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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1883, p. 1

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"Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and ki|) No Favors Win us and no Pear 8hall Awe." * * 1 > A • ^ I* ' 8. M'HENRY. ILLIN ^aMCNS %:,*A * Pat>lls*ed Every Wednesday by JT. V-A.:* SLYKB, « EDITOt ANO PUBLISHER. iflee in Bishop's Block#, --OrroStva PB**r BUSINESS CARDS. TERMS OF filTBSCIIIFTIOK. Tear tm Vlwnre) •I1J® ff *>t Pill wit'iUT'ir^- Months, 8®» • '^nb^riptims renal vn 1 fir t'iree or six nonths in th« snfia nriwtinn. 2h .s'V.'*" K . -V„ ; ;v;. ^ y4 , • *% *• %•». r - V - fJW.'tf,! r! Kates of Advertising. -V#8s AnnAiinr« liberal for ndvprttsltjjr In the Pr.AfvntUT.RK, and en-teavors them «n nininiv that th*»v « lit bp reidlljr uii- derstood. Titer ai* a) folluri: T Inch one rear --, -.-m -, •*-_ 5 SC * inches one vear *»,.«•, «»,.«•• *•: "" 8 T^ches one roar * '*•••. : • # IS on yr«lumnone veulf* ? » 1 •»* <• SA 00 H Ooinmn one vc«r -v »i • f,n oo 1 Column one year . - • ... • 100 i'0 One inch tho m^'isnrwnnnt of one Iwliitnirntte nnlnmn, «ln?1e fsolivnn width. Yearlr advertiser* at t.he abavo hive the privilp^n of «*.ha"»srH<r as often as they ehoise, without extra charxe. ttoiiilar a l vortf«'*'-» (mean'TT t.Hos«» hiV'nir Standing rarl<1 wITI ho t"» i-isertirtn of lo».al nitii'M st ri'» of 5 ennts n"" line ea«h week. All others will be chariot laepnt* n line first week. awl 5 cents pei^lino for each subsequent week. ' Tnu'Pit vtrnrtlsffin"its Till lw» I'twrjol at rat^ of indents per lino, (notrnarnil tvie. «*«me a* th'i is set in> th« first issne, nn-l 5 rents ner line for subsenncnt. i««ne«. Thn«, in infh H'(vi!rt'«mont wiH<*nst MWI for one week. *1.50 for two>, weeks. 13.00 for throe 'week*. and so on. The Pr.vTvnu^TCit Will be liberal In erivlnT- editorial no'ice«. hot. M »» hn«ine«4 rule, It trill rennire a suitable fee from evervhodv pecking the use of. it* columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. ir. T. nnowN.M.n, f>WfetOTAV A\n ^TtRfiP.OV. om-e over I the Post f»Slce, onnosite Perry Jfc;M#rtiii'» Stoie III» stairs, McHenry, 111. > -,̂ni | • - - c. nf. >ivw?i , M, D. M w *ND orinROV. .lo'tnsburgh. "Ills.--Office hours <* to 10, A. M. MABY (1. BABBTAN. HAIlt WORKKli. All ka.da df Hair Work (lone in Ural class style and at r<5;iRon;il>le prices. Rooms «t rosiilnnce, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHcnry, III. €.S. UREKS, \ TBTERtNAllSr aUROROV, V Illinois Kt^nund, JRSSB A. BALO#"I«» r AWYRR. Law business In any *»*« otj J th*! 4iMte receives pr«*mpt attention. Office room 41, newr Custom House, Chicago Illinois. , SIUSKir DHBltOW,,. •VTOf VliV PtTBLIC ami Oonv^Anner, Al- <ien, £11. DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. . DENTTST. Rosnlenee Oiimlee. Will b(t nt M<-»Iei»ry, at Parker House, the 10th awl 85thofeafh raonlh. When (into* IICNIR Ratnnlay or Aunilay I make my visits on the following Monday. JOTIV IvLElFOEN. HOTTSK Painter, Graincr, Calclmln«»r and Paper llinsrer. Itosi'lence one Block West of Riversnle House. Work attended to prompl v and on reasonable terms. boticelo the Public. TH WE built a shop just south of E. T.»w-lus' on Brick and Wood Street, where I am prei>aro<l to do all kind* of work in my line. As I hn*e no liovs to do mv work, I want vorv near what it Is worth for doing it. I do inv .Work in a manner that needs no v . * fc nu» Mcfienrr, Jan. 0th, tttt. , McHENBY HOUSE. PKTER SMITH, PROl'IUKTOft. OOP noar>t bv the day or week at reason- T able*ratos * The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cisar*. Good st-iiilfng for Itorises. A fine I'ijto.on Hole Table in connection with the Hons*. «lvemi> a ca!i. PETKIt SMITH. rvl '"i ' l: J pi • fK J. HOWARD, M. O. llffY^TrTAX AXI> STTttOEOV. Ofllre »t " nr rast'lonne, opposite M. E. Church, McHcnry. TU. t. v. wnunm m. T>., ^HTHTOTX* irnl «iurareon. Oftlce Resi'tenie, Mcllefiry, Illinois. at J. J. MYERS, . , ; liniooA rind Rostnrtrant, r-B V^EMEXT of KnhnertV «itore. .Tohns-biirgpli, Til. The choicest brands.of M'Hies, -awPitei- »ndseejne. tlrape Vinci, etC., ill chcap for cash. M. BI. CI-OTHIER, U. S. Pension Attorney. Prosecutes claims in all Bureaus in the* DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE&I0B*. CarefuVatteution given to compliMtod eases and REJECTED CLAIMS- A competent asnstant and Notary Public always on iliitA-. .My only business offl«« ifc at the reaideaeeof Win. U. Cowlin. HfXDRlSDtt OF REtEREXCES. W'OODSIOCK, MCHKNKRC»,., ILLINOIS. m STILL LIVE. W *> Please come up to the Ringwoo t Nurserv with vnu'r te*im, and load ni» with KRIIIT. SHADE, O'tVAMENTAI. and EVKRC.RKES* TREES. V lino h! »ck of BLACK WALNUTS aniithe tnuuh talked of i PRATT HOUSE. TA. PH \TT, Proprietor. First claaw nc. rt'nmo'l^tions. Good Bara in connection 'Wnw.ofida. 111. B \I:M AN mto=«. rflC AR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or-' de«*s ooliciled. Shop, ii Old MctTenrr, ji Koitor Block, two doors west of PLAIH- >R»^KR Office. RTCHAltD COMPTOS. TIT^TIOK of the Peacefu l Omvevancer.'-WHI vf.ton I nr'» n'»tl v to the collection of lobts. Volo. Lake County, ill. E. E. RICHARD1*. H.\*X'Annie to Alwtrv-t or Titles' to land li\M Treim-Oountv, Ill-nois, O«oe with pounty Clerk, Woodstock. III. , ,v M.OWEN $nd Manufactiirors W'- - $2: O ENT:RAI' Dealer , , IT Agent in Leadin? Farm Machmerv. Prices low a#il terms favorable. Mcltenry, H'. N. S. CJOLBY. ' • fcHENRY, McHenrvCf».,III. Breeder of jVl Spunish Merino She<M>, Berk; hire and Poland China wine. Venice lot of vonnsr Buck stock for sale. Pleasecall and examine before buying elsewhere. JOHN V. BUCXLAND. Ringwoo I, Mcllenry Co , III., March. 4, L*U, Plants, Rosas ^nd See ls. WK will mail, postpaid, any one of the fol. lowing iolloctiiin.1, upon receipt of OsE DO I, I.Alt: 12 tine Ever-blooming UO^K^. 10 Roses, all white, pinlc, re<t or yellow ithidC'*. 10 iiK- ItAX I I'Jh, slr»gl;» or 'double. S Dahlias. i0 packets of bent i«'LO\VEIt S|5E1)h 20 pack ,er.s of VEGETABLE ^EKD *. l<Mi LADIOLUS nri.ns, io ««s..vted BEDDING PLANTS. 12 TTTBEIIO^E BULBS. Price l.i#.ts FREE. Satisfaction guaran- teeiL Thirty Gree ihouses in opei-iition. Address, NANZ A NEC NEK, Klorixts. LOI;IIHVILLK, KT. B. U. SMITH. BOOT AXD shoe M \KETI. Promnt stten-tlon iriven to Reptlrintt. Shop In Gru*. ary's Harness "5hop, opposite Riverside noiua, |tcilenrv, Illinoig. GERMAN Manufactured by F.MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CISARS. Woodstook The liest Tonic in the world. Plot and tfuart Bottles. HI. Put "up In P. MARCUS, Patentee. 'JOS'. WIEDEMANN, and Restaurant, VJ'V'" KB AH THB DEPOT. I •, y/^ MoHENRY, » ILLINOIS • The best Brands of Winea. Linuors and Cigars always qa Han<L Good ^Stabling for Jiorses. ALSO ACSNT FOR "Franz Falk's T J^ILWAI KEE lleer in Larga or Small Kegs or'Botttes tit w^ysonhand cheaper tbau »ay other, quali tv considered. Thin Beer liai<a world wule reputation, and pood judges acknowledge it UAapol u« mt> (taitaed lu the world. Ordors by mail prquiptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. BREBPER or 2a FOW RICHMOND, (FIRST PREMIUM AT MCHKNKV COITNTT FAIR ) Mv fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OK YORK strain, remarkable for their great size and laving <iu:ilitie"». I rsn «liow a trio i f list season's chicks wQighlng 31 pminds. I£ggs, per setting -if thirteen. il..V, delivered to purchaser in Ricliinond. s>hip|md, securely packed, $2.(ML 1 ROBERTO BENNETT. |. RAINTHORP ttlngwbotl - - Illinois. To the people of Rm^wood and vicinity I would respectfully «;ty that I. have opened a store near the Depot, where X will pay the highest market value for E<!<rs, Butter, and other produce, cswh or trade l>ein<r imniaterial to me. I shall keep oil hand a select stock of Groceries uud Flour, which with choice brands of < -i- gars and Tobacco, I am <join« to sell at prices to defy competition and though I have mot with a much more lilteval pjitrouaore than I had expectcd, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade uud secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP* RlJfQWOOD, 111.. June 13th, lssii. ^on long credit end I easy termx, in a mild " climate, free from heavy snows, blight. lug fronts, and »*• cesitire rains. ANDS L. -w-- Near'the Depot, McHENRY • • ' ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the Bnest brands of * lour *n<| Feed of all kinds, which, he will selJ at Wholesale or Itetail at , Bottom Prices. Ftyediflerent brands of Fio.ur always^ on hauil uud warranted an represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand •WKlour delivered any where In the Cor­ poration. Orders may i»e gireu by Postal Jurii, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. L, B0NSL.ETT. jr, M*rcMU, W*l. S. r. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANDSUlttGEON. AlsotTr.lted Staua^Kxauiining Surgeon. lUebwoud, Illinois. JOSEPH N. FRKUND. SALOON AND RBTAURANT BONSIETT'S old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mc- Hcnrv, 111. The * c K.icest Wines, Liquors and ^ignrs to l>e tound in the county. Fresh Ovsters in their. season ^rved up In any shape desired or fl»r sale by the On. GOOD STABBING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenry. III.--The choicest "Kentucky Whiskies, -sour Maslt, Wlno«, Oig-ars, etc., aiwaVs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Ovsters la their season. MONEY RECBIV and loaned on i rent rites, WIUHMH Farm loans made at 1 and t WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18, 1883. ttt INVESTMENT security at cut* ;e to the lender. W. RANSTBAO, Block, Elgin, III Soldiers- DepartItk^tlt, " 1 • 11 liv1 '.'""B1 A. M. CHURCH, Watohmnkor and Jeweler NO. T08 RAVDOL Pll STREET, (*ucc«ssor to E. IL P. Shirley.) Ohinagn, 111. Spe­ cial attention given to repairing Fine watch­ es and Chronoi^c tors. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line. iUCT Richmond House, RIC^ONS. ILL Ci If. CULVER, - - PBOPRIBTOR^ HAVING recently purciwfed the alwve House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fumltue throughout, aud would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav. cling public and others. The tahlcp will al­ ways be )irovidcd with the best that can be procure'I, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to ailend to the wants of guests. No p uns will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on |;he premises. Free Omnibus to and froaa nil trains. Sample llooiuson first floor. . rtltRV STAfrtjt. iH, K. WIG HTM AN, Proprietor, rirst class rigs, with-or without drivers. TiMntalied at reasonable rates. Toamiug ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CA1P2STER MD JQ1I2B McHenry, III. WIH take «'ontnu«t8 f«#r putting tip ditil itfiiarautef mv work will com|>afi' with tuty man in tlio Sfnte. I can and will ilo work from 15 to A. per wnt clii'aiii?|- t^i other carpenter*, aa I liuvo two t^yM^^oyn who work with me, wliioli i^nM^i, |to^ible for me. to do SO. -i -:r-Kv- ATI Carpenter tine proiiiptly fittentleil to. Give mc a call. RichmOHplllnolSe Sales of Stoekt »rmin£ Tools and Goods o! :ill l|iu s atl ended to on the most Hjgfeonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Poat Office address, ^HICHMOS|), ILL. J Mi,, , „tof B. mam WOOD8T -DEAIREIX-- Breach and Miiizle Loading Shot l§fts, Powder, snot. Caps, and Cartridges (or sale. Fishing TaeklofCheap. All kind»;of ^ Spprtingfil' O oods, ^AND KEPAIRING DONE. Double Barreled A goo-1 Breech T,oa Qun. warranted Twtsl Winchester llillc, "fi Nickel Plated « shot Si-It cock in IT Prltish A ;roo.| Single Bn Single Gun. warranted,' I will uuderseli any fe Guns and Sporting Go<M good gnn It wiltuav yon 6< I warrant every gnn I sett, 1, 15 Shot s, 3Bk Iver, *4.50. f Pi-l»l,5 .00. ch Loading, the countv In you want a and see me. , Olothes WringefB repaired mid new Bolls put on^ Price jier pair warranted, ^ iSHXRMAN. Woodtlock, July Htln ' ATTE ECONOMY ION WEALTH. iving your orders A. WENDELL. {MG MACHINES "^IEWIIomep SEWING MACH1HE CO CHICAGO.ILL. ORANGF AND ATLANTA.6A MASS descriptions, Be- neral tlttc' You can save money RICHMOfliO. Wagons, Carriages of all pairinz. Painlins, general I tack siuithtiig, Ac., Ac., Ac. Re|»alringof plows and all other fsroi Im- pli'inents is given particular ntt»nti«n. In mv niannfartiires I use onlv the beet, materl-' iili and, kecpinx the very b«st workmen in all departiiientH, I am enabled to guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop as first class in every particular. •FECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop arc warranted for TUKKti Y£ABS> AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural Imnloment. includ­ ing, especially, Norwegian Walkinir nn I Rid- inar Plow, N. C. Tiiompson and Gcsley Bros*. Plow* an i Cultivator#, F. H. Manny Seeders «nd "!orn C Itivators, the Dowagiac S|)ring To »lh "eeders, the I'lano and D. M. Osborne .v CO'R. Mai vester and Twine Kinder, the Wii-rior and I'opkint' Mower, and all other li si CIHS« niacin net. Warranted lirst class or no sule BL ACKSMITHING of every kind attended to prompt I j and satisfaction guurantyod FI JI li" JP A I* isfP I »l & A SPECIALTY, I have enraged .r. STILLWELL. the boss vi in tor of the Northwest, for one venr, jr 'n^er, to take charge of my paint shop, which is ;I HIfHci«nt Kiiaratite* that nil work of that kind will be don »in the best and most artistic Style. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Re pas*, wood workman of twenty vears ex- liericnce, and L.Howe, carriage blacksmith, hoth ursurpassfld asarticansln their line. Finally, coma and see me and I wi'l *rnar- an tee satisfaction as to pric«* and quality ol work to all interested. F. W. MEAD. Fo<* The Spring Trade. GOOD GOODS, LOVffiiit. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 248 State St. Chicago. O. W, OW Agent. Mo Hears/. III. W. H. SANF03D, Mercltaut Tailor. In^the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastsule of >nUie Square, WOODSTOOK, ILL. A soft it Stock qf Pine Cloths for Suitings al- vnyson hand. Suits made to order and a^iit warranted. Give lUe a call. W. H. SANFOIM>. Woodstock, III., Sept. t7tb. 1H75. CHEA MILLIONS OF ACRES ior sale lo the GOLDEN C5ELT of Kaosas, by the UNm PACIFIC RAILWAY, ofos pith Poll aa the ban ever *tiona oa, nriili g«sd umrkcl* ess£ awl went. For Descriptive and. Illustrated flooftf with Map*, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. JOHN8BUI|QH. ILL. Is again on hand with a full line of Goods for the spriiur and Suuimep tmde, to which he invites the attention of the Imylng nuLlic, II is stock COB.ISIS in pari Of GROCERIES, Boots ud . TINWARE, AC.,dbc. And in short everything usually k^Pit in a First Class General Store. Highest Market ^ IN CASH OB TBAD£; Butter and pall and see meu; Chas. Kuhnert. JiliilHiiliAll, Kirch 5th, 1883. r*ADV THE ATTENTION of Farmers V7 V 7 IV i^l • is called to. l*e Normandy GHant While and the Manunfib Yellow King Sseti Corn, the liestaml most j*rn,lnctivc varie­ ties known. Will pay iiuy |.-.,vu»,ei' 2fi per cent more than common com. ^-ud us your oriier, and if von are not satisfied of> receipt of corn ttilf refutul yow-vumey, aoiyj'ces. by mail, 10c; I pound for 2ftc; 1 tM'c'k, U,y vxpress 75c.; I bushel 0; 2 bushels **.»). Send for our Premium Cataloirue--Ov,r«, Pof*U> aud Garden Seeda, Pre* to all. Xuo£. M. * Oo., CiH«}iiu»aU, O* OONDDCTED BY DR. S. r. BENNETT. ' " % MO More Pensions,* j . [By ChttrUtJ. Beanie] , ,, •f ^Pft tnore pensions shall be pnM.'feS ssoldiers all have had their da v-- :k • • Some hnve homesteads nix by fourfcrn Sacred graves in Southern clay, Soldiers paid! Yes! longago "'.k They were paid with papur rags, . Iron shot and leaden balls, v Patent arms and wooden legs. They are paid,but not with gold, In themiistnr, march, and line-- Paid with sufferinsr, curse and bio# Borne wit*: fortitude diviae. Pniitwlth loathsome, tainted food; P*id with sh^ldy coat and shoe, .»In the tent, the camp, the Held, Robbed by all the sutler ciew. In Ihe liattJe, In the siege, Paid with adverse shot and shell., "v Paul with murder, wounds, and death* In the currency of hell. No more pensions, not one cent, From the Nation they ha v» saved," For the years in battle spent, For the hoi rors they have lira veil. •». ' Can the rescued land forget Its defenders bravo and defer? , Has our sun of glorv set? Is our night ot bondage near? •The Young Men's Democratic Club, «f Brooklyn, N, Y., adopted a resolution that "No more pensions shall be paid tto Federal soldiers." SKETCHES*. From & Soldier's Memorandum LETTER NO. 17. SOMEWHAT MIXED--Til E BLUE AND OBEY. Our quarters were at the custom house for aboiii one week, ami a lively week It was. too. Flail we been turneil Into Hades our sentiments regarding the-place couli not have been more ex- tiaordinarj- than there. On the other hand the rebels were as much astoti isheil v we. Many of them Itatl never seen a Yankee before, and their blear* lug, uncertain t ui'tosity would entirely put to shame ilie original Rip Van Winkle. Besides this class (aud they numbered thousand*) there were hun­ dreds of confederate sol die ri In the city, generally unarmed, but many wearing knives aud revolvers. The majority of these were sneaks and cowards who had deserted tlieir flag, yet made day aud uight hideous, by their groaus, hisses, aud curses against the Union. As might be evpected many thrilling scenes occurred, and for H few; days riot, murder, Hre. the lash ftlld ill® iwarJ. WAMd an I at oil lu« •I:MI it? awful roconl of bloody deeds. Xot only was tliu the case under the dark cloak of midnight, but lu the full blaze of the nooudav sun men and women'were shot down, even on the princely St. I?hnrlc8 street and almost at the threthhold of that great hotel (the St. Charles) at tlmt tloie the headquarters of Gen. Butler. On the night of May 1st there was a detachment ot the 9lh Conn. (Irish regiment) stationed near the Poydras market with a section of artillery. During the night some of the guards collided witli the mob and three sol' diers were kllle I, one cut ill pieces. The soldiers were infuriated, and des­ pite the most determined efforts of their officers a part of the detachment "broke loose' and wreaKed a terrible veugcance upon the roughs for mis. deeds of a* maddened and wretched nlsrht. However, by the Stli day. Gen. Butler had a sure and complete grip o:)^ the city, and order and law began to come forth from thatcitldro.iof iniquity and slum pit of sin. Might pai.rols covered the 'city every hour, and al though death tvas always neai. and good men and women gave up their lives a costly sacrifice for tlie glutinous sins of a second Sodom; vet law, backed by the sword, triumphed, aud crime wasMirvly and swiftly punished. On the (fth of May, 1862, my regiment pitched their tents In Aiiunciation Square, and styled this camp "Camp Mosewood," In honor of a noble ai^d patriotic lady of tliat name who had presented us with a beautiful silk flag at Pittsfleld, Mass. By this time there was about 4,000 Union infantry, two. batteries of light artillery aud one company of cavalry in New Orleans. Our soldierly dn;ies here demantl*4 more conservative, deliberate, yet ex­ act aud heroic manhood than U did later to charge to the mouth of belch* lug cannon, double-quicking over the hard paveuieuts, dispersing mobs, gathering aud finding the starving poor, arresting murderers, thieves and confederates, ferreting out and capitir­ ing secreted nrmc, and responding at all hours of night (with almost vlectric vim) to the drum beating to arms, but feebly tells of a task w^U done. The drum head court martial was by no means a meaningless court. The plea of transgressors was, that tk»y did not know Butler's orders. T« remedy tUts and give uni/ershl fair play, Geu^ But­ ler at once took possession of a print­ ing office and made rea»>v to issue a daily paper. 1 well reiaeniher an evening when the &lst Mass. was oa dress parade. Geiu Butler stepped t* the front of Co. [> aud inquired if any man in that compauv cou,h> run a news­ paper. Such as thought they COMIII. might step two paces io the front. Thereupon six privates res polled. He also wanted a machinist--one who could if necessury build acreaiu engine Tills call wa« make on Co. H; men from the near vicinity of the great car shops ot Chicopee and Springfield, Nearly ene-iourth ot thafc company stepped .out. li wejik bul aiutpU' justice to n good comidahdtt to state, that very few papers In our country were con* ducted with greatef ability than was Butler's newsy sheet, a copy of which was left each day at the front door of e«®j*y residence In the city, ft Was abl», clean, logical, fair, while for a time the royal type of Johnny glean­ ings appeared on Wall paper.'and the quality of the paper Itself was a fair meaMtrment of Its printed contents, the revolution from ext«eMely bad to fairly good was swift, sore, and pro* gresslve. Poor laborers fonnd steady employment, and went Well worthy of their hlfe, , I remember weH (and always Will) another evenlng*vhen Bntier callctl on our colonel and asked for a detail of SO men. three from each company, for hazardous and special duty. The de tail was made at once, the writer with the number, Butler designated Lieut. Kendrick. late of Lowell, to command the squad. It was 10 p. m, when we marchcd ont of camp, first to old Levee street, then countermarched and swung into St Charles street. After a livelj exercise we brought np en Canal street and took possession of Canal hank. This bank, it was reported, held In its vaults nearly §300.0001n gold and silver plated wares and species, mostly the property of the stale and the confeder­ al* government.- Twenty-seven sol­ diers were stationed outside andithrea inside the bank. A great crowd of people hastily collected In the streets, and one of their leading men demanded of Kendrick that he draw off Ills men aud get away from the'bank at once or the citizens In their great wmtli would surely kill every soldier. Our com­ mander promptly arrested the rebel leader and gave the crowd teu minutes to disperse to their homes. This cool demand was answered by a deathly groau. Citlsens cast oil their coats and hats, aud brandished bowle knives. Kendrick held his watch and his revol­ ver in his left hand, his sword In Ills right hand, and perhaps a minute be­ fore the time was up he directed his soldiers to cock their rifles then nimbly stepping to the center of his Hue he commanded:steady onys,ready. There was flre in Kendrick** eye, and ills men were ready for the fray, (rfo fighting was necessary). The way that crowd doubled back for cover cannot be told. Ths UnlonjatS heM thate-grlp on the bank, a:<J tntSe sin&f! nfimra of morn­ ing the treasure was haaled away and placed on an ocean steamer in the river. From this matter of duty and fact sprung that diabolical hue and cry: "Butte's silver spoons.** than which a more damnable prostitution of reason and logical truth ever blackened the politics or literature of (lie country. For shame! oh noisy babes, who lu the early sixties fought by proxy. (Shoofly) Make room for better men. Early In May a system of sanitary arrangements was Inaugurated and ea- forced with scrupulous exaotness. The *chool system was reorganised, or rather, a school system was created something on the New England plan, in which the color line was set as'de. The principle teachers were from the North. One of the most successful of' these was a Miss Cogswell, of New Hampshire, (a sister of Mrs. Samuel W. Brown, of Hebron. 111.) Hers was a tedious experience, but success crowned the gallaut efforts of the plucky Yau- kee school inarm. Little children by hundreds atone time lor several days In succession, flocked and swarmed about the Union camp waving miniature rabel tags ant? singing rebel songs. These children were from 4 to ft years old. Butler's decree went forth thai such children should be taken Into ewstedy. As a natural consequence parents and guard­ ians called foe thefcr ttttle ones, when I hey In turn weVe arrested and the children set fcee. One liellisli schome was for women to insult the soldiers everywhere, hg word and deed. This prawtice beeanie extremely trying and exasperating to the last degree. In one iiikfttauze a captain of Co. H. and Lieutenant Fordham ot Co. A, 3)tt Mass., when walking arm in arm aloug St. Charles street were politely acoosted by two elegantly dressed ladles who, at the Instant the officers halted, spit in their faces- and wttliuut saying a word passed afong. In a vary few days equally outrageous performances could be counted by hundreds. Geu Balkr then issued Ills famous WOUAII ortler. and the difficulty ended. Troops iu the vicinity of the custom house weie no* uoyed by the cnprices-of a British ««<• sui. a tall, swarthy ao4 faced fellow, wt.o (measured by his owie standard) was ttC vast impsHsnc about th» town Tills tony Eili'm iHedatl»ert to recog­ nize though well he kuew that the urn-down gua wam signs) for guards to veeogaia* an auM. excepting lie gave th* couateielga over the point of the bajHMftet. A decree went forth that Britons must respect our military code. That same night the consul, in attempting to force his way by a guard, was killed. In a general srdtr the peo­ ple were notified that all who would not take the oath of allegianue un^t forthwith register tliexuselve* as ***» uiies to the United Htmea. 'ftvtNftwitfe. registered as euewV** a few later were asmulaaed hjr a quit the city. That t^ey could take one trunk for each adult, and only oue, and free transportation would be nromiMlv provided for them ei route to the couteUf rale Hue*. M. M. C. HT ruttxA. (i««WtaUIMM tnM IWeftsfa] Before daybreak on the laM rfoly, the whole force was en to the front. There waea a hollow, where wa» the ftHagt Hadtshovo, into which TctfcMl iifei dying over the ridge la ffont, caas hanging and crashing. / A boat midday Schihewtsy i staff, which We accompanied, to the ridge between the gaas,i In position there, and we sorteyed tlM marvelous view below us---the Httfs town of Plavna In tfee center, with Turkish earthworks, girdled by smoke, all around It. After an artillery dnel of three beans the Prineo ordered his Infantry oa to the attack. The gallant fellow*) us, full of ardor, with bands and colors flying, and went the fell valley belof^for tl the deman of carnage rai In that dire cockpit. The wounded came limping and groaning back, aa4 threw themselves down on the rswie slope, In the village of RadiSkara hs our rear. The surgeons already had set up their field hospitals |ad wesw ready for work. Never shall I forget the speeMefi of that assault made ty Schahovelley'a infautrymen en the Tarktlh •arth- works In the valley. The long ranks on which I ' looked down, tramped steadily on to the assault. Xs skir­ mish line was thrown out ia advance. The fighting Hue remained the fanaa* tlor., till, what wltn Impatience, aad what with men falling, it broke Into a ragged spray of Iinmauity, aad sarged on s-vlftly, loosely, and with no dsw cohesion. The supports ran np Into the light* ing array,Independently and eageriy< Presently, all along the bristling line burst forth flaming volleys of musketfJP flre. The jagged line spr»ttg* forward through the ma lie fields, gradually falling Into a cenoave sha|Sa. #he crackle of {he musketry ire rose lata n sharp, continuous peal. The clamor of the harrahs of the flghtiaf ilea came back to us on the breeae, malting the blood tingle with tiie exeiteweat of battle. The wounded began to trickle hack down the gentle siope. We could see the dea<? and the aaare severely woonded lying wNasa^ilha* hiii! lag men waa pouring over theat, on and on. Suddenly th* dlsceaae|ted men drew closer tagather. Wm fafedd see the officers signaling for li# oentration by the waving af H|*l« •wards. The distance yet to ha tftf» orsed was but a hundred yards. There was a wild rush, headed by the Colonel of one of the regiments. The Turke in the work stood their ground, aad flred with terrible effect Into the whirlwind that was rushing upon them. The Colonel's horse went down but tha Colonel was on bis feat In a paeseal and. waving his sword, 'led Ha iae» forward on foot. But only for a fair paces. Ua staggered aHd fell. We could hear the tempest-gush of wrath --half howl, half yell--wlt^f which hie ' mSn. bayonets lo , tiie dp^ga* rushed ou to avenge him. The^ were ov«r the pafapet aa«l in anting tlte rories )lke an overwhelming avaUuolie. Xut many followers of tiie Pro|»ltet got tha chance to run away froth the gleaming Rnssian bayonets. But tlicre were aot mea enough far the enterprise. It was cruel to watch the brave Russian seldiere standing there leaderless, steruly waiting death for want of officers to lead them for- ward e« to march them back. As tha- sun set in hirld crimsoiu tiie Russia** defeat was assuretW The auackiag tsoopa had been driven back or strlckew stowtu AH around us tiie air was heetjr i wUU tha low moaning of tlte wouadetl* MP^Keely, of motor fame. Is has? constructing a large engine wherewith* to doiuonstrate tiie utiUtt of his la* vention or discovery. Thlfteeu toss of gin nutal anil hardened steel haaa- been used iu the construction- ml tha* machine, aud the eaetiuge wove doaa las sections lu various cities so-that wo ass* should dUvover tiie irhMleas af tha* various parts. It is then paopoeed ||a adjust tlte lanohiiM for »a«a as a ltaa> • motivst and'tiie first >*ur«Hty Is la ha- made ta New York. Mr. la^ bending all liM energies to havo tha trial tetpoiMttroa.tha awilsg IMillfe: ofjhily.. A w«f{«« e&Mktitllig a In a cago^. with a farmer's wife in diarga, was o>t tlte-Oetrolt market reventiy. aiwding to the'/Vea Press, and*a butcher witla an eye to. veal stepped up and iu^uliady "Madam, is that calf'farsal^f** wYe«». sir." "Is be a Dnrli»m?** ~Ue may he.**' -Isn't an Ayrshire. Is he?** "Like an* ough." "Don't you know his breed***' he as-bed in a surprised volea "Ne,|t don't.*** ^Then how do you espial Wt* sell liim t* "All 1 hoow ahoa^ |||s% calf is-that hl%- father hoelps^ltjpailfa- of the peace to death «n4 hh aisllt* chased a temsA* k>W«retlWttail)IH*%rdi if th4t aiVt hseet>enough V* askftt A«V t«seiW% ta^ah]h»- Thf» baj^hrr «at# |ha Iweed was a» tlghjk Taww««MMkwa «i»a a** is a* Khg our spring and summer ito4taf|»a Shoes, and ean show yon thai* •! assortment eeer fo«i» I *u 1'ih aiififlp1'1 Call aud«e«-^|i^%^i4hkM^ ^1-

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