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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1883, p. 4

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DAY, MAY VKE, Editor. it The Importune* of a.single votf( yr ilie Inter-Ocean, was well ruled in I lit recent town election ttatovlR. 1)1. For many years the (frirn Board l>*# refused to grant Heen- *> r. That body csiiMms of cix members, one-half elected each year. Laet year sfhe license faction elected their three Iranriiriatep. This year one license can­ didate was dented by one majority. So kbi Old-lime policy of Batavla is to be Weivfil by that «ne vote. Every tem- peran«-e man who failed to vote nmst tie kicking himwlf all over town ever •Inee he learned the result. Executant ESTATE of The uml«vai?iie*t IvtvingUcon ai>»<>inte«t Rxe Tr? • V.»*c \ 4 mm > m ̂ * *« >. i m» afirHon. Ro* one Conkllng il E»pre- aented as making a great deal of money at. bl« law practice. A Washington correspondent Fays he touches nothing P that had not big money in it. and that «£ lie is often retained «n' account of his 3 . political influence. He has had several leases in the United States supreme Is , court, and several before Secretary |c , ^THJerwf the Interior department. *'A fc^ntleman trld me a few days ago." $r| tills correspondent says, "that if Conk- ? > ' ling won one-third of the big cases he expected to this year, lie would meke #m,oo6. tSTF. H. Norton, a yoting scientist •f New York, claims to have discov­ ered a number o( new laws relating to planets. This U a gratifying %lece of Intelligence. The old laws relating to planets are well worn and frryed at the edges, and it is quite time seme new ones, more in spirit with the progress of the nineteenth century, were adopted for their gov­ ernment. One of the new statutes, we Mpe:t. regulates the sale of whiskey In Mars on Sunday, and another pro­ fit bi is cows from running at large to Jup'.tei. It is hoped Mr. Norton %rill be able to enforce his new laws. S9*One point in rioting the business prosperity of tlie couury has4>een thus >ffsr overlooked by those gathering sta- * UtatUfe. It is the great success that has •ttended strikes this spring. The Chi­ cago bricklayers asked for an advance end got it; trades unions in different ^cities asked for a new schedule of • "wages, and in several instances it was * granted witlioot a strike being resorted ; 3to; of the 1.500 union carpenters who «truck in New York for an advance of * fifty cents a day, all have returned to ! work except about sixty, the advance •fked for being granted. When busl- ' jm prospers, wages are higher, but feslilteB it lags, wages are necessarily brought down to the lowest point. Tlie strikes of this spring have, therefore. ^ illustrated that business is so much ^2 better that higher wages can be paid. HAHTLASO. Editor P laindeai.kR j--Permit me through the medium of your wide cir­ culated paper to say a word relative to that "newbroom" of tlie Democrat In tlie Issue of April 21, whick, in the opinion of said Saxon, is sweeping a little too clean. We know a hit bird alwajs flutters, or at least drops a feather or two, hut. we never knew any thing but a hurt pig to squeal. I for one say good! 1 am glad to see a broom with brush long enough, handle strong enough and wielded by a hand firm enough to sweep fron the ranks of teachers that too long have been a curse to schools and school teaching; who are too lazy or indolent to lit themselves for this work ac teachers, and are too nice to earn a living by mechanical, farm or liouse work, seeking in anjv way to procure that piece of paper thAt will entitle thein to draw public moiie but in no way showing their qualifica­ tions of books or moral standlrg. When with this web of a disguise coming forth to teach, or rather keep a school for whatever they can get. with no other desire only to get the money for the time spent in the school; for it is time spent by both teacher and pupila In most cases lost to improvement but given to vice. Yes. let these and such as these be swept from the ranks oT teachers, then their places will be filled by teachcrs of jvorth, and the school* of our county will be a blessing rathef than a cune, which I am sorry to say i«* a deplorable fact in far too ma;:y cases at the present time. A teacher should have a higher motive than mere iollitr* and cents, and those who have not, the Improvement of their fellow man cuirix of the last Will «mi Tc MnHonry, a notice that i Court or House, i<i Woodatock, at the' .lone Carn»toa[ tlit; third Monday in June next, at Which ttaie Hll pemms ha*fog claims a?ruia«l said estate are nmi tied an<l req nested to attend for tfv purpose of having the same a<ljuate«l. Al persons indebted to salH Kstate are requested I.. m«lo lm.n..l|«u E*TSSSt to 155" 'JU(1 signed. lMted this lfith itar of April A. D. 188S. Vksta S' turihvamt, Executrix. Horsemen, Attention! All lovers ot fine Horses are respectfully invited to cm H at my farm, half a mile west of MeHcnry„ on the Woodstock road, and see my fine Moi-jran and Draft Iiorses. I have a Porclieron Norman Draft Colt that is ha I'd to beat. Call and see hint. Jfc-S. COMMIT. Mctteary, May 1st, IMS. ;f&§: IN WAUCONDA, Have been abspiit for mauy years, but a line of \ FANCY BOIS AUD AEfiOWS, Has just been recieved to meet the demands ot* the universal bo«ji||||is spring iu Arehcary^. *fFishing Tackle, BASS BALLS AND BATS, Foot Balls, Rubber Balls* TOPS, MARBLES, DOLLS, at heart ought not to get a certificate. <&c., will be found in lull variety, let their qualifications „ be what "they * ' "x ? " 1 may. I «m happy to state that M far as 1 know every one of our pleasant iieigli- liood is enjoying a comfortable share of good health. The seeding i« nearly all done; but little wheat has been sown, barley and oats being the principal crop. Already some are preparing corn ground, Geo. Newman was elected director In school district No. 7. At a meeting of the board the same day Lev Phelps was elected president and S. L. Lincoln clerk. Said board informed me that a good teacher is wanted. Address ci ther of the above at Harvard. The wind of the last few days has scattered the news so much T could not find any. It Is now estimated that nearly three,htindred lives were lost in the hurricane that swept over the southern section of the United States on Mon- day, April 23d. This rounds out the frightful record of tiie first four months of 1883. adding to the most disastrous floods, fires, explosions, and calamities at sea the most destructive storm that lias sVept tl.e country for many years. Nearly Ave hundred people went down with tlie Oimbria, scores of lives were lost iu the Mil­ waukee Are, and hundreds of lives have been lost in various explosions. The floods on the Ohio and upper Missis* eippi are followed by hurricanes on the lower Mississippi, and the casualty record of 1883 bids fair to become the most nota jle of auy year in modern times.--Inter Ocean. tSTWe pity any man who is in the midst of an attack of delirium tremens or as they are commonly known, the *jim jams." and especially does our heart gn out to a poor wretch in this .state if he happens to be a Sunday School Superintendent. Tlie pretended editor of tlie Woodstock Sentinel comes under the last head, and when he spoke (by proxy) in his last issue about our primer lessons, he *as probably in a bad state of the "horrors," and in his extreme excitement one of the mar.y reptiles iu his boots possibly showed Itself to his distorted vision, and he, knowing that the P laikdkaler was after him. supposed it to be the editor, when had his vision been clear, he would have perceived it was only a fancy of his exited imagination. But don't get excited, Gard. the history you seem so anxious about will be .told to your entire satisfaction. i>on't you fear. • floor I®: ' k< . NUNOA. ^itaiTOB P laisoealer:--'Vlijr weather, so tlie farmers report, Marks Br<i6. Concert Company met with very poor success last Friday, the S^th, at BaNou's Hall. Another Saturday night (or Sunday morning) disaster occurred at our rail- road station In which a young brake* man from Chicago, by the name of Gourdman was kilSed instantly and mangled beyond recognition. He was In the act of coupling tlie engine onto the ti'aln when his foot became fastened In a guard rail aud the engine backed : -entirely over him. The £prague property is reported as Mill. The anniversary of the Odd Fellows on the 27ili of April was a decided suc­ cess. Tlie progress of the ITnion School plane seetu to be progressing finely. A first-class second baud .Pulverizer for sale, inquire at Smith Bros, A nut her Uncle Toms Cabiu Company «MNniii|{ Saturday n'glit. . Mr. Oh as. Cnrruthers. formerly a clerk 1« Dickinson's drug store, died quite suddenly of consumption while ou a visit In Michlgau. . ills remains were buried here. GREENWOOD- Editor P landealer.--New goods are constantly arriving at D.VViSoper's. Miss Nettie Haitwell is. ori the sick list this week. We noticed A. Alexander of Geneva on our streets a few days since. * Mrs. M. Dassow is recovering from ^ severe attack of the measles. The dividend of the Greenwood cheese and butter factory for tlie month on March, was 91.51. E. F. Hewes, of Hebron, made our merchant Soper a friendly call 0116 4 last week. He reports business as flour­ ishing in their town as it generally is. Chas. Smith and Miss Nellie Baker, both of this place, were married at Uenoa the tweuty-fifth inst. May suc­ cess be theirs. Next Monday, Wm, Wire commen­ ces his labors as teacher of the summer term of the Solon school, and no doubt he will be as successful in the future as he ha; been in the past. He has taught tlie school above named for the past year, and is one of the best teachers In the county. The grist mill is undergoing repairs and will not be running again for two or three mouths at least, and besides mending the break is to be thoroughly overhauled. The presiding elder,' Rev. Mandeville pre ached in the M. E. Church last Fri­ day night. Jacob Boyd, an old and respected citizen of this place, died last Friday morning in the seventy eighth year of, his age. He was born in Derby county. Ireland, in 1805; removed to Canada in 1836, staying there but a short time, when he settled in New York where he continued to reside until he came here In 1871. He had been sick for some time, so that his death was not wholly unexpected by the relatives aud inti­ mate friends of the diseased. The funeral was held at the house, on ac­ count of Mrs. Boyd, whose health is in a very critical condition, owing to old age and rlcumetism. Tlie services were conducted by the pastor of the Presbyterian cjiurch of Lynn. Wis. We also have to note another sad event, in the death ot Mr. J.'Dassow, which dccurred last Saturday morning. He lias been suflerer for a longtime, being afflicted with cancers, which soon became incurable. He leaves a largo family to mourn his loss, who have the heartfelt s^npathy of all who know them. The services were held In the Baptist church. Ji«v. 1). D. Odell preaching the funeral sermon. Especial attention is invited to our new department of BIRTHDAY CARDS* A beautiful assortment just hav- inar been received. Teachers will, aHo observe that our stock ot, RKWAKDCAKDS is uuusually^ full and choice. Other novelties are expected soon, while our general stocK will be kept up to the usuttl stan­ dard. (Jail and examine goods and prices. F. B. HARRISON. WaaeoitdA, May 1st, 1883. LATER.--A fresh supply of five cent music. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, ~-S>BALBB Mir* Afrimntafai imptemem*) Of ALL KINJff^L - • ?7\ We keep a full line of Farm"*MnchJlierjr pf.the best manufacture and sell at Bed Rock Prices. If von Want anything in the Agricultural Machinery line, «lo not fail to call on me bo­ lero purrha3inz, as I can save yon mnn«y. I am also a sent Iter Lake and McHenry Counties for the Feed Cutter. Ton can liave a grinder attached to j?rtn(T at the sHine time vou are cuit'ng. Every pur. chaser gets a written v;u:tr:intfte witli-his nm chine. Ills po>>itivolv tlie K.V IE T lUJN SING FEED CUTTER IN THE MARKET. Give me a call. R. C. HILL Wauconda. III., Dec. 26 188i Take pleasure in announc­ ing that their stock is com- artment A m \ *+ mtm If you contemplate buying anything in the Implement line we wish to announce to you that we have a £ood, honest lines of Good on hand m of all descriptions, and for reasons that we are ready to explain, kiiow that we can save you m-jney on any Goods in our line. It is full and 1 complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented and if you find M them not ts represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. J ' ' ' ':' - 1 '?J- 4t Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner stubble extm double ahiti-hardcned, either in wood or s*eel beam, the Beloit wood or steel beam Stubble Plow with' Gesley Jointer; also the GeaJey mate, by any boy that can drive a team* , « F ^ * f *•* ^ ^ , r's-fv" Men's Suits. •<?>* ' IfllF *v - * , ff " > mi , ^ ...J*? , 13,,;.^ TovLihs' Suits. V :: Boyp' Suits,! In any grade,* price or qual­ ity. Ijtefc A full line of most desira­ ble patterns direct from the manufacturers al . . • « * • M'SmPs #S>'- . I *• 0i yies, il V will ioassai ToliiAicHi Also a fine display of Cur- Shades, Rakes! ?&'.4 Sit ;*> k J v-/ * * i Did yon «iiy Rakes? Well we hnfe oft « fnfl Tine; • The , Bird, Ell wood Self Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but not least, the Old Reliable Hollinsrsworth Sulky RaKe, >'o imitation in ours, no no, but the Ori«inal. ft is no iiew and untried imp.ement. It stands ' king ot the field to-da^, • <, ot ' ' ; ' ' ' We have the Deere Planter, also the Rockford Planter that can be changed from a Planter to a Drill withoutcosting oue cent or a mt»- mentoftime. 'Wt'-'t- Wl':-'.- tew iitao a good old adage, but to make hay at all re»]uires a good Mower. Tf»« iMc^s"'w|ck ^ «o,.cqsi4» "w. tew mpwMvmf- immense line o: rP i>, ' ack JUST ARRIVED. A. LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF- CORX FOR SALE. / A On# thou«an<1 buslicl-* of Cora for sale Inquir*' of W.m MngJjrove, 2J miles south of AlvHenrr. Wm. mokorove. TpEOUijHBBED BULLS. Three thoroughbred, pedigreed SHORT HORN, Yearling Bulls for. farm, three miles eas mond village. ^ale al my t of Ricli (N«S8tf) EL J J AH BOWERS. WESTERN NORMAL C0LLE6E And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks term* per vcar. FIFTEEN COURSES:--Teachers', Collegiate, Mori, ern I.HnKuagr, Commercial, Art, Music. Telegrnphip. rhonopraphic, Penmanship, hlocution, Meilicol, Knicinecrinir. Drawing, Ac. Whole expense lor one year.*fl>5 Wos tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Wcaten. Normal- "Advocate." Catalogues and snecU men copy of pa per KRE K. O. h. UltttiOil) , Principal, BuabaeU, 11L CLOTHÎ a, ^ colored Cashmeres, Nuns' Veiling, Camelettes, Dress Flannels, Dress Silks, Satins, Brocades, See. JOt Suitings, Ginghams, Prints, See., Buttons and Linings all the latest novelties IDR . WARNER'S CELEBRATED HEALTH CORSETS, ' ' wr- FOR MEN, YOUTHS anil BOYS, Ready made and made to order. Also a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. JIats and Cups, BOOTS AND SHOES, . --AT H. MAIMAN'S CLOTHING HOUSE,; AT 1VAUCONDA. Just tee what yon can get for $7.90: j' " One Xice CassiincreSuit; One Hal.; k One Ovcrnliirt; > • <>ne Under-nirt; },?- One I'nir of Drnwera: ; , One Pair of socks; ;f. On« ('air of Suspi-ndCfai i. "it- One Handkerchief; One Necktie; ' ' Ont Collar Call within, THIRTf DATS flMT Meh toir. Anything desired in ladies' and gents Fine Wear. Several elegant styles in Low Shoes A. General Assortment of Spring Style* in HATS AND CAPS, gain*. MRS. H. MAIMAN, Waa Jnst retnrned from the elty -with a fnll and selected sio«-k of SPKIVG AND SUM- MKR MII.I.INKRV, which aha Invites (he ladies of Wauconda to call and examine and IwtrD prices, w _ „ * JH. MAIMAN. ffpoada, April atyrjUfa - VALISES. a ftp, Rubber CoatSi Cossamers, Oil CWthi, With all its late improvements fot 1883. The owners of the stQjtUe*t fnrms rtow see it is to their interest to use the Twine* Biwfer, as it eat* nothiiigr, never strikes for higher w««re.s, is a faithful, obedient servant., never wearies of work, always pleases the ladies, as it involves no additional hoarders. We^make the easiest running Wagon, use only thej best seasoned material,sret up work in good style and finish, arid sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our stock is full and overflowing, and]feel con­ fident that we can please von in quality of goods and Price's if you will favor ns with a call. With thanks for past favors,? we solicit a continuance of Mie same upon the claim that we will "sell the best Goodd lor the least money. F Kespct. Yours BISHOl --DEALER IN- ? • 1$, 1M 4^- P A J N T 'JL1S OILS Of every description. ^ n e licep coflitnntly on hand RUBTffiR PAINTS, and HEATH'& MILLlUAN'S 'CELEBRATED MIXED Paixt>i, ttll umJv f.if iKo Lruaia. Pure and Fresh Family Groceries. BLOClt. McHEIfftY, Tffur^attention is invited to our magnificent new line of able and elogant styles, fur ppring requirements. is vei-y complete and prtcerf uniformly low. Every department ^ . . . . . . McHettfyi tlliiioiii March 5j 1883» .v>;U . v, • ; ' • • - ,_r . * I,. : is - ,f[:; \ •: •* l\'r

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