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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1882, p. 5

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* '* > ' "'.v "! * , m -Ok Li U <*j . •*« t'4«k> * 4"*^* '*•*'. ' ^Rp'S *••£* *' -v '* 1 I •> u ->,- -v .*' <* V^'v" •:* »sW > ~ • » •'* #• ' >'U » m .A : i l»i *a- f»V' v,,^. .,t,d 4;>n<w,#^vaw V.'i ,,• « <\ . », - ' .t,.-' »*•» M*t •-•ywr r..)lrw« .u^', PgWMgBS *r <>**?%'» «rf» ar#:* a * -a* j'imit***1* •wi • fe'/ i. ;r\ • ••;. ( i ( •' •;. • ' > • * ' K~ I' a"vP' • fM"1! kmlealep. WEDNESDAY, r>K(-V 13. 1-882. mm Vtaifraad Time Table. HOING BOT'TW. nw* T,%fce Pas*nn«er.-... A- M ' eaeva toko Exnte*s,.„ „ on-jva Lake K rn i £h t.. *•'•'... j... I."3 t. M rroiv-i N7>'RTrti ~?h>' ' ene»t T.Vk* Freight ;£$3. meriv T.ake Kxnress.' ensva Lake Passensrcr. ...* 9:!W K. M .4:53 P. M . '. '„...fl:V« B. Ttc««, \eent. " M'-tfenre. ill :% . M\S<">NTO , N TUNLLKTFWT T,OTWR, \O. IS* ^. F. 'arvt A. SF.* |»e*ttUr Communication* the *nturi1ar on or ~}~ ! 'before the fit 11 of the moon unit every two r r;weeki thereafter. ,~"~r r • C I I A S . C.J3OT.BY, W. M. MorTwwRY ciiAPTPn So.34 R», V. M --Reara- . Inr Convocations lu-ld on t'.io sc'ont arrt fourth • •••«;ji'rf<Lvys in each moncH. SMITH aF TT. P. i£„. i--,- P' *" '? :' M ir' Y M i ,»v4 -• REMOVED, ! j- 1 The PLUVDKALKR OFFICE tins 1)>on - Mjremoveil to the rontna In t%B!ock, oppopjte Perry «!b Miirtiu** *' *#«Rtore, wprtalrs, where nur fricnik , can - • l i^b«renfler And us. nnfl where we Invite _*r ;.V ^thtm to Call' «Ocl" *e& ;«», In. .„v^Luar t® r** ,* ;• 'tfa't, --*• -• "-- - • •" TBACHEU: Tliere U SOMOTHF N!* FOR" ^•n at the Book and News 8faml, In fhli ViW«ge. " -».!• • ••' f- . . Sheet Music usually 'retailed from 30 to 75 ctP^'5 cts. per enpy. A thouinnd pieces to select from at O. W. Owen's. £ A new Irvvolce of Winter M'llfnery |mfc Mr*. H. H. Kichols' will he sold at ^•the lowest flgnres.until Jan. l$t. TlIKRR will be i\ Christ ton® Parry In "rasper WijTg IT nil, i^opday ev^Dec. th. Tickets 81.00, ^ "Cast." by t!te MeTTenry n^frtn'jttle Club at Riverside IT nil, on Tuesday j.'ftitd Weilnesihiy eve.u.i.u^of ueic,t tyeek, ie 19th and 20th. * . < V REV. DB. SAOK. of Xttftirf^ W'LL ®CII» ,f»T the pnlplt at tiie TJiiivi»rs:iM«t Ohurch, on Sunday next, titorujiig and W<evenlnc. ' '"• r TnsRE will lie a New Y^ars'*^^* at the Riverside House, on Moiiduy even­ ing, .Tan. 1st. Music by the EJ«j PKRH1VJA1. MRS. LOTTIE \ORTHFIELD, OF Bralu- ard. MIiuu sister of E. Qri^wolJ, u vlritiii^ in this vi|Jau«, . T,. . (T,,,, : PKTER HiKCH. of Ri. Iitrttiit^ W*» stri-ets «iii Tuesday, J ITON. GF« O.inE, and wife, started to-day for Osborie, Kansas, to 'visit their daughter. Mrs. J. M. SinlMi, C. N". CULVER, of the Culver House, Richmond, showed his smiling c iunte- In t>ur sanctutnoii Saturd iy. MIL. Axn MRS. DF.Ax'snid danfifhter. of Piltgficid. Mass., are visitiui? with the family of C. B. Curtis. Mrs. Dean is a siefer of Mr. Cur^ls^o • % - 4. MRS. STTMPH and #MB, df Rfd >V|NS. Minn., are the gupgtsof Oe »r«re Tloseu berger ait'l familv. Mrs. Stuuiph Is a sister of Mr#. Rosenberger. F MR. ITicsi.ET and wife, of Waokegart. •are visiting with their son, George \V< Beple.4i in this village.4 . ' ^Thk father of C. V4 S|eve«» W re- ported dans;erotiKiy ill at the residence; of his daughter, nearSprinjf Grove. RFV. L. J. DINSHDUE, of tiii? village, will change pulpits with the Rev. Dr. Sage, at Aurora, oil Suudav. TICKETS Jiave been issued for,Christ­ mas |»:irtv to take place at the j Cuiv^r 'House.- Richmond, On Frrday evening. •IVceurhei? 22<1. Music by Wilson Bros* .Oua-lrille Buid, Sin3e (his House lias fh«?eti under the management of Mr. Culver, the dancing public have been well satisfied with parties held there. Culver is a horn landlord, and at these gathering!) takes paius to make every tiling agreeable for all who attend- And and 'when it come« to the supper .part. Mrs. Culver lias no superior, and with good music and n good Supper, a goofl rime IS guaranteed. Remember the date, Friday evening, December 22d. he <?autata given hv |he Sons of uper uice. *a» welf atteuded an^ I.OOK U K UK. Quadrille I5an<l, this week. T^eUnxrisU 4>e,i|«iie d REMKMRKR the Cnlleo Par'y at u»e Parker House, on Friday evening of thl* week, the 15th. Mrode. »fa«e*ville Light Guard fiaiifl. Tlcket^ i^l. ; A ^ood time may be expecled. ' TltK 'McHenry Dramrttt^ Club *vill 4phty the Cntite'dy of "Ca-st." a^ TVIai t.inan's Hall, Waucbnda, on .^a|,ti/1 vv evening, Dctvmher 23d.U'e trnsj^'i 1 i rosy have a good liou«e. tis^ve are fine all wHI be pleased who attendc The L. L. C. will meet wit h >Jj5L . Granger, on WoducS'lay D^c. JOrh. St the usual 'hone. 4Topie«-*Words- * • " - worth. Adelaide Proctor. Ei!a ~ MRS. J. B. I'lCRRT. Pr#s«. I JCMA A.'STORY, Sec. < TICKETS w^ be,Issued tlds week for ft New Year? Partv at the Parker ffottse, which will'takf place on "litA*.-. evening .TAnnitry 1st,. The j^nes- :vllle Light Guard Band wlU jhiAlsh; the music. Look -out for ; the.,; ̂ ivkets the last of thl«» week. \ FmfNVTiii * store lu thts^yiil'rtge. •w)»^re they had no d,ouht< lteen (u*cMentally left by the owner, a new pair of ladles' fine shoes^ The owner an have the same by cflilhis, at ' thfs office, proving- pix»perty and paying for tills notice. . r :; j./ „ - fl nor. ; We are selling Fourteen and a Tlalf 5>ouv<i< of good Sugar for one. dollar :)o:Tt it. HENRY OOLWY. TIJE next ;/t»e^tijig of the Youu^ 'VopJes* Teniperauee Society wiM IMJ lieid in the M. E. church, on next Sab­ bath evening. Dec. 17th. $t 7:30: I'ROliR A MM lit 1. "Sonof--Gospel Hymns. < 1 ' 'Prayer, 3. Kead !ug Minutes, laM me«tiu?-^' ,Ci. 4. Heading......... ji ..Clara Wright 5. Song .... it<n. ... Maud Vaii^lvke P: Addvess .Mr. A. II. Haidev 7. JbfHdiug.[K,#. ;. . .-..Kill* GiIhert 8. Soi.g ... He 11 v Weill worth J). Ita-j^i ng.(.*..*,»• • - Hevnuidj, 30. .Vh'ies>. Williaui \l.-k|e 1J. Song.' .......... .Millie Waire 1'i. S«'!eet Hfji'Mtjg... .^.Sjell i lieekwith T3.'iSis«>ing tif Pfedi^b'y Olllcrs \1I are jnost conicalfy U»" attend^ , Jv. t. * ' ' BJM.LE Sep *rr-^irn, v,: . . g HEBRON. EDITOR PIAIMUKALER:--Mr. Ilc^ge started for Calif »riiia la'st week to visit W* dinghten an I iti'-u ls to stop in Nebraska, on his vav there. The Cantata 'rempf quite a success. Mr. Fred Grid! i<r« made Hebrttn * whort visit last we»k. Miss Rett Van'Io.»j;eii ma le her sister ft Visit and attended the Cantata. Mr. niul Mr«» F'-imer -and Mr. anfl ^frs. Parsins attended the silver wed­ ding at Peter Whitney's in Woodstock on-Thanksgiving eve. • •• Two morre strangers In town. One is stopping aft th«» R»v. J.Cnrrer's --x boy; and the 9t?|er. a girl, has taken up Iter, abode at, Ira PliillipV until further notice. • ' >• ( Tiinn Young, who has l»eeh attei.din? school at Valparaiso for a* year. bas been engaged to teach the Winter term of the Kej*stone schoft>l ., This is his first term. . We say success to you, Linn. \Ve havehnd a few trabfers In real e^sta ie, C. F. PrOuty ba* s«ld his house and lot <tn Mai.n street to C. L. Mead, and piirebased the farm belonging to fra Phillips a mile west of Hebron. Since the purchase Mr. Prouty has sold off flftv acres of woodland. . V-v." Miss flattie Pierce came home frotti McTl^nry. where s'ne is attending school, to spend Tltflnksgiving. Miss B»»H Fenner spent Saturday and Sunday at her home.. " - r , Mrs. P. IT, Wwolfrom Is quite stck sin<1 under Dr. Chesbro'soare. Herb Jones and wife0 have gone to Massachusetts to spend tltti winter in visiting friends. T?.* M. Mason's going to, move onto Tierb .rones' rar^.";'1 ;f H '%4;* The Winter* dav wiKS.(a^ln ;g fa#t. As home fro mi church a «i liden pas«ed, jSh° snipped at the white house on the '• hill Where all congratulated with a will. Mi«s Timma WiMey spent a few^lnvs Of last weel, at Genoa. 'mOn account of the bliJt^nrd Wednes» ;day nlghf tfioh* was pot'" a Very large attendance at |ti| |" p^rtfc ^n Union Ilall. - ; a, ,, Our -public school has literary exer­ cises every Friday afternoon. Last Friday they elected Sidney Rowe Chairman and Nelllo Eiile secretary. w oodstock Departmeiit. And iih#jjHie stores are |u*t overflow­ ing with holiday eo« h, The St»pervi«.»rs i!i»t^l*|i»t Tuesday* a«tl arl|ourned Tburs lav noevn. Charles Mead, wlfa and tlrtw I'IIB-. dn'n.lei'f this pifv for Ohlo^laet Mon­ day to visit relatives and frfertAs. ' P. D. H«yt. of Geneva, was here the early part of th«jweek, ealled home on account, of the <|kath of his mother. Mrs. J. L. Hovt. : John \. fWchelt, #1^ ftt^N fJ»r Self, Schwab & f^o., wholesale boots and shoes, visited relatives in this city last; week. * •'N. B. fturrfk of the Ha^v^tl truth- pendrnK called upon friends In thl« eit v on Naiunlay lust. Come again, friend B„ you are alwavs welcome. Mrs. FrAnk Sherman, h former resi­ dent of this city, is visiting her neice. Mrs. A. K. Bunker. We believe Mrs. S. now lives at Tomah. Wi«. The new Pi-esbyteriao cliureh will b«- dedicated Sundav morning. Dec. 24th. We shall take pains to speak.further on this subject "In our next communication. Sergeant Bates lectured here, one evening last week. • He did dot draw as well as be ought, for he is a good taiker and charges no admittance tee. A missionary concert was held at the Congregational church last evening. The Rev. Ja«. Tompkins, of Waucoticla Department. W"SUlKClUPTK>\$/<>r t!ie t*i. vncii!H,rR will !>e. reonlvea !n Wn i -t at F. 11. Har- rtson's I>ri*or Stove aivl iiv John OYSTEBS! OYSTERS! E. W-. BROOKHJ Wauconda. III.* dealer in Oro- eerit'". Canned G«nt|», <'"••nf»i ,titmery. There being SO ye y little pews t« i,Cigars, Tohac.-... Notbttm. &v. Atso n--r 14 pouud> New Orleans V, titeV»-IIS\ , 11 iiuc on--rnrr ni i>) *nu*, Sugar lor §!.•Of) n;^( ,ked.' , and a'«o \vh _ * t / '5%' C \IC*> OP TH ANK*. lSt)ITI)ii I'L.ALNDKAI.KR.--We wish tft, (hunk the people of Riugwood and -•vicinity for the many fjvors which we have received and for li^e kindness and parieiH'e they have #Ho#n in watch­ ing and earing, -for otif 'sF*tcr thi«»>ugh 'III'- 1'iiigl iiielv hoiirji of night for tlie ,tittceii weel»f that i-.lie lay , snfi'ering oil iiei'Sick tM*'d, \VH'^i'« ali^bave done S& we}| It IS hard Itb'StTM'rljninate. .Therefore \ye ct.j only repeat' «»«r thanks, kind fii<inds, ani trust that. When sickness or trouble overtakes you that ywfg niuj' alsu dml help iu lnue of ' U e e ' d ; ' P.f.ry.x STPPHVVSON. AL.BKIJT HlilfK. » Chicago, was in attendant charge of the exercise*. 4 , • " . 1 If The county officers elected recently took possession of their respective po­ sitions last weelc Mondav. and every thing seems to be moving like clock work with the new management Qf affairs in that quarter. • A little daughter ot XV m. IT. Whit son was very sick last week with congestion off tin- lungs. ITnler the skillful treat­ ment of Dr. lJl. C. Green she is much be 1 ter and n<|vv considered out oC dan­ ger. The Supervisors last w£ek did a just act when they allowed the Sheriff $20 per month for an assistant, or some one to look after the prisoners during lils absence. Of course this amount will Ira Hyde".* essay on Alligators. Four young couple fi "in . IWIMI) at­ tended the Presbyterian w»ciabl« at Mr. E. Cort*e*s on WfMlwSflaV'evcnlufr. j Srttunlar nlg^t, l>e«f>. 9tb; All report a good rljue. Th^ thermon^-j wllf be i'ues lev was below £ero. and one voung ladV"!,' ' ' -- The exercises were all rood, especially j not pay wageSlor a regular attendant, ' but will help considerably. a Afirtr * very short illness Mrs. J. IV; TTovt. of this c'ty, breathed her la*t on We believe isesdfly, the 12th /im*. j| |:iving|o close our cninmunlca- Say* although wrapped up iu his af- j (?4M, «n.oi<i'lv iulfthc n^eek we are lections s!y.» ,failed 1° keeji tvacm« | to furnish lit ffttlrc extended uocice at ) *We are <3i*»ry that'iiiir !leUwiU4.'orrrt#- ;j frtnideut"to the Wtiodsioek Sr'tidufl j 'misrepresented tilings. Wl> Would] 'ik e to Iviiow'^w they understali'1 by at was "found*' in \fe thought the dnuk- I'^ked iieairfMptur l tark, hntt army fare genernllvfias the order ot the i.isimuer.servejl at the v'arno fire hy tlie o'ljl soldiers last Monday night. The e?hi!n3f"tV a5^-hs:tiitfi^f»enT b? tbftse in ,attfinlance, whether invited guests or old veterans. Ke©|» the bull lolling, hoys. the can tat a "idr*1 wa* V{f\ed.*' . A h't 11 knipt saVof ptefm*«», fi?fime*. etc.. belong! ng to ^Itfilcl *>1^ tntlts^,' w^fs./ liebl-in Frank l$owe*s ptori* Saturday, evenlf.g; December IMb, James W»«Kt?Vj" auctioneer. I VI' _s ' "Oh! F^r de ^od"« ^ak'\" aether baby. Thi« tluie l^girl at -Wal^lr V. AudrevviN". : Want«'d>--ito know t)}"l !wgj|f tijjB. "two basketat the picnV* • v Wf» undi*r.«tand that M, M.,' 'l*»*hler Is to lenre Hebron PO.IU -for a hbi|»e 'In Chicago. ' '_ yominunfcatt? this week, your corre­ spondent has been deliberating for sometime about tlie advisability of sending a tetter. The frequency with which that t ie c<»tnui<»niearion from some nelg'ibofhig town "'has been unavoidably crowded out this week," has prompted him t*>. make his own letters somewhat brl«( ot late. Still this may possibly be ati oft week, when the material for the PI.AIXHEAI.ER'S columns is not jjreatly in excess of the space, and roocii may he given for our iteuis and also • suggestion. So far aS we have lieen able to learn, the popu­ lation has been neither increased nor diminished, no weddings have taken place, no sales of real estate or stock have attracted general attention, in fact, further than that Mr. J.F. Rooney has been building a barn and digging n well, a literary was organixed at the school house Friday evening and that it has been fearful; cold weather, *re have no news. At the same time, enough may haVe l»een goiig on to make a column ait) a half. It is some­ what humiliating not to l>e able to get all these points, but we can't do it. At the same time the editor and bis correspondents are ambitions of fur. nishitig the subscribers of tlie PLAIN- DEALER all the news. And so we sug­ gest that any one knowing any item ofinterest. should take note of the same and. When convenient, report it at the Waueonda Drag Store or at the post office, where arrangements have ; been made to have^ them written up | and sent to Melleiirv. I tn TIIE Mtdlenry Dramatic Cl\ib will play in Maiman'a llal^ on Saturday evening of next week, the 23d. Give them a full bouse. A« already stated the Waueonda Lit­ em ry and Musical Club was organised at the school house Frhlay evening. The next meeting will be held In a room over J. 11. Wells' store. Friday evening. A copy of (lie Const i tut inn and By-Laws, giving requirements for membership lias been left at the drug store. Everybody desirous of joining and working iu the club U invited to do so. The qnestion debat^l last Friday evening was: "Renohwd, That a lawyer Is Justltled In defending a prisoner whom he believes to be guilty.'* Mr. James Garland led on tlie affirmative, and Dr. Wells, the appointed leader on the negative. • being called out, Mr ltollin Hammond led on the negative. The question was decided by Uie ; house in favor of the negative. Tm:RE will he a Christmas Party at' M tiuiau's Hail, Waueonda, on Monday evening, Deo. 25th. Music by the Waueonda full Quadrille lian«l. Tick­ et.? $1. Good AcCfttn inTuRtTToHS for teams. All who attend can rost as. sured ot having a good time. fl- WORKMKV ARE erslde Hall, putting in at 'new painting, calcimining. etc.. and when ^^<5 m 'tICM VC'fFll coiynleted it. will he second to none.i h\'* ; l It will be finished lind readv fo" th*4-j'Gnods for the Ifolfdav New Year's Party. When completed we shall speak more In relation to it., . TnE Cliicago N"W<t>.fner Ubion wfll please accept our think* for a very handsomely bound Voir me ..entitled ••Wilhelm's Military .Dictionary and Gazetteer.' ' It:is a valuable addition to our Library, and we heartily tliank the donors t he re for. ' 3 THERE will be a Christinas P»rty ^t Mahuan's Hall, Waueonda. bn Mob-dav evening, Dec. 25th. Music bv the Waueonda full Quadrille B ind. Tick^ •t.f $1. Good Aecominodat ions lor teams. All who attend can rest assur­ ed of having a goml time. v ^ THE McTfe.-iry Dran7atlc tetHfl. will appear for the first time this season, at Riverside Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evening of next week, tlie Wth and 20tli. at which time they will produce the amusing three act comedy entitled, "Case,*1 and two roaring far­ ces. Tlie Club have been rehearsing for the past two weeks and will give an entertain nent well worthy the pat­ ronage of the public. Look out for their programmes and tU«t| riwui antl five them a full '"house.' ' i ' *'} • \ - " - / . } Bors and girls are wanted to act as agents for The Young'FolksGein. pub­ lished at Wadsworth, Medina, Co. Ohio. The paper is Illustrate, its contents are largely original, and two chiomos are given to each subscriber.all for 25 cents. Besides this the agent is liber­ ally paid from a large premium list of useful articles* The tone of the payer Is commerdahie, all its depart­ ments are vigorously conducted, an J it excellent educator of the young. Anj[ of our renders can get a free sam­ ple copy by sending address to tlie pub­ lishers 011 a pnita! car l. ^ Please remeinner our prices are al­ ways as low »« the lowest, and we stand ready at all times to mee^t any ud all coi»|>eMtion. IIKKBY COI.BJT. Call at ITeorv Ko^eri'. Vnlo, a:id ®ee Chamber **t»ts 01' 10 p««'C«-s fr pink,.bine' „ Aftd phim colors -at 8-1.79 per set. 7 V OUR BAKGAIV COTTSTTFR Wever was more complete. -H con* tains some rnre li.ifgiijcs. C^U and see them at Henry Colby's, (iKUS-iK A. llKOK. For t'it? Iloiivliiys; ould Infor n full line of t!«»de,. consist­ ing in part of Doll-. TDVS, Fatfcy G<»<»d«. Mot 5on<, eti*. tVUieli she w'iil sell at the lowest living prices. A full stock of Millinery Good* at. Cost, ! 'als«» have a !ine lio.e of Ladies' :tnd. C'hifclrt»u*s-Slipper*. *nd Shoes. Gh-e me a call, examine goods and learn pri­ ces. MaUY ̂OilCM ACilKlt. Ju the ^TTeHt y PLXttiKALEi: or the 0th in^t4. 1 ntvTa notice signed by the Michigan Stove Company; In wliitli their rtuf/iorh/'/i ogrnf' attempts •to make a.!i r*.t'ie 'adv«M-Msi:ig capital at imr 'expense'. * In starting out. this»'y say: It Iwv-in* eome to onrl ltnowhulfre tl»at'Mr. Jai-vit) ot M^tlearv, lits., U o.Torlns f.>r sale jinnn ••four 1 •••» irlaii I Stove*," we tike tlii* iiii'(.ho.t s»f hiforminz t!ic jitilil.if tut tie has no ri*tit lo sell, or oiTc>t th« saino for sail*,. Now'we would like to ask tlie Miclii- ao-au Stove Company and their "only authorized age If they know of any law which prevents a man selling his own property? The stoves we have in our store we bought and paid tor, and we claim the right to sell thein when to whom and at'what price we choose. Now let u« see what lias drawn out this wonderful epistle. The stove we keep in Stock as our leading st'ive, the Jewel Parlor, is so far ahead of the "Garland"' as to be noticeable at a glance, but still .there is occasionally a customer who. not being .acquainted with stoves, ni^iit w*a: 11 a "Garland.* and to accommodate »ueh' and ai-o to show I hem the ditterCiice between the stoves, we bought two •'Garl-snds" and set them up iu our store, and marked them, as we do all our goods, at a rea­ sonable protl above cost, viz.; $"20.00, and as this "onfy authorized agent *' (I. N. Mead) lias been selling tlu-in at.?'J'2 50 he naturally f<*k grieved and rtisiilug into print attempts to make the public believe we buve no right to seiiour own property. It is a weak argument and will,have little weight w ith those who- want to buy stoves. ' We have not and "do' not »vant the "exru'iinirK' rigiit to sell any «tov<'. but are willing to leave itlI sucl' claim* IO the wondertully wise Individual, the " >>ity ''trimd A,i' who squeals s> loudly when tills foolfth dodge isexpofcnd. As to tlie "unbusinesslike method*." of which he speaks we will leave the public to judge as bet veen a fair. Hon­ orable pro t, or the adding of !»e- ; cause ioil can make so'ne one believe you are she "Outy authorized agent*' J aooU SIH>K*Y.^ 1 P. S,--We wish to say In our cn-ioin- ••rs and thf public .generally, we have ill Stock a large variety of b >th cook and heaHuy si<ive.n. If you are in need of 1 Stove u'ivc 11- a call, as we are prepared in innii«h anj^tove that is on the 1, i_K.ii lubi.jjii it be 1 iiu vjtll"" laud. JaCO-b bioKY. il' WAR EN CO- JRL A IN I IK A LEU:--Aft et»?wa»p? attempts we have at last succeeded in digL'ltig up tbe pen long since l«n- bedded fn the depths of its pwn' rufi't, and with this implement of will <|o vvilinuii battlp.. Now blow Voui; trumpets! Tli° 0«ucert'liy the Kljiu Military hand l«st weekTuesday evening was a gyiind succeSSln every feature with the exception of the turn-out. which mii»ht have lie,>.ii eon«! ahlv larger, although the att»i' lance wa« fair. This band is dl the press represented It to be. auu I'^gto is justlv entitled to feel proud of if. which we have MO doubt is the ca*e from all that we can hear. This band deserves to be greeted with a full house everywhere they go. : his Mike Harmon, while on his VTnv to the depot la«t week Wednesday-iiiorn- ing with milk for (Chicago, met with quite .an accident. Mis team when wai*. turning the corner hy»the-Court House to come down to Main Street, took fright- and made tilings lively, over- Jim lovc« the old t^« rn clock, a«ul lie^ 'nrning tlie wagon and throwing Mr, cares for it as ihwsv tlie iiushairtluinu I ILnmou upon the frozen ground, and for the utiderllng of his lierd. But | he «as quite badly Injured, although we believe no bones were broken. None of Mr. Harmon's milk went to Chicago that dav, the same ^f:ing spilled along the street. The lecture by Prof. David Sw ingi delivered tor Slid in the interest of the' Woodstock Literary Association, last Tbursd iv evening was not as largely Attend d as was expected by the man­ agement. There were those who at­ tended wdio were of tlie opinion that the lecture did not come up to those usually delivered by Prof. Swing, and thought some remarks made had better have remained unsaid, taking all the circumstances into consideration. It certainly did not take well for the first lecture of the course taken as a whole. Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra­ ted Haiti more Oysters. 1 am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh OvMers hy the Can or Dlsli. at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshmen: Parlors are cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ ed, and 'no pains will be spared to please all "who call. I also make a specialty -of all kinds of Can Goods, anil keef) a fine line of Confectioner)'.. Give me a call. E. W. fckOOK«. Business Notice*. , ,. " "* aa&rf % »to Mrs. Rmve's fbr Millinery at Dressmakiiig. , , Fishing T.» Me of 41 >lnds At M. Engeln's. in Howe's iilocli. near the new Bridge* . • j,;,. » .f. .. Buckeye Foree Po*np», at S. * Owen's. , 4tw»j- ltr(riiAin(. A delirious odor Is imparted hf Fioreston ('blogwe, which is always re­ freshing. no ui^fer'how ircfly uwd. Yon will find Cotton Bats and Prints very reasonable at FltzsimmoiiS A Evansons. Standard Prints at Five.jpfttW^per yard itt C'V.Stevens'. ; IT. H. Nichols will sell yoit 2 pounds of Coffee for SO cents, anil make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and saneer. :\'w • > 1 ' Ginhamf and Plaids, nerw nnd •tyllsli prices right. Ai Fit*«'tnrooiis A Evan- sous. u""'.".""' ^ ' " • Do not fail to examine those su«q»e«- »1ers novv being sold at Fitz^inun^ns A Evansons. They are "worthy yonr in­ spection. ' . * ., . Call at E. M. Oxven A Son's awl fee the'celebrated' Ilapgo«>d Sulky Plow that Is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Fiow. <• Il<-«n & Perry' Naufal June Bn ter Cotor The strongest'Color on tbe market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale hy' Fitzslmraons A Evansou, McHenry, 111. A full line of choico" groceries always to be obtained at HENRY COLBY^S. YOUNG MEN. We can fit you lo the nobbiest snlt of clothes or ulsteretto to be found in the County. PERRY & MARTIN. A com reduced prices, .lim. you must not talk to it so long. It gets behind.. It Is rumoreH tJyH RO'Ue bf riitr ' tmy^- cliants have, for speculative" purposes, bought and kept for sale an inferior grade ot flour, represent itif it to be of the same grade aniTqualltv as hereto­ fore kept. A little of this \Vill go a long ways. People won't, use ninety flour and they, won't be Imposed upon. The Marengo Opera House U fast ap­ proaching completion, ami when fin­ ished will he the most, impoilug arid substantial structure 1-q this section of the country. Perry Parkhurst meaqs business. He really intends to erect a new stove just north of tiie new opera boiise. Tliere is some talk of serving the east side of Main Street the same wa*. Well, up with 'eiu, we'll do tiie holler- ing. The Marengo Literary Society holds forth to-night ("Saturday). Ingersoll and Heath are among the speakers. Heigh ho! Bonanza, bo vs. * Higher salaries are being paid to teachers ill, our district schools this year, and, as a result, better teachers have been secured, and better schools are being taught. That is rlglit. If you want good teachers and good schools make it an object for the bet­ ter class of teachers to enter the work. The Teiiuesseeaiis Wednesday night were a success, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. A full house and a grand good time. 1.^. jHie verdict ot all. .J 1* Tlie Roller Skating rtiii^AtK ^citz's Hall Is in full blast, itfftords innocent amusement to many. Glide on,' glide on, ve lovers of funj MARRIED--Will Lester and.,. Mjjs. Ilettirt Radidal 1, both of Marengo, were united in the h dy ban.Is ot matrimony la>t U'ednesd^iy evening. The bride was young, and, tuo\ say. beautiful* the grobm.strong and manly,- May Jim, of Richmond, tlie new corres*f -|ioudeut to* llic self-Styled .leading paper, tlie Sentinel, feels" sad to think lie cannot write as well as "Flossie" could, and calls us Charley, which is a new name for us but not at nil a bad one. Jim gave himself dead away the ether week, is to Ills identity, when be delivered that political sermon in bis correspondence showing that lie was thoroughly posted upon the subjects touched upon when lie called George William iJurtisV William Henry Curlis.'» We know there is not, another "man in Ri chmon.d that is so filled right up to the brim as Is that same Jim--with politics, we mean. ' W. It. SMITH ;- Isflgninin town with a finer l°t'bf; goods In Ills line than ever was offered in this section before.' My goods are bought direct from tlie mauufactnrerer and I therefore know just what goods 1 sell. I pay no man except the nia iu- facturcy a proht. thereby saving jobbers rates Can sell many goods for what your country jewelers pay for them. I have Walthuin. Klgln and Swiss Gold and Silver Watches for ladies and gents Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, 18k |dain Rings fancy set Rings, Gold Guard and Nt'ck Chains, Bracelets, gents roll 4ilnte vwst and -fob Chains. Lockets, Crosses, Charms, Cuff Buttons, all new pattern*.- Solid Silver Spoons, llie celebrated 1847, Rogers Bros. Plated Spoons, Forks, Knives. Castors, &c. 1 will call on ns many of luy custom­ ers as 1 can. Can be found at Riverside Hotel tiie 14th, 24th and 25fh. Wliere I will be happy to show you goods. Save your orders for me and you will save money foi yourself.. All goods warranted an recommended. [ I j: W. R. SMITH, 1 j s Agent for E W. Tr&sk. plete line of Grocerle*, ^t irices. at C.tV. Stevens. If you have not given Behneft ft <S»11 go ill and sec what he is doings , Attention, Dairymen. Bean & Perry's Natural June Butter Color has no equal. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. For sale hy Fitfsslmmons A Evansan, McHenry, III. All tbe new and desirable st^ (lo Hats and Caps at C. V.St«veti»\ ; , Clothing. 1 F Our stock ot' chiklren's . boys' and men's olothinjr ami overcoats, we think the largest evpv shown in this village. VVhen in town we would l>e pleased to sho w you through our clothing room- whether YOU wish to purchase or not. G'ood goods at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by n hich we hope to re­ tain the very liberal {Nitronage so getiorouslv extended to us iu the past. We appreciate your trado.-jmd xlmlI nt nil t imosiln our uliiiast lo HEKHY COLB*. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors, guaranteed to fit any Hgure. at manufacturer's prices at Perry A Martin's. Fitzsiimnnus.i& Evanson are closing 4 ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are going to have a fair of Boots. Call op C, V. 'Steven# and buy good ones. Ladies And Misses fine shoes a speci­ ality, complete assortment of the cele­ brated C, M. Henderson make on hand^ PERRY A MAKTI^. Mrs. Searles will open this week a large stock oft Ladies' and Children's Oloaka. The finest line of Silver, and Plated Ware to'be found ill the eottntyw St ©• W. Owen's. - , Sorlely Belle#. ' = ^ On account of Its n'Hinrknbly del­ icate and lasting frag-»-:it,i-e. society belles are louil In their FlNreston Cologne. \ s. FOB SALE. ' ' --'2, • •' 40 Acres of land in Seetlon 12. alt fenced. Also£0 acre* »»f land, w ith A good honiie ftiul thereon, w ith tjnihyr and vyater abi'ttdaitce. in S«e« jjtm 'tt. i !•. ':*/ Also my hornestcatl oil" tW CryMst Lake and4 Nu"da rond._ Gf.o<' new boiise, barn ancF- titlicr bnthniidings.-- Apply to w JOHN FIXSKY. Kid gloves, bin ton and loop )*«e, la bhtck indors and all tints at Perry A Sinrtiu's. . '-V-M' - FIFTY OF O^tS Wanted, fn excii^ng^'fjwf Furnii| John B. Blake's^ . , Case. Furst & Bradley. Mollne. Hsp- good and other Sulky plows ftt K. M. Owen A Son's. IF you want to hity Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on K. Lawlu», iu Lan­ sing's Block. McHenry. CARltl AGfe>! CJAItRI AGESl CA»- RIAGKS! ' Anyone Iu want of a Carriage. Bliggy or Wagon, should not fnil to call on E.M.Owen tft j^on and s«e the large car-load just received. The finest finished b>t ever.', come to the county aud will'sell them cheap. I HEAD LIGHT OH.. The best Kerosene Oil Iu to#tt;.A H. II. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. <» l^tadam McGoe Corsetts* > MayesA The best on the market at Bartlett's Odor Cases, Besley's. a very fiite article, at Call at Henry Rogers'. Vnlo, fthd see Tea Sets. Bfl pieces, in pink and blue colors at W.7# per set. Fancy Ink Wells, cheap, Rt Geo. W. Bcsley's. 1 1 ' "Call at llenrv Ttogfii's, Volo, and see «?hat a Nice Vase he can show you at" 48 cents each. .. The finest Wrlpng Desks In toWn, at Besley's. ̂MSS. P. A. HILL, Milliner and Dress Would most respectfully inform the ladies of McHenry and surrounding country, that she will, on FRIDAY. NOVKMRER 24TH, at tlie store formerly occupied by P. D. Smith, near tiie Depot, open a full line of Millinery Goods, of the latest styles and patterns, and invites '.he ladies to call, as she is confident she can please them, .both in quality of goods and price. Every­ thing new. No old goods. ' I am also prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking oil short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Give me £a callr ;* v. . MR.?, p.-A.HILL; Meltepry,^uher til. 1*32. / " •» Call at Slaves A Bartlett's and get any tiling voti want in the line of Dry Goods. Groceries and Ready Made C l o t h i n g . i - ' I ' ­ ll. II. Nichols will sell you one pound of choice Japan Tea for SO cents and make you a present of a nicely decorattul cup and saucer. < Buy the -Casaday Sulky Plow stile by p. H. Hart man, Ridge He Id. for 111. II. II. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack- srs. Soda Crackers. Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers. Star Wafer Crackers, Frosted Creams and Ginger Snaps, al­ ways fresh and the best jgrude that can be found in the market, ' The best 50 cent Tea in the County at II. 11. Nichols'. Call for a latuTple and be convinced. H.H.Nichols lias" the finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibit tills side of Chicago, Drop in and smoke. A general invitation to all. A M'ECIALTY Made of Clothing. A suit TOT BoVS 5. 0. 7. 8. 9.10,11. 12,13.14,15.16, 17, 18, 19. 20 years old; and from 20 to 100. call at' C. V. STEVENS. A stock of Uuderwear sufficient to supply McHenry and Lake Counties, to be sold at bottom figures. At C. V. Stevens. How to litcreaa* the Tata* of Butter. Use Bean A Perry's Natural June Butter Color. Sample Bottle Free at Fitssiuunous A Kvansoii's, Mclleury. i u . " ' . . . The largest and best assortment of Gloves and Mittens in town, at C. V. Stevens'. -and see the new stock oC^fcgrJ^ at C, \ . Steve..s . . :i Farms For Sa(e» 1 Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. ; Rock ford Yar 113 and Flannels, best goods in the market, at Fitzsiniuions A Evansons. Call at Mrs. Nichols' an<lsee the new Hue of, Ladies Neckwear. rotftlstMirpf Lace ffys'snr«»«. Tie*, dollars, &c. " . - . «.-. . . ./vjfOR TIIK they live b*i)g Htpl be eternatiy'^b'St. ,,^ ^ Call at Ilenrj' Roger's, V rulo. and see ditifm of the Poets, ^ COIN IO HA CCO. ^ A v»rv tine article. - Everv ofber ping <s>iif!il.ns ii rnhi from ten cents iqi. A great rush fortr at Henry Colby's. - lloUHAYS ^ full ^fctnek Of i China Cups a"d Saoeers, O.loi- '<'»«(>». . .. ...» _ , ,, .. , Fancv I t.k ' W e||« Wi j tin<r n^sk*--. Do'ls the Red Lrne editiFm of the 1 oets,j ; |^| m„Vip; .\ntog'<t;ih .Albums, Vases, •ilcely bound In cly^j, jjllt edges.liit 78..j-'•#>>,•.. and »u-vite« all to call ^l(t) «B0 tifttl ceuts per volume, ( | las lore buying picsouts. CarriageasoW low at E. Mr Owen & stall's, i CROCKERY TO CLv^r. .'To make - room for olhet goodf^S will sell Crockery and Glassware at cost until closed out. C. V, STEVENS. CtUTTERS! CUTTERS! , ; Aii'styiles au<| 'prices at .^M, - A Son's. • . BARGAINS TO (;LOSE. ^ We thi« week nH"r at greatly re­ duce'! prices a |<»» of « ! ip« and Ladies' unit oqiicitcq » VVuoi iiohe. Uknbi COLBY. Cotton Bats, before, at C. V, cheaper , Stevens'. Ill ISA ever Go to 11. II. Nichols' for your to- bacvo. He keeps the largest and finest stock in the county. 1 sh FOR SALE. Stove, suitable for olHci lii%tiire at ibis office. Don't buy vour Coats and Shoe* vntil ymi have willed at. C. V. Stevens. He will save you money. ,j - The "Aurora" Road Cart, tlie easiest thing out mi man and horse, AT' B." M. Owen A Sen's. * i , f FENCE POSTS FQR SAJ.Jfc 2000 seasoned Burr Oak, Fence Post* for sale. Inquire uf - > jbn.V DOitA*. i FOR SALE OR RENT. ' A Blacksmith Shop aud Tools, ftt Bllven's Mills. Mcll^nrr County, Ilft« uois. Inquin* of R. TWKKI* A SoK. Pl.t VKN'S MILLS, An rust lath, ISM. Otir stock of drugs, chemicals and patent -medicines was never more complete. ! (ftkids reliable and priccs right. , . TIENUY COLBT. A new and complete stock of Ging­ hams. Prints, anil Woolen Dress gooa# this week at PEUKY A MAKTIS'S. Yon will' always find good fresh Oysters at 11. 11. NfclioN'. * ( «3 : THE HENDERSON SOO®. Has the lurgest sahvand Is the molt popular >mot in 'ife wist. A full line ol men's, boys' and child* at Perry A OARRlACgs: Have on hand a few ffritwclase ctth> riages which We will sell at cost to close* E. &1. OWES A Sox. Mne iSlioes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is • com plete. For style and durability they cannot b4$Melled. AsJk to .see them. P J UEJJBY COLBY. _ •'-1&%?RC6Xts, OVERCOATS. Best st yles autj^t prices in Mc­ Henry or Lake Counties. 150 new ones |ust opened. ' C. V. Srtvjcss. Dress Goods, Dolmans, Cloaks, I.adiea and Gents undeVware, Overcoats, Ae. t all new and stylish, prices very modefr ate at Fitzfiniuions & Evansou, Gossamer circular* and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and a r oOQVIs' always lijdl liu,e of. rti bdd uVr>„it i , , HBNRY c^yadiT*^ - LXlfitPS. LAMPS. ) Office T.amps, Parlor Lam^wt, Hanging Lamps. Bracket Lamps, nud the. cei*> brated Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Besley's Drug Store. > Bennett does not let any pictures go out of his rooms tb»t are uot satisfac­ tory, ' Overcoats and ulsterettes. A. large line and the latest styles. You uw u&ed W examine them at'1"- . • ' i'i ^ 1 HBKRY CoLBT*8i If yon want a pair of good Boots or Shoes, latest tftyle, go to Perry «& Mar* tin's BUTTER AND EGGS. E^.at..jrft»ey • 1 t--"i • NOTICE, J I am in tbe inillairaih. ami at* pre­ pared to grind wItem or Iced ou *hori notice. Give Uie a c dl. ' i:.:xur ^yniEx*. Sprin < Grave, III.. se|»i.|U, Btli. Go to BequtiU'b tor your picture# Wanted. Butter and PrktaM C. V. Steven FOR SALE. , •> A first class new Parlor1"'tftfin Violin--with Box--for »ale very cheap. Inquire at this office'. The celobrated buffalo boots, a full ?ine of men's Und boys' aU ways to be had at ' 'Hifjcitr HEW mmm STORE,s At Nunda. I MRS, G. W. OOi.llY would respect- : fhlly inform the ladies of Nutida sni| vicinity that she has opened a MiHi» nery store in tlie rooms over the post office and has just receive.!'a full line of Hats, Bonnets, If^hhors. I.aces, and Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, »f the latest st vies, ami ifc f*»»»il<lent sh« c*»n please all who may give.|»era e*tl. \|y gmuls are at! new and «»t It c latesl styles to be found iu lite marked, ami as I buy for casU t am emitiik t*! that I van Sell a# chca|>» if .mH c'1 •*,.•>? than jtuv otiior iu ?he couuty^ Call and see m.v styles and k."3£u |irujesk be> fore you . * Xun<H,'9ev». 12^,'^t,5 ' 4 qLO'tUlX'tA!1 * TIM^ latent st.vie^ ;U»» lirtee* b« iA>uH4iw ^ : ens^>> Ul-t. / t ,feiS il' -- . We w»nt t; a.Jo d**1 if v4u « ir goods »t;fiv »iii lie HetMi^ I t I re\*'i.t us froui vl»4i»g iiuMililu- ; ethers ^tlor uiew- v i* s c« tt.*tu<y c utpWu: HIH) -a^a^ai rl^tm. t-»U in.• - £ , i . j - f^i«i»*iiail3| ! - A GOOD ©Vftw X)AT' ott : ;5 To i\*uov.c we w-ii. •>***% tWrii %«.re k ' 4*v*ttY <& I -"n r il"ilfli'Tllftft f l

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