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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1883, p. 1

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" Pledged but to Truth, to Ubarty and b 8. •-;K4 i im M'HENRY, ILLINOIS W. Every Wednesday by J. VA> SLYKE, ' Ci>lt#t A*d ptTBMsftit*# ~ r '-'Jt BUSINESS CARDS. M AItY li. BARMAN. T%"AIR WORKBH. All kinds of Itair II Work done in lirst e.lass style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, Mc.Henry, III. ce in Bishop's •^Orronm PERBT * TKRMROT SUBSCBIPTION. §00 Tear(in MnnRe). nM•Bft If t>t "ill Month#,.......100 Sn'vnrliUl^n* fir t'irie or' six ••nth* In fie stun nrfioirtion. ^ JES*K A. BALDWIN, , , rAWYER. Law business In spy pari: of j th« Slate receives promnt attention. Office room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. so no fA «o . 100 Of. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal mtes for In the Pr.MNnEAT.F.K, and endeavors to state them «o nlainlv that th*»v i» ill be readily «»• deratot'K They aie as folluwB: I Inch one rear - *4 *> > •# J on « T»e<ie« one vea*» *. * '4- - 'H'M* : UTrchesone rear . «* * v* ' * ** Jtf Column one vear *'" » e "i' # J< Column one v«r . < 1 Colnmn one year . « One ln*h main* ttia n»essnr«tni«nt of one Inch rtown the MIHWI. single column wM'h. Yearlv advertiser* at, the alwr# rate*, have the prlvllsre of rhaisin? as often as they choose, withont extra charge. lUtnhralwtiwf' those bavin? : stnndin* cards') will he ti Insertion of lotal notices at rate of 5 rents n**r Hue eic.h week. All others will he charsei 11 iwits n?" line first week, and 5 cents per line for each 1 •nbsennent week. Transient advertisements will he charred at rate of Wnents pf>r l'ne. fnonmrail tvne. same a» t.h<« Is set inl the <lr»t issue, and ft cents »»er line for snbsennent isou"'. Thn«, an inch s-lverHsement will cost Sl.SO 'or nno •week. Sl.M for two weeks, flflO for "three weeks, an>l so en. The T*f, \tvoK\t."!t Will he liberal In eivin* editorial noiiees, hut. as a h'i«in«ss rule, it will reqnire a suitable fee from evervlwtv •••king the use of itscolnmns for pecuniary train. BUSINESS CARDS. I^T. WIOWX.M.IK HHTSTCTW \vn sm/JF.OV. AH'# over I the Pest O^lce, «<w*sHe 'i*erry ft^Martln's Store nit stairs, McHenry, ill. C. If. PTCfJRR', M. r». . rHVatCi AV *vn <**TRnROV. .Tnlnshnrfrh, Ilia.--Odice honrs A to l<», A. W. O. ,T. NO^V.^NN, AT. ». •>WTSTCT\N WO •srTUOFOV. 0*lc.« st I IFIR residence, opposite M. 1!. Church, (feltenry. Tll» *•!. T. wnstw, %t. T>., PHYSICIAN and Snrrreon. Ofllne Residence, McHehrv, Illinois, v . at J. J. MYF/tS Haloon and Restanrant, 1ST HA'EMKNT of Tuhne«»t*s Store, Johns, burgh, Til. The choicest brands of Wines. I.lonors and Cigars alw\v« on nana. Call »n<l see me. PRATT TTCtTSE. P1HTT, Pro«»rlotov," Fi'-st riass nr. Goo»l Barn in connection »T tio-nrnorlitiona. #annon<1a. III. RAUBIAN RRO<s. r1l6Mt Manufacturers, MeHenry, '11. Or I rte'S soliciteil. Shop, li Old Mc.tfenrv, jn Keitcf niock, two doora west of PLAW >KAT.R1t Office. RICHARD COMPTO*. JIHTIOK «f the Pesce*\n I Onyevancer.-^ Will ntten I pro nntlv to the collection Ubtt. Volo, hake County, HI. B. K. RlCTl VRPS. tTA^a <v»mnlete Vhstra^tof Titles to land I] in M -.TfenrvOonntv, Hl'nois. Office w County Clerk, Woodstock, 111. 'ETERIXARY Illinois C.?i. GREEN*. SURGEO*. Blehtionit, SIDVKVDISBROW, •^•OTART'PUBLIC an.lOonveyaaear, Al­ lien, ru. D1 DR. C. E. WILLtAMS. ESTIST. Resuletkcs linndee. Will he at Wanconrta, at Prut; House, the 10th sivid 25th of e-ich month; at. Psrker House, Mc. Henry, the 1 and 2*Sth of e:ieh month. When dates occur ^nt'ir-iay or Sunday T make mv visits to ^anconila on Monday, and McHenry on Tuesday, following. JOHV Kt-EIfGBN'. HOTT^K Painter, Grnrtier, Ciilciminer and Paper Hanwr. U.esi'l*»nce one Block West of Riversiile House. Work attended to pronely and on reasonable terms. o Favors Win us and no Fttr «ttall Aw* iJuXs, XTZJK NO. ?A. DNESDAY. MARCH 14, 1883. S. F. BEHSETT, 11. D. PHT^ICIASr AND SURG EON. Al«oUr.Ued Status Examining Surgeon. RiohniouU, TUinuis. JOSEPH N. FttKUSD. SALOOJC AND RRTAURAST BonsletV'a old stand, oppoaito Bishop's Mill. Mc- Jlenrv, 111. The c i«>ic.est Wines, Liquors unci Cigars to bo tound in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season .served up in »ny stiape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HOUSES. ANTONY ENGKI.N, Q AT.CON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand O Mcilenrv, III.--The chfi^-est Kentucky Whiskies, «6ur MUKII, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best,, awl sell at Reasonable Prices. Frosb 0>*Wra in their season. -- Notice 1o the Public. H WK built a shop just south of K. lu^' on Brick and Wo >d Street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of work in mv line. As I have no bivs to do my work, I want verv near what it Is worth for doinir it. do mv'work In a manner that needs no I. A. HEBABB. McHenry, Jan. 0th. ISTO. MeHENRY HOUSE. P^TER S MIT FT, PROPRIETOR. CM oon TV»ar>t bv the dav or week at reason-T able rate* " The choicest brands of Wine«, Liquors and Oiirara. G>»od StniiHnsc for Horses. A flno Piireon llola Table in connection with the House. Give me n call. PET BR ^MITR. M . M . G L O T I I I K R . EiOllMONP - - - . tLLlKOIS, SlcHENRY COtfNtY. Prosecutes all claims in all bi^eans in the Department of the Interior. Hp;*cial atten. tion sriven to difficult or rejected claims. Careful attention given to nil matters oflm- portaiice Office at the resilience ofWm. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will be at­ tended to by Mr. Oowlin »n mv absence. I slvill alwavs be there on Satur'i'iys, and shall lie at the office of J. T. Beldin, Esvi„ Marengo, on the tirHt Friday in each month. All letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. ' . GEORGE CURTIS, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin*** Will attend promptly to all work and guar- satisfaction- Prices as low as good work ran be doim anywhere. t m. nnrriAt JE* rnrin;., stir* - - MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kinas at the lowest living prices, and fur­ nish an article far superior to the common Mixed Paints lieiug sold. Call and see me. CEO. CURTIS McHenry, April IS, M8i. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 1^3 UAMDOLPH'STREET, (Successor to K. R. P. Shirley.1) Chicago, ill. 9l»0- cial attention given to repairing Fine watch- es and Clironomc ters. Si"A Fall Assortment of Goods in his line. Richmond House, RICHVIOMO. ILL C.N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently pnrchated House, I have put It In thorough repair the above ft with new fu<'nitue thronsrhout, and won respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav eling public iin*l other*. The tHtoies will fll- w.a vs pe provided with the be*t that can tye procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. Vn puns will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and enmmodions lmrns on .the preiniaes. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on Orst floor. «•. •AMKLIO BREEDER OF TIMROII Hogs. Residence Lake County,, 111, C. N. ADETI Richmon Sales of Stock, and Goods ot all to on the most it and satisfiictioal Post Office aildre«s^ RICHMOND Poland China • son tit of Volo, HtOO G linois. fining Tools s attended lahle Terms guaranty. ILL H. E. WKtBTMAK, proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fu.inisbeii at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CAEPESTE3 MD JOHTES McHenry, -III. Will take contracts f«»r putting up 'Building* and guarauteM inv work will compiire xvitli any man in the State. I omi and will do work from 15 to :h> per cent. cli<'H|K>r tlian otlier farponter». I liavo two of my boys wlio work wftii ine. wliioli tuakes it po^ible for nie: t» do 80. AH Jobs In the C«rpeiiti»r line promptly attend!d to. Give »ne a call. =^-- . tugut\Pi i WOOD8T -DKUI and ! Shot Powder, snot, Caps, tor sale. Fishing T«c All kind«|nf Sportiiiff AND REPAIR M«i 0ArtrMee» P- Goods, G DONE. Double Barreled 15 Shots, tm. ver, >g Pistol, Breech. Loading, A good Breech *i/>adljjj Gnn. warranted Twist, Winchester liifle, 7<! n Nickel Plated (> shot R< #elf cocking I'ritish Bu T A good Single Barrel, Single Gnu, warranted, #5. I will nnderneli any house in the eonnty In Gnns and Spovting <ioo<l9. . If yon want good gun it will pav you «W I warrant every can I sofi^ Clothes "W rlngewremireS' iMi& tn l>er !1W new Rolls put on. Price pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. WoodstiMtk, July. 15th, Wl ATTENTION ECC NOMY IS WEALTH. You can save money by giving yourorders t0 P. w. RICHMOND# ILLINOIS, .roR^s; Wagons, CarrUges of all |Miriii«, Painting, j smithing, Sc., descriptions, I lack. Rc Holdlen' Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. S. F. BENNETT. E. M. OWEN r"I ENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers T Agent In Lcadintr Farm Machinerv.-- Prices low and terms favorable. Mcllenry, ' Il«> N. S. COLBY. : S ; f fctTFVRT, Mcnenrv Co., 111. Breeder «r •VI sonnish Merino Sh-^p, Berki hire ami Poland China •= wine. V choice lot of young Suck stock for sale. PI ease call and examine before buying elsewhere. ;; • • • < E G. "MIT". T»romnt"«tten-NONT AX N SNOB MAKER. . „ IF tion given to Repalrintr. Shop In Gr«g- Hampufl opposite Hi versino Hou»©» WeH«nrt, Illinois. • . MARCUS*' CERMAN A ; B. RAINTHORP, RlngwMd • ' Illinois. To the people of Rin<rwood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I have opened »u atore near the Depot, where 1 will pa.y the highest market value tor Esffs. liutter, and other produce, cash or trade beinsr immaterial to me. I shall keep oil hand a solect stock of Griiceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < ;i- jrars ami TolwCco, I am g'oiiij* to sell at prices to defy boinpetition, and though I have met with a much more I i lie ml patronage than I had expected, I shall yet held out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RlNGWOOD, 111.. June 13th, 1SB. Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic in the world. P*t np lti fntiwl(|imrtBottl«i. ' P. MARCUS, Patentee. 'M'r JOS. WIEDEMANN, fdooa ud Eestanraat, NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, • ILLINOIS The hest Brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars always ea Hand. Good Stabling for : iJJIlfseB.' ALSO ACENT Franz Falk's CROCERIESl CROCERIESI M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now prepared to offer -to toe buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. CIGAR, TOBACCO* PIPES, &c(, &e. My Oooda are all fresh and will If fftld at the lowest living prices. I also keep a .full stock of Gun Material aishlng Tackle, Minnow Sclns, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining ta Fishing and Hunting, can be found at my Store at reasonable Prices _ Violins, A cord eons, Piealas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ami all other extras for Violilis. My stocks of TINWARE is complete. Call and exauiiue it. I guaraotee Prices that defy all sidles wU®-' '• • • -• mv nianufactiires I use onlv the liest uwteii. al, and, keeping the very best workmen in all departments, I am entitle I to suirantee antl warrant all work that goes from my shop ns first class in every particular. m-PKCIAI. GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for TIIBK.K VKAR8. AGRICULTURAL I IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural Implement, includ­ ing, especially, Norwegi:iii Waluingand Rid- inir Plow, N. C. Thompson and (iesley Bros'. Plows an I Cultivator*, F. H. Manny Seeders .ma ^om C lltivalors, the Norwegian Spving Tooth seeders, the Piano Hai verier and Twine Itinder, the Warrior ami lloiikint' Mower, and all other llrst class machines. Wnrranteil lirst class or no sale. B1..ACK.SMITHING of every kind attended to proinptl) an l satisfaction guaranteed FI^N E PAINTING ^A SPECIALTY% tfiftire engaged .1. STII.LWKLL, the hots pal liter of the Northwest, for one year, >r ionger, to take charge of tny paint shop, which it. a sufllcient guarintee that all work of that kiml will be don • in the liei-t and most artistic stvie. • It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repast, wood workman of twenty years ex­ perience, and I». Howe, carriage blacksmith, both in-surpassed as artisans in their line. Finall v, come and see mo and I wl'l guar, an tee satUfictton as to price* and quality ot work to all interested. F. W. MEAD. For Th«Spri«|ff Trade. competition. M. ENGELN MILWAUKEE i'... Beer in Large <w Small Kegs or Rattles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail *y -considered. This lleer has a world trtde reputation, and «ood judges acknowledge it eanq»t oe sur- passed in the world. Orders by *iail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. 3*. Boaslett» Near the Depot, MVcWENRY ' • - ILfclOIS. Keeps constantly on haad the finest brands of Flour aixt Feod of all kinds, which he will MU Mt Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. ^ Five diflerent brands of Fionr always" on haud and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand lE^FIour delivered anywhere In the Cor­ poration. Orders may tie giveu by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALTJ. L. B0NSIETT. McUim r- MKrcbMh. K»l. rasiaiiEs JSSUtP ofS? •SEWiHO MACH1HE CO- CHICAGOJLL.--- ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLANTA. GA.- New Home Sewing Machine Co. 248 State St., Chicago. O.. W. OWEN. Agent. . McHenry. Til. SKETCHED from* Soldier's Memorandum f.KTI KR HO. IS. LAID UP FOR REPAIRS. When oil ttm voyage to Slilp Inland. Itnviiiir •iitionnlered a gr^at norm oft Hatteras, and later, foundered *% <ea and stove a hole tn the slilp'a side br the itnaStUlful casting of tlio 8hip> an­ chor. It became (of coiitue) a matter of Imperative neeewlly to pat Into some port for repair* and fire the ftoldler* a short reprieve front the perils of *ld ocean. That friendly port and haven of rest was near at hand under the pro* lectin* lee shore of Hilton Head. South Carol Ins, and tliere are landed. But such a landing! I hate witnessed the straggling antics of men drnnk, and men Insane, where on the one hand the ainititiide would pity or deplore, and on the other they would perhaps blend pity with amssement and dread. But In each case the watching crowd or the moving throng were In the majority and were eensiderate.reasoning beings. But right here the usual order was tx- aciiy reversed, and a vast majority of the moving column marched very much as a sailor (in a storm) wonld go to t ;e forecastle ot Ills ship. The movement •f the soldiers was not very unlike the iction of a colt afflicted with spring halt. They trod upon the heels ol Ale leader? and bumiied against each other. Plantation negroes who lined the way, and ptrched In the trees, grinned In ridiculous astonishment. Aye, the git>und Itself seemed to rls« and pro­ test against contact with sea-faring feet. All these things niocked ami vexed our spirits, yet in our discomfi­ ture we gleaned an insriratfoii from the far echoing paradise of song. The oriole, tiie robbln, and the moeking bird, the thrush, the swallow and the wren seemed to vie with each other In a praiseworthy effort to revive pur lest pride and make ns forget having sprawled on the unsteady deck of an ocean steamship. The extraordinary volume and variety of song blending Into one harmonious whole, mellowed, almost drowned the wlerd echos of the breaking waves on tlio beach, and tended to reflect a charm ovor au«l above tiie cumulative shadows of a war* 11k*; coast. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. W. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor-, In the store of 0. H. Diokinson, Eastside of ?ul»Uc Square, WOODSTOCK, A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suiting* al. vavson hand. Suits made to order and * At warranted. Give me a call. W. H. 3ANFOBD. Woodstock, III., Sept. *7th, 1875. CHEAI on loag er»rtit ^nd easy term*, in a mild clinatr, free from heavjr snows, blight- log frosts, and ST* cessive rains. ANDS MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in tiie GOLDEN 0ELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of os rich Doll as tbe awn ever sbona on* vith sued markets easl and w«ti for Dcmcriptivo and Illustrated, teith Maps, Sent JPVoe, Addr-s* LAMP COMMISSIONER,-Kansa* KANSAS c|TY, MISSOURI, JOHN8BURGH, ILL. Is again on hand with a fall line of Goods for the spring and Summer trade, to which he invites the attention of the buying pullic. His stock consists in part if ' ' GROCERIES, Boats asd Shoes, S - TINWARE, 4c^ 4c, And in short everything usually'kept in a First Class General Store. Ths Highest Market IX GASH OK TRADE For Batter and Call and see me, Chas. Kuhnert. Jt»ttHJ*«^8h. «nrch 5th, 1883. flADV THE ATTENTION ot Farmers V \ /rli>t is callcNl to the Normandy Giant WhUe and the Mammoth, Yellow King Seed (Tinyi, the best and most productive varie­ ties known. Will pay any Farmer 'JO per cent more than common corn. Send us vour order, and if vr>u are not satisfied on receipt of corn n-e \ciU refund ijmn- money. 3 ounces, by mail, l«c; 1 pound for 2Sc; 1 peck, by express, 75c; I bushel 62.50; 2 bushels M.M». Send for oiir Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potato and Garden Seeds. Free to all.* ; _ $HO«, M. HATES A Ocv, Cincinnati, O, tion beasts. No live m%n was allowed to Are a shot, nor was any )iv« Yankee permitted to slay aswiiie. But (strange as it may seem) there was no rule against eatlug venison, and therefore rases of mistaken Identity might occur, and deer, with short legs and a long spike nose, sometimes fell victims to this disordered state ol things. We. from sheer force of eircuuistaaces, adopt-d the code, favoring the survival of the fleetest, as against the Darwin- Ian theory I. e. the survival of tiie Attest. Neal Dow, a brigadier geaeral. the great advocate of prohibition In far off Maine, was of military import­ ance about here. He looked Incredu­ lously at our awkward movement*'; and* the squeal of a wayward pig Would bring the veritable Dow from the armb of morplieus to the arena of disturb­ ance. And oft, when a friendly soldier was officiating as pallbearer for a mis* guided hog, the sleepless chief would exercise the powers of his high posi­ tion to the detriment of tiie soliMer, and utterly regardless of the previous character of the parties would take sides witii the hog. The soldier's pun. ishment (generally severe) was as cer­ tain as that night is t« be followed by daylight. This was loo much, and the shadows grew heavy about prohibitory headquarters. A phiu was ou foot to frustrate Gen. Dow, and, as a few inti­ mated, grade him at the foot ftf the primmer class. When tiie command to re-embark was given we were hurried aboard the siit|t, and an hour l;iter the steamer moved proudly towards the deep waters of the sea. But (delusive) hope on^e more deceived us, A shudder, a heavy grinding lurch to leeward, and our craft, rolling heavily to one side, was stuck fa«t on an oyster bed. The tide was receding, and matters ap­ peared bad for us. An Immense rope was towed ashore and the 'lii|^ was made fast tp a palmetto tree; but in 30 minutes the tree Itself gave way and left us to the mercy of the oysters and the waves. As if to mock our discom­ fiture the muttering thunders indicated a storm clo*e at hand. Far away we could see the Inoreased momentum of the agitated waves. We were near to land, yet conld not go ashore. Signals were flying from the rigging, and the shades of a stormy ulghl were blacken­ ing the surfiice of the deep, when a little steam tug towing a schooner (the relic of a gale where la the schooner's sails Uad been torn to shreds) came alongside, and within fifteen minutes the sickly craft was laden with human freight to its otmost capacity. The soldiers atood in a toolld mass upon tiie deck. TUe tug bore us away to a more protected nook, by the shore, and there we remained through the night. The thunder tempest on that wretched night was tremeudons In power and column. For seven hours the flashes of lightning reflected a most vivid yet dreadful counterpart to ^ gUw^r of the wild rushing waters. Hail stones. unexampled in slxe and velocity of their descent, braised and maimed the wretahed Men. who Wlth\ arm locked with arm. bore up manfully through the trying ordeal. The old unseaworthy schooner, held and guided only on the bosom of the great waves by a slender steam tug, rocked, tossed and plunged on the troubled ocean. Daylight came, revealing a situation heart-rending be­ yond comparison, and compared with which brave men might well have prayed that God in His infinite men-v might ssier Uft the curtWiu of mid­ night. ' M. M. C. The most important pension laws passed by the last Congress relate to soldiers who have lost, a hand or foot, or arm above the elbow, or leg above the knee. The text of the bill Is as follows: "That from and after tlte pas­ sage of this act, all persons on the pension-roll, and all person* hereafter granted a pension, who, while in the military or naval service of thf United States, and In the lino of duty, shall have lost uiie hand or one foot, or been totally or permanently disabled ?o as to render their Incapacity to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of a tiayl or foot, shall receive a pension of 924 per month; that all persons now on the pension-roll, and all persons granted pensions, who. In like manner, shall lia/a lost either an arm at or above the elbow, or a leg at or above the knee, or shall have been otherwise so disabled as to be Incapacitated for performing any manual labor but. not so much as to require regular personal aid and attend a nee, shall receive a pension of 930 per month Provided, nothing contained in this act shall be construed to repeal section 4.600 ef the Revised Statutes, or to change the rate of 918 per month therein mentioned to be proportion* ately dirlded for any agreed disability established, for which section 4,609 makes no provision.^ The Commissioner of Pensions has Issued the following circular of regula­ tions for carrying into cftect the above act: "The following regulations are prescribed for the purpose of carrying into eflect as speedily as possible the provisions of tba act of congress ap­ proved March S, 1883. Increasing to 930 per month the pensions of those who lost a leg at or above the knee or an arm at or above the elbow.and of those who have been so disabled as to bo In­ capacitated for performing any manual but liOC itiiVcil a* regtilw personal *j)d and aittndance, and those who are now receiving pen­ sion at the rate of 924 per month, and to 934 per month pensions of those who have lost one hand or one foot or been totally or permanently disabled in the same, or otherwise so disabled as to render their incapacity to perform manual labor equivalent to tiie loss of a hand or foot, and now receiving 918 per month. Inasmuch as said *Rt has Immediate eflect upon such admitted cases as have been adjudicated upon at the rates of 994 and |lf) per month, re­ spectively, no formal application by the beneficiary Is necessary to be made other thai; to forward to the 3onmi*- sloner of pensions the pension oertift- oate accompanied by a letter stating in tlte handwriting of the pensioner his present post-office address. As soon as possible after the receips of the pen­ sion certificate ftfwesald, the commis­ sioner will reissue,to him a new certifi­ cate for the new ratvsnd will forward the. same to the proper {tension agent to Inscribe the name of ancli pensioner on the roll at the increased rate,md to make to the pensioner proper payment. In case of amputation the certificate will be reissued without a»y further medlsal examination. The interven­ tion of an agent or attorney in such admitted eases as are affected by tiiia act being* unnecesaary will not }M recognised. Tfce O. A H. -OS While it may not be entirely new to some of our comrades. It will be Inter­ esting tootheN to know that the pend­ ant star on the breast of members of the O. R., which tells silently Its own story of heroio sacrifices and steadfast devotion to oouutry and principle, is but the successor of it badge of an order having the same aha and purpose as the G. A. R. On the 12th of April, 1783, the cessa­ tion of hostilities between the British and Continental ariples was proclaimed, but the Continental armv did not dis­ band until November 3d. and Washing­ ton resigned his commission December S3--all in the year 1783. With the cessation of hsatilities and the disband!»»£ of the army came the separation of old comrades* whose steadfast courage, fie rot Ion and friend- shlpt had been tried times without number, and parting was to them a sincere sorrow^ Ta perpetuate their pleasant comradeship General Henry Knoxvon the lPth of June, 1783, called axeettngof all officer* of the Conti­ nental army then located in the Bast, at Newburg on the Hudson) rnd the society was formed and called the "Society'of the Cincinnati," after Cin*. olnnatus (Lucius Quintins) the Roman Patriot. The objects of the society were: First, to commemorate by fre­ quent reunions the great struggle they bad {*>s.t successfully passed through; secooi, to promote cordial friendship* fraternity an.ti indissoluble anion antong themselves; third, tn Ose th«f# best endearors for the promotion ot human liberty ; fourth, to cherish gno«| ' feelings between the respective srnHM, an<1, fifth, to extend benevolent aid in those of the society who*e cfrctimstan- cos might require it. France having nnited her destinies with tlte *»nif» gling colonies in their efforts to sbsk* , off the grasp of Kin$ Geo-ge the III. the officers of the French army wet* , granted membership privilege*. Under > the constitntion adopted the perpetwa*r-':^ tion was Inmired by tlte stw*!e«»liw» 4t:.y| membership from father to eld«**t son, who wrsto bequeath it In like manner. But this entailed membership «MII aroused popular jealousies. The man- ' . ner of transmission era* denounced ** a < • germ of hereditary arin'ocrar.y, and *»» strong was the feeling that after win*1! discussion, at a general meeting of thrt *f' Society at Philadelphia In 1784, tho constitution was changed *o that all who were found worthy could become members. The order or badge of it«» . society, to he worn on the left breast, consisted of a bald eagle with ont* Spread wings of gold, attached by an oil ve wreath to a dark hlne ribbon wlCH a white border. On the breast of the eagle was an oval shield with a device engrossed thereon representingCttifelw* n at ns being called from his hiimhio pursuits by the Boman Senators. TIM blue ribbon with white border waa a symbol of union between the ColonteSt ar.d France, while the eagle became one of our national emblems. Branches of the order were formed In nil tbs states, but most of them have bean discontinued, and only in a few Install" ces are they kept Op. General Wash­ ington was elected president of tho society In 1787. and continued to hold it by successive elections down to tlMt year of his death. One of the' last meetings held was In 187i, at which Hon. Hamilton Flsli was chosen presl* dent. J. V. PIERCE. Late 147th Osage Mission, Kan. ,, 1 •' ' " * ' „ - J 9®*Distinguished people careful about giving their autographs to strangers. The following story to* told of Leon Say, the famous Frencft statesman and financier. When Ploa- Plon was arrested, M. Say feared tliafc his nephew, the Couite de Montebe!loy would resign Ills post as embassador W Belgium, and at once hastened to RrMt* sels to dissuade him from such action* Dur'.ng tiie journey thltlier he entered ifitu CttMwi'ssi.Jwn s!t!»; r. IciiAivmM who *o<uU*gan extolilug the air inea and ability of Leon S*y In most en. thusiastic terms. Flattered by tho compliment and thinking to impress the stranger with his greatness, M. Say revealed his Identfty. The oth«r% covered with blushes and confusion*, relapsed into silence for awhile, bulk, when they readied Brussels, M. Say tit* vitec'hiin to dine with hitn. Tha Vlcomtt de Segur as lie called himself* did so, and on taki.ig leave of his dis­ tinguished host, begged the favor of his autograph In an album already con* taining many lUustria»(a nam*a. Thl% - M, Say readily granted. Two dayt'afV terxvard the statesman received a Ibt* ter from his concierge, asking him If the 2,000 francs that had been paid -ta M. de Segur were on their way, as k* much needed the money. Tetogfaph* lug back for an explanation^* It", Say* learned that a gentleman had feailedajt ills house In Paris and presented to Mst concierge a note written In thvta words: ^Please hand over to 3t. is Segur the sum or 9,000 francs. 1 'atill remit you by next post" it W«a signed ^Laon Say.'* and lhat statesman quickly recogulzed tho. autograph aa the ouo ha had penned lot he straagef% album, . JLAH. I'? IIH •-J'LIL. L L» ' ' There was a modest item In a dalljr paper, recently, whioh stated that tho Passaic Rolling Mills Company, of Paterson, N. J,, which employs foot* BOO to 600 Hau<>». had decided to erect adjoining its offices a building sixty by thirty feet, to be used as a library,, reading-room, and meeting-room for its employes. Tho eompany will pay all expenses of erection. fuel^llglitiag% etc.. and will famish reading matter^ including all, publications treating of Iron and its manufacture. Its officem promise that If the men display a wIlK ingness to avail themselves of turthe*' .libeiallty, regular Instruct Ion *will bo furnished free ou technical subjects* Although tlte employers assume th,**' expenses, they have put the manage* mentoftlie institution into the hands of the workmen. We command tbl.% example to wide imitation. Ik tSTEight years ago Hugh J. Jewell contracted to serve the Erie Ral1ro*<t Company for ten years In the capacity of President at a salary of H0.W pep annum. The poor man has tried la struggle along on these wages, aoJ hat succeedcd lu doing so, making al tho same time, in what Colonel Sellers calla •Vide speculatlons,M seven or ei^ght mil* lion dollars. His time will tie up I* 1334*and it Is said by those who know him welt that lie could be induced ta accept the position of President of tbs (.Tuited States, the salary being an ad­ vance of 910,000 a year over What I* |(| I now getting ~fa/er Qeem%< „/ j The Richmond Champion Drill an«r| Broad Cast Seeder is the great *»tir«s of attraction at the warehouse «t R* Ulxliop. Come and look U«v*r and bfa come convinced^ - ^

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