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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1883, p. 4

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" V -fiWSjfE'lltS $}L>\ %\r ^ *\f*\ ' 7?'*. ssiippp •- > r " : SUM rat OWE N •i i >1 .Q AY, APRIL 18.188S. ' .;'Y " '"T# *' * M ' >* '• •• ' i _» »^>r ^ General ' - ' . i ' VAN «LYHE. Editor. K?;» obxxtS|f .gy^CTsatfa yo o. c. ooLbi] fife hmriK«« mntimie to occur it tl»* country, notwltlisland- Ptrennon* efforts tliat hare to adjust the dlflerrnces ttiP working men and tfH» ttirers. No doubt many of the dfth« workJnfcinen are just, Mkl Mine. on the other Iinnd. Hl-mlvls- If the tvorkin^men in discussing in advance of wajjo*. with tlie alterna- tl*» of a strike, should proceed coolly tfnd coasiderate!r. remembering that their employer* Interest la their in- f#rear. and he wary of those who do More work with their months than they do with their hands, it would be •inch better for them, A great strike throwing thousands of hands out of ^mjiloyment. Is a jrreat calamity, which always Inflicts distress on workingmen themselves. §§^T<v' UMartfrlnf from the evidence thus f,AJ far elicited concerning tlie manage*. went of the State fl!m?-house at Tewks- ; ,% iNiry. M*«f„ Governor Butler lias done #etl In forcing an investigation of the ; *<Bil r. The mortal! ty among foundli it* !*~ clilldren a couple of years ago was so . great that the nuthorities forbade any more being sent there. The testimony taken shows that the family in charge ef the place for many years, regarded ' the institution In the light of a State provision for their support. By con- . Stant contact with iiuinan misery, sick- . Mass and death, they seem to have be> «*>me callous, cruel and selfish, and it is high time they gave place to peeple of } , it different and better nature. The testimony first brought out was horrl- I Ve enough, it being to the effect that , coffins from which corpses had been . if moved, had been filled with sticks i, and stenes to give them weight, and also that they had been skinned, the tildes having been sent off to be tanned. 9 . Add te this the neglect of children. ( Only ene out of seventy-three living, the finding of the bodies of a woman , aadchlldlna trunk, the smothering •( an Infant by an Insane Inmate, al- ' ' tawing children to starve Co death, giving Inmates nothing but water for several days, allowing rats to feed on 4$ead human bodies, and Other abuse!, leaking a picture too revolting to «f«n think of, and the necessity of the Investigation can be readily seen. . Oeyernor Butler has bis faults, but i tills iuveetigation is not one of them. GREENWOOD- Editor Piaindkalkr.--Rev. Mr. Snyder, of Morgan Park, preached the Baptist church last Sunday. Mrs. Jake Wcsterman and her daogh< ter Rosa, of Dundee, are visiting- frletids and relatives here. P. Dailey lias added much to the. looks ef his Itouse. by putting on new, blinds. Mark Dawson started for Minnesota last Friday, instead of the week before: as he iiiteitdod. < A few days since. Miss Ret Van Hooxen was. presented with an elegant silk drfe?s by her grandfather. Ed Annpvs, lately from Jersey City, N. .?„ is In town once mor», looksng as natural as ever he did in days gone by* Miss Jennie B. Moses, who has bee# visiting her brother William, ill Russell, Kansas, for some time past, returned home last Saturday. ;-: Wm. Westerman, agent for the whltll bronze monuments, has sold one to W* D. Stewart, to be erected in the Stew®> art ccmetery lit mernory or Josepli Stewart. ' ' " - . . Tlie wall for ttio addition io Geo. Barnard's house is being laid by the Johnson's of Woodstock, Our barber shop, which has formerly been run by our vetrinary surgeon "Doc. TwItchelV Is now discohtinuec? owing to press of business in his otliet: calling. y J. H. Garrison*, is shipping large quantities of seed potatoes of various kinds, to different sections of the conn- try. Those wh» are in want of any. will do well to let him know, also any­ thing In the evergreen or fruit tree line, as soon as the season for trans­ planting them opens. Tiios« desiring work done In tlie chimney laving or wall building line, should call at, or send their address to No. 1 Soap St. All work entrusted to him. will be carefully and promptly! done, with prices to suit all who may" require ills services. N«w it is the time of year that tlie small boy--and soine larger ones--may? be seen wending their way along the bank of the Nippers ink. with fish [ oleC in one hand, and pati in the other, but showing by their actions that fish ars ' rather scarce. Isn't that so? We should judge by the amount of goods daily brought to our general store, that our enterprising merchant. D. W. Soper. was doing an extra good business. We also notice that he lias lately purchased a pair of bay ponies and a nice new buggy, which we under* stawl |i« proposes to keep for hire. eaSu ing that their stock is com­ plete in every Department* just received. Spring Stock i ̂ V Souths' Suits. ••4 >•#<•< WAUCONDA. The election here was qnlte vigor- 4maly contested, an unusually large ir«ite, ftor simply a town election, being polled. II. B. Burritt, Supervisor and John Gold Ing, Town Clerk, were re- JSsst-i J. A. SsjskskI Is A;sc?scr, Dnvls, Road Commissioner.* Gold ing, Collector. William IKene, Thistle Cetnmissioner. John Muir has sold h!s farm and If ; lie can dispose of his town property, Contemplates going west. ; - ft may be a little out of our territory tonotice the gathering at Mr. Join ~Sewe^8, last week, but the parties are •» well known in Wauconda, that we tiope to be pardoned for the notice. The occasion was the marriage of Miss Kate Bower to Mr. B. Dobner. formerly •ere'l known In this section, but who has Jbeen living lately In Minnesota. The lenot was tied by Father Gables, of Buffalo Grove.In the Fremont church *t about 10 a. M. A large company of friends were present, and the wedding 'festivities were continued through Tuesday and into the small hours of Wednesday morning. They had a big time and a good time. The happy ronple received many valuable gifts, v Kpaoe, however^ will not permit their lielng enumerated at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Dobner will certainly carry to' their Minnesota home the well wishes Of a "large circle of Lake County friends. Mr, George North and Miss Emma Boomer were married recently, and will make Rlngwood their lioiiie for tlie present. •; An eastern paper received a few nays ago. contained a notice of the marriage at Beihlenam, Connecticut, of Mrs. F. B. Harrison's sister. Miss Rhoda Harri. son, who has frequently visited Wau­ conda. to Dr. E. A. McCornack of Oak Glen, 111. One of the groomsman was the brides cousin, C. H. Bird whose pleasant face used to be familiar to all the customers of the Wauconda Book- liauut. Long may he live, and that he may ere long be one of tlie happy principals In a similar festive occasion, is doubtless the lio^ie of many besides yours truly. Bird, by tlie way has abaudomed drugs, and taken an Interest la a woolen inaonfacturinfir establish men:, In which his father lias long been ene of the pMnciput stockholders Here Bird will'no doubt -- yes, of cours* but Bird does not need any taffy, so the complimentary remarks which he deserves, and which were intended vtllle withheld. W. Houghton has returned from Iowa |sd intends remaining permanently |n Wauconda. Miss Allle Poole has gone to Kansas where iier mother and Iter brother re •ide. Alfred Xorth Is home for a vacation Sle returns te h!s pedagogical labor in Boone County next week. II. WelM has been • moving onto a fartu belonging to C, Devlin. Miss Anna MoOliesney, of Edgerton ^ Wis., a sister of the doc ter, is visiting Wm. | • Fred Kendrtc&s will worklpr an old | employer of his in|Barriiigton | A great improvenieat has taken * place iu building a new sidewalk from the Baptist church to the Cemeterv A new wulk ha* also lieen laid in frout 1»l ihtt old hotel building. ; SPRING GROVE. KdITOK PLAIXDEALKRi--'The grass is beginning to inuke its appearance. House cleaning and painting is the:; order of tlie day. Mr. Wm.-Wray made Chieago a short visit last week. Go again, Mr. W ray J if yon wilioulv bring the oranges. Mr. Jack Kimball, of Paw Paw, Michigan, formerly of this place, made his friends here a flying visit last 'week. Ducks are getting plenty. W. Wilson and H..Dayment wept to the lake last week and came Imme with sixty. Mr. Geo. West lake, %vho has been ru:; c'.'.cc?;: factory St Spfiri^ Prairie, made his friends here a short! isit last week after the absence of ^ year. From here lie is going to Darien, Wis., to take charge of a factory in that place. Come again,-George, we are always glad to see your smiling face. We liad the pleasure of seeing onr friend, Mrs. Robert Tweed, Sr.. on onr streets one day last week, for the first time in over four months. She lias been afflicted with erysipelas all win­ ter. If you would like to know who any^ grade, price or qual­ ity. Latest style to fit the trade., . '• > '. A full line of most desira­ ble patterns direct from the manufacturers at bottom came out head man in that race up the hill a few Saturday nights ago, ask a couple of the Tnrkey.Street young men, and probably tiiey will tell you.; Five of our maidens while ont for a walk. Were engaged in a very interesting talk. J (They intended to go to the farmer's on the* hill. * A short way south of the old grist milk) , When a short way from tlieir destination, Thpv heard a »ioise; l»it where in creation It carce from, il;ev could not cspv; But, looking toward the town,'what should meet their eye, Hut two pretty *park* and a little blase. That fairly made those maidens gaze. Th« spark* were coming along together, And scared the maiden; «o. two took one war and three the other. Two jumped behind the bridge the others up the hill-- But on came thtee pretty tjxirks nntil They reached the farmer's gate, when, all of a sudden, they took a torn, An»' the light of their cigars cpased to btirn, And hack to the town those ronng men flew, A& fast as their steeds could carry them through. Next time those young men set out for a race, TJ»cy had better soften'the lira** in their face. 150 Styles, TO j|a;r" • i. • ' If yon contemplate buying anything in thp Implement line we wf*h to announce to you that we have* a pood, honest lines of Good on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that w/e are ready to explain, know that we can wive you m'jney on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented and if you find them not as represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. Our stock of Plows is complete, conaisting of the Rock ford Sulky Ptow, the Skinner Stubble extm double fthin-hardened, either in wood or s^eel l»eam,the Reloit wood or steel beam Stubb.'e Plow with G e s l e y J o i n t e r ; a l s o t h e G e s l e j S u l ^ J f l p w X i u i t b c W W b y a n y b o y t h a t c a n d r i v e a t e a m . - ; - * ; v . ' !t - J j- Li! * J » ~ ' Rakes !;; Rakes I i Rakes ! Did you say Bakes ? Well we have on hand a full line. The Red Bird, KSlwood Self Dump, Centennial, Surprise; hut not least, the Old Reliable Hollinffswortb Sulky RaKe. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original! It is no new and uiitried implement. It stands kinsr of the field to-day. We have the Deere Planter, also tho Rock ford Planter that can be changed from « to *P*iU urithouteostiu^ o»e <xmt ®r a mo- The McCorkick Iron Mower, Jfo make fia^r while the aim shines is a good old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick has no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. xxr: With all its late improvements foi 1883. The owners of the sinalleet farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, asiteata nothing, never strikes for higher wagea, is a faithful, obedient servam, never wearies of work, alwajs pieces the it -imtoisflMMfr additional boarders. t , > We make the easiest running Wagon, use only 'the best seasoned wort in «ood ̂ ̂ toid, and sell jt Finally will say that our ftock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of goods and Prices if yon will favor us with a call. ? With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of Mie same upon the claim that we will sell the best Good* for the least money* ; Res pet. Yours B. BISHOP. 't<t - •'» a nne display of Cur­ tain goods and Shades, STATE OF ILI.IXOIS, (Jountv or He Henry ss.--Town ot Iturton. Office of Town Sopervisov. > he following is a statement by Fred Hatch Snpei vis >r of the Town of Burton, in the county and State aforesaid, of the amount of -public funds received and exuended bv him during the 11 sen I year just closed, ending on the 27th d«yr of March, 18K3, showing the amount of public, funds on hand at the com. mencrment of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received, and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expend ed. and for what pur|K»se expended, during said fiscal year en'llug as aforesaid. The said Fred Hatch, being duly sworn, doth depose and *ay that the following state* mcnt, by him subscribed, is a correct sta'.c- merit of tlie amount of puolio funds on hand at the commencement of the flsca' year above stated, the amount ot public tunds received, and the sourccs from which received, and the amouut expended, and the purposes for which expended, as set forth in said state- ment. FRED HATCH. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8th day of April, J883. Chaki.k* Mead, Justice of the Peace. Amount of pnblic funds on hand at the coinm'cem'tof the llscal yoar com'nc'g the 28tlt"' " 4&y of March, WS2: Vm- :• Ami MurcJi 20 $20 30 April 25 ftee'd from county treasurer delinquent tax 18 ttee'd from dog license fund.. 88 00 An immense line of black and colored Cashmeres, Nuns' Veiling, Camelettes, Dress Flannels, Dress Silks, Satins, Brocades, &e. Of, Suitings, Ginghams, Prints, <fcc., Buttons and Linings, Segt^ Febjr Bec'd from town tax per col. lector floi.JU-Jeas his percent age, 2 per cent K.0B TO* « Kec'd trom t iwn collector the dog tax #27.op less his per­ centage 1 per cent fi4 100 W Total amount received . Less whole am'l ot dog tax..*; 2646 ,. 85.2H Totalam't for town purpoaec...- ....9121 % 1882 EXi'BNt)Kl> Amt Sept5 By Fred Ha tdh receiving assess ment» and auditing accounts...t 3 00i 6 BytOliae Mead aiult'g accounts.. I SO I DR. WARNER'S CELEBRATED HEALTH CORSETS, Boots and Shoes. Anything desired in ladies' and gents' Fine Wear. Several elegant styles in Low Shoes. T A- General Assortment of Spriug §|yle» m HATS AND CAPS| TRUNKS AND VALISES, Rubber Coats, Gossamers, Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc 1883 March 27 Slater Town Clerk....... 10 18 Biohmoml Gazette pub report of- supervisor... 200 By Dennis Hildemin's acc't for com. of highways 10 W By Frank Cole'sace't for com othighways 3 00 By John 'Sanborn's acc't for com. of highway * 8 00 Fred Hatch auditingacc'ts... 1 ft*) By Ctias Mead " " ... JftO " Wm Slate-'s bill as T. C... 8 76 " John Shafer's bill for as­ sessing <lie town.... 80 00 *• Wm Slater's bill tor coin's books 10 4-1 Total amount expendel.. Total amouut received...:. .$ 8<>.8( . 200.02 Total bal. on hand March 27th, 1883..f 125.78 Less dog tax. 83.26 Toul lul m Smu4 fer town purpotw* mM * . ̂ •^DEALER Hf-- RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, #t. Your attention is invited t«» our magnificent new line of seoson- ^ : able and elogani styles, for rpring requirements. Every department is very complete aud pripes uaiform?y low. >nrchas«d the stock of Hardware of s|l .,, »y. tfce HUtre opposite Bishop's "It Mill, lam now prepared tooifer t ng publte any thlnf in the line of to the buy. B1 HASSWAB1, lOtin 8toves. ' ̂ At prices to tlie \ %',• i Will alto find a large assortment of DalrT- men a Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Pails. MUl. Ottos and toy thing In thatllne at pricesiw Low as the. Lowest.; Ainll stock ot BAHB WIRE alwa«W hand. .. JOBBING AND REPAIRING, Promptly .Attended to, 49" Don't bny any. thing: in the Hardware Line nctll you hafo etfiutined my stock and learned prices. E. M, HOWM. McHenry, February 27.1883. HEADQUARTERS FORr ^ sfivV/A'.;'! - " AND Agricultural MacU&o^ A. Richmond - Illinois. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine * farmer wants. I't, aTFOHM SPKING, DK- lilV.'iltY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIKS, One, two and three seated., at low**r prices than any other concern northwest 6f Chicago_ In the Agricultural Department I have tho Molhie, Uavenpnri, and tlie John Deere Plow* poth Sulky and Walking. The Kevstoneand Uichmond Champion Planters. The Kich- inond Broadcast and $iiperipr Seedtrs. Har­ rows of all kimfs at lower prices than ever liefore. Corn Oultivatorsof'all kinds, Mow. ers, Keapera ai.d Twine Binders. In short anything a man wants in the farm Machinery Hue, FROM A CI.EV1S TO A STEAM' Xlt- ' GINE. FINE PAIIVTINC. In my Painting Department I have secured! the serviees of if. H. NIOHOl.S, whoiswelB known in Mcllenry and I.ake (bounties as one of the be st )>ainters in this part of the conn try. Call and see his work. Which speaks for itself.^ Kor "Artistic Stylo" in this line, wo< defy competition. Uiaokimiltliini;, and Repairing Dono in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. Call and sen me before piuchasinci, '-*» I ssi sui-s l save rr.r.ii«y , A. P. GhAYr Kichmend, Marsh 5th, 1883. Administrator's Notice of Aling Final Settlement. STATE OF .ILMNOISCounty of MrBertry^ ss -- Estate of Michael Litton, deceased. Public notice is hereby triven that the un(ler> signed, adniinislr<ilor of the estate of Michael Sutton, deceased, will attend liefore the* County Court of Mcllenry l.iounty, at the* Court llouse in Woodstock, on Tucs l;iy,.Mny 22nd, 1883, next, for ihe. nurpose of niaklnfra tlnal settlement of said estate, nt which tlm* and place I will ask for an order of distribu - tion, and will also a»k to l»e discharged. AMi persons interested are notilied .o attend. . Elgin, III.,April 9th A. D., 1««. John Powkrs, A<lmicistrator. Executor's Notice. TESTATE of John Sturdivant, deceased. VM* 'j undersigned having Iteen appointed Kxe> ciurix of the last Will and Testament of John- sturdivant, deceased, late of the Countv or McHenry, and State of Illinois,, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Countjr Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court llouse, in Woodstock, at th'e June Term, on the third Monday in June next, at which time- all persons having claims against raid estate* are notified and requested to attend forth*' purpose of having the same adjusted. Alii persons indebted to said Estate are requested* to make immediate payment to the undeft signed. Dated this 16th day of April A. D. 1898. Vb.*ta mlruivakt, Kxecutrlx. ^ENRT McHenry, Illinois, March 5,188f| • - • -- WmmB Embraces every d^M;nb!e novelty of the season, fully described m their of EVEBf THING Torthe wfclch <br 1«8». cont»!ns PHTHR Revtsed Instructions on VA*rtnbtf and Ffeivtr mnkin>jr ir a Garrtenlnff Book. Itiiviitf •lithe latest informatmn Irnown to the author of Inc fcr Mrofll." Mai l^d fre*» on application LPiotse stale in rt'hnf vou this\ Peter Henderson & Co., ft 37 Cortlandt St., New York 'mm -FOR - i N ; . T ^ . 4 B r p : : Of every description. We keep constantly on hand RUB BE Si PAINTS, and HEATH & WILLIUAN'S CELEBRATED MIXED PAINT&, aH ready for the brush, '^r; t ; ":V-V •• ' . v.-4 • *' Pure and Fresh Family Groceries. PERRY & OWEN. With an unusudlly large assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-Wll^ic, AT BOTTOM PRICKS At the old «taiid of Jacob Story, McHenrj, Invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in tact everybody, to his large stock of Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IliON WARE, which lie is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of <roo<Js guaiauleed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended fairemember, extrq good bargains coc aiwiys be obtain^dL ACME 4 Crusher and Leveled r • The best Pulverizer on earth. A trial irifn, The undersigued is sole Agent for McHenry and West half of I.ake Co's. 8end tor cat*. ^ logue (free). All kinds of FARM MAi For Sale by ' '. -r. •'•JPjW; Orders by Mil Hartman, • • RldgefMd, IK. -.jf il" ' V" pUy attended |)k .

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