V fjMi t v r- Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and baw; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall A< VOI,. 8. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS* WEDNESDAY. MAY lt>, 1883. ss •Ml NO. Published Kverv Wednesday by Hr. slyke, BDITO : aKO PUBLISHER. v- ' Office In Bishop's ! OFPOSITH PEHRT A MARTI llfS.-- ^ TERMS OP SUBSC1UPTIOS; #ne T"esr*(in Advance) , --S1.IW ff Pit i within Firae Months,.......8.H0 Sn'H^rifitiiR? rc'.^ivnl for t'ir-33 or • six aentM in thn na*no wrnpftrtiow. '0 Kates of A<lvertis1ng. ' • We annownce liberal vntea for nrtvertislni? an the Pi,AINOEAI>kw, and crteavni to srlate tbera so plainly that thev will foe readily tin- 'derstond. They are as follows: * J Tnr-h one year - y ,5?!! llTnchesone voiitv - • i ^ * Inches «we yea*. -i? , • - * f jg'«J ' p'nlnmn one yfflilr - * (. , SO «0 ; finlnnin one vtiiir . ^ - * . «j Oft hpolnniii one year - ... - - 1"" ™ One inrn means the measurement nf one Inrh down the column, single colnmn width. Yearly advertisers nt the alw>re rates, hare the privilege of chansrins as often as tliey ohooae, without extra vharffe. Refrniar advertisers (mennlnff those havintr Stftmlinir cards) will lie entitled to insertion of Inral notn-es at rate of 5 cents per line each vreek. All ot hers will be onnraro.it in cents per lifie lirst week, and 5 cents |>or line for each Subsequent week. Transient advertisement* will |>o eliarscl nt rntenf 10 cents pel- line, (nonpirsil ivpe. same as this is set in) the first issue, 'and 5 cents per line f. r subsequent issue-. Thus, •n inch advertisement will oost Sl.fltl ftrone week, #1.50 for two weeks, *2.00 tor three weeks, and eo on. ' Tha Pr„ATNi>KAT,tcn will he liberal In irivinir editorial notices, hut, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from pveryltoily seeking the nse of its colnmns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. at H.T.BBOWNiM.I). .Htsicnvx AXD SfTHfiKOV. over th«Post O'Tlce, opn-i^ite Perry AlMartin's i>»«'*jnt stair*, .McHenrv, 111." V - ' HJI • • O. H. PR^rRIt , M, O- , V' • VTVsjICi \V WD ^TTRGROV. .Winsbiirgti, f-Tlls.*-<)(lleo hours 3 to 10, A. M. n. .T. nOWARI), M. n. rHYSTCTAV ATTO STTtMK<W. mv residence, opposite M. McIIenry. til. Office a* B. Church, K. V. AXOWnSONT, M. tt„ ?• •HT*fcOT.VT • and anrtcent.' "iOftifc llesiilenne, McHehrv, Illinois. 'St J. J. MY KUS. , • . iSaloon and Tlostftnrant, f JJB V^EMRNToY Ifnhnert'a <Uore, Johns, burirh, Til. The ^h-^icest brands of Wines, Lienors a#l Uijitr* alwvys mm !jgffyv ifife on nam?. €*ll PRATT IIOITSK. T A. Pit ATT, Proprietor, first connio'lMtions. IVnuconda. III. , class ne- Uoo^Barn In connection BAltniAN BltO*. - fSlIG AH Manufacturers, McIIenry, III. Or- '•>%J tie's solicited. Shop, ii Old Me'Ienrv, jn Keiter Itlork, two doors west of PI^AIK- MftAC,KR OIBce. •'.•••viiii moil Aai> COMPTON. , • JIT^TIf'K of the Peieean I Omveyaneer.-- Will ittea I pro notlv to the collection of (tthts. Volo, Lake County, III. R. R. RICHARDS. "A*a comnlete Abstract ot Titles to land In M Henrv Ooiintv, lll'nais. OfUceJPilh •k, Wo'Mlstock, UK ---- uH,rnr i Minty Clerk, E. M. OWKV " .yC . GKNKRAT/ Dealer and Manufacturers Apent in I.endinpr Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and -terms favorable. McIIenry, «'• R. (I.SMITH. Aoof vxn M \KKR. Pmmnt atten. tion alven to Rcpiiliiii't. . Shop in l»rtig. jry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside douse, ticHcnrv, Illinois. M A R C U S ' CERJWIAN ^ BUSINESS CA11DS. MART <i. BABBJAN. HA in WORK Kit. All kinds of Hair Work done In flrst class -stv'e and at reaHonable prices. Rooms * t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McIIenry, III. as. GREKS. VETERTHAHY SURGKOX, ' toTimond, Illinois JBSSK A. BALDWre, TAWTKll. Law bnsiness in any part «t j th<? Stite receives promnt attention. Office room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. ^ SIDNEY . •I"" NOTARY PUBLIC and Oonye)rMM*(jfcif den,. III. DR. . C. E. WILLI AMS. DENTIST. Resilience Dundee. Will be at Mclleni v. at Parker Honec,- the 10th aifd 55th of each month. When dates occiir Satnrday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOHN" KLKIFHKN. Piiintor, Gi*niner. Onlcimin«»r and- ono Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to .promply and on reasonable terms. HOTTSR Paper Ilanafer. R«si l "nc« Horsemen, Attention I All lovers ot fine Horses are re.nectfnllv invited to cill at mv farm, halt" i mile west of McHenrv, on the Wond>ti«-k iwi-l, and see my fine Moiiran and Draft Horse*. I have a Pereheron Norman Draft t.-olt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. , N.'S. COLBY. •tcllenry, Mav 1st, is*l. Notice 1o th3 Public. TH VVR built, a <0ion inst south of K. law-Ins* on Brick and Wood Stroet, where I am proitarnd to do all kinis of work in ray line. As I have no bovs to do mv work, I: w>nt verv near what it Is worth f<ir doinsr it. I d't inv*work in a manner that needs n<i ». A. nun McHenry, Jan. nth, 19S2. M. M. GFIOTHIEH, * U. SM Pension Attarney. Frosecntes claims in all Bureaus in the DEPARTMENT OF THE IVTERI0*. Carftfnl Attention given to complicated ea*e« and «KJECTED CI.AIM8. A competent assistant an I Notary Public always on duty. My only business office Is at the residence of Win. H. Cowlin. itUXDllRDS OF 11 Eb EliEXCE& WOODSTOCK, MCIIBNBY C^,, Iti,t*o» s S. K. BEN SETT, M. 0. PHYSICIAN ANDSUIUiKON. Also United &tat«8JIfixauHnin£ Surgeou. UlchmoutL Illinois. ' • • JOSEPH N. PRKUNIIb ATjfiOJf AND RET ACII ANT Boiisiett's old st'iml, opposite Blsli'tp's Mill. Mc. Henrv, HI. The ' c i«icest Wines, Llciv*>r> and r5i?ravs to be tound in the countv. Fresh Ousters in tlieir season jsurved tip in -4ftp shape desired or for sale by the Csn. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES, ANTON Y ENGEI N, SAI.OON and Restaurant, Buck'* oid stand McIIenry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <nnr Mash, Wines, PiRiirs, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices, fresh Oysters in their season. MONEY RECEIVBD FOR INVESTMENT and loaned on iBoi ignsre security at cur rent ntes, without cliarjuj to the lender. Kami loans made »CMX per cent. J. W. R VNSTEAD, 1 and 4 |hmlen Block, Elgin, III. C. N. CULVER, A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 103 RANDOL PH STUEE T, (Successor to E.'I. 5*. shirloy.). Chuvt-fo, III. Spe- cial attention jriven to'repairi'n^ Kino watch- es and Chronometers. S3f*A Full Assortment, of Good3 in Ills line. Richmond, Illinois. , 4i " / Sues of Stock, Far minij Tofi s and Goods ot si - ki u" s atl ended Soldiers' Department. Hi CONDUCTED Br DR. S. K. BENNETT. fltHl Ills to on the moat uiul satisfact| lJost Office addt Richmond Hous^ , RICHMOND. ILL C.*. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. v HAVING recently purchased the a'tove IIou.se, I have put it in thorough'rtfyair, with new fiifnitne throntrhort, ana would vespectfiil'y invite the pitron u.' <>t the trav. eKnar public and others. The tables will al- wavsbo provided with thehc-t that oin bo procured, and nolite! aivl attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times t<> attend to the winitsof quests. No puns will he spared to make' this a First Class Itonse. Large and commodious hams on the ji'-ctiiees. Free Omnibus to and from Ml twins, gam pie Room son flrst floor. isonab e Terms guaranteed. rm&n, tt&y ?ta^p H E. WlunTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fnanished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kimlH done on short notice?. Established '858. IffT'i *'• * ,71<>\} F H v m STILL LIVE; Please come np to t'ie ltinewo-> l Vnwv with vour team, nml load un with FIITIT, SH MHC, OUV \ \l I'.NT V I• an I EV KRCR M V TREES. A fine block of BLACK WALN'lJTji and tile n»nch talked of ' CATALP% EEADT MADE HAKNE3SE3 COLLARS, WHIPS, ftc,, to i»e found in the County., and ha* evervthiiig made of the m:^ UPS® «*1UI»»I *e« n». , ^ ^ • 4 S T E R B A . JOHIF V. BUCKL&1TD. Rinywood, McHenry Co , III., March, 4, 1JH1, Plants, Rosas and SeeJs. WK will mail, postpaid, any one of the fol. lowing c.ollecti<»nsT upon receipt of OxE DOLLAR: 14 lino Evcr-bloomin* R04ES. 10 Rose?, nil white, pink, red or vellow shtdes. 10 GE RANIUM-*, single or ' double. S Dahlias. -20 packets of best KLOWEH SEEDS io pick ets of VEGETABLE S|>:|) v l<> G LADI'H.lTS BULBS. 1« assorted BEDDING PLANTS. 12 TUBERO-IK BITLHS. Price Lists FREE. Satisfaction guaran teed. Thirty Giee ihouses in op«nirion. Address, N ANZ & N El.'VER, Florists. LoriKVtLi.B, Kr. ROBERTO. 3EUNETT, »Q$fiDKR OF a Manufactured by F. MARCTJg, . . -- D E A L E R I N -- • / ^VitrWlNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock Tke lw«i Tonic in the world, and Quart Bottles. III. r.'S-,- PUt ap in F. * P. MARCUS, Patentee. JOS. WIEDEMANN, oon and Restaurant, i;; : NEAR THE DEPOT, IflcHENRY, • ILLINOIS 'fcrhe best Brands of Wines, Liquors ami Ipitars always on Hand. Good "Stabling for Horees. ' ALSO AGENT FOR' Franz Falk's K[ Milwaukee: Lager_Beer, Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Rottles nl '» vnvon hand cheaper thRn any other, qnali |v considered. ' : -This Beer has a world wide reputation, and libodjudges acknowledge It cannot oe sar. ptisscd in tlie worl<l. Orders by mall promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. IIL Aug. 10th. im. FOWLS, 3H3IOND, ILli. (FIRST PKKMUJM AT MCHKNHV COI-XTV FAIK ) %lv fowlshreof the celebrated DUKE,QF VORK struin, remarkable for their groat size and lavinsr qualities. I can show a' trio of last season's chicks weijrhinj; 31 pminds. E'JfKs, per setting >F thirteen. JI.S'i, delivered to purchaser iu Richmond. Shipped, securely packed. tilKX 1 ROBERT C. BENNETT. JOHN STERBA, Woods:oc t of McHenry, as returned to Woodstock, And bah now on hand the sto*" k of largest nbd Ties WOOD powder, Htiot, ttirsalc. Ffehing. All kinds of AKD REPA A gorirt Breech- I Gnn. wttTranti'd Tw Winchester Rifle; 1 Nickel I'hitedlish Self cocking 1'i'itlsfl \ good Single Single (inn, warran I will uiidi'r«<|-i Guns and Sporting t food gun it will war warrant every gnn Clothes Willi new Rolls put pair warnmted, Woodstock, July » |TT ECCNOWr i ou can save money A. WENDELL, CAEPEITTER AND JOIHEB McHenry, III. Will take rojitrnrts fur putting up Biiililiiijfs iintl {{iiiiraMfec mv M-nrk will com pure \vi Mi any man in the; State. I tviM and will do work from IS to per cent cli»'«p«4r than other earpiMit«v». as I liavo two of my I toys who work with ine. whichmakes it possible for me, to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give mo a call A. WENDELL. B. RAINTHORP v\ % t\ T'-:" • Rinejwood - - Illinois, To t he people of Rii^srwood and vicinity I would respectfully suy that I linve opened a store near the Depot, where 1 will puv the highest market .value for Eggs. Butter, and other produce, cash or trade being immaterial to me. I shall keep on haud a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < ci gars and Tobacco, I am going to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. , B. RAINTHORP. RING WOOD, III.. June l-'Uh, 1S8J. and Qfcrtiriclges cheap, Goods, G DONE. Double Barreled el, IS Shots, S8w Iver, ri.sa I>>jr Pistol, ft.00. Bieech Loading, In"; the connty in lif yon want a MIL KM.. rpaired and Price i>er ). SHERMAN. O N ; WEALTH. ,vlng your orders ILLINOIS, AtiVi-WKfct Giy^Llu II IKE CO SEWIM0 . ¥. ^ , r -V , CHICAGO,ILL.---: O R A M G i , MA3S. AND ATLANTA.GA/ m Wagons, Onrri-ises of all descrlptlnna, B*> pairins;. P.iintinar, general Slack, smitliing, Ac., Ae., ftc. Repairing: ot plows and alt other farm Im plements is iriven particular attention. In mv manufactures 1 use onlv the b"*t niaterl. si, and, kecpinu the very li<>st workmen in all departments, I am eiiab'lo'l to guarantee and warrant all work HIMT goes from my Shop as flmt c.htss in every purticular. i.PKCIAI. GUARAXTKE OX WAOOVS. All farm wagons mnnntVietiircd at my Shop are warranted for TIIKKK VKARH. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every agricultural Implement, includ ing, especially, Norwegian WalKinir and Hid ing Plow, N. i\ Thompson ami (ieslev Bros'. I'lowsnnd Oultivator*, K. H. Mnnnv'Seeder* .-nd ?orn C Itivators, the Ihtwugiac Sprinir Tooth feeders, the I'lano and 1>. M. Osborne .V Oo's. Maivester and Twine Hinder, the Warrior and Hopkint' Blower, and nil other lirst clusa machines. Warranted lirst class or no sale. BLACKSMITH!:^; of every kind attended to prompt!) and satisfaction guaranteed. FlJj E PA I N T I ^ A SPECIALTY. * h**e swaged .r. STILL piiiiilor of the Nortlnvest, for olie year, >r lonirer, to take charge 'f my paint shop, which is a ."iifliriciit guarintee thatnll work of that k'ind will lie doiv in tlie be«taud most artistic style. It should not be forgotten that I employ J, llepnss, woivi workman of twenty years" ex. perience, and L. Howe, carriage "blacksmith", l«»ili ui'surpussed as artizana in their line. Kinallv, come and see meand IwiM gnar- antcn s!i'ti<fi< tli>n as to prices and quality ot work to all interested. jfcW+MEAD. I'tu'd',.!. E. t, AWL US j llerchani Tailor, KEKPS Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR IVO ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riversi le House, McHenrv <- iHtiiioin. PATENTS. NO PATENT, NO PAY, U our motto. We have had 14 years experience in procuring f stents. Caveats, Tridc, Marks, Oopvriithts, etc., in this aud other countries. Our Hand ^ooks, giving full instructions in Patents, free. Address: 11. S. & A. 1*. LAC FY, Put. it Att'ja, (Wl F St., Washington, D. C. ::s Ii. Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS^ Keens constantly on hand the finest biands of flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will nt Wholesale or Itetail at New Home Sewing Machine Co. 24 State St., Chicago. SS <k W. OW-IW. Agent. t if McHenry, Til. PENSIONS Bottom Prices. • Five dlllercnt brands of Fionr always" on haud and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Haud •^Flonr delivered anywhero In the Cor poration. Orders may he given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVIS ME A CALJ» L. BONSLi HFIUPN J, March Sth, 1& X. FOU oldlers on any disease oiind or injury. Fees. $10 IJonntv, Back Pay, Dis charges for I>esertorx, etc., procured. II tears experience. A«l'lrf,w: C. M. ITl!*«-I » "_'0., *".0* F St., Washington, D. ' not, life is sweeping by, «o Klia | dare before you die; some- thin" mightv ami snbliine, lesive behind to mud tier tinle.,, i«i n week in your own town. *5 outfit fiee No risk. Everything new. Uipit'il not required. We will furnish you everything. Jlanv are making fortunes. Ladies make as inuch as men. and boys an<i girls HI.ike great pay. Ueader, il you want business at which yon can make great pav nil tiie time, write for particulars to 11. -1A..- LJSTT & CO., Portkiud, M tlue. ^ AGENTS WANTED for the Grand Hew Book MYSTERIES AND MISERIES 4:/i -- OF-- i^ierica'ti Great Ctti*"*, f BY .1, W. BLEL. •STOUTSELLS ALL OTHER BOOKS.®* Mvsteries, Miseries and secret ways of Hjgli and Low lite in our Ave reprcjentative cities. NEW YORK and its carnirals of sin; strugarles-and trials of the poor; sensnnlism HIKI ta*t life of the rich; detective stories and terrible crimes; secret resorts; tricks mil swindles of knaves. WASIIINOTONCITY with its inspiring architeeture; intriguing pollti- cians; bribery, scandals, beautiful sirens as lobhvists, ghastly moral wrecks; mil law makers in their true colors. SAN FRANCISC<» and its wonderful riches; Chinese life; opium dens; joss houses; gambling pits; secrets of the highbinders; startling adventures; thrill, ing descriptions of Western life in'49. SALT LAKH CITY, polvgamy ;n Utah; history of .Mormonism : its mvterious crimes anil atnrt- lins abuses; first'revelation of the terrible endowment rites; blood a'onement and high way murders; secret lives of the Mormon leaders; degradation and misery of the wo men. NKW IIRI.KANS, i he Negro's paradisg/ thrilling history of Vondoitism; Negro cbrtst stories and superstitions; rwe.y sccnes at c.unpmeetinT revivals; coon hunts; social lile among the Sou thorn ar stocraey. This book contains 6i!<» pages mimI 130 illustra tions, price, #2..V>. pictorial circulars and complete tabic ot contents free. Extra terms to Agent*. Write at once for full particulars, or send 5(1 cents in stamp* or currency, and secure ontfltamt Territory. HISTORICAL PUnLISHlXG CO., »W S. TWM Streot, St Louis, ilo. SKETCHY. Trom a Soldier's M emorandttm S N • LETTER KO. 18. KKADQUARTKUS AT PORT PIIK15. In a previous letter we lirlefly <tee- orib*d Fort I'lke aiul ltt« Furrotiii<liug«. But again f will say tkft tills fort «vas on a shore of Lako Poi«tcli«rtrain, .Lit. IJ", r""',,he "l""*' 8,,on!'1 i iiiVl'i".T^n»r. miiiu; I have for twenty years ami | m-ver can forget It. If (here is In all tlie worlil a GotMorsakpit place or a *P«t more tlian others that might seem to be a blunder of muure, and thai mistake made prominent ami even repulsive by the Interference of mor* that realm exists, and without need of conjecture or mythical fancy Its name Is Fort Pike. For there. In February, mosquitoes will sap the blood from the fountains of youth, and lazy alligator? will crawl out o« the turf to cool. About one mile of good shell road led from this fort to where there once stood an old marine hospital (long since gone up in smoke). There might have been one acre of hard laud about lhe old hospital neighborhood. ~it is proper here to state that tlie fort was built on an Island containing pt<*h:tp& 1,000 acres. That was pot properly a part of the sea, but not one foot of land o^ Which man or beast could tread that had not been created by order of the U. S. government and moulded into form by the sweat of the slave. * Near the hospital grounds was a lonely light house, and to keep that light in shiaing trim and iu order, was a problem that caused our soldiers some trouble. It was less than one mile to the rebel shore and tlie fatal bullet had trimmed our light <tud slain the keeper. We had a picket guard by the shore but in .the black of itight they could not return the confederate Are. Some times a detachment of Union soldiers •would cross over, aud some furious con flicts ensued. Our supplies of beef cattle were generally drawn from fields near the opposite shore, but the for tunes of the wary butchers and their escort 1 will not review. On one of these beef trips a cow aud a very young J»K- order of tlie otiicers they were at once sent to theliospltal acre, the calf to be fltteo (or officers' mess, aud later tlie use of tlie rebel cow to be officers' prop erty. Tlie calf was youiig and weak, and mosquitoes old and sinful would suiely make lilin weaker. Thus we reasoned,, and three of us ou picket, uot over friendly to mosquitoes^aud en tirely willing llint officers should live ou soldiers fare, resolved that this was an opportune}' to tally one for out- side, So, dispatching one man to the fort to, if possible, loan salt and sweet potatoes from the abundance iu the '"olonel's mess, we built a tire of fat pine knots aud lisiied for crabs. l?pon tfie return of our comrade we dressed tlie calf and proceeded without ceremony or deiay to prepare aud entoui meal. The sup per was a Utile young for guards who had eaten hard bread branded B. C, But by usinjk' two parts crab to one oi veal, we actually feasted. Life is made up of sunshine aud shadow. Tlie shadow fell iu thn morning. That cow raved and ;nre about; slie snnfled lhe trouble of midnight and roared. We returned to the fort; the frantic cow came aUo. mourning because her calT wnJr ilOl. Our officers thinking that the calf iniglit be mired somewhere in lite swamp, de tailed a squ id to go in search of the lost calf. This squad consisted of the three guards just of! duty, and two re- eruits, German*, that conld not speak E.nglisli. Ail the day long we searched for that calf. The shades of evening fell, and we were yet hunting for the trail. Aye, the harvest moon sailed peacefully above tfie fog banks of tlie sea and the owl called tlie watch of night, aud still wa wallowed iu tlie mire and poked among tlie bushes. But up to the wee suiail hour* of morning no calf was at hand. We thereupon. much weaker, if not wiser, returned to duty. The next day tlie mourning cow was eaten by llie soldiers. Tlie Yankee Soldier, wherever lie was or whatever his duty or necessities might be. was ever watchful, logical and loyal, lie always exercised certain sovereign rights as a freeman, and under -all cir cumstances would contend for those rights. Here i* a sample of the right of protest. Registered enemies from New Orleans passed tlie fort almost daily en route to Pearl River. Mfrs.« ami on one occasion a steamer load stopped.at the fort, and by invitation of our commander, landed, went inside and ou tlie parapets. This inspection of Uncle Sam's defences by sworn ene mies the boys thought was un-mililary and altogether wrong.aud consequently a letter stating the facts was nt once mailed to tlie commanding general at Xew Orleans. The general at once sent one of his staff officers to investigate. Of what transpired at headquarters no private soldier was informed, but con federates did not by invitation .inspei-t the defences at Fort Pike again during our stay. Tlie supreme local comman der. however, mu?t needs puiiUh some body for reporting lit in. But who that somebody was no officer could leil, nor how many; nor could tlie chief Jby any uieaus la his power, cithpr l>y t(ifcats ot persuasion. terrible Wrath had passed a non*c«mmission*<I was selected for punishment, aud as an example In disgrace he was formally reduced to tlie ranks. The corporal protested his Innocence, but openly and manfully approved of tlie report made to the command!;ig general. Later Corporal Thompson, like many otiter brave men. found a grave at Fort Pike. It was rumored a year later (and not without reason) that the soldier who was promoted in Thompson's place was M. M. C. SOMETHING IMST BABtWS, the object of But after several days I According to a Yorkshire notion, til uncommissioned officer new-born infant plioold br laid in lb*! The number of pension certificates issued anil signed during tlie week end ing April 23th, was as follows: Orig inal, 1,483; increase. 154; re-issue,88;' restoration.32; duplicate, 10; accrued pensions, 27; pensions tinder act of March 3d, 1883. 959; total, 2,528n Governor Cleveland's veto of the bill recently passed by the New York legis lature to pension the survivors of the Mexican war belonging to that state at I lie rate of twelve dollars per month' venders It all the more incumbent on the next Congress to make suitable provision lor their support. The Na tional government has reaped the benefits of their valor, and it is lis duty to car« for its defenders In tlieir pover ty and old age. A Funny Story About UCMMI Asnua, Once, while being measured for some shirts. General Sherman became quite familiar with the salesman, who. some 4lme after, meeting him on the street iu company with a friend, made bold to address him. But the General had forgotten all about the affable clerk and could not Imagine who he was. The clerk saw this, and in the endeavor to help the General nut wjilspercd in liis ear: "Made yonr *lilrts." "Ah. yes," said old Tecuniseh, and thereupon lie introduced the shirt mail •* M^jor* Scliurc. A Reminder of a Great Battle. Mr. John Crouch. A-ho owns a farm on Mission Ridge, while digging holes to set out peach trees, exhumed four skeletons, which were about eigh teen inches under ground. They were burled IJI a row. One had a bullet hole in the skull; a bullet was found In the a sifSi tie aud i iu the grave. The remains were evl dently those of soldiers who were hur riedly buried In the midst, of the car nage of the terrible battle of Mission Ridge. The skeletons were plaoed In a neat coffin and reinterred. General Win. T. Clark, the old adjut ant general of the Army of the Ten nessee, has many a reminiscence of little things that deserve to he remem bered of the great conflict. Said lie yesterday: "One of tlie most touching incidents of the war that came under my observation was on our long march from Chattanooga down to Atlanta. Huntlreds of colored people, old and young, followed the army. ' 1 used to pitj these poor, foot-sore, and some times hungry blacks. One day a weak looking negro woman was trudging along In the dust with tlie command, carrying a little half jiakcd child as black as the ace of spades. The woman looked ready to drop, but she was hound not to be lei t behind. I saw McPhersou watching her, and pretty soon lie rode up along side bf her aud said: Hiive me the child.' Hf took it amtifel It upon tlie pommel ot |)ls sad dle and carried it there for live miles. The mothec was so grateful that the tears ran down her face when she came to take the urcliiu again, anil tried to thank the General lot* Ids kindness. It was nut long after that that we U»«t one of the greatest generals the war pro duced. and one of the best men 1 ever knew." arms of a maiden before any nw touches it. and In some place* the In fant's right hand is left nn*ri«h«»! in order that he may gather Hebe*. It !•, too, by many considered very ImgNsr- tant that an infant should go up tl»e world before ltf«s« down, in Cleaveland. says ltr. tfende child should be horn In the topi of hoiw, for want of a flight of one of the gossip* will mount a chair or chest of drawers befof® carries it down stairs. In the north of when «a fant for the first time goes out o{^ house, it Is presented with an some salt and a little loaf of brea.l, occasionally with a small piece of money--these gifts being suppose ii to insure that the child shall never stand In need of the common necessaries ol life. In the East Biding of Yorkshire a few matches are added to light tbe child to heaven. It was, too, in former times custom* ary, and tlie practice Is not yet ob#o- jete, to provide x large cheese and cake and cut them at the birth of lbs child. These were called the "groan ing cake and cheese.*1 am! were die* tributed among all the neighbors. Iu Yorkshire this cake was termed the "pepper cake" and in some local* ities the "sickening cake." It Is ilw source of a specics of divination, fos being cut into small pNw* by the nt*4* ical man. It is divided among the married of the female sex, under tho name of "dreaming bread." Each one takes a piece, placed it In the foot of the left stocking, and throws it over the left shoulder. This being done, they must retire to bed backward, without uttering a word, and tboso who are lucky enough to fall asleep before midnight, are favored with m sight of their future husband In their dreams. m M* M IVThe Darlington (Wis.) Ktpmbit. can published the following statement H made by the proprietor of a creamery of that place: "The total income from 28 patrons was 55.936 from 211 average cows, equal to #26.50 per month for tho average time. of mtlk eight months !u tlie y«a« many contend that » belter, *t« right, will flow eleven months at years old; call the season eight mnafl^ and we have as the butter p-odneSS #38.96. Every calf dropped Is worth la, the sklm milk is worth at least IS, Here we have the average cow prorioe- Ing nearly 947 a year. Is It a wonder sliat dairy farmers in New York. Penn* tylvania and northern Ohio, live in fine, houses aud have big barns? What our farmers want to do is to get rid of their poor cows, quit sowing oats and wheat, seed down, club together and bny a few Jersey bulls, and iu five year.* the samo condition of things will exist here, and every country will show cows, not equal to Jersey Queen, whose record ft 778 pounds In ono year, but good enough to sell for #100. When dalrf * Ing will pay in the Eastern and KeW- England States on land worth #10tt per acre. It will certainly pay OH low& lands at J#30 per acre." Oar <te*it«r«d Vet*ram. Nest to their exploits in the Held. there is nothing tiiat Is more signifi cant of tlie inherent manhood of the men who composed our armies thau the celerity and determination with which, at the close of the rebellion, they re sumed their ordinary avocaliors. Oilier nations, on emerging from long and costly wars, have found themselves sad dled with enormous standing armies, but such was fortunately not the case witli|u8. Peace simply released to us a body ot bread-winners, tlie most enter prising and Industrious in the world, and so quickly and so completely were they reabsorbed into tlie ordinary channels of trade and business that It 'could be likened only to the dissolving of the snows of winter under a tropical sun. It was attended by neither Indus trial nor sooial disturbance, and thus in the dispersion of our veterans was re peated once more Ihe famou* example of Cinclnnatus returning to his plofr.^ War is commonly supposed to unlit its devotees for the pursuits of peace, hut the influence which the soldiers of the Republic exercised Opon tlie for tunes ol their country on their return from llie front was of llie most vitalis ing character. Although they found it impossible in many cases lo recover the positions wl ich tliey had held before the war, and in order to find the meau> ol earning a livelihood were forced lo seek new th-his of labor, they accepted the situation without a murmur. Tin y displayed in ihe snuggle for existence the «a»ne dauntless courage and uu yielding fortitude that had won tlieir victories in the lielil, and tliey tri utnpheil over obstacles quite us formid able. If not so demM} 4}ftlt cia-wuutcrcd lite re. LOST TIM K.--Lost wealth M»Y be «*», stoied by Industrious and frugal at**, denvorjwreeked Ite.alth may »• me times be fegattted by temperance and telf< denial; forgotten knowledge may bo brought back by earnest study; (trends, that have been alienated may be wo* again by assiduous attention; forfeited reputation may be >iieasurstily restored by penitence, hutnilitjr^UM] fidelity;; but time once lost is lo*t fosever. Tlio. moments that are gone come bark, a* more; the priceless hows that INKS cscnped us in our listlessness, our Idle*, ness, and our folly, no toils can wis ! them, no wealth can purchase them^nm eflort can bring thera biuk, No prajr#r& nor tears nor repestsnl sighs as* give us that which, whs* we hst| It, we Idly cast sway. To-day God gives w tkoie, ss«l vitlt it opportunity, Tlie precious gift fet oar bauds; the past E^nnot be NMMIIHI} the future cannot be foreseen. *To« marrow, of which we so often bos*S ourselves may neve" come to un Wo iU> not live to-morrow. We not Imk It Iu any title-deeds, Tho HMH wltfk owns whole blocks of real ealate, ami great ships ou the Se*. does not sws% single minute of tor morrow TW morrow t It U S mysterious powibllti * uot yet born. It lies under tlie seal«*f- midnight, behind the veil o4 glittering constellations.'* Now la tlie livings preseut is the hour of probation, tho opportunity for improvement.,the day ot sulvaiiiMi. Let us redeem the tlmo because the days *re evil • -» mi •j}-m si BAUB WIRK. ^ ' The celebrated Lyman Barb Wli*, Second to mute. lias Iteen in use ft.* several years and Ins never been due* dctuned by one. For sal«* l»T 4UHX I, Btgr iiian Feed Mill** Will ^riud Cob aud all, or SheH*«l Cor* and 0»ts mixed. Warranted ••« do good W*ik as any idtll f«»r a sltwU lar purpose, and i*» griud as lioe a««| fast lor kind of grinding recommended as auv other mill ol same sise sm| price. For cale by .S, A -L SHieruian, living i miles W#4 of McHenry ow lb* Woodstock road. , • -4«. . i :# * •v'i , . . • , v rit. J.o,.,.. -w