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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1883, p. 8

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< ii . , -'/'"• i'-> ,'-4*V»i"- - * v-r --V k ' ;; ?>• <tn^->xi'-*":~ -S ' '7?v \JS> J ASjj.V't f . «* -r A'•**? • j #. '• l*"*r.' ^*:5tTO COLUMN. Mr 4. D. BALDWIN $m$iSJP'K-FC*! L " " -> .« ».^4 rftcltMl will C1«m for t«MN||illMr vacation on Friday, June liter «•• immer Normal School. »t Nor a Jrlm Angust 6 and oloset August 8«veral nacliers from this comity •ft making arrangement# to attend. C»«*. Tallmadife, of Normal, has fcMH tfcocen principal of tlie Marengo illifl lln Hin rnnif if T"" *nd Prof. H. E. Cellar re»aln« In tlra Harvard # I- *'Thf Evolution ot Dodd," in tbe JRKnoi* Journal Is an entertaining and Instruct ire storj for teacher*. Many •liter readable articles may be found la the last number of the Journal. Prof. Kstee resumes school worl? at Woodstock next year. The board a Mistake In letting him leave, although ao blame attach*8 to any one. We regarc) Mr. fistee as one of tlte beat teachers In this part of the State. Teachers' wages are made payable monthly upon presentation of schedule; feat U fa not obligatory upon teachers la make out tlieir schedules monthly, Dlsweton have no authority to grant orders to teadiers, nor treasurers any tight to pay them, if granted. Of the successful applicants for teacli- tn1 certificates, about seventy-five have bad more or loss experience in teach­ ing. about twenty <p«r rent take educa- tioaal Joaraale. ahem fifteen per cent have had mora or less Normal training Of the vasacaessful applicants several had taught school but furnished no evidence of successful work and not one passed a satisfactory examination in arithmetic. •free nwltoatn." EDtToa EDUCATIONAL OOLCMK yoa please reprint the following •eatenee? "Tliere are, indeed, luit very few who know how to be idle and ln»o- eaat, orhave a relish of any pleasures that are aot criminal; every diversion they take Is at the of some ••e virtae or other, and tlieir very first Map oat of business is into vice or folly." This example of Cne rhetoric aad bad grammar has been on file now ar«t«al: meeka without eliciting com- meat. |IM hapad It would call out an oxptesalnH of opinion from among the wnajr adacators in the county; possibly flMB aame one or more of rejected as- plraNta for a teacher*' certificate, for in' thle way anfarorable impressions might be aarractad aad ravened. I dislike t<> aaewar my owa questions, but as your term la drawing to a dose it expedient that 1 should do so. the more been use them Is a curious and highly Instructive history connected With tbla,literary gem. I remember faaataf IMa eaatenoe more than half a oaatary ago In one of the lessons in JMljfcfti Bhatorlc, but with a mind so !m«iperedb.v veneration fer authority aa to ha unable to detect the seemingly palpable error It contains. Says the learned Doctor, commenting upon this example, taken from Addison's Specta­ tor: "{foililng can be more elegant,or mare fhtely turned, than this sentence* It la aeat. door, aad musical. We aaald bardtf altar one word or displace one ammber, without spoiling It. Few aaoteneeaaia to be found more finished, ar more bappy.'* This is the dictum of a gnat maa la his day; a man occupy­ ing the chair of rhetoric and bellcs- lettres la tbe University of Edinburgh, I Latin aad Greek scholar, admired for Ma polished style, honored with a pen­ sion or a thousand dollars a year by his Majesty, the king of Great Britain, and wlteee name figures conspicuously in tbe cyclopedias. Surely this is a Buffi- aleat voucher. The Professor almost exhausted tbe terms of panegyric in lite laadatian of this sentence: --It Is "ele­ gant," It Is "finely turned." It is**musl- ael," It Is "neat," and above all, it Is Let us examine it a moment ta see In what this clearness consists. If It eboald be found to express diamet­ rically the opposite of what the author lataadad. so mush so, as utterly to spoil It, wo shall make out a c%3e, not only •gilnsttheD. D„ but against his ser Vile Imitators in this country who have published text books on "English Coin- poiltloe" with tbls very sentence among the examples to be imitated* la aaalyslng this sentence; the first pelat ta be determined is Its nomina- tfaa. Unquestionably It Is the word /HP persons understood. We next ln- falre as to the relation of this nomina- live to tim pronoun they. When this Is dearly apprehended, we perceive, according to the grammatical con«truc- tlon thai, "every diversion they (the few) take la at the expenge of seme one flrtaa or other, and their very first step •at of business Is Into vice and folly/' But this Is not what Mr. Addison In- landed to say .Obviously he wished us to Understand that the few are excepted, bhd that It is the many'--most people (-»who are chargeable with folly, etc. Snt his language does not say this, It fiays the very reverse. If the author bad commenced thus: "Most people. ItodMd, uever know how to bo Idle and flaaasaat, or have a rellsli of any pleas, y y. ***** are not criminal, every dl- aeipluu they take is at the expense of Jfaaw aae virtue or other,1* etc., the *^****ilp ylgbt aot have beea quite so ^maslaa^ but it would have prevented 1 kl« (ttaltlftlng himself. Wt Imve here laatmmtlve exemplification of tlie fallibility of the human mind, and the pttar faMy of deferring to authority on v|isttilt arhere we are competent to -fatal a JadlCment of our own. gee Cob- Grammar on this sub- EVAKOKL. fOWN TALK. That Ibis Light Running Gesley Plow has arrived and can he far sale at the warehouse of R McHenry. and parties wishing |4» pw«aase a sulky plow would do well ' axamloe before purchasing FOR SALE Oft JtKWT- Two Iiouspp In -llie village of Riiiffwood. one house, with Jen room». tlie other with-6 rooms. A good well snd barn on cnoh. Whig wood has a good school, making It. a deMrabh' place of residence. On the premises Is a shop and a good opening in the vil­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic.. For further par­ ticulars inquire of i WESLEY T,ADD. ... , RiagwowU Ut FIRST GUN!; • J in^Uhneapolis Twine Binder wlfr* tains Its reputation. COOKKYviLtE, M«t., May ^4, IMS. Minne»|>oli« Harvester Work*. Cfenta.--Exhibition in heavy, green rye here to-day. Never missed a single shenf, with machine exactly a* it come from the factory. Tours. D.SAGOR. The Minneapolis for sale at E. M. Owen & Son's. »- r 's. .%•-. i > » ,* 4 -I A - „Wy ' . S i*i (, f ^ *% 4 • - ilW J JUST ARRIVED. • LA BOB AND VAttlKD STOCK O* CLOTHÎ a, FOR MKN; , YOUTHS aid BOYS, Kenrty made and made to order, line of Also a fall Gent's Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, -AT- H. MATMAN S AT WAUCONDA. Jmft See What Ton Can FOR S7.9Q. One Nice Cassiiuere Suit;' , One Hut; One Overshirt; One Un<ler»iiirt; < yj- h. One Pair of Drawers; >1 K One Pair of socks; Oo» Pair of suspenders; ; ' One Han«lkerch»ef; t One Necktie; ? One Collar.- C*I1 wilhia THIRTY DAYS for such bar-g&inft. - If yon con template btiyinjr nnythinj? in the Implement line we wish to announce to you that we have a ^nod, honest lines* of Groocl on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that we are ready to explain, know that we can save you muney on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. All Goods warranted to he as represented and if you find them not is represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. " • , . , • « - ! > * y,,*' * X i • • x t <'*< . ^ S ,> <!M. ; 4' ' Otir «Wlt of Plotr» ig mrtplftf, con«fsttti«r rof the Rockford Stilky Plow, the Skinner ^tuhhle extr:\ double shin-hardened, either in wood or s^eel heam, the Reloit wo«>d or steel l»eani Stubb.'e Plow with GresleV Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plovr that can easily be handled by any boy that can drive a team. ?Wff* •e- I x - a} •? >'»• ,v. *'y; > * • j, \i' J if*' * • JI.' , t ; i ¥ . * ( • > - h ' ^Welf l }< «* >> ",v IS;;. M- f inve on hand a^ Surprise fii' -t*f' you soy KuKes r wen we have on hand u^fuTl Tine. The Keci bird, Ellwood S^lf Dump, t-entennial, Surprise; but not least, the Old Keliable Hollingsworth Sulky HUKO. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original. It is no new and untried imp.ement. It stands kin^ ot the field to-da^r, Don't be stuffed or fooled but call and examine our large stock of FARMING TOOLS, which is far larger this reason than ever before. It you want plows we have the'old make of Furst 4b Bradley, Grandetoue, Moline, Norwegian, Case and the celebrated -HA^€»OOX>,- 'f In all styles of walking and riding. In Planters we can show you ai d Pell you the renowned Keystone, Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any one in the stall. We have tlio K a tidal & Keystone Pulveiizing Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. . For a Mowei jrou all know the Standard, Manny and Knowlton are lighter draftand lead all the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. . ' The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the market for 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im­ plements. It takes only one-halt a team to run it. (Jail and we will show it to you and you will see it will save yott time, horse flesh and money. / j 'I?' OLD KSTABI horn I And all potato ial taA, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, - - - _ Twt1_ tory, Britith Cnlum the Sandwich tolan Au*trmHft pal poiate & the Bmta nd, aad all p NORTH, NORTH WC8T aM WIST. With Ita own lines it traverses Rorth- 1 o W\ wised XSIN GAN, MINNESOTA. andOn^ralDAKoI TA' It offers to the traveJwSl aooom- moditions that can be ofTeredL bvanv railroad. Its train service eauals of any road: their speed laelimataa »comfort and safety w5l permft^bey- make close connections in union depots JuncttOn and tensina! point* with the leading rsdlroada of the Weet and Northwest, and offer to those that uw tnem SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes olooe oonnoo^ tion with all other railroads at that city. It rune PALACE SI EEPING CA£g on all througfh trains, PA8M8 CABS on its Bnd NORTH-wbhtkrw' DINING OARS on its COUNCIL. BLUFFS and on its ST. PAUL end MINNEAPOLIS throngrh day express trains. If you wish the Best Travelingr Accom­ modations you will buv vour Tiokete toy this route AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. For rates for single or round trip ticket3 and for full informetion in re- §ard to nil parts of the West North and orthwept write to Genoral Agent, at Chicaoro, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J, D. LAYNG, MARVTN HUGHITT. QM. Snp't. Srt Vice-I'rcp. and Gen. MMIBIK. W.H. STEiniETT, ticn. Pass. A^t., Chicago. 'iSADQUABTEBS FOB ' & sft: MRS. H. MAIM AN, Has Just, retnrned from the city with a full and selected srwfe of SPRING AND SUM­ MER Mll.UIXER'Y, which she invites the ladies of Wuur.ondii and vicinity to call and e3Ufn|neitn'44we» pric«». WSaeonda, April ^^ DO YOU WANT ^ TO BUY Sowing Machine? ~h'£' •> : i; . fttso thd ̂ Ro^fofd Planter that can Ke changed from a Planter to a Drill without costing one cent or a mo­ ment oftime. The McCormick Iron Mower. To make hay while the sun phines b a good old adage, but to make hay at ail requires a good Mower. Th* McCormick has no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. Ihnvoonhand and am gelling at the T.OW. prices, the Domestic, KMredjre, Kew Home, Surinjtfield, New American, and Singer E wiiiB Machines, aud wMl uo. be undersold by any ajceiit in the county. A good Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in tbe world. Calland see me. McIIenry, FEB.», 1888. (J. W. OWEN. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTEO TO CUREf--^:^ ft: _ . . . l^winir diseases m . thebnel., hlpc hcafi, or lenerul debility, ftclallra, dlaesa--pld liver, tcunt, innh^Mra^ eU. *"pt"re' *"Lur^1». »U«*. •pUevqr. i"Z°tF'Ut7 CESE»ATITE«*6A?i» J?' lack eriiervc Ion, aad v Iff or, mwAtimm nibwN, ul all HIO»E TTT • PERT IR*. m>m «njit«Ter -- - Wtthoatm«dlclne:--PatM|n Ihebnel., hlpa. hearf, or 3"kN «lebi-Hjf,l«mUtt~o, Ceaerut debility, Ae«MUMa, pura!v>U, aeurulu u, im ' "* M*l the kldaer>,*»lNttl dl<wa><;.. ton •ealaal mbrint, liatMtU-ncy, u,t!i -- atlaaf" •onal Mtan, 1 stream of Magn< . . t«»er eauxe, the oonttnuoua . SjetlMD permeating tbreBsh the parte ^ r^.lore to a lnnltbf actloa. Tlxere lit no mlnUlce aoout thU spijIIm uce. MSOHINAL SUPPORTER* TO THE UMB:-gu-»-E.a;;a Weak A*1iha or ftw<rilra #eet, an AMomtaaT Belt JJfSi •*).«• ofHir»#tJc FootBmntei have no superior *n'** and eure of all these complaints. JMT Uwaae v°varful force to the aeat of the K.r Uag Batk, Weak •em of the Bahw, I"*, ef Ikc nak, Cntwitnii, t iiroale tUaaad llcj|«|l«i rfikt Wumli. lneldeatal lr» tLnuwnT " *"v m4 CtrtUvc Agent ,on?"i o'. Female lMMraltlea It is nnnnr- p^sed bjr anytliintf befoi*e Inv^nt^l. both an a cuiia.iv© •ger.t and ns* Hou-xx? of power and vitali^ation. rile* of cither Belt with Magnet ic Foot Hat; vrlim. $10. JjeBthy exproPK C.O. D ,aod <*xan;lvatlon allowofl.or I y 2fiie011 rleo,t'M)t of i,ru e. In ordering; wn<i mo.iMirc « t waist und Hize of thoe. Hemi'trtiic© cuu bv luadeIncur-ln letter at ourrUk. Tht Qtrwentim adapted to all aCM. are worn oj «r the under clothing, (not n«*^t tn (ha body like the Many Galvanic and Kkitrle Unite taken oft nt night. Tt^y hold tl)«Arpowii'/orei'Cf. and arewurnat alUt anonsof theyenr. f,rJ uy. "N« w rx«" a-1lira In Mi>dlca! Treat-"la"fc ^ "koul ilctlU'luc," witii tbv>u»undo ot te«U*iu>. Pp |LUj3i£TON APPLIANCE CO.. _ »lat« HU, CiUtttKO, ill. 'With all its late improvemen ts foi 1883. The owners of tbe smallest arms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eat.* nothing, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies of work, alwajs pleases the Jadie«, as it involves no additional boarders. \Ve make the easiest running Wagon, use only the. best seasoned material, sret up work in good style and fiuish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. finally will say that our t tock is full and overflowing, and feel con- Ii lent that we can please you in quality of goods and Prices if vou will favor us with a call. With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same ugpi^ll^claini that we-will sell the best Good-i lor the-least money, f.*4* Respct. Yours R. BISHOt®. -m^FO R . fl»% V,*" SPKIIG With an unusually large assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-Ware. &c. AT BOTTOM PRICES--. - *' • . •* JOHN STORY, At the odhtand of Jacob 8tory, Mctlenrj, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Mik Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the fne ot UN AND GUAM IK 1RUN W ARK, which he is seing at prices ns U v as the lowest, workmanship aud quality of goods'guniuuteed. Tin Roofing, Kave 1'roughing, Jobbing and Repairing ptomptly attended to J3gT Remember,, extra good bargains car. a Iwiys be obtained MAYES & BARTLETT W % i1--' . W- : " A M READY At Oenterville, McHenry. McHENRY, ILL., Januaiy 23d, 1883. ' Nothing but the Tisrer, Hollinggworth, Furst & Bradley, Knowl­ ton and others. All first class. • vj'---v" You will always tindiboth Plrtform Wagons and Carriages of all kinds and styles at our place and will sell lower than anyone. Also t h e C e l e b r a t e d S a m e s W a g o n « , r ^ Pump;?. Pumps, all kinds with |the Enterprise iSi* Turbine Iron Wine* Mill at low figures. Be sure and call if in want of anything in onr line as you are sure E. M. OWEN & SON. - R/* * i"-' ' mm-. --DEALER DK. 1.1V iRY AND FARM WAUONS. TOP AND OPEN BilCCIBSV One, twonnrt three Bf.iteil,. at low-r »rl?e« Ulxtn »iiy otlior i-.oncci-n norl hweal of Chic.ajfo. In the Aftiicultuviil Oepurtinent I have "tlie Moline, Oavenpori, nml the John Deere l'iow-8 • noih siiifey stt>ff Witlkintr. The Keystone and j|Ki<'.hmon(t Champion i'lanierf. The Itich. ;inonit l?ro!i'lc;ist and Supccipr ^eeilti's. Har- jrowrtofall kim's »( lower prices ihu'n ever f^hefore. Corn Onltiviiinra of all kinds, Mow- ITS, Keapei'A Twiie Hiinlers. In nliorl T.invtlunsr it man wan In HI the farm Mneliinevr Jline, FROM A 01.KVIS TO A STKAM EN « GISE. FINE PAI TtHC. Paintinjt Department I have secured ftlie aervioes of 11. H. NICHOl.S, wlio is well known in Me Henry and l.ake (bounties a» one :of the !« st |taintei:8 in this purl of the eonn '•try Call ami see his «vort. which speaks for itself, r'or "Artiiilic Slyle" in tbu line, w« del\ competition. , . s , s lilacksmitliinif,. , and jRepalrlng Dono in a workmanlike manner and war runted. Call and sen me boforc piuchnting jH9 I am sure I eun save you money . ) A. J*. Oh AY, Richmond, Mnrsh Sth, 1W. RIVERSIDE BLOCKit McHENRY, ILL. Y our attention lis invited to our magnificent now line of season 'Mtti Mi able aiil elo gant styles For f pring requiremev is very complete and prices uniformly loH, McHenry, Illiuoig, March 5,1883. SPRING 4-ND SUMMER tbe Old Pliable Boot and Shoe House of llouse ^Established in XSOS. • Come CHTly «nd e^amiTie my new goorts wlifeli *t« now r eeived and phtced upon the market to be sold for very litUe money. Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable be found jn the Northwest. Drop in and take a l<|ok and get my low CASH'JTRIETPNIRV ti\"v < W. H. DWIGHT, i'U A.. Richmond Illinois. I sell every Implement. Tool or Mncliina farmer wants. I'T ATFOUM SPKING, "" E. M. HOWE, i * SUCCESSOR TO O. C. COLBY] Having purchased .the stock of Hardware of O. <!. Colfiy, in the Store opposite Bishop's Mill. I am now prepared tv» offer to the buy. ing public anything in the line of HAEDWAEE, OTWARB, Stoves. &c. Al ̂ fices to suit the times. BYMENt Will also And a large assortment of O.iiry. men's Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Phils, Milk Cans and anything in that line at prices as Low as tbe Lowest. A full rtoek M hand. . BABB WIRE always on JOBBING AND REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. Wltnn't bny any­ thing in tlie Hanlware Line ui:Ul you luiyc examined my stock and learned prices. E. M. HOWE. BIcnenry, February 87.1883. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon aad Restaurant, NKAK TUB REPOT, MCHENRY,. • ILLINOIS The best Brands of n ines, Honors and ^Cigars always on Hand. Good Stabling Tor Hones. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bot tle* - way* «n hand cheaper than any other, qut tv considered. This lleer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot ne snr. aased in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry. til. An?. 10th, 18*3. • MM k-*,. AsjuIux. . " t'" f..,. - UJK mi 'i 'iMMi Call an«1 examine rho»i> W nnf. Extension Tal\|w at 81.00 per f •«» at J. B. Blnke'i. 3ft per «ti% • for c a s h . - • " * , ^ , J < f J ' i •£ 'hH ' ». liSi1' -> '• .-'-.J ,

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