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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1883, p. 8

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recounting •f Tow fn\m Ool«»r*fl«, wne of Cwrrdon, this State, re- - practiced law t*#n wa* ret In Us hi- An imnnln( nwcdote. wliK-li In %*!! witched for. In fHatril of the ftt- HWf lMimntrtr. One of the wenltliy and v?; |>wwnllient dUxeiiK of Mil* placc liart a M>U»fl Itiimrm trlHi hlr n lf which reunited In * divorce and hexvr jfttmur for the Injured fair one. ctil- t initiating In five almnat complete bank- ; fwptffjr of her hn«bati<f. The peculiar t t*mt«w* of tM« ca«e M«m« to have boon that the Woman ha«t qnletly tia«d her tw«ban<r* credit to her own advantage Itfcntit lift knowledge, and mnde a |arre nnmher of debts which he was * font pet led to pay, while she had ao etic- ¥ «*t«fol!r secreted all moners and . jMrepertr that nothing could be fonnd. atnd he was compelled to pav all her ilebts. Tlitu rewlt was obtained through - r the adroitness and finesse of Tom - v Bowen. Mr. Bowen thought he had ;ftme<r and well deserved a handsome . bnt when he went to his fair client "for l»ls reward she replied, with an ercli smUe: "Sir, my husband pajrs my %l debts.*1 The shrewd woman had out- £ , • erltted both her nusband uil U* iaw- ft.--JBs. ' „ priprnffli wmm •- Formerly of McHenry, Chioago, has returned to Woodcock ma* Iflfnois, now on band the largest and CHEAPER THAN HORT LIMB COLLARS, WHIPS, County, an«t has every BEST MATERIAL. Gal be mind in the (bade of the •eewe. T :,-M JK; v ^ n K Sv-W* With an unusually large assortment of VKNHOVS VIWW or AFRIV* V ^ < Vennor pretends te forecast the de- [ failed character of April as fellows: April enters on a Sanday with a I--',' • |iarch storm, and the same day of the I "ireek is likely to continue stormy I through the month. ^ h . The5th and 6th win likely prove ifjjtermy In the lake regions and lower rovinces, Newfoundland probably ming in for heavy gales. The 10th and 12th are probable dates tor severe frosts. These were expert- jlnced in 1882. The 20th a«d 21st, stermy and wet to a majority of sections. i The month- will end cold and stormy. And May Day may be ushered in with «now and sleet ir. northern and west* #rn sections, and cold rains Sat others. S There will probably be some unuenal terms of warmth during this month; *&ut altogether it will partake of Its •verage character and be of a favorable description. If': W •9"Alaska is the better land toward Which the miners of the west, in obedi­ ence to their pasaion for new diggings, ^|lre setting their faces this spring. Al­ ready. it is said, a movement has begun Which promises to become a stampede itirlng the next few weeks.. "A party «f twenty," says a dispatch from Dead- ireori. Dak, to the Chicago Tim,is. ^leaves here the 1st of April. It will Comprise some of the oldest and best diners of the gnlcluwtll be thoroughly iqnlpped. and if there is gold to be found will And it. That the ferer is Widespread is illustrated by the fact fhat a pool of $20,000 was raised litis , Afternoon to defray the expenses of ll,« n-irty. many ivrnmlnent luislnosa iuii professional men, unable to go. Willingly subscribed to tlie funds. Of CoarM, each subscriber "stands in" with whatever may be found. Letters re­ ceived from Nevada report a pros pec- ftegira from the State, while the |MPet* of Colorado, Arizona, California and Montana give evidence that num­ bers are preparing to leave from those! localities." Chicago tkori-Western _ _ ___ Ballwn- *- OLD (STAB U 3 C H And all points in Northern 7.'!<MO<«, Cen­ tral, Eastern and North-western l»wm, Wisconsin, Northern Mic.hifmn, Minne* sota, J>nk»iH, Manitoba, Central and Northern SrUntsUn, f oiota<i<>, Wyom­ ing, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, Ctilif'jrnin, Orcf/int. WrphiTi<Tton Terri­ tory, Britiih C'lfumhitt. China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands, A uxtralin, Sntlmud, and all principal points m the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own lines it traverses North*, ern ILLINOIS, Control end Northern IOWA, WISCONSIN', Northern MIC HI, GAX, MINNESOTA, and Central DAKO# TA. It oifero to the traveler till accom­ modations that can be offered by any railroad. It3 train service equals that of any road: their speed is cs great as comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West and Northwest, and offer to those that use them 8FEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion with all other rr.i'ronds at that dty. It runs I'AI.ACK SI I.KriNG CARS on all through trains, r.\Kl.«R CARS on Its Srinc.ioal routes, and N»»UTB-WEsTEB* iJiINO OAKS on its COI NCIL RIX'FFS and on its .ST. TAUt- and ~'iINNEAPOIJs throujfh day express trains. If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will buv your Tickets" this route AN"I) WILL TAKE NONE PHKK. For rate3 for single or round trip? tickets and for full information in re-; sard to all parts of the West. North and; Northwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chie<vy6, 111. « All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets . Sy this Line. , . D. LiAYNG, MARVIN HUGEITT, Gen. Snp't. 2il Vire-rrca. and Gen. W. H. STENNETT, * <icn. Pass. Agt., Chicago. R. O. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, --DBALS* Agricultural Implements, Of ALL KINDS. We keep a full line of Fafm^Machiiery of the best manufacture and sell at Bed Rock, Pricas. If ro« W*nt any thing in the Axrii-nlmral Machinery line, <io not fail to call on me be­ te re purchasing, as 1 can save you money. I am also a?enfc jtter Lake aud McHenry Counties for the " •; CHAMFIO f •are, Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-1 BOTTOM PRICKS--* tJ"t'•.v'x SOHN T. STOHt, At the old ntand of Jacob Story, McHenn, invites the*"att«ntion as the lowest, workmauship and quality of ^oods guaianteed. Tin Koofing, Eave Troughjog, Jobbiug and Repairing promptly attended to. |^**Remember. extra good bargains can always be obtained. We are constantly receiving New and Desirable . K iv- Fancy Goods, CLOTHING, In Wall Paper, In Oarpeto, I» Boots and Shoes, In Trunks and Valises, In Two Doors North of Perry A Owen* My stock of Turniture Is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any otfierin the county, attd it will lie to the interests of the buying public to call upon me when in want of in that line. UNDERTAKING - ' f •' In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. IN Cutter. Yon ran have a grinder attached to grind at the same time yon are cmting. Every pur­ chaser gets a written su irant^e with his ma chine. It is positively the K.V IE T KlIN SING FEED OUTXER IX THE MARKET. Give me a call; R. C. HILL Wanconda, 111., Dec. 26. 1892. Here We Are Again. B«low yon will And the names of th«; jnr»ittli)p(»t farmors that hava houjfht tiiceel«»biated lischt running Hnpgnod ialky flow within the lust six weeks: •jlttiTTf Barnstable, Bernard HarrUon, IF^iolag Freanil, Chaa. Parkt, Aof«»tii«- Townsend, Geo. Parks, 4^trtls Harvey, Jake Snyder, if in. Wood. Freeman Whiting A.O. Fanver (T), R. R. D®o1ittle. Ask them what they think of them. S*m«ir jer it is the only milky plow maile that ta warranted to run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow. We Will make any man a present of the Balky. if it failR to All rtur warrantee. If In want of a Sulky Plow, don't fail to eall on us, as we are sure to suit you. Sold only by E. M.Owen .& Son. 1>0 YOU WANT pv wt-- A Sewing Machine? Large veneered Panel tSJO at J. B. BlakV*. Bedstead for Una MTrrr >'«nr*l Jon* Bnter Color Tlie strongest Color on the market, only requires one-half the amount of other Color*. For Sale by Fltzslmmons 4k Evan»ou. McHenry, HI. I have on hand and nm sellingat the I,o*r est prices, tlie Demesne, Eldredgo, New Heme, Spriitsriield, New American, and Singer ewiiiK Machineb. an<l w«ll not be undersold by any agent in the county. A good Siug«?r Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and see me. O. W. OWEN. McHenry, Feb. 90, 1888. BUWCHIBD CHURN 872 capital not CHOICE TV ; FAMILY GROCERIES You will make a ia|a««M if you df§# selves. „ • see OWEN. H. MAIMA|k Waaegn da, %ept. aotu, 1882. TionT/nnrnino WORLD. LEADS THE wuinnKifii nftUbUHM To a greater or less extent at this season of the year, we aim to keep in stock a full )ine of Dyeing Material* ALAEASTI1TE, 1^. A M Also, Which proves to be not only cheap, but easily applied, and su­ perior to ordinary calcimining. The farmers are reminded that, they can always find PINE TAB, in any quantity kt the Drug Store. Alto the justly celebrated ; Carbolic Dip, &• & StfeaizeB made for Family Dairies. Hw «ir< 3 for Factory uae. Perfect •toek and the best work. Strong, •taple, efiiciexit, coaveDientsnd dor- fcble. They continoo to b« THITTAWDAKD CHURN OP THE COUNTRY. . T W Y O N E , - Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BLANCHARD'S SONS, OOMCOKD, N. M. a week made by the indnstrions. B^-st business iMStbre the public. capital not needed. We will start you. Men, women, boys and j?1rls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time, Von can wors in spare time or give your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you nearly as welL Noouocsin fail to make enor> nioun pay'by engaging at once. Costly out It ami terms free. Monev made fai-t, easily and nonorably. Address, TUUE & CO., Augusta. Maiue. f lillQg people are always on the look. WJ Wi •» out ior chances to increase IMtr earnings and in time become wealthy; ThOMarbo do not improve their opportuni­ ties remain in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. We want manv men, women, "jopp and jrirU to work for us right in their own localities. Anyone c:»n do the work jMwperly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wanes, •apaasive outfit furnished iree. No one who engages tails to make money rapid I r. You ®aa devote your whole time to the work or oolr your spare moments. Full information ana all that is needed sent free. RIINKOM & CO., Portland, Maine. Address i. lawlus, Merchant Tailor, KEEPS and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A PIT, OK NO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, cf the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riversi le House, sr'v^" 5 McHtnr^;^^ Illinois. TWELVE REASONS,' FOR INSURING WITH Asa W. Smith., Ol Woodstock, 111. 1. Because he is endorsed bv leading hnii ness men and the press, ahd particularly where be^t known. 2. Because his is the oldest agency ia the county. 3. Because lie represents the best line of companies of any agency in the county. 4. Because with one "ocep'ion, he repre. sents the oldpst companies in the United States. 5. Because in case of loss he gives his pat. rons the benefit of his long experience In se curing an equitable adjustment. 6. Because he has aiwavs issued full polt Icies. 7. Because he pays losses on farm property l>y lightning, whether lire ensnes or not, 8. Because he insures live stocit anywhere against lightning. 9. Because he insures against tornadoes, cyclones and wind storms. 10. Because you can thus sive yourself from disaster for a mere trille. 11. Because you will find him equally as active to aid you in geltinx your monev after lost, as to secure your patronage for hie com. panics. 12. Because every one of the above reasons fan 1)3 fullv verified by calling on E. A. Mur- !>hy, K. Sessions. J. W. Miller, from the'roivn experience, and on the entire circle of his acquaintances from observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phrenix, of Hartford, Connecticut • I t:il:e srreat pleas­ ure in returning the the thanks of the com. pany to Mrs. 1., I>. Kelly for her promptness snd unusual presence ofsminil in extinguish- lug a lire iit her residence, kindled from the burning of K A. Muridiy's residence on tlie morning of tlie lSlh inst , as by her individual effort, property was snvort on which the coin, pany had a policy of $2,0C0 , ASA W. 8MITH It will pay you to eall ami examine Utose Bureau Wasbstaada ^ 93.25, J, B. Blake's. ' So convenient and effectual in destroying ticks and other vermin on stock. For testimony re£ardin<r the practical value of the Sheep Dip, we can refer to Messrs. Moses Beech, Wm. Brooks and others, good**, apply to WaucondQ Drug Store and Book Haunt. Dmnist and Apothecary, ry, ni BOOTS We have just received an immense stocK lor the FALL AND WINTER TRADE . And can show you the finest line of these jroods ever fironyht to McHenry County, liemember we buy and sell ash, buy our goods at •' Bottom Prices, II ('an and will jrive 3'ou such. bargaius that it will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade the distance. We keep a lull lule of tb$ , t , , "1 SELZ CELEBEATED CUSTOM MADE GOODS, Constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, H^omen aud children. w. D WIGHT, Woodstock, 111 IN WAUCOND* ti CLOTHINQJ Fall acd Wrntet A full line of piece gooda of the latest style ( and at the lowest figures. C L O T H I N G A "Bigger Stock than ever. #JTS SUITS |iT Suite all prices at AT *4:50. W.OO Maimf n's igm ^•1 AT II^LIJCONDA. for vnything made to order, MalnMa'* la Hf> place to go, Aiso a full line Of Gent's Furnishing Gooda. HATS, CAPS, Ac* Mrs. Maim9.n1 Hns reeelved a line Stock or Fall and Wintet Millinery gooda, and of tlie latest bty'e*. A nice lot of Kibhnns nnd Plumes. Tha l.adiesof Western l.ake County are esperlHUv nvited tocall and examine goodB and prices. *8"DUESS MAKING done in the best Style and at Reasonable Prices. The McHenry Brick Manufacturing Con pany are now ready to supply Brick infatia.i- titles v IE0M SMALL "2Tou Should Euy thd E33tey. Many hundreds of our neighbors and friends have' purchased one of these superb i nstru ments within the last twelve vears, nnd the twelve yci'rold Ehtcy's ire worth more than any other organ that is sold i i this section KKW, They are the llncst toned organ in the wo- Id. and the only organ that improves with use. You may "ask, why can't other makers make as good; an organ as the Estey? This secret remains with the Ksteys, their .jatents and inventions--'- which ennnot be used bv anv other maker, They nave entirely overcome ihe dilUr\iIty of feed.« losing their quality and failing with use, and liuve produced a.reed which possesses a Ule like and musical Quality of Tone, Found In no Other Organ, naving had nenrly twenty years experience in soiling and repairing organs, I claim to know something about an organ, and 1 shuulil like to give some a"vice to any one who • onlemptates buying an instrument and would try, in the fiistplapc to adrii-eyou about tlie stops in an orgiiu. 1 dud iu a great majority of ci<e>es that the lirst question asked by a purchaser is; How many stops has your organ? Now to show you how'unimportaiit that i?', I will tell you Hint an Ksley Organ, with two sets of reeds, of livt octaves each, is saying it has 122 reeds, 01 notos, and requires "only seven stop*, butcaiw use only nine at tire most. Some of the lower grades of organfof diflerent makes advertise; their organs as having ten sets of "eeds and' twenty-seven stops, when, in fact, they only' contain 122 reeds or notes, and can only use nine stops, legitimately. I have a circular from an eastern factory, advertising these or­ gan*. as having ten octave* ot reeds, which means two sets of five octaves each, or 122 reeds or notes. Now I would ask any one why the twenty-seven stops are put into an organ which lias but 122 notes anil can only use nine, if not to deceive the purchaser, who,as a rule, knows but little abput an iustrunieit lor the reason tliui lie is buying tho lirst organ. You tell a fanner that you have a mower th-'t has thirty-two sickles, and wlieu he investi­ gated it and found it bad but two sickles of sixteen sections each, you would say it was intended to misrepresent tho mower, so I say of the organs thatadvertlse twenty-seven stops ami tea sets of reeds. It is done to mislead. I advise any one buying an organ to buy the Estey, of Itrattleboro, tor several reasons. First: It is the best made organ before the public, consequently will last the longest. Second: It is the best tone. Third: It has the best ac. tion--is the quickest to respond to the touch, therefore, the quickest music written can be played on it. . . In proof of its durability I will, with permission, refer to some of the persons who have tho Estcy in use the longest time: -4TO-- --DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. '%f-\ Also Bottled Ale aud Porter for Family Use. , The best brands of Cigars, and moking and Chewingl always on hand. f We have the largest stock o* tobacco Ever bro.ujrht to McHenry county, among1 which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that defy competition. Call and see then: oefore purchas ing . , . m - . - 5 . iiriiTiiiiviirMiiteiiiriii i n. lffe' JPhysiciaius Pre«oription| Carefully Compownded. €Hve inea Call. McHenry, 111, Jon. 2nd, Henry Colby, C. V. Stevens, H• C. Smith, Geo. Clark, ; H.H.Nichols, t^77i Unlversalist Chlircll, llenrv Uogers, i :> Koberl Paddock, Stebbins Ford, If you want upwards. McHenry, 111. l»o • TDo 111. Uo Wanconda, III. Win. Tid marsh, f Or. Wo lis, Mr. Bangs, . John Hanson, • T. J. Ellis, ; l»r. Buck, . CouKccgational Church, Allan titles, Mr. Newman, Hauconda, 111. ^ Do l»o IttngwoOd, III. Do Woodstock, 111. Do Do DO TT nilWU' l«l| All, iuii 11V n HIHII| -- T _ . oheap oigan we can furnish you a Chicago made instrument lor too ana O. W- OWEN, Mc Henry, IlJ« r«brnary tOtb. im -DEALERS 13* Dry Goods Groceries* AHD--" At Oenterville, McHENRY, ILL., Janunry 28d, 1888, Oar Loadi Their Brick are second to none to be found in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. . , Persons intending to build, or those nana - ling brick, will do well to call and see us be­ fore 1 urchasing. For further information apply to or address Mil Mainfactirifli McHEtfRY - ILLINOIS. .July 8th,' PENSIONS FOB oldlers on any wound or injury. Fees. >10. Bounty, Back Pay« Dis­ charges for Deserters, etc., procured. 14 yours expeciem-e. Addr -ss: C. M. I TBS, * „"0.,<>tU K St., Washington, D. C, fy pg>f not, life is sweeping by, g*» • % EmiZS I dare before you die; HOBIJ- thing mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer tiinp." a week in your own town. $5 oullit lice. 'No risk. Everything ne#. Capital not required. We will "furnish y >11 everything. Many are making fortune'*. Ladies make as much as men. and boys an-t girls make great pay. Reader, il you want ashless at which vou can make great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. HAL- LKTT &CO., Portland, Maiue. 30 «££S2o. 112 <fcX» Free. with the PFOI'I.T.'R MAGAZINE. The most magnificent premium ever given, and one of the best magazine* published. . Only eighty cents a year. Sample sent free On receipt of 3-ceut stamp, or three mcnths on trial for 19 cents. A'iENTS WANTED. Send 25 cents for complete outfit, including all the chromos. Money returned if not satisiled. j> i7 A MONTH and board in yonr own < county. MEU or Ladies. Pleasant business. Address, MAOUIW. f . Philadelphia, FM. That Wonderful Book. GUIDE TOSUCCESS WITH * FOB Basiness AND SOCIETY* / Is selling by tens of thoueaods. It la the most universally useful l«ook eTcr pnhlishet Tt fclH romnletely HOW TO DO F.VKKT" THING in the best way, How to be YourOwa Lawyer, How to Do Business Correctly an I Successfully, How to Act in Society and everywhere. A prold u.ine of varied Inform* tion to all classes for constant reference. AGENTS WANTED for all ov ipnre time To know whv this ljook of REAL value sn«f attractions sells better any other. applJ for terms to H. B. 4CAMMKLL * CO, jft, Lofll«,ffl«miil. . - . r... • . .. ...It

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