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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1883, p. 4

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WRDSKSDAY, MAY 30, AN «LYKE, 1S83. Editor The Inter Ocean «ajr*: "On* of these d»w «r« wjjl catch «MnMrnrfl<»r«r it money ami without arambllnsr t® fee ffrent lawyers, and we will htm up for an awful example. alwarp fool with an honest tan community." "It begins to look m> though tlie •ti»! Ohlnewt might "try the i»f battle." concerning the rlls- " terrltorleg of Anam anil Tonquln. "SpPraiiee. In the event of war, wnnl«1 probably occupy the dlspnted territory am<t It would trouble the Mongolian* to diftlodfe them. * ITA national convention is called ti» meet in Washington on the 24tli of jtetveroher. ft In to ponM'ler the pr»»s- *nt and future condition of the colored, people in this country and devise the Ileal metheit of aecnring to them the fnll enjoyment of their social and po­ litic*! right*. " MTA careful wimmHry of v$t^nt** featrona re*«lta of the recent cyd»>iie In " IIm northern outskirts of the city of '• ftai i*lne ahowa that 8 persons were killed *> aerionsly Injured. 50 or 75 sli«rhtH fnirt. 38 houses utterly destroyed. 15 t»ndered worthl»»ss. 20 badly damaged And 50 harna destroyed. The total loss #f property is estimated at 360,000.- v WBP A New York farmer has found ?|»y experience that Hubbard sqn»shr>s. ted to bogs, fatten more rapidly than ®nrn. He fed Hnhhards raised on one fere and corn raised on one acre to two tranches of hogs. Those fed on the :fliihhards woiglied heavier than the : : 'Mnie number fed on corn. It might be %rortli while to raise sqnashes for fat­ tening pnrpo«e«. MFThe coal milters are on a strike St. Olalr County. In th!s state, and ' * |h» reports are that it has assumed a Serious aspect. A collision occurred on ^Monday between the strikers and the ; tell Ufa, In which one of the soldiers wonnded. and one of the strikers trilled and three others wounded. At •• last acconnte the sheriff of the county . ^ported by the militia, was la pM-, iesaion of the mines. Another Cyclone. We have,again tli's week to report another cyclone, but this time not quite so near homo. A dispatch dated Terre Haute, Indiana. May 20th, says: **A double-breasted tornado swept by Clay City at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the extremities a mile apart. Clay City, which tvas In the center. esca|ied with slight damage, hut at NeaPs Mill on one side, a house was swept out of existence, six persons killed, a bridge destroyed aod havoc played generally. On the other side Iji a lit tie settlement, live persons were killed, l»ou«es were, blown to pieces and one child blown to heaven for all that is known to the con trarv. as it lias not yet been found. In all 12 persons were injured, besides the killed. Trees are blown down over a wide area." Rev. Joseph Cook looks down from his sublime height to utter these words to the pilgrims below: "I know that editor" look upon their papers as upon bank bills. I ask that editors should make ttieir profession sninethl-ig more than a financial venture." We timidly raise our eyes from the ground to return tlie compliment, and deli­ cately venture the suggestion that Rev. Joseph Cook and his ilk should take a little of their advice to theiu- ^elvos. Did he. or Beecher. or T*lmage ever deliver a sermon that was not a financial venture ? Have they not re­ fused time and time again to lecture for charity's sake unless they were paid $150 a night? Did not Beecher, while gathering in golden shekels on the I'arifio coast, refuse to open his lips lit aid of the yellow fever suflerors, and allow himself to be put to shame by the open-hearted generosity of Bob Inger- soll? Has not that howling jumpin-jack_ the middle-aged "hoy preacher,"" Harri­ son, frequently disgusted the churches by his greedy rapacity? Admonition to newspapers from such a source comes with as good grace as a sermon from an overfed Aldermmi on the si a of gluttony. 3P!-.' 19*Gebhardt. tlie jackass who fol |ow» Mr*. Langtry like a poodle, liis *•* him«elf Into another scrape, this time with a man named Stanton, a Member of the Union Club of New ^York. Freddie called Stanton a liar tnd was promptly given an exercise in punching. Although Gebhardt told his viwsailant that he would hear from him there Hastbeeu nothing done about it, and probably uever'Will. •®~Mr*. \nn Eliza Yonn®. the 19th ! FTRIWHTM V. TtfK H (7K1.HU r M ON mil! NT. A monument has recently b**eu erected over tlie grave of tlie late Gen­ eral Stephen A. Hurlbut at Belvidere. III. It is of Maine granite of various shades, and stands about sixteen feet high. At the top Is the Maltese cross with the Knights Templar mottrs "In Hoc Signo Yinces." In the center of the shaft I* a laurel wreath Out in re­ lief. inclosing tlie letter "II.*' Beneath is the Masonic e-uhlein.'the sq'iare !im ' compass. The following is tlie inscrip- tioa: Sacred to the memorr of *»j . Gen. Stephen A. H'ur ibi i t , Born a t Charleston, S. C, Nov. 29, 1815. Died Murrh 2?, ISS, At his po ' t of duty, i t i Lim»,as Minis ter a t the Unite 1 States ' to the Repnl l ie o t Peru. Fai thful to every duty, ho his lef t i ie l i ind htm the record of a wel l spent l i fe . , "He being dead, yet speaketh." The name "Hurlbut" is cut in relief on the base. sTlie monument was exe­ cuted by Messrs. Trlebel »fc Sou. Peoria, 111.. Tlie people of Belvldere revere the memory of General Hurlhut., and in hundreds of homes in Boone County his portrait Ii _tri*Miired as a/tuniif FKOK1 B*i> BOY, But I got even with pa for b'Mliig me this morning, uul I dasent go home. You see ma has got a great Uig bath t>ponge. as big us a chair cushion, mid this mornItig I took the sponge and filled It with warm water,and took the f«»a;lier cushion out of tlie chair pa sits in at the table, and put the spwnge in its place, and covered if over with the cushion cover* and when we all got set down to the table pa come in ami set down to Uie table and set on it to ask a blessing. He started in by closing hi* eyes and placing his hands up iu iront of him like a letter V. and then he be­ gan to n^k that the food we were about to partake of be blessed and t lieu he was going on to ask that all of us be made 10 see the error of our ways, when he began to hitch arounu, and lie oijenc'J one ey«* and looked at me, and I^Tooked as pious as a hoy can look when he kno\y£ the pancakes are get ting cold, and pa he kind of sighed and said "Amen*' sort of sna| plsli. and got up and told ma he didn't feel well, ami she would have to take his place ami pass around the sa*sagc anil potatoes, and lie looked kind of scart and went out with his hand 011 his pistol pocket, as though he woulil like 10 shoot, ami ma she got up ami went around and sat in pa's chair. The sponge didn't hold more than half a pall full of water, tiiid I didn't want'to play, no joke oil ma causr the cats nearly broke her up, bo- she sat down, and was just going o help me when she rung the hell an*> called the hired girl, and said' sh«* fell as though her neuralgia was coming on and' slie would go to 1ier loom, and told the girl to set -<hnyii and help Henry. The girl sat down.'and poured me out soiiie coftee. and then she said: 4,Howlv Saint Pat 1 ick. but I hlave tlie paiieakes are burning." and she went out In the Kitchen. 1 drank my coftee, nud then took the hi? sponge out of the chair and put Hik cushion in the plac?ofit, and then I put. tlie sponge lu the ball, reoin. and went into pa and ma's room and asked them tt I should go after the doctor, and pa had changed his cii>th> >- nnd »ot 011 his Sunday pants, anil he Mild, "never mind the doctor. 1 guess we will pull through." and he said for me to gw nut and go to tlie devil and I came over here. Say. there is 110 harm in a little warm water, is there? Well, I'd like to know what pa and ma itu-.i the lilted girl thought. 1 am the only really healthy one there is In our family.--[Extract from, Peck'* Bad Boy.puhfinhed hy Sun Puhtitfhhir/ Co. See advertisement in another column. General Merchants, kSStisi 1 V/. »* >A * Have be*n %bsent years, bat s line of ARE t L t <1,V.f~'-l Dress Goods, Dress Goods, UJf .tf '•#,*4. I ,» ' \ .V-3W• |tn> * <* S"-f fs k, ^ f All of oar subscr ibers who wil l pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to date, and one year in advance, will be presented wttfe one year's subscription to the "AMERICAN FARMER" a sixteen page agricultural magazine,published by K. A. K. Hacltett, at Fort W ayne, Indiana, and which is rapidly taking rank as one of the leading agricultural publications of the country. It is de­ voted exclusively to the inu-resta of the Farmer, Btock Breeder. Dairyman, liardener, and their Houselioid.audevery species of industry connected with that great Portion of the people of the world, the Fc.rmer. The subscription price of this valu­ able magazine is $l.iw per year, hut for the purpose of K!viiti; our readers a vnrs' treat and doubling our circulation, we send ii to you FREE. Farmers can not well gtt alons without it. It puts new ideas into their minds, it learns them how to farm with profit to themselves. It makes the home happy, ths young folkscheerfui, the growler contented, the downcast, happy and the demagogue honest. AS it Oosuyoa nothing, suppose you try it eu« - .• WITHOUTMEDICIME. A C.4Itl>. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CORE Mrs tlie fol-mic diseases wlthotitmpdlcino:--l*nln fn (lieback, hips, head, or limb*, ncrvoii* .luiiitnnjo. general dehllltT, rheumi>tl*iii, parttlynln. nt'iirii:;:i«, sctntlen Conremplatlng a change of business at an eail.v <lay, I have determineil to take no more £nvernui<'nt claimf, of any class whatever, t<» urowcute after this , date Old cljtl.ii* in niv tint on file. I ! ?,-«• shall ph«l« to completion with tlie Mine J of THE CKVFK AX,VE ORGANS _ . . . , d i n e a t * CAOI ilie kldner^npliiiil d!noa«EN, torpid liver, (rout* IDHI craU«fon% impotency* heurt dim U • got a divorcw from III* "nlbB." wan married to Moses R. Denning, a banker «f Manistee, Midi., Sunday. An Mr. 1)f»nnln2 lia< but Ann Eliza for n better tialf no far, it can be counted on that everything will go »erene in the Den- «i«f mansion for awhile. Look out. she might publish a book on yoo under the head of uTlie Svllaor l(onofany.n if anr there he. tf^Tlie New York Tribune thinks the Repnbllcan partv "can claim public thank* and honor for the general con­ duct «f the government under the present administration.'1 If thio thing keepa on. President Arthur will be in the field as a presidential candidate before lie Is aware of It. It does not often happen that a man's most vir­ ulent critics turn their words to sound- Ing his praise; but It is done in his case, and because he deserve* it. IjTThe treaty of peace between Chill and Peru terminates a four years' warfare between those countries. As there are a half dozen nominal heads of the Peruvian government, and as the treaty has only been signed by one of them, a complete cessation of hostilities Is by no means assured. The treaty cede* Tacna and the town •f Arlca to Cklll for ten years. At the end of that time the people will vote to settle the permanent ownership, and the country which acquire tliem is to pay In return a war Indemnity of •20100.000. MAUD 8. A special from Hartford. Cohb..nays: •'Mr. William Turnbull, Dan Mace, and a few friends came up from Sew York to-day to witness the daily work of Mr. Vandcrbilt's horses now at Charter Oak Park. At 2:30 o'clock. Bair. after hav­ ing given Maud her warming up exer­ cise. senr her for a practice mile. With, out a break she passed the half-mile post in 1:09. and accomplished tlie mile in 2:16. Among the crowd of two hun­ dred or so there were severil watch- hollers, who made the time 2:10}, but the majority of the timers were stop­ ped at dead 1C. Bair believes the mare was never so good as she is at presen t and lie thinks she could have done the utile in 2:13 easily. He says it was the fastest inile ever Irotted in the month of May, and he is so pleased with her Work that, lie feels confident she will be iu condition to go for tlie 2:08 record in a few weeks. The day, witli its fre­ quent showers and high wind, wr.s not favorable for speed. Late iu the after­ noon Maud 8. was hitched with Aldine> and the pairmade the mile in 2:24}. the time for the last quarter being 32£ seconds. Early Rose was driven a mile in 2:22. c.tre and dilligfiice as'hereiofore. But to all my c/Lvits who are willing to change at torneys I will readily grant the necessary permit; and to such as have paid a part fee, ami the same is not already earned, i will refund tlie money on demand, lu connection with the hundreds of claims that I have prosecuted. I have few regrets, and very little thai I would \ f I could erase from my record. 1 have, so far as was in my utmost power, discharged with earetul discretion every trust confided to my hands. I have in the regular order of business made many warm friends, and 'tis with, a feeling of and ness that I stand aside from the niidr-t of a work unfinished. But remember, comrades, tiiat whatever be 1113* fortune, or fate, the men who fought we I! for the Union will always lie more than welcome under tlie roof that shelter- ine. 1 have made a few enemies. Gracious souls (burdened with grievous tuxes). TltAll --...»• 0 . ..» «rwr»r»r»-r-ri#lll saved I lie Union. The hull* of tlie-r follows 1 am willing to quit claim to my successor. A counter irritant may not ahvnys tend to the hid. Wui. H. Cnwlin, of Wo-iilstock. a sol­ dier of brilliant military record, and disabled in the service of his country, has been carefully trained in my sys tem of practicc, and lias qualified as a pension attorney, and I woidd advise each and all linving business to transact^ in any Bureau iu 1 he Interior Depart- Client to employ Mr. Cowliu. I know hi 111 as au able advocate, thorough, con­ scientious and persistent hi the dis­ charge of every fluty and obligation. I have good reason to believe that he will froin the start rank among tlie best pension attorneys in the Northwest. M, M. CljOTIHKR, Hebron, If cllenry Co, III., May 15. l&id. occurs, ioftt vitality, lack of nerve 1orc*e and vigor* RMttnir weaknesses, bn<! all tliofte dUeaiei of a per- 1 Bonal nature, from whatever cause, the continuous stream of Mafrnetiam permeating through tho parts mu«trestore theraio n healthy action. There 1* no mistake about this appliance. f- Carpets i FANCY BOWS ADD ARBOIS, Has just been recieved to meet the demands of the universal boom this spring in Archery. iishiiig Tackle, SfisiS Boots & Shoes, Hats, See. Trunks and Valises, Trunks and Valises, Pamts altta Oils, Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Mixed Paints, MP"An Arkansas Editor, having re­ tired from the business, leaves till* dear and satisfactory explanation: "It Is due to tlie public that I should make a full confession before I retire from the active control of the Spider. 1 procured the position merely to secure office, and now that I have been elected constable of this precinct I step aidde to give some other aspiring man a chance. I have made many triends and killed two men during my edi­ torial career, for which I am thankful and deeply Indebted to this coininun- Ity." ••"•The colossal lying abont the great advantages of Dakota is just be­ ginning to be exposed. Farmers who have gone tliere begin to send letters back telling the truth about the coun­ try. and disabusing the public mind of the Impression that this territory is tho land of promise. Tlie fact is that tlie land Is (air, the climate is severe, timber is scarce, water is not always good, and the disadvantages of all new countries must be endured/ Whoever goes there expecting to find more or enoeunter less will be disappointed and It is feared that disappointment will be the lot of far too many, who deceived by tlie rosy accounts of paid correspondents, have hastily sacriliced their property In the 'older fttatas to Jiutl iiuuies there. \ ; { > KCGS AH FOOD. at average prices, are among the cheapest and most nutrition* ar­ ticles of diet. Like milk, an egg - is a complete food in itself, containing everything necessary for the develop ment of a perfect animal, ns Is man­ ifested from the fact that a chick in lormed from it. It ?eeui4 a mystery how muscles bones, feathers, and every­ thing that a chicken requires for per­ fect development are made from tlie yolk and white ol an eg^; but Mich is t?»e fact, and it shows how complete a food an egg i«. It is aUo ea*ilv di' gested. if not damaged in cooking Indeed there is no More concentra e«l ami nourishing food than eggs. The alhuuien.oil and saliiiK niiitter are, as in milk, iu the right proportion for sustaining animal life. Two or three boiled eggs, with tlie addition of a sliee or two of toast, will in ike a break­ fast sufficient for a man and good enough tor a king. According to I>r. Edward Smith, in his treatise on "food." an egg weigh­ ing au ounce and lluvf-qiciners con tains 120 grains of carbon and 17} grains ot ill rogeu, or 15.25 p«*r cent, ol Ciirbou an I 2 |i»r c«*nt. of nitrogen. The value of one pound of «gg. as food for sustaining the active forces of the body, is to tne value of one pound of lean beef as 1.584 to 9!X). As a tle*li producer, one pound of eggs U about equal to one pound of beef. A lien may lie calculated to consume one bushel of corn yearly, and to lav ten dozen or fifteen pounds of egif*. Tliis is equivalent to saving that three Mild one tenth pounds of corn, will pro­ duce, when led to a hen, five-sixths of a pound of eggs; hnr five-sixths of a pound of pork require abo:it Ave pounds of corn for' its production. Taking into account tlie nutriment iu each, and the coiupHi'ati ve prices of the two on mi average, tlie p<«rk is about three times as costly a food as the eggu, while it is certain)}' less heiilihful.--fio#<o/» Journal of Cheat- lADlEjft6NETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. Si TO THl LADIES:- CP. Kidney*, lIcttdMUO oi Hcnk An Lie** ©F Swollen If you ftre afflicted -with Itheumatiftmi >euro1fft^ Kervoui . with of the Ll«a or Cold Feet, Swollen or ww vat* v~ w. *n Fcet» an Abdominal Belt and a pair of Majnotic Foot Batteries have no superio* In the rc'ief and cure Of all those complaints. They carry a powerful magnetic force to the seat ol Ui® fli?opei.flme Itaek, Wcnfcneiwof the Spine, Fall* Ink of tli - womb, Leucorrhu-a, C hronic InlJamma- t!on and Uh-eratlon ofthe Womb, lnoldvntal Hea- orrhngQ or F!<»odtnff,l*aluful, ^upprvMcdI and Ir- resulnr M<*n«(runtloa, Harrennc^, ana en ansa or ]^?e< tlil» 1athe lic*t Appliance and Curative Agaat For^al'l forms of FcMftle Difficulties it 1b unsnr- passo»l hy nnytliliv£h<y^^fts inveittt'd, both &8 ft c», Sent I'j* express C.O. D .arid examination allowed, of by mail on r<>r»ei]>t of price. In ordering, send mensur© oC waiHt awl siz<-«>f >• !H»O. Hemitt tnce can be made in cur­ rency, sent in letter at. our ribk. The M.iftm'iutt Garnienta Are adapted to all are worn over tho underclothing, (not next to tho body like the many Onlvonic and Eleetrlc Hum* buffi fldvrrilvtl extendiv<'ly) and Khould be taken off at ni;:ht, Thev hold theirpot<;«r/orei;«r#aiMl are worn at all seasons or the rear. Fervl ^t'inip f »v th<* "New Hera? ture in Medical Trea^ m^nt Without Mcdlelue," with thoubanduof te«U*uo* uiaU. 1HE MAdSETON APPLIANCE CO.. '41H Slate feU, CUItneOi |1L Au SPECIALTY. PERRY A OWEHK mlmS KEROSENE RANGES. All tiie diflereut gtyle? to be found In tlie market^lit Joliu I. Story's. GLASS! GLASS' We keep Glaf« ot all fizes constantly on hand. Special sizes cut wllliou^ extra charge. JOHN I. STOUT. : TOWN TALK. Tliat tlie Lijjht Itunning Gesl»»y Sulkv Plow lian arrived and can he found for sale at the warehouse of R. Bishop. Mclienry. and parties wishing to puiciiHi>e a Milky plow would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. f j^TA'l 'K of . losoph Carr , dcc-ni isci l . Tho fu ii tulovsicnc. i l lunins I tcen a | i ] ioi i i l .e<t Eve- rutor of t I tc las t Wil l ami Testament of Joseph Can - , f loci ' i t se 'Mate of t he County of McHein v ani l State of I l l inois , hereby Kivos not i re that l ie wil l appear before t l ie t iounty Court of Mfl te i i ry Comity, a t the Court H<»u.<e, tn WwKji toVk, a t tne July Term, on the thir l Moml iv in Julv next, \vhi<-H time all JUT- hoik l i ; ivio< ' lai iu.i atrain^t kai<t cxinto are t iot i i iui l ; tn i le i iui-ntui l to a t te ixl fo» ihe pur­ pose of h tvinff the H.une H' l justed. All persons ui i luhtcM to t*ai i l er i i - t tc are requested to make iuunui t i i t te pavment to the un<ter»i£ne<t . Uated thi« Slot day of May, A. I>. 1SS3. Jamk* M. CAKR, Kxecntor. DON'T YOU FORJET IT! ASA W. SMITH, Woodwtoolc, * ' » Illinois; Tt ' ipkct by Mil l ions of money, offsts you INDEMNITY" against ( l i iniage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storm*, crcLoyjssi axd tornadoes. f>w»p me a postal rarr l and I wil l vi«i t yon; ••al l on mean I I wil l wri te you a j iol icv, and w.ieu wither or any of Miene i lent i - i t ' - . t ive e l • n jents deva*t" . t< '« your property, huppy wil l you be i f you hold one of my pol ic ies , for I wil l *urc y vis i t yon, and minis ter unto yoi l . 1 will not forsake you. ASA If. SMfTIi, i (Jen'l livmrrttuse Ag't. < • . >EALER :•:?.?-* .a- WE SELL THE Celebrated Golden Star OIL STOVES and RANGES. The hest and safest mnnufactured. Have already sold 28 which speak for" themselves. JOHN I. STORY Mclienry. May 23. 1883. Executor's Notice. INSTATE of John s ; urdivnnt , deceased . The l*j tvi ' inar ' i i 'on nimointed Exe cutr ix *»f the las t Wil l and Testament of John ^tuHivant , dceuMsed, la te of the County of* Mellcnry, and st . : i ie of I l l inois , hereby give*IT not ice t l ia t ulu- , wi l l uppear before the County, Court of Mt- .Heni-y County, a t the Court : House, in WojHstovk, at the June ferm, on the thint Mondav 111 June next , At which t ime al l pei-Hons havinir c l i i ima ajralnut said es ta te are Hot- i iUid and requested to a t tend for the . purpose of having the naiae adjusted. All persons indebted to said Karate are requested to make immediate payment to the under- ; signed Dated this 10th - l . ( \ - of Apri l A. T) -1S83. VK8TA ^TCIIDtVANT, Kxeciltrix. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. Tour attention 19 invited t#i our magnificent now line of season- b le an d eloganl styles for gprinjf requirements. Every department 8 very complete and prices uniformly low. BASE BALLS AXS SATS. * Jfoot Balls, Rubber Ballot ' TO^S, MAKBLES, DOLLS, 4c., will he tound in full variety. Especial uttentioii is invited |pi our ne vir department of / {, BIRTHDAY CARDS, A beautiful assortment just bav­ in £ been received. Teachers will alfco observe that our stock of REWARD CARDS |s unusually full and choice. ^ Other novelties are expected soon, while our general stocK will be kept up to the usual stan­ dard. (Jail and examine goods and prices. F. B. HARRISOH. Waaeonda, May 1st, 1883. tMTEM.-A. fiwib s»if>t)ty ot five cent musici - r H. C. HILL, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS J -4»*AI.K* 1*-- 1 Xgricuflural Implemenis, OI ALL KINDS. We keep a full line of Karin"Machinery oCllpK beat manufacture uad «ull at Bed " ' . "f M '*! i' ' mil iii'iii 1 nr 11r ' ' •*" VfOOX PrICeS* If yon Want Anything in the Agrieuftam Maehinerv line, do not fail to call on me be tcre purcliaainn, a8*I can gave yon money. I am also a«ent .ler Lake ami Mclienry Counties for the CAMPAIG Ton can have a grinder attached to fiinc at the s*me t lm« yen are cut t ing. "Everr pm chaser gets a wri t ten guarantee with hia m» chine. It is ponsitivelv the KA IET KIJIC. NINGFEKD OliTTKR IX THE MAKKET Uive me a cal l . - H. c. Wauconda, III., D«e. W 1882. SEALED PROPOSAL# SEAI/KD PROPOSALS will lie receive*! by tho undertdgned, School 0irecl«ra for School District No. 1, Town of Iturton, until Wednesdav, May :S0th, 188:), for the Carpenter Work of a "School lionise to l»e builr in said District. For specillcations and other par- ticulars applv to the undersigned Pirectnra ofaaid District. The Directors reserve tlie right to reject atijr and all bids. WM. CARET, J AMK* MFLH, JR. MARK UorrMAR, - Directors." Barton, III., May 3d, 1883. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will b€ reccivcrt by tlie undeiaigned. School Directors lor District No. I, Town of Burton, until Wednes­ day. Mar 30th, 1883, for th« Mason Work on» School llouse to he built in said Disiriel. Kor Kurticulars apply to the 111 dersigned, Direc. irs of said District. The Dimctora rejUfl (he richt to reject any and all hid*. CARET, JAMKS NIMI. JR., MARK UOKFMAN.. Direc tola. Bnrton, III., May ild. 1883. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks terms per vear. FIFTEEN1 COURSES:--Teachers'. Collegiate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial. Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic-, penmanship. Elocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year, tlift- Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and specU men copy of paper FREE. C. L. GREGORY, Principal, McHen%f Illinois, March 5,1683. m PECK'S Agents Wanted For BAD BOY AND HIS PA. The greatest literary Hit of this genern'ion, Sdo.non copies sold in t wo months. Everyba ly buys it, because it is loaded with FUN. We have tlie Largest, Best and most Onnplcre edition out, illu«iraicd wit Ii original engrav­ ings made l>v our spe'-iul artist. Agents are selling from lf> to W <" per 4ay. Price of out fit. including une rimipfcl'St book, *1 CO MaKK NO MIsTAKK, but t-eml t 'nr outtlt at once, and «<MMire territorv. This "-"tk outsell* MARK TWAIN, titty to one. The chance of a life-liinc, to make"money last. For circulars an.i term*, address ^ MTV- I'UBI I«IIINn CO., 210 and 212 fine street, at. Lome, Mp. td , ' PLOWEEY NEWS. •IVi meet the growing demands of my cut flower and plant, tv.idp, during the pist'year, I have enlarged from one to four large green- houses. No\V i III.i permanently located on >'orlh Street, ea»t of Chifnuiiit;. on a direct line four blocks cast of the Fox River Railroad Dup jt, and the Ladies of AfcHenry,| VISITING ELGIN, Will he repHid hy a visit tn rav new quarters. The prices current this year for most kinds Of. plants will vary from fi cents to :{0 cents each. Monthly Roses, from 1-ii' to r>0c each*. Ilardy " >« 3V to 7»c. Paiisiesand Verbenas<15c per doz<% Cabbago Plants, early, 60c per hun. ' ' " " bite, :i0c per hun. #2 per M. Celery «0i- per hun. Tonihto M Sic per hun. #4 per M. I make a sfHMHfllty of WEDDING Ac FUNERAL dksigink And got. up work fn as good, If not t»etter. and ••^H' per cent, cheaper, than Chicago prices, linviug lelnohonic connection witli ie'egnph ofllce, order* in that way are delivered immediately. Ii. U'XEIL, Praaiml Floriat, ' Elf/in, Ittinoi*. CHEAPER Bashnell, Qrusher and'W Two Doors North of Perry A Owen- ' f . ' reiniMiMi^r oyr prices are al- M'»vs at» the?lo\vei»t. nml w^j, StiUMl reiitTK-*' all tlB-es to meet any ami nil cou>]\iUi«EN^ AiiiUBi COLBY, j J w. My stock of 7«rniture is complete with a larger slock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying* public to ca upon me when in want of anything in that line. UNDERTAKING. In this department I! keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. . JOHN B. BLAKE. M-i The best Pulverizer on earth. A trial iMk, The undersigned is sole Agent for Meileary and West half of Lake Go's. ~ logue (free). All kinds of Send tor eat*. FARM MACHIMERY» . . .. . ... .. a i'.i ^ L. W. Hartman, - ¥•" RidgeftoM,||, Orders by naU pnuaptly attended uv. :<<* S ls: ; -w .i ^ t\Au.. -*• ». B

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