the claims of P. \Vr. Murphy and Ithdiard Harrison for discharge of mortgage* git'eu to indemnify (he County tor du- [ilioate orders issued, reported that the bonds were issued in 18B4, and were due In five and eight years, anil according to tlie statute of limitations tbe County would not be barred from payment of said orders, and recommend that the matter be referred to a subsequent ses­ sion of the board, when tiie orders will be oarred by statute. The following report of committee oi) claims was read to tlio Bo^rd. and on motion adopted ;} v ,» - STATE OF ILLINOIS. ) VlJpSt «f' ^ >M. i'«a«(U 144 MeHcnry County, J • ;; 1 ^ : Board of Supervisors, Oecetnber term December 6, A. D, 18S2. ' Mr. Vhairtnan and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee ou claims would beg leave to report that they have examin­ ed all claims presented before them, and recommend the payment ot the following,and that the clerk be direct­ ed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to- wit: xtuit. ' AMen, board «f registry Hebron do Xunda / .do Dunham do* Iti ley do Algonquin do Dorr do lireunwooddo do , Mr-Henry Hnrton Pol"' I <iraft->n Plieinung Marongo scneca Marti,ind do do do do do do do do do •lo do do °do do do ,do, do do do do do do do do ' • »•» ..iW.^4 ** • « ' ' s t'4 • 4.'* f+j** ?!»•»•••• -•> t'.'m . ^V• . . - 11 .w 27 0 W. 11, Stewart, work in Co Clerks offic* do do do trisas. do J ihies Nish, reccriiina del tax Peter Whitney, )M)-»tage and nxpreti*... E, M. Lamb, pur a-^t 5 months J. Van slvke pub proof Board I. M. Mallory do do .1. H. Johnson and others, bill of costs.. M, Church, janitor and jailer? do illeiing prisoners, etc do costs in crirainal cases do miscellaneous servicos 1* JW .W 00 27' «M> M 50 9 .10 U fin w 50 » 50 13 5t| 1? 50 M 5(1 l» ,V W 50 1-5 5J 41 00 20 on 07 117 31 47 41'm'M 1# <15 |0 Oil 3* (A «? no 315 9,1 lliW ».H 50 Total... $1227 50 •The..following bills have been paid as per previous order of the Board, the vouchers accompanying. Ih# same ex­ amined and found correct: ^ H U Enle, bailiff Sep. --#®2!1 I. Iieiithuysen do ............ 'lfu# A Pease " do • V K Jonpg . do ,( v P Wilkenson <lo .... --.... (II. I use for deaf and dumb for ffartweil shelly, incidental ex...-. st....... .w.... Ills, X Hospital for In.vine: Carolina i»u~chu)en, iuiidcntil ex..... " ~ ' dO • •' » do ..... do ..... do <10 ..... do ...i. NS0 12 50 1*60 172 Julia Caialuii., Sophia Sondel ieker John Leonnnl Thomas t'liuimins OliverL Keys Tiinotliy Hullaer 7 Si » 4» 11 tH A W .Young, Supt .Schools....v.. .Kiwi DulieUl ttros., pul) proof Boafd*...,..... 1000 Total bills paid .^,. *,*.4 ..*1769 We would reutimmeiul that tlie, hiii #f K, S. Cadwell tor co*ts in criminal cases be disallowed. Your committee would furtlier report that they have examined the report of £, M. Lamb as jiurchasiug agent, with vouchers ac­ companying the same and find tlie same coi recc. Said rspoi't Js herewith sub- UiittedT" •Igoff ^ g. H. Garrison, ' 1 " 4* W. G. SAWYKK, f{ Xf ?• P. K. GUANGKK, Z; Goodrich, |».Cittkr. Committne. To the. ffonorttbte Board of Sitpervitorti of Mc Henry Count)/. III. ):y Y«nr PimdiaMng agent beg* leave repwt hi* actings and doing* from July 1.1882. to December 1.1882. to-wll: -Culver, Pagp, Ht-yne ft Co., Records and Stationery -• .....•!»•» Puffer, Page. Home ft Co., Records and *t*Hoher<r Cwlier, Page, Woynn AC*., Records nnd . Stntionerv... 1® Brow*n. I'ettiiiniic A Kelly, Records owl stationery.. *•••• Brpwn, Pettijjone A Kelly, Recoids and 8tn tione#y » • .. Crown, Pettiboae ft Kellv, Records pnd ;•? StnlionerV f> S® Brown, Pet tfbone A Kelly, Records and jv- . Siitionery '...+••• ^t 4> . SouthwocfcMfceienoo^, prinking bWnks 5 0* •" w " •' " court dockets. . 1* tf Bfurphy Wheat, paints, medkinefc, ftc. SB «# « •*, . 7 SSi ; : P. O'Brien, 7% cd« wood, at JSj 3C. B'afteslee,«eds *' " Chas Sy list»u rv, J40-1B tvl* w#wl at Wm5. - Ww-I JTih. H, Sherwood, sawing A piling Wootl « 'Ofe- .« " « ® 4*jp Xeil Ooi\n*l<ljr...4^-.. v.-vv----- B* Donnre «t Sprlggs, leather binding for ; ' alatlin* ....... 4I*-| E. (• Jewctt, rep Ixiots 1 0O;>; W. W. Cook, ined att for prisoners .. » «$£» BL Sherman, retiring locks;... .... 1 C. Rettorer [2 billsjrep on ja»J and p»B>ps A. W Cumntips •• " court house Harvard Independent, notice - P. Politer, rep drains i»**t whitewashing 155» W. H. Dwight, rep Ikhus foi prisoners... lMt,:-; J. W, Vellows, haulinji coal-,...... 7 0® A. F. Field, coal 11»00N Jolin Donnelly, keresecei.»4......kJrtii*... 2 oftb Frank Hunker 5j"&: Souttiworth ftUlennon... ... .... ....... 975% • i» Total All of wliich will more niHy appeal, by the bills herewith submlttert. E. M. Lamb, Pttt. Agt. Woodstock, Dec. 5, 1882. The committee 011 fees amt aalarieafe presented tlie following report, which was read to tlie Board and ou inotioo adopted: -ft* •*<» STATK OF ILLINOIS «»• Moflenry Couttrjr. t- Board of Supervisors, December Terni^ : Woodstock. Dec. 7. A. D. 1882. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tkt|K Board of Supervimr*: Your committee to whom waft ferred the reports of county offleera for , the half year ending December 1. 1883, have carefully co-npared tlie same with tbe books in their respective offlcea, would I teg leave to submit tlie follow-; ing report on th* matters before them: The Sheriff reports tho total earnings of bisr, * office to be $520.45; receipts same time, 92*2.24; salar\, inotl. The Pountv Treasurer reports the earnings of his office to lie ; tho oonntv Treasurer re-i| ports receipts 2 per cent on ttSSWI ct>llwt#i|w 57.71; 1 per cent on 32.S55 5-1 received 328.55; I; p«r cent on fi.4~n.40 taid out 64.79; 1 per cenk on (i,'»2»t 8i» paid town officers *5.21; 2 pfer eeMt on 450.74 paid minor huirs U.19, Total. 525.45. Contra,clerk hire, MiOO; fnol, *.00; stationery • ami Incidentals, 10.00. Total, 38.60. Half, yeara salarv, J.751X00. • S The circuit clerk reports U»e y<* off' hU office for the half year ending J!Wae 5, WM. to lie |lM5.S7: receipts- fir service* fl>r hair' resr endiSg Dee. Meil rSeei)i ..;..fte28 1 - KS71J7. ToUl «xn»ndiwmia»ai*a ty, IU. Hionihl^flalary lor saaiepM.iHMcsaiMit, of clerk hire lor same time, &IS.MI • Total 12*5.00; dedu ct amount reeeipta as above t iKilance 4-'l6.04. We wouldeecommend that an ordor , he diawu ou tlie county treasury of th*-, amount of four hundred ""and thirty-six?!®: anil 4-100 dollars to pay said Olefrk the amount above shown to be bis «trte. Your committee would further re com- , mend that in consideration of extm.^- work required in regard to registry off.' births, deaths, marriages, etc.. said Clerk lie allowed the uncollected feea of his office during bis term of service^; up to December 4, 18S2. amounting to $402.49. Uespeotfully subneitted, G. II. GARRtfOK. K. M. LAMB*' Lester Barber. II. S. Williams. , Committee. Supervisor Lamb moved that tiie clerks aud judges of the November eleo ; rions in the larger towns. Dorr, Cl«e» mung and McIIenry iu which It was 12 o'clock ami later before tliey finished counting the vote at said election, be allowed two days pay tor such service. Ayes and nays being called ou tbe mo­ tion resulted as follojvs: Ayes--Super- ^ visors Williams and La:nb--2; nays--' Goodrich. Curtiw, S:ft>wUen, Cutter, Flavin, Goodrich, Garrlsou. Mead, Mc­ Connell. Keller, and Frary--II. Ou motion of Supervisor CitrtHft the supervisors were requested to present to their winstiiueius; at their several town uieetings iu ISS3 the prip:ticabili> ty of purchasing a poor farm fer Mo- lienry <;ounty. Sup. Williams asked thai a claim similar to tlie oiw* juat allowed the town of Seneca be allowed the tolvn of ClKVutong, for expeiwes Incurred In the care aud burial of a small pox patient orought there by tlte Rallroau Com­ pany, said patient not having gained a resilience iu said towu. Sup. Goodrich moved that the claim from Chemung be allowed. O'l motion of Sup. Cutter, tb# clerk and members of this board were flow­ ed the usual per diem and mileage. On motion of Sup.'Lamb, the board adjourned sine die. Wm. A. McCoxnbll, 1 Chairman. Attest, William Avkrt. Clerk. A Mammoth stock of Meus. Woiuens, Misses and Chiidreiis Buckled Arutiot, Mens and Woiuens plain unit fancy* Kubbers, Mens and Woiuens Alaskas* ami iu fact rubber goods of all kinds iu the Boot and Shoe line at Dwhrlit's^ Cor. Main St. and Publio Square, Wood­ stock, 111. -S: A $10 SUIT. fliifing j'i-*t closed out a a largo Hm of mens extra heaw cavsmere suits-. I offer them at the very l<»w price of* Ten Dollars a suit, a decided bargain. Fully equal to suits u#u*liy sold at thirteen to fourteen dollars. Call be* fore they are gone. Ok d. Colbt. Meatla. M^nV ahd boy'a Bart le it's.4" suits at lltyoa At Boys. Great bargain* in Ofsnottl ami Suits with new uuBa and ooUaraoa , at £, I.awlus*. «; " ^ OblIng>r A Coppage. Mattooi^ III.*, say: --We cheerfully reo»muie«»<f;;' Brown's Irou Bitters as doing ali tba^ t|: it is recau»uuu*ded for. tv^ - Farmers! , *' if' If ybu want ̂ free sample copies If thef-,. Largest a iid best agriuulturti pa for l«i-... tlie country, write yours aud iJNMMfjx neighbors' names ou a postal card mail it 10 Farmers* Kiead Put. Cb^- J &mth Bend. Lid. Price 50 cems a y«aif»: aud Pteiuiutns to every sm%cribor. :-f f ~*ir<

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