" - V V * ' . " : - . 5 V . • • : - . . '• * .«•.-• - ... . J •. . • . . \ _ - . ... rmfw-- i«aj. ,• Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and VOL. 8. ;V- jh - No Favors Win us and no Fear 8hall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLLNOE •NESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1882. Published Bve»r Wertneeday'Sy Vjk̂ S SLYKE, BDITOt AND PUBLI3HEK. OdBee in Bishop's Block »«.; |MfMo»ira PERRY A MARTi^tr,'., 4lSR5iSOF StTBSORlPTIOSf.* ( >-teelYe»r (in Advance}.. ........,...#1.50 '-Mi Jf'»t Pill wlthhiT'iraa Months,.. .....1<10 i; Hehterinti'tits receivol far three or six -- ,Oanth* In the snnn proportion. ;'»^c BUSINESS CARDS. it TT. T. BROWX.M.O. ibHT«Tf!T\'H AXT> STTR'IFOV Offiit* oyer the Pout, OHea, nnwsite m?rr? * Inrt nil stairs, MeHenrv, -wh '1?; n. w. rrcaF.n*. nr.* tfc •. fa.**.<.? fWV*IOi \V M»l> ^TTitlTCOtf. Johnsborgti. Ills.--OMce hours 8 to 10, m. O. J. HOWART1, "M. D. 1VIYSTCIAN <\\n STTRGKOV, 1 mv re«Henee, opposite M. ftcHinry. 111. Oire at B. Church, , ; k. r. AXDRRSOV. M. rt.TSfiPlt AV nnd Snrsrcon. TOwi*" Residence, McHehrr, Illinois. kt •>,,< J. J. MYF.R«, and "Restnnrant, f!l BA^KMKNT of Knhnert's <Mnre. Johns, hnrirh, Til. The choicest brands of Wines fjqiiAr««ml (1<>ri always on hand. Oal! S»d sue m*. PRATT noiTSK. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class nc. Mitimoditions. Wood Barn In connection hinennda. Ill, * ; '*ii£U. t/v .I'lj 5 BARBIAN BRCHt! Or. Shop, 11 Old McfTenrr, Keiter Block, two doors west of PLAIW- IALBR Office. > ;i tllG AR Manufacturers, Mr Henry, Til._ i dcs solicited. *2 RfCll.VRl) COMPTOS. J, iriTSTlCIC Of the Peice-vnd Conveyancer.- tf Will attend promntlv to the collection of libit. Volo, Lake County, 111. IS. R. RICH VltDS. #TAS(» complete Abstractor Titles to land •Ml !•* -HenrvCounty, •-flgmaty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. ••: rf R. M. OWKV OENERATj Ttcnlor «nil MfUHifneUirers Agent In Lotvliiisr Farm M:io>»inerv.-- Prices low and terras favoral>lc. McITenry, .|1: N. R. COLBY. ^ roHRWRT, Mcllcnrv Co., 111,. .... .Breeder of Spanish Merino Sh<"n>> no.vk": nirc find - . . -iioicn lot of von ,«k stork «»*• forfl Imyinp: elsewhere. B. G. SMITH. _ atten- "tion'Viven to Rettalring. 'fthop"'In ' J .J. Silles* holldinff, next to river bridge, Mt- Benrv, Illinois. i#*OOT AHDSHOE M VlvRR. W. H. SANFORD, n the atore of 0. ft i>lcktnsotjf^K«ie»kl*of blic Square,, .^•'••: ; WOODSTOCK, ILL. A «oo«t Stock Of Fine Olotlis for Suitings al- ••on hand. Suita )»a lc to order and a JH rranted. Give n»e a call. W. H. S.VXFORf>, Voodst<".k, 111.,• Sept. S7th. H75. ; ! J, A. SHERWOOD ^LXJO'X're >I\T13 3BI1 'f AND AFFKAISER, • Algonquin, III. ALBSof Stock, farmingTools and Goods ft^all kinds promptly attended to. I arm Terms reasonably Post •f lea a specialty. -- ce address: Algoncium. III. ONLY 820 for a PHILADELPHIA SINOBB of this style. Equal to any •Singer in the market. Rt*~ member, ice send it to ft# BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY Illinois. C. S. GREEN. 8URGKON. Biehnond, .Wn* . J ESSE A. business in any part of IAWYER. Law . . J th^ State receives prompt attention Oflre room 41, new Cnstom House, Chicago Illinois. SI1»*E Y DHBROWI, NOTARY PUBLIC and ConveyHneor, Al-don. III. •DR. V. K. WILLIAMS. DK*TKT. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wani'ondn. at Prit! Hojise, the-10th and 23th ofnach month; at I'arker lloose, Me. H*nrv, llu' tlth and "JOth of each month. When da?!** wmr Saturday or Snnday I make my visits to ATancnnda on Monday,and McHenryon Tues<lay, follivtving. JOHN' KLEmiKW. TjroVSK Painter, <lrninor, C:ilcimin«»r and • I Pflnor Hinsrer. Residence one Block We«t of River«ide llonso. Work attended to promply and on reason:)hie terms. :r McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. GOOD Board by the dav or week at reason, able rates The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Olsars. Good Stabling for Koraes. A line Pizeon Hois Table in connection with the House. Give me a call. PRTKR SMITH. M. M. CLOTHIER, R I C H M O N D . . . I L L I N O I S , McHENRY COUNTY. Prosecntes all elalms in all bnreans in the Department of the Interior. Siwcial at ten. tlon given to difficult or rejected clnims. Careful attention given to al! witters of im. portsnce Office at thercsider.ee of Wm. II. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will he atj tended to by Mr. Oowlin in my nbsenc®. I shall alwavs be there on Satunlays, and shall be at the office of J. T. Beldin, Ks.|„ Mnvengo, on,the ilrst Friday in each monih. 411 letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. GEORGE CURTIS, House and Sign Paiojter, *• McHENRY, ILL. SKop Opposite Parry A M«lWl. Will attend- pvomptlr to all work anil guar- antee satisfaction. Prices as low aa good work can be done anywhere. FINE GRAINING ' A MIXED PAINTS^ i; - Mixed Paints of I am prepared to tnrnlsh ajl kind^ a t the lowest living prices, ami fur nish an article far superior to the common Milted Paintp Wit#«o»<l. Call :jnd« e me. CEO. CU5ITIS. JtclTfehry, April 12, T86i. ' Saloon and Restaurant,; NEAR THE DEI'OT, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS Ttte best Brands o» Wines, Liquors and fellas auvaj^s on Hand. Good Sfcrbt^f foi- Horses. ALSO AGENT FO* Tranz Talk's MILWAUKEE ager Beer, fleer in Large or Small Kegs orJBottles al <w-tys on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. _ . This Hour has a world wnle repntati'Mi, and rood jut;res acknowledge it cannot oe sur passed in the world. Ofdpnsby mail promptly attended to. 'JOS. WIEDEMANN. Mcllenry, 111. Aug. 10th, 1. I«S •£ rxtinUned before you pap for it. This is the game cm* other companies retail for$50> Alt Maoliines wurranted for S years. Send for Illustrated Or. culuraodTeHtimonials. AddroM CHAKLES A. WOOD t ( 0.v A ROUS GERMAN • Manufactured by MARCXIS, --DEALER IN-- fURE WINES/LIQUORS AND ' CIGARS. CIGARS. Woodstock III. fMlitot Tonic in the world, fintand quart Bottles. Pat up te F. MARCUS, PatentM. Xi. Bonslott, . ' ^ Neas the Depot, poHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. f Keens coustantlv on hand the finest brands •( Klonr and Keod of all kinds, which liefewill |ell »t Wholesale or Retail at Prices. Bottom T * ..-edifferent brand and warranted as represented. f |Fl»x Seed Meal Always 011 Hand tV v .l WFIour delivered anywhere in the Cor ' , *0ration. Orders may be tgiveu by Postal siard, Box 107, Post Offlee. * -T % GIVK ME A CALT* L. BONSLETT. j. Mcllenry, March 8th, 18£l. JOHNSBURCH S. P. BENNETT, M. ». PHYSICIAN AND SURGpON. States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. Also United Richmond, JOSEPH N. FUEUND. SALOON' AND RET AURANT Bonslett's old stand, opposite B'.shon's Mill. Mc- Henrv. 111. The c toicest Wines, Liquors and Jisars to be tnnnd in the county. .Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. ? GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES, A.NTOSY ENGELN, CALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand O Mcllenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «onr M:ish, Wines Cigars, etc,, alwavs on hand. We hnv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. ' AM K U| BREEDER OF TH<I Hogs. Resid< Lake County, ill. ;^bie-« 1. Ml Poland Obi miles south oC Y* "Bl- sale. •a •lo, A. M. CHIIRCH, Watehntaker and Jeweler NO. 1«S RANDOLPH STREET, («neoesspr to E. K. P. Shirlev.1 Chicago, 111. Spe cial attention given to repairing Fine watch es and Chronomc ters. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Richmond House, RICHMOND. LL. €. N,-CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently purchased the olwre Honse, I have pntit in thorough repair, with new fnrnitne thronjrhnr.t, awl -wonld respectfully invite the patronise ot the trav eling nuhlic and others. The tables will al ways l>e provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and fittentive waiters will U<> in re.'tdiivss at all times to attend to th« wants of guests. No pmns will be spsred toinnke this a First Class House. Large and commodious bar us on the jircmiaes. Free Omnibus to ami from alt trains. Sample Itoom* on first floor. jf&N STABir HE. WKiHTMAN, Proprietor. First , class rigs, with or without drivers. fn.inlslied at reasonable !rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CAEPBHTEE AUD JOURS McHenry, III. Will tnkp oonrrai'ts for ^itittin^ up Btiihliiitfs iin.l jrtiiiiantee uvv work will uompare with any mail in tfits State. I cm and will do work from lo to 2b per cent ulwai'iHr Ittun otlier varpenters, 'aa 1 liavo two of iny hoys Who work with me. which makes it possible for me to DO SO. , . ^ J. JJ) E. LA Merchai' Foreign anil WARR OR JV ( LOTiHNG, (^hildreu'8 siz ity and at Chi tic Cloths. A FIT, mAlX-E. 1*9 Boys* and the best qiial- rke«. C. N. Richmo Sales of St and Goods ot ui to on the most ii nd sjit is ftic Post Office add HK'HM IIB^T Tools IIH8 atieoded inable Terms guarauteed. B.Sfcapman, WOOD 8TOI&K, ILL., DKAt>:tfJp-A e Loading >•« j>f<"iii 1 Breseh and Shot Powder, Shot. Caps, WafA, and Cartridges for sal e. Fishing Tac tie c&eap. " All kinds of j I Sporting i^ooda, AND REPAIRIIIG DONE. A jsooil Breech t.oa,lin«, , Double Barreled Gnn. warranted Twist, WHit Winchester Hille, 7« Mi«MKI|Anta, #0JW Nickel Plateii 6 shot R<^MpMirjf'2.r>ni, vi * Self cocking 1'ritish BuwM0t |*lstot, A FIOO.L ^IMRTE ITAR^FLLIIHHLNR^'4<OA<R Single linn. warranted< I v^ill iinderteti anv L s,«»i-ting <»oo - '-mMijatf A. WENDELL. 6. RAMTHdRP flSn^wood ^ * Illinois. T o t b e ' p e o p l e w o o d a n d vicinity I would VO^PECTtMIly SAY that I li;ive opened a store near the Depot, where 1 will pay the h iff best market value tor E«f,ffs. Battel, :ihd other produce, canh or trade heinor immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries- and Flour, which with choice brands of < -i- •nrars ami fohacco, I am ffoinff to soil at prices to defy competition, a nd thotiffh I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. Btirow<»f»P, IIl.. June ISth, »'< -M MarMe_Worts. HENRY MILLER, --DRALKR IN-- American aid Foreip HarMe. Monuments, Headstones, arc., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch 6ranite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North Of Mc Henry, III. Johnsburgh Aug. 20tb. 1877 THE CREAM of an BOOKS of ADVENTURE. Pioneer and| Daring Heroes I Deeds The thrillinii adventuresof all the herocx- nlorers iin i iv<.ntier lighters with Indians, ontlaws ;u»(I wild beasts, over yie whole country, from the earliest times to ihe pres. ent Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standish^ Boone, Kenton, Brady, Crockett, Brwie, Houston, Carson, Caster, California Jot, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill. Gener al* Miles and Crook, gre.it Indian Chiefs and scores of othf:'s GORGEOUSL\ II.LUS- ®K VTKD will r.f One engravinjts to the lite. AGENTS wa) ltD. Low priced and beats any thins to sell STAN DARD BOOK CO. ST, Locis, Mo. GROCERIES! CROCERIESZ M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brink Block m now »ri!|Mr€d to offer ' to tbc buying* public a full line of CHOICE FAIRLY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. CIGAR; TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, My GoOds are all Iresh and will iM .aold at' the lowest living prices. I also keep a full stock of Gun Material aishing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting:, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin' Strings, ami all other extras for Viol lbs. My stocks of L'lSWARE is e-oinpleU. Call and examine it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. KNGELN Clothes VVrinffeH new Kolls put 011.1 pair warranted, J Woodstock, JnIy 15th, A. P. GRAY, Always Ahead. WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED \ --AT HIS-- /• ' Carriage and Wagon Factory, BLAOXS'VIITH SHOP, RICHMOND, ILL. I sell everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PLATKOUM *PRISG, DB- LIVIRV AND FARM WAUONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGCIES, One, two and three Reatefl, from the celef bra ted manufactory of J. \ W. Henry A Co., K re e port. j Blneksmithinje, Painting and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war ranted. From the large varietf of Farm Machinery manufiietured, we sele't that best adapted for this section, a nd npnn the BUST TISRMS THAT CASH CAN* PURCH.VSK, which en ables ns to supply our jntrons with just what thev want, and "nt lover prices than any other concern northwsst of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before givins vonr onlers foriaiy piece of machinery von mav nee<> the comini; season, and you will tlnd the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllcnrv Co Itememier iliat we offer the VKKV lli;ST MACI1JNKRV at the VKRV I.OWKST PRICE thw Cash can produce anywhere. ' ' GRAY, ; 4 ' Richmond, III, OF THE mm WANTED S Lives MARTYR PRESIDENT! ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "From Pioneer Home to White House," and JAMEs ABIt VM GAR- F1RLD, "From Log Cnbip to White House." In English and German. Illustrated with line steel engravings. By an eminent author. Also for the only large steel portrait of Gar Held. Semi for extra terms. TUB H&KKT BILL PUBLISHING CO., NORWICH, CONK, CHEAI on long crcriic fad easy ternm, in a mild climate, free from heavy tnons, blighting frosts, and e*- eesslTe rains. MILLIONS OF /ICSES for sale in the COLDEN OCLT of Kansaw, by the iniEon p&GiH 6 mvmi, •f cs deh Ooil ns tbe mn ever ahono •n, with good markets cut and west. For Descriptive and. Illustrated JtooRt With Maps, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas DWc* KANSAS CITY. MISTOURL HAS BIEI mm, Bnt we are still in tb* sama plaoa, re*dy to do all kinds of General Repairing On snort notice and at reasonable ratee. We would also call the attention of tftese wishing to boy to our ,• Which we are selling at ^o>y tow prices. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, , • - * Cottars and Sleighs, ; Made toordefo C*H'»nd see i«s._8hopJn rear of Carpenter's Biaeksmlth Shop, Mc Henry, Illinois. TRIPP BROS. McUenry, HL, Kov. 27, 1M2, Soldiers' Department, CONDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BENNETT. SKETCHES. - a'Soldier's Memormdtini DKPARTMKNT OF TIIK GULF. LETTER MO. 2, About the 30tlt of March, ISOi, a con siderable force lia-l ti8«emble<l at Ship Island, a strip of land varying in width frem half a mile to two miles, and linv- ing* lrfii^tli of about 15 inlips. Thl$ IslunJ was uiatnnt from the Mississippi *liore about 20 utiles. One-half or more of its surface was a barren waste of eand, th« remainder brush, Jnwamp, and woodland. Wild hogs and gams abounded. There was 110 spring water. But by digging 2 feet anywhere in the •and an abundance of brackish fresh Water was at hand. Nearly midway of this sand desert, stranded in some ter rible gale, was the hull of a great ship, cast upon Its side. General Butler's army occupied the desert. Si* hours each day waa devoted to' drill in heary marching order, each man's burden Intended to weigh sixty pounds. It sometimes seemed to weigh nearer mx hundred. Our trappings, necessaries, and paraphanelia were a terror te tontemplate. Sham Baltics, sham Skirmishing, Battalion, Brigade and Division drill, excessive guard duty, measles and small pox were amftng the things inevitable. Sharks infested the south bank, and six sol diers, one afternoon, bathing In the surf, were killed by these nefarious ftslt. Many soldiers died, and the funeral dirge echoed at all hours of the day. Officers as well as privates broke down and were buried In the sand. There was but one avail ible burying place, and this waa a sand hill-contain ing abom four acres. The bodies of officers were generally shipped north lu metalio coffin*, but tho supply of eofRtis waa soon exhausted and I11 ene instance at least a n«w end novel method was resorted to. The dead man was an officer of wealth and im portance. in a New York regiment, ilow well'the new plan operated we shall tee. . The boys, .exbftuated soldier in the late war. General Dud ley understand*, as none but a soldier can. the Importance of adjusting these claims with the least possible loss of time, and we know that his heart is in the work. It would be almost a crime to subject our veterms to a repetition of what they endured at the hands of • x-Coinmissioiifer Beutley.a'id we trust that we have seen tbe last of his policy of procrastication. Tho Ulnt. AUsek on General DsAef. I From the Nation 11 Tribune.] < Having failed to prevent the passage br Congress, at It# last session, ot the bill authorizing an increase in. the clerical force of the Pension Office, the «n*tnle» of the soldier are now endeav oring to bring discredit upon the ad ministration of the bureau itself. Says the Philadelphia Times of the 18th Inst.: "There are many acctinnnlatlng evi dences that the largely increased force of inexperienced clerks In the Pension Department has opened the door for fraud ant) extravagance to run riot in the adjustment of many of the so-called claims. The claims have accumulated tosucli an extent tlmt the Commissioner Is running the bureau at high pressure in order to clear up the work and atop complaints. The effect of tliia hu#ry,' especially when the claims are to be submitted for examination to totally inexperienced and incompetent men, in many Instances cannot be otherwise than detrimental to the honest inter ests of the. Government. Injustice may he done In Individual instances by f;oing slow, but. much worse injustice s sure to result from loose and hasty consideration of the great mass of the applications. The big appropriations for pension purposes are a standing temptation for fraudulent and trumped up claims, and good care should be taken to sift Ihem thoroughly.'" The statements contained In this, article are plainly deliberate perver sions of the truth, and it Is astonishing that a journal with any pretension to respectability should give them cur rency. Had they been made by some obscure country newspaper, they might be ascribed, perhaps, to the ignorance of the editor, but In the case of the Times It must be presumed that tliey were made wltli malice afore thought. Lei us see wiuU they amount lo* -- - * i The TifMm declares that the pension *lalu« sggit years, at the beet, before now being filed receive inal tlon. These -big appmprt«tki|***# the Times calls them, are Mag jfiftflMlf. to tbe payment of claims llted long INS* ' fore tbe appropriations were made, and which c add 1 ot therefore hew been preferred as a result or the "standing temptation" to wbtrh tlx* ' Times rtfers. Every pertonjof aver age intelligence knows thia to bo the case, yet newspapers like assuming that the public will* granted that what they say || persist In their stitpll aud imfll laul slander*. U lo high time ex- soldiers and sailors as#ei^»d a| manhood. Their detainers made to understand that they^N41|Mi9 tamely submit to>litis constant BMMHI liberate abuse atid vilification. Commissioner Dudley ha* dOM antl is Still doiug all within his p»#Mr to expedite the adjustment of tbOlfal-- still pending In bis o same time has taken tect the Interests of the 11 is tbe duty of our cemradiSt* hi m their hearty and support. . • I WgirtLIMQA Our leading colleges bestow ** ship en^her graduates. Notwithstanding the blasts they get girls will wear powtfer. Para rubber Is quoted at 9i,tl cask. We would sell ail our old Para rafetoni at that figure. A Pennsylvania woman whs tlWUght she had used arsenic Instead •fWfcieg- powdet in her biscuit salved tbe.qnss- tlon by feeding two tramps. ,Th« world Is not without sensible Baby has jn«t told a tlb. hoi naughty it is to tell a ller1 mother. "God will be much The child after some rei won't tell htm, mamma; I aiy prayer to-nighl. She admitted to tor mot young Mnau hat Made a very lHw^| l» pressiou on her. "Ye*." satjil. lady, "I can see where the mashed that loco Hat ,** a Don't let it happen- aj|aiti,'* Now tliat the chilly winds of are blowing cold across the «< v#-: Repaired and Price per SHER MAS. TiifitV01 niraoai eve 1 y and quality. 1 magiitiiuic ft was donionstrated tliiU officers of high rank had quantities of wine and old Jamaica rum on the Island. An underground spy-detective system was iuaugurated and operated with such skill that no soldier was detected until many months after Ship Island was left In the rear. In the midst of a dark and stormy liiglit when^the sand was drifting like the snows of our own New England, and spray from the a«»gry wave# beat mercilessly ov«r our camp. Electric unknown told the boys that a large cask of old Jamaica, newly arrived, was on the wliat-r four miles away. By mysterious ironies, unnoticed and un- noticeable, a hundred or more canteens were transported through the fearful etortn, ami although guards were almost everywhere, the cask was nearly emptied of the "ardent." On the next day there was a sham battle and one reel ment cut a ludicrous figure. In charging a Battery tliey jostled and fell over each other, and their battle line would dishonor a Virginia rail fence. The color guard aloni was manageable. The next morning the New York officer was shipped for the north, his body preserved in a cask of old Jamaica. But in inid ocean the decomposition of the body was so rapid and the stench therefrom so Intolerable that the officer was cast Into the sea. Many months after this episode the mention of Jamaica rum would bring more pale feces to that regiment than would an unexpected and appalling tempest of bullets. com plaints* No*L what hr* fl -A ^ al(V4 Simply that,at th* opening of the last J f|,_ totttfextr fiscal year there were 360,337 claims on IRS jof)^. w (ler file In the Pension Office, to adjust J Ba,(| to WlB; "Friend, what • fit* which, with the small force at the dis- f> a gf|, to |fe> whei| |t m ^ posal of the commissioner, would have wry to yntir i^ppi, X. M. C, A Compliment to Boston Corfeetft. Boston Corbett, the slayer of Wilkes Booth, who aforetime lived in Camdeu Is now living In Concordia, C!oud county. Kan. He writes to a friend in Camden, saying that the Lord has been good to him, his health being excellent, and that the Government has seen fit to pension him for services rendered during the war. Although he left be hind him a number of unpaid hills at the time of his departure, he ser.ds a check with instructions to pay off all the bills in full. Mr. Corbett I* one of the few really honest men In the country.--Bridgeton (N. J.) Chronicle. The following is the number of pen- Jdon certificate* Issued and signed dur ing the week ending November 20th: Original. 729; increase, 119; re-issue, 63; restoration. 30; duplicate. 39; total. 9S0, The total for the month is as follows: Original, 1,788; increase, 749; re issue, 139; restoration, 64; duplicate. 126; ar rears, 15; accrued, 11*4; total, 2,975. We regard it as a most fortunate thing for all applicants*for pensions that there is now at the head of the Pensihu Bureau a gentlemat) who is sensible of the hardships which'our ex- rfeohliers and sailors were forced to en dure, through the failure of tho Gov ernment to pass promptly* upon their fijutns, aud is anxious to put au eiMj to 11 them. Himself, a_brave and gallant required at least;ten years, and iu all probability a inueh longer period. To have compelled 350.337 claimants to wait that length of time for the money to which tliey were entitled would clearly have been an act of cruel Injus tice, i%nd one, too, for which,--inasmuch as the Government was and Is amply able to discharge all these obligations at once, and the questiouof adjustment is only a question of the number of clerks employed for that purpose,--no adequate excuse could havejbeen made. The commissioner was uot willing to be held responsible for such a state of things, but at the same time, as an honest and seusible buslnessJniHn, he felt that witli.the force then employed in the bureau the rule of adjustment could not be expedited without Jeop ardizing the Government's interests, since, as a result of a too hasty exam ination of pending claims, some might be passed which really ought to be re jected. It was because he did not want to run the bureau at "high pressure" that he asked congress to authorize the employment of additional clerks, and that he has not done so since the de' sired increase was made in the force, the small number of pension certificates issued plainly shows. We do not doubt that Commissioner Dudley is aiixious, as the Times Intl. mates, to "clear up the work and stop complaints." He ought to be*. He is a soldier himself, aud in a position to feel for those of his comrades who are compelled to battle single-handed with poverty and disease while awaiting tho adjustment of their claims. But Com missioner Dudley has t<^o high an ap preciation of the duty which he ow*;s the Gnvernmeut to permit, as the Times intimates, "totally Inexperi enced and incompetent meu" to ex amine and pass upon tho olalms in his office, and the fact that the number of claims allowed duriog the last three months has been really smaller than it would have been had the force not beeu increased, fer the simple reason that to a great extent the time or the old clerks has been employed In lustriict- lug the new clerks In their duties. From this time forth, however, ills reasonable to expect there will be a steady increase In the number of cer tificates issued* aud that, too, without running th*- bureau at "high pressure ' or "opening the door for fraud auil ex travagance," or subjecting "the great mass of applications" to "loose and hi-sty consideration." As lor the statement that "the big appropriations (or pension purposes are a standing temptation for fraudulent and trumped-up claims," It Is a suffici ent answer to call the attention of the Times to the fact--and we heartily wish it ivere not tbe fact--that the, work of the Pension Office is so much in arrears, that it will be'two or three The sting of a bee. It Is SM4» ii scarcely discernible under * powftfbl rnsgiiifying glass. But the man Who gets stung by a bee seldom has hts microscope with hl-n. aud always Im agines that sting to he about the sis* of a red hot crowbar. Pat--'An' is it the next train fat Boston ye want t Faith, that t»W Ml hour ago, Borr.'* Leander opened the "Marine Court* when lis firs; swam across the Btlta* pout to meet his darling. "The art that conceals art.** as ths thief remarked when he slid an 4Nt» pensive oil painting under his coat*' Mistress--"Were you baptised, Kf* ziali, when you were namedf" Maid-- "Law, ma'am, we don't baptise III onr church; we im merge." The heathen have now given up the worship of Idols of their own creattoa* as they have found that a very superior article or wooden god can be furnished iu New York. A curious custom in Chins Is the ex hibition of a fish ou every house where a boy has been born to the family dur ing the year. We suppose when a girt is born tliey stick up a book and llM. Widow woman to chemist who was weighing a grain of calomel in dlspe«»* ing a prescription for her sick chl!d~- 'Man. ye needna* be sae schrimpy wPt; 'tis for a onir fatherless bairn!" In learning that the young Tupis had just reoeleed an inheritance, one of his creditors hastened to pceseat his bill. "Oh, don't let us speak ot thoee things," said the young man, "I haeo thrown a veil over the past!'* They were discussing ThackerayV "English liumorists." "Who was Its Miss Cutting, that said,'True wit never produces a smile?** "I really can't tell you, Mr. Quotation, but it seems to as* tie must have beard a good any of you college men telling Jokes of be*«! never have taken sneh a dismal view ot life." When did the first train leave AaMls for San Antonio?" asked a stranger nt the railway depot of Qllhooly. "Tit first train left sun Antonio whPn the railroad was completed between two cities; that was about two yeMV ago. You don't expec; to go oeer mm it. do you ?** "Did yon see dat hom yon waa tnikaaP of buy in'?" asked one Austin darkey «f another. "Yes. 1 seed him.'* "Did buy de hess?" "No, I d'du'i bey bekase dar was no mutuality." do you mean, nigral) ?'* ~Dnr mutuality- I seed eunt ob de de host didu*t see ennftob me. blind in one eye. Dar has to to. mutuality iu a hose t II. Jl. Nichols has the Oases of Cigars 011 eiKMt of CJiicauo, prop In geucral luritaitoo ts S'fls ^«fS ! v • r ' " K • J . <;W>i + t X \ i T- . ! V .U.-Jc-f v-v i/rf'i- •'1 •<«:•••• :.it! - L-i.v/; : ..Vii- \: • . •" J'-'."*!-" ' V. >'