' '<* t> J' At...„..." <: "s:1 + & * t, A. J* • *1 »AY, JUNE IS, 1888. iYKE, Kdfttor. If yet conllilrnL t«*t doubt that If the I kft bjr the Democrats in 1878, **d Hendricks," were mnoml- IWlld Im elected. ft Is w>t tfetermlite it this momnt Just i to ten of tlilt country will do ----------» |i ','"iWrTI.« Hlfh License Bt!l, knowi MtW Harper bill. psswd the Assem bly •« friday last bye trott of 79 to 86. ] t ftowsfoes te the Senate.where It will k llMiptlf puied, after whlcli It will neilfi the signature of the Governor nd hecowi a law. It flxea the license for beer afcMe at 9160. For boer and i wfctflky at 1800. "Up to the present time, papers baoa Hed for thirteen contested aotMsta the next boose of representa tives. Hps now congress will probably M with those contests as did the old --oBowtfee sitting members to keep Owtr seats, draw their p*y and help laws, and, at the end of tho tern, the lawfully elected pan so that also draw his salary for a full It Is time tho people demanded to so uncertain terms, that % stop should |» pat to this nefarious business. on of the proprietors of the Vfet has held a position In the Chica- SnM for nearly two years, was nM to a better position Wednes- Hi gay Is thereby increased fSOO per reliably Informed that stamBjr holding a position in t%a CSs--sa Ms--a (merely drawing his yawX ShssM la to reality attending A* Ofenrogto Law SthoeL Wo would of OsBector 'Spaalding wwsswnt author- toedkHato »sem asen for the lsnrf k this a--tfcor ordtr from the Chpt >T» of tht hnBdrwj#, backed by B»veridg»f MTla O-- Co--ty. Mk, f* a "«M sstthf peculiar about it except ltissM.«Ucli is Peculiar. Accord- laf ts local tradition it came to re- siiis that sfagnlar appellation in the Another Cyclone* On Monday afternoon portions of Northern Illinois and Southern Wiscon- ain were again visited by a cyclone, and a large amount of stock anil property destroyed. It appeared to commence at or near Beloit. "Wis., and as before traveled In a Northeasterly direction. The following special dispatches in relation thereto, we glean from tho Chicago Herald of Tuesday morning: BBLOIT »AI>LY WRECKED BT A CTCLONR. BKf/HT, Wis., JitnelL--Jart before S o'clock this afternoon a somewhat destructive wind storm burst upon this oity. From present «i> psa ranees, as well as from wh.vt Information the Utrald correspondent can obtain,it irmiNI «ar that It began, spent Us force, nnl ended here. Its general appearance sec men to be that of a funnel, which shot down from black clouds which hail gathered <11recti.r over the town. The storm lasted thirty min utes, and its path, which was aliont a quarter of a mile in width extended through the central portion of the city, destroying prop- erty to the value of $&0,00<i. The roots of stores, carpenter shops, church spires, out- buildings, shade trees, etc., weie thrown around. Edward Halloran was killed, and John Mallory, Philip Gleason, and a student by the name of Olds were severely wounded. The heaviest losers by the storm are Bart ft Bailey, drv goods; D.S. Fostei, books; Green's grocery; Travers' clothing house, O. H. Ding- man's carriage shop, the Rock River Paper Company, the Chicago A Northwestern Bail, way Col's bridge, Benjamin Brown's real estate office, and the First Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. LOADED FREIGHT CASS FLYIKO Iff THE AIR- GAI.RMA, III., June ll.-41w<it 4:30 o'clock this afternoon a whirlwind oasscd over Elmo, Vis.,eighteen miles from this city. Freight train Ka SO, on the Chicago it Northwestern Road,coming south, was struck broadside and three loaded freight cars and the caboose were feathers and carried twenty ack. W doctor of the train, was picked up like feet from the track. William Glen son. con- bndly injured about tn. V?, E- Comslock, traveling agent for the Chicago Huober Cloth ing Company, a passenger, was slightly la the head and on the hi travel ingCo jnred. FARM HOUSES AND STOCK IHTURBP. HARVARD, III., June 11.--The greatest hail- storm ever witnessed here passed over this place at 6 p. m. to-day One mile south of this place its winds played havoc with everything in its track. Many farm honses, barns, out houses, orchards and fences were completely deutroyed, several persons were hurt and a large amount of stock injured. No lives were loat. l^Thc Sycamore Republican says: "Hon. Henry Woo3 sends us a copy of his Cheese Factory Bill, which passed the House by an unanimous vote and will undoubtedly become a law. It is based on the idea that factory men should give the dairymen some se curity for the large amount of milk de posited with them. It often amounts to #5,000 for a single factory, and this amount in ready cash is oftea in the hands of some Impecunious transient person who runs the cheese factory, and to whom the farmers would not lead #100 without security. One of the leading factorymen, who runs several factories, «ays he often has #40.000 of When the #ettie-Marmers* cas,> on hand. That security had become sufficiently populous I a post office, one of the promt- ; citizens seat a petition to Wa*l»- tajpoi to have a poet office established, la rapiy he was aaked to suggest a aaase that would please the people, to which he responded that "the people were not particular so long as the peculiar.'" Thereupon the ! was christened Peculiar, and : ha* never been changed. post o the ' Sherman, tn a speech at Ohio. Saturday, outlined mio Issues on which the Ihspabllcaas of that State propose to go Into the canvass next fall. The itapahtlcans, he states, are In favor of taxes on imported goods which shall tarnish revenue to the government; •flmt in levying litem special care should he taken to foster and build up mtn- •(•Starts of all kinds, so that working- Men asy have fair wages for a fair day's labor. On the Scott law he Is oqually dear, declaring the statute to 1M Just and fair In taxing liquor. He tMnksit will restrain indiscriminate traffic in spirits and yield a fruitful revenue. What position the democ- faey will take in reference to these questions remains to be seen. I % * ••"It Is evident that the people of &e South are losing their love for the doctrine of free trade, as will be seen by tho following from a prominent *Sootkern paper: "If we buy from the Horth our money may come back to us from the Northern investments in our railroads and lands; but if we are com pelled to buy from Europe, the money 4|oes out of our country and stays out •fit. It seems that It would be better ieiticy to pay even a little more to the home manufacturer and keep our Money in circulation here in/he family than send It to Europe, And then pretty soon we would And that the fro- tootlve policy would encourage the growth of manufactures at the South, "fe are already making considerable progress In that direction. The import duties which have made the North and Vest rich roust in time accomplish re- Suits equally as valuable for the South. Ilowever, until we are able to buy our Combs and basins here at home we pre fer to patronize the Yankee to the should he given for these amounts is quite as essential as that it should be given by hanks and insurance com panies. There some doubts expressed ef its constitutionality, but the design of the bill is excellent. SECTI^K l. Beit enacted by the People of the State of lltinol*, represented in the General At- setnbly: That it shall be unlawful for any per- •on or persons, company or corporation, with in this suite,-to operate, <-arry on, or conduct the business of manufacturing butter or cheese on the co-operative or dividend plan, until such person or persons, company or corporation, shall havetiied with the circuit clerk, or recorder of deed of the county in which it is proposed to carry on such business, a good and sufficient bond, to lie approved by such circuit clerk or recorder of dseds, in the penat sura of six thousand dollars, (with one or more good sureties) conditioned that such person or persons, company or corporation, proposing to carry on such business, will, on or before the flrst day of each month, make, acknowledge, subscribe and swear to a report in writing, tbowing the amount of products manufactured, the amount sold, the nrices therefor, and the dividends earned and de clared for the third month preceding the month in which such report is made; and will flleacopyof such report with the clerk of the town or precirr.tin which su<"h factory is located: and will also keep publicly posted in a conspicuous place in such factory a copy of such report for the inspection of the patrons patrons thereof, and that snch dividends promptly jtaid to the persons entitled thereto. I 2. >'nch bond will run to the people of the 8tate of Illinois, and shall be for the benefit and protection of the patrons of such factory; and suit mav be had thereon by ary person injured by a breach of the conditions thfieof, by an action of debt for the use of the peraon or persons interested, for all damages sus tained by them. f 8. Such bond shall be recorded by the circuit clerk, or recorder, » ith whom the same is filed; and all such reports, so filed with the town or precinety lerk. shall be pre served by him and held subject to the icspec. tion of any person or persons interested. § 4. Any person who shall violate anv pro visions of this act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than live hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less th'in thirty days nor more than six months, or both, in the dis cretion of the court. European. Wf. Harvard College, after a good deal of discussion of the matter, has refused to confer the honorary degree Of LL.D. upon Governor Butler. It }tas been the custom of that University for a centurv past to confer the degree mentioned upou the Governor of the (sMaasonwealth, but the course of Gen. Jtotlor since he has become governor Has been such that a majority of the itosrd of overseers has refused the de cree In his case, It was claimed that Iris character was not in harmony with Hm motto of the Uuiversity, * Veritas? --»rather significant hint regarding the General's truthfulness. In was be lieved by some that ho would snub the Itolvarslty snd refuse the title. If it was conferred upon him, as he has taken pains often to hold the institu tion up to ridicule in public. The eotirse taken by the overseers of the University iii refusing the degree is quite freely criticised by the press as bad jmlicy, as it will have a tendency • to make Butler famous, which is what He most desires. He expresses him Mif wSil satisfied with the action of Mm University, as lie elalms that It , will give Ulut ten thousand votes in the next election. WWe desire to call the attention of factory men to a matter of no little Interest to them, and that !s that there seems to be no doubt but that butter will rule comparatively low for three or four months during the summer, and that large quantities will be produced in Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, and that the ex perience of the past year would Indi cate that but little of the summer make will be placed In cold storage, but will be used as made. This sup position leads to the belief that our manufacturers frill make much better cheese than nsnal. A cheese iu every way acceptable to the export trade, and that by a little zareful manage ment on the part of the meo;bers of the board, this trade may be secure^ and supplied, until the fail trade for butter demands more of the Elgin brand. A light skimmed cheese, well made, will meet the views of exporter and be better for them than the early made hay cheese of the summer fac tories. We give the factory men this thought, and believe that If they will act upon it they will be valuers by k --Elgin Advocate. ^ > 19"The Republican National Com mittee have decided upon a plan for the choice of delegates to tlie Republi can National Convention of 1884, as follows: "Tire Rupuhllcaii National Conven tion of 1884 shall consist of four dele- giites-nt-lwrge from each State, and two delegates from each Congressional DIs trict. The delegntes-at-large shall be chosen by popular delegate Stale con vention* Called on not less tlinn twenty days' published notice, and held not less than thirty days nor more shan sixty days before the National Con vention. The Republicans of the vari ous Congressional districts shall have the option of electing their delegates at separate popular delegate conven tion*. calied on similar notice and held in districts at any time wliliin flfte«Mt days next prior to the meeting of the State Convention, or by such delegates as shall he chosen. In tlie latter method, If not elected previous lo tlie meeting of the State Conventions, all district delegates shall be accredited by the officers of such district conventions. Two delegates shall be allowed from each Territory, and from the Dlstrlci of Columbia, similarly chosen. Notices of contests may be given to the Nation al Convention, accompanied by a full printed statement of the contest, which shall al?o be made public, and prefer ence in the hearing and determining of contests shall be given contestants according to the dates of reception of such notices aiul statements by the National Committee." Fl *r ? f> i Merchant# it- *4 » V - . " n « - v , " I *, f t . * " f < < ' v . ^ ' r -AnicJhLlte Clothing, Clothiri . "v M r ;< •% i tf i «SrWUrv: - V ')<•' {"J " ' ' Allot our Mbaaptbon who will psytMr subaerlptlon MMHMU to this paper in foll to dsU, snd oM jrasr la tdfweh will be gmwtod with MM year's sahaer^Uon to "AMERICAN FARMER" SSSffiSffi JOHNSBURGH. XtCVIMtllOld with that the Farmer. ' able magaalne of giving our drculatic rniiiiii usumuvit •»»»• species of Industry connected "•-^•TBiaawss: at for the purpose and doubling our pwr>*< a ran treat i .. we send It to you FRKK. Farmers . . ... jt puis new Ideaa i how to farm with It makes the home happy, i you ng folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy and the demagogue honest. As it costs you nothing, suppose you try it one year. VMVUlollUHt WW ocmi «• IV J WW 4.- , . can not well get alone without it. It puts new Ideas into their minds. Itlcarns them profit to them the yc da. It* ' selves. :scheerf There will be a Picnic and Dance in the Grovebacko!' the Post f office, Johnsburgh, un ' , JULY 4tb, 1! A fine Dancin«r Platform will be erected, and a good Quad- Bund oi five pieces • will furnish music for idanriugf day and evening. A Brass Of 17 pieces will l>e present to furnish music for the occasion. A Grand Display of PIBE WORKS IN THE EVENING. Refreshments wived at all hours. Supper at 8 o'clock. Tickets for afternoon and evening $1.25. Let everybody turn out. Muladore JSc Nelson. To Contractors. SEALED Proposals will be receive*! for thj huH'tin^of a School House in District So. 1, up unlil noon of Saturdaj, June 23, 1883, l»v the umlersiRneil. Sai>l School House is to be 40x36 with 12 foot posts. A hall BxS feet is to l>e built across the south en 1 of the biiilil in? on the inside, with a Moor leading out of each emi into the main room. There will l>e three doors and six windows in the Imildinff. A wainscotting* feet hiph will lie all around the rooms. The frame is to be covered with mntehcrt hoards, papei and siding. The Hoara reserve the richt to rt:ject nny ami all bids. CIIAS. II ALDEMAN, Clerk. Richmond, III., June 11, I8S3. Notice to Masons. UP until noon of Saturday, June 23, 1S83,1 will teceive Sealed Proposals for the buildinjc of a loundadion for a School House in District No. 1. The house is to bo 20x3(1 feet and the wall 3 feet hi«h an.l is inches thick. Said proposals to include latning And plastering of the. building which is 20\3Bxl2 foot posts. Inside of the building there is to be a hall 6x8x1-2 feet high which Is to4>e In cluded m the aliove bills. Tlse lioartl reserve the right to reject any and ill bids. CIIAS. HALDEMAM, Clerk. Richmond, III., June 11,1883. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! *SAW. SMITH, 21 -or-- Woodstock, • - lllnol 0, Risked by Millions of money, oftis you INDEMNITY against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon; call on me and I will write you a policy, and w.ien uither or any of these destructive ele ments devastates "your property, happy will yon be if you hold one of my policies, for I will surety visit you, and minister unto you. 1 will not forsake you. ASA W. SMITH. Gen'I Insurance Ag't. "GOLDEN STAR" GASOLINE RANGES. Superioi* to a!1. I> rapidly su perseding Cook Stoves and Usin- ges for Summer use. J.'all and see th«m. JOHN STORY. Mcllenry, May 23d, 1883. Carpets, >/ / - \ i'-. '--*5» -s Wall Paper, Wall faper, ! in Mchenry, Ttursiay Aftereooi aii Eiaiii, i-M fl"^ ats, &o., Boots & Shoes JBooti M Shoesi Trunks and Valises, Trunks and Valises, Paints and Oils, Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Mixed Paints, j li'til * f. WE SELL THE Celebrated Galden Utar OIL STOVES and BM6SS. The best aiul safest manufactured. Hi^ve already sold 2S wliluli speak for . JOHN I. STORY McHenry, May 23. 1883. WANTED. CLOVER POUNDS BLOSSOMS, CRYSTAL LAKE. MARENQO. McHENHY. HUJHMONL, MAMVAiiJU & GENOA% ----FOB WHIG. 1-- * Cents Per Pound, Will be paid on delivery, G. H. CLAYSOll. fVSome meu never forget their uaution. For example, at % recent re vival a minister said that he was the conductor of a salvation train, the ac- conunodatlOfiH were flrst*class; that there were no misplaced switches to fear, And that Peter was waiting to reeelve them at the depot at tlie other end of the line. Thereupon a tall, gaunt, keen-vieaged man In the out-, skirts of the cro*vd, addressing tho clergyman,said: 'Tm a good deal consarned In what yeou hev to say,' stranger, and If yeou kin git me a back seat en enny of them air keers for half price, I'll buy a ticket.**--Chicago Her ald. , Buckeye Ford* Jfttatpe, si i, J ' W-'t ' tg*,- I PERRY A OWEN, GOLDIN WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are ready to fulfill the promise made to 8bo«r the people of that jlace and vicinity the MOST KLSG.&3TT And varied stock of Goods for the of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES. F ^ » 't.lJ.l'-i J • ii r - ~ ' Hats and cAm Boots, Shoes, Crockery, glassware, Ao,' Ac Which they are hound to sell as cheap as good Goods can he bought anywhere. In short, everything- that can be found iu f» general store will be kept and sold aa low as the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. When in want of goods iii our line you will find it for your interest to,call and see us. - OOLDlim Wftucondft, III , Juue 1st, 1883. ! fMITH! 1 Ifer/iL ' " ti CHEAPER THAN EVER Geo. W. DeHaven, Manager nrnxusms SHOWS. Ool. HaM's Nnsenm of Arctic Kenton Won. der* and collection of Wild Anlmala. S Omit Shows in one Traveling by Rail in onr nwa Curs. 9 Monster Balloons and S darintt JBro- nauts. Bulty's Uoynl II1H88 Band. Exhibit, inn under Three Immense Pavillions. A Museum of Living: Wonders, a Tronpe of A'tonishinsr Acrolmts, ft Superb Combination of Danger Detympf Gvmnnsts, n truly Ureat Athleiic Exliibition, a Magnificently Grand Pantomime CoinI>HNJ, Curiosities from the Arctic Regions, a Hi if com puny of Negro Mini*, trels, Twelve Cages of Living Wild Animals, Birds and Monkeys, etc. Under the lO.Centre PoleOmvas. Prof. Arnold, the Celebrated jKronant, with his Mammoth Balloon "America," visits llil* nlice on the aliove date and will make one of nir world-renowned ascensions. Tlds Daring Gymnast H-ill give an exhibition of his noon the Trapcae snspended from the Balloon 1,000 Yard «in the Air. Don't fail ^o 1>e on the ground in the Fore noon to wiiness the Great Balloon Asccntion and Wire Walking from the ground to the lop of the centre.pole, to Be seen free. The most Talented Company traveling, and the only show ot the kind that will visit McHenry this Season. ADMISSION 8S Ct«. The above Company will also show at Rich mond J tine 20, and at Crystal Lake Jnn« |>. 3ĵ "n O. WAUC OREA --DEALER IK-- Agricultural Implement! ALL KIND* We keep a full line of Farm?Machinery o^tbc beat manufacture and sell at Bed Rook Prim If von Want any thing in the AgricnUnm Machinery line, do not fail to call on me to. tore purchasing, as I can save you I am also ageat Oounties for (he CAMPAIGIV, . Feed Cutter. j Ton can have a grinder attached to friar at the same time yoi.i are cutting. Everv put chaser gets a written guarantee with h is ma chine. It is positively the KA 1KT KtXJf. NING FEED CXJTTtfB IX THE MAKRKT Give me a call. R. C. HILL Wanconda, III., Dee. M 081. . ;^ •--r-r-T -- BOMB -A Irusher and Levelep* ven. enry Send for cata> The best Pulveriser on earth. A trial jri The undersigned is sole Agent for McH< and West half of Lake Co's. Send foi Jogue (free). All kind* of ' |ABM MACHINEBfi , f"' ^V#*Ws»le^ L. H. Hartman, awg^d, in. Orders bjr mall promj l̂y attended ta, We <1eelre to call the atteutlon of the ladies to our drens goods department. We have added a fine line of caalunerea, cameliettes. silks, satins, etc., whlcb will tw sold on fcrj close margins. * HENRT COLBT. REDDY OIL STOVE l?iv© different sizes, all ittrnished complete, and sold as cheap or cheaper than any other house in the county. Call and see them. ; • • McHenry, III., June ICtb, 1883^v E. M. HOWK. Two Doors North offf||y *Qwen- My stock of furniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to ca upon me when in want of anything in that lino, ^ >, i , + In this department ! keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities* A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. • <_._A . _J r f l m j i & j J , i.-.: -S R- / B. The lfcHenry Brick Manufaotaring Oam j«ny are now ready to supply Brick ta *aaa« ""feou shall lots . --TO-- Car Loads. Their Brick an second to nonelto lie fm4 in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. « Persons intending to build, or those hand ling brick, will do well to call and see ns be fore | urchaning. For further lufortastiOB apply te or address IcHciry Ml Maoifictiriii McHE.VBY5 '3 '3 M, • v ! % ILLINOIS. Af- " 1 1 ' 3, ' ^