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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1883, p. 4

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y>ftWl8nAY, FBB.21, 188S. • Kditor. I®* Titer# are now 115.000 milns of in th* ITnitf(I Stare*, which *oet, with the equipment*, more 'tilt* •ft.OOO.OOO.OOO. In 1881. 1.000.000 were employed In oparatinjj *»#f»«!»irBfnictlnj; these roads. this filHttr twins ml most equal to a seventh »f the male adult population «f th« United States. Diiriaf the sane Jyamr the roads paid out $450,000,000 for tlwayas aid materia), ------------------i ^ l9"One of the New York and Brook­ lyn ferry companies charges that one »f their employees, whom they have liad arrested, has helped himself to farea. two cents at a time, to the ex* eeedinfl? cheerful tune of thirty to fort? thousand dollars. Seems as if twry man who holds a prominent posl- la the east where lie handles any 4amouut of money, manages to feather iita swn nest pretty handsomely. * ' Waucooda Department. K'rmM >"r m*t*f « |,'- ,v * ' ! '.»l ' ' .s -5rw85» • ' : esf-stTmqRtl'TlOJf* frtr the PfcAtsri>tAL*i will b« toeotven in Wauconda at F. B. Har. toon's I>rug Stow aim by John UolUittg W&firvi ; »!./• . U> i v.j ...•}> ftAi ?*..#»# 1 '<•; r > Wii. ; J - J fi fl^Deatli has been busy tlurlnf the v^Mst week in the ranks of prominent ;^pnea. Among those he has claimed as rjjhtfc ewa are Richard Waguer, the . |freatest of modern musical composers; ' ^x-GoTernor Marshall Jewell, of Con- cticut, Wlliiain E. Dorife, the New ork merchant and philanthropist, ex- ^Oovernor E. D. Morgan, of New York, :|e*-Governor W. E. Smitli,of Wisconsin, ykad ex-Gorernor Stephen Hempstead. ymt lew*. MMftie Michigan SenatoriaH*r>ftt»st y ^has assumed a new phase in the failure / lief Senator Perry and his brother E'l. I^fllfward, at Grand Rapids, with liabilities ' «of several hundred thousand dollars. "The direct cause of tiie disaster is not Jfctwexpenses of the Senator's campaign $ Lansing among the hungry legisia- «tert, but the collapse of a Utah mining rjKbeme, in which the firm had a large 9 HavMtmeut. The Senator's represents- 'tlvwatthe State capital have been teereed with notices «f a suit to recover mi Iward bill of 92,300 for the statesman's '•Hiiftd'tf "strikers." JflTWiggins has plainly extin- ifr«lehed Vennor and himself at once. J^vaaer was eomewhat cautious and his jjfrii--i hit occasionally. But Wiggins gashed in boldly and made weather by Ipat. Hit flat weather comes te grief H$er It falls to materialize at the proper ttlae* Wirglns is not exactly asor- •©erer, for he has not the cunning. He .*|ias the prophetic gift of the old alma- l|iae makers, exaggerated. These -IprMifcer seers indulged in such prophe- ilttS as this. "expect rain now," Wlg> Spldie baa leaa caution, however. He In- fjiilgM ls great, earth-shaking calami- iVm aal tlwreby attracts more atten­ tive Mian the aW*dy "expcct-raln about f t h M i r f a y s " p r e p h e u " " ' tBTTn making up their list of states that they claim are stiffs 4* cast their electoral votes for a democratic presi­ dent in 1884, the democratic press of the country f>ws MarylaiH)- with the Nil id ones, The jr-are liable to be dis­ appointed In this respect. There Is 40 state in the Union where the demo> eratfe party la in sneh sad need of harmony. It is split into three factions each of which is anxious to control the organization. »A governor Is to be elected this year, and union, or the ap­ pearance of it, is recognised a« neces­ sary if the democracy Is to continue In control of the state. It is well known tlist Govenor Hamilton has pursued such aa inde pea dentcourse and shown so much disregard of wishes of the democratic bosses down there, that he has no prospect of a renom I nation, if he wants one. There is no doubt that with proper organization sad work, the republicans eould make such sn inroad upon the democratic majority as to place Maryland in the list of doubtful states in 1894. The' republicans see their opportunity and will make the most of it. MP" The Pontiac Sentinel ̂ has a word to say upon a relic of the barbaric past. The matter is applicable all over the state: "Under the present lavir the super- visor'* of each township post up three notices when an election is called in this county, for which they each charge $2.50. making a total expense to Liv- .iiigston comity of $75. For one-third that amount an flection could be pub­ lished in every newspaper in the coun­ ty for four weeks, and, the newspaper notice would give more publicity to the peof le of the approaching election than all the notices that have been stuck en the side of a barn in the last twenty years. But It is utterly im­ possible to induce the legislature to change the law and provide for print­ ing these election notices in the news­ paper columns. This tiling of slicking up a written notice is a relic of the d»rk ajres, befere newspapers were es- 'ablSshed. and ought to have been abolished a score of years ago. But we venture to say that nothing will be dane about it by the present legisla­ ture. because some sod-corn statesman will set iip the howl that, to pass such a Jaw would "benfflt llie newspapers,*1 and, while it might benefit the news­ papers. it would also save the taxpayers of Livingston county the sum of 950 every time an election is lreld In this county." Not many Items of interest have been brought to our notice this week. Th* town has been unusually qu'et owing to the condition of the roads. Friday both the stage drivers remained at home. Saturday the Harrington stage made Its regular trip, but tiie Wauke- gan mail is not expected until Tuesday. There Is a great deal of sickness at the present time, and both debtors are kept busy, llr. James Wells has beeu, and is, very sick, bnt to-day Dr. Wells expresses hope Of his recovery. Messrs. Henry Wells and Wm. Tid- marsh hare entered into partnership. James Kirwin Intends joining Antony King in business in tiie spring. Mr. W. II. Ford, having rented bit faraa, uid being unable to secure a de­ sirable residence id town, has been drawing stone for an addition which lie will build on his father's house as soon as the weather permits. Mr. Enerson Cook has returned from Chicago; Bev. Mr. Cooper preached In the Methodist church Inst. Sun day. i , fW > With an unusually large assortment W4U ' 'Ali • AQTTlie officials of the Dominion across the St. Lawrence think thai 9450,000 worth of American-built carl have, been smuggled into Canada and are now used there* They say the ears were brought across the line loaded and never returned, from which it would appear that the United States is having the best of the trade. H. ionyg the Minnesota foliti- «Maw who were active in compassing t.' itke defeat of Senator Wlndom was &iadred. whose unblushing attempt to Wvy his way Into Congress from the | iFlfth Dlstrlet of that State was so lieavilysat down upon last November. iThere Is said to he great intimacy lexiatiag between him and Mr. Win- deflft woeessor, and that the latter aspires to be the State boss while Kin­ dred will be content te boss hii Oen- Sf--- greeelonal district. The heavy major- against Kiadred was considered u 1s OMOO for congratulation by every ad- ^ ' veeate of purity in politics, bnt the ?!* Boaatorial contest, seems to have re- ^ '.Si the situation aud been a signal nrXTletory for the bosses. S??{ '&l A Mil has been introduced at Spring- hr Sold to provide tdr the publisliing in f. -- oewspapers of all laws enacted, that the fl/ people may know whither they are Hi"drifting and what is expected of them. ^The seSeme is a good one an*) should If ' BOt fall of success. For one thing, the publication of the appropriation bills will let the people know where the Money goes, and how much of it is go- !•* ; this knowledge is likely to lead to a reduction in taxation. The bill should become a law.--Elgin Advocate. There is nothing that could be done by the State that would so tend to in. form the people of Illinois of what the lawe really are, where their State taxes go, and what each successive Legisla­ ture doea* Let the matter be guarded as well at laay be from abuse, and let all noMMtpers in the State publish the lawa. Wisconsin is a long way ahead •f Illinois in this matter.-- Waukegan QaMtte. J* From the Boston Traveller, January 8,183S. Of all the attempts which have been made of late to utilize the wonderful resources of electricity for domestic nurposes, none have been more strik­ ingly successful, and few are so inter­ esting to a wide range of readers, as the new Invention of the Portable Electric Light Company, whose manu­ factory, at 79 Water Street, is now a scene of the greatest activity both day and night. The instrumeut from which this comoany takes its name is a small and compact piece of mechanism, occu­ pying a space only five inches square and it can be readily carried from room to room, as it weighs bnt five pound*. It is so const rue ted as to furnish elec­ tricity, whenever desire*J for a larg% nuiiber of important andconstantly re­ curring domestic uses. When provided with simple window, safe or door at­ tachments. It serves as an unfailing and startling burglar alarm, the trespasser being confronted with light aud bell Instantly, and is equally adapted for the ordinary uses of a call bell. As a is perfect, being capable of producing Instantaneous light in any part of the house, by adjustments fur­ nished by the company. It can also be attached to a medical galvanic coil by which a powerful current of ^electricity can be conveyed. Many prominent business men are interested in the company, which was incorporated un­ der the l:£Ws of Massachusetts and is enjoying already a most gratifying succe*s. Orders or inquiries should be addressed to the business office of the company, No. 22 Water Street. We understand that this instrument is sold at the low priee of five dollars for the lighter; ten dollars complete with at­ tachments. AUCTION, SATURDAY, FEB., 24, 1 Having s'jld my farm I now offer at auction, without reserve, at my residence, 4 miles north of Nunda village and 3 miles south; of McHenry, the following prop­ erty: 5 warranted' stein Cows. half-breed Hoi- <£r- 28 Grade and Native J with Calves by sides. 3' V' , 2 two-year-old Steers*; 11 head Shoats. 1 Span Work Horses. 1 Wagon. i 600 Bushels of Oata. A lot of Potato^**: Several hundred bushels Corn hi lots to suit purcm3ers. ^̂ t Terms : -- Under $10, cash#; That amount and' upwards, six months time on approved notes at 7 percent, interest. One per cent, off for cash. No property to be removed un­ til terms ot sale complied with. JOIIW II. DORAX. J. A. SmawooD, Auctioneer. Hardware, Tinware, Staves, Granite Iron-Ware, &e . BOTTOM FRIC1S#.--/ ifOHTV I. STORY, \1S At ttie olcf Htand of Jacob Story, McHenrj, invites $ , j V,!> ne at Dairymen, Honse-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everythin«r in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IRON W ARB, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteeff^ Tin Roofing, Eave Ti onghing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to. J5iF~Remember, extra good bargains can always be obtained. GQ Sales of Stock, Farm ing Tools, illl<l U00(18 of all Iviiulb Promptly Atteadeil to l i: l; ,\i Ueatonaolo m 33B2E- J. A. SHERWOOD, Algonquin, - Arc cottstihtly clihnging. ^fterice the necessity for new glasine^ suitably adjusted to meet the new requirements, and hence the value of pur •Bv ' Which greatly increase? our facilities for property fitting specta­ cles the first tiial. It you already wear glasses, or need' to wear them, let us prove th© Hcouracv of and theu "lease report the tesiSI to yotir neiglibors. Also notice the M r w po YOU WANT .BUY -TO A Sewing Madtfiii? New Adjustable Riding Bow Frames, ; Or curved frames passing back of the ears, thus preventing' the annoyance of their falling off when bending over. Remember we carry a full line of SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, COLORED GLASSES ai:d other Optical Gocds, as well as DRUGS. MUSIC, BOOKS, AND STATIONERY, and that we furnish promptly and cheaply any article you wish in these departments which we do not have iu stock. t -- F. a HARRI80N. Wauconda, Feb. 1 SVTbe curse of redtaplsta in' gov- ernment affairs is painfully Illustrated la the recent inundations in Italy. Until lately, the care of the Adige and Po rlrsrs was left with the local au­ thorities. These rivers could net, in the old daya of despotism, rice a hun­ dredth part of a foot without creating alarm all along the banks. Instantly She authorities made n»e Of the im Mease magazines stored with sacks of •arth, faggots, cradle?, huge stones and other materials to heighten the eoi bankments and strengthen the out­ works. Owing to the centralization of tbe present government, it is necessary toaeud to Home for permission before anything can be done to avert a dis­ aster. As a consequence of this redtap- Ism and the delay in getting tiie neci'8- aary orders to cut one of the embank- mente to let the surplus watei into tiie sea. the river burst its barriers in four placea aad carried death and destruction in tta course. Now in midwinter, thousands of families are housel«ss mid homeless, huddled in barns, granaries, and unhealthy churches, where diar­ rhoea and uiphtheria are decimating their number*. The sums collected by private charity or sent by the govern­ ment, are delod out by the 6yn<iici> in the form of black bread, a shutdown of straw, and a horse-cloth. It is natural eaoogh that the adversaries of existing Institutions should contrast the Pule- sine, Inundated aud left to rot. w It ti Chicago bunted dowu aud rebui lt i u eii' Mouths. The North American Review for March opens with an article on "Money in Elections,^ by Henry George, who brings to tiie discission of that hack­ neyed subject a contribution lull of originality, freshness and keen Insight; he points out with admirable clearness one source of our political ills, and pro­ poses a remedy thai seems both emi­ nently practicable and efficient. Robert 8. Taylor writes of tiie "Subjugation of the Mississippi," a work which, in his opinion, and in that of the Mississippi Commission, of which he is a member, can be accomplished only byemploying, for tiie purpose of deepening and straightening the channel, the forces developed by the river itself. Moncure D. Conway contributes a very striking study of Gladstone as a man and statesman, showing how even the more or less sinister moral and Intellectual trails of his nature, quite as much as his pre-eminent native force and elera tion of character, conspire to make him tiie foremost Englishman of his time. Hon. Gtorge W. Julian's "Rail­ way Influence in the Land Office" ia a gravp, judicial exposure of the practice which, against the manifest intent of the law and tiie determinations of the highest courts, have won for corpora' lions millions upon millions of acres of 'the public domain. Richard A. Prostor writes of the "Pyramid of Cheops;* Prof. Wm. G. Sumner of "Protective Taxes and Wages;" Klizur Wright of "Some-Aspects of Life Insuranceand finally, there is a^ymposium on "Edu­ cational Needs," by. Prof. G. Stanley Hall, Prof. Felix Adler, Pres. Thomas Hunter, and Dr. Mary Putnam Jacebi Published at 30 Lafayette place. New York, aud f<Sr-sale by booksellers gen­ erally, ' '-Vi'.y- atr*j7- ..... sag gg||p~-r- I have on hand and am selling at the Low. est prices, the Domestic, KMre»l}fe, Newr Home, Sprinsfteld, New American, and Singer Sewing Machines, ;itxl w<ll not be undersold by any a^ent in the <*onntv. A good hinder Machine 'for <30. warranted to do the work of anv Singer Machine in the world. C»ll and see me. iiiht'i i't .-rii-iitniv iii'im iijiwirijjyii O. W. OWEN. W. OWEN, --DEALER IN Clockt, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. 22. Carpenter. MAKER. Mtep eppositt Parker; lion so. McHenry, » Illinoid. T would inform and thn public generally that I am miw prepared, with first class workmen and {Kxxi material, to mnnu- facture wagons ami BujfsieH on short notice and a4 Low I'vices at a good articic cau be purphased elsewhere, IAL^DOA General Blacksmith ing Business, and will dofonr work in the best ot maimer and with the least possible delay. HORSE SHOEING A 8PFCIAI-TT. , U El "AIRING Of all kinds promptly ittended to. Call aLd see for yourself. E. CARPENTER. McHenry, Jan. 16th, l$3. x •fit-,*: .• • I'-VA 1.- V.JU ^THZ^r LIGHT SI MPLS T keep in *to«*k the celebrated RprinfrQeld Watch, which is pronounced by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold, On any goods in my line, _ a If. OWEK. McHenry, Feb. SO, l«t. ; So BSCBIPTIONg for the PLAIKWKAlER wil l bo received a t Volo a t the s tore of Henry Rogers, who Is authorized to rec« i vOsBoney •um«. receipt for r^iie wo E.LA Merchant Tailor, ^ L KEfPS Fpreign and Domestic Cloths,, WARRANTS A FIT, WO S4IE. AL$0 (;LOTKING, Mmi's "Boys' and Children's sizes, *f the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. i Store opposite Kverside House, McHenry f Ili:ioi8, ^NEWllOME^ •SEIWR31.X&CH1SB 00' CHICAGO J LL.̂ ----' ORANC3Elt MASS. AND ATLANTA. 6A. . New Home Sewing Machine Co. 248 State St., Chicago. OWEN. Agent, y 4 ,T* f !' 1McHenry, Big Giant Feed Mills. Will grind Cob and all. or Shelled Corn and Oi»ts mixed. Warranted ' to do as good work as any mill for a simi­ lar purpose, and to grind as fine and fast for kind of grinding recommended ns any oilier mill of same size and priee. For sale by $. & J. Sherman, living 2 mi lea West of McHeury oqibo Woodstock road. ' • „ Mcllenry, Jan. 15thj IMS. *-4mM . . , T; ; ; ; . a - z i . ;T, . * ; . :S I ̂ :;q •. Vigj*.., .*«.• i •• "«-«"* 11 • I • itt t.M ' • i'. " ITou s--i Many hundreds of our neighbors and friends have purchased one of then .1,..,], menls wiihiti the lust twelve vcf»rs, in ft tiis twelve ve^rolfl am uperb imtru« other orgun that ie eoht in thib section HEW. Thev lire the finest toned nrtran ;n^ the only organ that improves with use You miyVsk! why "n'l olhw' nakan ™2k ,I0r. l.d ' ^ an organ a8 the Ksl,r? Tiiii Secret remains with the Estevs. iheir ^a^ntran^ Uv.StirfnT1 winch cannot be used by anv other maker, They have entirely overcome^ the • " " ' : Quality of Tone,#eunO ton® Other Orffan. *s • < "» ' v *!*•" Mavlnirte>d n«arty Hrenty yearii experleaee In selling and repairing organs, I claim to^now something about an orjtan, and I should like to give some advice to any one who contemplates Inlying an instrument and would try, in the fhstplacir to advice you about the slops in an orpin. I find in a great majority of cpses that the first question asked by a purchaser is: Row many stops has your organ? How to show yon how unimportant that »e, I will tell you that as K«tey Organ, with two sets of reeds, of live octaves each, is saying it has 122 reeds, or notes, and requires only seven stops, but can use only nine at the most. Some or the lower grades «f organt of diflerent makes advertise their organs as having ten sets of reeds and twenty-Meven stops, when, in fact, they only contain 1S2 reeds or notes, and can only use nine Htops, legitimately. I have a circular from an eastern factory, ad vertising these or­ gan's as having ten octaves ot reeds, whieh means two sets of-live octaves each, or 1*22 reeds or notes. Now I would ask any one why the twenty-seven stops are put into an organ which lias but 122 notes and can on ly use nine, if not to deceive the purchaser, who,as a rule, knows bnt little about an instrument fer the reason that he is buying the llrst organ. 1011 tell a fariper that you have a mower th^i has thirty.two sickles, and when he investi­ gated it and found it had but two sickles ef sixteen sections each, you would say it was intended to misrepresent the mower. So I say of the organs thatadvertisetwenty-seven stops and leu sets of reeds. It is done to mislead. 1 advise any one buying an organ to buy the Estey, of Bratlleboro, for several reasons. First: It is the best made organ before the peblie, consequently will last the longest. Second: It is the best tone* Third: It has the best ac­ tion--1« the quickest to respond to the touch, therefore, the quickest music written can be played 011 it. In proof of its durability I will, with permission, refer to some of tbe persons who hav* the Kstey in use the longest liuie: Henrv Colbv, * ; "lieHenry, 111.' C. V. Stevens, II. C. Smith, r Geo. Clurk, s H.'II Nichols, Universalist Church,; Jienrv ltogers, ltobert Paddock, Stebhins Ford, iK l>o l»e De- HO Vat' Volo. Id. 1)0 Wauconda, 111. Wm. Tidmt Dr. Wells, Mr. Bangs, John Hanson, T. J. Ellis, IJr. Buck, Congregational Ghnreh, Allan lilies, Mr. Newman, Wiucon^ill. K)hgwoo«t, 111. Do , . Woddstock, 111. Do * Do Do If you want a cheap oigan we can fanish you a Chicago made Instrument for |M n4 upwards, MoSenry, 111., rebruary SOtfc* O. W. OWEMi x'Pni if. ESUCCESSORS TO PERRY, 4 MART1||.| We*are* at thfi old qiiurtera tritbri fuH stock We shall make a Speoial Feature of our Dress Goods ml Triiminp, Our assortment is complete in Cishacrss, .Jhudahs, ' CamsleU«% : 1 Buttons, Drop Orsunints, Bisid Ornsants, lassiauttsriia, Bibboaa, Plaids, Trim'g Strip ss, $Wip*s, le,v lilks tnd Satins. AMERICAN AND FBEMCH nRFRS SILKS ^ v *; T i - : -V Spanish, French, Aurlllac and Oriental Laoe% Hamburg Embroideries, *c. k full 'ine of C. M. Henderson & Co.'s celebrated boots and and ciu^ren's fine • Ready-Made Clothing, At prices low<ir"%an the loWnt. Underwear, Men's and Boys'Hatt and Caps, Groceries, Crockery, bait, etc. Give us a call. &i b<Ztu PERRY & BtfCI* not» I'fe 's sweeping bv, go bd I dare before you die; some- TI I I I IL ' niijrlitv and Snblinie, leave behind to roiKnicr liuii!." «H>a week in your own town. $5 «uti:t fun No risk. Everything new. Cjpit>»l not require'!. We will furnish you everything. Miiuv are making fortunes. I.ii'lies make as mu'ob aa men. and boys and girls make great imy. Reader, il y"u want business at which you can make (rest pay all the nme, write for particulars to tt« HAL- I.tXT ft CO., Portland, B|a|ne, NOTICE TO PIITSICIAITS AND ACCODCHBRS; You are hereby notitled to make returns to me tininediatelv of all larths and deaths up to v January 1st, 18a?3, as 1 am required by law to rnaks full report to the State hoard of Health annually and am now making records up to said date. Those Physicians who have not registered ns the law directs are re«i nested to do so iiuinediately. . . WM. AVERT, County Clerjto Woodstock, January 1, 1883. (County papers please esff),

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