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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1883, p. 5

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, • r i;;i' Go (O Mm. Howe* for Millinery iif I)' •-*«nia. tug FUTRFLI:; r»".l* «»f all kinds St M Eng'inV. in hh>«k, atfr the n««r drin_e. I Ufl'ri 4> » WEDNESDAY. .TAN". 24.188*. Railroarf TimeTable. ' Kitio sonm. iwevaT.ake t*<in<»n*er ........7:95 4. ~eva Lake T.xr>r**% •' .HfW " vw Lftko Feelxht-.i....Qfttifpftt .l;i» r. * «OftVH#sV*tt T,»k« Prelrht. ':!«•». t fi*k« Kxpreaa... 4:MT. * S«««va Titk* Passenter, .«:M " B. •mw. *wnt. M'1T«nrv, HI M 4ROVT0 M«N*WltT Vo. IS* <. F. a»»<1 A. M.-- I»r (Vrnminniontirtnii tlte mi or the fwM »f tha moon an«t every two wkiithmiftw. „ „ „ CltAS. O. COI.BT, W . M. *«L*HT*T»TRIL*RI^!* VO.« H. A. M --WW?- ™Thf Ceavaentlaa* Wfl «nitheeeeen«l ahi fonrtn «*I:Frl<ta»»»eaeh maneto. . - ^ ' SffTW W. **. . II , , - 1 --! J- - - J TVR. A. HI. 1tAT.r>YfTV. brother of VRNF, jft, D. Baldwin, make us * pi**"*'"! eali^ ,-tMs village until.ftWit 11 oVlook. 4 *4 Friday ___ ' Ont •. ^SllaAtterney Central rif the *fat,e. for RBV. L. Q. BOYWTOI*, of El?ln. WFLL preach to the Tonnjf Id" Ballon'* T!*H. Nnndn. I?).. T'mrMar er«»niri?. Fe h. 1. Subject. "Whit." Servfoea to ennt at n quarter »o mhrht «'<*t«vk. BY fo**TTTit*. For the Iwnpflt of the Method!*^ church at McHenrv. Rev. Dr. F*weett| of riilfdfn, will (Ui> hi* fiitfrHlnln?! l^dhim/'Qrwt Twiflmj evenfn*. Jan. 9ft. it 7:30 o'clock at th^ Methodist church In this tdace. Tlii«| lecture ha* -already become fsmon^ from th* recent controversy betweenlf «nd the Doctor. Adi»lssiot| 25 cento; children 15 cent#. All whri Kttr« heard Dr. F»*p#t will unite 111 saving lie to one of the most eloquent and entertaining «»f speaker*. | HKistorm of Sunday apd tfip e^ treme cold weat|»er cau=ed ft jof^r delav of all the train* on !hijill*l«l» or the TSllM*d on Monda¥." Tl»e ni* train Kit? Pfnok h/ih* cnt ^tist south o , jMpy of 111* B^nnlnl rcjmrt. '.-UI. THE tlm* for hoHlns: THE ne*T' Fnf^ tlw Mc^fetirr Cwi»fr A«rrl«*nftni-i! fixed jrw^5l»|vtemher\ { y;;^nhq lath, lath and uthTK ', OCR conreaponiWnt* nin*t ^11 * r^'frnjso ©lit*' thU week. a« Knt few »f -%hflr commnnlcatlon* ha*e oom'e to "!^i»«d at the tlm« of golne to pre**. wlven they *ncce«<ded. with:the help oft fiwidiietor Rmoks' train, in reach-* Injf c?ry«tal ^.ake. where the two train* were prtt together and'rnn to Chlca hy #ar of Elgin, and returning th snnie wav,succeeded fn reachlngf 'h place al>out one o'cWu'k on Tne^d* mornings So with the cold weatho^ the malls all late. *nd other •nHOvat^ ces. no bne waa happy, and Vennof came hi for Wis Rtiare of the--pr»ye#?| , Rcmkmbrk the Pound Sociable at the reMdenc* of Hon. Richard WfshAp. thl« W«dn«*d»y ey«nlnjf. Read notice «laewiiere. THK attention of our readeara Is dlracted t« th« the new adyertlsement Mayes & b« found in «natli*r column. THOSK interested ahonld REMEMHPI that Dr. <7. E. Williams. Dentist, will! be at the Parker Honse. In this Tillage] •a Friday of this week, tlte 26th. How. CHAS. H. TRYON will accept thanks for a ca py of t\ie list of Member* of the 33d General Assembly and a cepy of the Biennial Message of the ©••emor. DEAR MK;if they onlr had discovered tha North Ptle^and cut it down! Twenty-eight and thirty degrees bel«w *ero on Saturday ftnd" Sunday nipliti and still failing. "We rap two,*' HBNRT RF.IP. of Oh I cSgo. formerly connected with Cristy. 'Walker & Oo.*e icule Factory, In tills village, hasi. been calling on friend* hare . tlftf* first part of this week. . 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS for th* PI.AtwtttfAt.KB will ba received at Valo at the store of 'Henry Rogers, who is authorized to receiro moaay and neeipt «li| the iaa«. . ' ; TtIK Ti. Ti. 0. will jtieet with Mrs. Dr. Anderson. Wednesday afternohn. Jgn-iaiit. Topics. Thomas Moore. Madam DaStael. Maria Edgeworth. MRS. J. B. PEKBF, Pres. JTLIB A. STOBT, Sec. EVEKTBODT. Ills wife and family, remember lhe Pound Festival, by tlie ladies of llie Cemetery Association, to be held at the residence of Hon. Rich­ ard Bishop, this WeclneSdav evening, the 24tli. All are requested to bring ft Pound of something. Just what they choose, euclt as a pound of tea. coffee, crackers, sugar, s-ilt, saleratus, soap, iu short, anything tlier may choose, which will be sold at Auction during the even­ ing. and the proceed* go Info the LTreaMiry of the Society, These enter- taiiiinont? aW.'very pleasant aud we trust ,)there will li« a good tnrnont. Articles slitnild be done up so no 011^ will kitow what they are until after sold. Here Is where the fun cnmes'in, the purchaeev ih>1 Voowiug wlwt^ he i« bu ving. > • • ; fv?» *' " h* fc- of an anvil which was being fired hy tha ooy» a faw nights since. He is now undar the cara of Dr. Anderson, but hisJ ^leg is r*ported to ko In a wry bsdf xiditlon. F THK Accommodation train passes Hi in station golne north at 9:93 A.M.. daily. W.H. Rigelow. conductor, met with qnlte a serinns accident" wnil*' on her return trip on Wednes lav ISst. a few miles north of Rtngwood. A '>pnken rail was the cause, and ()•* care ditched, tlio result. No person was injured and ont of a car load of hogs in the wreck hut two were killed. The damage was almost entirely to the rolling stock. Under the superlntendsncy of Conduc­ tor Bigelow, who is a host in hixself. the track was soon cleared, so that the passenger train, which was due soon after, was delayed hnt a short time. Taking It altogether it was what might !>e called a lucky accident. CHANOK OK riKH. Aa will be seen by a notice in another u»rt of this paper, the firm of Perry A Martin l»a« been dissolved. A. A. M il-tin liavtiig .«*>!<( ^i». h(tereSt to Olirer 5. Owen, and the firm hereafter wiU lie Perry & Owen/ Mr. Mkrlin, we believe, is going into business at Des Moines. Iowa, He ha* be* 11 connected with the mercantile business in thi.v village for over 20 years, and we caw truly sav that nio man stands higher In business circles as a atraightforward. upright business iWftn. He ha« that energy and push that makes a successful business man, and our citizens very much rs* grat his decisiou to move from among ws. He. together with his estimable wife and family, will carry with theai to their new bo'na. the best wi«hes »f all f«r thetr fotnr» prosperity and happiness. We can assure the citizen* of Des Moine? that Mr. Martin will be a valuable acquisition to their business circle. ' „ The junior msiaber of the new firftt. Oliver N. Owen, second son of E. M. Owen. Esq., is one af our most enter­ prising vomig business men, and will do honor to the nelr position which tie Iks now assume^. Be has been Ih the employ of the flria of Perry & Martin for the past f«w years, and consequently is wi'll acquainted with all tha details of the business, whicU will be a great benefit to him in hi« new roll nsa mem­ ber of the Una, We congratulate him on hi* success and bright prospects, and hioli win!, the new firm urboiin led success. ft-aarh^ ------ A distinguished scholar and writer recently s-tid: **l flounder In a sea of scraps." In these days, when the pa­ pers contain so-many flue sentiments, beautiful descriptions, touching inci­ dents. Items of iuiportaiuv, and matters of prominent interest, culled from all departments of life, there is scarcely a day in which something does nor strike the eye which the reader wishes to pre­ serve, In order to remember aud per­ haps to use. One of tiie first things a bright boy or girl should make is a scrap-book of things which interest most. If yon have no hook, put your ^elections In ritflerent envelopes, ac­ cording to subjects. The newspaper is a circulating library, with a little of everything in it. and a little for every­ body. Make sure of your part ol It as you read. Woodstock Department. Dr. n, Davla Is report® I to be im­ proving iii health* so that, when p!ea«- ant w*-a titer take* tlie place of tiie cold and stormy time we have bad Ictvlr. Iia will '•* able to bo out ftgato --at least we hope ». , Nelll DonnHly. wboss wa hava re­ ported a« being aick. in former com­ munication. is irt batter at this writ­ ing. Medical council was called from Chicago last week. We did not hear what conclusion was readied. Col. Copeland lectures here January Kith, in the interests of the Woodstock Literary Society. E. 4 McFadeu. one of tftft employees of Thoruas Whitsou A Son. hardware deajei-s, this city, was quite sick la^t weak aud unable to leave the liotifte. A severe cold, which settled on hia lifugs was the difficulty, we believe. - Circnit Court adjourned last Friday. The bnly suit of any importance tried during the term was that of Clow vs. P«de, in which the citizens of Crystal Lake took quite an interest. The jury found verdict in favor or plaiutifl. the judgment being9300, >. : Fred Blakesiee, of . the flrdi . Of Blakeslee & Son, grocers,: tills city. Is very siok, threatened, we believe, with typhoid feyer. Hichm«»ai(l, Department. AUCTION SALE. fbj> aabecrlber having rented farm for a term of years, will CoatniBt TRo BT i. f. B«*»*rT. ...m;" .1 '• --^r-,-T=r-^^=rr--==r- witii-mt re*»»rvr. <»n T'bnrsdajr, Jiouiiry The tlauce ol the •m,O. K.« lub'^atVi5,u*1S33',l^* nl I'0"*** Culver's llall. ISM Frid.- v ni/ht -vas /°ni.- eat,<le. Kheej». !iogs hav y*ry largely attended, aud | th*»r» iJFftmting to-«j», l»U.>keuii(h louts. f»o«isa- <mghl> enjoyable sffalr: i'tielr next dance is ap| oiuted tor Wednesday nveuii^;. Js*n. 31., i The celd ot HaturiUy hrght ter­ rible, we thlak the coldest Iii some • iglitefti years. House plants were frotenfin situations wltere they, were oousidared perfectly safe, and stock unprotected by good stables snffered very much. Cellars, also, were froaea* Tlilrty below tero! When*! i-' iijii'n.s nnS ishi riW w iind Fancy Grocery establishment In this village to L. D. Lincoln.of Xuntla, who took possession of flie' same on Saturday last. Mr. Nichols has rtfn this institution for about a year successfully for himself and to the great acconimo> datiou of the public, as a ftr»t-class Restaurant was soAiethiug I hat had long heeu needed in this village, and which want he fully supplied Tiie new proprietor. Mr. Liiicidn. is au old hand at the business, aud intends keep lug the establishment fully up to its former itaiiiUi-^anil if ton are in want of a Funcli. a good square meal, oysters by the can or bulk, a good cigar, smok­ ing or chewing tohacco, call at Lin­ coln's. opposite Perry & M ir'.Iii's More His stock will he always full ami goods' all of the best quality. - « Farmers and others desiring a gen­ teel, lucrative agency buslne«». by which 95 to f20 a day can ba earned, send address at once, on postal,to H. C# Wilkinson A Co.. 103 and 197 pulton Street, New Torfc f A REGULAR Convocation of McHonry Chapter, No. 34, R. A. Masons, will be bald on Friday evening of .this week the 26th. Work on tlie M. M. degree.1 All membersjre urgenlly requested to • be present.'-' ARDRSOF TRSFF. L>. " ' * I 'M, 1 -- ---- • MRS. P. A. HILL, who keeps a>Mllliu- ery Store on the West Side, reports being robbed of about $50 worth of goods and 814 in money, one day last week. The robbery was committed while she was absent from ̂ the store for a faw minutes. WR learn that on Friday afternoon Are was discovered on the upper floor of the Marengo High School building. The building burned to the ground. The cause is supposed to have been a defective flue. The building was stone, and valued at #23,000. It was insured for 910,000. ^ t , Wc learn that Charles Stevenson, of rRlngwood. had the misfortune to have... ,, . . . . . .. r . ,, . .. , . • J McHenry luiil viciuitx* Their ruJes his leg badly shattered bv the bursting. • . . . . . . . » . , r e q u i r e t e m p e r a t e h a b i t s a m ! g o o d b e 1'HK Melfenry Llfernry A^oflation opened their club rooms In Kelter's block with a good attendance last even pug, and tiie organization of tiie same iroiupleted l»y the adoption of rules~aud regulations for government aud the Election of the following officers: Pivsi- |lent. T. B. Rii-liarilMiii; Vice Presi fileut. Miss Clara Wightinau :Secretarv. |('. W.^-lafter; Treasurer. Miss Cor a Mc- OmberCustodial',M. I).'Stoddard. This socletV has been organized by, and in the interests of, the young people of A GRKEN BAT man sold a horse and cow and wairon In order to present bis wife with 81.000 In gold on Christmas. She was ju6t waiting for a lift of this kind to enable her to elope with a res­ ident of Milwaukee. However, lie's got the nerve to grin and say he's glad to get rid oT lier so cheap. ^ ! The attention of farmers Is called to the advertisement of Thos. M. Haves & Co.,Seed Merchant*.. Cincinnati. Ohio, which appears in another column of this paper. Every farmer should,try their oorn. Let them -know you saw their advertise me nt ih this paper. They will do you good or will refund your money If your are not satisfied, I will exhibit a wire fence in a few days on the lot west of the Parker House. This fence is made in sections aud can be moved from one field to an­ other with great ease, and for a perma­ nent fence it h** uo equal. Want eyery farmer to come and see it, as it Is the best wire fence in tbe world. L w. Lixonr. VyKNOK's weather forecast for tiie latter part of January is as follows : January i'id. great *now stortu and drift*,cold; 23d, gales and very cold weather; 24th. iuteuse cold contji.ues, below sero; 25th, si ill cold but moder- •ting; 26th. foggv and much infhfer, rain;27th, mild weather, slush; 29th bright and keen; 30th, fafr 'and cold IMMlwiudy;3l, wUU.fti.ilsnow flurries. havior hot>i at home and abroad Their next meeting will he h«!<) in their club rooms on Saturday evening next at 7 o'clock, at which ilni# they invite all Who are (Jeslrou* of Joining the Associ­ ation to meet with them. Music, read" ings, games, etc.. are atuong the attrac­ tions. .• A N«w >id Valnabl* Itook.-j" ' - Fwr tiiore than a year past til* AH- torical Publishing Compatiy of SiLouis Mo. with an enterprise almost equal to Bennett's, of the. New York Herald has had tlie well known author, Mr. .T. W. Rueli, traveling tlt^ough Russia aud the frozen regions of Siberia, to study and write upon the institutions of tlioso countries. Tito resuifs of the expedi­ tion haveJust been pnhll«hed In "Rws- s.ian Nihilism and Exlfe Life In Siheu-, Ju," a volume of GOO large pstgep and over 200 illustrations, forming ,on« of the most thrilling and valuable records of travel *nt| adventm* the world lias ever known. This work reneuiiiie* ac­ counts of the adventures aud discover­ ies ot Livingstone and Stanley in Central Africa, bufeit surpasses even these in many respect*. Mr. Buel went to Russia under the sanction of our government, carrying with bl n letters of recommendation "from the State Department, and influential Govern­ ment officials, which secured liitu ad­ mission to the highest diplomatic cir­ cles in Russia, »u l jrave him access to the State records, by which means lie abtained a vast amount of information ne fer before made public. His travels and adventures in Siberia are of the most thrilling character. He thorough­ ly investigateil Nihilism, and furuishe* a complete' record of I he astounding deeds of terrible secret organiza­ tion which lias shaken the throne wf Russia to its centre. • ' ThUnook Is a valuable addition to Auierican literature, and we under­ stand that lite sale* are unprecedentlv large. It is the «urt of hook to be read around rite winter fireside. It is sold only by suliscriptiou aud live agents should make hast to secure their out­ fits. See advertisemeat elaewlier^in this paper. Dr. A. B. Baldwin, wh<e recently re­ turned from Pasadena. California, spent Wednesday artd Thursday, of last week, calling upon friends in this city. The Doctor will aiwaye find those glad to see Itlin when iu this vi­ cinity. This is about the way the Chicago Tribune puts It in regard to the part the "Eliuira Invalid Camp General" took at Springfield last week, while employed In Ills usual atocatioe of wire-pullliig and putting up small Jobe at so much per day and found: John Sou Ih worth, who iurite.l himself into the room and who still rests under the suspi­ cion of itu-iliiiK the tMiltera in the Interest of Caarlev F.ii'ewell, net-ms 10 hav« liven "rlxpd" atalMMil this pnnctui-o li* one of die ten. "We (fou't^want any sieerei's here- I want that man put out." Atany rato Mr. Houihworili went down fctaira to cool his heula in the lobby. A week o»- so ago, if we remember correctly, we remarked that the "Gen­ eral" salt* he was auxiou* for Farewell's success. We mean when we wrote up that Post Office scene. However, "the General" does not mind getting kicked out and dowu stairs from any thing that savors of a political meeting or love feast, lie has become so accustom* xi to such little pleasantries. We have no expectation, as we drop our communication in the of lice here, that it will appear Iu this week's PLAINDEAI.KR. 110 trains carrying mall having gone South since Sunday morn- lutr. aud we have received none at this afiice since that time .up to the time we write. The cold aud wild wave from Manitoba -struck this locality Friday niglit last and continued to grow worse nil tfay Saturday, but It was Sunday and Monday that the real wave came among us to stay. The wind on Sunday piled the biiow just whera it was not needed and by noon all travel on the Railroad came to a standstill. The Woodstock Accommo­ dation went ant as usual Sunday morn­ ing and made Chicago, but iu trying to return home in the evening got Into the "beautifuP just a little too far and remained there until Monday, late In the afternoon. We believe some traius from the north got through aa far as Harvard but no nearer Chicago. The thermometer run down both Sunday aud Monday morning to 30 helow zero, aud it is far iroui being any too W»ru> for comfort even now. We are occasiauslly favored with ft copy ol the Nunda UermM, I. M.' Mai- lory editor and proprietor. Friend Mailor^ gtt* out a cre iitable ihoet. and that it is appreciated by Ids towns­ men aud others i» showu by ^he liberal advertising accorded it. May tiie Herald "grow and prosper^' ;'Y: On tlie afternoon of Wednesday, the 17th fast.. John Walklngtou who lives 011 tiie Henry Marah farm, near Key­ stone Corners, met with a serious aeci* deut, which will disable hiiu for a long lime. He heard bis horses kicking iu the barn aud rau out to attend to them. Approaching one of the kicking ani­ mals with his arm up to protect his face. It "let drive" again, striking bis forearm with both feet and knocking him dowu. The pasitiou of his arm save# his face from receiving the blow, and prdnably saved hts life. The fore­ arm was broken In three places and one of the fractures, in the upper third el the ujna, opened up by the calk of one of tiie horse-shoes. The unfortunate man is now doing ftft well «s could be expected. tiold goods, etc*, einbravieg everyt iiing necessary to fully equip a good farm. Also wagons, double and single bug gie«, bob sleighs, double harness, etc. Saletobe on his farm, three mile® west of Mouevilie, just sooth of Fox Lake. Sale will commence al 103 wctock aharpt t'ree hiach ft« noon. • mow AS ST AXTOX. T. E.UBABQBK, Auctioneer. OVSTEBS! OYSTERS! E. W. BROtiES, Wauconda 111M «l«**ler in Gro­ ceries. ('mined Owtds Confectionery. Cigars. Tebajcco. Notion*. Ac. Aiso Headquarters'for Piatt A ('».'« celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I ant noW pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Ovsters by the Can or f>l*h, at al! bonrs of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors"are feslly fitted up, well warmed and light­ ed. and uo pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 aieo make a specialty of all kind* of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionary. Give me a call. E. W. BROOK'S Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Bulkv Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. bi«»ey« Oweu*s. . FTLWAYO KRFREALTIM^^.. A delicioua odor ia i)*»|NHrted »by Floreston Cologne, whleh l«ft)ways re- rretfbing. no matter hi w iniiftnsd. The finest line of silver an*! Pi»ts4 Ware W» fee found In rh# eonnty, at 8. W. Owen's. SOCtefy Aettea. On aeeonnt Of its remarkable del* icate and lasflitjf, frwgva»««e. soeiety belles ate loud in |i«tr |»rals«e of Flvie»tou Cologne. FOR *A» W. 40 Awes of land hi fsiflsii 11 all fenced. AlsoSOa«-res «f land, wiih a good bouse and barn thereon, wfto timber ami water In ebntidaitce, in 5st- tion 22. - - Also my .homestead »be rrysrsl Lake and !r<n^ej <»"0«! aow hoiise, barn and utlier «»utbuildings.--- Apply to Jonn 111'atT. FIFTY Bl'Slltl.S OF OAT* Wanted In exchatigelfof Fuinltuie, at John B.Blake's. Some of our young folks who went to the ball at McHenry last week, had queer times. One party thought the nearest wfty home waa by the way of Ringwood, ai'd came near getting stalled In the snow on the little-traveled road near the Dick Lawson school house. Anot her party "ketched onto** a ttuiup Iu tUo mairaioimt woods, which tiiey found under their bobs wheu they got boma, and Sftfeiy de­ livered It at one ol the girl's door. The girl's father,prudent man, has split the stump Into wood for the Sunday night sparking, aud calculates that his *vin- ter's expenses will be considerably less­ ened thereby--unless, ns is rumored, an indignant Dutchman puts in an appearance with a warrant for some­ body fur larceny of ft stump. WE are wilder obligations to IOURNLD friend Hon E. M. Dennis, for a copv of the St. Paul Dally Diapatch. <tf a late date. Mr. Dennis is now a resi- d« i't of that city, having taken up his residence there on the 1st of January, and connected himself with the whole­ sale Tobacco lI'Mine of A. G. Lanphere A (>. Mr. Dennis it. an old set t ier of Illinois, having come to (Chicago nearly tifty yeais ago. and has reside*] there aud in that vicinity ever since. , lie represented Lake aud McHenry conn Assembly of this State for two years, and as a citizen •was highly honored and respected by all. While his many friends here are sorry to lose him from their midst, their best wishes for his future pros­ perity and success will go with him to his new home. The PI,AINI»KA>,I£U coiigratu'ates the citlzctis of Stl'anl on the accession of so fine a gentlc.neii »- Mr. Deutiis to tlieir business rankf^ Social Dance. i i There will be a Social Dance, for. the benefit of the German School of this Tillage, at Gilles' Hall, on Monday evening. Feb. fttli. 1883. Music iiy. Miifjgett*s Quadrllbi Band. I'ickeia, luvliidiug supper, 81 .SO. u!lj invited, ||f «Mu>noar TAXES! TAX ES! On and after Jan. 15th. 188S. the tin- dersigiied wijl lw» ready for I lie collec­ tion of I'axes for the town of McHenry and will bf at the f}|iowing places at the time named. • Monday*.--At the store of Lye A Adams. In the village of Johushurg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duers, in the village of King wood. Wednesday--At the store of Perry A Martin, in the village of McHenry. Saturdays --At the store o| C. V. Stevens, ill the village of McHenry, ,, .J -y jAMKfi I.ADD,'Collector. >uuda Taxes, The undersigned (Collector of. the Town of Nunda. will be at the store of V. Steven*. McHenry. on Saturday, •fan. 27tli. for the purpose of receiving faxes. All interested will govern themselves accord!ugly. J. S.'ANI»«BW®, Collector. *' All are cordi- A S20.00 Biblical Reward. The publishers ef Rutledgr's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for February, among which is the following: *;.A. We will give 820.00 in gold t?. $he person telling us which Is the middle verse in the Old Testament Scriptures by Fcbinary 10th, 1883. Should two or more correct answers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will he forwarded to iho winner Febru­ ary 15th. 1883. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with Mieir'an- ®wer, for which tlwv will receive.the March Monthly, liv which file name and address of the winner of the reward and t^e correct answer will be pub­ lished. Thlfr liny he worth 820 to you; cut it out. Address RCTIKUOE Pu»»- 1 IttlHNU t'UMt'ANY. Kasloil, I'cllll. Standard'Prints at I- ive Cent# per -|^.yi awwjfei".-"' tls- We understand several of the In­ timate friends of L. H. Jones and family visited them at their residence last Friday evening. It was gotten up as a surprise for Larry, aud was an er- Joy able affair tl iroiighout. -JJB 1 I" CREENJVOOQ. EDITOR PLAINDKAIKK:--Thirty de­ grees below zero Sunday morning Chas. Mansfield, of Harvard, was ithig friends here last week. John Walkiu^ton was kicked by a horse one day last week, breaking au arm in two places. t George Hunt attended the Swine Breeders' Convention at Cedar Rapid*, Iowa, last week. The old must die, the young may. Two of our old inhabitants passed away last week. Mrs. John Luinley^ died Thursday, funeral Saturday. Old Mr. McCaimmi died Saturday night, funeral Monday. D. W. Sop*r is attending court" In Chicago, being called there as a juror. We wish to compliment the Hebron correspondent for not aspiring to hon­ ors or notoriety, for modesty M a vir­ tue. always to bo commended, but think tiie writer a little iiufnir in judging the business of our town by the one fact that we don't do a whole­ sale business in tlio peanut Hue, bu< until giant monopolies, like the on* organized at Hebron entirely control the peanut business, we shall continu>- to keep a small stock on hand to sup­ ply the retail trade, Hebrouitos inuei have a poor idea of highway robbery, and have yet to learn the elementary rules of prditeuese if they call it polite to either run over or drive ft young lady into the deop snow. Had the driver had enough good solid sense to cast a shadow, he would have given the young lady part of tJie road, and saved himself and company the' em harassment of being told to "go to thunder." 'As a salesman Tom & Jerry may not be a success, although Levi keeps a first-class article in the line of spring beds, but for putting any hue to the lro::t he is hard to beat. Buckwheat Wanted. .Two hundred bushel* of Good Mill­ ing Dn^kwlit'iit *vanted, at r.he F*'X Kiver Valley Mill" tor which the high­ est market jirhe in cash will b<* paid. ... B, Bishop ' McHenry, Jfta. Wtft, Bu t ft smell proportion of Hi#^irtnan race l$ve to be fifty years of age, and when it happens that a couple have not only survived that age but, better, fifty years of married life, the event i« a notable one In any community and de­ serving of special notice. So thought the uuniei-ftirs Tri?;:;1.; C. S. Reeder and wife, the fiftieth anniversary «t whose weddiug fell on Jan. 17th. A "surprise * for Mr. and Mrs. Reeder was planned, ami so well was the pro­ gramme carried ont and the secret kept, that it wat a "surprise" In the fullest sensa nf the word. aiidfl*3 -say that the recipients were delighted, but very leshly expresses their feelings. They had invited five or six old friend* to a quiet dinner that day, with ao thought ef observing the anniversary in auy more osteutatlaus manner. Im­ agine tlieir "surprise" then, when guests began to arrivenbout tue dinner hour iu most bewildering number*, happy of heart and wealthy of con­ gratulations. Nor did those guest- forget that ft dinner for six Vreul 1 hftrdly do for ft house full, nor that to improvise such a dinner at a moment's warning would be an impossible feat even for • housekeeper of fifty years experience--aud so they catue with well filled hampers whose contents soon made lbs tables "groeu" iudeed. Af. afternoon of unalluyed pleasure suc­ ceeded the dinner, and if Mr. aud Mrs. Reader'* youth was riot renewed, then happy faces are uo index of what is going on in the heart. But the end was not yet. The evening brought another company of "surprlsers" to do theiu lienor, until the house could not well have held more. The festivities continued well along into the eveuing. The followiug Is as full a list of the friend* present ns can be recalled from memory (a list was not made at the time) aud It we uuilt any names we are sorry beforehand: Messrs. aud Mes- dames A. M. Pettiugill, A. L.Brown, G. Osuiout, Jones, Ben Martih. A. Reeder, J. O. Meeker, J. Randall, S. R. Ward. J. W. Hay;nom, Geo. Vinton, J. C. Smith, 11. Booth. Rev. Palmer, S- (Jetting, Wiu. Gardiner. J. Bobbins, F. CollUon. C. Cropley. F. lluaon (Volo). F. W. Mead. Mrs. Mary Purdy, Mrs. Emmons, Mrs. Hansom, Mrs, Eidredjf;e, Sirs. Hicks. Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Peter­ sen. sou and daugliteft Miss Nettie Marsh. Mrs. Stewart.son and daughter; Miss Hannah Getting, Mrs. Myers and •on. Mrs Asa Jelmnotl, Ml*a Jennie Collisoii, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Purdy. Mrs. Reeder's two brothers. H. and M. Booth, who were am^ng the guests, were present at her weddlr.g fifty years before. Letters of con­ gratulation were read from lie v. Doug lass and wife aud from Spencer Booth, of New York. Among the tokens of re me in bra nee left by the friends for Mr. am) Mrs. Reeder we meution-one "Boston" rocking chair aud 815. which will buy a mate for It,a spleu.ild silver ami glass fruit dish,a fine glars pitcher, a jlozen aud a half silver table knives, a large photograph album, and a half doze* silver forks. Jaiues Robbius, who always'"has au eye for fuiti(n pre­ sented the aged groom with a baby's rattlo, aud the bride with a pair of baby's stockings. The whole aflair was thoroughly enjoyed by all present and a host of friends wish Mr.' a«d Reeder y«-t many Jvar» of wedded hi,;-* Roan A Perr Ssural Jane Bute* Colmr The strongest Color on the marker, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fllzslmmons A Evansou, McHenry, III. A full line of choice groceries alvjra^s to IKJ obtained at ; R , IIKNUY COLBY'S. A" complete Hue of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C. V. Stevens. If you have not given Bennett a call go In aud see what lie Is doing. All the new aud desirable stylos In ftud |Ji^>s at C. V. Stevens\ i ' Clothing, >i ^ sfock of* children's 'boy«* and men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. When in town we would he pleased to show y<0U through our clathing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. Good goods at close prices and always as represented, is the inotto hy\hich we hope to re­ tain the very liberal patronage so generously exteuded to us ill the past. We appreciate your trade, and shall at all timesdo our utmost to please you. Hcwmr COLBY. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are going to have a fair of Boots, Call on C. V. Steveus aud buy good ones. Fancf Ink Wells, cheap,> aft lO«e. W. Bealwy's. Call at Heary Roger's, Yolo, and see wb*t * Nk-c V«w iie cau SUOW " 48ceutteack, ' ' ' ' COIN TOBACUOI- A very fine article. Every other plug contains a coin from ten cents up. A great rush tor it at Henry Colby's. Call at Henry Rogers', Yolo, and see Chamber Sets of 10 pieces It pink, blno aud plum colors at 83.79 per *et. Please rememoer our prices are al­ ways as low as the lowest, and wo staud ready at all times to meet auy and all competition. HCNBY COLBY. Case, Furst Bradley. STollnet flap- good and other Sulky plows |*« K. M. Owen A Son's. ! CARRIAGES*! r^HRIAGISIy CAR- KlAGESt Any o-ie In want «t a Carriage. Buggy or Wagon, should- not fail to eall ou E. M.Owen A Sou and see tho . large car-load just received. Tho fluent finished h t rver ti'tif to tbo couuty a'id ft ill sell rbem cheap. HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil In tel H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. FENCE FOb I - FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poets fur sale. Inquire of jonx DORAW. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right, * WJA *51 "•«'; - FLKKKY EMIT,. • W^'W^ ^H^RRIAGES. • Have on hand a few first-elsss esr. riages which we will sell at cost to elose*,OwiK&Sox. • VeoLW goods at prices lower than ever before heard of, at J» it.. Wei Is A Sons, Wauconda. For first-class Insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc.. etc.. apply to Asa W. Smith. Woodstock. III. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. V. Stevens. He will save you, money. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man and horse, at E. M. Owen A Son's. Go to Bennett's for your pictures Mrs. Searles will epen this week a large stock of Ladies* and Children's Cloaks. AlUstlna, Onleyme*. Bean A Perry'* Natural June Rutter Color has no equal. H is guaranteed to five perfect sat ief act ion. For sale by 'llzsisimeiM A Kran?an, McHenry, III fine felloes, Oorstocl .'s -efelmrtetl Beloit 8ht j)Ute. l-'or style and Utaaiitnik ti j cknuot be excelled. Ask to see them. llKKKY CtfLBY* OVERCOATS, OVERf'OATS. Best styles aud lowest prices In JIo^ Henry or Lake CouuUes. ISO new-onea )ust opeucd. C. V. STKVitMS. Gossamer circulate and costs for ladies and gentlemen, and * lull line of rubber goods alway* to b* had at .aw*: iMii'1 LAMPS. LAMPS, . . OAco Lamps. Parlor Lamps, llangfag- J Sm-kn Lamps, and the eeie« ^ lirared Oscar Wilde Lam|»Besley^S ,4 Drug Store, f u • * . Bennett does not let.any pictures go. out of his rooms that are not salisfao* torv. Overcoats and ulnterettea. J| large line and the latest styles. You are asked to examine then* *t • V ' - V H ENRY C OLBY'S* J - BUTTER AND EGGS. Wanted. Butter aud Efgaat Fancy Prices at C. V. Stevens'. CLOTHING! CLOTHING.! The latest styles and lowest price* tf be found iu the couuiy. at C. Y. Stev* eas*. • The celebjmted buffitlo boota, a full ,'iiie of men's and boys* al-« ways to be had at HFKRY COLBY'S. Call at Henry Roger*'. Yolo, and see Tea Sets. ft6 pieces, in pink and blue colors at 84.79 per set. • A. Sor»ri€^sohelna At McDonald's old stand. Nunda^UI. keepft a full stock of Wines aud Liquors of the best quality, which he is selling at wholesale as cheap as the same can be bought in Chicago. Call and be convinced that what I say ia true. A. SoNXVKSCHKIN, Nunda, Dec. Sth. 1882, The largest and best assortment Gloves and Mittens in town, at C. Steveai" r . LOOK I1E1HC. • We are selllug Fourteen and a HftH pounds of good Sugar for oue dollar. Don't forget It. HGX3Y COLBY. Madam MeOee Corsetts. The best on the market at Mayes A Bar tie it's "It pays to trade on the west side," 14 pound* New Orleans Sugar for 81.00 at C. V. Stcvwns'. Odor Cases, a. very U< sky's. flue article, it Big Giant Feed Mill*. WMI grind Cob aud all. or Shelled • urn and Oats mixed, Warranted to O as gootl work as sny mill for a simi­ lar purpose, and to grind as fine aud last tor kind of grinding recommended as any other mill of same size aud price. For sale by S. A J. Sherman, lvlng 2 miles West of McHenry V\ oodstock road. ; . McUeary, Jan 15th, SSS, ^ Farma For Sale- * Apldy to A&a W. Smith, Woodstock, Carriage**>U u!'fc. $ I Wauconda,llln -fs-i*'.; f. • > • i - J . t f . ' ' i*---K. ey Groceries^ CsihimI Gasd*. Choice Confectionery jr«rm tixwarm, ci ruutTi TOBACX O, *<% t - .4 * «pccn*i|T of these sood Hy *te»k Is fresh ao«t 'wuplfff in "jterf nHi'iirular, and I will not tie un<ter*n|<t. qo*W fly of iroorls ronsi'lero*: 1 hitv nui e Um (He best, awt purchaser* *-ill Ami |i aa o>>joet 11 cuii, and aee aie Iwtare iuureaa«tatl> Quick 6al«« «c 6auUlPre«| Is iejr<SMtte,as<t U witl i>e tired Bp t<t o * . t m . • «.* ; , -tCi - ' ^ BUWChl 'JtHUBi «tar« Ttmilf Dur vsve^e»> fo•• r^' -wiy »--• t»: ntnek sa.l l«a* a TtwfCwttueiMla TWY OW. S||d for full Descriptive Ciieularf ts i pO&r£K BULNCHARD'S 801 00800*0. H.M.

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