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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1883, p. 8

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^Tfii , * • • * • . ̂ n •*• v-4'^ •&* •• T s ? t; 4 T?'»j f w«7"" | ATIONAL COLUMN. CoMi>rorRn j»v a. n. JUt.owtN. Tl*«ph«f»* *whi^4t S^To f**9k>flr?m wf>xfrf#»r«UT. ^ i iWimKHrM vS*Vr7«m s tt^l&n* *t«r of-IT****!*!** Ylslt (he Wm U*t.^ |*l«ey 5#fiwrt.v* tiw. ^ , •;v * »**t"K °r putilfjt frnni th^' t§^am- *»*r of ourt school p«*d n ^•'•U to tlir Solon school on TmrniUy )«*. Tltejf rrport * very friessant Him. •' / •'<]? . to tus<i heat wtMtM t»« ftirtioient known MibMaiifes. The esptosl ve force of close-cAnfti jC»iipo\vUt>riu£lx«»<J alial!' tons to ' ofilhe p#r- pviHlfcuInr M.vs of the stm In 17 f^. *M<I th roe-fonn»«• to 84 f4|pt;|iii(l toil than m»-:fWf|f real h e s the depth of bottom 0 Jeep 1*.V- --* \ • •„< .., aW McHENRY ML, f::. •theft; in nil !w il«s»ls made by Dfi*f In* together sheets of paper and afterwards subjecting them to pr*Mnire. This can be made •e firm and hard that. In one Instance. M paper manufacturer roofed a part of his mill with •tout board made of brown paper. f! ; One of. the pretty fancies of the trench people Is to make colors the •jtpreMion of sentiment. They hold that rjolet fa analoaous to friciulfetilp.^ and l>]tte to love, as suggested by blue •yea and azUrasMy- A WMIICIi <*l vlolett would, t!:eref#fi, 1*1) a tedjr^s suitor that friendship Is all that he has a li|jtit to expects Red figures, amlii ti«Hv; Indigo, tli* spirit of rivalry ; g,reeii, the lore of eltnnjje, (Icklewoss; bliwk, fa** orttism; white, unity, unity, univer­ sality. In addition to the seven prltn«< Hive colors, gray indicate^ power;] brown, prudery; pink, rrtoiltsty; silver^ gray (eeml>whlte)« feetile lore; lilac, (asml-vialet). reeble *ffistt>cfsli 11»ti Pfl® pink, filse sham*. «• * We presume that most of our read Its hnve a general notion of tlie ttructure and working of the human oye. They know that the little sphere of an inch or so in diameter, which forms the eyeball, Is a camera, essen tfally like the one nsed oy the pho­ tographer to throw the image of *» ternal objects upon the surface pre pared to receive It^hd placed within the apparatus. Tim mere forming of this picture ittside tlie eye is not, how • rer, seeing. The picture might a* flell be anywhere else, II -there was taiot some means of making the mind •ware of its existence. The eptic Henre answers this purpose--a branch #f the brain, which enters the eye through a small hole iti tlie rettr; and :>|ljpr®a0» out in a delicate net-wor|t •Tlr t|« Krvlct whereon"the picture is formed. The impression made by tlie of light itpon this network of lterrea la telegraphed to the mind, Which tlien sees the object, or rather teeing Its image in the eye. comes Recognize the existence of the object Itself outside the eye. If the optie nerve should be wvered the picture in the eye might be as pet* feet as before, bat we would ueverth# |es« be blind tolt. IT ary portion of the net-work of nerves just meut lowed •heuld t»® paralyzed, WewoiiUl cease to pariWHfhtf irteturi ftl'iifS^d on tbe portion of tlie ejre'a inner .siirfjuue, If tlm entire Image of some sniafi oltffrpt ahe«dd fall upon that insensible spot K We could no more see it, even though ^looking straight at It, than If we had »» eyes or kept them shut. 11 Is a curl • •us fact that there Is snob a "blind #potf 1n «v|i:y buinaii tye; and. whfit Is more curkntt. it is ^tnd to just w lie re the optic nerve enters tUeeye-- the very place whfcb we might soppq^e wouldbave tiie keeneic ̂ Hglit of all. Here I* a simple little ex|>eriu)ent. by which we can prove the existence .of tills blind spot in our eyes. Shot your left eye, aiid with therigiu oue l#ok Steadily at the cross justbelow, holdltig 'the paper ten or twelve inchaa. from the eyo. move t^»<pat>er sk^y toward T'"- -. ' : T " . / ° the eye. which must be kept ftjted on the cr^ss. Atia certain distance the other (tgurl--Oie letter .Of-vi|l pii I- deuly disappear; but. If you bring the paper nearer. It wtH come again itito view. Youf may not snrceed in the expert me ii ton the first trial,l?ut with a little patience, you cni\ hardly /ail; and the suddepne^a Avilk ^ whiftb Mie bl^ck spot TaulfiJUes ^nd reappears, is very strlkingi Now.examiiiatLnti ban abown tltat, wlien itjlifajipeaif, Hs inj« age fulls exactly on the spot where the optle iiefv* ei»te^ the eye, thw prpv iiy{ that^pot 'fol^illn^*" > F I ' v - , - • w»... .. ' /, '% v ^ . tfclppi Wurltfc iqaew|ai£ ?>-. ftound travels at tl»e rate of 1 ."142 feet YOU K^OW flit W have the largest stocks Oloves audMittens In town. C. V. STK^kns. m a? yl* -H •»4 'vl .i* : .r,' U-# • • Ripfiiw mm •••<•- . 1 . ^ \ *.*%'• w - • A . I ' H ' h r * " s , i",*-. v.-*v» ft -> n, ^ »< •' i t We make a specialty of women* mis»e> and uhildrvns fine Kid, Goat au<| Oalf ^.oee. * a. DwiOHt, | • : W o o d s t o o k , J ' • * * ' '1 Made of 'Jlotiiiug. A suit for Bov« 5 e4 7., 13,14,15,16, 17, 18* IS. 40 years old; aud from 20 to,.100. Call at . C. V. Stejvfcifs. A Rtockof: Uutlerrwear sutflcieat to supply McIIeiiry and take Counties, to be sold at bottom figures. At C.' Y. Stevens. . The fl'if ?t teas a»nl caflees. M & Bartlett's. "^5- '• r " . . ... r.-p V A Water-good )Mnr«i uiade Or alp proof Boot at Uwight's, PRINTS AT 2J CENTS A YARD. ? VC.OOOyards standard dark prints to be dosed put at above price. O. C. COI /bt, Kanda. A large stock of warm lined Boot* at DwightV •. ' " *c., rT .X Corsets, Hoop Skirts, ladles' and children's Hose at Maves A Bartlett*K Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles. < Ptire Wines and Liquor* for Medicinal Use. • V*- ^ ? ** * AIho Bottled Ale nul porter for Fauiily 'Ut|bi7,£tr 'the best.bran^s of Cigiirs, iitid Smoking aui (^hewing t^itwcco alvaya on liand. We tuive Uae lui fjeot stock of ' I*'*! 'MW' * - " t«i»4w t >>t% ' •••*- v... . , r'f : ;»• r ol #;• r^- Ever brounrht to McHenry county, amon^ which can lie tound the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison <& 8mith Safety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will he sold at prices that dety competition. Call aud see then , . ••• : •«'" * Phy'planiH' I'rescrlptlouji: ii^retully Compounded. (Jive tneaCall. , o 1 h:\t i mj»F> 4^11#....?^ £ 4I.,< » »ii*, "till :$y. |br f •'"» ^ -ft t'-rz! 1 * •_> i$S\4 • l-'iii 4 /*„ *• *-.n" .41" &$• 1. 4vi. t* - »t'"n J0 ** » ~.U #t 'f ^ mt,: ' 1 i#5'4'^" :iVS$ " 1 • < ,1 , -'if " " " • * " " " f Jf Asj -T -'t th •i • • fg v f.i', f.MMVt DOOftf fRk^tf titPMr*. liirtinV W-v~ft**dn «*. '1 i*ii- .fi ttv«p AM •dv. «' nki-f't'r'A md ':••:• tr> S • f •• * - •/ ^ •' . . • ; ft? i. tf I'v; . f- fyt iiii f (s'N v v.-if *; f .« » rjj^i Hu, 2<;U A ; >*•? bHMi I ri " fare you will find all «rradcs of Furniture, from a common Chait lip to thi? finest Set, of the best make and quality People ^»lfe;4hi<l iill my goo^M as represents^ •*» », tu %y%< ,w t* ' ° ' • •> ' > ••'• • ^ ' v**4*,,* i ,il Hfw o >« %• •-/•*» r , > r #6 ** ly ' ff • •(>•'». ii- *- v-r. PV\' ' ' A ' ' ^ w »*•>«! , **.V W \ * 9 * M.I ,»> ttn. , IUAl JWir tfii* .*1.4 «# 1M 1 , , ' »rtj® t offins, Caskets and Trimming of the latent designs. Every! !iin^ New and elesrantf VVe Keep nothing but ihe best. Uo'liot tsiil t»> Call and see us when in want o! anvlhiii<r in oiiir line. A splondiu new Hearse in eonnot-tion, which will be tarnished ut lensonablc rates, ff' *«. * Eetablibhod III JOHN STERBA, l-"»rin«ri v >!' Qbicutfo, h is i'< tyoilenrv, larn^t to WoortstQi*. Vooitiawk An<l liao now on band tbe* largest a*d Wo'fof ^ ' READY MADE HAMreSSW CO 1.1. Aim, WHIP*, Ac., to be found lathe County, ami Uas everytiiinz iaa<(« of ^tjha iBSTHATGKlAL. Call and see me. JOHM 8TBRBA. 1* WAUCONDA. > m: . J AS ' !»«• MoHenry, 111, Jan. 2nd, 18^3. C. Headquarters for Mens, Boys and Youths Rubber Gum Boots at Dwlglit'«, 10 POUNDS. ! T n ,.r Ten pounds O. K. good gV<*14" Coffee for oi.e dollar. C. V. STKVENS, , Ornts' TIES. 35 kinds to plek from« 10 per cent less than market price. Suspenders at 10 vents. Also l;»di<*a Cloakings, $2,000 worth at low figures K. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotek MuHenry. ' - i.rr Row to Increase the Vain* nf lhltler. Use B»»an ft Perrj'*s Nat«ifal June Butter Color. Sumpfe Bottle Fr«Ae at Fitzsiinoaous Jb Bviasoi^ MJtfKtarjr. III. lf«i» ^PtercOata less than Chicago prices at E.LftwIus',opposite Riverside Hotel. WAUCONDA SURPRISE Everybody Invited Km«i Jf -u Hi, • • \ i; - *1 >**k •.'%:'»• ' 4 * ,* 'HVm; w . iX't? 1, >'(!• . -t jfil m T^J ^V,„v -Jj, • <r. - ̂ ,,.1 -j» f •«#«. .aUfi, i • #> n K* • - si'**1 % v* >, f <, h# ' ' >« '«)( -n j ..J -".*4* - lit f'r * ,iijt «v- • • *it yd JOHN B. Bt'&KE' The larerest stock of ineits hojrs and vontiis Hue and coarse Boots ever brought to Woodstock at Dwight's. * Dwight makes a specialty of the Belz •hand-inside VealPalf. Veal Kip,<PreNch and A'oericau Calf, flue aud Itega kip, Boon, and cau save you from 25 to 50e and #1.00 per pair. A fine French,Qalf baitd-'ewed Bootf at Dwlght's, :7V-! | ... •>--v ."V^ > Best lbieot Yarns at Mayes ft Bart- let t's, .. . , Boys* O,verco«ts at Maylas ft Bait- lett^s."-' • Ask any «i»e who Imr tmiY plwnrea made it Ben net t*s what they think of - a A-ti «l^ -* j»0- --I-- »fcl -- T^i We have been sellin«r the beautiful gilt edged "Ited Line" Poets for less than 75 ccuts each fot some time and other IK>w Ktandard works for butt' priGte. -IVe foriiish Hi;|! Iwofe MtMttt ̂ tight price. - . ' • r. ;; •• • u; Iv.i* -**H ' •j 'S - , : • /. t Wallets, Purses, &c. at Surprising Prices. We have them at 10 cents, 15 cents, 20 cents, i2 cents, 25 cents, 28'cent8, 30 cents, 3"> cents, 38 cents, 40 cents, 45 cents, 5p cent4, .r)a cent i, Go ccuts, <>;> ecutf, 75 eents, 85 cents, ^1, $L,i0, #l«a!5, $L.S5, el.45, etc. ' Are you supplied? , M Surprises on lots of other gc.od goods, If onr little experiineii' Avtirks, and we fii»d you want goods at way dowu prices, we will itt'tkl'iIn »i iifiinb f!'v?wL* ;; fikty- p : F r , • • k - j w o f e 4^ 4 ,i r > t-tl- * iwtii rt flu %'Sf5?ve trftM mnrn ffi' ui*»# "'(ft*. * ,•<»* ' vv.l CLOTHING! Fcr Fill and ^ iatei^ i I a futl line of (»iece jPkwIs of tlie latest styKi iiirt »t llie loweiii ttdiirn. - CLOTHING i% i-: ; 4 nigger Stoi-k than evei;. m ';rv" AT- Snlta all ^8UIT« i&io :fM -V>, * 1. a i m a n s M ^LOTHmQs"' " (Hotrsa, WAUCONDA,/*;; ILLINOIS, «* ^BARGAINS TO €LOS We tiiis week oiler at greatly re­ duced prices a lot of Caps and ̂ f/adies* and Children's Wool Hose, \ TTlHtRf CdfcBT. Men's Overcoats at VIiye»*& Bart* lett'si; ' f . •; Oo to Dwight's for . Jroor ftoll^ay Slipper*. A llammoth stock of Mens. Wofisns, Misses and Oldldrciis Buckled Arctics, Mens uiul. Wmnens plntii and fancy "Rubber's, Mens and Womens Atn«k)»«. jind in fact rubber goods of all kind* In the Boot and 9ll»e Itfie at Dwliht's, Oor. Main St. and Public Square, Wood­ stock, 111. Men's and Bartlett'a. boy's suits at Mayes ft Rova«, Orent bargains In Overcoats an.d Sirit8,ivftfi new euffs a^.d"collars on ial ^^awlus'. ' V' / 2^ Japanese Crapes. ^ In order to Introduce our Japanese Orep'* goods we wlli send postpaid to any address on receipt of lift v cents, or 17 three-cent stamps, the following: 1 window banner, size 13 by 24 inches, with rich color and deep border; l tidy, size 8 hv 11 Indies very handsome; I lauM> mat,27 Inches In circumference perfectly lovely; 1 wall screen. Nrge Address. E. Flqreiipe ft and liandsotne. /|U(jress K. Klorpiice t, O. box 18*). Sout h Beiit},1i|l'. per second in tlie aia4.960In the water, 11.J000 In gjas^iron, 1^,000 lu, ste«J.18j(JlK) in glass, ̂ id 4,636 to 1^000 In wood. -, . •Mercury fieczes at-38 degrees Fah- reuhrit iiod Ue^usef a Keli^l ovas^ auU- lM«tile uit&ur tka. hamitoar. -• . » The jreate#t iiel^lit. ..jit which vis­ ible clouds ever exist doe* not exceed ,, « • „• ' 'T V? <•!• *' » «•"n i % I -ten miles. • . . • <. ,-i\ Air Is about 816 fltiiel lighter than eeoi.uou water. " 1 " 1 The pressure of the almospliere upon •very square foot of the earth ]£toomits to 4,1 eb pouadti. 4N) ordinary si^ed man supporti»g his surfaoe to . bet 14 square feet, sustains the enoruieus (treasure of 30.340 lbs. Heat'rarities the air tosrtrh an extlnt that it can be n>;ide to ec^u^y $,500 times It did before.. 4*"" . " J Tho violence of tlie" expansion of Watar when freezing is sufficient to cleave a globe of capper of such tlfick ness as to require a force of 28,00$!bs. to produce a like all*fet.^ Dtirlng the eouverslon of lee 'into water, 140 degrees of beat are absoV li­ ed. ; 5 * * :i Water. When jjityfteu into steam, Increases In llMilk times. One hundred pounds of Dead Sea water contains 40 lbs. of salt. The mean annual depth of rnii)|hat falls at the equator Is 90 inches, Assuming the temperature of the ̂ in­ terior of tlteSeavtfe to luelrearie uniform­ ly »•. the rat* of l9 for every 4.1 fiei. ; FalrHdtsf ^ If you sample copies of the largest aitd beft agrieultura) rasper in the country, write ypurs "'iMid your 4neiglibor8* names on a p'vstal c.1,rd'ami •lutill it to Farriers' Friend Pub. Co.. South fiend, Ind. Price 50 cents » yeah and Preuilums to every subsci ib^ Two Good Books. Chwnber'g Information fturthe People or 1001 Things V^ortii ICiKi'wing, com- prising tlie history ami mij'^te^v tit everythiug In cfunmon use. Ornl)be*» Handy Ct/n/frpe<U«; or Explanation of Words rtud Tilings connected with all the Arts and Sciences, illustrated with over 500 engravings nicely bound in cloth, gilt, siz*' about 6 by 8 incliu.s ^nd nearly two indies thick. RetailS'at $5 50 ..Samples of either, to agents on>y, for 4d! or both for 0*2. Address J£ Brent Co., South Bend. Ind. jxtuv ejrs, 1 f^'4n i.ft. n^r'vni aliV for ta <>f tl>c nnMin • oH »W*»nfcof>i. O1"^. TTnd^rwenv. Woolen (I'«0"hJMov«4, MUfan*, a*•* tit# '{Mmi^He boiijarht outsMeof the oitv. • i -0?P ,>*m >•. .'•> tjb • ri 'if. • 'ii 9f?.t %'•••• fl *--» v.prfA »*•••! '•> tif <; -y •>: • : ;•••>)•; > - f><j • . ; - !'i;f ; '>'v. • ' />> " . : •.•* ,• , t<-. ^ . '-'Tw J•• and Shoo«. Ilfitsnn>1 f'nn'i. l?o,M^v-mndp ClothinsTj HMtdwnrc, '/twk- prv, etc , never Wn* mnr^1 cnmnV»p tfriti n't itiM' 'prices will r, >4, -rr^w J* /•'-•fTfiK' 'I'lt 'J># hiWtip. •. fj A. rr W A MOO IN OA. .r uui<U Alio a i to order, Mairaaa'a alt line of |Koi{ tnytliil'* Ai li&aVi Furnishino Good*, t... 0^3, &c., &c' "• i 4 Mrs." fact i^, if we oan sell you $5C dolhtrs worth ot ̂ roods in a day at 10 per t ent pi'ntit and make $o, we would rather do it than to sell $10; worth at .it per rent, profit to make the smie $/>. It» more fun for us and more fun for you. We mean business. It that is what yoitj wat^t ealt at ' •ijvV -aMv r. B. HARRISON'S Wauconda Diusr Store and Rook Haunt. -"I iAi*r"t" BOOTS AN'I) SHOES! « We have ju&t roceivod ait tatioenao Stock lor tlie FALL And can show Me Hen ry Cou'hty. goods at 6fi3PKi*W-' ' • £^0^00^' WINTERMM)E in you the finest Mne of these arom]* over hrougr^t to >y; Remember, we buy am) moII 'Cashv s »©ut* be, iw)ulef^ llns ro<'«tve'i a ffne Sttx-k of Pnl) and W|nte» MiMinery MIX! of tlie Intent kly'ek. A nitf 'lot oi KU.I. hs and rinmes Tin l.ifiims <>t Wefterii l.;ike County are ospeHutlf ttviicd to call mul i-xaiuiric KobUSMBd price*. «rl>t: t&r. JIAK1NG tone in the best styl« atil ti Ke«toii«l;le 1'iioee. .Sp H. MAIM AH* SOt a, 1852. 4- |L<>W A^.THK'lviW W i ( 1 -J' - .. . 4 •*' • • '! ^ r -J if. . .<*1 l| . *'M' f '.»«!' "*i \'t . If*,- ' •'"f* M f , Aldo havn a ifine -t-^1^-;• ^ ' • *'/» *\w i.-v.i "T <>* Jiwft m- - \ > t \ ^ T"' ' ' ' ••• ; •• •' ivi-yj" , J . - --1 and Wood Stovesi" and we Stoves^* To* which.we invite the Attention of the puliH^ <>ll :4S.- J. ' *^V attcoudu, in , : K afij % , R. WELLS SiOK. i_>CL. l^tu, itu.. 1 «ti t t:*- ;* 'M!0 ! H-> J %). -V " ' • V1^'" Mutual Life of New York •mi •• THY??"':! '•.I#. .Im •'• v^Mf*3'4 •" ; a * - - . , • • > , . , 4«.f*{ **1 !,1> ••• • i • . .; ; • ••^•SL^d0, . Jtr-W<~- -'!»•• ••••<• ••••:.• : •'•;-•••-•-.••'••:• 1 ' . . Do you want first class machinery s«»iuethiug we buy 80 UlUc^n' ot 'hat ViiU jnfet the bcnelit-otity We know of .some dealers that buy . tt»uiu« fi that they chulti »e|l low, but >; u Ret ail their jjisce^aiifi j «hiVt ia . ;4iii 4"v> :• i"«s ' c. • e, Prices, ,-^a • An effective medicine for diseases. I »w fevers :ind nervolu pros t rat ion. and well wnrtliy of* trial, is Brown's Iron Bitters. WE get nil the principal wkic^ines &ud papers at i-inl; rates, ajid both old and new subscribers can receive the b«'netit ot reduced rates by subscrlbint; tlirrngli us for such other publications as they ratty desire. ' "' "'" , Remember the fact that Dwijtlit bought nn immense stock of Rubber B<x»ts« 8hoes anil Arctics before the srreiit advnniHi. rnd can give you bnr- mi n^-hi |i^0- • i&*rj i.,: *,.feet the Bo«t. j ̂ Webstefs Dh'tio<i:iry 4s the h^st. Kvcr« fatriily sltonld hai%i|>eopy. J%I- li f»ow*s We Inter's r>ictionnryi'<cr>iif#luiiig;, ovei- 300 illustrations. ftU.000 words mid pliraM's, comprehensively defined, use­ ful fact* Hiid mble«>, foreign words end pliraees. prononncing vri«>abulsr.v of scripture ;and' proper mimes, lUt of mythobtgical an<? classical ninnes. Uni­ ted States census for 1880 and nuvny other useful tables. , Po'tp-iid forouly 50 cents. Address TtT. Florence & Co., 1.0. bwt tMtttb Bcu4, iud. . " ^4.. ('an and will trive you such liariJiins that it will pay you to coinei frrttf) :tny part of the county «to trade with us,. tio matteiv how great tUedist^nce., Wek^pA lullUn® ofthe^ » . "M •.*'.*•••.••:•• •• V,£m-.r " : \ • . f 3EL2 CELEBRATED CUSTOM MADE GOODS, Constantly on hand* both linte and coarso, for mew, womon and children. „ - •' " ' ' -'!*> > . V. J: •44 > •' iti -& ' • • -A-* H. DWIGHT,: Woodstock, 111. HEN R Y jCOLBY! \ • • «• • :4\ ' Hb. , ^Merchandised $ • • , . V * ' , Genera \t¥ •m' i'i, '• • 'C " ninri ; .:•• • r 'W). »m$k bUi' ^ ^i^v^rT Denaf^mClit tl^w Pfi(mpWe wjti^i - • 4 ^ t . y j Winter Cluods, ;-¥:,/.W ... -i* fi'l > f ' !«'* t . , -a. : -tfft • tj i ' * An Inspection of which is respectfrlly solicited. jheu come to us aut| we >vi|i.$ell ytiu lbe nvuu liny t.lhet d -elet' j ; i„ *•»•:*•. * " . ' i ' 'i' • Jf c^iv||j;-t »)<?' iiu<wtmrtpi; i:-r> -,.f. .•*, #. - - .,-i * * • •{» l« - • . .ii 't;i • 1 A . riH ' •( ;iw * > i '>.•«: i.vT :0Wi;l • 1 f> .^yir'nthf u ..rUui-l-vt-sr?, r>1 ; •i'yi-t t ' • •: ! iaoioh. a.i.,1^ .ir CARRIAGES •ouils chu(|)Vl'.|U*i)t t •fh «Uf • j'iU'.. /*#• JvS»X %:.f. s- h-J". . jittir- Tni •;i'K If in w:int »»f one d«i«'t fail to /. irtt irautee of our own for' ou# i r«.»t thm-:4 That ever came to this county as the finish bents them alK with each curri:iqro V . *i 1 r»f#r rh.-'.ri. •t*:*>..'i :•• Of Ftfmps we h.ive both wood nnd iron. For n wood pump we c<*pp the Kenosha, Temple. Ttdedo, B^ishne|1 and Mtshwaukeee, autl , lor ail itbit pmup the wt^ll Known"Trakem and Huckeve. Cau| ai» T °t a"j' " 5 ^ , - * . « O W E N ' J L S O I C " •fel-.<SN JACOB STORY, r Apr**?-™ , »i . !ii* SS.'y'iafelj'. •.:••?&*$&'• 'i i. »!«i !%(:*%• ; »<« . '•«<* ̂ m if .•'txw'f «"* %'sr »* » v •a. " ' >H Mi W-'-, •nipy «%'# Hera use it is the o)«te»t Coni}i«nT ia IW IJniitMi S(.<itcc> wrttv tlrtrty-nine years of ax- l>eriewe, . f # liei'Hinse it Is i lie ):irce*t Comp»n> in tht world. Affci«, $s>t,"02,H5H, nearly double thai rtf iinv oilier Cf>' p:iriv. Ufr.niHe it i> the most poputsr Compaaj. lis policy hoi u i's nnuiber over 100,000. nnrmise everv 'lollHr of the nhoTe Imnilil sum belonyit lathe jwliny htfiler*, ami the inr< IjIUS O.VCI- w 1i:»t is ix'uuilly required, it »•. mtnllv Hin«t>urrt( them, whi«*li snritlaa m«y lie !ipi»Jitti| m either oi two wbvh: Kimi, to i>i iv a poi ti. n of tt'ic aiiniiiil |>r«ininni. thus materially vertiM-mir the «•(>«!, or it mny !>• tiM'd to ihu'oIkis" fiildilional innumr.rp. Is the Ifjitfi wav I'^hi holrirr# ot the fare a rried fot an average lerni «f M3 vc.irs HI low rate*, an4 llH' .•Hiili ioiip l,i«'iii!ht ilie huik sum »l'-s little o\-"r>:!iH\(Vn». Miniy ftt'iTicse poliries had t>ean b e l t " * » > t i i i h i » t f i t o r V > i a m i ' . • : ' ' ,Uv<" u>>< i tic r«tcV t i ever* .-other/Company tire ni'urty I ten per cent, higher thai tho.-»e .>f tliu ^liitii.'il l.lfUi • v . Because its running expenses are V>wsr 'fil.ti'm y other.' •Tne' s«H-«»rh'"Stili^ineiiis-" rtf the KqMltAbls l.itV* A .-i.r;iucv of Jiew Vork, n companr s>-\ trill iiiiljiou.- te^>> tlwiii half as large as th? Mutual I ite. show its expenses of ma tinge, mem to li:t\c tivertiKed U.'iH miring the lns| lliit'i' v iui>, lliu-^u oi Um Mtiluul (.lie 7 8 th* •liflerenre of Urst eost of policy, and tnxna|re, ment expei.M*'.-Hione, HIOV<IBHI to 29per cent in favor ot'tlie Miitiml l.ito. Itei'iiuse it can and does afford the cheapest, wifertf Mild most sati.-'fuctory insurance invest­ ment of any. Couiiituiy iti the wortd. As it >vill he iitypoegiifle for nie to see all who arc desirous of otitainirif I.ife insurance at iK'tiiitl cosl, I Will SJIV lo snc.h that a postal <-iii<l nill:il\va>M reailtiue ut this place and on receipt of snine I will forwiird different pi iii» and ttciUul ftmiku (not estimates,) whicb are certainly astoniHhing and out do anything in the history ot I.ife Iiisitrtinee. This Com pa ii v issues onlv regular I.ife and Kndowrivein iMkhcies and like other Company I of the highest standard refuses tu bate »ny thing toilo.U'ilh Tontine <j'nut>li)iy. It. MOKKY, Agmt, For Mrflrftry Ooh»<y Mid western part| of l i M k e G u U i i t y . • . . t . - t i McllEyBT, ILL. •^0 CHROMOB I 12 Ohromos Ff66« with the PKOM.K'W MAGAZINE . The most magnificent premium ever given, anrt one o» the Itest magMzines published. Only «kgMT cents n year. Sample sent free on receipt o| S cent vlatiip. or three ni- nths on trial for 10 cents. A iKXTS WANTEII. Send '2$ cents for complete outfit, including all the chromos. Money retnrnud it not satisliwi, Ji? A MoXTII f.nd Imard in yoyr ««f 9rll rounrv. Men of Ladies. Pleasant htieincs*. Address, People' .E 'S MAGAZINE, Phitadelphta, Pa. - iV' I- 4 Scissors, Shears* Table and Pooket Cutlery, SlmVes, Fork*, Corn Kiiives, Ax6n» OrlnUstap Wlllllow G 1I8H. T . .cR^iTiiRPi* Ma ARE* f, >•- 4'n>* ,t; * '• . ' • N . . ' ? > Thai Wonderful SooL GUIDE TOSUCCESS " lTft FOB Bii^inesa r; AND Is selltngby ten<< of tlionsfi.ids. It most Hi ivevsallv useful U>ok ever published It telle completely H«»W 1X> IK) K.V'KUV TlilNO in lite lies i way, How to he Your Owe La.vri cr, llow to Do Ilunineas Correctly ami *necessfully, How to Act in SocTely antl nri*rvw;irtve. A trnld mine of varied inform* i'on "il ci(i>«f< for constant reference. \ .Vil'.NTs W.VNTKI) for all or ipire time To Kiio\y k|iv ilii«l^>vU of ItE.VL value anii J attiiiciinrs sells l.ett« r thin any other, apply J for terms tu It. B. SOAMUKLL & OO., St. LUuUt» > W ..fv

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