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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1883, p. 1

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IWUff tms II «H|i A 1 fi«J» «*j *UUW,L ^.i *. . _v ' » - ..i1..^' ..ii.._t . ... ' >.<•>• ' J u * --Mb* •-1- » <„ ^ »? v •*« ^ | ***** ^ «r • '"' " WteiiiiiiiiMPiiiiii'if rnimEmmn I " "*""'"' ' - ,r * / *• r t -«**• TfQr - -* * ̂ , f »> i * ** • , pp^'iWf^. ^ - r--?v » r;x*f* *i? ** ^;* ^ *•* ^ * / e^Tw4*.»* * * u J.,*.i t 4!, • S f 4 ^ •>-»-- •>M'« ><• *r s, ! *&> <* f * : I' \+", % < v ! *. S ' »lS nfc"'* -k, -T- "..4 4* **»*&, ,&i» •(; Jlp. f- '•« «***{},* .v>i-/ » ". » A;4 -. ? - , 1^, .... . i : Sjif.: & -. t.,rj*j *- vjw*" "\.ism, , •'•I.' » '. •S' / .• , I .«' . i* i *-,*»• c %.,-k^ 4,-;,* 1 I ' ' •••£". <t *>ru -jHf •>'- V.^s ; -« j: ^•^*5 ife'at*. -..tvy ( 3?>;;;; *t jtv i J I: »/,»** r ~ y ̂-> *" > •« y*~'it+*';.**& "V .".fc Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and|.aw; No favort Win us and no Pear Shall Awe.** VOL. 8. btai ,'mntM «&•*«- Jftl M'HENUY, ILLINOIS; WEDNESDAY. JANUARY My 1883. : IJ^wry Jlaiii®il». &>*'* -J- , »" ' PublUhed Srery WeUnesday by 1 J". V^v>' SLYKE, V,y/ *»*v.<1"iOI*ea A*D PUBLBHEfc v - ; ' « } «•! I'" / •' • * i" " k" < %t »•» Olfice in Bishop's Block, 1 ill' '», --Omwsitb Pkrrt ft Martin's.-- IP BUSNCESS CARI>S. vmpp- i'f.. ^r; TBRMS OFJ SUfcSOttfMflOH, *, - JfiAfrmr(m A<lvft«e«).....V. ........ Sot 'Mil writhinTiiraa M<mtha,.......SCO r«"*.eire1 f-»r throe or! b!x H^rafu in the nnl nronortion. I- |M0 1» 00 is 00 M 00 CO OA 100 00 Kates of Advertising. . We annonnop lihrral rutes fftr in the Pi-ATNDKAI.RH. «nd (>tHeavnr» tn state H|pm so plainly that th«»y w ill he readily un. derston'l. Thev a>e afifc*«ya: Itnnli one year », V.fl* f inches one yenf-. • Hitches one v«>«r ..... .^.•• ;v^... •,«. £* • ••»• . M.fV>lumn «ne jr«». .' - - a V Oolnmn one ve*r • • • •. IColumu one year - . • . iOne inch menni the miM«nnmMt of one Ineh down tie column, single column width. Yearly advertisers at the above rate*, have the privilege of c.ha'-Kintt as often as they choose, without extra charjo^. * Resrnlfir advertisers (inenninar those harinsr ttend<n? cards) will be entitled to insertion of lo^al notices at rate of 5 cents per line ench week. .\11 others will be charged 10cents per line flvst. week, and 5 cents per line for each anhsequcnt week. •Transient advertisements w»H ho charged nt rate of mcents per line, (nonnnreil tvpe. •ame a« this Is set in^ the first issue, and 5 cents per line for subsp<fuent issues. Thus, *H inch advertisement will cost #100 for one •week, #1.50 for two weeks, 61.00 for three weeks, and so on. The Pr^rvoK\M5* will he liberal In srivinn editorial notices, but, as a buniness rule. It will require a suirable fee from everybody seeking the use of -its columns for pecuniary fain. BUSINESS CARDS. ! TT. T. BROWN, M. 1>. #JHTST0T/W A.1TD StTROROV. Office over Tthe Post, OTlce, onnosite Perry & ̂ Martin's •tore un stairs, Mo,Henry, 111. t: rr. H. PEGKUS M, D- t^TTTSICiW AND STTUaROV. Johnsburgh, T!lS.TrOIBce honrs 8 to 10, A. M. O. J. HOWARD, nr. D. PHYSTCTAX 4XD STTRGROH. Office at my residence, opposite It. E. Chnro.h, HflTenrv. Til. K. V. AXDB««?OV. !VT. D., nvSTOTAH and Sursreon. Office Residence, McIIehry, Illinois. s.y at J. J. MYERS, h*" --m"? Saloon fin<i 1?ostnn rnnt, |% BASEMENT of Knhnert's "^tore, Johns- Tpr our^n, Tli. Tliii vh -U'C^t, tirari '.s c»i I^qnnre ami Cigars always on hand. Call Alia see n»e. >S5» ii i ' r • r i I., 11 • . i i >hi PRATT TTOIT8B. TA. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ao-cowmodations. Good Barn in connection HTjinconda. Til. BARBI4N BRO^. H0IGAR Manufacturers, Mo Henry, III. Or- V> de^s solicited. Shop, Ii Old Mcffenry, jl-TCelter Block, two doors west of Plaiw- MAT.KR Office. I" BTOIIABU COMPTON. TUSTrCK'of the Pe-iceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection *f lebts. Volo, Lake Connty, III. t K. E. RICHARDS. reS"ASa complete Abstract ot Titles to land Tl in M TJenrvCounty, lll-uois. Office with* County Clerk, Woodstock. 111. E.M.OWEN GENERAX. Dealer and Manufacturers Ageni in Treading Karm Machinery.-- Prices low and terms favorable. McHenry, t Jsi. . - N. S. OOIaBY". ; ._ jH-cHENRY, Mo.TIenry Co.. III. Breeder of lvl Sp;inish Merino Slmep, Berks hire and Poland China 4 wine. A choice .lot of voting Buck stock for sule. Pleasecall and examine fore buying elsewhere. *$ E. G. SMITH. .' -».• •Boot avd stiok maker. Womnt atten. tion given to Repairing. Shop in J. J. Silles' building, next to river bridge, Mc- Benry, Illinois. M A B C T J S ' GERMAN t- Manufactured by - 1. MAROUS, * Jv ^ MAR* <i. BARB IAN. HATU WORKER. All kit. is of ITair Work done in first class stvte and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north, east oorner of Public Square, McHenry, III. C. S. GREEN. XfETERINARY SURGEON. V Illinois. JESSE A. BALDWr*, TAWYER. Law business in any part of J th° State receives prompt "attention. Office room 41, new Cnstom House, Chicago ^llinois. SIDNEY DI^BHOW, XTOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer, AL- den. 111. DR. a E. WILLIAMS. nENTTST. Residence Dundee. , WUt he nt Waucttnda, at Pratt Hoit^e, tJ'e 10th and *?SMi of each month: at Parker Hon9e, Mc­ Henry, the llt.h and 2*5th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Snnday I make my visits to Waueotvln on Monday, and McHenry on Tuesday, following. JOHN KLEIKGEN. HOTTSE Painter, Grainer, Ctiloimlner and Paner H'tnger. Resi'i^noe one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promplv and on reasonable terms. ' * * '* -- srnmi-^ Notice 1o the PuVic. p TH WE built a sli#r> lust south "hf E. Law-lus'on Brick and Wood Street, where I am prertired to do all kinds of work in mv line. As I have no bovs to do mv w*yk, I want very near what It Is worth doing It. I do iny work in., a manner that need.? no watoliiiig. F. A. HEBARD. McHenry, Jan. 9th, 1832. McHENRY HOUSE* PETER SMITH. PROP III ET*j$K (KID Boant by the dav or week at reason. T able rates " The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. G<iod ^tabling for Horses. A lino Pigeon Hol« Table in connection with the House. Give me h call. PETER SMITH. M. M. CLOTHIER, R ichmond . . . - I llinois, Mchenry cottnty. Prosecutes all claims in all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special atten­ tion given to difficult, or rejected claims. Careful attention given to all muters of im­ portance. Office at the residence ofW.n. II. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will be at­ tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall alwavs be there on Saturdays, and shall beat the office ot J. T. Beldm, Ks>|., Marengo, on the tirst Friday in each month. All lH»ters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. GEORGE CURTII, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry! & Martin's. Will attend protnptlyHo all!work and (fuar- an tee satisfaction Prices as kiw aa (tooil work can be done anywhe*e. INE CHAINING A SPECIALTY MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kinds at the lowest living prices, and fur­ nish an.article far superior to the common Mixed Paints being sobi. Call and sre me, CEO. CURTIS- McHenry, April 12, 1882. JOS. WEIDEMAM, Ifilosn and Eestaurant, NEAR TUG OKI'OT, ' MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS The hest B#anda of Wines, Honors -and Cigars always on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz JTalk's • MILWAUKEE . ^ - Lager Beer, fleer in Larse or Small Keifs or Bottles al wavs on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. Xhi* finer has ?v world wide reputation, and eootijud^es it-knowledge it eannot ue sur- ihas-ed in fhe world. OrdorB by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. 111. Aug. loth, 1.^2. --DEALER IN- PURE WIN LIQUORS AND • CISA3S. Woodstock III. yiie l>est Tonic in the world. Put np In Fint and Quart BoLtles. F. MARCUS* Patentee. .S AGENTS WANTED. . ' • R u s s i a n N i h i l i s m -AND- M Iiile Life ii SM, BY J. W. BUEL. This splendid new book presents a thrillinz mnoramaof Life In Russia and Siberia. It furnishes the only full ami reliable history of that mysterious and wonderful organization known as Nihilism It lives the unwritten i V history of the Russian Empire. it tells of i _ mysterious adventures with mysterious peo. • t P ' c - T ' d e s c r i b e s d e s p e r a t e h i n d - t o - h a n d : wmbals with pistols a <1 knives in closeed • . ^*9"Tooius between the police and Nihilists. It paints Kxiln Llf» In Siberia in vivid and sj.. : *tart1insr coloi s. It relator famous hunts and { • • ' adventures with wild nnltnals on the frozen ^ s • ' plains of the far North. It for the first time Is expose the real horrors of existence anion si he fS' • • ' Siberian convicts. It describes the horrible , % ' # l*»trunients of torture sanctioned and used 'iT.. W the linss'an Government. It relates the ™"- personal Kxperiences of the author durinar his travels. It tells all that one could wish to know aliout Russia and Siberia. It is the most thrilling record of travel ami adventure ever liJarritten; not retold st iries, but facts wit- Vywssed bv the author in person and sanctioned / 'vir» /vby the I'nited States (Jovcrninent. 800 larjre J„' >' '/* and nvt'r 2"0 tine liliistrutions. Price, * No book like it on earth. Outsells all other books. AUKNTS WANTED. Write at o«ce for Pictorial Circulars ami full partieu. Mrs, or send fiO cents in money m stamps for itmnlete Canvsssin* Outfit. Act quick and cure lir*t choice of territorv. Address, lil^TORlt^AI PUBLISHING CO.. 418 K. Thiixi Strwt, 8t. L®ttU, Mo. 'tki 1 SS3. Harper's Yo^in^; People. AN ILLUSTRATED WKPKLY.16 PAGES. SUITED TO BOTS AND OW!,* OF FROM SIX TO glXTKEX YKARSOFAGK. VOL. IV. COMMENCES NOVEMBER. 7, 1882. The Yrmng People- Iris been from the Best successful beyond anticipation.-- y. V. Even- in'/ Post. .... ' -• It has a distinct purpose, to which it steadi­ ly adheres--that, namely, of mpplnntingr the vicious papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome.-- Bo*t»n Journal. , For neatness; 'elegance of cnKraviny, and contents jrenerallv, it is unsurpassed t»y «nv publication of the kind yet brought to our notice.--Pittsburgh Gme/te. TERMS. HA^PPH'S YOUKG PFOOUE I $ |.5o Per Year. Postage Paid f" Sinple Numbers, four cents eieh. SiMM-uiien copy ; sent on receipt of three C<The'Volumes of Tfarper't Young People for 18«1 and 18*2, 'handsomel v bound in Illumin­ ated Cloth, will be sent liv mail, postage pre- uaid on recetpt of fS.OO each. Cover for Young People for 1*84, 35 cents; postage, 13 cents'additional. Remittances should be made by Po«t Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of l0̂ Xetvmafvfrx are not tf^eopy thi* ndhtrtisement without express order of II ahi'kr <(• Hrotiikrs. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. New York. Dar Deeds THE CREAM if all BOOKS of ADVENTURE. ' Pioneer AN[> LJ Pf()09 The thriHInsr adventures of all the hero ex- plorers and frontier tijrhters with Imlians, outlaws and wild beasts, over the whole country, from the earliest times to the pres. cut. Lives and famous exploit# ot Desoto, LaSalle, Stsmlish, Boone. Kenton, Uradv, Crockett, Bi wie. Houston, Carson Custer, California Joe. Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Oener- Mla Miles and Crook, preat Indian Chiefs and scores of others. GORGEOLsLl ) ,,» TRVTKDwill llf fine enirravinsrs to the life. A<;EVTS WaT I t'D. Low priced and beats *aJt gllsDABD BOOK Ott»!. IpBMtlli' ; S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANDSUIUJRON. AlsotTnited States Examining,Surgeon. ; Richmond, Illinois. JOSEPH N. FREUND. SALOON AND RET VURINT Bonslett's old stanil, opposite B'.shoii's Mill, Mc- Henrv, III. The c toiccst Wines, Liqtsors and 3ipirs to bo found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served np in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. G001>dTABLIXG FOB HORSES. ANTONY ENGEI.N, SAT.OON ar.d Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <iour Mash, Wines, Ciftars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. 'JIINFCIONR AMES BREEDER o¥*t1WoufrhbredflPoland China Hngs. tteskifenoc 2>s mile* south of Vol®, Lake Qounty. ill, stock for sale. ^ Soldiers' Department. E, LAWLUS, V.i^ 1*11 A. M. CHURCH, Watehmaker aud Jeweler NO. ins RANDOLPH STREET, (Successor to E. H. P. Shirley.) Chicago, III. Spe­ cial attention given to repairing Fine watch- es and Chronomc ters. MTA Full Assortment of Goods'in tola line. Richmond House, ^ RICHMOND. ILL C. Tf. CULVER, - - Proprietor. HAVING recently pnrchated the »l*>ve House, I have put it in thorough repair, with neW furnitue throtrrhor.t, ana would respectful'v invite the pitroivice ot the trav­ eling public an I <ithers. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can be prociire l, and polite and attentive waiters will )>e in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be spared In make this a l-'irst Class House. Largs and commodious burns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all train*. Sample Rooms on (Irst'tloor. f l HE. WTGIITM AN, I'roprietor. First . class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunished at reasonable Jr.itcs. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. % i A. WENDELL, CARF2ITEK AID I0IUEE McHenry, III Will take contracts fur putting lin Buililiiijrs ami gtmritnte** mv work will eoni|i»re with any mini in tli« State. I can ami- will <lo work from to to ^er cent ehenjier tluui other carpenters, as I have two ol my hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for uie to do so. Ail Jobs in th« Carpenter line j>r6fiiiitly iltteiided Co. Give hi(6 A. WENDELL. VIZI'S'. r m, : : i • RAINTHORP Rin^wood - * Illinois. To the people of Km<rwood and vicinity I would reapectfully suy that I h:ive opened ti »tore near the Depot, where I will pay the highest msirket value for Ea^s, liiitter, and other produce, c:wh or trade beina" immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < -i- jrars iiikI ToInhk'o, I ain <roin<? to sell at prices todefy competition, and though 1 have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom.- B. RAINTHORP. lftwowoon, fH..dunc 13lli, liftli GROCERIES! GROCERIES! M. Engeln, Havinp removed his store to Colby's Brick Rlock is n<i v |in-i»ftred to offer to the buying public a full liue of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Gl oodsu CIttAK, TOBACCO, ^p^S, ^c,, &c. My Goods are all fresh and will be sold at the lowest livinjt prices. I also keep a full stock of Gun Matorial Sishiiijr Tackle. Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact evervthing pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, caii be found at my Store at reasonable f'riees Violins. Aeordoons, Pioalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, att'l all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of fIN WARE is complete. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all co in petition. * • • M. ENGELN OK THE AGISTS WANTED IS Lira MARTYR PRESIDENTS. ABRAH AM LINCOLN, "From Pioneer Home to W'iiite House," and JAMES Af'llAM GAR- FIE 1.1 >, "From I,on Cabin to White House." In English and (ierman. Illustrated with flue =teel engravings. Rv an etnintnt author. Also for the onlv large sleel portrait of Gar Meld. Send for extra terms. THE HENHV BlIX PURMSHIXG CO., , NoltWICH, COKW, K*^W. Domesfic tffifHC TB A FIT, fS'AJLK. Men's Boy*' aud ( hildreu's si4c^, of the best qual­ ity and at Ottjcago prices. C. H| CULVER, mii; Ulchmond, Illinois. Sales of Sfccx'k, FamVmff Tools and,Goods ot nil kiiu s attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfjrf'tion Post Office adtlress, ftlOnMOND, tLU guaranteed. S W... -- flBAT.KR IN-- v * < m I I! « < »£BW!MS woo Breech an# Muzzle Loading Sit Guns. Powder, shot. Caps, Wads, apd Cartridges tor sale. Fishing Tnoikle cheag. All kinds of U|S-!.' .rr-A Sportii^ floods, AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Bi»ee0li t/wlimr, Dopble Barreled Gun.'warranted Tavist, flit. % Wir.cliesier Rifle, 7H tn»del, 15 shots, •25. Nickel Plated("> shot Revolver, Helf, cooking Fritlsh Bull Dog I'istol, #3.00. A good Single . Itarrc-l, Bveech Loading, Single Gun, warranted, OT. Guns and S)K»rtin * Goods. If' yon want a good-pun it w • 14.^.^ yon to oalb and tee me. t warrant^*;'; ̂ US^T.i I- a L.. *.Af Oothes Wrin<rer8 repaired and hew Rolls put on. rrice per pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, Jfllf lSth, l^i A. P. GRAY. Always Aliea^. WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, •"> : AXD BLACXSMITH «HOP, RICHMOND, ILL. I sell everv Implement. Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PT,.\TFORM SPRING, DE- LIV2RV AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, one, two and threfl seated, from the cele* bi n toil manufactory df J. W. Henry * Co., Fteeport. BlackHni itli in ((, Painting aud liepairing Done in a workmanlike manner and wrar ; ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adit,pic i for this section, and upon the HICsT TERMS TII AT CASH CAN PlTRCH.VSK, which en- allies us to supply our patron* withjnst wh:it they want, and at lower prices than sm­ other concern northwest of Chicago. (Jail and make exatt ination for yourselves before giv<ng your orders for any piece of machinery you tnnv neti'1 the coming season, and you will timt the bos' and most complete lino of F.irm Machinery ever before ofl'ored in Mcllcnrv Co Remember that we oder the VEHY ItE^T MACHINERV nt the VERY LOWEST PRICK that Cash can produce anywhere. e-. pfep' A. p. on a r, : };^Blchmdnd, IIU CONDUCTED BY DR. S. P. BENNETT. WANTED.--Thorndyke sviuouife to «»nd his address to Dr, S. F, Bennett. Examining Surgeon, Richmond. W. H. SANFORD, Mercliaut Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastslde of *aJ»lie Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. ACMd stock of Fine Cloths for ftiiitingt al­ ways en hand. Suits made to order aha a lit rarranted. Give me a call. W. II. SANFORD. Woodstock, 111., *ept. 27t h. 1"«75. CHEAI MILLIONS OF ACRES Ion sale In the GOLDEN OtLT of Kdpsas, by the UNIQ1I PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f gs arich Coil <ts tbc nun ever sbono oo, critli fraud markets e«si and west, JFor Descriptive an& ffluttva,tc& Jiooh^ With Mapa, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kansas DlvfcUti KANSAS CITY, >on long; creoit rad | easy terms, in a mild climate, free from heavy snows, blight, iug froxts, and ex. cishive rains. AMDS Bonslett, Near the Depot, > WIc^ENRY - - - ILL!lf6!3. Keeps coustantlv on hand the finest biands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which heawill sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour always, on hand and warranted as represented. Flux Seed Meal Always on Hand aflTFlour delivered any where In the Cor porntion. Orders m;iv tie *jfiveu b/ Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. , • GIV Jt ME A CALL. " ' • ^ ' L.BONSLETT. k" f,' Match o*u, L*n. • SKETCHES. Iropa Soldier's Memoranduin LBT1BK HO. 7. /feATTI.* OP BATON ROOOS. The capita! dty «f Louisiana was 'occupied by Union tr*t>p« a* early as May. A. D., 1863, and becauae ef the location, the good water, and the com­ paratively pure air (for that regtoti) the hospitals or the town were soon filled witli «lek and wounded aoldferp fi-om New Orleans, incitiding maimed and disabled seamen and mariners from Farragut's fleet. The tola". Unlen ferce at the time of the battle in August. 1862. Including the sick, was abeut 4,000 men. General Williams, a brave and skillful soldier, whose locks had grown white In the service of hi# country, was in command. Not exceeding 2,600 bayonets could be bourne in oftenftire. and possibly 3.400 In defensive Warfare. The entire command was more er less emaciated l»y sudden c!:*nge of climate and at best iu bud condition to fight a sanguinary battle. Gen. Williams nad, however, by ills untiring energy as a sanitarian and a disciple ef West Point, succeeded In bringing this motljr force to a high state ef efficiency. One gun boat, the Essex, lay oft the town, rml a powerful rebel ram, the Arkansas, was but a few miles up the river within sight from the state house and its vicinity. The state peniten­ tiary, a stone building not preno**a«t- ing in appearance, but of huge propor­ tions, was about half a mile east from the river. Suburban residences and a part of the business portion of the town had been burned to the ground by order of the Union commander, and the Union left were in position almost under the shadow of the prison walls, while the guns of the Essex and a light force of sharp shooters were In fact the Oiilv defense. Interposed between the town and the open country leading northward from the penitentiary to the levee. The right of the line were posted in an intretKiieti camp that covered all approaches to the town on that parf ef the Held. T A confederate force under General Breckenrldge had for some time menaced the town. The rebel outfit was vastly superior in numbers to tbelr antagonists. They were, however, not exsetlv the flower of the confederate army. There were young boys and old men, shysters from prisons, very laay and ignorant whites, and Mexicans and half breeds, making a combination of confused tongues and characters that Would beggar the descriptive powers of an Apoli^ , genii# Demosthenesf ' : Apparently {Tie tT»ton General used every necessary precaution to avoid a surprise, yet the 7Mi Vermont, throwu well forward to the left and front of the Union position, were completely surprised in their tents rfpfour o'clock iu the morning and stampeded. The surrlvors were driven pell mell inte the town; in the melee they lost their flag. Gen. Williams, with great celerity of movement, drew up the remainder of liis force in order of battle. Nims" Boston Battery at ence opened with spherical case and canister, and the headlong onset of the wild confeder­ ates was stayed. An hour later, after disultory skirmishing the confederates returned to the charge ; with a deafen­ ing yell iltev cleared the cemetery and deployed in cohmm in the open field- Like a huge serpent the massive column uncoiled and pressed on with it celerity and precision of movement that won the generotu admiration of their ene­ mies. Tills was indeed a trying mo­ ment for tlis little army in blue, many of whom three months before were In the field at the plow. B^ the la.tcs of war the burden of the conflict fell upon the 9th Ontiectienr. the 21st ludiaua and the 30th Massachusetts. Right nohly did these regiments guide or. their colors and breast the deadly storm Steady, let no man fire till the word is given. Aim low. Fire! What a relief; how the red flame of death belched from that steady Hue. The bat tery, a hundred fold, re-echoed and gave emplia«is to the swift rolling vol­ leys, and the old Essex, hitherto aqulet sen t i tic I of the purling waters, now made earth and river move with the thunder of her cannon. The fire of the confederates soon slackened; with com­ paratively few exceptions the rebels fought heavy and well. Again there was disnltoiy firing, and despite the efforts of cool-headed officers, much amunition was wasted on either side*. Fresh confederates repeatpdly relieved the soldiers at the front. Muskets grew foul and hot, men falutad-froui extreme thirst, and wounded soldiers died beg­ ging for a drop of water. The confed­ erates once more massed their infantry aud advanced warily to. the charge. Gen. Williams met them In a counter charge. He l«d tlie charge iu person and pai^ the penalty for heroic pourag* with his life, kut tlio rebel ranks were broken ami ihey hastened to tbe t>iielier of the timber,ai*di>«v«ry available pro- lection. ' They succeeded, however. It* ca^iluriu^ tUe bod/ of lUe v>cu. Williams aud several prisoners while this battle was raging. The rain. Arkansas, steamed down the river to take a hand in the ooutest, but contrary to our most sanguine expectation, the Essex disabled the, rel»el craft within fifteen Minutes after the first shot was fired. Later a flag of truce bourne by men In grey wa<* seen advancing. A message from Breckinridge demanded the unconditional surrender of the t«wn. stores and garrison, and (gener­ ous soul) was willing to, allow 90 min­ utes for a reply, threatening at the same time to attack under the black flag if his demand was refused. Col. Call ill, an Irish officer of the 9th Conn., was in command. At this critical moment Gen. Butler arrived from New Orleans and assumed the direction of affairs. His reply to Breckenridge was laeonic, vlx.: "tVe will meet you, air, under the flag of our fathers. Ben J. F. Butler, Major General commanding.** The coufeder&tes retreated. • m RARI) WINTRRti The V'ife T.akd Cbmel man claims to have heard the following conversation between Bill Loupe and Bob Metlala In a Fife Lake grocery: "This don't quite come np to two years ago. Bob, when the snow wai seven feet deep, and trains were saowed In four days. That was a hard winter.* "Hard winter! W'y, that was nothi•l, at all. Eight year ago the trains didn't got through here for three months and Uncle John Crayton had to pack all his provisions ever from Travers on snow •lines." "Yes, that was pretty tough, but It wasn't a marker to the winter Burt Howe stole Doe Morgan's turkeys, and had them all dressed before Doc quit raffling. Don't you mind how the wlad blew, too, and how it drifted* Whew! Nlrk Tlielss logged two eighties that winter on section thirteen, and in the spring Will Bailey happened down that way, looking laud, and got onto them stumps. Great bullfrog! The shortest stump In that lot was forty feet high-- Wlll bought the stump laud at fifty cents an acre and made #8,000 logging It over again next year." "Oh. I know all about that. Such stories as fliat might do to tell in Florida or Inn warm part of Texas. But you don't want to talk to me a mlanit about FJfe Lake winters. W'y, biey, I was tier* 'fore jhra *as%ora. Tou never lieerd of the winter of '49f "No; let 'er drive." '•Well, that was a windy year, and it was a little cold, too, you bet yer nigh steer! Winter set in the liili of Nov­ ember with the goshdaruedest whirl­ wind you ever smelt of. What do you s'pose I saw when I went down t' lake next morning to take a swim f" "What was itf "Well, the lake had froze thirty-four feet deep durin' the night, nt»' right out in the middle, that darned cyclone had raised a chunk of water sixty feet high .un' it had froze there stiff as a green: Norway In Febuwary. The blamed thing was 'bout a hundred feet 'cross the top, and taperod down to 'bout an inch at the bottom. TUe wind was blowin' like an old settler, too.** '•Did she blow over. Bob?n "Nary a blow. Before the wind could heave 'er over one way it would whew 'round and right 'er up again. And she kept goin' that w*/ till the 4jlh of oext June." fSTMany of the guides in Washlnsr* ton are grossly ignorant. A party of visitors from a Maryland county were taken about the city several days by one of them, and when the Jackson statue had been r«mch»d, one of the ((trangers asked l,-noeentIy."ls that the statue of Stonewall Jackson?" "Oh. yes sir." he replied, "that's Stonewall as he sat «»n his lioss at the battle of Bull Run." "Well, I declar'," said the inquirer as lie walkfd around and around the statue gating at in pure surprise. The description of the Wash­ ington statue on the east front of the oapitol by an old colored guide U also a unique oration. * Dat." said the old guide, "am dt stature of Glneral Wash­ ington. An' <lein letters arouu'jhlin set dat he was fu«t to flte, fust not to Ate, in' de fust ter get inter de hearts ob his countrymen. He was a great man, an' he died on his farm down de l'oto- muck riliber, aftur he had picked up Ingland wid one hand an' flung her down, ki'ockiu' de wind outeu her." This descript'on was satisfactory to his patrons, and an extra quarter was added to lils fee for the minstrel stump speech which the old fellow had unwittingly throwu In. |9~A Irlen 1 of ours, whose reputa­ tion for truth and veracity we have never had occasion to doubt went West a few weeks ago to grow up With tho country. In a recent letter he pictures the growth of the cities in the section where he has traveled as follows: "I went off into the mountains hunting, and night coming on went to sleep in a tree to be out of the clutches of tho wolves. I was awakeued early next moruing b; some workmen, who polite­ ly requested uie to get down aud AuUb my nap nu tbe court house steps, as they wanted to turn the tree into a flag pole t**r the ln»iel aero** the way. I got down and wliHe rubbing niy eyes was nearly ru i over by a street ear. and got tnv feet i*ii?l»'i up In an slrautu light TUK JIKALL^BOK ON 1CK. And now, at this gay and blitliel season of the year, the proverbial! boy procures for himself a pair skates by selling to a» old olo' man of the high hats once worn by hi* loved sire, and still considered by that individual, and one entire i of clothes belonging to the * aforoi sire. Then the small boV prays, a method of hie own invention, and makes use of diverse, peci schemes known only to tbe boy of set" for producing cold--yes extreme? frigid weather. And when the chllty weather been sufficiently long about (full the small boy knows how long it necessary to wait), lie hleshiiii to nearest skating pond, upon th« fr surface of which sport about, iu I glee, so many of bis chums and com] ious as have paternal high hats* articles of a like exchangeable at their disposal. Then the small boy and his cem| ionfc revel, with much uofse and hit Ity, In a rapturous medley of "sbinnf,- "tag," "pull away" snap the t etc., while the diminutive youth loving father was possessed of world wisdom and forethought, derived ft l»i% ©Wu boyhood's experience, therefore carefully locaed up all high hats, clothing, etc., not in aett use. at the first warning of the approi of winter, stands sadly upon the brii of the pond, aud remarks, as with a dreary suicidal look hn gazes U( his more fortanato companions, "1 golly! If pop don't git tne some skat pretty soon, I'll run away and some.Injun tribe orsumpt hin.' b'j Pretty soe n the small boy fails d< --falls down hard, and strikes unon "foundation"--his "sanctum saiietti urn," for such Indeed it is, or at I< should be; but he does not complain < mind It at all save that Ids hand stol ing quietly behind, gives* touder or two to the infured member, and game proceeds. Anon the small becomes entangled with seven of campanlons in a wild and awful scrii mage for the "bhiuney block." and, they all fall to a heap together, small boy gets kicked in th« «ido of i neck with the back of an opponeit! skate, aud at the same fluie. his "a ny stick" somehow gets caught in trousers pooket, and teaia a tear at thirteen aad three-feurtb inches down the side ef hls brtidhes leg.•' The fro»t ladun breezes whistle at the above mentioned tear and at tbo bottom otitis troiwers-leg; angry for a moment, the small shouts vehemently, "Great gosh jiminy! What the devil are yer doj Can't yer play shluuj without kiukii 'the stufBus' out of a feller's neck bustiu' his pants to thunder?' '1 the game again proceeds. After awhile, out not until he bn been struck in the mouth twice by swiftly flying "shinny-block," and under lip feels as big a& if ho had "sour-ball" iu his mouth, the small bo.i and hit friends tire of "shinuy." anil a game of "pull-away" is started ami* much enthusiasm. Somebody is *^1 for "uiakin' up the game," acd ore Ions tqe small bev is grabbed by the and. by force of his inortia thrown again violeutly upon his "sanctums* to ruin." This time he falls upon rough and the "bosom" of his pants, (so o before subjected to treqieudousstnUu«| gives way, SO that wheu he arises. t« large white "eyes" are seen - peerii out from under bis "see more" o The small boy does uot gruiuble, though he feels "pretty daru«d soi bul lie is weary of "pullaway." aud poses "snap the whip." The other acquiesce, atid the euterprisiug and daunted small boy gets ou the tip oi of the whip "so as to git sriung far." In about the fourth rouud tho som boy "gits slung far" enough to him, for he slides over where tho ioe thin aud breaks through into tho water with one leg (the leg witoro tl tear is, of course), an elbow and Ill-fated "sanctum sanctorum." T the small boy feel* home sicfc. He ha a hankering for the kitciieu range the home of his father, lie jrearus a dry coat and pauts, ami so bo ndl] starts for home. On the way he stop* tn soe a fight, aud the wet trousers-leg freel so stiff that lie Is compelled to get brick and knock ull the ioe before can b**nd his knee. When tlis sm boy gets home, he informs his mot| that a bull dog attacked I imu. vvhilo I was coming home tr<uu school, nud t« his clothes. But tJfe!« storjT "dtMtn* work" The small boy's mother "tumbles.* aud as the tell-tale "eye*" ttntfar coat behind, iulorttis her as to tl whereabouts of the hoy's "weak point.' (yea, and sore), site takes him into tl tall bedrooui, aud avails him iu ti tear with a hair-brush. £ver aud as she pauses lor breath. sbJ intof sperses the howls ol tho small with cheerful quotations, like the of the transgressor is^, of all rvI lots cast autoug mortals* l of the mtr" buy is (lie sathieat* . , . t-- " ONLY «*L For a New Y ork Singer, any Singer in tbe market. This i* same at.«le other retail •59. AII Mi UhimW warranted f<»Pj yeats. , ***•

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