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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1883, p. 4

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I NESnAY, JAN. J. VAIV SLTKE. Editor. 'A full ntvoimt of tlm terrible fli* l» Milwaukee, In which iienrlrotw h«»- pprsono lo«t their lives, can be f'ntiwl on the Inside pages of this paper. A l»'*»re appalling or heartrending ills. •Her ft has not been our Jot to record TOP many * <Ujr. ^ 'he Senate PngtoflSoo on Frl«!*r i»«yroed to report the House VIII provMlngr for the issuance of Postal K«»te* for transmission In the mails of ftimi less Minn ®5, lor which a fee of three cents Is to be charge(> tor -each t ote Issued. M^And notv pome whiskey shat^-of Kentucky has Invented a process to manufacture whiskey In solid chunks, like plugs of tohncco, perfectly odorlea«. •nd which may l>e car-led in the vest l»ocket, and broken oft as desired--the only requisites being a jjlass and water !« which to dissolve the compound. They are bound to ring in water.some- hew. ^:'v- , MV^enator Williams, of Kentucky, laat week teld the Senate that the <1*11 Servli* Tlofonn in which he be­ lieved, consisted In electing a Demo­ cratic President in 1884, and giving Mm a big hickory broom, and telling lilnt to sweep the platter clean. We compliment the Senatorupon his out­ spoken candor. This is the only re­ form that the Democratic party really desires or would pivo. if in power. SST'The Republican Legislative cau­ cus was held on Thursday evening last •nd resulted in the nomination, on the #!fth ballot, of Shelby M. Culloni for IT«iited States Senator, to succeed l»avld Davis. A ballot was taken in the Senate and House on Tuesday, when the Senate stood 30 for Cullom •nd 20 for Palmer, the democratic nominee. In the House 75 for Cnllom and 76 for Palmer. A joint ballot will. 1* taken to-day, when GovepKie Col- Jem's election is assured. MP*Dr. W. A. Pratt, of Elgin. HI. 'the well known owner of one of the largest and best herds of Holsteln cat- He in the country, tells th$ Farmer's Hetiew that the feed from hi^ silo •rom^sout in excellent condition and pleasea his stock, and, of course, Itim- eelf immensely. It should be remem­ bered that this silo is one of the cheap­ est of the cheap kind. It Is simply an • excavation in a soil naturally well -drained. It cost but a few dollars, yet nnswera as well as though he had ex- ponded a thousand dollars in brick anO -cement work. Make a note-ol thia, r---Farmer t Review'. ' -- '*»• •• jrt^Tiwi ithsf Fort, of Lacon. ex-member of Congress look place on Sunday, after a brief illness. 'The Journal in speaking of "him says: "He served his country through the war of the rebellion, at the close of which lie was elected State Senator, and win subsequently elected to represent the Eighth District In Congress for four successive terms. •Colonel Fort was a roan of courage and great practical good sense. He was •eeriously talked of in connection with the K«publicati nomination (or Gover­ nor two years ago. During the past two $ear« ite lias been in comparative retirement, attending to his private Itutiitess interests in Marshal county." ib was one of the most promlneut tuwi In the State. - ?¥ u ' * r»ISASTKOI «i F IK ICS. ' During the past week the country has teen visited by more than the unusual number of disastrous fires. The follow­ ing, In addition to the great Milwau­ kee fire, are reported: Eight bu&iness places, including the X'oet Office and a national bank, were destroyed by fired at Neeuah, Wis., the other day; The palatial residence of Samuel C. Lewis, in Tarry town, on the Hudson, was destroyed by fire, with all its con­ tents. OII Sunday night, l^oss over #100.000. The works of the Chisago Smelting •nd Ketining Company. «OII*II of the vlty, were destroyed by fire early Mon­ day morning. Lose about $100,000; in­ surance. $30,000. The hospital belonging to old Fort Crawford, at Prairie du Chien, Wis., wbich was a Government military sta­ tion early in the present, century, and was one of the landmarks of the past In tli# Northwest, was destroyed by fire <0t» Saturday. The kitchen portion of the PI ante nC House, one of the oldest hotels iti St. Louis, was destroyed by fire early Sun­ day niorniiig.three servants logins their lives. There was a panic among the guests of the hotel, who jjot out of the bouse in short order. ' The loss is esti­ mated at t30,000. Au appalling calamity Is reported from Berdichey, a town of Russian Polliiud, Government of Kiev; tweuty- four utiles south of Zhitomer. During • performance In the circus, which was (lacked with people, a tire broke out, nut) lu a lew minutes enveloped the buildiug in flames. The wildest con­ sternation seized the audience when lite alarm was given, and a general Stampede was made for the exits. Which were few and uairow. Men, Women and children were jammed to­ gether iu au i in movable mass, and tho«e In the rear of the crowd only escaped ^ b»'k' aping overtiie multitude. In this *• way manjr escaped, but it is estimated over 300 paople were unable to ^ r*cap« from tlie building before the flatneelittd completely swallowed it. churrli weeding, just as the clergyman had finished his set of cnmtndiiims to the bHld«, * young l*djr In a front seat, carried away, by overstrung feelings and hymeneal nyw- pnthv, nnooii««lously took up the re­ sponse, and. In a sweer. ringing #o prano. answered. "T will!" All eyes were turned on the bluMilnjrgirl, who painfully exhibited a pitiable sense of the glaring impropriety of her inter­ ruption. The minister appeared par- alyzed for an instant, but clutching his book and hirehlng up his gown, he coolly remarked; "One at a time, Fanny,*' and went on with the service. Provision for a Ray's MiiwUnf In Tens. One gallon of whisker, »hree fried ducks, one quart of cocktail, four loaves of bread, one bottle of wine, three pounds of bacon, one bottle of whiskey, two dozen eggs, one jug of. whiskey, sausage and ground coffee, one pint of whiskey, coflee pot. one demijohn of whiskey, cheese, sugar, pepper-sauce, two bot tles of snake medieine, one can­ teen of whiskey, ten pounds of Irish potatoes, one small keg of whiskey, three lemons, four pocket companions full of whiskey; also some cigars and a coal oil can full of whiskey, in case of accident to the class and . stone ware wft'Tyv,.. : '. ' x ' \ . ' HEBRON 'TSDITORPI.AiNnKAi.Eit.--ON account of the rush of business during the Hol­ idays, we were unable to aend any Items to the PLAINOEALIS* from ?our little town last week. Z. Youngs and family left this place Saturday the 6th. for their new home in Wauconda. We believe Mr. Youngs intends to engage in the merchantile business. And if any of the ladies want a nice, stylish hat. they can get the same by calling on Mrs. Youngs. May success attend them In their new vocation. F. E. Gratton Is ready for the collec­ tion of taxes of our town.' Office hours from 1) A. M. to6 P.M. Although the weather wa9 unfavora­ ble. the masquerade party was. largely attended. The costumes were unique beautiful and ridiculous. "Punch an<f Judge" kcaused considerable amuse­ ment. : • The Sons of TemperanOe installed the following officers for tlie ensuing quarter, H. C. Faber. W. P. Ibbie Rowe. W. A. Fannie Sears. R. S. H. A. Foote, A. R. S. Ira Hyde. F. S. Sam Cropper, T. W. O. Bougliton* Chairman. S. O. Boughton. C. ^Nellie Elile, A. C. George Boughtou, O. S- Jennie D. Seaman, I. S. We would like to have sowe one ask the merchant how he spells "for tune*> Will Saunders, who has been visiting friends here, left for his home iu Chi­ cago, on the 8th. "*** On account of the thermometer be­ ing so far below zero the concert by the Hodge Familv was postponed until January 27th. 1883. They gave a speci­ men of their *iurin<r to a small afft*4l on Saturday evening, Jan. 13th, and all were charmed. Mr. Page has taken H. Jones' farm for the coming year. „ Miss Ella Street, who has been mak­ ing her sister a long visit at Albion, N. Y., ha« returned to her home in Hebron. G. Smith la visiting his parent) in Hebron, and will take his daughter, Clara Bell, with him when he returns to his home In Iowa. Rev. Currer has been holding revival meetings at the Presbyterian church for the past week. , S. C Rowe went t® Chicago Tuesday morning. Jan. 9th, to visit friends. Orrin Cannon and his cousin, Miss Gellett. are spending a few weeks with their friends in Hebron. ^ - We do not acplre to the honor of be­ ing a charter member of the "noted pea­ nut crowd," but we have heard of their notoriety through several of the county papers. We are of the opinion that Greenwood cannot be much of a business town if they cannot scare up a "bushel of pea-nhts." Of course it would be a dead loss to keep more than a jM)und on hand at one time, but they might have known that sooner or later the "peaiiot crowd" would visit Green­ wood as it has other neighboring towns and ask for peanuts in exchange for money. They pride themselves that they are not country greenhorns and know good bed springs when they see them, and are not so easily taken in by "Tom and Jerry" as to purchase their cheap affairs. We think that Green­ wood lias one or two that equal the "peanut crowd.*' We thought It a case •of highway robbery. Sunday evening, when one of Greenwood's fair daugh­ ters grasped our horse's,bridl£ rein, and when politely asked "to step aside," instead of "your money or your life" came the remark: "you go to thund^j;." Woodstock Department. Only 20.degrees below zero In this city last week Tuesday. So far. It was the coldest day this winter. Ex-Sherift Stedman Is aiding Sheriff Udell in his duties pertaining t^> the running of the Circuit Court now In session. John Murnhy, whom we repojrtei as being dangerously iff last week, is liow considered to be out of danger and slowly gaining. Henry McLaughlin, the express mes­ senger on the Woodstock Accommoda­ tion, is laid up again, this time with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. There has been very little regular­ ity In the arrival and departure of most of the trains passing through this city for the past week. It seems that there has been mors suow beyond us than here. Circuit Court la still In session. His Honor, Judge Kelltlm, presiding. About all of last week was ?pent upon one case, alid up to this writing tne same is still in progress. It Is expect­ ed to adjourn court the last of / this week.. The remains Of Mrs. Eliza Eckert. of Chicago, were brought to Woodstock •qjiFriday last. Mrs. Eckert was 84 years of age. and was the mother of Captain George, and Miehsel Eckert, of this city. She was buried lfl;.tilf» pun* etery on Queen Anne. . ^ L. Jones is minus an overcoat that was new last winter costing hi.n S28. Larry was doing service as a court bail if) last week, and hung his coat up in the Sheriff's office beside several others , Upon going to get the gar­ ment at the close of Thursday's pro­ ceedings, he fourtd it missing. He now goes without an overcoat--until the tailor can get one out for his size. Mrs. Nellie Austin was ' the lady awarded the gold medal for being the most grtceful lady skater on roller skates, at the contest held Tuesday evening, January dtli, at- the Wood­ stock Opera House. The proprietors of these institutions are just coining money, and the pleasure seeking peo­ ple of all ages are enloylng the fun. On Saturday night Geo. Whltson car­ ried off the prise, a silver cup and saucer, forcing .the bof^ gop^oi^ii skater. * p ' ,, . >RT OF THK At WoMttock, -AT-- Closa of Business Dec 30, KESOITKCKS Loans and diaeoiints Overdraft* . . . ; . . . . U. Itoiuls to secure circulation.. . tX. t lnwia on hand |>ue from u)>|iroved reserve agents. Due from othor National Bxnks.. . , Keil estate, t 'urniture and fixture*. CUiTi'i i t e\IICnnea and taxes paid,. . . Premiums Paid Checks and other caxn items.. . . . . ; . Bills of other tanks Fro'l paper cur. nickels A pennies.. Specie Legal tender notes Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- erer (3 per cent of circulation) ' ' * ; ; a- DEALER IN-- 40- . . Jkrv C O ^ D I T I O ^ • -or- THE FIB® NATIONAL BANK WATJCOIVDA, ILLINOIS, Illinois, ^ . .•168,720 8t 4.i0 7h .. .. 1,000 (11) #,K74 17 n,.v« «a 4,200 0<l 4!M» <5 85 425 fit lO.IKi!) 00 4!» 28 10,22!» U0 6,000 00 'mpleiiifflitt, 1 Of ALL KINDS. . Total 1.TAIHI.ITIES. id in ... --. ..i 2,000 00 :i|J80.u» 9: Capital stoeJt JMiid in " SO.ooooo UnntvMed"pWSR» t.sw 72 Sal ional Kank Notes outstan ting.. . 45,000 00 Indiriilual ' ieposits xulijcct to check ]75,8<i:{ 49 Demand Certiflnates of deposit 3,100 00 Due to other National Bank*. 4,0*^ 7H Total STATE OF ILLINOIS ..*231), 141 97 I ss MCHENRT OOITNTV, I, John J. Mtirphr, Cashier of tlie above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the ahovo statement is true to the best of IUT knowledge and belief. JOHN J. Mvarar, Cashier. Snbscril>ed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Jan., ltKi CHAS. H. DOJJNKLLT, Notary Public. t Attest . ' JOHN J. MnRPHrjfWv • T FRKBMAN WNRRINW; « " W. II. STEWART, Directors. ;; Money to Loan On Reiil Estate, for Long Time, at Low Interest. J.J. MURPIIY. l:R1 CUTTKRS! w, IJITTK MAR EN CO- EIJITOR PLAINI>EALEB.--Wiiat beauti­ ful winter weather. Tfce 6tone and brick for the building about to be erected by B. S. Parker S. A. Crissey and Win. Doroughty between Goodrich^ Restaurant and John Laindens store, are being hauled on the spot ready for business. This building, it is 6aid, w ill eclipie any­ thing of the kind in Marengo. Our Public School opened again to day. Mouiay, and the teachers and scholars commence their work with renewed energy. There is an increase in tlie number of foreign scholars which speaks well for our schpoli. Who is to be tlie man to succeed Davis iu tlie Senate? Whoever lie may be let him not spell ".Senator* with three Vs." Everybody will take him for u Democrat. - We were indulging in f /jfaoHday last week and did not tend in our c<imniun- icaUon We are sorry it any of our readers were disappointed and we -will set- to i*-that such tilings d>>lti<iit ir<*}»' peu very uiien at l< a».t. It ha* been our unpleasant tai almost every week for some time piist. to chronicle tlie death of some one residing in this vicinity. However, most of those whom we lia^Re men­ tioned as passing to tlie great beyond, have been those who had lived to rcacli "man's allotted time, three score years and ten--or nearly so. This week we are called noon, if we do our duty as a correspondent, to chronicle the demise of a young lady about seven­ teen years of age. Scarcely had the deceased. Miss Nellie Young, reached womanhood, ere her gentle spirit was called to its long home. Nellie was the eldest daughter of John L. Young, who formerly resided in this city, but is now living iu California. She had lost iter mother, who died of consump­ tion many years ago. that dread disease being hereditary in her family. Since her father has gone to the Golden State she has made her home in several places, iu this and other towns, always making friends wherever she lived. Some few mouths ago the disease, she had inherited began to show itself, compelling iter to reft^iin from her usual arocations and seek medical aid. Having no home here, she was kindly taken in and cared for by Mr. J. (>. Darrell and ills estimable wife who, as the terrible disease grew worse had an invalid to care for that required constant watchfulness, and' attention, such cases always being a great burden. Although far away from her father's home, her constant desir^ was to be near aud see once more.Nher eldest brother, Leonard, whom almost every one in this city re­ members as "Leu," He too was suffer­ ing with that fatal disease, consump­ tion, and, we understand, is but just alive, or was when last beard from. Nellie torgot her own pain and afflic­ tion*, or partially so. in brooding and sorrowing over th* fate of her beloved brother, wtiose every letter denoted that his health was failing fast. Last Friday morning at about six o'clock, the spirit of Nellie left its tenement of clay here below, and passed to that far oft country that mortal eys hath never seen, aud on Sunday last Iter re­ mains were laid beside those of her mother in the cemetery at Richmond, this county. Too mucli praise aud credit cannot be givmi Mr. and Mrs. Darrell for their extreme kindness to the liomeless one. All that loving y,hearts and tender hands could perform to alleviate her pain and suffering was done by theiu and outside friends. Nothing remained undone that was possible to do. no expense was spared that would aid in making the afflicted one more comfortable. For months Mrs. Darrell waited upon her every want and caring for and tending her both by day aud night, as if her own child. Surely the deceased was for tuuate iu falling into such worthy bauds, and Mr. Darrell and wife have the respect of this entire community for their kindness to one who was no kindred to them. Who will say they shall not be rewarded iu the^iiijAi for their kind aud chaiitable uctj MAKER. Shop op)Jostte Parker House. McHenry, * -/ Illinois*. I would inform my customers and the public generally that I am now prepared, with llrnt clxss workmen nnd good material, to manu­ facture wagons nnd liuffffiut) on snort notice and a4 l ow Prices as a good article can be purchased elsewhere. I ALSO DO A General Blacksmithlng Business, and will do yo-Jr ,work in the best oX manner and with the least possible delay. H O R S E S H O E I N G ' /ji: ].^8PFOIAT.TV^,i: ."5; ^ekeep a faU Hae ofParm Machinery of the best manufacture and sell at *'j»^ Bod Rock Prices. If you Want any thin* in the AgrricuUtiiriifl Machinery line, do not fail to call on me be-; .fere purchasing, aa I can save von money. I am also uncut tor Lake "and Mcllenryj Counties for the . j^ CHAMPIOlt * Feed Cutter. Yon can have a grinder attached to grind at the some are cutting. Every pur­ chaser pets a written guarantee with his ma. chine. It ia positively the KASIBST KtIN SIN^FKKD OLTTER IX THE MAKKET. (jive me a call. ^ K. <7. HILL Wauconda, III., Dec. 2(1, l&R. K TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH Aaa W. Siaitlii Of Woodstock; 111. • ' fi: Because he is endorsed by Vending* Kurt he* a men nnd the press, aiud particularly; where best known. I. Because hi/is the oldest agency im the county. 3. Wecause lie represents the best l ine of companies of any acrency in the county. ; 4. Because with one V\rep'ion, he re|>rc.* sent* the oldest companies in the United States. 5. Because in case of loss he gives -his pat-- rons the bene tit of his long experience in ae . curing an equitable adjustment. (!. Because he has aiwavs issued full pol­ icies. 7. Because he pa va losses on farm property! l>v l ightning, whether fire ensues or not. *8. Because h« insures live stocK anywhere; against liprhtninv:. H. Because he insures against tornadoes, cyclones anil wind storms. 10. Itecause yon can thus s >ve yourself from disaster for a mere trille*. II . Because y«»u will tlnd him equally as active to aid yon in getting your money after lost) as to secure your patronage for his com­ panies. >i 12. Because every one of the above reasons can be fully verified by calling on E. A. Mur- ph,v, E. Ses'jions. J . W. Miller, from their own experience, and in the "nf ire circle of his acquaintances from observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phoenix, of Hartford, Connecticut. I take great pleas- ure in returning the the thanks of the com-, pany to Mrs. L, I>. Kelly for tier prxmptnesii^*' •ind timiHu.' t l presence of min i in extinguish- luc a lire at her residence, kindled from the burning of E. A. Murphy's residence oti the morning of the 13th inst. ' , as by her individual effort, property was saved on which the com­ pany had a policy/>f *2,000. A3A W. 8KITH. Of all kinds pmtiiiptly attended to. see for youistIf. Call ami ,r E JfeHtmfr, Jan, :Jc APtPEfJTER. las* SOTICK TO I' lITSICIANS AND ACCOCCHKKS: You are hereby notified to m.ike returns to me I mined i alely of ail births and deaths January l«l, 1N>S3, as 1 am required by law to m ihs full report to the state Hoard of He ilth annually and ant now making records up to said date. Tlio>-e Phvstcians who h.ire n'>: registered as the law directs are ro'i nested to do so iiumediuiely. WM. AVKHT, County Clerk. Woodstock, .January 1, 18*3. (Cwmty papers please copy), pAJlV THE ATTENTION of En. mers V-'* / I V . is called to the Xonii 'mib/ Gi'iul U7IK> and lite Mimmrfh Yellow h'inrj fi 'ni Corn, t l ie best ami most productive varie­ ties know n. W ill pay any Fanner 2ft per <-eni more than common corn. Send us your order, and if you are nol satisfied on receipt of corn we will refund your money. 3 ounces, by mail, 10c; 1 pound for 2.*ic; t pe<-k, by express", 75c; I bushel 2 bushels J4.50. Send for our Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potato and tianleu Seeds. Fi-eetouUL THO#. M. HAYKS A CO , Cincinnati, O. •n T $j(v|| wia»»w,yiii^ai^3i Chicago «Norifi-Viestern OLD ESTABLJISMEO SHORT LINE Aud tiio FAST F.1AIL im>Te Xiioroug'liluro ir< m > i:<\ tv C H I C A C Cotton IkiiA, clit-'aitof iNilwtu, m C. V. I >r-r • ' • TEACHKBS. iflyoti will send us yotir n*ii§it>'at»d address, together with the District N"o. of the fechool you arje now tcachiug. we will send you "Catcliin^ the Kililidro^>8,,, a beautiful Ten Color Oil (Jhrotno to haji£ t»i» In your school room; alio Other InforiuatlotTuf tiiuch Interest to you. Address, IIOIUB Companion PUB. CO., < Cievtilaud, Ohio. you. And all points in Northern m;Ci-n tral, Eastern and Nort'iTroatem low*. Wifcoriiiin, Northern Michigan, Minne­ sota, Dakota, Manitoba, Contml unci Northern Xrhranka, t'i'luraif», Wycin- lngf, Utah, Idalio, Montana, Nevada, Volif'iriii'i, Orfjtui, WiiehinptOn Terri­ tory, llriti-h echini bin. China, Japan, the Sandwich laiiimis, A n»trutin, >>n> Zi.-tiancf, and all principal points in tho liORTK, KORTHWSST andWEGT. With its o-;n linn:? it t.-averscv; North­ ern IF.L^NOLS, Cyntml and Ncii-crn IOIVA, wtscuNsiN, Northern Miciii.' <«AN, MIN'SESOTA. and Ccntriil I)AKil- TA It c:Ver3 to tho traveler r.ll r.ceoni- mod tionj that can to otfered by my railroad. It3 train tservice cqunlu tlmt of any ro-'.d: thoir r.peed is I G rrer.t BP comfort ar.d safety will permit; they make close connections in union depots at junction rnd tenriirial points v/iih the leading reilroulj ol tlio We ft end Horthwest, and offer to those tuat vise them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes cloaa connec­ tion with ell other r v!1vo-- ds< r . t thr-t eitv. It runs PAI.ACK SI KHi'INO CARs dr. all through trairif?, PAm/ut OA us on its princinal ro^'cr?, r.nd S^l ' .TII-WiSTKiJN rtlN'lNO cuts n« its OOl'NCII. uij 'rrs and o.iitaST PAUI. Rr>d MINNIiAI'OLIS through day errpross trnins. » If you wish tlie Best Traveling Accom- mod itions yon will fcuv your Ticlrots bv THIS route AND WILL TAKI: NONE OTKKK. For rates for elnfrle or round trip tickets and for full informntion in re­ gard to all parts of the West North r.nd Northvre3t, write to Genorul P;.sse cer A{?ci%o.t Chicipro, 111. All Co inon Ticket Agents pell Tickets by tine Lino. J. D. LAYNQ, MARVIN HUGLTITT, Gen. Suj) t , 2d Vice-l 'r<*H. UM<1 Gen. Mauacer. W. H. 6TENNETT, ^ „ y U c n . PSM. Agt., Chicago. SI,001 can be made in six months selling UNISON'S MAPS & CHARTS For 38 page catalogue, free, address, 11. €. TCTNISON, Cincinnati, O., N. Y. City, Jacksonville, HI., Omaha, Neb. "'"r' " va' i , •» , - ..qt,,. " '# " i >t- > •«. ' Illinois. ^ Who, in order to reduce stock to make rdom for his spring goods, is now prep*red to ofler rare iuducement& ity #'j'~ < <.'f BBY GOODS, SSISS 7L&MSLZ, SS1SS H0WII3, WOOLIN^ . s- JEII^ xxargsnn in •; I All Ihe latest styles in Gents' Furnishing Goods, The Model Newspaper. The Inter Qcean 'for I Here We Are Again. •Below von will rt:nf flu' tuiines of the prominent f.irr»n*r* that have hmi^hl the celel.niited lltjlit rnnnWtg Ilapgood Sulky I'low within the la*t six weeks: .lames Barnstiible, Bernard llitrrlson, Nieliolas Fretmd, Olias. Parks, Augustus Townsend, Geo. Parks; "tirti* liarvey, Juke Snyder. Wm. Wood. Frepinan Whitlnij A. G. Fauvcr (2), K. K. Doolittl**. Ask them what tltoy think of thein. IteiiHMiihi'i- it is the only sulky plow made that is warranted to run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow. We will make any man a present of the Sulkj. it it fail* to till our wairantee. ll In Witut ol u Sulky I'low, don't lull to cail on us, us we are sure to suit tiolti only by E. il. 0>vcn & Sou. To pive the news without indulging in ©f» fcn»iv»! (• i 'HiiiliMii; to lit ' co irtix<'ouA and .iprKrcHtive in the a.lvocncy of w«^ll eotnlilish- e«l principle*, without, nnrvow-niiiKled or unfair: to cater to the lii .<te« of all rl . tsai*** of iii t«' l i iKent remiers, without pitrilerinjr i" the jirejinliceM of nnv; lo present in mo.«t at . trnctive form the jarrentest i l isplay of mailer, without, curtailing or lowering the Btun'lar ' i of :iny departine'hi; to jtrinv in inlf re-il an<i , e\cellenc«» with esin-h snccee'Hiin of us t 'xihirncc, in to I he moMcl rie «»[•:» per. Kikoi t1! 'Hr-t it It-tH Itcpn the iiiin nf tlie j>iin!i«ti*r.-< or The f>t{*r to ha»e the pa- por ri ' ;n-h i his hijfh Ntiui ' lHnt, it ml in each *t the len years of its* existence a noinble step forward'ha» been iak»*n. A.s w^ry chan<ehas met with encoHmsjinx res| ,onHe'from the p»h- Jjc in the ishupe ot increaseil patronage, it is fair to assume I hat t he efTor s of the publish­ er* have been in the right tlir«ction, and lmve been a ppre<*iaii'<l. The Iwrr <hv<m will remain micompromie in;?ly Kepuhiican, wil maintain its pvcuent at- titU'le of proteciinar American ii»(Iiu»tr1es: will conlinue to devote special attention tcr trade, I ra in porta t ion, and economic quentions; • will retain the d^pavtme ts of The Curiosity Shop (a current encyclopedia of curious, in* ! tere!*tii»fr, ."and valuable information, called' , otii by inquiries <d'i»ub«cribers)>; The Woman'*,, Ktnffiloni (de\otcd to the projrie<*nive nwv«' meni» in w hich arc int eicated); Tfu- b\tr)n (tut! How? (covering topics of special in Iciest to fanner.", their \t i \es, ami their chil. dren); The 1 elrrinury (nmtaminv; answers to que.-dions aw to the treatment '>f horses, cattle and pther animals by one of the t«!.st veteriii . ary NIIII'COIIS In tbc West); and Complication* (taking in puzzles, eniffinan, rii tninilriuna, etc), all of whteh are peculiar to flu- paper; will !iive as much space as hither! ' t > Serial nnd Mhurt stvrics, original and seh ' t 'U "ketches, and poems, and with increased l icrii; for news itathcrinsr iu the shape <>t '< i rrx to New Vork aiwl,^ioy. and experienced correspondents well placed at home and abroad, will more than maintain its hijth slaitifavd for enterprise and accuracy in all Uepartmoii of news. The JiUer 'Jr.,;'in, i ' .Iwiiys closely identifleii with the interests of the West, has led in the work of development of both tlie Northwest mid the-Southwest, and it will continue to make prominent the characteristic features of the progress ot the newer communities to* ward .Statehood. No paper in the country hi»» £ivcn *<* much attention to immigration move­ ments. railway and caoul enterprises, mee and economic problems, and other topics re­ lating to the prosperity of the older states and the development ot° the newer sections as the Inter Orenn. i!ec.: ' .use i t is constantly enlarging the Held of newspaper discussion, and grappling un. hesitatingly with all n«*w <|i .esltons thalcome iH'forc the people, i t has increased rapidly in circulation among all classes of .ra.esihen aind farmers. Itecause of i ts enterprise in I ens in// special telegraph wires to the great news * centers, i t has grown in favor with a I ' who like completeness and accuracy in dispatches, Itecause of its steadfast l;epublicanism and' i ts close sympathy with the bett elements of the Itepublicau parly, i t has grown steadily In favor with |Kirtv men. Because of th6 high character and wide range of i ts li terary and npecial departments, it has liecome s greater favorite in the home than any other (llsiin«ti\ely political paper iu the country. The aim has been to make it the best paper for city, suburban, fir country reader; the betl paper lor ihe business man anil his fami­ ly; the best paper for Ihe strong partisan as well as tue general reader; and as the circn- lation ot the several (Mil l ions has increased more rapidly the past yerr than in any previ- ous year, aiiil as tt is now larger than thai ot any other paper w est of New York City, the publishers, feeling that Ihuv have fair treas­ ureot popular approval. will continue in the course marked out. making such improve­ ments a* will keet> the Inter Ocean at the head of Hie list of American,journals aa the model newspaper. The circulation is lieat shown by the amount of, postage paid on the papers .sent to actual subfcrtiiers. Judged' bv Uu.-> »tamiurdj H ip Inter IJcena is far ahead of nil of l is Chicago eon temporaries, lis chow r> l>y l|iB 'aiut twlow. .This table gives ttie amount "f po.-tnge paid irciilation by ettch newspaper 'ruimed (all HATS, CAPS, feOOfS AXD SdOfi^, CHOIl-fi GROCERIES, Ac., AT HARD PAN PRICES,! Good Goods, New and stylish goods, and Prices as low as the low­ est, are hi* mottoes. Don't buy a dollar's worth ot* General Jder* chundifce until you have called at ths store,° heal* the Depot, Me­ llon rv, Illinois. ^Icileiity, |II . f January 10th, 1^83. WAUCONDA SURPRISE i-'-: j hi-. -fi' , "rt?i. • Everybodylnvited, -frt?:.. Ft'A'.; We bave been sellinfrtlite Iwautifnl #itt ediared for less than 75 cents each lot some time and works for half price. price 4'Red LtftV* Poeti other new standard VN e furnish aiy book at short notice at a rijht 8VBPBISm<| ASSOHTMENT fro ^ { / « > x* } , f j | WWIROj rurwW, &C«| Sit SttHpfl 81110 PriC6S« jiit: iVe have them at 10 cents, 15 cents, 20 cents, 22 cents, §5 fents, 28 cents, 30 cents, 35 cents, 38 cent*, 40r6nts, 45cents, 50 cents, 55 cent i, 60 ccnts,-155 cents, 75 cents, 85 c«nts, $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35, el.45, etc. Are you srtpplicJ? Surprises on lots uf other ^cod «roocls» If onr little experiment works, and we find you want woods at way down prices, we will o-ive you some surprises in a week or so that will "buljfe your eyes." Fact is, if we can sell you $5C dollars worth of «roods in a day at 10 per cent profit aud make $5, we would rather do it than to sell $10 worth at 5C per cent, prptit to make the same $5. Its more fun for us and more fun for yoU> We tiiean businese. If that is what you f^'ant call at , • v F. B. HARRISON'8 Wtiucoiidft Di iisr Store and Rook Hannt. B. K. f (Sueceasor to J. if. CfiritiyS Ring wood. Illnois. ITaving'refltied the store lately occupl"d by J. W. Crlaty,and having BHe<l it with » first cl*s«:«tock of of (:hicHgo) fur i/te Jixcul ls.s-2: . .-•••(•"• • The l"tev Otean The. Sems t ..... The Tim"S The TiiOune .. The Her aid A»riL June 30, titans m .» 14 . 6,481 10 i 5,(544 54 114368 Thisstiitemcntneedunocommcnt. It npeak* f«*r itself. The subscriotion price o£ the Inter Ocean Is follows: Weekly edition, jmutape |mld .. .... .fl.2A pr y'r M'nii. Weekly «dit Ion, postayre pai*| . 2.Mi pr y'r I>aily edition, ixisiage paid . lUIJtl pry'f Sample eopiee of the Inter Ocean will t»e •ent on application. stnd IIK.IKM in IteKistered l .elter, Mone^ Order, Itai k l ira ft , or by Kx press, at our risk, aiv^ be sure and write the name and address Of <Mclt Subscriber plainly. Address TUit XMKU OCEAN, Chicago, 111. ' 1 ' r t ; Notions, Groc#te» f Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, • Et«., " I nmnow prepared to jrlve the bnylair pnMlc (is go(v| imrffHins iacan be fou»cl in any gen* evul store, ^ , J do nol claim to sell lower than anybody else, but T do claim to sell good tjoods at liv- Ing, nml guarantee every thing MS rep­ resented. My stock Is NEW. FRESH AND COMPLETE. Ami eompris«»s everything ttsnally fotlnd in *| General Coimtryg tore All kinde of Produce taken in exchange for goods, G1VK MK A CALL. B. K. Bixowoop. Aug. 15th, 1W2. The pnuy are utiea McHenry Brick"jManufactoring Oo re now supply Briok in quan- <FE0il SHALL Llin| *$69 ;:?wi o CROCKERY TO CLOSfc. Or )(f To tn<tke room for otliei jfoods we will sell Crockury and (ilttsiswarc at cost until closed fratv. _ aT.STETIXS. Car Loads. Their Brick are second to none to be ftaai in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those hand­ ling brick, will do well to call and see as be. fore | tirchaaing. For further in forma tloa apply te OT MMKM, McHcnry Brick Haiifactviii ^•T McHE>\RY July tth,: • ILLINOIS. im Cirv re*\i\enc*>* for *ale. Apply A»a W. Suiith. Wuodfttoek, 111. Go m m i Im* thn newsu^'k of c« \. 5UVC~&*( . .iM

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