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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1883, p. 5

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V1 f ;« .-hi » .•f-'i'lf"'; ]|«{[Mrj Pltnfaler. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 17.1883. Hit: :5««s 'SSw % ; Railroad Time Table. *<K»ING SOUTH. *;*S5*"*T* J*S6 L*k«-Frelsht....; * ----:« «VM*<»'WOerU. -'FKIFL6WMNR» T,*VE FREIGHT * *:*! *. M TO 40eee*a T<ake KxnreM «:!»*•. * •^§f|Beae»a Lake Ptuenm *:5* B. Urn*. \*ent. Meltenrr, PI «v , r VORF ir TO '.•^FHWIIIWIIT T.OTWIIC. Vr» i.\« %. F."an«l A. M.-- M^llefalar Po'ntnnnicatioii'1 the Saturdar on or the full of the moon and ever• two .ns^fweeks thereafter. CHAH. O. COMIT, W. M. VEFFKW *T CH4FTK* NV*. 3* R. A. M--FE*«. rf lirCitTDritlnni held on the neoonl and fonrth I(£ FrM*»i ti well iw»»h. ? SMITH, IT. P. >,:.lHSjfiiij. T.0S*. strayed or stolen; Pair holder for ilife*. Finder please leave the Mine -with Geo. Owen. Thb ef the ili*rnur«N ai the *"^ TTnWf r«*H*t church next Runway even- lag will be "'Orthodox Proof Texts." §4*St,~<rX, '* i 1»f ' '"if Si [on T .it*" .'••If -a. SwRl»n A Ws ice men flt>i#h»rthere I'huradav la«t and <eft far other field* on Friday morning. C. V. STKVKNS h*« R new advert Ue- ' ; lament this week which no one thouM tWfaii to rend. " •, SEE the new advertisement 'Of E. Carpenter. RUckfinitli Hnd Wn»on Maker, to be found >ii another column. •••• «»K*S r-- ^ UMITH'A SNYDER sblpi»ed four hnn- j -drd hogs from thin Station last week. H and will chip almost at many more tliin. <3ooj) dry iivood in selling In thl? larket now for $4.50 per cord. There i» but little green wood coming in a? y«*. . • . - UNIVBRSALIST Social at the residence Mrs. Homer Clemens, on the Xunda read, to-night. Teams Iroin Mr. Dins- fclwore's and the Parker limine. SUBSCRIPTIONS for the PLAIKDKALKR rocel*ed *t Volo at the store of ,M^H«nrf Rogers, who is authorized to deceive money end receipt for the * * B*«*. - No one should forget tlie Donation to be held at the residence of Rev. I*. J. Din*mere oil Friday evening of tbli week. Let all come, bring their tnlte, Mid enjoy a pleasant evening. EVERYBODY is invited to the "'Wiu- v'^«onda Surprise Party" For full par- - : 4^tii'uiars. rea<l the advert Uetyeut with head, to be found elsewhere • "P^B this paper. i/d' I< ~ F| FOUND, HI this village a pair of Vw' ^^Rpectacle». with case. The owner can iliave the same by calling at this ofllc« ).<t#^J|proving property, and paying (or thi« A DACGHTKB of H. P. Palmer, «f this jvlllage. agei about ten yeii^fes^siir jSjolte »lcte;>twri»asti w%#k. tot nnder care of Dr. Howard Is now reported much better. RBV. L. O. BOTNTOV. of Kigln, a,. f%reach in Ballou's 41 A 11. Xumla, III., ou "evening Jan. 18tli. Subject. ; ^j^'Thc Popular Objections to Uniyersal- Answered." . fWB L L. C. will meet witb Mr«. ^•^Jjatries B. Perry. Wednesday Jan. 17th ••W*fo38#tBt usual hour. Topics: Wm. M. Tliack- *, t^iry, D. DeFoe, Mary (lemelit. , '4r _ Mm, J. A JULIA A. •'TORV, SEC. , 3 's'i jfci%v Farmers and otiiers desiring a gen­ teel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 lo f20 a day can be earned, •end address at once, ou postal. tn If. rj "Wilkinson Co.. 195 aud 197.; Full oil Street, New York. ' • A BBGL'LAU communication of M' Henry l odge No. 158. A. M. & A. Ma- eons, will be held on Saturday evening •f this week. Jan. 20th. Work* on the Entered Apprentice Degree. AM members ar* earnestly requested to be present. By erder of the W. M. W* underst-and that tb«> Party at the T*arker House on Tuesday evening was attended by about three 4hundred eeuple. and all report a good time. This Is certainly the largest crowd reported at a dance lathis section for tptany a day. THE Statement of the First. National' Bank, of Woodstock, can. be found in another column. Few banks in the country make as good a showing as this one. and the citizens ol Woodstock ; Jr ||and surrounding country are to be c«n- h. »•/ ;|gratulated that they liave such an fn- n stitution. and one that Is so wfll naiK aged, in their midst. The attention of farmers Is called to '>;;?tikl»e advertisement of Tlios. M. Hayes & Seed Merchants. Cincinnati. Ohio, whieh appears Jn another column or this paper. Every farmer should try their corn. Let them know you saw -their hdyertiseraent In this paper. They will do you good or will refund year money if your are not satisfied, LOOK ont for the latest swindle. It has been very successful and your turn may come next. Tlii* is the way it Is operated: HAn agent will visit a house and exhibit a wonderful powder, ask for the loan of a lump, and placing a pinch of the st.ifl in the oil, he will dip a lighted match into It, which will be extinguished the same as if dipped in* t to water. This wonderful stuft is noth­ ing but common salt, colored blue with Sdw'l ultramarine, and is of course utterM* ;W * ( worthless In preventing lamp explos- er. s? * ions, insuring against the breakage of i«.»t chimneys. As the vapor of th«» oil and ^ not the oil Is what burns, the agent t. IVjrun; experiences no difficulty In playing his | M artful trick. The swindler claims that nst m>t f , his powder is especially adapted for - hiuw •: the prevention of lamp explosions and 'r,?* "l n insures against the bieaklujg of cUiiu- 1^"/^ neys." _ ' ^Carriie?* s^U ut *, . A iSvU% ONB of the meet recent iaventlons is B "hand grenade Are extinguisher." It is a glass bottle, of convenient shape, coutainining a chemical solution. It U claimed that when thrown upon any burning object toith sufficient force the bottle will break,- and the liberated gases will at once stifle *nd destroy the fire; Aw exchange tel!« the little folks to try this: Take a common twine string a yard long, tie the center around the small part of a table epeon and wlod the ends around the fore-flngera of either hand, and hold the finger* in the ear«. Now swing the spoon until it strikes the table or other hard sub­ stance and you will be surprised at the result. THE party at the Riverside Ifoatte on Friday evening last^ was attended by aiiout sJxty couple6. mostly residents iu or near the village, the unfavorable weather preventing many coming from ^tny great dlstjuyf J The music was o^1 AlMMrsWs band, of Janesville. and all prnuonn^ed it flrst class in" every. partioHlar^, In short it was hard to' beat, and all enjoyed themselves t* the fullest extent. , AN accumulation of soot in the bot torn of a chimney, getting on Are aiid from its long continued and Intenfte heat finally communicating (Ire -to wood work tn contact with the chimney, is a not (infrequent cause of disasters by fire.notwitlistanditig the prevalent idea that a brick chimney cannot become hot enough te set fire to wood outside of It. Sec that your chimney* *re cleaned out at the bottom, THE Pound Sociable, for the benefit of the Onieterv. will be held st the residence of R. Bishop, on Wednesday evening Jan. 24tli. All are urgently requested to sttend. Each person l« expected to bring a "pound peek If*" of anything they may choe*«, and Ihest packages are to be sold at ItK'ltuii ilttr* fug the evening. Mas. T. J. WAIANI I'rssi JLLIA A.STORY, Sec. AN old woman In •1.100 out of the hard eari«tng«of ll»lr|| years, and the other nltfht ln»| lh« money in the street. The lieW*p«p«M described her pitable grief, for s||« «M cent pietely prostrated by III* In**. it»d when she read one of tlies* •••count* she felt still worse, for she said she did not want The whole world to know iter trouble. But when a boy came In with 'the money, and explained that lie had foued out its owner from the paper*, she thought better of journalism: If merchants cou Ml have as forcible a detn<Mistration';$f the bereflts ef adver­ tising, we would be compelled to eM- largc to double our pre»ent sJeeaud double on rates. Blessed is he thai runneth a paper. Thrive belter is he that payetli for his paper. Blessed is the fmrmer who readetli a paper; for be sUfll not tumble to tb* raclfeT of the yragon-tongiie man. Blessed Is he that desiretli to be eter­ nally-puffed; for his reward shall be exceeding great. Blessed is tlie woman wlio hath sense enough to know that the reason her name was not mentioned In the person­ als was because tlie editor was ignorant of tlie fact that she was needing a per- sonal. Blessed Is lie who advertlseth. His happiness shall lie uubounded and hie joys unnumbered. He will live long lu the land, die happy and have a fuueral procession tJiree miles long. RS. S. H. SI IN »TT, who we noticed as receiving a severe fall on tiie 22d of last month, died from her injuries at th* residence of Iter daughter, Mrs. II. P. Palmer, in this village,cn Wednes- I'lie fall fractured her hip. aiKt.imhough ail that medical skill could do was done for iter she f.-iiled to rally, ami after enduring untold suffer­ ing death came as a'rellef. She was 71 years of age. Her two daughters. Mrs. ff. P. Palmer ot this village aud Mrs. Wuii Sickles, of Chicago, and her son. W. li. Minott. of Marshal. Michigan, were with Ijerln her last hours. Her remains were taken to Belolt. Wis., on Fi iiiav. and buried by tlie side of h»r hnsbund* : , . | , A CAKFL We. wlsh in this-public manner to express oiir thanks to our many frleade and neighbors, wlio by their aid and sympathy did so tmieh for us during the sickness and after the death of our mother, and also during tlie sickness of our daughter. And also to Dr. O. J. Howard are we extremely grateful for Ids untiring efforts and skill. That the Lord, in iiis goodness, may continue to ble*s you all, and that you may nevee be called upon to pass through a IHf#- ordeal, is our heartfelt wish. H. P. PALMER, EMMA PALMBB. THE .Geneva Lake Newt says: "A party of nine surveyors for the Chicago & Evanston R. R. <^o. left Richmond on Wednesday morning and passed tiirou?h here yesterday, beund for some point on the C. M. & St. P. Ry. Mr, E. G. Nourse. eng'neer in charge, informs us that this company have a track laid from Chicago to a point near Rose Hill cemetery, and a line surveyed to Lake Forest, parallel with the C. A N. W. The line is also located from Llberty- ville to Xippisiug Point. Thence they are making a preliminary survey paral* lel with the Northwestern road te this place and on to intersect the C. M. & St. P. Ry. at a point between Elkhorn ami Sprirgield. Tlie prominent gentle- meii interested in this road are the same that constructed the Chippewa Valley read, and then turned it over to the St. Paul Co., thus kicking up such a row witli the Omaha peonle. We were also Informed that if this ol 1 grade could be secured they would be likely to extend their line »o Portage City," I? you want Winter Good* of any kind, cheap, call at the stoce af J* 8. kiii' We ells ifc Spu, Wufvopdt^ day niglstJ r«TAL ACUIilKNT. Our citizens were sliocked on Sunday 0 learn that William Fitzslmmons. brother of Jos. Fltzsimmons and Mrs. S. Searles. of this village, had been killed by the cars at Xunda on Satijr^ The fatrts. as near* ae^we thenvv are »• fuljtd^s: He left heme in the^fternopn en Sattir* day for the purposVif tfohig some busi­ ness at or near NunjW At about half past ten it appear^-lie on tlie south side of the track, ami tfUempted to cross with hts Korae and cikter, near the pickle factory, wlies lie wks struck by the St.^aul Passenger, andV almost instantly liilled, as the engineeV, who 1 in mediately stopped and picked him up. 6j*ys he osuy groaned ouce.aft^r be goyto him. t /kn inquest was held en Sundayiand. ire believe, a verdict was brought ip In Accordance with the above facts, ^»nt Vhether or not they ceusured anyone jwe have not learned. The horse, we Scjieve. was not injured. ^Tle was a young man about thirty years of age, uumar"ied. and was high- kly r«;spected" by all who knew him, His funeral was held at his Other's jesideme near Barrt*^iHe.on Tuesday, and was attended byvS|jrge concourse of relatives and frieiHlO^^- i 1 THE popular impression that an edi­ torial room is a constant battle ground, that the editor is Constantly hunted lor copy, that indignant subscribers rush iu with complaints and horse­ whips. that the editor is a persecuted creature. Is all a fallacy,--Denver Trib­ une. Of ceurse it is. An editorial room is a luxurious place ef Oriental ease and heavenly bliss. The editors loutige back in their easy chairs, and lw»tween *lp« of ch^'iipagne, preieuied by admiring subscribers, dictate to dark-eved, lair haired, bewilclitng amanuenses, the words wliic*: are to apiwitr lu the paper, while polite com* pe»liut« tiiiver arouiiil and revive the »«Mpv * ilii giea'tfiil myites. Occasion­ ally lite fot'ciuwu drops lu aud leaves HN lhe edtiui l4l d<-«W a Itoi of fragrant llaVSIIMl* •but till* does not happeu urieu I .Vrwa, fiie UlUi la MMC Hi einctly with one ItuMIt" position of "dark-eyed li Yioitit.. hut we are ^ UMlillNg tf •••• WM t* tli J.tliiiilnirFh, Jsn. 10th, IS8S. fl.AINiHUi.BK.--1There was "Muti'li fuil" at Jolinshurgh a few days •luce. The gune tiiey played was called "Dutch Fun." Young Frftd rap­ ped two. The old gent rapped three. Fred put out. The old geut rapped another. Fred began to beg. No. says the old gent, I'll rap another, that's the tffth one. Fred begged the old man to ro home, and thev settled the game in peace, and will r.ever have no more "Dtitcli Fun." THE COMMITTEE or TNEAA**J.| Hebron, tit., Jan. 13th, 1H83. EIUTOR PI.AIXDEAI.BR.--In reading the PLAINDKALKK of last week, au arti­ cle occurred in the column devoted te the Richnioiid Corresppmleuce casting a siiadow en our worthy and esteemed supervisor, as neglecting his duty in the case uf Mr. Joel Elliott, who«e family has been afflicted with small pox. and drew a very pathetic picture of their suffering and want during the time of disease. To ail »f which 1 make a point blank denial, aud as utterly devoid of all truth. That Mr. Elliott's circumstances are not of the best 1 admit. But that he suffered for want of care or from neg­ lect by the proper authoritierls a gross mistake, aud I would suggest te these who circulate such reports,' never to give utterance to anything about any­ body thai would cast a shadow on their good DHoie unless they know it to be absolutely true. Fer further particu­ lars iu this matter those whu wUh to £110** ijijiiy question Mr. Elliott. Very Respectfully, K- II. R. CHBSnftO. trending Physician. Rualatw Men >»?• ttalf of Their Figuring By using the "American Business Manual and Universal Re ferine* Book."' It'contains many short and special rules i'er the guidance and convenience of merchants, manufacturers, farmers etc.. which are practical and easi/j/ understood, and a perfect mystery to those who do not not know them. Copies, nicely bound in rich colors, mailed, postpaid, on receipt of 25 cents. W. G. WEEKS, J><?tav«l«te*lts Nutuia Taxes. The undersigned Collector of the Town of Nunda. will be at the store of Smith Bros., Nunda, on Saturday, Jan­ uary 20th. for the purpose of receiying Taxes. AH interested will goveru themselves accordingly, J. s. ANDRKWR, .Collector. Wattconila Department. TAXES! TAXES! WSUBSCRIPTIOX5? for the PunoutJI w»U IM! receivea in Waucon<ta at I". B. Har­ rison's Drag Store IM by John Golding. EDITOR PLAINDBALBR. -- The Inst dividend at the Cheese factory was •1.57. Slnce Mr. Gould has had charge of it, It has been very prosperous, pay­ ing larger dividends than uiost of the neighboring factories. Win. England intendi starting on the road soon wi:h a line.of jewelry, from the establishment of Fraif Morrison Esq. News lias jnst reached Waucondaof the death of Richard Basley, in Ore­ gon, Dec. 6 th. of tvpheid fever. To provide for tlie increased demand of his business, Mr. C. L. Pratt has re­ moved the partition at the rear of his store, thus greatly increasing it» capa­ city. We are glad to observe these in­ dications of li{s prosperity. The soft, balmy air, (?) beautiful sleighing, and bright moonlight com­ bined to make the journey so attract­ ive. that a party of our pleasure seekers were led to attend the Riverside House ball at McHenry Friday evening. They had a splendid time. O yes, of course. The gale blew the snow and sleet all the other way, (f) and in fact, after the mercury dropped below *ero, and though the wind kept up it didn't storm very much anyway, eo if the drifts hadn't tipped the'party oyer a few times they wotilJn't have been so very cold after all. One gouty old benedict complained of the difficulty he ex|>erienced in getting started two of the young ladles, Who met unusual attractions in the ball room. The girls ought to go for iiiin fer giving the thing away so. On and after Jan. 15th, 1883. the un- dereigued will be ready for the collec­ tion of Taxes Cor tlie town of McHenr.^ and will br at the following places at tlie time named. Mondays--At the store of Lye A Adams, iu the village of Johnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duers, in the village of Riugwood. Wednesday--At tlm store of Perry A Martin, in the village of Mcilenry, Saturdays--At the store ot O. V. Stevens, in the village of McHenry, * JAMKI T.Ann, Collector. Buckwheat Wanted. f Two hundred bushels of Good Mill­ ing Buckwheat wanted, at the Fox Kiver Valley Mills, for whiirh the high­ est market price in cash will be paid. R. BISHOP McHenry, Jan. 16th. W8#. \ ) f • < T i.F"f Donation. Tl»#re -will be a DonaW*w 'for*tfe benefit of the Rev. L. J. Dinsniore, at his residence on Friday evening of this week. Jan. 19th. afternoon Andeyeiitng^ All are cordially Invited. OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Never was more complete. It con­ tains some rare Bargains. Call aiu\ see them At Henry Colbj t 8PRINC CROV EtitTOtt Pi AJtut:A.1.KR.-- The survey­ ors olTtlie Chicago <& Evanston railroad passed by here last week running a line from Nippislng Point to Elkhoru, Wis. They ran three lines from I.lbertyvllle to Nippiiing Point, and located one before crossing the river which looks more like business than any survey ever made heretofore, and between this place and Richuioud they have run two tines, one through section fit tee u and one acound il to avoid a heavy grade. This is a new company and if the/ do^not prove to be specula­ tors. as all others have, we expect to hear the whittle by uext September. So mote it be. Our school is prospering nicely under the management of our efficient aud able teacher, Mr, John Connell, Mr. Lawsou has beiyi sit-k.for a long lime and dote hot seem to get better very fast. " All ot |(lie poys took the New Year's party UK-ftt the Parker House, McHenry. Henry says some kid stole his hat aud he had to get one lp* returu, hut the cap lie got wis too big. M is. 'llweed 4iu* been sufteriug f«j wittt ei ysrpelas and can not get clear of It yet.' • We have mte|; hunters here and one dog hunter. Hi shot at a dog three times and theu had to finish with an axe aud when looking witere lie shot dis­ covered two spores of his buggy shot off «nd a hole through the side. The directors of Cole's district are hauliug lumber for a new school house to lie built uext spring. Mr. Wire, the Solon teacher, had the misfortune to have a Que cutter badly hrokeu while on tits way to the New Year's party. A dog ran at his hors* and scared him. running the cutter iuto a stump on the roadside. Jne. W. Carr is buvtug turkeys, chick­ ens. etc., fyr Emory Curr.of Ring wood. Those having turkeys or chickeus will do well to see hint before selling. James Westlako will ruu tlie factory all' winter. He is the best cheese maker In the country and Always pays the highest dividends. r:v The Spring Grove beokdrinkers were called to Woodstock lafet Monday to testify to the amouut drank last sum­ mer 11 The following ic the result of a glass ball shoot at tliii place on Saturday, Jan.«, 1883: J«e Peapofek.;.. iV.;....00» I IS0000-2 1). Snuley.... ' t ..1 | 1 10 1 l I I 0-8 J. Juc-kson 100 1 I I 000 1--5 R. Twoivl.... ..... Vi... ..00 1 100(1 1 I 1--S II. r>)iiin<>ll ...1 1 OS 1 0 1 H 1 1--<5 li. Dumtull, Jr....;,;-.V»». 1J oo io«o l |--* O Aii'liew# 10 1 10 II C I 1--7 H. I»rt*M»..nt il....ei-l I 1 1 ] S ] 0--7 J. Nemh. ..K... ifj 00 1 1 0 0 0 0 00--2 W. Wilson *...;. ..iJi.. ...eoooooosoo-o "K. Jackson ....I 0 I 0 I 1001 0-4 10. Ilesselgruve.... 1 1 oI 1 loo i_7 D. Smiley took first prize, E. ifdMel- sraire second, H. DuuneU third. Second shoot: ....I.....#1 10S 10001-4 . .11 to 11 100 1-7 .. .0 I I ft o 0 0 ! 0 0-3 .1 1 1 I 1 0 I I 1 1-9 Richmond Department 000 1 ( I 0 ) 0 00--2 11110 I 1001-7 0 0 1 0 I 1 1 I 0 I--« 10000 I I I 1 1--8 .....1010100 1 S 0--4 ....0 1 0 1 Sf 00 I 1-4 6 1 1 10 1 1 I 1 IS 0 00000101 0-3 H. Dunnell 11. Dunnell, Jr. Geo. stuwart... II. Dayiuent,.^. Joe P«' M'orlt.. 1>. Smiley. .4......... U. Tweei't H. Peaeock. .i,...,..v*; V . T r - o n . . w i i C. Hllnt i. C. Amlrews.,....^....... w: Wilson Henry Day men t took first prize. Oh as. Andrews second, Parrjf Duiinell, Jr. third. Tlie following were the lucky ones to rake turkeys home by shooting witli shot guns Nineteen rods at a playing card: J Stewart fired three ehotSJ....."J.'CI.TZ.... |. OHtint •• 11 ^ .... | II Itavmont I» llaVl imu •• Mr I'etcrso***' Mr Osman " J I'eai-ork '* H Dunnell O 8 Green " » 1 I 1 I CONTBIBLTED »T 1 F. BKKKFCTT. Thermometer down to 30 below xero last Saturday bight. '•Uiide^ Nate Harrison, an old resi­ dent of Genoa Juection,died last week. Big Giant Feed Miljs. Will grind Cob and all, or Shelled Corn aud Oats mixed. Warranted to do as good .work as any tniil for a simi­ lar purpose, and to grind as line aud fast tor kind of grinding recommended as any other mill of same size and price. For sale by S. A J. Sherman, living 2 miles West of McHenry on the Woods tock road . - V McHenry, Jan. 15th, ,• . , !«,» For a New York Singer, evyual te any singer in tlie market. Tl(Is is the sauie styjc other companies retail fur $50. All machines warruulcd For 3 yoa®(|;^ w.owii.. A daughter of John Young, of Wood­ stock WAS brought to tlie Richmond oemetery for burial U«t Saturday. Last week Geo. Eldredge shipped from this station six carloads of hogs and ovor #4,000 worth ef poultry. Hogs sold in this market last week at $5.80 to 96.00 per hundred live weight. At such prions farmers ought not to romrplaln. The highway eotnmissioner* have let the contract for building t he abutment^ for the "Craine Bridge" over ;he Nipt* sirtg, near Blivlus Mills. Mrs. Edwefd Stockton, wbo has been very sick with Inflammation of the Inngs and plenrisy. Is, at this writing, believed to bo in a ralr way to re­ covery. Next Friday night the H. O. K. clnb will give a dance at Culver's Hall. That date will be Jan. 19th. The Geneva Lake Quadrille band furnish the music, and B. B. Darling and H. L. Chevilloa are floor tuantgers. Tickets 75 cents). • Efforts are being made to start a singing school in Richmond aud we hope they will succeed. Mr. Vasey, of Ringwood, Is the teacher proposed. We have a large number of young people who have had no Instruction In vocal miisic. Many of them have fine voices and good, natural musical talent It if to be hoped eve»-y parent In town will take hold and help the proposed •chool along. We give space to ttiO following special to the Chicago Evening Journal liecause everybody hereabouts is much interested in the proposed R. R. The excerpt has no official authority, being only a telegram ftoiu a newspaper cor- resfondeut: f-AKK GEKKVA. Wla.4 Jan. 8.--The survey of the Chicago and Evanston road Is in charge of R. G. Nourse. who was formerly connected with the En­ gineering Board of the Chicago. Mil­ waukee and St. Paul road. The com­ pany have a track laid near Lake Geneva, and a line has been surveyed parallel with tiie Chicago aud North­ western iimd to Lake Forest. III. Tiie line lias also been located from Liberty- ville to Xippising Point, thence a pre­ liminary survey has been run to a point between Klkhorn and Springfield. Wis., where it Intersects the St. Paul road. It Is understood tlie construction of the line is In the hands ol the same com­ pany that built the Chippewa VTailey aud Superior road, and as il is geuer ally conceded that this road was built, in the Interests of the Si. Paul, It is sup­ posed the now Lake Geneva Hue will be constructed in tiie interest of the St. Paul Company also. It is proposed, to secure die oi'd grade to Pprtage and hulld a brkntf! ||«*e point*'-^ connect with tiie St. Paul and Witconsiu Central. We also give the following clipping from tlie last number ft the Lake Geneva Herald: ^ Tlie surveying party jbonslstlug of nine men. wlio are. surveying the pro­ posed route from Libertyrille te join the St. Paul road near Chase's cheese factory three mi lei north of Geneva, arrived hers lust Wednesday night and put up at the Lake House. Tlie route being surveyed runs parallel 011 the east side ol the Northwestern roa.l Iroui Richmond to Genoa Junction, where it crosses over to the west side and thence to Chase's cheese factory via Geneva. Yesterday they were sur­ veying in the vicinity of Mr. Put Har­ low's. The prospects are favorable that the St. Paul will have trains ruu- uing through here early next summer. The weather became so cold after tne return of t|ie surveyors from Lake Geneva and northward to Richmond, that they abandoned their origldal in­ tention of finisliiug up the survey from "Nippising Point" to this place until warmer weather. *--^-- KiNUWOOO. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER : •-- Richard Carr. of Iowa, Is now staying at his old home, near this place, being sum­ moned on accouut of ills father's "re­ cent illness. li. L. Hubbard is suffering from the effects of a severe cold. We merely mention, hoping he may soon be - Able to attend to business. The school exereises at the M. E. Church on the 12th were well attended, notwithstanding the stormy night. The pieces were well spoken and when anyone has since spoken of the enter taiiiniciit it has been in praise. We understand there is to be another ex­ ercise of tiie same kind In two weeks. Although the thermometor st anils 13 degreos below zero, the Interior ef Wm. Langham's tesldence ferves to re­ mind one of tlie month of May. owing to Mrs. Langham's success as a tlorist. We read in the United States His­ tory that the Pilgrims lauded on forefathers-rock, Dec. 21st. 1620, amid a fearful storm of sleet and rain, and to-day we have to relate to you, Mr. Editor, au event, coincident, that is as far as the sleet aud rain U concerned, for 011 the eve of the 13th of January 188:?. DaVid Hall became tho father ot a 19 pound sou. David will be at the Post Office, PLAINDBALKK evening, to read this notice and receive the con­ gratulations of hie friends. B. Rainthorpe is new prepared to furnish you witii corn or feed of any kind, Terms low for cash as Hrge sales and small profit UJiiis maxim. B. K. Duers is doing a good business in the dry goods line. Good suits of clothes for $12. A large suppijr guiug cheap. Give him a call. Silk and Lilian, Handkerchiefs iu large variety for Holidays at. Filztiiu- luons & Evauson's, Call at Mayes & Bartlett's and get anything you want iu tlie line of Dry Goods. Groieriea aud Heady Made Clulhiujf. / Standard Prints at Five CcuU per jrattd *1&Y, &«>-fw#*. t; AUCTION SALE. The subscriber having rented hi* farm for a term of yenr», will s«-il without reserve, on Thursday. January 25th, 1883. his entire stock of horses cows, young cattle, sheep, hogs, hay Farming tools, blacksmith tools, house­ hold goods, etc.. embracing everything necessary to fully equip a good farm. Also wagons, double and single bug­ gies, bob sleigh*, double harnes«( etc. Sale to be on his farm, three miles west of MoneviJIe, just south of Fox Lake. Sale will commence at 10:30 o'clock sharp. Free lunch at noon. THOMAS STANTON. F. K, GtAxeilt Anrtionfer. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!# IS. W. BROOKS, Wauconda. III., dealer In Gro­ ceries. ('aimed Good*. Confectionery. Cijrars, Tobacco. Notion*. 4c. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Ovst.ers by the Can or l>ish. at al! hours of the »lay or ev«-nin*. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well WHrmed and light­ ed. and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of, Cau Goods, aud keep a Hue line of Confectionery. Give me a call. E. W. BROOKS. <7*11 at E, M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to ruu lighter than a Walking Piow. A Perr Neural Jne Buter Coler Tlie strongest Color ou the market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fitzslmmons A Evauson, McHenry, 111." A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HENKY COLBT'8. A" complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C. \. Sieveus. If you have not given Bennett a call go lu aud see what he is doing. All the uew aud desirable s Halt aud Caps at C. V. Stevens' In Clothing. - Our stock ot children's boys' and men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever- shown in this village. * When in town we would be pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchuse or not. Good goods at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by which we hope t& re­ tain the very liberal patronage ho generously extended to us iu the past. We appreciate your trade, and shati at all timet)do our utmost to please you. HBNRT OOLBT. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are going to have afair ol Boots. Gall on-U. V, Stevens aud buy good ones. Fancy ink Wells, eheup, at Geo- W. Btsley's. G»H Rsgsi'^SToio, and eee what a Nice Vase he ooa jritewypii at all kinds at M. Block, near the" Business Satlce*. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery Dressmaking. . - Fishing Tackle of EngelnV, in Howe's now Bridge. Buckete Force 1'untpo, E. Hi Owen's. . - Always K»fr«>»binc. A delicious odor is imparted Jby*! Floreston Cologne, which is always ro« ; freshing, no matter how freely nsed. ,The finest line of silver and PtaM#t Ware to be found in the cottatjgi at •* W. Oweti'e. ________ Seeltlf ISallea. / Ou account of its remarkably' del­ icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud in their lira Floreston Cologne. " • FOIt!«ALE. 40 Acres of laud in Section 12. alt fenced. Also SO acres of land, with • good house ant'barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in See* tion 32. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn aud other outbuildings.-* Apply to J'OHX FLCSKY. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS Wanted in excliange(for Furtiitlitfi al John B. Blafte's. , * ' Casei Furst <£ Hra«tley, Mollne. Hep- gooi! an«l other^ulky plowe Ja* E. M. Oweti A Son's. y i : CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES f"CAR- KIAGES! Anyone In want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E.M.Oweu A Sou and see the large car-load ju*l received. The tiniest finished lot ever come to tbo county and will sell tlieui cheap. HEADLIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene OU In. town St H. H. NIchoU. 175 Fire Test. 48 cents eucb. COIN TOBACCO, A very fi^e article. Every other plug contains a coin from ten cents up. A great rush for it at Heury Colby's. Call at Heury Rogcrfc', Volo, aad see Chamber Sets of 10 plecca It pink, blue aud pltuu colors at 93.79 per «et. Please rememoer our prices arO al­ ways as low as the lowest, and we stand ready at all times to meet any aud all competition. HKNRT COLBY. WOOLEN goods at prices lower than ever before heard of, at J. R..Wells A Sous, Wauconda. For flrst-cla^s insurance against fire aud Lightning. ^Jnd storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., eU;., apply to Ant W. Smith, Woodstock. III. Don't buy your Coats and STWies tintil you have called at C. V. Stevens. He will save you money. * The "Aurora" Road Cart^the easiest ,j.hiug out ou mau aud horse, at E. M. ibveu & Sou's. Goto Bennett's for vonr plctores Mi-S. Searles will open this week a large stock uf Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. Attention, Dairymen. ^ Bean A Perry's Natural June Butter Color lias no equal. It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction. For sale by 'itzshhmoim A Kvansan, McHenry, 111 Call at Henry Rogers'. Volo, Slid see Tea Sets. 5«S pieces, in pink and blue colors at $4.7!) per set. v A. Sonnerscheln. At JScDonald's old stand, Nunda, 111. keeps a full stock of Wine* and Liquors of the best quality, which he is selling at wholesale as cheap as tlie same can be bought in Chicago. Call and bo convinced that what I say is true. A. SONNKNSCHEIN, Nunda, Dec. 5th. 1883, The largest and beat assortment e£ Gloves and MUtenaiu town,. ,& . Y Steveua'. "" LOOK HERE., We are selling Fourteen and a Half pounds of good Sugar for one dollar. Don't forget It.. HGNITY OOLBT. Madam McGee Oorsetts. The best on the market ak Mayes A Bartlett's "It pays to trade on the wiest side." 14 pounds New Orleans Sugar for $1.00 at C. V. Stevens'. a, very One orlicle, at \S,iy Odor Cases, .$eslf j'jSt., J£et the. Boat* ^ - WebgterV Dictionary if tfti"ifest.' Ever» family should have a copy. Al­ lison's Webster's Dictionary,containing over 300 illustrations, 50,000 words and phra»es, comprehensively defined, u*e- lnl facts and tables, foreign words and phrases, pronouncing vocabulary uf 1.1 ri|»ture and proper names, tl|»i ol my thological and classical names. Uni­ ted States census for 1880 and many other UMtliil thbles. Postpaid tor only do renis. Address E Florence Jk Co.. 1% O. buX l»6t». South Bend, iud. Farm* For8ale- lo «V*. VV ood«t^;k, SB-> FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence . Potto for sale, inquire of VOHJf DOKAW. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines wus never more complete. Goqds reliable and pricee right. ^ ^ HKKEY Colbt. CARRIAGES. Have on baud a few tlrst-elass ear- rlages which we will sell at co?t to close. E. XI. OWKK A 9H*. ' ? Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. IIKNUY COLBT. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS, Best st vies and lowest prices in Mo- Henry or Lake Counties. 150 new ones just opeued. C. V. STKVTSKS. Goss;imer circular* and coats for ladies aud gentlemen, and » tull line of rubber goods always to be had at HKNRT COLBT**. . • LAMPS. LAMPH. . Office Lamps, l'arlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Bracket I.nuips, and tlie cele­ brated Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Besley'o Drug Store. Bennett does not let any pictures go out of his rooms that are uot satisfac­ tory. _ " -1--:--. Overcoats and ulsterettes. * large line and the latest styles. You are asked to examine them at" -• HENBT COLB«*8.' BUTTER AND EGGS. Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Fsaoy Prices at C. V. Stevens'. CLOTHING I CLOTHING.!, The latest styles ami loweet.urlcoo te be round lu the county, at C. T, Stev­ ens*. The celebrated bufl'alo boots, a full iine of men's and boys' al­ ways to lie had al * HF.SKY COLBY'S. • •• r E; Wauconda, wC <H>IALU IK-- » G] Canned Goods, Choice ConfectioitiVf ifOTJoys. r/jXWAJiX, curumr* CIOJJSS. TaBACVO. * ̂to. TEAS. | From 31 to 65 rents per (grand* ^O'lnake O specialty of these gooils. ' MT »tock is fresh an»T complete in every particular, aud I will not be tmtler*ol<l, qual­ ity of ttooris <*<>n$i<ler«.'t! 1 l>uy none but the best, a oil purchasers will 0 nil ilauotjcct tft call and tec me before purcbaslug. Quick Sales 4V Sutall Proitt (a rev motto, aad it will to lived np t<v E- W. BRCOKft Wliaeoada.Vet. R?«U8Ci'a 1 CJ'l'f!:1 ,3 »: - •"•I" -- iiiiim m L| ITive 8iit'sa9'!'I«>lpr Family DiuruM. !<.>.- 'c-.truxf una. Jhwfoc* ck uh U«t w<«rk Ktiotu, su;»i»le. 1'f n:t. c Yuvf ClJLuUIMt IU U> TWg &TANpAR!) CHURJ QF TH« CiOHTilY. T P Y owe. for faM DeschfiU*^ • PCEXl^; 8031^, • - -

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