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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1883, p. 5

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^ ' "•* -V*-'.; •'act.,-*: •ft r7 ^ WEDNESDAY,; FEB,21.1883. allroad Time Table. .;_y ooiico Boom. 7,rtke rassensferA. V f l t a m U k e R x p r e e * . . . . . 8 : 9 0 " •eaara Lake Freight..... ...,1 :•»!*. * o'UV'Vf^itTS. T.ake Freleht SRFTT A. * filimUlce Express .4:Mr. K •nm L«k« Pimnnr.... " . B. BF«S. Aneot. McTTenry, HI Kd«SOXTO ^ VoWlCOTtT T,ono*. Sn. 15* A. F. «|<t A. M.- tmllTOmninnirUlMi the «atnri*r m «»r ktrart tha full *f the moon and every twa VMki thereafter. CHAD. O. COTER, W. H, Wnfawav rwAPTK* So. MR.A. M --Ue*u. lar CnTCMtlont held nn the second and fourth Wto'i ii each wmeh. SMITH «BAIILK«, H. P. THIS subject; of the dlsconrw it the tjWlversallst church on Smulav morning aext will be "The Christ of Universal- leas." JMRI OAILORKR. who formerly kept « news-room In this villas. was found deed In his bed, one morning last week. W« latTt net learned further ptrtlen* lin. W* acknowledge a fine serenade bv the Band connected with the McHenry^ Minstrels on Monc'ay night. Com earlier next time beys, before we ge to bed. • • •. • TBBCemetery Aid Society wilt meet with Mrs. Julia Bishop, on Friday *fterneen at 3 o'clock. MM. T. - Jrui A. STomf, Sec. To go behind the ear of a woman to kiss her. la like chewing the bark of a peach tree In winter and Imagining that peaches are Just ripe. \ THK spots on the snn are larger than cieer, and a red spot has been discover­ ed on the face of Jupiter. Tlie celes­ tial bnckwhart seas<vn seems to hare •jwned earlier than u«ual this year. THOW Interested should not forget the Auction of Stock, etc., at the farm of John H. Doran, an advertisement for which tan bo found in another Column. Youiro ladies who paint •'flelrer pieces" are reminded that the flower piece that is »o»t attractive to the marrying man is a batchof good broad. THE Washington Monument will stop this season at 342 feet. Ar.d title, is the d Hie re nee between It and the average Washington politician, for tliof stop at©. THE attention of our readers in Wau- eenda and vicinity is directed to the now advertisement of F. B. Harrison. Druggist, to be found elsewhere in this paper, ThkbL L.C." will meet with Miss Julia A. Story, on Wednesday afternoon Feb. S®th. at nsual hour. .Topic: En­ gl lib History. MRS. JAM AS B. PEBBT, Pres. Hiss JULIA A. STORY, sec. "Wl havn't heard from the fellow who itole our revolver, yet. and don't sup­ pose wo ever will; but if ho will nail at our office ho can have the main spring and a hundred cartriiges."and no ques­ tions asked." ' Farmers and others desiring a gen­ teel, lucrative agency business, by which 16 to (20 a day can be earned •end address at once, en postal, to H. C* Wilkinson A Co.. 195 frtd 197 Fulton Street, Nfw York. A KKGULAR Convocation of McHenry Chapter No. 34, R. A. Masons, will be held on Friday evening of this week, Xbe 23d. Work on the M. M. Degree- All members are urgently requested to attend. By order of the M. E. I. P. THK Mission Band, of the McHenry M. E. Sabbath school wtll have a meet­ ing next Sabbath evening at the M. E. church. Subject: Japan. All are in­ vited to attend. MAE. J. 0. BTOELOW, PRES.. Mips STKi.r.A BECKWITH. Sec. NBII<L DONMBI.LT, an old and bichLy / respected citizen of this county and 'a J leading merchant of Woodstock, died ] at his residence in that city on Mon- 1 day last. Re had been sick for some time, and his death was not unex- \ peeted. His funeral will be held to* day, Wednesday. LOST, in the yillage of McHenry, en Thursday, Feb; 8th. a small Box, about the tise of a common chalk Box, con­ taining two bottles,the box marked on the-side "glass," and a letter "D" on the end. The Under will be sultaoiy rewarded by leaving the same at this •fllce. F. A. HBBARD has sold the building lately erected by him, opposite the Brick Yard, to Fred Block, and pur­ chased from E. Law 1 us the lot next, to Ills store, and will, as soon as the weather will permit, erect another building thereon^ Mr. Ilebard has true ^enterprise, aird--fa bound to kee£ the ball rolling in some way. O. W. OWKN, Jeweler and dealer in Organs, Sewing Machines, etc, bas taken considerable space in the Pmn- DKALER to-day, la order to tell tiie public what he has to sell, and also to tell them how and why they oan save noney by buying only the best, whether aa Organ, Sewing Machine or Watch. Bead his advertisements carefully. It wtll pay you. THERE will be four eclipses the pres­ ent year--two of the sun and two of the moon. On April 23nd there will bo partial eclipse of the fiooii, which will be visible on the Pacific coast. «JTIte next eclipse will betfcat of the suit on May 6tl»; it will tilt be visible in country. The third is that of the oa October 16th, ai)d will be visi all parts of the Uuited States. The fast is that of the sun, whieh occurs October 30th, aad will, lie partial pn the PaeJflc Coast. THE Valentine Sociable at the resi­ dence of C. B. Curtis. On Wednesday evening last, was emphatically the Sociable of the season. The turnout was large and all seemed to be deter­ mined to have a good, time. In fact It was a real social time. O. W. OWE* last week pat in his residence a fine new Piano, from the music house of Story A Camp, Chicago. Person* intending to purchase a Piano are requested to call and see this one before purchasing, as Mr. Owen is confi­ dent he can save you money la the" pur­ chase of an instrument. Do not shorten tha beautiful veil of mist cove Hag childhood's futurity by too hastily drawing It away; but per­ mit that jey to be of early commence­ ment and of long standing, which lights up life so beautifully. The longer the morning dew remains hanging in blos­ soms of flowers, the more beantlfhl the day.--Richler. A I-OCAL wit has furnished us with the following. WE admit it without iUjcemraents: ' Little drops of printer's infe" ' A little type "displayed,**>' ' /<" Make our rnerrhant-lxisses, V And all their big parade. . Little bits ot stinginess-- Discarding printet's ink Bursts the man of businei And sees his credit sink ip MAKRIED:--At the residence of, the Tjride'a, parents, iti this village, on Thursday evening," Keh. 15th, ISM, by the Rey. J. C." Bigeloxv, .Julius J. Vasev.of Ring wood, and Misg Eloue aite, of McHenry. Ye editor and family acknowledge the receipt of a box of fine wedding cake, and we hereby tender our con­ gratulations with the wish that life's thorny path, 'vhich they have new promised to travel together, /may be strewn with roses to the end. IN the advertisement of John B. Blake, Furniture dealer, the paragraph in relation to Undertaking was acci­ dentally left out. We would «»y, how­ ever, that he has in stock a full If tie of Coffins, Caskets, and Trimmings of the latest designs, and at prices that will compare with the lowest. He also has a fine Hearse In connection with his establishment. > A COTTON rope of half nn Inch, or even three-eights, in diameter, with a stout hook at> the end, is a first-c)a*s art icle for travelers. It can be .fastened instantly around the leg of a bedstead, and any man or weni»ii of ordinary strength can easily slide down It. by wrapping It around the arm or leg and taking care not to go so fast as to blister the hands. THE ladies of the Unlversalist church will hold their n«xt social with Mr*. E. M. Owen, Feb. 28th. At this social each lady Stnd gentleman will be pre­ sented with a picture card. This alone Is calculated to prod'ice fun enough for one evening, but the ladies are expect­ ed to be weighed, and the man holding the card having a picture on It exactly like the lady being weighed is expected to takf her to supper. _ ISAAC WKNTWORTH, of this village, has kindly handed us a copy of the Catskill, N. Y., Examiner, in which we find § summary of the Ice harvested on the Hudson river, for the season of 1883, and it foots up the enormous amount of 3,151,000 tons. This does not include that stored for local consump­ tion, and al*o leaves out the amount boused at Albany and Troy. This, we believe, is the largest ice harvest ever recorded In the United States. Upon a written request, properly signed, I hereby call a meeting of the McHenry County Teachers' Associa­ tion at N"unda. on Saturday. March 3d. 1S73. Said meeting will decide whether ths Association shall be main­ tained or not, and any and all other questions that may properly cotne be­ fore it. A good progrnnnie will be presented sls6^. !'"V. '• ' | > (Signed) ' J. A. ^HUjmir^ See. Feb. 19, 1833. SINCE our last another change of business has taken place in this village. E. M. Howe (more familiarly known as "Gene'") haviug. purchased the Hard­ ware stock of 0, C, Colby, in filestore opposite Bishop's Mill, and taken pos­ session of tfie same. "Oene" is a prnc- tical man in the Tin and Hardware trade, and as he informs us he will im­ mediately fill up his stock to meet the requirements of the times, we predict that he will^et tiie share of the public patronage. His new advertisement will appear in these columns next week. THE following lit reluion t6 the bridge question, we find in the Wood­ stock Sentinel of last week: "Wo un^ derKtaud the decision of Judge Upton in the bridge case of McHenry town­ ship nr. MuIIenry county has been reversed and remanded by the Appel­ late court. It will be remembered that Judge Upton held that llie County was liable for one half of the oust of 'the new Iron bridge constructed across the river at McHenry and that an appeal was taken by the County which has resulted as above stated. This decision means a new trial or an appeal to th« Supreme Court," AN exchange says: "Perhaps some of the towu collectors may not have noticed the change in the law regard­ ing their duties. \ According, to the revised statutes of 1881 at the time of making returns to the county collector, each town collector shall make out and deliver to the county collector a de­ tailed statement in writing of the amount of taxes ho has been unable to collect on real estate, and from persons charged with personal property taxes. The manner of making out these state­ ments will involve quite a considerable amount of extra work, as ihe statement moat bo very explicit. The form of making such reports, can be seen in section 1U9 of revised statutes of 1881." W&NTRp;---4 fair-siz^d house In good condition, foe which a liberal rent will be paid. L. J. DIKSMORE. City residences for sale. Apply* to Asa W. buiHh, Wwmlstock, 111. A MONO the awgest needs Of our vil­ lage are cheap tenement houses. When we say cheap we do not mean buildings simply fit to live in, but those or a comfortable character. We believe tbe investment would pay. From the readiness with which small places are snapped up in town we are led to the coueluslon that a real want exists in this particular. Buildings of the kind wo have mentioned draw In outsiders. It is, of course. Impossible to say what effect the lack ot suitable heeses for rental has had upon the prospects of McHenry. but we affirm from what has fallen nnder our personal oboervation that its population bas been kept down In consequence of this lack. Viewed In this light the matter is far from being of secondary importance, and we thus briefly call the attention of those who desire to make investments that will pay. In this connection we are £lad to know that we are not the only one who has thought of It, and the prospect now Is that there will be a boom In tbe building line acre this season. THE citizens of Nnnda are Indlg* nant, and justly so, we ttiink. at the Inhuman treatment of the remains of the man who died there a few weeks since. The facts, as we learn them, are these. A stranger got off* the cars tick and died a short time after. The coroner waa notified, who came from Woodstock andlield an inquest, when the body was put In the lock-up where it remained for over a week, and nearly three days without a coffin, being packed in a dirty lock-up with as little ceremony as though it had been a dead dog. We are told that some of the citizens of Nunda offered to raise the money necessary to forward the re­ mains to his friends, but the body was in the hands of the coroner and it could not be done. Now, under these circum­ stances, it would seem to us tlist a most inhuman act had been *committed. That a stranger who died away from his iriends should be treated as if he were a mere brute. Is a diftgraee to a civilized community, aud Nunda Is justly indignant that such aa act should be committed within her limits. We have given tiie facts as wo under­ stand them, without any disposition to criticise the acts of any one, but that such a gross outrage should bo com­ mitted is a di«grace to our county, and whoever is responsible should be made to understand that it will net be tol* crated in the future. ntAMWIBU roa UK#*. E«|. -' Eff*. Trout, Oyster. Prayer. Codfish. Pink-tea. Charities. Advertise. Be ue vole uco. o t u t - * -- t i ' <<Cjd Buckwheat-cakes. W&ffleg-and-svrup. •'/; vl. Ab«tain-from-gofift|p. ' "( Meat-once-in-a-while. . Forgive-your-enemief*.*; Hot-biscuit-and-honey, 1 / AUe/id-cliurch-reguIarly. Join- tiie-Sal vation-army. Cleaii-your-sidewalks-daily.. ^ Read-the-Bible-aud-buru-novell. Get-acquaiuted-with-your-fauiily, ~ lncrense-the-frletiou-on-icy-patlia, Keep • away -from • the'-elub-and-go- home-early. ^ Mind - your •own-business-aud-glvs- your-ueighbors-a-rest. Pray-for-your-sinful-neighbers-aud- perhaps-tbey-will-pray-for-you. Have-pat ieuce-until-Eas ter-aod-thea- you-cau-m ake-u p-fo r- lost-1 i me|' NKWSt'Al'KK Law. U 1. Subscribers who do net give ex­ press notice to the contrary. are con­ sidered as wishing to continue tbelr subscription. 2. If subscribers wish their papers discontinued, publishers may continue to send them until all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refute to take their papers from the office or place to which they are scut, they are held responsible until they settle their bills aud give duo notice to discon­ tinue. 4. It subscribers move to other places without informing tbe pub­ lisher, they are held responsible. No­ tice should always he giveu of the re­ moval. 5. The courts have decided that re- fusin^to take a paper from the office or moving and leaving it uncalled for is prima facie evidence of lateutiooal fraud. A ftigeon 8hoot. There will be a Pigeon 8boot oa J. Myer's lot, Jehnsburgh, on Saturday, March 3rd, 1SS3. Two hundred pigeons will bo furnished for ehootists. Shoot­ ing according to rule. After whleli there will be a Puff Ball Shoot. Let all sportypisn turn out and hay$ §£pod time. _____ Ntitida Taxes. ̂ The undersigned Collector of the Town of Nunda, will bo at the store of Smith Bros,, Nunda on Saturday, Feb. 24„ and at the' store of C. V. Stevens, McHenry, on Thursday. March 1st. for the purpose of receiving Taxes. All interested will govern themselves accordingly. J. S. ANDREWS, Collector. " ̂Particular Notice* AH. peraons knowing themselves In- delited to me are requested to call and settle tiie sams on or before March 10th, 1883, without further notice. C. L. PBACT. Wauconda, II!., Feb. Mth, 1883 J, P SMITH Will sell you a good, new stem-wind Watch aud chain for #2.89. We are offering great Bargains lu Clothing, Call and examine Goods and iearn prices, Bi^tler & Warner fluod*, OBITUARY OF STXPH KN 1. * TVSON. Pren:--At his home ta the village of Spring Grove, on Meeday. FEIN 12, STEPHEM LAWBO>, In the 73rd year of his age. The deceased was Horn at Bishop- thorpe, Yorkshire, England, in 1810. Being early deprived of a father's care was thrown on his own resource*, which proved to be sufficient fur a maintaln- ance at oven that early period In lite. At the age of twenty-five, having re­ solved to hasard his success for fortnne In America, he sailed In early spring from the port of Hull, The voyage was marked by greet peril, and after battling with the s$orni for a consider­ able length of time tbeir ship brought too in some port on the eoast of Scot­ land, where tbelr load was repacked and fresh supplies taken and again they started for Atiherlca. The vessel came to pert In Quebec after being 13 weeks ont. He then made his way to Toronto, and In thp following year to White Pigeon, Mich., where he worked three years for Samuel Pratt. In the spring of 1S36 he came to English Prairie ahd locate 3 on a claim of 120 acres, which h« purchased at the land sale four years later. In 1839 he mar­ ried Mis* Ann Wray, slater of John and Richard Wray,of Richmond. The, result of this union was that six chil­ dren were born to them, five sons and one daughter, of Whom four sons sur­ vive and were present at their father's funeral. In the spring of 1855, while their children were yet young, his wife died, and in February 1858 he married Mrs. Catherine Hanson, whom he leaves In easy circumstances, financially, but In poor health.^ The funeral was held at the M. E. church, after which he was laid by sorrowing friends by the side of loved ones gone before. And thus has passed away another of the pioneer settlers and leading citizens or McHenry Comity, and thus again Is broken the chain of family love and fatherly friendship. NUNDA- EDITOB PLAINDRAJ'KH:--Icy reads. A number of our milkmen could not deliver their milk Friday and Satur­ day mornings on account of water cov­ ering the roads. Mr. Dew's people have lost another child from diphtheria, it being the fourth one they have lost this winter from that dreaded disease. The remains of John Sutherland.'Srho wae buried at the Lake on the 12th Inst., have been shtpped to his friends ,|n Toronto, Canada, after laying bore •ue week. : Mrs. Fewing will close her millinery •hop here and move to Elgin, shortly, where she has purchased a home. She #111 bo missed in eur town. Buy teas, coffees, etc., at Smith Bros., tarhore you can get them good and i>ure. 1 Deioa Clow, of Crystal Lake, and jMiss Carrie Munshrw. of Huntley, were ijuietly mart led atJJT^o>ijiteck by the ptev. McLeau on the 14th fust. RKV. L. G» BOYNTON, ol Elgin, will preach in Ballou's Hall Tuesday even­ ing. the 27th lust. 8ubject, "Is Life Worth living*" ;• L. G. Borden snd Bert Cenover •t . ttarteu for California ou Mouday. Abuer Beardsley, an old resident of this vicinity, was buried at Crystal Lake on Tuesday, aged 85 yesrs. The furniture shop In Ballou's Block Was Invaded by water tbe lath, when Mr. Coueyer sustained considerable loss. la spite of the bad weather there was a good company to attend the Raiu or Shine club party. MARRIED:--Inslay Barnard of Green- wood, and Sarah Ely of Carey. Fred Smith, the tailor, has sold his %ouee and lot. "Watt" Gofl has sold his farm to B. F. Psck, who in turn has rented ths same. Buckskin Sam did not meet with very good success here, owing greatly to the storm. Richmond Department. OOHTKIBUTVD BY S. F. BBKSKTT. Henry Mead spent tbe Sabbatb with his brother, F. W. Mead. A little child of George 8tewart's died on Sunday evening last. Dr. E. R. Bennett, of Chicago, speat Friday, Saturday and Sunday With bis parents In Richmond. The old hotel property at Genoa' Junction, owned by Ira Richmond, was burned to the ground last Friday night, Tbe household goods wers mostly saTed. Origin ef tbe fire ua* known. • V ~ • . v ,f,V * v. KEYSTONE; EtMTOR PLAINDEALKR:--We thought perhaps you might thiuk Keystone was dead because it is buried. No ; not by any means. The small streaks of blue smoke, mementoes of once visible ex­ istence, are seen Issuing heavenward to let the outside world kaow that we are net dead but "liveth." When we shall emerge from this deep mantle we are going to search for the man that first said "beautiful snow." If found he will be compelled to pass in his checks. Ralph Masou and wife are visiting friends here, George Stewart, our aetlve,energetic and successful auctioneer, is still on the frar path. » First love Is the best. Isn't It Joe t We thought so Friday night. Mrs. Truax, wife of Jacob Truax who died less than a year ago, departed this life at the home of her son Clarence, in Crystsl Lake, last week. She was an eld resident of Keystone. Mrs. Henry Marsh has been unwell for the past few days but It Is hoped Will soon be convalescent. Wonder why Calamity does not re­ main at home this winter f Guess Heb­ ron has its charms for him. Mr. Johu Waikerton, who had the misfortune to have his artu broken re­ cently by the kick of a horse, is im­ proving slowly. Keystone is on the gaia. As seen as the snow goes off Mr. Lyon "Bacon wtll ersct a fine new barn; also an addition to his house. Who cays we will not yet be a city? All we need is time. Last Friday evening a very pleasant party was held in the Mason chesse factory. Quite a goodly number were in attendance an<i? whiled away thu time till the small hours lit tbe practice of the terpsichorean art Our school has progressed finely this wintsr under the instruction of L. H. Young, of Hebron. The term closes on Friday. March 2d, with an ^exhibition in the cheese' factory Irt the evening. No pains will he spared to make it a success, 4Qd all are inyited to attend. The thaw ef last week -threatened a serious flood In the Nlptslng, and It was a fortunate circumstance that the weather became colder. Richmond has been at such hesvy expense for bridges that high waters are looked for with dread. The terrible weather and worse roads tysre the cause ef a thin house at th# Valentine Ball given by Landlord and Lady Culver. The party was however a very pleasant one. The muslehy the Janesville Band was superb, and If they ever play here again they may be sure of having a house full. If the weather does not, ss this time, prove too un­ pleasant. Dr. Ford, of Wilmot, Informs us that he is about to remove to Los Angeles, California, The Doctor waa In Rich­ mond last Monday morning, en route to Chicago to attend the commence­ ment exercises of his Alma Mater% Rush Medical College, the meeting of the Alumni and the Alumni banquet at the Grand Pacific Hotel; all Tuesday evening. Ray Mead, whose severe sickness with ervsipelss has been before mentioned in this column, was subject to a severe operation last Sunday. The bones of the right foot became carious, msking ah operation the only choice to save the member. The cuboid and Internal cunleform bones were bsdly decsved, snd had to bo removed. The operation was performed under antiseptic pre­ cautions, by Dr. E. R. Bennett, of the Cook County Hospital staff. Dr. L. .L, Bennett and wife, of Owa- tonna, Miiinessta, are visiting friends in Richmond. The Doctor has beea spending the winter In Florida, and thinks it the worst lied about State In the Union. He describes the country as a vast sand beach from the Gulf to the Ocean, without a spear of grass to relieve the barren waate. The ther­ mometer ranged from 80 to 90 and the atmosphere Is so damp at night as to take the starch out of a fellows collar entirely. No cattle are raised there, because there is nothing fbr them to eat. Tbe Doctor says he did not see a {drop of fresh milk, or a beefsteak in ili* atat* ltf«* lilac aM* llifM With all these drawbacks the paradise of oranges and lemons is there--aind that Is sll there Is to make the country a desirable dwelling place. An agri­ culturalist (f) told him he had never seen a tomato in the state. Beans, peas and other "garden sauce" grow there Just about as well as they would If the seed were scattered en the barn floor. For iresli meat they eat fish.. From Dr. Bennett's description of Florida, our removal to that paradise is indefinitely postponed. ; . •' RING WOOD- EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--Cbss. Stev­ enson is gsioiug steadily under tbe careful treatment ef Dr. Anderson. Mrs. Nsney Costes Is quite 111 at the present writing, but It Is hoped will soon recover. Jose Cristy spent the Sabbatb wilb bis parents in this village. Mr. A. P. Colby has been suffering the inconvenience ef a severe rheu­ matic attack, which, at last accounts, was said to be abating. Mies Lulu Stevens, who has bees at­ tending school in this village for the past three terms, started for her home iu Mason City, Iowa, on Monday last, bearing with her the respect and es­ teem ot her companions and her teacher Mr. Nickle. Little Georgie Churchill Is very lew st this time/snd his recovery Is con­ sidered very doubtful. Mr. Eugene Lawson bas been calling on fr'euds here since the death ef his fsther. "'Gene" is In good health and looks as though life and husiuosa In Kansas agrees with him. We noticed by a back number of the Sentinel that the correspondent from Ring wood knows who the PLAIN- DEAKKR scribe is. Well, he,she or it has just that much the start of us} We don't recognize the "brae." We learn that en Thursday evening ef last week, Mr. J. J. Vasey, one of Ringwood's most prominent young men, wss united in marriage with Miss Eloiso Walte, of McHenry. The young people hare the best wishes of frleuds in this place. GREEN APOOD. Our Lumber Dealer, Mr, J. H. Garri­ son. who is now engsged In selling lumber and building material along the various lines of railway leading from Chicago throughout the State and the West, is doing a lively business. Farm- srs and others who coutemplats build­ ing at any point throughout the county would do well to. correspond Ith him at Elgin, 111., or senfer in person with D. W.Scper, at Greenwood, III., ss he is furnishing everything in this l!ne at lowest wholesale prices, de­ livered st sny point most convenient to the purchaser, and guarantees quality satisfactory. WATCHES. O. Vr.Owen will sell you a brsu uew Elgin Watch for |7 aud warrant it to keep good time. Allother goods Ip.ip# line at the 840>e low rate*. Q. W,OWBX,. FOR MftJE OW MNT. Two bouses, In the village o Ring wood, eue house with teu rooms' the other witti 9 rooms. A good well and barn on each. Plngwood has a good school, making it a desirable place of residence. On the premises is a shop and a good cpsnisg 5n th« Til­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, •r any mechanic. For further par­ ticulars inquire of !•., WE8I.BT I,ADD. Ringwood, 111 5*3 •AltES! TAXES! On and after Jan. 16tli, 1883. the un­ dersigned will be ready for the collec­ tion ol Taxes for the town Of McHenry and will be at the following places a't the time named. Monday?--At the store of Lye A Adams, In the village of Johnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duers, In the village of Rlngwood. Wednesday--At tho store of Perry & Martin, in the village of McHenry, Saturdays--At the store of C. V. Stevens, in the village of McHenry, JAMTCA I,ADD, Colleeter* Huffman & Marshal. At their hew Warehouse, near the Depot. Nunda, III., keep In atock Flour and Feed, which they sell as low as the same can be bought elsewhere in the county. They also buy Grain and all kinds of Country Produce, for which they pay the highest market price in Cash. Farmers having anything to sell can do no better than to call on this firm as they will be sure to a square deal, and those buying can always find at their Warehouse the beat brands of Flour, and Feed of all kinds. Call and see them. Go to Mrs. Howe's for MtHbtcry aa4 Dressmaking. all Mod* at Mi Block, near th* Horses for Sale. Good road and cheap farm Horses kept for sale, from Chicago. Price from •35 to $100. At M. Cook's, 2 miles north Of Wauconda, on the McHenry road. Farms tor Sale. . ! have farms for sale from 80 acret W 700 acres lu slao. Terms to suit pur­ chasers. E. E. RICHARDS, Woodstock, 111., Feb. 8th, 1H83. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see a fine Swell Body or Portland Cutter. Sold very low. 50 pound wool Mattress far #4,76 at J. JL Blake's. ^ . -v^ CUTTERS! CUTTERS! All styles and prices at E. M. * Soa's. Large veneered Panel Bedstead for W.90 at J. B. Blake's. A winter Overcoat at summer prices Good line at Perry A Owen's. Cell and examine those Black Wal­ nut Extension Tables at tl.00 per foot at J. B. Blake's. 3} per cent, oft for cash. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAL*. Situated In the village of McHearj, which will be sold cheap. Apply to UF.O. \V. CLARK. MeHenry. 111., Febru ury Sth, 1983. A four drawer, blMck-waluot bureau forf7.60, at J. B. Blake's. -> . • ." 1 J-1 1 • -..J-- .. ureal bargains in <;ane Seat UUSlrt. 6 Chairs for 14.76 at J. B. Blake's. Call at E. M. Owen Son's and «ee the celebrated Hspgood Sulky Plow that Is warranted to ruu lighter thau a Walking Plow. A full line of choice groceries al ways to be obtained at HKNKY COLBI*S. Please remember eur prices are al­ ways as lew aa the lowest, and we staud ready at all times to meet any aud all competition. HEMKT COLBT. Mens Overcoats less than Chicago {trices at E. Lawlus',opposite Riverside lotoi. For first-class insurance against fire and Ligiitulng, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Tbe "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out ou man and horse, at S, M. Owen A Sou's. s i 4% v:' AUentloa, U»lryme|. » Bean A Perry's Natural June Butter Color has no equal. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by Fltssimmeus A Evausau, McHenry, 111. Madam McUce Corsetto. The best oa the market at Mayes A Bartlett's Odor Cases, a Bealey's. very fine article, at Farms For Sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Carriages sold lew at E>ili Owen A Son's. Remember you can find th* C. M. Henderson Boots and Shoes, every pair Warranted, at Perry A Owen's. A complete line of fresh and season­ able family Groceries, Canned Goods, etc., can be found at Perry A Owen's. New Furniture Store, And Undertaking Rooms just opened by Justin Brothers, near the Depot, McHenry. We have on hand, and are new ready to show you a full line or First-class Furniture at low pi Ices. Our clock of Coffins is complete aud a geod Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. See our stock before buying. JUSTIX BROS. Don't You Read This. That is, don't you read this notice unless you desire to know where to find the best bargains in Woolen Goods, Clothing and Underwear of all kinds, for Butler «fe Warner. Nunda, without fear of successful contradiction claims the much controverted honor ef giving al tho«e who trade with them far better bargains thau they can possibly get elsewhere. Call aud see them. Woolen Goods at your owa At Butler A Warner's. price. It will pay you to call and examlae those Bursau Washstands for ||| J, B. Blake's. Japanese Crepes. In order to introduce our Japanese Crepe goods we wilt send postpaid to any address on receipt of fifty cents, or 17 tluee-cent stamps, the following: 1 window banner, size 13 by 24 inches, with rich color aud deep border; 1 tidy, sine 8 by 11 iuchea. very handsome; 1 lamp mat, 37 Indies in oiniim fere nee perfectly lovely ; 1 wail fccrecu, luig«» Iaiid handsome. Address. E. Florence & Co., P, O, .boxiStfO, SoutU.IXeud, lud. Fishing Tackle of Engeln's, In Howe's new Bridge. Buckeye Force Pumpe. at. SL H- Owen's. ; % always Kafrvsbtag. " • 'Delirious odor la 1 Imparted Floreston Cologne, which is alwsys re* freshing, no matter How freely used. ' " Tbe finest line of Silver aud Plato# ^ Ware to be found in the county, at O, ;i? W. Owen's. _______ % Saelaty Belles. On account of Its remarkably^ del* | icate and lasting fragrance, society I belleaare loud In their pratsaf |Mfi: ' Floreston Cologne. ' ! FOR SALE. i 40 Acre* of land in Section IS, elf |? fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a I good house and barn thereon, with 1 timber and water !u abundance, in See* 1 tion M. ' f Also my homestead on the Crystal f Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and other ontbul)(IM%s^ " Apply to JoUB Firs**. ij| Case. Furst A Brail ley, Mcllne. Hajs- Sood and other Sulky plows ;at J&, M. 'wen A Son's. % CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! CA*- I K1AGKS! | Anyone In want of a Carriage, 1 Buggy or Wagon, should not fall ta cal) on E.M.Owen A Son and see the '§ large car-load just received. The ^ finest finished lot ever come te tbe county and will sell them cheap. Our stock of driipi, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods relmbla and prices right, j;'; HBKBT Couif. } . | CARRIAGES. 4 Have en hand a few first-elsss ear- | risges which we will sell st cost to dose. E. M. OWKK A P Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated^ Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. HKNRT COLBT. Gossamer circular* and cpata for ladies and gentlemen, and a lull line of rubber goods always t$ be luid at c , HtyRT CoLBTtfe XAMPS. LAMPS. • ilfc Office Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the cele­ brated Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Besiey'a Drugstore. \ Bennett does not let sny pictures g* out ef bis rooms that are not satisfac­ tory. Row to laereas* the Value ot Ratter, Use Bean A Perry's Natural June Butter Color. Sample Bottle f ree at Fiusimmous A Evanson's, McHeurf, Here We Are Afltin. L Balow you will find the aemeaof tfee _ prominent farmers that have b the celehiated light running ffti Sulky Plow within the lastsfi. w James Barnstable, Rernsrt! nam Nicholas Freund, Chas. Parks, Augustus Townsend, Geo. Parks, Curtis Harvey, Jake Snyder, Wm. Wood, Freeman Whltitur' A. G. Fauver (2), R. R. Deolittle. Ask them what they think of tbera.- Remember it is the only sulky plow made that is warranted to run lighter than anv 14 inch walking plow. We will make any man a present of the Sulky, if it fails to fill our warrantee If In want of a Sulky Plow, don't fail to call oh us, as we are sure to suit you. Sold only by E. M.Owen A Son. The Coraline Corset < fouud at Perry A Owen's. •air Parmanl If yon want free sample copies of the largest and beat agricultural paper la the country, write yours and your neighbors' names on a postal card and mail it to Farmers" friend Pub. Cb., South Bend. Ind. Price 60 cents a year and Premiums to every subscriber. CRSWOLO LAKC. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! K. W. BROOKE Wauconda III., in Ore. ceries. Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, 4be. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters, i am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at al! hours of tbe day or evening. My Refresh men: Parlors are cosily fitted up, well warmed and light­ ed, and no pains will be spared ta' please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all klnde- of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give ma s call. E. w. BROOKJ*. I • v Wauconda, -MUUBIS- Faney Groceries. Canned, Gsods, , x Choice Confectionery iroTioim rjtrwAjtm. errxntr. My ntock is fresb aid ®o«ple»e i» «tm particular, and I will uol be uadevwbi, qua*, tty of goods cottditleivHl. I buy miae but the be**, and purchasers will (KM it t» •Meca*!* eatl and *t>e att> bot'ure puMluulBf. Quick Sulee Is wy motto, snd It will he lif«t| «> Uk Waaeeada, .Oct. JMk •

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