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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1883, p. 8

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*T ». I) BAi.nwi*. ! ' PI: notice «f Elelnroeetlnjr. I* O. *P. A. iriects at Nttnrtn n*"Xt itttfttftjr, Agood ftm# I? etpected. • %he J*|wr( «»f our laof «?l»nol f>*jnnln- *tl«wt ttu bren mlehitd. Nearlr nil did %•!!. ;.v | ,, fl» olBw» flttvs of Hie Ooiinfy Supwr- jjtwidMit «r« the second and fourth jr* «f ewh month. ¥ : ^RxceWor*' sends net a letter tl«|* lr«*»k which we jrladly (fire pluoe, Mill linpe the Iml) win he kept railing, ' fi»e WcHeiiry schools opened April Jtth, with * good attendance in each department. Teiichens should have a definite con­ flict with directors und ft- sliwdd be Made at ft regular or special meeting tif the Board. Written contracts are IEWj best. ^ f All of-'&fr t^achei*# and wonVfl b* leachere who have been examined have had the results mailed to thciin, and if tliey are not promptly received the delay Is not can»»d hy the examiner. l*fobahlj* In each school district of this state there was elected at least om? Miool director en Saturday last. Over theslgnatiires of tliese men Is ordered tlie payment of small stuns «f money, 'tint which yearly Aggregate several millions of dollars. Yet these men are chosen, witli no regard to their business ability or Individual interest in the success of our schools. Isn't this a seri­ ous obstacle to educational advance- Hint? * Dtiring tlie month or March about one lm«dl«4and forty applicants lor certi­ ficates to teach were examined and «»iily about tMrty-ivo per «ent stood tin required test. Some complaint has ttceii made that tiro standard is too Mgft, but we think not. Our questions iiave been submitted to many old teachers and not oue lias criticised tiieir severity. Prof. Allen, of Marengo, expresses his views in a letter which publish. He speaks the sentiments •f a large class of eduoittors. We shall work hard to bring McHenry county up to Its proper place among the counties of the state. We ask and confidently «xpect the help of all interested. • * 1 T« A. The Northern Illinois Teachcrs" As­ sociation will hold its next meeting frt Mendelssohn Hall. Elgin, Saturday; May 5. 1883. For the results expected; to follow this meeting see Esekief Slivii 1-11. Col. H. C. Forbes, of Polo, and Col. F. W. Parker.formerly of Quincy. Mass., will address the meeting, the former at 9a. n»„ on tiro sul»i »ct. "Inertia, as ap­ plied to the attitude of all parties tWMird onr common schoo'. system." JUS p. m. OM. Piirker will speak on| tW snb)*et, hat immediate step# ffcall be taken to adapt onr sdroo* work to the demands of the times."" You are cordially invited to be pres­ ent and participate in the discussion follow each of the addresses. The Jennings House will entertain ?||#iMdiers for $1.50 per day. Railroads IHttl return teachers holding Secretary's Mrtitteate at one-third regular rates. We derfgw to hold. tiro evening pre­ ceding, at the Jennings House, an in- - Ibrmal nieetiwg of Principals and t<iMf»erinteuilent«. lis object is to aftord flm opp»rtHMJty for «oeial greeting *tid Informal discission of questions inter- v'-iifetliijC to thoso liaviug teachers under KvHr cnarse. The following questions are ffested; Bbonldft teacher, willing or nnwilling, be [to take Home "durational publication? ~ " ' >9 and Promotions. lC.C SKYDKR, KM. Cem.<{ c. J. ALI.KN, { C. f. K 1MB ALU •' ' ---.V ipiiPijippjiiypBiapgwT ifravjM*; 1 4 & • % IS M.wrv; m -vpWV* • THE-*- Man nfa«tn ring CNMil •he McHflnry Bnolc Roy ities may are no* ready to supply Brick w qoi<a- tit ifBDH SMALL uiTS li A tions might take a wide range wltin> certain limits of propriety, of course; comprehending such topics as scholars, teacher®, and intelligent peopl» gener­ ally, would take an Interest In; ques­ tions relating to grammar, rhetoric, logic, psychology,and history questions incorrect modes of speech, unsound reasoning, a lid j-ritlcisns grne rally, such as Is calculated to drill and give vigor to the Intell4ct. These questions and inquiries should be such as could be an­ swered without having access to an extensive library. There are stores of young people, of both eexes^ In the country who aspire to be teachers, but who never can succeed without severe Intellectual drill, such as is calculated to develop the re fleet iva faculties--the reason and the judgment. What schol­ ars need and must have, is discipline, the ability to make their acquisition? available in the ever-recurring exigen­ cies of life. Education amounts to little unless it give« us command of our resources,specially in respect to form­ ing correct judgment In the every day matters of thought and conversation. And with the 'ability to reason and discriminate, it Is highly desirable to be able to deliver our opinions in ap­ propriate language And with gram­ matical accuracy. 'Indeed, here is the great desideratum, and it is just liere where education fails. Ask a scholar, for example, the meaning of the words *€Hsalion and perception. and how many think yon. could give tlie appropriate answer without turning to the diction­ ary? And even then, how many would grasp the distinguishing characteristics of these two simple words so-as to be able to exprsss themselves clearly, and in their own language. Now, Mr, Editor, if this proposition, and these suggestions meet with your approval, and that of the editor-in- chief, suppose we let these two words --Sensation and Perception--set the ball 1a motion. It wouldn't be surpris­ ing if something interesting and useful might come of it. Who will be the first to give us a lift in the way of n definition? Don't tie afraid of making mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, more or less. It is only by practice and frelf-discipline that any one secures immunity from constant errors and blunders in the way,of speech, and. Jr. fact, in the way of discrimination, and intelligent thinking. EXCKJ.SIOR. . R. C.I v iiV; WAUCON DA, ILLINOIS, --DCALKK IN-- Agricultural ImpIamenU, oi ALL KINDS* We keep s fall line of Fnrm-Mnchlnery of;the best manufacture Sad sell at Bed Rock Prices. If von Wanf anvthlnsr in tlie Vjcrirulltirhl Machinery line, <to nol l':til to rjill on me l>e- tcre puvciia3inar, as I r in s:ive7>'«ii nionny. I am al<'> a^ent 6»er Lake anl Mcllenry Counties for the * Cutter . - MARENGO, (11., March 35th, 1& £, D. Baldwin. Qt. SupL Schools: •tS DEAR SIR.--Permit me to say a word • fibotit "Teachers' Examinations.'" It is #cll understood by school men in this |»art of tiro state that the common •ehools of Mcllcury comity do not com* |»at« favorably with those of some of ^fMir neighboring counties. I think it Is understood that the trouble comes fro«i the employment of so many In- Ifflkient teacIiei-8. Knowing liaw these matters stood I looked with mueh interest for the be- £iuuing'of your work to see if you %ould take any steps to remely the itifvils now existing, and when you held yonr first examination in Marengo 1 - terntlnlted your questions closely and v||:ndeavored to draw out your ideas on the subject. I was very much pleased v |o see that you are awake to the needs . of McHeury county schools, and propose iloitig all you can to make them what fhey should be. Ton must expect munh |iecial'y from the friehds of those |iart!es to whom you will have to deny certificates, but for the sake of our fcliool*. don't let sueli criticisms turn * 3>ou from your purpose. The questions ^|j;oii are using this spring are good ones, ; %iot as difticult as they would be were I Sn your place, but good ones. In conclusion I wish you God speed In your work and assure you that what little infitience I have shall be eserted In holding up your hands. * « Fraternally Yours, C. J. ALLEN, i JMn. Pnb. School. Marengo, 111. ^ EDITOR EDUCATIONAL DEPT.--The ;: subscriber has taken the PLMNDEALER - now several years and finds it to com- pare favorably with any of its neigh bors---no matter where you may look tor them In the county--in the ability and liberal spirit with which it is eon- V diieted. In its exceptional typographic cal accuracy, and in the intelligent and t4 wide awake character of Its correspond ; ruts. 1 Iiave been thinking of late that, possibly, it might he still Improved by " . engrafting upon the Educational De partuieui a sort or "Curiosity Shop* * such as we find in the Inter Ocean, •jst where questions may be asked aud : ^ answered by correspondents; diflering In tkU latter respect from that sheet, where said questions are answered by Oue ol the editorial slaC. _',Tbcse ques- Ton can have a srr!n'ler attac.hefl to ffrind at th« SHINE time you are cutting, Kverv pur. chaser gets a writ'en uuarmtee with chine. It is positively the K \ IK T KIJV- SISGFEED CUTTER IV THE M.VUKET, Give me a call. J f . C . H I L L Waaconda. III., Dec. 96. M8i GOLDING \ it * / i ^ ^ .'»»«•« ':-T .'.•i.'.'.-t 'Vvi'.-A f", At •;+ j1-1 . • .1 -'i. t Vifif f «2T },« 'i)"l > }< i ^» •< *t »i ,• ' * <. *f r-i %it.n ,e^pr - i -* i ,i 1 »' ifould respectfully announco to the citizen* of Waucoii3a anJ sur« roundiugcotmtry that they have purchased the stock ot Godds of C. L. Pratt, and ate now on hand at the old store, with a lull line of Goods for t he Spring and Summer trade/ consisting in part of DRY ^OOP^^O^OXS. GROCERIES, ... T t i*t' ... • . , ; it ,,1 ,^n , I> C- iGlassware* &# tc Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Which they ai*e hound to sell as cheap as good Goods can he bought anywhere. In short, everything' that can i>e found in a general store will be kept and sold as low us the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. When in want of goQite m «ur llu« tiud it for your interest to call and see ' ' ? ^.v . / wauconda. Ill , April 4th, l^p. ill mm Don't be stuffed or fooled but call and examine our large stock of FARMING TOOLS, which is far larger this season than ever before. It you want plows we have the old make of Furst & Bradley, Graudetone, Moline, Norwegian, Case and the celebrated In all styles of walking and riding. ' In Plar»ters we can show you ai:d ^tewo##ie^ Ke^atoiae, Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any one in the stall. We have the Handall & Keystone Pulvetizing Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny and Knowlton are lighter draft and lead alt the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. ' The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the market for 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovements. It takes only one-halt a team to run it. Call and we will show it t o you and y o u wi 11 gee it wilLsasre you time,horsefle»h and money. ^ RAKES! i ACME i PULVERIZING HARROW, CLOD Crusher and Leveler. With aa «nusually large assortmentjof Hardware, Tinware, Stoves. Granite Iron-ware,&c, 1 r K -AT BOTTOM PRICES jonr>r i. . U f h vM ' * ik ' STORt; ; »>• • &i the old htaud of Jacpb Story, Mcllenry, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, ill fact evwybody, to his large stock of Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN AND GTiANITE IKON WAHIO, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteed. Tin 4i%afiug, Eave Troughing, Jobbing and lie^airin^ piomptjy attun^jed to. J^*°emembei*, extra good bargains cuu alwiys be obtained I ;• Their Brink are so^onrt to none to be fnnnrl in the miirket, and will be sold at the lowest | | iniirkct prif«u INMMOHS intending to hniUl. or those hand- f; linf? brir k, will <lo well to call and see us be- * fore i it re ha sin jf. For further information apply to or address 11%.® SlIW ̂f V J! •"»- ,Xf McHE^RY July 5th, 1982. ffiUtUBKIS NB CHEAPER THAN EVER. ¥! ii • rj.i ifenin Two Doors North of Perry & Owen« of Vurnituw is >owplete WUtt a larg^t- ktfwk than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the comity, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to call upon me when in want of anything in that lino. * > */ UNDERTAKING. In this cle]>nrtment T koop a first-class assortment of Caskets hnVt Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished H^^«iiMk)»l^^atos. JOHN B. BLAKE. THE ESTEV ORGAN LEADS THE WORLD. .:..4 • You Should Buy the Estey. Manv hundreds of onr neisrlihors and fri«nds 'have iwrclrosed one of these snperi> instru ments'within the last twelve years, -ind the twelve yetir old.. ICstey'sire worth more than any other orpin that- if sold i < " 'is fwtion KKW. They are the finest toned orgnn in the wo^ld. and the only oipiit tlml imnivves with use. You may usk, why oan'tVither tnakerit make as good nnoraanas tl eKslev? TIim StM-ret remains u'llh the Ksioyti,,i.l»oi>' ^alenltiand iuvcnti»>*-- which cannot bo iiKi'ii l>v anv other maker, They nuve c-iuirely (iveivome the difllrult.v «t leeds losins their onaiity and luiiing with use, and have, produced a»reed which lile like, ami nuisieai ' : , -- Quality of Tone Feu d In no Other Organ AKD Agrlcultuxal A, pi chmond Illinois. I sell everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer want*. l*«..\TFOUM SI'HIStJ," DK- MV.XUY AND FARM WAGI.'XS. TOP AND OPEN Bl|CCIESv One, two and Ihreo seated., at lower prices than any other concern northwest of Chicago. In the AMTi icultural Department I have the Moline, Davenpori. and tlie.Jidin Deere Plows i>oth Suikv and WalkinfT. Tlie Keystone and ifichmond" Champion 1'lant.ers. The Itich- mond Hroadc.iist and Sit peripr Seedtrs. Har­ rows ot all kinds at lower prices than ever before. Corn Cultivators of all kinds, Mow­ ers, Heapers ai,d Twine Binders. In -short anvthinara man wants in the fa.rm Machinery IHIV, KHOM A CLEVIS TO A STEAM KN- ii 'lJS ' FINE PAIftTiNC. In rav Painting Department I have sec the services ol'H. H. NIOHOI'.S, W IH> is well known in Mcllenry ami I,ake rounties as one of the !«sr, painiers in this part of the conn try. QHII ;in<i see his *vorb, which speaks for itself, r'or "Artistic Style" lnW*i# lliie» W» det\ competilioi. • • J'-'/' ^ ^ ; liSltiolcinimitliinaS', - and Repairing I»ono In a workmanlike manner and war- r««todu Call and se«^ me before . puachasing, as I am sure 1 can eavc yon money < Jt' jp en Riclimend, Mnrsh 5tli. WI. READY M- silSi- ...rt':/: Nothing hutTieer, Hollingslirortii, Fnrsjt & Bradley, Knuiff* ton and others. All first class. You will always tind both -Plr tform Wajorons and Carriages of all kinds and styles at our plUee and will sell lower than , anyone. Also the Celebrated Sames Wa<ron y; - ., Pumps. Pumps, all kinds witU t|ie Eutcrpris^ pi* Tntbine Iron Wine Mill at low figures. - r Be sure and call if iu want^jpf anything in our line as you are sure t o b e i i r t t i f c e d . • A . - . ' E. M. OWEN & SON. The best Pulverizer oh earth". A trial given.* The undersigned is wile Agent for Mcllenry and West half of Luke Co'«. Send for cata­ logue tfree). All kinds of FARM MACHINERY, ^ •*or iwg H. Hartman, jRidgefieldf III. DEALER IN- t" ' . * li." ' L. 3$ . LA.WLUS, Merchant Tailor, ^ KEEPS- V Foreign and Domestic Clothii WARRANTS A FIT, OB WO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' add C hildren's sizd^, cf the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. i?$ Store opposite Iiiversi le House, McHenrv - ^linois. Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, -foilet Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. < Also liottled Ale und Porter for Family Use. ./l'he best brands oif Cigars, and mo king anfl CHiewi^g always on hand. ' • ; AVe haVfe the largest stock o* tobacco 1 si piac.t to anvisc VIMI nmui i«in. 1 tind iua nivatmiijoritv of »e tlrst question asked l»y a purc.hai ianv utopa has your oripin? Mow If Having bad nearly twenty jrwtrs cxperHftfee- in setlinx and rcpinVintf ovgunri, Iclniin to know sonietliing about an organ, and I should like to pive Nome a'1 vivo loivny one who ' ontemplntes bnying ai) inflirnniem,* and would try, in the liisitplac.c to advi.-e yon about the stops in an " " ' ' of r:»«es that I8er is: How Hun? Mow to show you how ui)iiiiportMu.t that i-: t I will tell you that an Kxtey Oi-gaiw Willi two .4ets of reeds, of live octave* .each,;.,is. SAYING IT HAS I'-- reeds, OJ notes, and' requires only seven stop#, but can use only nine at the most. S*ni« or the'lower grades <>f <irgau/ of makes advertise tliuir organs as having ten sets ot reeds and slops,-when,'in fuc.t, they only conhtin lii ruoils or notes, and can only use nirte slops, - lefuiunaCely. I have a circuluv from an eastern fac.lorj , ad vertising these or­ gans as 'having ten wiave* ot reCils, which means two sets of live oi'taves each, or 122 reeds or notes. Now 1 would ask any one whv the ' twenvysi-'ven »tops are put into an organ which lias but I'ii notes and can only use nine, if not t<> deceive the purchaser, w ho, as a rule, knows but little a Imitt an instt>uiiie it for •the reason that, he is buying the llrsl organ. "You tell a fanner that you have a (power llv't has thirty-two sickles, and when he investi­ gated it and found it had but two bicklee of sixteen sections each", yon would say it was intended to misrepresent tho mower. ;<o I asy of the organs th.itadvertiso twenty-soven stops and ten sets of reeds. It is done to mislead. I adv'lse any one buying an organ to buy the be Estey, of Hrattlelioro, tor several reasons. -- ,, . . - consequently will last the longest. Second :• It is the best' tone. Third.- ... tion--is the quickest to respond to the toiu'h, therefore, the quickest music wiuu.n can Pl"n pm.f of its durability I will, w ith pe»pisei< n, refer'to sOn>^ |bj«^ rsons ^? ;^ve tho Kstey in use the.longest-time: -v 1 Vff - •: . " Henry Colby, C. V. Sievens, H 1 C. Sin i t U, v..,,; (ieo. Clark, ' H. H. Nichols, Unlversalist Cbnii<fc. :,: Ilenrv Hoger?, Robert l 'addock, ^tebliins ford, n If you want a cltutp upwards. • - t , • He Henry, 111'. J>o l)v Volo, Til. Do Wanconda, fU., \V rm. Ti'lmarsh, Dr. Wells, 1 Mr. Bangs, John llansoiii T. J. Kills, . Ill', llui'k, ConKfOga Allan Giles, tioriftt'OlKirch, l%nucond», IU. Do '>CT 1>0 i . i Blngwool, III. Do Woodstock, *111. Do Do Do iiu we can furnish you a ChicagO made Instrnment for|fS0 nd Mo Henry, Jl| O. W- OWEN. 3U Cull ami exaqi 1 ite the Hlylmjyui" Champion F««d at K liithuivi. Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison &> Smith Safety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket aud Hand Lamps of every description Call and see tli Bracket and which will l>e sold at prices that dety competition oe^t*i'Q »uK<4»a8Log. ^< '• jf;'! -V t~T ' j- *• <yp , * " t ' lii eir W-f l^liysiciau^ Prescriptionj Caretully Compounded* Give Biea Call. ' % ^ h V Mellcnry, III, Jau. 2nd, 1863. . jMM: . .. -A.. mm* wm-: Dry Goods Groceries, A.. -AIJD-^i- •^Vv. fbv b'* ' .•f-V" BEADY At Cenleirvllle; y%., MelI.EKRY, H4i., Muaiy m> 1^ 1 . E. M. HOWE, stfecfcssoft TO Q! is: COLBY] Havin? piiri'liaHcll' lie «toc ,lv of,Hard ware of O. 0(d'>y. in the fStoro opposite Bisli*<p*a Mill. I am now prcpai-ed. to-.iiil 'er to .the buy. ing public anything in the line of .3AEDWARB, TIKWpB,: Stoves. &c, ; At prices to suit tfco tinkes. ^ DAIRYMEN, ifaii al«o Und a large assortment ofc1 I»niry mi tnTs (7tensiis, Mitk IViiis./Milk fails, Milk Cans and anything iu that line at prices as • . • -o-. . (.ow as the U^ierst. A full slock of hand. BAKU WIRE always JOBBINC AND REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. 8S"Don't bay any- • thing in th'e Hardware T.ine urttl you bay* examined my stock and learned prices. TmVfi'. ' REASONS, s * V(>V$bR INSU-BIX^.WITH.' .. '. J Smith,1 Ol Woodgto(!k, 111. I." Because he Is endorsed by1 leading bnsl neas men atod the press, nmt |»rticn»arly where !>c*t known. •2. Itecausa His is th* oldest Agency la the county. - . • • 3. Kcaqife ho represents the best line ®t companies of any agency in the county. 4*. Hccajiso with one e>cep'ion, he repre- sents the oldest companies Sn the United States..- .» •., . - », 5. Because in case of loss ne jrives tils pat­ rons the bencilt of his lonjr experience in se- curing an eqiutable,adjustment, . (». Because he has' always Issued fall pol­ icies. 7. Because he pavs losses property hv .lightning, whether lire ensues or not. *8. Because h<> insures live Stock anywhere aarainst lightning'. D. Because he insures against tornadoes, 'cvelofies and"'wind storms. a 10; Itecausc voii csn thus 3we yonrself from disaster tor a mt^re tritle. II. Because von will llnd htm eqnally as active toahl you in getting your money after lost, us to secure your patronage lor his com­ panies. . 12. Because every one of the above reasons can b? fullv t&ritled by calling on E. A. Slur- phv, K. Sessions. J. W," Miller, from the'roivn exjierience, iin<l the entivc circle of his ac<iualutnnces lrom observation. In behalf of the Old Unliable,-tho Phienix,. of Hartford, Connecticut. I take great pleas­ ure in re I urnibg the the thanks of the com- panv to Mrs. 1,,'D. Kelly for her promptness iind unusuiil presence of mind in extinguish­ ing a fire a! her residence, kindled from the burning of K A, Murphy's residence on tho morning of the i;«h inst. ,as by her Indivitlunl effort, property was i»nved on which tto com­ pany had a po'.icy ot f-2,0C0 ; IU W. BlIttB S72 a week made liy the Industrioits. Best buslnejis before the pwbHwi' o.ipitnl not needed. Wo will start vou. Men, Women, lntysand girls wanted everywhere tft work for iis. Xow is the time. Yon can wors in spare time or give vour whole time to the business. No other business will pay yon ne.niy as well. No ono can fail to make enor­ mous' pay bv engiisins at once. Costly out It aud terms free. Money made fa«t. easily and noronMy. Address, TWHS ^

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