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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1882, p. 5

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ĵ ê esry l̂aiaSealer. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20. 18S2. Railroad Time Table. AOI WO SOUTH. 7 •*» A. * 6en«T» take Express..,....^^4i .8:20 " Sea4va Lake Freight. . . ootxo'TOam. T<ake FrelirHt (Setters Lake Kipre** Beaava I<ak* Passenger. ....9:W A. M .4:58 P. * t„.«:68 " B. Ttrs*. \tront. M«*tfenrr, 11) M \<*OXTC R' HOTTKWHT T/WWR, Va IM «. F.'anit A. M.-- Regular Communications theRatwrday on or before the full of the moon and every two week* thereafter. ' _ „ „ . CHAI. 0. COLBT, W. M, ^TdKKRT Cttaptkw Sa *4 R A, M --Rcsrn- lar Convocations tie14 on the sccon*l ana fonrth Fri<la»s in each monoh. <*MtTH H. P. WE wish our resort. OtiSf *nd sH.uA MRRRY CHRISTMAS.*' LOOK OUT for Santa THAUS^ J|TV$HE M. E. Church Montis v night. PKRSONS wanting New. Year's c»rds should lesve their orders at this office at once. ' fSh^.' JOHNNY THCNTWKI.IF-OF- Mai com. Nebraska, a former McHenry boy, Is visiting with friends in this section. R. WAITE. who has been building a IL house for A. Indiana, finlsh- f ed his job and came home last wi'ek. | DIKKCTORS: There is something for yen at the Book and News Stand, in this village. ' ^ 11. H. Nichols win give anfee fifill witli every quart or pint Of. Bulk Oys­ ters you buy of hi 1*1. THIS IS the season of the"year when the inan who carefully shuts the doors all summer, begins to leave tliein o|»en. Anew invoice of Winter JIUllilery at Mrs. $.11. Nichols' will he sold at the lowest figures until Jan'. 1st. MRS. T. J. EI.MS will please accept the thanks of ye editor for a hag of very fine hickory nuts, left at our saiitf turn. THE buying public should not falT"TO read the column of "Business Notions" to be lotiud oa the last page of this paper. 1 •'. WHM you are looking for Holiday Presents do not forget to call at G. W. . Besley's. Tie has • a fine stock and a large variety to select from. *'• THERE are several dlflerent; fpiteint* out on ways to preserve eg^s, but none of them heats the old fashioned way of putting them in raisin cake, and plac­ ing the cake down cellar. Ax exchange suggests the following as a subject for some debating society: "Which is the most fun--to see a m:>n trv to thread a needle or a ' to drive a nail ?" A n4w adwortisement for R. C. Hill. Waueond*. will appear next weak Look oul for it. OUR Wanconda readers should bear in mind the entertainment by the McHenry Dramatic flub, at M«i man's Hall on Saturday etetfingmzt* **»«» 28(1. ̂ THE Ladies of Mcllenry who will t e- celve New Year's Calls, are requested to leave their names at this office on or before Tuesday morning next, so that we iriay be able to give notice of the same in our next issue. no not full to read tlie '"Merry Christmas," of.C. V.Stevens, which can be found in another column. His store presents a verv handsome appearance with his Holiday! display. and many useful and Handsome present* tpay be found in his slock. # WE are plrased to learn ttrat C. L, Curtis, of Woodstock, has received the appointment of Postal Clerk, and fhat his route w'li probably be on tlife Bur lington & QiUney Railway, from Chica­ go to Burlington. Charley will make ttn o fficieitt clerk. Is "true blue" in any place you put him. and we heartily congratulate him on his good fortune. THE following, says an exchange, is a sure cure for corns? Take one fourth •cup of strong vinegar.cruinb finely into it some bread. Let it stand half an hour, or until it softens into a good poultice. Then applv. on retiring at night. In the morning the < srtreness will be gone, and the corn can be picked out. If the corn is a very obsti­ nate one. it may require ;wo or more applications to eflect a cure. • FITZSIMMONS & EVAXSON. who are never behind, are displaying a large line of Holiday Goods, both and ornamental. wkieh they are bound to sell, and all you have got to <lo 19, to call, make yonr selections, and you "are sure to get them, almost at your own price. Their general stock Is also complete in every department, and Is being replenished every week. In or­ der to accommodate their trade. ,.Vl" REMEMBER the Mcll«mry Dramatic Club at Riverside Hall to-night. A grand bill and lots of fun. As this is their last entertain meat tor the pres­ ent all should coup? out and give them a rowing.benefit.- " A Christmas tree and t»<vv»ert won the programme at the Universalis church next Sunday evening. Presents will be rccelT#d at tlieclitirch S»ttirdav and Sunday afternoons. The concert, will begin at 6:30 promptly, so that the children need not be kept, our later than ftecessarv. A collc'tlnti willfcis tRk«ik for the Sunday school. ,. v .._A REGULAR Communication of Me- Hehrv Lodge No. 15S. A. F. and "A. Masons, will be held on Saturday oyen- ing of this week. December 23d. Ev­ ery member is earnestly requested to be present a* the election of^ officers" and other Important; business will come before the Ledge. By order of the W. M. ;• .%'• WE have in account partly* prepareM of a Golden Wedding of a sister of Wesley J.add, of this town, which oc­ curred in Massachusetts a few weeks siiice. which waia attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ladi.l. but rn«h of w ;nrk and crowded space, has obliged ns to lav It over until next week, when it will surely appear. Wet rust triends will bear with us. / V . THAT oldsign of a cold winter--thick corn husks--is said to be quite marked this season.. Our wood subscribers will confer a favor bv cutting this out and pasting it in their bets, so as to have it handy and convenient. Farmers and others deslriugn* gen- teel, lucrative agency bnslne's. by whiifti #5 to $20 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal,to H. C. Wilkinson A Co.. 195 and 1^7 Fulton ~Street, New York, FOR * very fine, fat Cliristnaas Tur­ key, the editor a»d family are under obligations to L. A. Parker. That he. may live to enjoy many a "Merrv Christmas" e.nd»"IIap|>y New lE'eftm." is the tyish of yours truly, for the Do not fail to read the new adver- rnnnt of Perry & Martin, to be found inNnother column. .They are offering decided bargains in their general stock, besides a. full line of goods H o l i d a y t r a d e . " . . . 1 Wk understand there will iHf Christ-: mas exercises at the TThiversali«t Church on Sunday evening next and at. the Methodist t'hurch on Mondaj* even­ ing. As no programmes have been handed in we cannot give further par­ ticulars. From Ylie appearance of Vic/c's Floral which is on our desk, we should judge that the young Vicks arc "chips" of the old block, as the Floral Guide with its lithographed cover is hand­ some enough for the parlor table. It is printed on the best of paper, has three colored plates of Flowers and Vegetables, and full of useful Informa­ tion. Those who send 10 cents for it cannot be disappointed, as the- plates alone are, worth the amount. Address, as in past jrearfc, Barnes VU&, Rochester N. Y. THE Ladies of the Universulist So­ ciety of Nuuda. 111., wiM give a Basket Sociable at Ballou's Hall, Dec. 29th, and all friends wlio will, come and can come and want to cotne are cordially Tilvited,and will be cheerf11IIv welcome, to join with us on that- social occasion. Baskets for sale at the I'ost Otllce from Dec. 22d until Dec. 2Sth. Those w ho prefer to buy baskets alreadv filled can do so at the Hall Friday evening, for twenty-five cents each. Admission ten <;eiits. except ladies with' baskets, panics, music, dancing, and a beany good cheer, «yiU be the order of the evening. BY COMMITTEK. THE following iron an exchange, speaks our sentiments exactly, and as we were asked to do the same tiling we "know how it is ourself." -"A religious weekly that wants •country papers to publish a'half-coinmri of advertising foi^ a copy of the paper one year, which, we believe, is #2.50 or $3. fairly arouses 44ie ire of BradUHrv.«f the Lake county Patriot, who gives the concern a raking down. For real cheek the proposition staii'lb at the head of thti class. We received it ourselves, and after reading it over carcfuilv come to the conclusion that It bore a striking resemblance to what U known as a'Dio is fraud.'" R. B. GARDNER, the square dealing and ar.?oni,modatlng merchant at Solon, has now in stock a fullline,of goods for the Holiday trade, to which he invites the attention ot the public. Hi* goods were all selected with the greatest care, and with square dealing and low- prices he is sure to please all who give Nm a call. Every reader of the Pi.AINHEALER, before buying, should call at Ids store, as we are confident they will save money bo so doing. SANTA CLAI-'S Headquarters can be fpund this year at John B. Blake's, where vou ei^n rind anything from a tin whistle to a full set. of Furniture, and and at prices so low'that it will aston­ ish you. BlaKe was bound to meet the wants of the public, and bought a.stock second to lione ever brought to Mc­ Henry county, which gives to buyers a var'cty to select from seldom found, lie has marked everything down to bed-rock^, in order to meet the demand of the times. Read his advertisement. Woodstock Department. Ed Murphy Is home from Dakota. Dr. Nichols, of Buckley, Ilt„ wjjp '\f tills city early lust week. y :i ,< > Mrsi. A. K. Bourue. of this city. Is very 111. we believe with some ailment or the lungs. f Mrs. .To«lah Dwfght and her daujfhter Miss Julia, of Ohio, are here to speod the Holidays with W. II. Dwight. N, M. Richard", an employee of tlie Chicago post, office, visited his mother and sisters In this cltv last week. Henry MacLaugldiu., the express messenger on the Woodstock Accom­ modation train, is quite sick and una­ ble to take bis run. We believe He is threatened; fltl*, congestion of the lungs. ,*• ' A troupe of colored minstrels was billed for this place on Monday even­ ing, December 11th. They failed to put in an appearance, however, and in consequence thereof there are .those in this community that would be please ! to see the real manager of the concern for a few nioments>-lf ^he was uat short of funds. _.. C. Ti. Curtis, of this elty. who is tlie editor of tlie Woodstock Department of tlie Harvard fndepsmlenf. was ap- pointed^last week as a railway mall clerk. We believe lie is to rim oil the Chicago, Burlington & Qtiincy R. R., from Chicago to Burlington. Success to you CharleSi Next to ourself we know of no one who \t% would ritbtr hear had been so Inoky. adver- HOLIIIAV PAKTIK8. Parties for tiie Holidays art tised as follows: CHRISTMAS PARTY, at the 'Culver 'louse. Richmond, on Friday evening, Dec. 22d.* Music. Wilson Bros. Quad­ rille Band. Tickets. $2. ® CHRISTMAS PARTT at Wt'rff Hall, Mclleury, on Monday evening, Dec. 25th. Tickets §1, Good Music iu at­ tendance. . f 'CHRISTMAS PARirT at ;i|iiffi»an ,s i italh W;>iii'i>ml i Moijiiay evenintr, D^c. 25th. Music, Wauconda Qiuulrille Band. 1i eke ts $S1. NEW YEAR'S PARTY at the Parker House. Mclleury, Monday evening, Jan. 1st, 1S8S. Music. Janesviile LTtflft Guard Band. Tickets $2.50. NEW YV.AR'S PARTT at tlie Riverside House. Mclleury, Monday evening Jan. 1st. 1883. Music by the Elgin Baud. Tickets 82.50. NEW YEAR'S PARTT at Thaleu's Hall Johivsburgh, Mou l^y evening, Jan. ls'» 18S3. Goo.| Tickets 81.00. Music in attendance. MRS. SKARLKS lvas lustre t unuml, fro in j the city with a full line of Ladies Furnishing Goods. Cloaks. Milliner etc., suitable for the Holiday trade, rt which she invites the afentior. of tile public. Call and see her.bef#^ pur-| chasing your Presents. IF In want of a Present for father mothfe, sister, brother, cousin or aiintj " look over our advertising columns. Yoi cannot fail to find what sufts you, a< our advertisers are nil llvrt men. an< keep an assortineut uot surpassed the county. WE understand'that Marshal Tlolnu wa» present at several "Surprise Pa ties." In this village on Saturday even' log lafrt. Boys, its better lis vou "look" a leetle ond.'* as you "know not what hour may bring forth," when its after eleven o'clock. H V M K N « % U rA social event of more than ordinary riiterest occurred at Mclleury, Dec. 13. rin the marriage of John Dennont. of Richmond, and Miss Sarah Parker^ daughter of Wlnslow Parker, formerly if McHenry,The bride was well known anil highly respected in Mc­ lleury circles, and had also won many friends during .her stay in. Richmond; and scarcely anyone is better known in and about, his native town than "Jack." the fortunate and happy grooin. The ceremony was performed in the parlors of the Parker House, by Kev. Grover C. Clark, of Richmond? in the presence of a large company of frifends from Rich­ mond and McHenry. After "congratu­ lations" tlie dining room doors were thrown open and the guests sat down to a wedding dinner, such as only tlje skilled caterer could provide. There was no luck,iu quantity* quality or variety. The happy pair took their departure after dinner, for a two-weeks' trip among friends in the West. There was a due display, of presents. r DIED. --At the resilience of Ilia eldest daughter, Mrs. Krnnk 0"«»lo. . near Sprint <;rovt\ on Tuesday, December Iflth, ISS2 1'eter Stevens, in tlie 75 tli yc;»r of his nge, • Mr. Stevens was the father of C. V. Stevens, of this village, and was well and lavoiiibly known by the old Set- ilers of this and Lake county, -having resided here nearly 40 years. His fun- enil will take place from tlie M. E- Church.' at Ringwood. <»n Thursday, •(to-morrow) at ten o'clock, tlie Rev. L. J. Din sinore. officiating. We sliall give a more extended obituary nex>t, week. Ed Bnckley. who win one of Wood- ®tock's school boys when tlie old frame school ho ise occupied the site where now stands our elegant and commo­ dious brick building, and who married the eldest daughter of the late Judge Kerr, called upon friends !a Wood­ stock lust week. Ed Is still a Missis* sippi River boat steward and looks about as young as ever. The funeral of Mrs. James L, who died in this city Saturday night, December ftth. took place the follow, ing Tuesday. The services were held at the M. E. Church, commencing at half past one o'clock. The church was well tilled by intimate acquaintances of the deceased , for she had long been a member of the Woodstock Methodist Church, and was held in high est^eui by those connected with the same, which sustains n loss that canuot fail to be felt in all tlie different meetings of tlie society. The services were con­ ducted by the Rev. John Adams, her paitor, and were solemn and 'inpres- sive. Laura DeWolf wa* born at ^rtt£osta. Oneida County, ST. Y., JanuarjT 2dth, 1814. She married Jaines L. lloyt. March 28th. 1839. came to WUcutsiu iu tav< | from Hieiv to Woods|ock in 1854. where she resided until her death. She departed this life in iidvauce of a husband With Whom 4h«Js> lrtd Mvetl nearly forty-three years, and whose age, like hers, is drawing to the three score years mil ten. Three children live to mourn the loss'of their best and truest earthly friend, for tlie writer has good reason to know that no son or daughter ever possessed a more alloc- tlouate aiul self sacrificing mother than was the deceased. Mrs. Martin, the eldest daughter, resides iu Micli- igau;Peikrl the eldest sou, in Geneva. 111., and Jay lives iu Woodstock, with Ins father, all being married. Mrs. lloyt was sick but a few days, but in that time sufleied terribly up to a few hours before she died, dually passing away easi'y and peacefully, appenriug Iu 0eat">.a»4lJUMigU ^aliuly ^ j^fljr, sleeping. • '-'V"--,• "jij. •' The following iu relation to tlte burning of the elegant residence of Mr. E. A. Murphy, of this city, being TO THE PUBLIC; Referring to the rard of Jacob Story. In the PKAINDEAMCR of the 13th we desire to state a few facts an (1 leave the public to judge for themselves. Our line of "Garland Stoves and .Ranges" is the largr-st, nnesf and most complete line of goods in the world, having'a-larger sale and being more widely known than any other M»i* ever made. In common with all other flrst- cluss srove 'manufacturers, we give the exclusive sale of Hie entire line to one dealer In every town and protect him in tbosale of the same te tlie best of our ability, and KO long a* he continues to push the sale of the goods the exclu­ sive right to stdl the same is as abso- ^ lutely hi,s property as is Ms pocket1 book, '^ow the exclusive sale of ••Gar­ land Stoves and TRangfes"* for McHenry 1 is the sole property of Mr. I. N. Mead, and no other party in that place has aiiV more right to take from Mr. Mead tlifc profit to which he fs justly entitled | on tills ?l*w of goods than they have to t:ike Mr. Mead's pocket book. We know of no law which prevents a man selling his own property, but there Is a laW of business and decency whieh should pre­ vent any honorable man from infring­ ing upon the rights of his com|ietltor in bnsines*. and Mr. Story has In tills case infringed upon that law. Tlie manner In which Mr. Htory pro­ cured the Garland stoves which he maintains Is his property is AS follows; A dealer from a town «ear McHenry called at our salesrooms and bought a few- stoves. He was asked where they were to go and gave the oaine of a town where we had no customer. Our .salesman asked him if they were going to Mclleury. he lied and said no, and these are the stoves which Mr. Story is now ottering for less than they are worth for the purpose of making it ap­ pear that Mr. Mead was asking too much fnr tlie goods, which is not the case, as 822.50 for tlie stove in question is as low as it Is sold bv any of our agents. Who Is right in this matter I lie public can best judge when they learn that Mr. Story cannot buy a stove from us at any price, but that the "Gar­ land" stoves which he otters were ob­ tained by lying and deceit, and that the i price at which they nre ottered by Mr. Story is from 82 to 85 less than they are usually sold for. It is seldom indeed that we feel the necessity of attempt­ ing to protect the rights of our agents in public print, but when the weapons used against "Garland Stoves and Ranges" are such as they are Iu this case we are forced to. We assert that the "Garland" stoves in question were obtained from us by lying and deceit, and this we are prepared to substan­ tiate, and if such contemptible and sneaking attemptf to Injure the sale of •'Garluml Stoves and Ranges" find anv favor In tlie eyes of the public we shall be greatly mistaken. (Signed) MICHIGAN STOVE CO. Chicago Office, Dec. 15th. 1882. P.S.--Mr. Story's boast that he can furnish any stove, even the "Garland." will uot hold good long. We know the decoy who obtained the goods Mr Story now has by luakiitg false preteir ses. And shall tot on our gui^i^ the Aituro. ; 7;'," . 'n" I soon i Lamon Ai| Aw exchange says the maWj^Ts of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad have under contemplation the laving "of another tanck from Chicago to St. Paul via Madison, thus making a double track road. The extensive trafic demands greater facilities. Ax exchange wants to know "what. I« home without a newspaper?*' It is a place where old hats are stuffed into window panes; where children are like young pigs; the housewife like a sav­ age and the hushaiid with a panorama of the dismal swamp painted on his shirt bosom with tobacco juice* -both useful and valuable. . The follow­ ing is a list: THE Waukegan'&asetfe says: ̂ THR of our Lake county citizens visited McHenry county one day last week and purchased some very fine Poland China, tthoat* from the estate of the late Geo. Hunt. The gentleman were Messrs. VT. B. Smitn. W. II *Knox, "tf2ff»rwi» >ud J. Wedge, ot Jailburu." 1)1 KU. On Wednesday, Dec.emtwr IStl i , a t 12:30, P. M : , nt his Ule rej idence il l Aurora, 111., P. fc. I . .VMH, nsed 39 years. • Mr. Lamb became a resident of Mc­ Henry for a short time while connected in business with Cristy, Wa'ker & Co., but during that time both he an J his wile left an indelible impression for go\>d. None knew Mm but to esteem liiui. He wa'i an amiable, cultured. Christian gentlemiyi. a member of tli® Second Baptist Chnreh. of Chicago, in which lie held tlie office of a Deacon. But he has taken his departure and en­ tered intb his joy. With the widow's sorrow, many a tear will mingle, and for her many i prayer arise, from those who knew and loved Iter iu this place. J. C. BIGHI.OW. Toilet ca>es with Brush comb and nirror. Both celluloid and composi­ tion, a very nice gift, at Perry & Mar- sin's..' ' v 25 yards Brussels carpet , Mr and Mrs W Parker; Silver castor, Mr and Mrs I .evi Par­ ker; si lvcr casior, i l r i K Dermont; si lver castor, Mr and Mrs AT Parker; (diver cake basket , Mrs Raneoine, F Shackenlinry, Julia Sherman nud Uhas Green; sot of si lver spoons, Mi ami Mrs It J Martin; set of si lver knives, Mr and Mrs t^ 1, Martin; set of si lver knives, Mr and Mrs Geo Vuit> n; sot si lver knives and forks, Alex Dermont; si lver cake knite, Frank Wray; toilet set , Mr and Mrs David Parker; toilet set , Mr and Mrs H II Nichols; majolica set , Mrs G B Carpenter and Mrs J C smill i ; IHU stat ionery, M K \Vilco\; s i lver dollar , l .evi l t i>s<, Slurtand, 111.; f ruit dish, Mr and Mr* soiisr; parlor lamp, Mr and Mrs frank Dioinii i*;; sal tcellars, K!l; t I 'arker; t idys and pin cusli irm, Mrs J N Burton; pair l iapkin rinjrs , Mrs T J Clifton; f t i t tss water- pi tcher, Minerva Dermont; hat ruck, l l iruin I-arker; damask table cloth, L D Blacknjan, H C Mead and wives; water pitcher and six poblets, Mr ami Mrs Fiank Granger; lable spread. Mr and Mrs t W Smith; set si lver forks, Mrs U N Culver; towels, Mr and Mrs Jolin Klvereon; vases, G W Bestey: perfume case, Di Ander­ son; smip tureen and ladle, S B and K J l lui i lev; lx>x s tat ionery, Addie Brown and Charley Ross; mirror, Mrs U A Howard; hand painted placque. Mrs K M Oweo and daugh­ ter; damask table clui h, Vrs J I ' Guinjr; s i lver nerry spoon, Mr and Mrs II M l lu-l iugo; sugar spoon and butler knife, J Ncinurcut. H. H. Nichols will sell you 65 cent Tea for 45 cents a pound lor the next 10 days. Call and see for yourselves. Object, to ruu ofl stock by Jauuary 1. To the Publtpr In view of a rumor having been clr- cjilsted regarding »he salety of the Parker House, I have investigated the matter.and. below give a statement frem Mr. lloag. the well known archi­ tect of Rlgin, who is making some Im­ provements about the house: In reference to the Parker House dancing hall, and - in fact the entire building, I have no hesitancy in saying that with some improvements, whi^li will be completed this present week, there can no longer be a pretext for a doubt as to its perfect safety, even though H wer« crowded to its utmost capacity. Assurance is being made doubly sure. Very few halls in the county are as well and sol­ idly supported. I have examined tlie 'juildiiur and know whereof I^speak. *' S. HOAG. T Xmas Gifts; New Ones, Good Ones, Pretty Ones, at Perry & Martin's. Call and examine our Christmasgoods before purchasing. ' PEBRT & MARTIN, by far the best account of the same we have seen, we take the liberty of copy­ ing it Irom the Sentinel, knowing it to be a much belter account than we could possibly write, even had we the time, which we lMl| week: ~v - The flue residence of E. A. Murphy, on Jackson St.. with ;i11 the outbuild­ ings, was completely destroyed by tire Wednesday morning. The Are bell gave the alarm just before five o'clock ami in a short spuce of time thereafter, a large crowd. Including tP'eiiien with the engine were on the scene,. The tire originated in tlie barn, and the flames had made such headway before discovery, that It was an impossibility to save it. The house stood in such close proximity to tlia barn lliat it soon took fire, and owing to the fact that the fire engine could not be miide to work for a long time, tlie flames got a start and that had to go with tlie barn. If tlie engine had worked when it first arrived as well as it did one half hour later the house would have been saved, or If the engine had not been there,'"we believe the flames would probably have been extinguished after they had communicated with the house, by the use of buckets, but as it w:is too much dependence was placed on the fire engine. Several reasons have been given, for the eugino . net working, but the most plausible one to us is, that the lower valve was froz­ en so it weuld uot pertorin its duties. There is one thing certain: after liftt water was used freely it never worked better, but then it was too late, tlie mischief had been done. Mr. Murphy purcliased the place about two years ago, and It was considered ou« of the best in our city, and iiad just got it furnished and fitted up so lie and his family could enjoy life, which makes it seem worse. The loss will reach nearly •7.000, insured for $3.500--$2,500 on buildings and ®1,0G0 on furniture, $c. --the most of the furniture was saved, although damaged to a considerable extent. The Sentinel hopes id the Suture that tlie citv authorities will see to it that the fire engine is in per­ fect order, and ready for use at any moment, so in casQ of another lire it will be of service. We understand also thatxjiere were no ladilors on t|iei> ground lor a long tiiue. which was" another great inconvenience--so we say have everything ready iu case of another Are. The Are was undoubt­ edly t'1® work of au incendiary. For the Holidays. We have received a good assortment of Fancy goods suitable for Holiday presents such as Fancy Cups and Saucers, Vases. Albums, Autograph Alliums; Ladies Fancy Kid Mitts. Fan jy Pocket Books. Ladies and Gents Ties and Nubias, llood«. Fine Wool Hose, Suspenders. Men and Boys Caps. Smok- iug .Sots^ etc.. in fact a very choice 11iie of all kinds of tisefni article* sv.vii as the people need. Overcoats, and f.udies Clonks at greatly reduced prices. Underwear for Ladies and GeuU at bargains. Call and examine, •ui;, ,-iMv 'J^iiry Respectfully. • . FlTZTIllMON8 <fc EVAMSOlt. V : -- . ! W. JR. SMITH Is figain In town with a finer lot of good* iu his Hue than ever was offered in this section before. My goods are bought direct from the manufacturerer and I therefore know just what goods I sell. 1 pay no man except the manu­ facturer a profit, thereby saving jobbers rates, Cau sell many goods for what your country jewelers pay for them. I hHve Waitham. Klgin and Swiss Qold and Silver Watches for ladies aud gents Solid Gold aud Plated Jewelry, 18k plain Rings fancy set Rings, Gold Guard and Neck CUaUts, Bracelets, gents roll plate vest and fob Chains, Lockets, Crosses, Charms, Cuff Buttons, all new patterns. Solid Silver Spoons, the celebrated 1647 Rogers Bros. I'Uted Spoons, Forks, Knives. Castors, &c. 1 will call on as many of my custom­ ers as | can. Can he fouud at Riverside Hotel the 14th, 24th and SStli. Where I will be happy to show you good*. Suve yonr orders for me and you will SHve money foi yourself. AU goods warranted, if* recommended. , T W.R.SMITH, . .„ . Agent for E W. Trask. LOOK HERE. M Fourteen aWd*# Half poin ds of good Sugar for oue dollar. Don't forget 1t. HKNRT COLBY. Madam McGee Corsetta. The best on tlie market at May Bartlett's Odor Cases, a very flne article, at Befetey's. Call at Henry Rogarrf. Volo, aud see Tea Sets. 56 pieces, in pink and blue colors at 84.79 per set. For tlie next 15 days H. H. Nichols will sell you Genuine Plug Tobacco for 65 cents per pound, and he has 15 difler> ent Brands to choose from. The best In tlie market. Hoods. Hosiery, La lfea ind Children* Merino Underwear, and Misses Corsets at Mrs. Nichols. You trill fl«'l Cotton Bats am) Prints very reasaiiable at Fitzsimmons A Kvniisons. . Standard Prints at Klve Ceuu per yard at C'V. Stevens'. IT. If. NlchoK ha* tl.e latfeM nicest stock of Confectionery * In County. aiid the Business Notieen. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. utittrwnr • A - Fishing Tackle of Kngelii'.*, In ll»we*s •tew Bri.lge^ . alt kinds at Iff Block, near lh# Blue Flannel shirts, the most com plete asseriment ever shown in Mc • Henry. Just received at Fitasimtuon* A Kvattson 's. " ; iV ft. II. NlehoU will *ell TO" ^ potind* of Coflee for BO eeuts. and make yon a present of a nicely decorated cup and saucer. Ginhamf and Plaids. n*w *ml ttrlfrti prices right. Ai Fii**inunons A Evan- sons. Do not fall to examine those suspen­ der* now being sold at Fiisaimmrut* A Evansons. They are 'worthy yeur In- «|>ection. Call at E. M. Owen A Son'* and s#e the celebrated Hspgooi Sulky Plow tlint Is warranted to run lighter than a Walking PJow. Rean A PerrJr* SMMI Male Bntw Defer The strongest Color on the market, only requires onedialf the smount of other Color*. For Sale by Fltsslmmons A Evansoii, Mclleury, 111. A full line of choioo groceries always to be obtained nt HKNRT C«M.BY*». YOUNG MEN. We can At. you to the nobbiest suit of clothes or lilsterette to be found In the County. PHRRT A MARTIN. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C^V. Sievens. If you have not given. Bennett Rcall go In and see what he is doing. All tlie new aud desirable Rats and Caps at C. V. Stevens^ Clothing^ | Our stock ot* children's boys* and men's clothing afid overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. Wheu in town we would l>e pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. Good goods at close prices and alwayisas represented, is the motto by which we hope to re­ tain the very liberal juitronage so generously extended to us m the past. "We appreciate your trade, and shall at all tiniesdo our utmost,to please you. f HKNRT GOLBT. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors, guaranteed to fit any figure, at innuufacturer's prices at Perry A Martin's. ttuckeve F«re? l'uuipe, Os eii'n. Always Uefmhtac. A delicious odor is Imparted bj|t Fioreston <;ologne, which is always fill freshing, no matter how freely nsed. The finest Hoe of Silver and Plate# Ware to be found In the eoftffCyj at W. Owen's. | Seelety Bellee.__ On account o'Jts rent ark aUy w Icate and lasting fragrai^Jeoetet belles are loud in their pralMS. " FlorrstOn Cologne. f " FOK HA'liR't 9*^ • Acres of land in SecttvR lft AI fenced. Also SO acres of laud, good house and barn thereon. 1 timber and water In abundance, la tion 12. Also my homestead on the C Lake and Xurda ruad. Qoed if h<Mi«e, barn aud other outbuildloM.' Apply to JOHN PLVslt. Rfd gloves, hntton and leofi laea, fti black color* and all tints at Perry 4 Martin's, FIFTY BUSHELS 0* OATS Wanted In exchange for FwraJtura^ | John B. Blake's. Case. Furat & Brailiey. Mfdlae, Baa good and other Sidky plows At It fl Owen A Sou's. If yon want to bny fMothlng at Ohl cago prices, call on R. Lawiue. la Laa sing's Block, Mclleury. CARRIAGES.' CaRRIAGES( CAl KlAGKS! ^ Anyone in want of a Cai Buggy or Wagon, should not fal call on E. M.Owen A S*ui and see large t>er-load jn«l reoelved. •nest finished Int ever come I county and will sell them ch*-ap. HEAD LIGHT OIL. ( The best Kerosene Oil In teWR di B. H. Nichols. 176 Fire Test. -'Ut FENCE l»OST^ FOR 8ALB* ' • 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence foil for sale. Inquire of JOBN FOR SALE OR RENT. A Blacksmitli Shop aud Terti Bllveirs Mills, McHenry, County.^ nols. Inquire of R. TWKKV A iMw." Bi.ivail's Mim, Anynat ISU>, 1*M. Our stock of drugs, chemteAf and patent mcdicincs was net " more complete. Goods relial__ and prices right. IlEWRT OOLBT. A new and complete sto<k ef Of hams, Prints, and Woolen Drei this week at PKRRT A M* You will always tlud jreod Oysters at (I. H. Nicliols'. THE HENDERSON BOOT. Has the largest sale aud Is the popular hoot In the west. A ftdl II oi men's, boys' and eltilds at Ptrry Martin's. iwRi 1» Flkzsiinmors A Evan son are Closing <i ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are golug to have a fair of Boots. Call ou C. V. Stevens and buy good ones. Ladles and Misses flue slides a speci­ ality, complete assortment of the cele­ brated C, M. Henderson make en hand. PKKKT A MARTIN. CARRIAGES. W. The finest Writing Desks l« town, at Besley's. , "It pays to trade oil the west side." 14 pounds New Orleaiu Sugar for f 1.00 atC. V. Swv«u*\ Call at Henry Roger's, V«lo. and see the Red Line edition of the Poets, nicely bound In cloth, gilt edges, at 78 cents per volume. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs in large variety for Holldajs at Fltislna- mons & Evanson'6. Fancy Ink Wells, cheap, at Geo. Bealcy's. Call at He^fy Roger's, Volo, and tee what a Nice Vase lie can show you at 48 cents each, Call at Mrs. NiehoU' and see the new line of Ladies Neckwear, consisting of Lac« yjssui^s. Ties. Collars, Ac. {t 1 Z' COIN TOBACCO, ^ ' *Ar«#ery Une article. Every ether plug contains a coiu from ten cents up. A groat rush for It at Henry Colby's. FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS Gea. W. Besley has a full stock of China Cups anil Saneers, Odor Cases. Fancy Ink Wells. Wilting Desks. Dolls of all kinds. Autograph Albums, Vases, etc.. and Invites all to call aud see him be I ore buying presents. Call nt Henry Rogers', Volo, and see Chamber Sets of 10 pieces In pink, blue and plum colors at 93.79 per set. For the Holidays. MRS. SCHUMACHER would Inform the piihliMhat the has a full Hue of Goods for the Holiday trade, consist­ ing In psrt of Dolls. Toys, Fancy Coeds, Notions, etc , which she will sell at ilie lowest living prices. A full stock of Millinery Good«. ttt Cost. I also have a fine line of Ladies' ^juid Children's Slippers and Sliees. Give nte a call, examine goods and.learn prl- eea. - MAKY SCIIIIIMCHUH. 1 -- -- - - • NOTICE.-; "liflglfWpep for sale; ftMWt All Ewes in gotul condition for breeding. Iu- quire of Andrew Thomas, miles northwest of McHenrv Station. Call at Mayes A Bartlett's and get anything you want in the line of Dry Goods. Groceries and Rendjf Made C l o t h i n g . ! * " Carriages sold lew at E. |f», 0wen A Son's. A splendid variety ^OQ^S E at C. V. Steveus', Inspect Holiday Good* at Fitaslm IUOIIS A Evan«nn*8. | ̂1 | CROCKERY TO CLOSE. To make room for other goodi W# will sell Oockery and Glassware at cost until closed out. » C. V. STEVBNS. ,CUTTERS! CUTTERS! All flutes*nd prices at E. M. & Son's. Please remember our prices are al­ ways as low as tlie lowest, and we stand ready at all times to meet any aud all competition. HKNHT COLBI. !';;.,!OOR BARGAIN COUNTER * Never was more complete. It con­ tains some rare Bargains. Call and see tliem at llenry Colby's. For first-class Insurance against fire and Lightning, wiud storms, cyclones, tornadoe*. etc., etc., apply to Asa W Smith. Woodstock, III. r Go to H. H. Nicliols'̂ # |Wtr »« bacco. Ue keeps the largest and tiuest stock in tlie couniy. BARGAINS TO CLOSE. We this Week ofler- ^t greatly re­ duced prices a lot of Caps aud Ladies iMd Children's Wool Hose. HKNRT COTM* FOR SALE. A good Stove, suitable for office «r shop. Inquire at tliis office. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. V. Steveus. lie will suve you money. Picture frames. Fancy Box Paper. Hsud mirrors, very nice and cheap at Perry A Martin's. If vou want a Hood, Searf, Casslmere Hoee, Silk Handkerchief. Lace Ties, etc., call »t 1'tKK* A MARTIN'S. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest rhliig iiui on mau and horse, at E. M. Uwen A Sou'k. 0o to Bwnaett'a lor jfour pictures "ii niifv vn iniiHi » IVW >11^1 i iwf rlages which we will sell at cost {si E. M.QWKK A Son, Pin© Shoes. w : Our stock of Foster's celebrated^ - Beloit Shoes is complete. Fof: style and durability they canQof' be excelled. Ask to see them. ; HRNKT Ooun* -""W' ^ OVERCOATS, OVEKCOATU. ff i Best styles and lowest prlees la. Mel *. Henry or Lake Counties. ISO now sMf:' fust opened. C. V.SmtMk |f ^ Dress Goods, Dolmans,Cloaks, LsuHa^ aud Gents uuderware. Overcoats, Atl1 all new aud stylish, prices very BSMM ate at Fltsfimmons A Evanson. !• Gossamer oii-culart and cos' for ladies and gentlemen, and tull line of rubber goods slws: to be had at * HKNRT OOUNRT. LAMPS. LAMPS. Office Lamps, Parlor LauiPS, ffnglsi LaiupK. Bracket Lamps, ana tbs OsWf '- lirated Oscar Wilde Latuy, at B«sl»f*i Drug Store. ^ - Bennett does not let any _ out of Ida rooms that an not tory. Overcoats and ulsterettee. large line and the latest st You are asked to examine at f ,"i't *>f -v-vM >i BKMKT OlNJlt. If yo.nvtnt K pill1 of good BooU Shoe's, latest style, go to Perry A Mi ilu's BUTTER AND EGGS. Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Prices at C. V. Stevens'. FOR SALE. A first class now Parlor Ov0M ;- Violin--with Box--for »ale my shoayfef Inquire at this office. The celehmted buflSUo a full .'iue of men's aud boys' ways to be had at llKNitr Cojupv*ik -"J BSW ICLLUIfiSY At Nuncla. MRS. G. W. COLBY would rospsotjp fullv inform the ladles of Nunda aatt vicinity that slie has opened a Mill# uery ft ore in the rooms over tliO PSS| office aud has jia»t received a f»»U lla# trf Hats Bonnets. RlMwins. Lat«s, j.adies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest style*, ami is ah# c«n pk-Hi-e all who may give her ft sail. My goodn are all new and of tlie latest Ktyles to lie found In the ssaHtM, ml as I buy forca^li I am eonlldeal that I can sell as cheap, if not cheaper the* any other plaee in the ewmty. Cptt and see iny xi vles and leara prioss, bo»" fore you purciiase. ? Mas. U. WjOosjR. Nun<l.t, Sept. I2th, ML CLOTHING! CLOTHING I The latest styles and lowest be found its the county, at C. We want your tra«le and If JM «IS|. 0 11 good* there will be snthllg til ( reveut iw from doing IsMSllMMS t ether. Our new Stortt jk> Sortalntar c ni|dete aad prices alwaya rtctp il all In. F FtTa»niNovs 41 RVAWOK, . A GOOD OVER«-OAT «;M*AP. To d«h • cV w shall ael« oeefS'i 1 coats this week v verv .tev..|nis| > I % JP%5'.'

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