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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1883, p. 1

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;•? ^tr »&»«•>* ^;v J"' SWK«%« .g;"" Jf.;.' 11 v,,- f f • .)v . j •' v- r r • -:--ij. "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty snd| '. VOL. 8.v ,i;:U S* t s f i;W"i 1 "ir . 1 M'HENRY, ILLIN<| •K'-'-P-V^*" «-.!.••' '.i •-.f:V'."V.i;--: .No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." WEDNESDAY. APRIL 4, 1883. NO. 37. jfejjwy fkuiieilw. PublUhad Kvecy Wednesdav by J". SLYKE, KOiTO^Aiin pgg,iiiifti|. Office in Bishop's Blockf -OrrosiTR PBWKT A MARTIN'S.-- ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; :^»*»-¥Sar {tn Advance) ...,.•1.60 :4lf Sat '*iVl WltMiT'ire-i MontM,.......2TO \>i*nh**rlii;l-»ns revive I for t'irei or si* £ V 't«*i»th* In ttl nnw prAwtrtfm. ..sijSs ^ t ----* J11;,' Hates of Advertising. i W e a n n o u n c e l i b < » r f t l m t e s f o r j a d v e r t i s i n g ' V -'in the Pr,\iNnRAT,F.n, and endeavors stnto '*v>' i1j|tTiern so plainly that th«v w 111 bo readily tin- v ' . rtlnrstood. Thovaie asfolluirs: -n - i 1 Tn,*h nn*VP*r - ' « 0C , ' ~' ? Tnrhes one voar - •-- - -- 10 00 **% *ST»"rtfisiinp m)1 ' "» 00 4 ?v rioiumn one rear. >•* • -*>:v" ; Jil r v 90 on • > Column one vesr . ••_ , - ••••• WOO 2" j 1 Col inn ii one year - » . . • - M0 eo ,d i'-t; One in<*h mnan* t^o measurement of one '*"* .'Inch flown tie column, single column width, Yearly advertisers at the above rates. bare •nrivilPTB of c.haigln? as often as they |v f boose, without extra charge. /f./ Resrnlar advertisers (meaning those having t" T%t.andtng cards) will be entitled to insertion . "• t»f lojal notice* at rate of 5 cunts tier line etch >* !• f f^ek. All others will be charged Iftcent* i>er ' line first *veefe, and Scents per line for each «,'•&dmbseqwent week. -•'> ' Transient advertisements will he charged rat" of in cents »i«»r line, (nonnaveil. tvne. (A? " >ime an this Is set inl the first issue, and 5 ; fronts ner line for subsequent issues. Thus, >(V . .'en inch ad vert.iscment will cost *1.00 for one •; .. . M-eoV. ti.r.o for two weeks, ( for three l* " Greeks, and so on. ^ The Pr.vTvnmt^R will be Uhir-il in (riving (-Jf tutorial notices, hut. a* a bnxiness rnle. It •t _ wilt require a snirable fee from everyl*>lv -peeking the use of its columns for pecuniary - " |cain. BUSINESS CARDS. •MAirr «. BARBIAN. HATU WORKER. Alii .kinds of Hair Work rtnne in first class stvte an<1 at reasonable prices. Rooms *t rcsidenr.e, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. VRTKRIXAttY Illinois C.f'i. GRF.KK. ftURGKOX, Uelmopd, JE3SE A. Baldwin, rAWYRR. Law business in any part of j th». State receiVea prompt attention. OIBcc room 41, new Custom House, Cliicagn Illinois. S. P. DEN SETT, M. D. HVSfCIAS ASDSURGKON. Also United Ktehmond, P' States Examining Surgeon. Illinois JOSBPH N. rupusu. SA1,OOS AND RET VDR.VN'T Bonslett'a old stand, opposite His hop's Mill. Mc- Ilenrv, III. The c loieest Wines, Liquors an<l Ji?ars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season (8orved up in any shape (icsireil or for sale by the Can. GOWU STABLING KOR HOKSBtk SIDSET DHBROW, P den. 111. ^JTART PUBLIC a ad Conveya»««r, Al. ^ BUSINESS CARDS. ' 8j»i i i i i " . T. BROWX.M.1K • PHYSICIAN AXT> STTflOEOV. Ofll"e over !• nil the Post OUce, »»nn<»site Perry AiKartin's ^totf up stalr«, .Mcllenry, 111. DR. C,"E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mc.Henry, at Packer House, the 10th and S6th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOHN KLEIITGEX. HOUSF, Painter, Grtiner, Cnlcimln»r and. Paper Hansrer. Resi<lenc.e one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom ply and on reasonable terms. fcoticeio the Public. t south of E. Law. >d Street, where I am preiMirnd to ilo all kiwis of work in my line. \s I huve no bovs to <lo mv work, I w:mt very near what It Is worth for doln? it. I do iny'work. in a manner that needs no watehiiis. F. A. HEBA&D- McHenry, Jan. »th, 1MB. TH WE built a shop Just his'on Brick and w*o<t AXTONY ENGELK, •O AT.OOX ar( 1 Restaurant, Buck's old stand C5 McHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <our Masli, Wines, Cijpirs, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices, fresh Oysters in their season. AMKI BREEDER OQT* Hogs. ResidM Lake County, ill. AMES i ̂ red {Poland Ohiaa > miles south of Veto, I for sale. C. N. A, M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jowelw NO. il«JRA\TDOLPH*STRKET, (Successor to E. R, t*. ShirleyO Chicago, 111. Spe­ cial attention given to repairing Fine watch- es and Cim>norae ters. «"A Fall Assortment of Goods la hi* line. Richmond House, RICHVOlfD. ILL C.N.CDLVEE, - - PuoPHtETOR. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH, PROPRIETOR. C'tOOD Boanl by the day or week at re:ison-T ablolratcs Th« r.'ioieest brands of Wines, Liquors and fJijrar*. Good StnlilliMt for Horses. A fine Piaeon Hole Table in connection with the House. Give me a crtll. PKTKIt SMITH. O. H. FECiER , M. D- » TsTOi \V AND STTRGEOV. Jo'insbwrgh. I Ilia.--Office hours S to 1ft, A. W. *» O. .T. HOWARD, M. D. YSTCIAN AND STTROEOV. OWee at " mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, >; ^TeHenry. II'. ^ E. V. VNr»'?1 ON. M. D., jp1 YSIOIAX and^ Siijxeoji. QIBee Residenc,e, Mc.ifeliry. TlHnols... at f J! J. MYER ,I „ 4'- . . J ' •' W-' - Ra'oon ancl Res>taurnnt« «N BASTCMENT of ICuhnerCs Store, Johns-burgh, Til. The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors an<l Cig«rs imt see me. always on nana. Call rRATt;:H0e%:+"' FA. PRATT, Proprietor. First class nc-co-nmodi t,l( • Wauconda. 111. " BAIUIIAN BROS. €IGAR Manufacturers, Mcllenry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, 11 Old McHenrr, JI Keitcr Block, two doors IRAUK Office. west of Pun* ttTCHARI) COMPTON. ^TITSTIOE of the Peaceanl Cmvevaneer.--- ,11 Willatton l pro nutlv to the collection of ' .(ebta. Volo, L ike CoiitUv, III. i. E. E. RICH VRDS. tlA"* 'omnbte Abstractor Titles to land ,T1 in M Henrv bounty, lll'iois. Office with C-mnty Clerk, Woodstock.'III. E. M. OWEN rv GENERAL Dealer and Mannfacturers T Agent in T-oadine Farm Machinery.-- .Prices low and terms favorable. Mcllenry, II'. V. «. COLBY Breeder of i», Berks hire and V c.'oioe lot of young McHENRY, McHenry Oi.. 111. Spanish Merino Sh« ~ i wiiu Poland China . . . . . Buck stock for sale. Pleasec ill and examine vfccfore buying elsewhere. V . B. G. SMITH. ' f>OOT AND SHOE M \KER. Prompt atten- -1> tlon given to Repairing. Shop in Greg­ ory's Harness shop, opposite Riverside House, ' WcHenrv, Illrnois. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by .. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES. LIQUORS AND CISARS. m .r. Woodstock, the world. Put np i» Patentee. and Quart F. IMARCUS, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restanraat, MBAK THE DEPOT. MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS r;, • :•» r Liquors ami ^labtini for The best Brands of Wines, Cigars always on Hand. Good ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's B^LWAUKEE Lager_Beer, Beer In Large or S'liall Kegs or Bottles »t w:i v* on hand cheaper thau any other, quali ""|v considered. Tliis Beer has a world wnle reputation, and Itoodjudges acknowledge it oaauat me sur. fuissed in the world. Ordors by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. 111. Au;. iMh. issa, M. M. CLOTHIER. RICHMOND - ILLIXOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Prosecutes all claims in all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special atten. tlon given to difficult or rciccted claims. Careful attention given lo all"maiters of iTa. portance Office at tho residence ol'W.11. II. Cowlin, Woo'lstock, III. Business will be at­ tended t."> by Mr. Cow I in in my absence. I shall always he i|$®re on Saturday, and sh-itl* be at the ortice ot J. T. Reldm, Ksvi., Mareiig'v on thqpflrst Friday in each month. 'All letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. GEORGE CURTIS, House and Sign Painter* McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry 4t Martin's. Will attend promptly to all work and guar* satisfaction Prices as low a» good work can be done anywhere. HAVIXG recently nurchafed House, I have imt it in thorough repair. the above >rtgh repair, with new fin-nitue throughout, ana would respectful'y invite the patronage ot the trav. eling imblic and others. The tables will al­ ways lie provided with the best that can be procure I, and polite and attentive waiters will lie in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No p'ltns will bo spitred to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious lwirns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on Arst floor. Richtvu Sales of Stc and Goods ot to on the moat nnd srttisfttCl PostjOffice addi BICHJ Illinois, riirminar lT°ols cim's attended tsonable Teems guaranteed. »•. \ . ILL. Soldiers' Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. S, F. BENNETT. B. s: WOODS' -D Breech and Shot rman, 1 HF.. WHJHTMAN, Proprietor. First . class rigs, with or without drivers, fu.inished at reasonable rates. Teaming «t all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CABPENTEK AHD JQIHSfi McHenry, III. ; s Will take contracts for piuri'if flii IfuMditigs ami <;iinraiireM inv work will coin|tit|v with any imtii in the .Stat*. 1 cm aitiLwill «io work fwun 15 to. A, per win cluMjnmr than otlifer car|»eiit*,;'s. ass 1 have t\^> ot my hoys who work with rn<\ whiolriuakes it possible for ni«( to do fo. ?zte ins. Is, au4 (heap. LouHng OuteMm Powder, snot. Caps,! tor sale. Fishing Jrael All kinds of SpoHixigf Goods, . AND REPAIflKNG DONE. A good Breech Double Barreled Gun. warranted Twist, Winchester Rifle, 7« mAel, 15 shots, 2ft. Nickel Plated (> sliot Ifcirolvcr, ri.Vi. Self cocking Pritish Hw l>0,f Pistol, 5.OA. A good Single Harret Breech Loading, Single Gun, warrant! d, I will undersell any liiiue in the eoiinty in Guns ann Sporting GootMp If von want a good gnn lt wiHguav >;ou*eail and* *me. | warrant avery gnn 11 Clothes Wrin«*t^i repaired and new Kolls put on#-, rrice per pair warmuted, $2«5(). A SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, l|B2. " > ; :T ATTENtlOIIr t ECCNOMYISWEALTH. to Yon can save money your orders F. OT. RICHMON * . k ' I (IMUHPTI^ ^ ' f ! V HT]?' CRAI.iHO * SI»ECl*l.T)f, T.-; '"""•.liK&f : A. WENDELL. FINE MIXED PAI1XTN. t am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints Of all kinds at the lowest living prices, and fur­ nish an article far superior to the com non Mixed Paints lieiug solu. Call and si e me. CEO. CURTIS. McHenty Aprll R, mi. B. RA1NTH0RP Rinerwood - Illinois. To the people of Riiigwood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I liave opened a store near the Depot, where 1 will pay the highest market value for E«<rs. Hutter, and other produce, e:nh or trade hein^r ittiniaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < i- jjars and Tohaeoo, I am jroinar to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more li!»eval patronage than I had expected, I shall yet. hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RTKOWOOD, 111.. June 13th, lStt-i. ILLINOIS, •iii'iMt iUck. ftc., fto. GROCERIES! CROCERIES! Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now prejmred to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Oanned Goods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, .. &c,, &c. My Goods are all fresh and the lowest living prices. I also keep a full slock of Gnn Materia) nUhing Tackle, Minnow Soins, Hani mocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing, and Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Springs, and all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of TINWARE is eoinplett. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all •com petition. M. ENGELN X.. Near the Depot, NleHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the finest btands •of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will SAli at Wholesaleor Retail at Bottom Prices: ":Tt*c difterent Itrands of Ftonr always" on hand ami warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand •^Floiir delivered any where In the Cor poration. Orders may he given by Postal Card, Bo* 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. MclI«o y.lfiur L. BON SLETT. "th, lsei. mm ^mewMOME! CHIME CO CHICAGO. ILL ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLAt iTA, GA.-- m New Home Sewing Machine Co, 248 State St., Chicago. O. W. Oil EX. Agent* - McHenry. HL W. H. SANFORD, Meroliant Tailor, In the store of O. H. Dickinson, £aaUide 0? ?ublic Square, WOODSTOCK, I LI*. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- rny^on hand. Suits made to order and a At warranted. Give me a call. W. H. SANFOBD. Woodstock, III., Sept. 37th. 1476. 1 on long credit *nd I easy terms, in a mild climate, free from heavy snows, blight* lug frosts, and e*> BILLIONS OF ACRES | ««•«»»• for sale In the COLDEH BELT of Kansas, by the MMM ?MIM RAILWAY, mti * L'lch Coll as fue sun ever shonn oa, ffitb ?ood markcis easfi sad west. FVH- DeseripU*« nnd Illustrated Bool* w'tfr Mapn, Sent Free, Addrest LAND COMMiSS'Oi^EB,--Kansas D^y^Id Hansa$ CITV, MisspvBI* M EAP LANDS Repairing ot plows and all other fhrm 111 plements Is given particular attrntion. In my manufactures I use only the best mater"', al, and, keeping the very b«»st workmen in all departments, I am enalile I to guarantee and warrant alt work that goes from my shop as first class in every particular. SPECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All furm wagonn manufactured at my shop are warranted for THKKK VKARS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every agricnltnral implement, includ­ ing, espect tllv,- Dowaglac Walking and Rid­ ing Plow, .V. \\ Thooipson mid Gesley Bros'. Plows ami Cultivator*, F. II. Mannv Seeders and 'orn Cultivators, the Dowagiac Spring Tooth feeder*, the Piano llaivester and Twine liindcr, the Warrior and Hotikint' Slower, and all other first class machines. Warranted rtrst CIHSS or no sale. BLACK'SMITHING of every kind attended to promptl) and satisfaction guaranteed. F I « E P A I N T f N Q f lhnre engaged .1. STII.LWELL, the boss painter of the Northwest, for oi.e vear, jr longer, to take charge of my paint shop, which isji sufficient guarantee that all work of that kind will liedou1' in the bei-tuud most artistic style. It should not lie forgotten that I employ J. • Repass, wood workman of twentv years ox. jierience, and L. Howe, carriage "blacksmith, l«ith ursurpsssed asartizans In tbeir line. Finally, come and see me and I wi'l guar­ antee satisfaction as to prices and quality ot work to all F. W. MEAD. Foe The Spring Trade. ,'fV GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. JOHKSBDRGH, ILI» Is again on hand with a full line of Goods for the spring and Summer trade, to which he Invites the attention of the bnyini jmkHc. HIS stock consists in part of - - •• '• •' CROCERIES, Sotioas, Seats aod Shoes, TIN W AR£,&c„ And In short everything twoally kept in a First Class General Store. The Highest Market Price IX CASH OR TRADE For Batter and Eggs, Call and see me. r . » . • ? » . / • , Chas. Kuhnert* Jolinsbnrgh, March Sth, 1833. pApV THE ATTENTION of Farmers v" I \ i* , is ealled to the I^ormindy Giant White and the Mammoth Yellow h'inif Seed forn, the best and most, productive varie­ ties known. Will pay any Farmer pi*r cent more than common corn. Send us your order, and if yon are not satisfied on receipt of corn tee uill refund your mrmeu. 3 ounces, by mail, 10c; 1 poling for 25c; 1 peck, by express, 7Bc; I bushel >2.50; 2 bushels M.5H. Send for our Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potate and Garden Seeds. Free to all- Jho'. M. HAYBS ft Co., Cincinnati, O. >;• SKETCHES, From a Soldier's Memorandoxn T.KTTKR NO. IB. WAIFS FROM THB SKA. difi on (lie briny billows in mnklnf'a journer (hut eliotild have bun miide In lew thun ten dnjr*, would «f conrfie. from the estmordlnary length of time, peculiar clrcumfltancps, and the ojgniflcant fRCt tliat 1400 land«> m«n were making llie trip, create a history that would Interest mankind, nnd through the hearts of true men np|>eal to an ar;l-c«nlroHing Providence. No man (possessed of a feul) lias ever stood before tlie mast wltli not a vlst- age ofiinmaiilty In view, thrt was not impressed with Ills own Inslgnlltcanoe. and that fain would not bow low In submissive reverence to Nature's ged. I believe that a true sketch of seafar­ ing life never was made. No artist could paint a stnrm oil Cape Hatteras; and most certain It Is that no genius of the pencil can portray In Action but a shadowy Imposition as contrasted to the Ideal of truth. But after the wild tempest lias subsided. In the bright sunlight on the day following the bat­ tle of tbe elements, the artist may paint (not the tempest) but the mighty waves, heaving and rolling grandly, high towards the blue dome of lieaven. But then and there, when tlie awful Ideuds with the sublime, where shall the artist fix his bearings to bring out the most strikingeflort of reality. Will Ids ship (needs be) b* cutting the erest of the mountain waves, or be descending to the valley of death? Will she lie shrouded (almost lost to human sight) lo the driving tlelnge of sheet- lug sprity, or he quivering lt» a surging vortex, wherein the sun of high noon reflects r.o ray of light ? But lite stormy Atlantic It nttt al- wnys the theater of wll:1 commotion, Although there is no such thing as a motionless and quiet ocean, yet there are days when the surface reflects a silver ujtst, and the sun seeius to rise and set I'ar down In the depths of tlie £V" waters. In lair weather the heaving motion of the waves Is perhaps least tleinoti^tralive alonsr the const. In the Oulf '(ream, the current flowin? northward, resembles the Mis­ sissippi river. Its motion Is the same, (six knots nu hour). Sett weeds in vast pit>lusittu, drift wood from the tropics, and even carcasses of aninials, found only In tlie Torld zone, glide swiftly by etiroute to the far oil shores of Nor­ way. Like the Continent, the Atlantic has Its localities of peculiar interest. Yes. its charms for some, but I confess that It hud no charms for me.' Few sights on the ocean are of ni^re interest to voyagers than are the Florida Reefs (so Called). These treach­ erous rocks, mostly below sea level,but many rising 50 to upwards of 100 leet. desolate and forsaken sentinels, mllos away from a drear)' shore are always attractive, for there the waves break and form, lush and boil. There miiuyn noble ship Ims foundered, tftul mane n faithful crew has gone down lo death. Entering the Gulf of Mexico the water seems almost transparent. 8ea birds flock in dense swarms, almost at times hiding the sun. If there is beauty or pleasure In sailing the seas, and I must sail, I lieu 1 prefer ta cruise about the Oulf of Mexico. We had little time to appreciate the mild waters, when an event occurred that brought teal's from ,eyes unused to weeping. One of our comrades, Packard by tinne, died of ^>hip fever. During his short illness his uur«e alone was permitted to see liitn. . He was locked in a narrow cell crazed witli pain, lie died a wretched death, worse indeed, than the most hardened farmer would allow to be the lot of a beast in the stall. Everybody loved Packard, for he was Indeed one of God's noblemen, born and educated n moral giant, always discriminating <nud cautious, but a stranger to fear. No Kentuckian could clip • squirrels ear with a surer, cleaner cut, than he. The military code was to fire from tlie right shoulder, but Packard and myself were permitted to exercise a code of our own. We fired from the left shoulder. I generally lilt the marie, Packard always did. In a trial of skill at Hilton Head. Packard was the cham­ pion shot of the regiment. 1 blunder­ ingly won second place, but soon after the death of my friend, I was beaten by at least a score, and a year after­ wards I. as compared with the whole. %as hardly a medium shot, yet the magic of Packard's record always lm- precsed the boys with an abiding faith in shot* deliverod from the left shoul­ der. Packard died just as the sun was rlfing, but the Intensified,even sublime beauty of a sunrise In the Gulf of Mexico reflected no charm that could assuage our sorrow. The dead soldier was wrapped and closely tied in a blanket, two cannon balls were ma do fan at his feet, a plank was laid across the rail, (a. brief service), the plank tipped, and the soldier whose skill and sterling manhood h^id won the undying respect and the'warmest appreciation of his comrades, descended to the depths of a grave, of which, vast obliv­ ion alone is the keeper 01' records. M.M.O. A Bosket Festival si V«lo. EDITOR PI.AINDRALF.R :-Another new game has been instituted by the church festival societies for making money and having a right social time. The sport Is described as follows: A party of ladles and gentlemen congregate at • certain church, and tlie ladies are sup* plied with lunch baskets containing a lunch and their cards. These baskets are put up at auction and sold to the gentlemen, the lady whose card he has purchased enjoy the contents of the basket together. Not long >iuce a fes- ! tlval of this kind was held here and they had an "a moos In" ens. for an auc­ tioneer. His name Is Kd Link, but I do not say anything about that. Tell it not In Oath nor publish it In the streets of Askelon. A strange In­ fatuation or a queer case of mash, or love at first sight was developed here. A long haired chap with a face like a flaxseed poultice, from Hebron, Mc­ Henry County, was at this festival and purchased a basket. When he called out the name that was upon the card, up rose a brown-eyed, brown-haired, lank, lean, faded, worn, wormy, wither­ ed and wrinkled old maid, and she WAS from Greenwood, of the county and state aforesaid, and advanced tip to'this Hebronite with the grace and majesty of a queen and by his acts yon eeuldsee he thought she was as beautiful as Ilaydes; and of her Byron says-- AVhat was still more thocking, She had on slippeis but no stocking* When the basket was opened this pair begun to sing: *TII not go iioaie till morning,M and to his great delight he found the basket was filled wholly with peanuts, and in Iter hand she had a two-pound package of dried apples as a condiment. They immediiiteljr commenced at this delectable repast an4 kept it up all night until broad daylight In the morning, or would If the audience had not been dismissed with a benediction. They chatted, billed and cooed, perfectly oblivious of all eyes that were furtively thrown that way. A few enjoyed this infatua­ tion so much between those two Janu­ arys--as neither were Mays--that they were like to go distracted, and actually shed mirthful tears that were as big as your list. Finally this couple departed urni in arm, and both appeared to he In an interesting condition, big with afflation and we presume the contMupont iMNH MM Mrte-eaHse, vm a few wi»%>fc* ifive In but what peanuts was Wholly the eause, A few other Indiscretions were manifested but they were trivial. Tlie tomfoolery of the auctioneer was designed to bring forth the stamps and had the desired effect. All had a very enjoyable time,and all Is well that ends well. OLD GRIMES • trlf *prl«|i AMKRICAtt NKWgPAPBRS lit IMS. From the new edition of Messrs. George P. Rowell A Co's American Newspaper Directory, which is now In press. It appears that the newspaper* and periodicals of all Kinds Issued In the United States and Territories, uow reach the lni|>o*ing total of 11.196. This Is an Increase of 585 In twelve months. Taking the States one hy one, the newspaper growth In some has been very considerable. The present total In New York State, for Instance, is 1,399--a gain of 80 In the past year. The increase In Pennsylvania is 48, the existing number being 043. Nebraska's total grew from 175 to 301, and Illinois from 890 to 904. A year ago Massa­ chusetts had 430 papers; now the num­ ber is 438. In Texas the new papers out­ numbered the suspensions by 8, and Ohio now lias 738 papers instead of 693. Tlie most remarkable change has er. enrred in tlie Territories, in which the dally papers have grown from 43 to 63^ and the weeklies from 169 to 243-- Dakota being the chief area of activ­ ity. The number of monthlies through­ out the country grew from 976 to 1.034, while (lie dallies leaped from 996 to 1.0G2. The figures given above are ex. elusive of Canada, which possesses a total of 686. It is interesting to note that the newly settled regions of the Canadinn North-West are productive of newspapers as well as of wheat, for the number of journals issued in Man­ itoba was nearly doubled during the year. Good for Missouri; it has pium a liquor law that will add dollars to the 1>rice of her lands. It provides that it shall not be lawful lo graut a license for retailing Intoxicating drinks "in any town or city containing 3500 In­ habitants or more until a majority of the assessed tax-paying citizens in the block or square in which the dramshop is to be kept shall sign a petition ask­ ing for sueh license tokeepa dramshop in such block or square in sweh town or city, nor in any city containing less than 3.5C0 inhabitants, nor in any In­ corporated town or municipal township, until a majority, both of tax-paying citiaens therin and In the block or square wherein the dramshop is to be kept shall sign tlie petition.** The Ladies will always find a fine line of Laces and Neck-wear at Mrs. H. II. Nichols*. She keeps a full as­ sortment of the latest style*/tjo^J|e fonnd in the market. Yonng men. wo are now receiving our spring and summer stock of flae Shoe*, and can show yon the finest assortment ever found in this marker. Call and s« o them at Henry Colby's. . imiro OWE EDITOR PLAIKDRAI.BR J--SPRING coming, for a small flock of *»lld ge««j|..: was seen flying northward la«t w*f Mrs. J. Frixer. who bo* fieen sftit the past week. Is now rsfnwrNlli we hop« wiUsoon be a&le fofee wl us again, Mrs. Mark Hoffman. Re* M!«* Peck, was visiting friend* In tl iage the past week. Robert Tweed, Jr.. madea short to Chicago la»t weett to hi»v his *f _ stock of goods, starting Wednesday returning Saturday. M!*s Lizzie Peacock, of thf» village^ Is visiting at present with tlie famllj|| of Joseph James, of Kngllsh Prairie. ^ Robert Tweed, Sr.. who w«* reporte*li as sick in the last week* paper, I* no«^| »o fully recovered as to be able to afci tend to the Store, 8ome of the young fb&s of thle vicinity gathered at the ;resid*Mt0$ J. W. Carr last Saturday evening 0MP the purpose of enjoying thei which tliejr did to the best o| ability. Go to Jack's if you want have a good time. f We hoar that that yenttg gentlemen ; who was visited hy the "angelic O^iK^jL of two young ladies," last fall, hut A# * cided to enter the holy bond* aastft* mony, and thus prevent all female «s^ vasions upon Ids Sunday meditations* We hope lo receive cards. I Miss Llbbie Hendricks, who has bee* teaching school near Greenwood tbs pait winter, has returned dome, lier r'w school having closed. Eugene Lawson has been around the**; parts buying sheep for the purpose of' stocking his farui in Kansas. RSOM ANOTIIRR coRRKsroMiHtsrr. . EDITOR PLAIXDKALKR.--News l»eti$ are pretty fcarce In our little town thlsr week. • The roads are drying np finely, wMlf all hope they will continue to tin so. ^; Any one In need of a good sewing® machine just givo John Hendricks *§1 call. ^ Our mall has changed hand*. Peter**t^"' horses were so fearful slow we do notjft regret it. Our new mail carriers name' Is Mr. Nolce, I believe. ^ Onr cheese factory U doing a Ing business for this t!me of the Any one will do well to patronise for !.• mlwftyn h.iu.« lltgff.' *»"* Mrs. Jennie Frixer has been very *lf|( but is some better at this writing " we hops she will continue to lmpr^t<> Mr. John Carr and family Intend !•; ! move to Richmoud this week. * Jack Is going Into the butcher's business with J. Billings. That leaves the old hotel vacant again. Miss Llbbie Hendricks closed her school west of Ringwood, last week, after a successful term* When you want your horse shod or wagon mended, just call on Win. Shot- lift. Be is the man that can do a good job. Jack Carr gave a farewell dance a week ago Saturday night which waa very slimly attended. A couple of onr (ownswemen got un­ easy for a little recreation the other day. and took a bntteifly flit (well Is wasn't much of a flit for they went on foot) down across the hills and flat#* till they landed at the wished for spot, which wasn't far from Fox River. One of onr yoiing sports went out' the other day to try his hick. When he had got but a short way down the creek he spied something on the water. He banged away. once, twice, thrice, and the fourth time hrought it 4own. When he went to investigate, oh! horror of horrors! what had ho done. He had shot one of his neighbors geese. Henry you want to look before you si time; - • WIf judges were alkrireA inoj#4 latitude in passing senteiire. it is quire possible it would be better for the coitttry. The case of Oby S. Owen, late teller of the third national bank of St. Louis, Is an example. He eas- bexaled some 9200.000 and goes to the penitentiary for only eight years. Bis eight years In prison will thus net Mm •33.000 per year--a much larger salary no doubt than what he was receiving from tlie bank. Had the judge been allowed to sentence him for life, it might check other eas be nle moots like nature. MV The New York Time* deala Tammany chiefs and Demnvratlc presi­ dential aspirants 4 cruel Mow by pub- IIthing an account of Samuel J.Tihlou's rejuvenated health, and his InteatlMa of re-entering politics. His retirement is now said lo be ouly a ruse to e*ta|* for a time from politicians and allow nature to get In a little work on him. Now lie is to come forth with renewed strength, upset his eutfiny*# camp, mar­ shal his forces, and go in for the presi­ dency ; all of which is very beautiful, but as It k repeated every year, jw»t wheu the snow is leaving 1 he ground. If. may be considered one of the signa of spring, and nothing more. Big Giant Feed Mills* Will grind ('•!> ami all. or SlielM Corn and Oats mixed. Warranted (•» do as good work as any niUI for a slnti- ; lar purpose, and to grind as lue au«t fast lor kind of grinding retviuweucte«| as any oilu r mill of same tiae and prico. For sale by S. A J. Sherman, living 2 miles West of tM tl*% Woodstock road. McHenry, Jan 15th,

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