pF 7 'T* s? v« y^1* ^6.*™ ' ^'..., ->- ' ,-•- „ , . ^ , *, ;. /"y^ X x y i ' ' % i'^v^":- P*."Tiri.|-V Y'T""-i^fW^-'^*'"A¥"--fc--r< Y*HIL-*-»ri '-?. rm^tiiflili.rflY '-n ' • Ba™ "-'jftj tv>.r*;'«" • ••- --X?.- "^V : ^^rr.T^ ^gStf^-r c *W !P, W WI."* '* V^!, v f <• /»,•»«•*-, -v < v «n>«-v V **t *•• - * ' -m -••««»•»»,*• *--,». #. «**.-» ,#*vwf -*vW-»- •» .* .*' I %«'f- mm$%ifenssw It"- isi« n irffo *K I»3W>" « :•«•,: S# No Favors Win usand no Pear Shall Awe/' "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and NO. 40 M'HENRY, ILLINO WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25, 1883. S. V. BESSBTT, M. D. ON E V liKGKir I < BUSINESS CARDS* ami loaned OU rent rites, #1 Farm loans made *k P HYSICIAN AXDSURGKON. Also United amies,Examining Surgeon, Richmond, Illinois Published B«'T Wednesday t»T SLYOB, ' **' • EDITO I ASn PUBLfSHKR. ."•Iv-1' , |i|| Otflce in Bishop's Block, PBRHT fti MAttTIS^fo*- r ,#* : '%cbm« dr stmsqRipfioji •ne Year On Advine.e).., M-5" || X»t P iH vltHt-iT'irisij tenths,...--*«> •'."••leHwlatlvu r>»,™iv>1 fir t'ires enr "id* «<»nth4 in Cn" wm »jr<>mrti<»«%. i f - . ' - mJ Hates of Advertising:. announce liberal ra'e* for "•'IverMslna v^s.,l{i*fc the TWIWRIUR, and endeavor* tn «tnt« (|iem on pla'nlv that th«v \i ill Readily tin- ilerntcod. They ate as follows: I Tne.h on* ri»ir - #Ti,nhe« one vft^r - , I Ii-ehM Kni1 voir , Jif Column one venr - If C-oinmn one ve*r jiiOohtmrt one year . if?-: b i a . O N * in «V > . s<» «i * .i M m '•* . too I' I *:' One in»S mill* th* nf «hd dnwn t" f i fl^lnun, MIIIHI wi 1 th. Year'\* iHr»rii«»w at t'm i"mt« rilM. Mm ' jS« nrivili"!'" «f as often a« Ihev witiioiit, oxtra oliarTP. ' tlflTilhr n lmrt^iM (m»inln» thn»c„ltn-'n? frtnnlii"! Mr T'H h" ti in«or'i"M f»f lo'.al at. nt» nf 5 n»r ti«»o pa<»h Wfip'c. \11 othori will tw "'inr^o ! 10r«nt.« m*r line flnt. vewh. an ! 5cents per line for each •nh«eqnent. w«ek. ' Tran«'ont a-lr«rtl«efn'»nt,a 'vi'l '»» "harre'1 Ht rat<» of inoent* »>e> Vn", fnonuarell tm», Irtnue n. this ts n't Inl the flr«t n»»'| B cents ner lin" for onhiennent Thn«, Hn in^h a*' vcvt'serrient will co«t *1 IW for one treeV. tl.W for two weeks, f!.00 for ..three fcteak*. an'1 «o on. 1 • The nt,uvti?\T.wn will he lpi^-il in >»<rinr ^itorial no'iren. '"it, as a. Viii^hiess ra'e. It W»H require a atoraWe fee from erervlw )v i»«»e icing the use of its cortnnins for pecuniary - R«tn. • •'.Ml 1 - - - ' M BUSINESS CARDS, - IT. T. ttltOWX.M. 1>. %!>HVSTOT VN" \V!> STTrjriKOV. OfflVe over f |he Po^t OUcp, onmsite Perry ft'Martln't piore «n «tair«, Mr.Henry, 111. ••4 o. n. PRnnH , *r. n- *%ttv«TOi \V aVT> STTnfJROV. .Tniinelwrgh, 'H J Illn.--OWee honra « to 10, A. m. f; o. .t. nowARn, n. n, #>"Y«!TrT\V \Kll STTmiKoVf, 't: mr reol'lence, (ijtpoMte tt. Wcflenrv. Til. O^lee at 15. 'Church, m F.. V. AVDKT^^OV, M. P., •HT^TflT W an'1 ^nrTeon. Oi«» Uesi<1en«*c, Melfehrr, THlnols. Rt' • J. J. MYKUS, Malonn nnd RpstanMiiitt IS R.\«KMKNT of TCnhnevt'<> «tore. John#. l»nrsrh, TM. The eh^ireet hrnn'!* of Wines, fjflnnr*an<l t'isars alwavn on nam. Call imi »ee me._ '4 - *»#%- f ' A. PUATT, Proprietor. First el.asa ne,. wnnwl'i tions. Gooil Tiarn In eon nee t ion nunnndn. Til. I' BARRTAN BWO<*. TG AR Mnnufartiirerp, M<*He«rv, 111. Or ders solicited. Slii>n, li Oltl Me.'Tenrv, jjl Hotter nioel;, two doors west of PI.atk- IfhAT-En Office. lt.TCil.VKI> COMPT.QN«,, JtT«iTff) W of the Peaeean'l Oonrev«M»o«r.-- Will ittnn l oron<>(ly to the colloction of iphto. Volo, l,ake Coanty, Til. R. R. RTOTT VIITW. ^BTA^a ".ounlate \h«trvtot Title* tn l*n<l -apl in M Wenrv r!ount.r, tll'iois. Oillee with jjonnty Clerk, Wood3took, 111.. . K. Al. OWKS EXKRAt. T>oa1er and Mannf^etnrors - Afrent In T.eadins Farm Maehinerr.-- Prices low and terms favorable* Mc.Henry, #1'. V I V. <*. COLBY. ffCfTKyRY, McHenrv Co.. Til. Breeder of » Spanish Merino She<tp, Berks lire and Poland China s,vine. V,h >iee lot of young _ iok stock for «ale. Please call and examine Stffnre liuylnsr elsewhere. E. (1. SMITH. OOT \vr> <UTMR M \KK'J. Proaint ntten- tion fflven to lleiialt int. *hon in fiw • Harness shop, opposite-Riverside House, cHe»rv, Tlltnois. A R C T J S ' G E R M A N MAKY <i. BAR'BIAW. WORK Kit. AH kiiida Hair HATR WORK Kit. AH kinds of Work done in flrst class sty'e and at reasonable prii-es. Rooms st residence, porth- cast corner of Public Square, Mcltenry, I1U VETERTSAUY Illinois C. S. GREEN. RURGEOK, RteHmond, JESSK A. BALDWIN^ r AVTYKR. Law business In nnjr pari J th" Slate refteives prompt atterition. 41, new.Custom House, Chicago Office room Illinois. Sfl*MEY OlSBROW, "VOTARY and Oonroyaneer, M- jL> den. III. Dtl. C. E. WILLI.VMS. ENTTST. Residence Hnndee. Will lw Sit Meiletiry. at Parker House, the 10th and 25th nf each month. ' Wher. «lntes occur Saturday or Sunday I make In y visits on the .followins Monday. DT JOHV KLEIPGE*.' HOUSE Painter. Gmincr, Calcimin»r and Paper Hifhsrer. . Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work nttended to promply ami on reasonable terms. •• V, ,-•- • • • Notice 1o the Public. * T H WE built a sl»on lust south of E. T,aw-lns' on Bric.k and Wood Street, where I am preuarnd to do all kinds of work in my line. As I have no boys to do rav work, I waat verv near what it Is worth for iloinjc it. I do inv'work in a manner that needs no watching. _ _ F. A- HE&&&D- Mc.U«nry, Jan. nth. 18S2. McHENRY HOUSE. PET Kit SMITH. PROPK1KTOR. OOT> Roam bv the dav or week at reason,. T aitl'.vTrates " The choicest liran Is of Wines, Ltf|U«' « and Oisars. Good St;iblin^ for Hoi-nes. A fln« Piarnon Hols 'Table ii* connection with the House. Give me a cali, PETE It SMITH. M. M. cr,OTHIER, U. S. Pension Attorney. prosecutes claims in all Bureaus in the , DEPARTMENT OF THE IWTEBI0B, C«'r«ful attention given to coitaplicateil cases an<( i ? .• •;;.*! .••:• ' KEJECTED CI.AtMS, A e«*mpetent asfistant. ani Votary Puhllr always on dlitv. My only li'.isinoss ollice is ttt tbe resilience of Win, II. Cowlin. HUXDHKDS OF ItEt ERI5XCE8. WOOmVKHE*,;: •McllKNRT C"\, . lt.MK«»|P. W2 STILL LIVE Iff m t*lease come up to the RinR.vooii Vnr1 with vour team, nn>l load ui» with K"l7iT. SHAKE, OltN AMENT.VT. anil EVEIKSREEV TREES. A line !>lock of BLACK WALNUTS and ttte puch t«ikeil of :• CATALPi Grape Vinc5,,etf., all cheapjov -> * .*:' Ti ->?•*--'-•i.rr'6*' ----^ ~ jy«« v. i)>.tun.L.&Mu. RinSfwoo'i, McTTenvy Oo , 111., 4, 14" .i- i i i-asli. JOSEPH N. KREUND. SALOOK AND RET ACRAXT Bontlott's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mc- Ilenry, III. The ' c. i<>ice«t Wines, Liqr.or» and Siprars to l>e found in the county, t resit Ovsters in their season ^served up in anv sliape desired or for stile by the On. ^ GOOl> STABLIXG FOR HORSED I ^ ANTONY ENGEl.N, SAT.OOV nr.d Restaurant, Buck's old stand Mcllenry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Masli, Wines, r!gf.vrs, etc., aiwavs on hand. We hnv none l»nt the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresli Oysters in their season. i i m Illinois. A. M. CHURCH, ; Watchmaker and JowfileP NO. 1<W RANDOLPH STRKE T, (Successor to E. It. P. siiirley.) Chtc:»jfo, HI. Spe cial attention jrivon to reiiairing Une watch- esand Ciironortitters. «»*A Full Assortment of Goods in bis li^e. 1 Richmond Housef 4 RI01^1^119. IVL Ci Iff, C0!*VER, - - PKoeRiBTOR. Haying House, I have recently purc.insed the a'mre nut it in thorough repair, with new fm-nittie tiironshoi-.t, ami woul " respectful'v invite the pai,ro;u-x<> ot the trav' eiing public and others. The tables will *1- wavs in; provided with the best that can bo prociirod, and polite and attentive waiters will lie in readme** at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be spared to make this n First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premiee*. Free Omnibus to and from ail trains. .Satnple Room son first floor. A ' • - ' • Richm Sales of Sto^lt, Furminw Tools antl Goods ot nil k i tu ? atl ended to on the niost Hoasonahle Terms and satisfaction guqi-jiuteecL Post Office ad#t?^s, ' • " HICHMBiNl). ILh. '-<!• • • H E. WIG HTM AN, Proprietor. First class lisrs, wit-it or withou't drivers, ftunished at. reasonaitie r;tl<'s. Teaming ot nil kinds done on short notice. iblished t£J55. '* JOHN STEftBA) Formerly of Mc.tienry, "Woddstotflt Chicago, lias returned to Woodstock, Illinois. And bat> now on haiul lite largest an4 sto' k of READY MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS,. &c., to tte found in the .i'i>unty, and Itas every tiling made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call mid see me. FOR INVESTMENT* EDITOR Pl.AINDKALERIn my com tgage security at | • au • . <• harue to the lender. muiilCiition, March 28, I ventured a f«w wnRANSTBAO remark*, not Uy any means as n re ply. lorden Block, Elgin, 111 but simply by way of suggestion. In relation to Mr. B iisetl** commentary on Mark 13 : 24 -25. I now take tlie liberty t» aahl article by takin'sf tip a p >ltit or two 'for critical evaniii»atlon. t I comtiioiiee with the statement that,"In pr.»|>'retlc lan?uajfe the fail of the Jewish policy, civil and religion*,.!* represented by tlie sun be in sf darkene«1, the nv»6u not arlvinjf her light, the stars falling Ironi heaven.*' The objection t« tlii* ill It* application. Chrin'a profhecy I* that It begs the question. WWe it admitted Mutt some iof the Old Testament- writers do .oo- Jeasionally represent temp »ral tralam* ities in liMignafft descriptive of plai|e« tary or rtrinamnental convulsion, It does not follow that .fesn.« ns«il Mich lan guage in the memorable prophecy here alluded to. It sliotdd lie shown that this style of *exprc»slon applies to the case in hand. We are not at liberty to asennie it. In ilie cases cited from the Old Testament by Mr. B. there I* no prima facie evidence »f figurative lan guage, nothing to intimate in the smallest degree that the writers Intend to nee words in their n«nal obvious ac ceptation; nothing, I say, if we except the one Item of the moon being turned Into blood; and even this need not he excepted, if wo allow the prophet to describe phenomena as we nay suppose they appeared to him In the vision However. I a in not. called upon to de fend aloe) in this instance, for Mr. B. Impeach*** his ow.i witness by pronoun cing lit* testimony, in this particular. "ab8»:rd literally or In figure.'* This goo«K,MUtw.a^<v^ orthodoxy and German I warrant every Jfg| 1 sell, ". .. , rationalism, Is scarcely edifying, one B ,r J;.V^ e - WOODSTOCK, ILL, • -? - •*# -DMI.KI; IS-- and Muzzle UuuMoq 8Mt Guns. ' Pow<ler, snot. CBf^'Wads, and Oaitridget tor sale. Fishing Tdfckle cheap. % , .•:]•: All kinds of #. , .f§poi*tin; AND REP A goort prcech Gun. watranted T Wir.chi strr Rifle. Nickel Plated ft Self cocking I'ri A good Single Goods, iING DONE. [.liny. Double Barreled 25. model, 15 shots, t Revolver, Bull Dog Pistol, B.flfc rrel, liieech Loading, Single Gun, wurmirfii'd. $5. " I will undersell ally house in the county in Gnns anit Sporting 4'Ood>. If you wast Clothes Wi new Kolls pii pair warrant Woodstock, Jnlf er^ repaired and n. Prie« 3.50. B. .SHERMAN. »««. per ^TT^PT^roiV I eCCNOMf lS WEALTH. Yon ran eave Miouoy by Kiv in# youronlera to F. 77. MEAD, RICHMOND, - ILLINOIS, Plants, Ros2s and Seeds. WK will mall, postpaid, any one of the lowing collect" DOLLAR: fol. lowing collections, upon receipt of On 16 14 tine Ever-blooming RO^E®. l't Rose 3, all white, pink, red or yellow s!nde«. Ill <iE- RANirSI*4, sinclrt or double. S Dahlias. -JO packets of best H'l.oWE1! SEED' *1 pack eis of V EG ET.VKLV SEEDS. I<» (« LA IH' 'LDS BIT|.its. l't assorted BEDDING PL.vXTS. 12 tpbeRose itn.iw. Price Lists FREE. Satisfaction guaran teed. Thirty «i»ee iitou-ses in opcr u ion Address, NANZ A NECNEIi, Florists, l.nrisviixt-, KV. ROBERT C. 3EINETT, UREEDEtl OF- 5ASPEKTER AHD J0ip$ McHenry, III. Wili take contracts f«»r put r ing t ip Bui ldings and guarante** inv work wil l coinpi t re with any man in t ln» State . 1 f in and wil l <lo work from 15 to per cent cheaper than other carpenters , as I have two of my hoys who work with me. which make* it possible for iue4 to do so. All Jobs in the Carpenter line prom ptiy^tle wde d to. Give me a call. A. WENDELL. 3 V /FPU-* r- •.•'•.T'Ct' - t >-;Sr*«S>gaa«iS?f<raA (Ji Manufactured by MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- fURE WINES, LIQUORS MID • CIGARS. Woodstock III. Put "np in n« best Tonic in the world. • ;*' <"^in'| and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT. CHENRY, - ILLINOIS * * • ' T h e b e s t B r a n d s o f W i n e s , L l o n o r s a n d >• Cigars always on Hand. Good SUbling for Horses. w ALSO ACENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager^Beer, v t < Boer in Large or S nail Regs-or Bottles al V ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail fv considered. This Iteer has a world wtde reputation, and ~od judges ackaowledge it cannot oe snr. seed in the world. . FOWLS, •-!: BH'tlMONI), ILL. (FIKST PHBMItJM AT MCIIKNKV COITNTT' FAIR ) My fowls $re of the celebrated DITKE OK VoltK strain, remarkable for their great size nnd laying qutilities. I c:m show a trio <d last season's chicks weighing .'11 pounds. -Eggs, tier setting if thirteen. #1.5", delivered to purchaser in Richmond, shipped, securely {kicked, (IDA. V ROBERT C. nRXXETT. B. RAINTHORP Rinejwood - - Illinois; To the people of Hinirwood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I have opened a «tore near the Depot, where 1 will pay the highest market value for Eaifs liilttei, and other produce, cash or trade heinar immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice, brands of < i- g-Ara and Tobacco, I am £roin£ to sell at prices to defy compotition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP, Rlirowoop, III.. June 13tli, iitt • +,t Orders by mall promptly attended to. XcBenrx JOS. W!EDEM||K|^ u tu. AUg, loth, m. * J £i. Eonslettii ;, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the tlncst brands Of Hon r and Feed of all kinds, which he will •ell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different .brand s of Flour always* on hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand «STFlour delivered anywhere in the Cor poration. Orders may ne giveu by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. L, BONSLEjJ. Jfcilea March »ih, i&?l. , ^THE<g- SIM^'LE iritis, l*,ntnflil, *™rnn r ii\v:a . smithing, &e., &e., &c. Bepalrinsrof plows and all other farm im- pluments Is given particular attention. In mv manufactures I useonlv the beet materi. al, and, keepintr the very best workmen ill all departments, I am enabled to iruarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop as first class in every particular. .^FECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for tiikkk ykaus. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural Implement, includ ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Rid- in* Plow, N. i\ Thompson and (Jcsley Bins'. Plows tint Cultivators, F. H. Manny Seeders .-nd Torn C ltivators, the Dowagiae, Sprintr Tooth seeders, the I'iano hnd D. M. Osborne S.- Go's. Haivester and T*»ino itindcr, the Warrior and llopkin*' Mower, and ail other tirst cluss machines. Warranted llrst class or no «ale. BI.ACKSMITHINc; of every kind attended to prompt!) and satisfaction guaranteed. F I J N E P A I N l ^ i i G A SPECIALTY, * T t!fl¥e ewrnged J. STILL WELTi, the Ik>ss iiainter of the Northwest, for oi.e year, ir onsre^-, to take chat-xe of inv paint shop, which is a suHicj<>iit guarantee that all work of that kind will l.e don" in tiie l>ect aud most artistic style. It. Nhonld not lie forgotten that I employ J. Retvtss, wood workman of twenty years" ex perience, and L. Ilmve, carriage 'tdacksmith, both tiesurpassed as artizans In their line. Finally, come ami see me and I wi'l guar, antee satisfaction as to prices and quality ot workiu all iulcrtated. ..... ^ F. W. MEAD. Fog- grbe lnff Trade. GOQP GOQPS, LOW PRICES. igOHNSBCRGIl, ILL. Is again on hatyl with a full line of Goods for the spring and Summer trade, to which he invites the attention ef the buying putlic. His stock consists in part ot rr7 IZW .-rz. •SEWiEsmcsmsGO- CHICAGO.ILL.- OR AN GZ, MASS. AND ATLANTA. GA.- - .T: New Home Sewing Machins Co. |48 State St., Chicago. O. W. (J WEN". Agent, McHenry. til. PENSIONS FORoldJers on any disease wound or injury. Fees. ?10 liountv, Back Pay, Dis charges for Deserters, etc., procured. 14 vears experience. Address: C. M. ITES, & VO., cot t" St., Washington, D. C. REST flare before von " die; some thing mightv and sublime, leave behind to conquer time." $6« a week in your own town. #5 outfit fiee No risk. Everything new- C/tpit'il not required. We wi|l furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Jjid'es make as much as men, and boys aniV girls make great pay. Reader, il you want busine-s at which vou can make great p^tv all the time, write for ptrti«niar»m:#»£^#if« U5T? *CQ-i Portland, M 'ing, GROCERIES* Notions, Boots and Shots, , f tlXWARE, &v.,&e^ AMd In abort everything usually kept ina First Class General Store. The Highest Market IN CA«U OR TRADE Price and Eggs Call aud see me. Chas. ICuhnert. Johnsbnrgh, March 5th, 1883. rtrtDV THE ATTENTION of Farmers L'Ulli'l • is calle«i to the jNormandy Giant While and the Mammoth Yellow King Seed Corn, the best and most productive varie ties known. Will pay any Farmer 20 per cent more rlmn common corn. "Send 4ts vour order, and if you are not, satisfied on receipt of corn ire 'rill refund t/our mtiHet/. 8 ounce*, by mail, 10c; I pound for '25c; 1 peck, l>v express, 75c; I bushel K.50; i bushels *4.5<\. Send for onr Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potato andtiaiden !, iree.toall. > v.... , .» iyff Tmo". M. H^TIW A (5a,cr»eipwti,«fct would suppose, to those who might feel themselves cotnproinised l»y this style of treating; the subject. But thi9 la none of our concern; our business is with the exegesis. In the caso men tioned, I discover, nwthlnit but what might refer to a real literal ohtcuration of the lieavei>s from smoke or vapor arising from a great cltr, or a great forest on tire; au event very likely to happen, aud. Indeed, nil almost neces sary concomitant of national overthrow aud widespread desolation, such as Isaiah aud Ezekiel describe. These tilings have happened since r»pea*ttdly it the experience of the liuifian race, one haS J-Wfr thou^ht of caU- jjtfiM. t *-- • *-••' yfciiiiiii-'i llgure of »|*eech. It wk'.l thus be seen ttiat I do not accept Mr. Bassett's ver sion of these passages; especially I :to not approve of the uses lie puts them to. In gratuitously frittering away the apparent meaning of Christ*s words. I am a little surprised that au oltl Bible student--a teacher in Israel--should have got himself entangled In the meshej of a mystical interpretation, one which inn«t needs require forced construction of language aud gratui tons assumptions. Truth can never be elicited in this way. The subject is too grave ami solemn, the interest involved too vast, to make it safe to Ignore logic ami reason In our efforts to dis encumber the simple language of Jesus of its supposed ditHcultiea, May It not be possible that commentators have made quite too much ado about tills matter of symbaU and f^ni 'S In the way of exposition? In the interpreta tion of language, I know of no better or safer rule to apply, then that words mean jint what they say. If in any case they do not. the fact ot discrep- eucy must be proved, not assumed; licit is. in case the figure is not obvious or self-evident. There is an end to all logical or rational analysis of evidence, ir one allows him*elf. whenever a diffi culty Is encountered, to fall back on alleged exaggeration of speech and llgurative mystification. Mr. Brssett, I observe, acce[ ts that absurd state ment of Josephus. that there'"perished eleven hundred thousand in tlio siege" of Jerusalem. In these days of critical sifting and rc-adjusting historical data, ihe reputation of Josephus as a vera cious annalist, has suffered considerable damage. His assertion that there were three millions congregated In the city at the I'assover; that eleven hundred thousand perished in the siege, ami one hundred thonsaod escaped, is one of those historical fictions that was com mon enouarh in aucient times, but isso^ preposterous that it is astounding that our friend had not discovered it. Its ^absurdity is demonstrable. Smith* in ' liis Dictionary of > the Bible, octavo edition.estimates the area of the entire city within lite walls at 2.230,000 yi'.rds. In this lie agrees substantially with Josephus. Tins estimate give a fraction over t wo yards standing room for each of the eleven hundred thousand, sup posing no buildiuga and other obstruc tions in the way, but, being ill the was*, of course, they materially curtail litis estimate. Says Smith. "The popula tion of Jerusalem, in the days of its greatest prosperity. -inny have amounted to from 30,000 to 45.P00 souls, but could hardly have reaohed 50,000; and assuming that in tiate* of festival one half were added to this amount, which is an extreme estimate, there may have been U0,000 or 70,000 in the citv when Titus came up against it." Not knowing what further use might be mad% of tins venerable myth. I thought I might as well advert to It In the absence of ipore pertinent matter far coipweot, " A HEBROM. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR: --Beautiful spring. Again we (tear the plow boy's merry whistle. Miss Nettie Ehlo has returned to Elgin to spend the summer. - Miss Ella Manlev has left Iter Uome to attend school lit Aurora, 111. £ Ml** Belle Fenner has finished her studies at Woodstock, for tlio present, and returned to ber home en Holly- hock Ave. Mr. P. Rowel* having a new "Moni tor"' windmill erected. Dacy anil Doni- van, of Woodstock, are doin* the work. Mr. Bert Mauley made a flying trip through our town last week, looking up the Interests of liis employers, Hn:it & llelm. of Harvard. On Wednesday of till* week there will be Jt plow trial on the farm belong ing to Gf B. Stone. Several contestant* will be in the field. Those Interested are requested to be present. Mr. P. H. Wool from lias returned from his trip to Iowa and brought with him a carload of cows which lie intends to dispose of to those wishing to par- chase. ' Mr. Lewis Phillips, of Clinton, a Hebron boy of other days, and his hrlde, have been visiting relatives aud friends in tills vicinity. May their boat peacefully and gently glide Till they anchor on the further side. And still our little town Is improv ing. Several new buildings have been erected lately near Peanut patch. John Brown is building an addition to his residence, in the heart of town, for the accommodation ef the public. Mrs. Pettibone Is also erecting a fine resi dence. All we lack is sidewalks, SIDE WALKS, sidewalks. We are not as a general thing con tentious, as some people seem to Im agine, and could not possibly vie with those who quote so much scripture. We do not like to have anyone think we equivocate, as the "great unknown" of Keystone insinuates, Hebron yoiuig men ought to be capable of settling their own difficulties without going seven miles on Sunday to hire a substi tute, and jis for "acquisations"--h^, ha. we cannot find any such word in the dictionary, aud do not understand of what we are guilty. We beg leave to differ with you. Tress, for you are a guesser a tit! failed to hit the mark;aud also we ask no aid from the "penn'nt brigade" or any one else, in composing our poelry. We • TA II' IH'H I .M i» in ^ i 'I'I- im side the citv limits to inquire about your nice (?) behavior, even so-called "icebergs" know when they are ridi culed. We acknowledge nothing, what ever "Nell" may do, and hope you will connlder this a valedictory. EDITOR PI.AINDKALER:--I hand you herewith for publication. If found worth, the following facts,aud respect fully invite the careful attention of property owners thereto. During the week ending on the 39th day Qf March, 1883. there went up in flames and down in ashes $2,500,000 worth of property. On this vase suin there was* nearly $1,500,000 insurance. And it may not be time spent wholly without benefit for your readers to contemplate the following tables. Chicago's fire record for the. past tlx years has been as follows: year r • 187T .i;.,..v..>..VWi . |S7i * • • • • '4 *'•[•» til • 18 CD...... j, •. . • ISS0... ... .*«• Anrlof Loss fil.OK.niiT AW, "-17 57-J.0S2 sin srs 1,4:15 5K»,!«r 4,Ml •4.810,392 The fire recerd for the United States and Canada U as fallows for 1882: Month January , February, Maroh.... April May ... . June July August ... September..'... October.,.*;..-.. November.,.... •.V" IT, S. ,„i!».52ri,ftoo 7,fltH.!St0 ,. 6,2to,<n;ti . flMM,4ft4 .. 4,:«S,43tl .. (>.$22,150 .. 7,12(!,400 .. ft,044,940 .. »,SS«,4W> 5,7M,<1!(0 Can. •406, M0 4-22.200 *25, 528.KOO 7*29,<80 '#14,415 305,810 SIS.fiMO 449,210 854,270 7IS;II0 43M75 Total •9,Ki2,2oO 8.071 ICO (?.5(Ml,3flO 7.720.IH* <>,002.!H» 7J-27.9H0 7,431,080 7,094,210 G.'_>.'H7fi0 6,512,170 VI.4S2,165 Doc 3H1 ber 10,045,190 Totals..„,....%»4,5fia,024 •5^005,940 •90,110)9rt* Taking the past/ight years together the grand aggregate of fire loss, as re- cor(fetl by the Chronicle, has been 667*2.226,999, an average of $84,028,374, These tables are taken from The Review, a commercial, financial aud literary journal, published weekly by the New York Daily BuUetin associa tion. It comes to us weekly, chock full of facts,'ttsrures, profitable and pleasing literature, and fun. " Now I desire your many Intelligent and thoughtful readers to give this subject a portion, at least, of reflective study, and in view of the enormity of these figures I would suggest tb« fol lowing: Doet it pay to Insure. ASA W. Sunsg* ADVICK TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and brok» en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Whitlow's Soothing Srrnp for children teething. 'Its value is incalcul able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imoiediately. Depend up«n it mothers, there is no mistake ahont It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind eolic, softons the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone aud en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething Is pleasant to the tasie. aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all di-itsgists throughout the world. MAftEMCQ M!*8 Emma Norton ha* fitted* t»p tl room* over Stewart's Drug store for dressmaking establishment. D. A. Steadman has mover! from ft. K| Patrick'* house on Prairie street I Mrs. Daniel Lawrence's bou*e jnst doo* west. K. W. Treat** hardware store w«4 cloned op by Depot.? Sheriff Si#»artmai last week. It Is said that Mill eight or nine thousand dollars h*| but matters ttiay be fixed i»p *«» ft# I run again--and they may net. The .firm of A. S. Norton Co„ retilj grocers, has been dissolved, Mr, Nor tor purchasing his partner* im«ee*t continuing the bnsine** at the ofd stawtlj the'• Red Front Grocery." s Workmen are er,gage«? in cfearlr out the debr>s from the ruins of the ol< scliooMionse. The west wall hag pulled down, nnd as soon »a th« ar.d specifications are received,1 will l>e in about two weeks pre for buitdiitg will bo in order. Mrs. S. A. Crissey bat been electee president of the Womslt's Chrlstla^l Temperance Union. A* far a* we at able to learn this is the extent of tbe|#| work up to the present time. As Iobj|| as there Is life there's hope. H. E. ft Fred A. Patrick have move»i§ Into their new store under the Oper>|| House and are now prepared to wall upon their customers as of old. Last Friday night the ga* jet* In tl new Opera House Block were lijtht»«|| for the first time. It was a benwt!fn|^ sight and one not often seen In a plae»H like Marengo. Let ns hope that othenr; will follow suit. Our newly elected Beard of Trnste*«§|j have been besieged with petitions--«m|; signed by ladies and one sigaedlq|| gentlemen--asklue that boneraWpl bodj', among other things thereto peiiy tinned, to refuse to grant a license a billiard room In our town, were tohl that their petition* be taken Into consideration, whlelt all that could be told them at the vl their petitions were handed fn, and some are mad because the was not given them that a license1 not be given. Such people nitwit* mem Iter that our Board of Trusted*! to perform the supposed wishes of\ people tn so far as they conforisio are in harmony witli their own Judgment, and should not lie bins the narrow prejudices of that ope, We are not -*Wror'w whisky no more than fair to give the IteaUt chance before you wliine. Mrs. Catherine Hyde, wife of Jm Hyde, died suddenly last Ts evening, of appoplexy. . The fi services were held at the 91. E,«hsreh; Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. Fort Hill Pracinct-LakeCMfim EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--Avon tow»| meeting resulted in the election of| Chase E. Webb, Supervisor; Emoryl Adams, Town Clerk; Jerome B. Bur nett. Assessor; Sidney Kapple, Colleo>| tor; O. P. Barron, Commissioner nff Highways; Gilltcrt Frazfer, Scliool Trustee, and A. Wayne Harvey. CV»«-| stable, by an a verage majority of abont j 40 in a vote of 240. Wp had a rery quiet election, al»| though the office of sttpervi«#r wna sharply contested. Lemuel Ed«»rd« being the opposing candidate. Tb* day was pleasant, and we had the pleas* "M ure of meeting many of the early set* tiers of this and adjoining precincts,' among whom were Tlngley Potter,Geft S| Thomson, Jamas M. Dodge, M C, Han- ilton, Rodney and Samuel Gilbert* Albert Kapple and J. T. DeVoe, many of whom came here nrevions to 184<K Tlie Town of Grant elected Geoff* Walte, Supervisor; Michael While, Town Clerk'; Henry I>ove. As«essor; F. J. O*Boyle, Collector; Frank Kiues, Ju*» tlce. The town of Fremont elected Albert L. Hendee. Supervisor; IU1 Q. Payne, Town Clerk. * • William L. VVood, the I7aloesvilh» oarpenter has been having a run ol fever during the past week, bat nndey tlie skillful care of Dr. Rickey, the eon* dltlonof bis health is mn«h im pro veil, Mrs. E. T. Cleveland, of O'Brien Co., low*, i% visiting Iter mother, M»*% Catherine Marble, wlw> has beeu very sick for several iveeks past. A few of our farmers have started their harrows and seeders but thet* ; has been very little Wheat sown tbua far. ' Hay stacks are rapidly dimiul*h« : iug and corn cribs are becoming some- what roomy. Cary dt Luftns Is the style of our new meat irui at A*m» Center. They hav* ' not yet established thefr routes^ aV though they t-uwe out (H*i*lwitU*% '*Puiw" sava it costs ten cents H> swell the wagon, by which we tnfer th»t prieee are not much reduced from last yeaR, B hii> \-r£ v > mm. mset&fc'-f?. .M.i. v. 4 - >otlc© ^ To the far«ncr*of McHenry aiMl Lak« Ceunties: Those that wmtM like to sow mixed grain the coming sprieg, and are prevented from dolus en hy the expense aud trouble of separating »»U from wheat, or oats tr« m iiaifey, woid»l sty I am agent for a mill or separator* and have one at u»y place. 3 wtlle* w»»nh of west of Mcllenry Matiuii that will separate the above named >1 once running through tit for g» •• «-'lt ff j or for market. It t»!so i*leH»^ T'is'wil # j and clover >e#ttl thoroughly, Ple^ e C» 1 j and see it, and sie ll » . i , / . : - L'< " -N