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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1882, p. 5

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,','r v*- * " -P',- r* <y «* .*»i A-11^- •£ -4»v«w .i»i»>*ww.«rnwt» w - K-;v~"'V'- i "fw*** <• (. »^^%^-r; ^ t y •" W '""J ' < t /-> ' .^, ..,16 •» <7 . 'P.^IHPWIW^W'W'H'IHUWUPJ'PI i Jl IMII » <» ^ * T>i ^vlT < "*1 -.4 \ OV<?-i:i A rr. a WEDNESDAY, DEC. Vt Railroad Time TaMe. OOLLFO BOIITHJ TNAV* T<VCA F»A**EN<RFCR A. * jtaeva Mk< Kx«w«. »*•»*» Lake Freixht.. . s-y> .tn» p. * f"f> . ^:4 »»*% ;.*%• rre«(rHt...,.....i<^g>:?n *. w hitn T.»k« Ktww,.,,'... i:Wp. * T<afc«i Passenrer.. . .flv* " II, BF«. *sr<-nt. Jfnftenrv, HI M \%OXTn |rllK«i»T T/>nnF., Vn.MS' <. F."a»»«t A. W.-- f*nl*T rvw«MBlMtioiii the «*hird(iT on or &fWr# the fnll nf the moon »iwl e'vcrr two i thereafter. Off AR. O., VT. V. MrrTr.-fur Cn\PTr.n "To. SI R. A. "M --Re*Vi- i» Ponrorntion* hpl'l on the tewwl wl fourth frW*»» in each moneh. «*)TH «T,A«T.FJ, TT. T\ it-jLi..:..j ' . -i 1 about those three suit* of Echo an«wer*. WHAT sloth**? ___ Ran the advertisement of thk -New PTeara Part* at the MeH>nrv House. SKK the new advertsement of ft. C pSTtll, Waucond*. In another column, ; THE PLAINHJCAI.KR WISHES LT« r»ad pra. «r»« and mU ;^A ttAPPY TEAR" .V',,v SMITH A SNYDER shinned five ears «f Hogs from this Station on Thursday last. ' . -..y *K*awt* wanting New \Yoar*f. should leave their orders at this office at one®. H. H. Nichols will slve a nice r»«il with everv quart. or pint of Bulk Oys­ ter# you buy of him. Anew Invoice of Winter Millinery at Mr*. TT. T?. Nichols' will he sold ft the ItWMt figures until Jan. 1st. SR* the new advertisement <»f . H*e "Wanconda Dm? Store and Book Haunt," hi another column. e WR learn there Is to ho he a horse trot for a Buffalo Robe, on the Ice near ^Volf». «n Monday next, Jin. 1st. Fi vd entries have been made. ^ FANCY Goods almost at vonr own price thin week, at FI*Kslmmons A EvanaoH's. Read their new advertise- m«nt. PKK807VAI. BROWN I* SPENDING T|,« ;FIoll- vacatlon with his parent* here. OWKN. of Oherlin Oolle^E. l' spending tlw Holidays with liis parents in this village. Miss EDITH DoRAX. wH*l* att*n<liri£ whnol at 6ale*borgh,f« at home f»r the Holilavi. .TAMES FITZSIMMOVS, Ot Lake OitV. Minn., is visiting with friends in this vicinity. 'C. A. KXIGHT. Wife and daughter, are spending Holiday week with the fami­ ly of Dr. H. T. Brown, in this village. BURN HAM PARSONS and wife, of Mnlcom, XelKf are vi'iting with the family of Samuel Sherman, PROF. S. D. BALDWIN is at Springfield this week attending the State Teachers Association. WII.i.IF. gnn of J. J. Matthews, of Harden Grove, Iowa, spent, Christmas with O. C. Colby and family. , CHART.KS PARSONS, of Vebraska, ba» been calling on friends here the pfct week. /FRI' .D T. COT.BT. of Aurora y«rmal (Rchonl, son of Charles C. Colby, spent, .Christmas with parents and friends Were. / 4" ' MRS. W*. TALBOT, of Chicago, other of Mr*. C. C. Colhv. is spendin? ho Holidays .with friends in tills vicinity. r M ARRTKD.-- \t the rcsi'len^e of IhiF hrilp's mother. »n Mfitn^l^v cveninsr. net. *11. I<*i, bv fho Rev. T, ; .T. Din*mor(», M«i JOIIV \**. SMITH, nf \nrorn, anil Miss MJVTTIR MO- OMBFR, of McHenry. The liappr couple took the train for Aurora, their ruture home, on Monday vnorninj. Tho^e of onr snbecrlbera wlm hre in arrears will excn«e us for once more requf-»tiiigtheni to call af tlie offloe and settle, as soon as convenient as we n eed the money to meet our hills. Quite a number of our patron# ahvavs pat in advance, for which we are extreme!*- tliankfnl--hut a large number, more through forget fulness than anything else, let their subscription run from ono to four vears which makes if very inconvenien'. as it takes money to run a priming office. We sincerely nope this request will meet with a heartv response. A FATX of three or four Inches «f snow In this section on Monday makes the flueat kind of sleighing and busi­ ness llv*lv. M INC 15 pies; bead -cheese, •aiisage". turkey '•stuffin," slapjacks and sonr- krout--now la the winter of our lis- content made glorious summer. SUBSCRIPTIONS for the PI.AI'VDRAI.RR will be received at Volo at the store of Henry Rogers, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for the sam*. ^ TUB ICK BWSINtCSH. MESSRS. SHKDD «fc Co.,'the ice men' ave commenced work tipon the Pon-1,^ ml by the time this paper readies our readers will have a fuM force of men at work 'filling.their mam moth Tee Tlon-ies, near tlie railroad. The ice. we under- Vtand, Is now about twelve inclirs Niick. and as cfear as a crystal. T'ITZSIMMONS & EVA^SON hHve be^n fillinu; their Ice llouee, in conn^c'iou with their Cold Storage Thev cut from the North side of the Pond. WR have -jnst learued thWf"«Tiviiiencis= bi»*l«aji,ibtt)tr«4 u fullowi for \Tu- •embeH by the FactuHes named: Oat- man & Son's Factory-, MclTenry, 1.44. Carlvle Factory, 1.S6. Newman Fac­ tory, 1*38. The "'L. L. C." will meet with Mrs. F. K. Granger Wednesday Jan. 3rd. at USHSI hour. Topics; Wordsworth. Ella Wheeler, Adelaide Proctor. . MRS. J. B, PEBRT, Miss JULIA A. STORT, Sec. ^ v Farmers and others desiring a gen­ teel, lucrative agency business, bv which 95 to 9*20 a day can be earned, •end address at once, on postal,to If. O. Wilkinson A Co.. 195 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. MRS. SKARLKS ha« Just, returned from the eity^wlth a full line of T.adies' Fnrnlslllng Goods. Cloaks. Millinery etc., suitable for tUe Tlolida'y trade, to which she invit>s the afentior. of the public. Call and see her before pur- . chasing your Presents. 1 the JobfiftVlHnjj the |Jrew<»ry Ice llou«e. We did not le-aru whether he w*« t" cut it from the liiver or ;Mcf"olliiin"" T,ake. The ice bu«iuess it) this, section It now booming. HON. K. M. DENNIS will p1«»«e ac­ cept our politest how for a "Hirisfmas feoi" containing fifty of his celebrated *'E. M. D." Cigars. As we =et with our table enjoyintj one of these fragrant smokers we wish friend Dennis a * Merry Christina** with ail •ur heart. TUB dancing public should not for­ get the New Year's Party at the Riverside House, on Monday evening next. Tan. 1st. The music will "be fur­ nished by the Elgin Quadrille Band, who come highly recommended as tnusic equal to the best to be found in the eouutry. The Riverside Hall has been newly calcimine^, a new floor laid, and Is now one of the best Halls In the Northwest. : • • y / MRS. MINOT, a lady 68 years of age.1 /mother of Mrs. Palmer, who resides In I the Boomer house, on" the West Side, elipped and fell on the ice on Friday last, and Injured her hip in a very eeri j ous manner, so much so that grave feara are fclt as to the result. She is undei the care of Dr. Howard, and U as eas« us could be expected under the circumj stances, although suffering a great deal \ of pain. J V WE wish to again remind our readers ^f the New Years Party, to be held at the Parker House, in this village, on Monday evening nevt, Jan. 1st. Parker Is leaving nothing to make it. pleasant • for all who atten«l. and tyltliHne Janes- ' tille Light Guard Band to fuvijlsh the tnusic there can be no failure lin that |lne, as they have few eq lals and no fuperiors in the Northwest. We pre­ dict a good turnout at ,G rand Hall on that occasion. Hand* Insurance Company. The annual meeting of the Nunda Mntual Fire Insurance Company, ^yiil trill be held at Barreville. Illinois, on ' Tuesday, January. 2d.iA. D„ 1883, at •the hour of one o'clock P. M„ for the !>urpo6« of choosing nine directors for y#ar 1883. Respectfully, R. F. PRCK, Prestdeat. A CHUKClf QCK«STION. No# We do not. wish our readers to think we are going to give them a ser­ mon from the Methodist. Bnivti-'f^ Uni* versallst. or auv other st:iudpoinf, hut ifre ju:e going to simply tell them that A. M. Church, the popular Jeweler, of Chicago, who is so well known iu this and Lake County. who has been lo'ca- ted at 187 Randolph Street. .(Brigg's Hou«e) has bought out the store of K. R. P. Shnrly,at 103 Rantlolpii Street^ and will, on the first of January, re­ move his entire stock to that place~ where his friend* can thereafter tin ' h»^ii wltli the finest stock of goodc iu his line to he found in the citv. He also has every facility for manufacturing all kinds of Jewelry, antj will furnish you anything'from a two dollar Ring to a two thousand dollar Diamond.' and warrant everything as represented. His store is fitted up in neat and ta*ty style, and when in Chic*go r j i£yu shoiili! not fail to call at 103 Randolph Street. Read the card on first page. CHRISTM4S TUBUS. Vlte Christinas Tree at. the Un! ver­ balist Church on Sunday evening, drew out a large • crowd, the Church being packed to its utmost capacity. The literary exercNes, music, etc... was highly late resting and was enjoyed by all. and showed that the ladies 'eft nothing undone iu this particular. The Presents were numerous and beautiful, and the children, besides some of the older onec. went home feeling that thevj^ad been well remembered. A' th» M E Church on Monday even­ ing, oqu'illv as large a .crowd assembled and tlie Tree presented as tine an «p- pearsrice as any we *»ver saw. The exercises were both Interesting and In­ structive. After the exercises were completed Santa Claus appeared in person and dispensed a large number of beautiful and valuable presents to both old and young, which, if one were to Judge from tlie smiling contenances, ware well appreciated. A very handsome family ^Hristmas Tree was also erected at the residence of C. A. Walsh on Saturday evening, which was highly enjoyed by neigh­ bors and friends present, on which was displayed some very beautiful and appropriate presents. It is true "Christmas comes but once a year."' but it. is truly enjoyed by both old and young. That all who partici­ pated this y«ar may live to enjoy many more is the heartfelt wi^ yours truly. . FT*EE BUSS. A Free Buss will be run to the Party at the.'Riverside House on Monday evening next, and will call for all who desire, iu or near the village. V ' * WLGHTMAN A WHBM.ER. H. H. Nichols will sell you 65 cent Tea for 45 cents a pound tor the next 10 days. Call and see for yourselves. Object, to ruux>fl stock by January 1. GOLBKN WtvDDIMiJ., The following account of a Golden Wedding; in Cambridgepnrt, Mass. which was attended bf. our towu«, Mr. Wesley Lndd and iiis wife, we c|ip from the Bristol, N. H., EttUirprite and give It in full, as it may not prove uninteresting to our readers: The golden wedding of Mr. G. G. Pag- and wife was celebrated at their residence in cambridgeport, Mas*., 01 the evening of November lfltli. Mr. Page was horn in Dorc lester, N. H.. Nov. 28. 1807. Mrs. Page »*as born In Hebron, N. Hampshire. April 6th, 180Q. At the age of seven years he wont to flehro" and made his home with Isaac Crosby ou Tenny Hill for six years, and then lived- a year with Samuel Brown in Bridgewater. At the age ot seventeen he walked to Brighton ami found employment at farming. One year later he went to Cambridge, where he found employment, and re­ mained eight years. He then went to Weiitworth. N. H.. and worked on a farm nine yeors. In 1*44 he returned to Boston and purchased! a piece of land in Cambridgeport. and upon this property he erected a small frame building for the manufacture of boxes using a horse to furnish the power to run the machinery. Soon steam power took the place of horse power, and progress ita« been mude in every dS- rectonof box manufacture. Twice Mr. Page's buildings have been laid in ruin by fire and twice rebuilt, and to­ day the-large brick structure stands as a monument of his persevering indus­ try. Ou Nov. 15th 183-2, Mr. Page wa» married in Charlestown. Mass.. by Rev. Mr. Everett, to the ladr now his devo­ ted wife. The event of the Afty gold­ en year® was celebrated by a gather- ing of their children and grandchil­ dren. and to the surprise and joy of all Ir. Wesley Ladd. the only brother of ilr*. Page, who officiated as bridesman ftv years ago. Journeyed all ».he war ron) Ringwood III. accompanied hv ii« wife, and was present on this gold­ en occasion. At 7 o'clock the company gathered around the well filled tables. wh»*re all seemed golden and. iiappv- After su >p<*r tli" worthy couple were ushered into the parlor, where they fomiii some beautiful presents await­ ing rliem--tokens of children's and grandchildren's love and esteem. When.the time arrived'for the good­ byes to he spoken, each felt It was an evening long to he remembered--a gol leu link added to .memory** chain. Mr. I add infoi m* us that the occa­ sion was a very enjovahle one to him. and will long he remembered as one of the green spots in his declining years. From the above account it will be seen that the fifty years had not beer, pass­ ed by Mr. and Mrs. Page without the usual vicisitudes 'of Jife. but yet the}' had. by a persevering and straight­ forward course arrived at their fiftieth anniversary witli little to regret, ami many, thing® to he thankful for. Mo SENHY, Dei-., Wth/1««. MR. EDITOR:--Should it meet your approval please publish the ^following item ot newsj Bv permiss'on of the superintendent ot the «*hbMth school in Mellenry. a few sahhnths since, I pre­ sented the following question to he aus vered the following sabbath: *'Dld Chri«t in the 13th of Mark 34tli vers*' uof that day and hour knoweth no man" refer to the de»i trnction of •»eruSeleiu^ hy * tire kommi <*ewiiy wi -the 4a* of judgment? Elder Bigelow «»l<1 that was au ituproper question unless the answer was the day of judgment. The next sabbath -the Elder took the au­ thority to put tlie question without allowing any discussion. Ail that believe that Christ referred to the judgment raise vonr bauds, Ti»c children, or a part of them, witii some others voted in the allirmative The .negative was called for. some did not vote at all. I voted that lie referred to the destruction of Jerusalem. I may-hereafter if advjsrfbla give some reasons for my vote. JOHN E. BASSETT. Wanconda Department. <wr^tTB>nRiPTiovs r«r tit* PLAtwnffAt u* witl rei-eiven tn Wi'irin tnif P. R. Har­ rison's l>rua: ̂ tore ana Itr Jol\» Golitiriir EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Mr. Ross Burton and family have returned from their visit to Mr. Burton's old heme In Michigan. He reports his parents well, and John doing first rate, who wanted to come buck to WaueotfJa, but'could not get awav. Letters from Mr. Robt. Harrison Tn California state that his health is greatly improved. He is not expccted home before spring. Mr. James Garland teatjhes another term in Lake Zurich. Mr. Everet Xevel attends school this winter at Valparaiso, lud,. Mr. John Kirwin will begin working for Mr. Tldmarsh in his blacksmith shop Monday morning, School has closed for w two yreeks' vacation. , M ? Mr. Anthony King has purchased of 'Mr. • Win. Tidmarsh. bis blacksmith shop and fixtures. ..Tony is a mighty good fellow, has lots of friends who are glid that he has located here instead of some other town; as to| thought of doing some weeks ago. . Mfss Li bbie Oaken is Uoflie agaln. Mr, Emerson Cook came liome lSatur-. day, ITe will return to Chicago Ou Tuesday. M rs. Brown delivered another ex­ ceedingly jnteresting temperance lec­ ture in the Baptist church, Wednesday evening. Tlie exercises in connection with the Christmas tree at the .Methodist church Saturday evening were very pleasant. The tree overflowed with presents, which were distributed by Mr. Henry Owen, who was an almost perfectly disguised Santa Clans, The dramatic entertainment by the Mellenry club, was listened to by a latge audience Saturday evening in M aim an"* Hall. Tlie general opinion seems to be that it was hardly equal to some of the previous eflorts of the same club. Mi*. James urav. of Minnesota, a for­ mer resident of Wanconda, is-here over Christmas. He returns early in tlie week. Tlie high sehool is to give an enter­ tainment at Malmau's Hill Saturday evenir.g. The proceeds are for tile school librarv. ' 11* JXl' HE3QON EI»ITOR PI.AIVDKAUKR:--We wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Hippy New Year especially the editor of the Pl.AINDKAT.lto. Our public school closed on Friday for one weeks vacation.^ Doubtless •both teachers add pupils will return to their duties at the beginning of the new r.earwitli renewed vigor, W. I. launders, of Chicago, Intends visiting his uncles, auuts and cousins in llehfon this Week. We betfevc he will CZL MARENGO EDITOR PLAINL»KALEK : -- Christmas has come a«d every body is as liapjiy as can be. A beautiful fall of snow has made sleighing quite good, and merrily dw the hells ring out their glad music. Christinas Festivities are not as general this year as last. Tlie Presby­ terian people had av concert Suirriay night. The Weslevaus a supper 'Mon­ day'-night and the members of tlie M. K. Church and Sabbath School had a supper at the Ryder House, Saturday evening, Mrs. Ryder donating the use ol her rooms, dishes. Ac., for tlie oc­ casion. A good time is reported all around. The,old skating rink in the Lansing Had is "busted," the proprietors made a good harvest of shekels and have de­ parted for new fi-Ids. A iitiW skating link has been opened * in the n«*w Opera House, fcke lower floor having been temporarily fitted up for this purpose, and under the management of Brown and Wager is sure to bo a suc­ cess. In our last weeks communication we omitted to mention the dearth of Olan- do Tanner, son ot O. S. Tinner, who died Dec. 16th, after a short but severe illness. He leaves a wife and several childrm. . • „ Our public school is closed for a two weeks vacation. May th« teachers and scholars have a good time and «ttjoy their rest. Rev. J. K. Wheeler of the Baptist Church will nreach next Sunday upon the prevailing sin Jof women. Wonder where the good brother will commence. James Watson. Esq.. of Queen Ann Prairie, while visiting his daughter-- wife J. Q. Adaius--wa< taken suddenly ill. and though much better, is still un­ able to leave the house. Roy White and Miss KsteW Hill-- were united in matrimony at Villa Grove. Col. They were formerly resi­ dents and a host of triend?. wish tl»«ai a g"ana voyage througli life. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Good rich have found the restaurant busiWss so re­ munerative and expecting perhaps,, to extend the samOi,hav* taken part­ ner. ' Its a boy. , Wilbur' Morris'dias received his pen- sionN wiiich includes arrearages »ince "65. Mr. Eugene Marks went to W'lientoii. Tuesday. He has an eng.gement there (or tlie winter, to hiia. a^ niat^ weail at Wood®tm'k. D'» not forge*tfie~inas^uftifiT(| f~ at Union II til. Jan. 4tli, under the maiirtgement Osf "Our Boys,** Tickets In­ cluding ov«ter supper 81.75. Put ou your mask ahdPfiitfoe ouj«3t the sport, . * • * Miss Nellie" Andrews left Ttebron Saturday morning to spend the holi­ days visiting friends at Janesville, Wis. May she h ive a pli'asaut ttiiie lb the wish of lier many friends. Mr. Ayers lias been improving Ids place by erecting a new "Monitor'* windmill. Another-transfer In'real estate. Ira Phillips I ills purchased Oeorgo God- dards house and lot in town. George intends trying the life of a farmer on C. L. Me ail's larirt. Onr teiicher, H. C. .Filler, will spend bis vacation in Hebron clerking for Mr. Ilewes. We understatid Lau will leave us this week for Ids home In Crete and his return is doubtful. Found, ^n Main Street, a portion of a parody on "Over the Garden Wall."-- Supposed to be the production of "our poetess:" " 1. . - . J -- • - RAFFLE. There wftl be a Raffle at Volo, on Saturday next, Dec. 30th, for Turkeys. Ducks, and Oysters. Come out. We will give you plenty of fun. PADDOCK A ELFIN. Volo, Dec. 26th. 1882. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farm of Mrs. Hoeken- iniller.three miles North of Johnshurgh ou Wednesday. Jan. 3d, 1883. commenc­ ing at 10 o'clock, tlie following prop­ erty: 3 cows. I two year old heifer, coming 3. three one year old heifers coming 2. two spring calvep, 2 sheep. 6 pigs. 2 lumber wagons, 1 single buggy, t single harness, 1 horse rake, 1 good drill, 1 stubble plow. 1 single cutter,;i hay rack, 1 fanning mill, 2 grindstones. 4 or 5 tons corn, G ton tame hay. a quantity of corn stocks, 1 sewing ma­ chine, and a quantity of household fur­ niture. Also a lot of fire wood, all cut for use. TERMS--All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year oil good approved notes at 7 per cent. ANDREW METERHOFER. i r . - ' - - ' ^ : Sonrierscheln. < At McDonald's old stand. Nunda, III. keeps a full stock of Wines and Liquors of the best quality, which lie is selling at wholesale as elieap as the same can he hought in Chicago-. Call ami be convinced that what I say is true. A. SOHMn»SCH*t<*"" Nunda, Dec. &th. 1882, The best 50 cent Tea in the; county at il. II. Xicliols'. Call for a fcamplc and be convinced. Go Mrd see the new stock of Shawls at (J, V. Steve sY Farms For Sale* Apply to Asa W. Smith, WoodstO<&, IIS. City residences for sale. Apply to A>a Smith, Woodstock, Jll, ; The Garland Squonlers Again- The ca**d "to the Public," In the last week's PLAIN DEALER, signed bv the "Michigan Stove C.> " Is R model liter­ ary production, and is rem "rkihleCtmly 1 in what it dart no f say. Thev attempt to «to Ige the question at Issue bv sav­ ing • you lie." an «rgument alwavs used 'by pot house blackguards when exposed in their nefarious doing*. But we pro- pn««. before we get through, to show the public that these individuals, and their "onfy authorized nsjent" have done the and deceit." not u*. • Now nt the beginning of their won- dertnl eflusion of last week, they boast of b»ing tlie largest and most powerful iiistltntion of the kind In tlie world, yet we Hud them rushing into print to protect an agent in a small countrv town, who has been exposed in charg­ ing exorbitant prices, and who squeal* (by proxy) that some one is trying to steal his purse. No doubt tlie dear public will rush to his assistance and pay liim exorbitant, prices in order to lieal hi» Wounded feelings. This "to the public" card also tslks about the "law of hnsine*® and decency," and just on this point !s where we want to compare notes with them. The purchasing of the Garland stoves by us was a straightforward, open business transaction, and no ' lying and deceit" was used, the Michigan Stove Co. to the contrary notwithstanding. No question was asked what was to bs done with the stoves, as it was of course .known' that they were bought to bo sold. They Were told and we became the purchaser. As we said hefore w* set them up In our store and marked them at a living profit, and as that happened to be much below what "the only'authorised agent" was charging, lie 'rushes into print (by proxy) and CIIPS "they steal my purse." Poor boy. And now on the other hand. Js it infringing on tlie "law of business and decency" for the Michigan Stove (Jo. to sell and ship stoves to tins town to private individuals, at wholesale prices? Did (hey steal the purse of their "ohlv authorized agent ?" Is it infringing on' the "law of business and decency" for this same "only author­ ized agefu" to ship stoves to a dealer in a neighboring town where there Is »n authorized agent? Did he steal the purse of dial authorized agent? These facts arWsusceptible of proof, and we are willing to leave tlie puMic to judge who ha« infringed upon that law. As regards their statement that they are prepared to substantiate that the stoves were obtained through lying and deceit, we .simply sav we are prepared to meet them o.i .that point. They have attempted to deceive their "only authorized agent*' by felling stoves to private individuals under Ids nose. We have exposed them. Their "only authorize I agent" here has deceived them hv. sending stoves to a dealer in a neighboring town to iniure another of their authorized agents. We have expos' (I him The only authorized agent here ha» deceived the public by claim­ ing that no one else could sell them a Garland Stove, and then charging them exorbitant proflts. We have exposed him. it riuch dealing* "And favor in the eyes of the public we shall be greatly mistaken." JACOB STORT. P. S. We would again inform our customers and tlie public that we stand ready to furnlsli thein any Stove In the market at the lowest living prices, "even though it be the Garland." We charge no "exclusive agency" prices. JACOB STORT. > For tiie next 15 davs H. II.'Nichols will sell you Genuine IMug Tobacco for 65 cents per pound, and lie has 15 differ­ ent Brands to choose (rota.' tNMt ID the market. % Hoods. HoMery. Ladles and Children* Merino Underwear, and Misses Corsets at Mrs. Nithiols. Turkey Shoot. . .... ... . wtt/'Zi&t There wrvroe a i urxey snoot ai •J»nn 'I'hfUen's JoUusburgn, on Monday. Jan­ uary fat. 1883. Plenty of Turkeys will be furnished to sbootlsts. Distance-- with Rifles, 40 rods. Shot Guns, 17 or 18 rods according to wind. Also a dis­ tance of 4 rods with Shot Guns, the winner the one who puts the most shot In the card. ° JOHN THALEN. There will iiW» be a Put! Ball Shoot at the same time and place. There will also he a dance at ThaJen's Hall in ttie evening. Tickets, 91.00, including supper. !IRS. P. ArHILl, Milliner and Dressmaker, Would most respectfully inform the ladies of Mellenry and surrounding country. , that site will, ou FIUDAV. NOVEMBER 24TH. at the store formerly occupied by P. I). Smith, near the Depot, open a full line of Millinery Goods, of the latest styles and patterns, ami invites 'lie ladies to call, as she is confident she can please them, both in quality of goods and price. Every­ thing new. No old goods. i am also prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Give me . a call. MRS. P. A, HILL. MeHetry, Hoveutlwr 22tl, 1882. The largest and best, assortment of Gloves and Mittens in towtki at 0* ' V. Steven's*. • ' f* r Call and examine our Christma?goods before purchasing. PERRY & MARTIN. LOOK HERE, W« are selling Fourteen and a Waif poin ds of good Sugar for one dollar. Don't forget It. HENRY OOLBY. Madam McGee Corsetts. The. best on the market at Mayes A Bartlett's . ' -r Odor Casev 4 fer j artlele, at Be.-ley's. - Call at Henry Rogers*. Volo, and see Tea Sets, fid pieces, in pink and blue colors at $4.79 per set. The finest Wri ting Desk* In to*n, at Begley's. " "It pays fo trade on the west side." 14 pounds New Orleans Sugar for $ 1.00 at C. V. Stevens*. Call at Henry Roger's, Volo, and see the Red Litre edition of the. Poets, nicely bound In cloth, gilt edges, at 78 cents per volume. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs in large variety for Holidajs at Fitzsiui- nions & Evanson's. Call at Mayes & Bartlett's- and get anything you want in the line of Dry Goods. Groceries and Ready Made Clothing. Carriages sold low at E* M.v Owen & Son's. • CROCKERY TO CLOSE. To make room for other goods we will sell Crockery and Glassware at cost until closed out. C. V. STEVENS. CUTTKRS! CUTTERS! All styles and prices at E. M. Owen &' Sun's., BARGAINS TO CLOSE* • 'Wc tiiis week ofler at greatly re­ duced prices a lot ot' Caps and Ladies' and Children*!* Wool lIo*e. IIESKV COLBY. Standard Prints at Five "Cent# yard at C' V. Stevens'.. IT. It. Nichols has the largest, nicest stock of Confectionery In County. per and lit- Blue Flannel shirts, the moat eorri plete assortment ever.shown In Mo Henry, iust received at Fltsslminons ft Evanson's. :X0S Ur 11. H. Nichols will sell you 2 pounds of Coflee for 50 cents, nnd make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and saucer. " . Do not fall to examine those snsfien- ders now being sold at Fitzslmmon* & Evansons. They are "worthy your in- spection. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrat ed Hapgood Sulky Plow that Is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Plow.} «e*n K Perry* Nanrat Jane Buter (TAler The strongest Color on the market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale bv Fitzslmmons A Evauson, Mclietirv, III. A full line of ohoico ^^erles alway8 obttiined at . ^ HENKY'OOLIW^,, "VOUNG MEN. We can tit von to the nobbiest snit of clothes or ulsterette to be found in the County. PERRY A MARTIN. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C.'V.- Stevens. > I f you have not given Bennetl a call go iu and see what lie is doing. All the new and desirable st£f*r tn flats and Caps at C. V.SteveuaY flothing. of children's boys* and men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever showtv in this village. When in town we would he pleased to show you- through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. G ood goods at close prices and always sis represented, is the motto by \\ hich we hope to re­ tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended to us in the past. We .appreciate your trade, and shall at all timesdo our utmost to please you. HENRY COLBY. Dolmans. Cloaks and Jackets In "all styles and colors, guaranteed to fit any figure, at manufacturer's prices at Perry A Martin's. Fitzslmmons A Evanson ajre closing « ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR ifust opened. You are going to have a fair of Boots. Call on V. Stevens and buy good ones. Ladies anu Misses nne snoes a >peci-~ aWty, com pie re assortment of the cele­ brated C, M. tlemlereoii make en hand. PERKY &JS1AKTIN. Fancy Ink Wells, cheap, at Geo. W. Beslev's. Call at Henry Roger's, Volo, and see what a Nice Vase he can show you at 48 cents each. Call at Mrs. Nichols' and aea the new line of Ladie8 Neckwear, consisting Of Lace Fissures, Ties, Collars, Ac. COIN TOBACCO, A verj^ line article. Every other plug contains a coin from ten cents up. A great rush for it at Henry Col^f^a. FOR THE HOLIDAYS Gen. W. Besley has *"full stock of China Cups and Saucers, Odor Cases. Fancy Ink Wells. Wiiting Desks. Dolls of all kinds. Autograph Albums, Vases, etc.. and invites all to call and see him be lore buying presents. Call at Henry Rogers', Volo, and see Chamber Sets of 10 pieces lc pink, blue and pluiu colors at $3.79 per set. For the Holidays. MRS. SCHUMACHER would inform the puhli? that ?he has a full line of Goods for tlie Holiday trade, consist­ ing in 'par*--of Dolls. Toys, Fancy Goeds, Not ions, etc, which she will sell at tlie lowest living prices. A full stock of Miliiuery«Good< at Cost. I also have a tine line of Ladies' and Childreifs Slippers and Shoes. Give me a call, examine goods and learn pri­ ces, MAKY SCHUMACHER. ' .NOTICE. 60 good sheep for sale; most all Ewes in good condition lor breeding. In­ quire of Andrew Thomas, 3J mlies northwest of Mellenry Station. Please reinemuer our prices are al­ ways a« low as the lowest, and we stand ready at all times to uieet any and all competition. HENRY COLBY. OtFjl BARGAIN COUNTER f Never more complete. It con­ tains some rare Bargains. Call and see them at Ilenrv Colby's, Notice*. 'iVt' , Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery Dressmaking. Fishiug Tackle of all kinds St X. Kngeln's, in Howe's Block, near IM new Bridge. * Buckeye Force Pumps, Owen'a. ^ Alw*y* Kermhint, A delicious odor is imparted bjr Floreston Cologne, which is always It- freshing. no matter bow freely used. The finest line of Silver and Plato# Ware to be found in theconnty, at ©• W. Owen's. ' Soelcty Belles. On account of its rernarfcafe?? 4o!* Icate and lasting fragrance. soef«t^f belles are loud in their prmjsts #f Florestqi! Cologne. ft FOR SAT.R. 40 Acre* of land in -Section IS. all fenced. Also 80 acres of l#r»d, with a good house ami barn thereon, with timber and water iii abundance, In Sec­ tion 2*2. Alto my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good nmw house, barn and other outbuildings.-** Apply to JOHX FL.VSKT. i» ' . : ' - • "4 n ' . Kid gloves, button and loop Ian, black colore and all tints at Perry Martin's. FIFTY BITSHELS OF OAT9 Wanted in exchange for Fnrnitttro, John B. Blake's. Case, Furst A Bradley. Moll no. 'Rap- good and other Sulky plows Ml K4IM, Owen A Sou's. CARRIAGE^! CAR-CARRIAGES! KIAGES! Any one in want ot a Carriage, ? Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to ? call on E. M.O\vtMv A s,'h i»nd see the s? large car-load Just received. Th« finest finished lot ever come to lUMk., ; couuty ami will sell'them cheap, .. ° HEAD LIGHT OIL. - ' « % The best Kerosene Oil In tO#lt §| f H. 11. Nichols. 175.Fire Test. , ^ FENCE POSTS FOR SALB. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Potts - for sale. Inquire of .,1' JOHN UOKAlf. " , _ rORSALEOR RENT. ^ Awfetsinlth Shop and Tools, at ^ Bliven's Mills, Mellenry County, UH> si nols. Inquire of R. TWEED A' Sow. il BUVEN's Mitts, Aujrust Ktb, WW. W • ^y Our stock of drugs, chemicala | and patent medicines was never j| more complete. Goods reliabU I aud prices right. HenbyCOLBT. A new and complete stock of Gtngw hams. Prints, aud Woolen Dress goods this week at PERRY A MAKTIH'S. You will always find rood fhA, Oysters at H. 11. Nichols1. |- 11 -w< "'•-i'S THE HENDERSON BOOT. ^Has the largest sale aud is the most ! populnr boot In the west. A full 11M td men's, boys' aud ciiilds at 'l^nrrr A-' Martin's. , CARRIAGES. v ^ "" Have on hand a few first-class car* riages which we will sell at cost to cloas« . E. M.OWEX A Sox. Fine 8lioes. foclcofFost^rVei Shoes is complete^ •" "1 Beloit Shoes is complete^ For style and durability they can not '7^'J be excelled. Ask to see them. ;'1 HKNRT COLBT. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. Best styles and lowest prices iu life Henrv or Lake Counties. 150 new on«a iust opened. C. V. STEV^HS. Gossamer circulars and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and a tul.l line of rubber goods always to be Bad at IlKyRT Couri*>. LAMPS. LAMPS. Office Lamps, Parlor Lamps,Hanging Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the cols* bra ted Oscar Wilde Lamp, at B«Sle/*S Drug Store. Bennett does not let any pictures gs out of his rooms that are not satisfac­ tory. Overcoats and ulsterettes. A. large liue and the latest stylet. You are asked to examine then at HENRY COLBY'Ŝ If you want a pair of good Boots Shoes, latest style, go to P«rry A Mar tiu's ' - BUTTER AND EGOS. ? Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Prices at C. V. Stevens'. ' • • For first-class liHurance against fire aud Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc.. etc.. apply la Asa Wi Smith, Woodstock. III. Go to 11. H. Nichols' f0> y6nr to­ bacco. He keeps tlie largest and finest stock iu the couutv. Don't buy vonr Coats and Shoes until you have called ut C. V. Stevens. He will save you money. Plctu'e frame*. Fancy Box Paper. Hand mirrors, very nice and cheap at Perry A Martin's.' If you want a Hood, Scarf. Casslmere Hose, Silk Handkerchief. Lace Ties, etc.. call at PERRY A MARTIN'S. Tlie "Aurora" Road ('arf, tU« easiest tiling out on man and horse, AT E. M. Owen & Son's. Go to Ben.nett's tor vonr pictures Mrs. Searle* will open this week a lar<^e stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. H. 11. Nichols will sell yon one pound «f choice Japan Tea for 50 ceuts and make you a present of a uicclv decorated cup and saucer. Attention, tialrymeit. Bean A Perry'« Natural June Buttov C#»lor lr<« no equal. It is guaranteed to give period satistact ion. For sale by Fjis^isnnions A Evausan, McHenry. 111. FOR SALE. A first class new Parlor Organ sad Violin--with Box--for »ale very cheap* Inquire at this otHce. The celebrated .buffalo boots, a full ,'itie of men's and boys' wuys to t>e had at HENRY" COLBY** HSW KILLISSsf STOHI, A t N u n d a . MRS. G. W. COLBY would respect* fully inform the ladies of Nunda ao& vicinity tliftt she lias opened a Milli­ nery ctore In the rooms over the post otlice and has just received a full' lino of Hats. Bonnets, Ribbon^ Laces, and. Ladies FurnUhlng Goods generally, •{ the latest styh>s. and is confident aha can please ail who may give her a call, Vly guoils are ail new and of the latest styles to be friii'd in *he market, an(| a* I buy for cash I am confident that I can sell as cheap, if uot cheaper than any other place in the county. Call' aud see my ><tyie<* and learn prices, b*. fore you purchase. % W40oM!Bgi A Nua<H,Sept. 12th, MtS. t" m- CLOTIIING! CLOTHING ! The latest styles and lowest prices***; be found iti the county, at C. ens'. A GOOD OVKRCOAT CHRAf\ To n-duce stock we shall sel! ovff» coats this week %*. very low (Igor**. I'KRRY A MAKTW. Toilet ea^s wltl» Brush comb mirror. Both eeliidoid a»d cumpn^I tion, a vory uioo git*, at Perry 4k Mar* ;lnV H. H. Nicb'ds kef»ps Oat Meal Ci «rs. Soda Cracker*. Milk C Butter Crackers. Star Waf-r Cmc. Floated Cr«>nnf* and Gln^r Snaps, ways fresh and the best grade that he found i Hi the market, \ V *•"»> TV* * ^ 1^-. s A • X

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