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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1883, p. 4

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ft |f>!fR8DAY, MAT 0, 1883. rAHp&lTKK, Kdltor. igton, Wis., was visited by Are on Thursday morning three business hou.«es, % office*. anil K large * mount llhfcp^rty. Loss estimated at wMch there win an Insurance $50,000, The cause of the Are known. ' Possibly the Massachusetts nsln- who gave Governor Butler a lastire of abuse o«* Fast Day, might ire more wisely spoken If they had "itlwrM rnch words of praise as h« JJsren«*d to at ft big Negro meeting during the war. He attended It In all Ittfl war paint («A the story goes) and sat on the platform behind the altar among the preachers, with his hands folded awl Ills eyes crossed. The Wfteaker* wire proud of their company, and praised **de great Glneral," wbo liad declared them "contraband of war/' **God bless Gineral Butler!" shouted OM ef them;"his sk!n Is whlte^l^&ltie heart is a« black as nnv or us." 'The Investigation which Gover- Wir Hurler has caused to be made in MM Tewkesbury poor institute, and tlie terrible' revelations maae. have r caused investigations to be made in £»ther- parts of the country. In New Brunswick, New Jersey, the comity housekeeper has been overhauled, and : dtadosures as revolting as those of Massachusetts have been given to the {public, rhe keeper received $2.23 per weak for each inmate, and he only gave them sufficient food ;o keep body and •oul together. The c6ld weather found the Inmates without a particle •f flre, and sick persons were obliged to Bleep in the garret on beds of straw. Governor Butler's example is being fallowed by the authorities all over fiio country and It will be surprising tadocd If some such disclosures ae those now made will not be forth- After a three days' sesitttn In Philadelphia the Irish national conven- tlon has adjourned. The perfect bar- •ony of the proceedings was a pleasant Mrprlso to all thnse who sympathize : With the movement. It needed no words or resolutions to show that dyna* fnite was abhorred, because from the •ery start the dynamiters were Ignored; tmt were, however, admitted as dele­ gates, because the call was so broad that any society claiming to be Irsh delegates. The convention have ; flttTacted the attention o! the people «f Xujjyjeu and America, and the final Jwllkin of tlie thousand and more dele* :*W*» to con:)line work for the object - In Vl^w In a peasefnl manner, will bring the support of tlie Irish ean*e . many who were deserting It on account of the dynamite and assassination ? policy. The resolution? adopted smack •trongly of the declaration of Inde­ pendence. As a whole the convcatiou %*» a credl r tit Irish-A merleanli had a right to send proceedings of the THR AOK OF RKVORH. The agitations now going on through* out the whole civilised world are sim­ ply the demands of tho people for reform. The demands of the masses In Europe are for a more democratic form of government, |ust as tit* people of this country are demanding a better civil service. iiru t!w i»o|ii« tax have more to say about governing themselves In Europe, there will be fewer "Invlnclbles" in Ireland, Social­ ists |n Germany and France, Nihilists In Russia, or "black hand" societies in Spain. .To-day this clas« of people are so lawless and advance such extreme notions, that they are not to be tolera­ ted In any civilized country on tho globe;and yet such societies are the legitimate outgrowth of the condition of the people of those ciountries. Com­ munistic societies, or such sentiments, gain no foothold in any country where the rights of man are recognized. Ilerr Most, the distinguished German Social­ ist. after months of hard work In this country, has no respectable following here. He came direct from a British jail, into which lie was put hee;in»<», when the civilized world shuddered at the assassination of the Czar of Russia, Herr Most applauded the crime in his little newspaper. He came heralded by his own clique and was extensively ad­ vertised in the press. Yet the few aduiir&rs lie found were In the large cities, near unlimited beer. Elsewhere lie has been left severely alone.. The sensible people of this country shudder at a remedy for an evil which begins with assassination, and lias for its ob­ ject the distribution of property. America is full of homes which arc prized because tlie occupants hold tlienv a; the price of individual eflort. Hun­ dreds of thousands of men and womeit possess a few acres of land or a house, and they priza them because they have earned them. Such people do not listen to the teachings of hair-brained and rickety intellects wbo preach the doc­ trine of nocialism. European governments must have noticed what small fallowings social­ ists have her«, and how contented are the very same people who were dea- perafe enough to almost embrace tho assassination policy before emigrat­ ing. Yet they do not seem to apply the remedy which works so well herea From the abolition of the feudal sys­ tem in Europe the advance toward giv­ ing all men a tnil recognition of their rights has baen slow, but under the agitation now going on, the object will certainly be'gained. The more the eflort is made to crush It out, the more obstinate will the people resist the encroach men ts of power, as has been repeatedly demonstrated within a very few years. The disturbances in Europe will go on until men are re­ garded by the reiguiug classes as hay- iug rights that are higher tliau their ow»M*4e to rovaltv. s Bakery S^les. M. Engeln, at bis store a few doors north of the Riverside House, has made arrangements to supply his customers and the public generally, with fresh Bakers' {Supplies of all kinds, from Miller's celebrated Bakery. Woodstock.; Fresh Bread. Biscuit. Cakes. Pies, eic.4 can be found at his store at all times, and he respectfully ln?ites the public to give hi in a call. lie also keeps oni hand Chick's and Spenoer'a Flour,; which will compare with any to be found In the market. Give me a call* M. KHOKLK. McHenry, May 8th, 188.1 m r. m fj" foil FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON Are dally receiving new and stylish lines of Dress Goods in Worsteds, Ging­ hams, PrlntSi etc. Men and boys Cloth­ ing. Boots and Shoes for ladies, gents and children; Wall Paper lu latest pat­ terns; Trunks, Values, etc. Ftrmer's produce bought at market prjpe. will pay the cash buyer to call iii a WKST END of McHeurv, almost^ppoftte the Post Office. FLOWERY To meet the srowlnj? demnnrt# of my ©lit flower and ptswt trade, Murine the past yct»r, I have enlarjrcrt from one to four larpre green- houses". Now i am permanently locntea on North Street, enst ot Ch:tnninir. on a <!irce-t line four blocks east of the FoxKiverHailroad Depot, and ttaej Ladies of McHenry, N VISITING ELGIN. Will he repaid by a visit to mv new quarters. The prices current thia year for most kinds of plants will vary from 6 cents to 30 cento each. v Monthly Roses, from 15c to Mtc each. : llavdv " " 3V-. to 75c : Pansiesanrl Verbenas 50c per dozen. Cabbage Plants, early. 60c. per hun. •' IT lute, ;tt>e per huu. t2 per M» Celery ** S0c per hun. • Tomato ; 5Cc per hun. H per M. I make a specialty of WEDDING & FUNERAL DESIGNS, And fret up work in as srooil, if not better, and twenty-live per eent. cheaner, than Chicago prices. Having telephonic connection with ie'ejrraph office, orilcra in that way are delivered immediately. B. Or NEIL, Practical Flovist, Elyin, Illinois. Take pleasure in announc­ ing that their stock is com IB r v *\y. • v* * «*-* contemplate buyiftjr any thin sr fn the Implement fmo we wTgti to announce to you that we have a «rood, honest lines of Good on hand } of all descriptions, and for reasons that we are ready to explain, know that we can save you money on any Goods in our line. It is foil and complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented and if you fit them not ts represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. • Otir stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner Stubble extm double shin-hardened, either in wood or s eel beam, the Reloit wood or steel beam Stubble Plow with Gesley Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plow that can easily be handled auy boy ttuttoan dme a team, - - t -p.? Sprina: Stock just received. I t " 1 ^ K -»*" ^ * •\ • "t vJ1 S+t' .i\, >' : mtmrn-- Suits. i>-'\ Is a cause of eoiistant worry •ail eonsiilerahie amazement- to tlie ^ i^ltemocratic organs that the Republican fwrty refuses to die. The old argument that tawae called into existence merely to abolish slavery. Is repeated witli droary persistence, and the rea«ons why It should consider itself dead are •tated with painful clearness. The Democratic editors should learn a little | |from history. The Republicans haye .. never been very anxious whether the Democratic party lived or died, but they have believed after each of the \National defeats It has encountered during the past twenty-five years that that was the last of the Democracy. But it continues to live and the Repub­ licans have concluded that so long as there is any bad political doctrine to f fee supported, or any obstacle to be : placet! In the way of the Nitiou's prog- | «5ss, the Democratic ppty will survive. On tlie other hand, the Democrats > might as well make up their minds that the Republican party will con­ tinue In existence while there remain any evils in our political system to bo remedied. If they do that they won't have to lie awake of nights so much worrying.--New York Tribune HEBRON. EiiiTOR rLAiSiiSiLS£.-L-l'!;Sf'1Sy fSOii at Frank's. VVanted, a school teacher in Eugene Swan's district. Bliss Emira WiMey has returned from her vi$t to Chicago. ; ^ There Is to be a grand dance In Union Hall, May 23(1. Mr. ami Mrs. George Turnpr have gone east to visit relatives and friend*. P. H. VVooifrom is expected this week froui Iowa with a carload of cows. Miss Josle Rowe Is to wield the birch and rule iu the Lyman Glass district. Frank Rowc has a new supply of spring iwid summer goods purchased iu the city last week. Miss Hattie Pierce has been engaged to teach tlie school in U. Thuyres dis­ trict. Brother Parsons failing to put in an appearance last week. Rev. Ourrer de­ livered a temperance lecture to an appreciative audience. Fred Cramer, a nephew of Newell Manor, who has be«?ii recruiting his health tu Hebron, has returned to his home in Missouri. Esther Cole has about two hundred spring chickens and forty hens setting besides an unlimited number of young ducks, turkeys, etc. It makes us jfeol lugubrious when we see our old IMMI with only one chick. Executor's Notice, ESTATE of John stnrdivnnt,deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Exe eutfix of the last Will and Testament of John Stnrlivant, deceased, late of tlie County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, hereby given notice tliat she will appear before the County Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the third Monday in June next, at which tiaie alt periftns having claims against said estate are nouried and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. I Dated this 16th dar of April A. D. 1383. VKBTA S'TCKDIVAHT, Executrix. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received by the undersigned, School Directors for School District No. 1, Town of liurton, until Wednesday, May UIHIi, 18<?, for the Carpenter Work of a "School House to be built in said District. For specifications and other par' ticnlars apply to the undersigned Directors of said District. The Directors reserve the rtght to reject any and all bids. •• OAH15V, IIA UK HOFFMAX, Diiectors. BTFTFFT*, IFCI MAY M, 1MB. SEALED PROPOSALS* SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the untie: signed. School Directors lor District No. I. Town of Rnrtnn, until Wednes­ day, May :10th, !>«:{, for the Mason Work on a School lion so to be built in saitl District. Kor particulars apply to the ut dersigned, Direc­ tors of sai<l District. The Directors reserve the rijhi to reject any and all bids. 5 'WM. CAKKT, In any grade, price or qual- lty trstclG style to fit the A full line of most desira­ ble patterns direct from the manufacturers at bottom prices I 150 W All Grades, WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks terms per vear. FIFTEEN COURSES:--Teachers'. Collegiate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic, Penmanship, Elocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year. $125.. Wes- tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci. men copy of paper FREE. C. L. GREGORY, Principal, Bushnell, III. •fir Brave old Ben Butler! He never had much reputation for Integ­ rity. He was kicked put of the Repub­ lican party or frozen out for the want of moral principles: he was the terror of all party managers lor his tinman ageableness, but he is not a fool or a coward. He lias done better than many better men as Governor of tlie old Bay State; he has recently un­ covered a secret revelation of human fieudishness that shows how greatly was needed just such a fearless and efficient old hruiser. with authority to Investigate and punish. What better use can be made of power than to shield the poor and succor the op­ pressed. He lias done grind service In the investigation of tlie Tewksbury Almshouse, and every friend of hu- maiiity should rejoice that tlie wrongs ot the poor«re exposed A«d righted, FTIID TTWT A wiioleeome terror IIAB been stricken Into the hearts of the wretch «s wl»« have committed such outrages. The traffic in paupers' bodies is one of the -least of the offenses of these mercenaries. Though we must shrink arith horror, when.confronted with a pair of slippers made from the tanned hide of a pauper woman, yet that is le*s shocking than the late* of cruelty I inflicted upon the paupers while liv- '• lug. Hiiium) brutality has one of it* ; Most startling illustrations in the rev- ; elrtiou «•( the Almshouse at Tewkes- ; bury. An I the lesson of the event ^ ties In the fact tint cruelty, more or f 1*** similar, mat be t'nuud in all the almshouse* of the country. Paupers are provoking and keepers are cruel In Illinois as W£II* as Massachusetts. If we were to look closely into the floui^f houses of Illinois, we might And «MJvid illnstr.itlons of man's iu- htuuKiiUy to man, as the old Puritan Stat* of Massachusetts c«ui furuUU. voti» • vowV-: :t!f, EDITOR PLAIKDKALER : ©AS There is a reaper whoge name Is Deatk. And with his sickle keen He reaps the l«artie«i grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. To-day Mrs. Isaac Fairwcather was consigned to mother earth. But a few short mouths ago she was a bride, ar. rayed in flowers and beauty. This reaper has also quite recently gathered in Lewis Penuyman, aged about fifty- seven years, and an early settler of Lake Co.; and also Jo Davis, a nan in the prime and vigor of life. There is no death. The dust we tread Sluiil change beneath the summer sbovtfn 1<> gol'ien jrrain or mellow fruit. Or rainbow.linted flowers. A thunder storm ace>mpanied with hail passed over here between twelve and one o'clock at night on the 3d Inst., and tiie hail being so very unique and peculiar in their formation I will des­ cribe a few. They w« re from the size of a cherry up to four inches in clrcum ferencef Mr. K.nery Tower Informs me he measured one tour and a quarter Indies. Some were egg-shaped and as large as a hen's egg. an J in failing or striking any hard substance the thin coftlngof ice would l>re>ik and fly oft and le*ve an exact imitation of a half egg shell, the other half was tilled with compressed snow. Ona was wheel shaped and was If Indies in diameter! one-half inch in thickness and had tour hail stones In the center like spokes to a wheel. Many were egg-shaped, flat­ tened, and but very few a true ball and all the largest were very white feovirfed with a thin coat of ice. ;^AMK8 NUMI, JR., Burton, 111., May .Id, 1883. ARK HOFKMA*, Directors, Thl ee thoroughbred,pedigreed SHORT HORN, Yearling Bulls for sale a1 my fsinil, three niilee etist ^f Eich- moud village. • ' f, i^LJJAH B&02BS. Also a fine display of Cur­ tain goods and Shadesi. •t+w • i, " St' l ' . . '« • ' "••• immense line of black and colored Cashmeres, Nuns' Veiling, Camelettes, Dress Flannels, Dress Silks, Satins, Brocades, See. Of Suitings, Ginghams, Prints, See., Buttons and Linings, all the latest novelties RakesJ I Rakesl £•;* Rakes 1 v .D,id,7"" my Kakei? Well wo hare on hand a full linii. Ttw Bed Bird, Ell wood Self Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but not least, the Old Reliable Rollings worth Sulky KuRe. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original. It k&tt iiew *a«l untried imp.ement. It stands king of the field to-da^. ' 3? klK We have tlie t)eere Planter, also tho Koekford Planter that can he changed from a Planter to a Drill without costing one cent or a mo* meat of tiuae. J: r;o.x/ The McCormiek Iron Mower. To make hay while the aim chines is ; a good old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. Th« ' i McCormick has no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. With all Its late improvements foi 1883. The owners of the smallest farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eat.-* nothing, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant., never wearies of work, alwa\s pleases the ladie», as it involves no additional boarders.,; YVe^make the easiest running Wagon, us^ only the best seasoned material, «ret up work in good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our a tock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of goods and Prices if you will favor us with a call. With thank8 for past favors,; we solicit ,a continuance of the same upon tlie claim that we will sell the best Good^ lor the least money. , ; Kespct. Yours t •; ' . ' B.BBHOB I DR. WARNER'S CELEBRATED HEALTH CORSETS, For Rent. In the village of Nnmla. a good Uvery Bam 30xe0jeet. built e»|»'ecial- ly for the business. Will be rented reasonable. Apply to „ • BUTLER A WARNEB, MlUlda, Ill.^May Jgt, 1883. Bi"HI C«ri*t Sweeper .! ,92.' .ih? hest thine In tl» market at John I. Story's. IN WAUCONDA, Have been absent JSp many years, but a line of FANCY BOWS AND ARROWS, Has just been recieved to meet the demands of the universal boom this spring in Archery. Fishing Tackle, BASE BALLS AND BATS, Foot Balls, Rubber Balls* TOPS, MARBLES, DOLLS, Ac., will be lound in full variety. Espeeial attention is invited to our new department of BIRTHDAY CARDS, A beautiful assortment just hav# ing been receive*). Teachers will alfeo observe that our stock of REWARD CARDS is unusually f ull and choice; Other novelties are expected soon, while our general stocK will be kept up to the usual stan­ dard. Call and examine goods and prices. p. B. HARRISON Wanconda, May let, M8&. LATER.--A fresh supply of five cent music. j & Boots and Shoe# Anything! desired in ladies' and gents' Fine Wear. Several elegant TA General Assortment of Spring Styles4Htt HATS AND CAPS. | TRUNKS AND VAUSES, A I N T ^ " " ^ - N D O I L S Of every description». We keep constantly on hand RUBBER PAINTS, and HEATH & MILLIGAN'8 CELEBRATED MIXED PAINTS, all ready for the brush. hFamlly Crocerles. PERRY & OWEN. , ; : ..:-v * - •Ssgm*: 9 ~ ;• >-t)EALER ' ' A f i ' •'fVfJ. :: • iii"1 I'J ' piUlUir'iJin l * . . •* 4iX*' •iiyilntt' i' | - i RIVERSIDE McHENRY, Your attentionjs invited to^our magnificent new line of season- able and elogant styles, for spring requlremeutf. Every department is v<?ry complete und prices uniformly lo'W. HENRY McHenry, Illinois, Marcn 5,1883« mmm t I . . - w . y j a •Jl.'Z,.. -V i^'..

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