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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1883, p. 8

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P As* Kifacfttional tlM. P|4ixi)|eALtt for the f> r "/'i , _r • Mn Indicated their »l tofltt f»r institut* drill. r» h ?«. «•* 'f * <«*» -.<jtV- •»: £<K|,y& IIMRts h*vi» tee* mart* with iper.of PeorU, lo m*l*l the this county In the summer 1». To tboM of our ctrrwpondenti who JMOOHIO mom her* of tho "Free jnt," ti thank you for jronr »in the p*»>t. and hope to receive oontrlbntlona from yon In tho future. Dlrec tor* hare no authority to five order* for money to unlicensed teach- er», nor tretMirers any right to pay them If (tarn, I» what we Intended to •ay^ast week. Teachers orders draw Interest If not pabd when presented, bnt they inn*t bear tho treasurer,* indorsement of presentation. The treasurer is not required to notify the holder when he Is prepered to pay such order, hot the Interest stops when he notifies the clerk of the board of directors Issuing the«aaM,ofhla readiness to pay such order. •ehiel Bepeet. School report for the second month •f the spring term: GRAMMAR DKPARTM ifN Two .. . Mngwood, one house the Other with® rooms. •wl ham on eitli. " „ a shop and a gooa epiwnf iit; i»»- >m i- iage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic. For further par­ ticulars inquire of WE8LKT LADD. ... Rlngwood, III. : : " fllBT OUST. Tlie Minneapolis Twine Binder aua* tains its reputation. COCK.ETTILL•, Md., May 14, 1088. Mlnneaiiotis Harvester Works. Gents.--Exhibition in heavy, green rye liere to-day. Never mls»e<l a single sheaf, with machine exactly as It come from the factory. Tour?. \N D. SAGOR. The Minneapolis for sale at E. M. Owen A Sou's. JU8T ARRIVED. I tAIOl AMD VARIKD STOCK O* Komher enrolled Average daily attendance 97 Komher of visitors 6 Names of those present every day during the month: Mary Doherty Archie El dredge, Mabel Ford, James Knox, Minnie Knox, Phi 11 p Ma yes. F re d McOmber, Wallace Morey, Cora Paige, Jftattie Smith, Battle Story. Maud Van 81yke, Richard Welsh, Kate Howe, Amy Owen, Horace Hill. , Names of those marked highest In dally recitation. (The first named Is In the A dun, and second in B class): Reading--CoraPa!ge, Maud Van Hljke. History. Cora Paigt, Maud Van Slyke. Oeog^ Hattle Story. Grammar, Cora Paige. Arith.. HowarJ Perry, Mattie Smith. Spelling, Minnie Knox, Maud Van Slyke. Mo examination was held during the month. The gold pen offered for best work la bookkeeping was woa by Belle Colby. IHTXRM IDtATK DEPARTMENT. Nomber pupils enrolled 41 Total nomber days attendance 685 Average daily attendance 31 Neither absent nor tardy, 18; viz:-- Maggie Bonstott, Christina Buss. Harry Rlackman, Eddie Granger, Nellie Knox, Katy Knox. Hattie Mead, Anna Nord quest, Eddie Wirfs, Winnie Parker, Belle Will ting, Matthew Smith, Bennie Booslett. 1m l IMAAVOB, Tsaeher. PRtMART DEPARTMOrr. ' f Number enrollod......... 4 Whole No. days attendance. . 702 Average daily attendance 39 Htfasfcer aelther absent nor tardy, 87; vis:--Latie Lincoln. Harry Eldredge, John Ralston, Mlki Howe, Lyle Howe, Alfred Perry, Chas Nordquest, Florence Boa«ies> Katie Henry, Agnes Colby, Del! Piihor,Maud Colby, Carrie Colby, Effle Kennedy, Nina Wells, Miles Colby. Bertie Hay ward, Villa Moray, Stella *o«ey, Daisy Hill, Nellie Hill, Lissie Hill, Irma Powers, Mary Ceos, Agnes Waite, Llasie Engelh I0R MEN, YOUTHS anil BOYS, Ready made and made to older. Alee a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. ^ Hats and Capw, BOOTS AND SHOES, --at--- MAIMAN'S AT w AUCONDA. Just See What Tou Can Get FOR 87.90. •-•A t One Nice Cassimere Suit; One Hat; One Oversblrt; One Uwlennirt; . One Pair of Dnvei|;i One Pair of Socks; On« Pair of Suspend#**; One Handkerchief; One Necktie; Ont Collar. * . .4+ k-f vs« '<!> 'r' , v * •# 3 . , -f If yon rontemplatebuyinirnnythinff inthbfrftplement line We wish to announce to you that we have a good, houest lines of G-ood on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that we are ready to explain, know that we can nave you mtmey on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented |gd if y°u find •.nm> Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner Stubble extm double &htn-hai'dcned, either in wood or s*ee1 beam, the Reloit wood or steel beam Stubble Plow with Geslev Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plow that can easily be haudled < / * • k >f 1, A ' „ akes I Rakes! " ^ „ •> 6j j *V ; Did you say Rakes V Well we have on hand a'full line. The Red Bird, fill wood 'Self Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but. not least, the Old Reliable Hollingsworth Sulky RaKe. No imitation in ours no, but the Original. It is no new and untriod implement kin^ oi the field to-day. ^ The McCormick Iron Mower. f*fmake ha^r while the sun shines is a good old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick has no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. no With all its late improvements foi 1883. The owners of the smalleet farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eat < nothing, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies of work, always pleases the ladies, as it involves no additional boarders. We make the easiest running Wagon, use only the best seasoned material, ̂ et up work in good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our stock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of good? and Prices if you will favor us with a call. With thanks for past iavors, we solicit a continuance of the same upon the claim that we [will sell the best Good.* lor the least money. Respct. Yours / R. BISHOP, Don't be stuffed or fooled but call and examine our Targe stock of "FARMING TOOLS, which is tar larger this season'than evor before. It you want plows we have the ^old make ot' Furst & Bradley, Gp^ij&toue, Moline, Norwegian, Case and the celebrated vUn fiit ^4* tt- 4/it K**- \M ne, In all styles of walking and riding. : In Planters we can show you aid geTl you the renownea lteys! tjnioh, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any one in the stall. We have the R audal & Keystone Pulveiizing Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny and Knowlton are lighter draft and lead all the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the .market forj 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovements. It takes only one-half a team to run it. Call and we wil! show it to you and you will see it will save you time, horse flesh and money. •.Ste' uT' -v^v. , J ^ ̂ 4 Call trithia THIRTT DATS Car aoeh liar, gain*. _______ MRS. H. MAIMAN, Has just, returned from the city with a full and selected stork of SPRIXG AND SUM­ MER MU.WINERY, which she invites the ladies of Waucomla and vicinity to call and examine and lean price*. -FOR THE- WaneoBda, April nd, H.JMJUMAN DO YOU WAXX ^0 BUT---- Machine? fllllw Bttti STQPPABP. TeacW. .1 JV << #BERKWIU TOO QO, A taking and timely book has Just Wan laeuert bjr the National News Bnreau, or Washington, D. C., entitled "Our American Resorts; Where to Go and How to Get There." It Is well wttttMi fceiaf edited by the author of onr Washington Letters, handsomely printed, and profusely and elegantly illustrated. There fa a chapter on Washington, with views of the public buildings; and chapters on the Yellow­ stone National Park, Colorado and California and their scenery; the Cats- tcifl, Alleghany and White Mountains, all fcaMtifully illustrated, and each, taken separately, worth the price of tkl» book. In addition to these it con » tains articles on the Lakes and Rivers •f our country, the Luray Caves, the Mlaoral Springs, the Thousand Islands the leading Seashore resorts, and the Utotth Resorts of the 3outh. The «ffndar |a how a book gotten up In ail0h style can be sold for the low price at which it la oflered --60 oents In paper «i it In handsome cloth. It can be bad of Newsdealers generally, or will be etnt postpaid by the publishers on receipt of price. 'fa Bnapa aa« latara far N Caatai If yon can't afford to pay 989 for one , of W. H. Brearley's round trip excur- aUM ISckets "FIWI Detroit to the Sea.** with which you could leave Detroit fTth, July 11th or July SSth. for a 1.100 mile pleasure tour to the White M|a. and Sea Short, tho next boat thing would bo to send ten 3 cent stamps to W. H. Brearley of tho Detroit (Mich.) Xvening Newt, for a copy of his new 68 page Illustrated excursion guide book. It also contains particulars of three ebeap excursions "From Detroit aero** ffcf Sea" to Liverpool. Tho book Is graphic In It* descriptions, and allords for thirty mots an excellent substitute for an effcortloa to Europe, with the •dtaMtafo that calm weather and ex- •motion from sea sickness may be m&4L*p9n. One of these guide boeks baa been received at the office of this paper, where It may be examined by •ny one Interested. I have on band and am selling at the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Eldredge, New Heme, Springfleld, New American, and Singer e wing Machines, and wul not be undersold by any agent in the rounty A good Singer Machine for 90. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and see me. Mcllenry, Feb, 20,1883. O. W. OWEN. Please rememoor our prices are ways aa low as (he lowest. the ataad ready at all times Md all eoiii petit low. to al­ and we meet any mh)-- BMMUX COLKT. THI8 MAGNETIC BELT 18 WARRANTED TO CUREr»-"-.j f; i+cnmmtIM, parftljtlm RciimlgliL iclades, tUcmi »trf«n of lUfpetUm permeating tkm|l tkr part* R h««IUiy Kllu. There u 110 BUMAk* aoout this appliance. SPRING .With an unusually large assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves. Granite Iron< ' AT BOTTOM PRICES JOHN I. STORfi .. g; At the odHtand of Jacob Story, McHenrj, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Mik Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the ine of TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARK, which he is geing at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to J^gHRemember, extra good bargains can always be obtained MAYES & |M»DEALL11S IX- Dsp Goods Groceries " w-AKp«--- • • READY . MADE CLOTHI ISO At Centerville, McHenry, fieHENRY, ILL., January 23d, 1883. • ^ CHEAPER THAN EVER l^BlKflA6NETIC 9? ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TOTHELAWEfc-SsQK^S W««k A"'**. «r MI AMom&al Belt and • pair of IlaneUe Foot Btttnwi have no mperio* la the ro'ief u4ain of all thaa* com plain u. They • powerful --fnXI* fore* to <M Mat of tti the Sylaa, Nk •rwle IaSa»M- ih, iMUntdHip. «e of A(Wi gay * powerful niitli fore* t fjf1 !••• IML WMkMMtT rtnlap mmMtrmmamm, MitcaacM, m< «ain Mb, SW imOm i-tA|iHww M4Cuttv«i roiTali form otTm--IU WSwIllue It 1m in«ir- VaMed bf anything before invented, both as a curative Meet and IMIMW of power and vitallfatlon. Price of either Belt with Xagnctic Foot Battprlee, tlO. Bentby tipren C.O.D .lad examination allowed, or >,jr mall on reoeipt of price. In ordering, lend mensnre "f waist and «lce of rhoe. Bemittnnce ean be made la cur­ rency, lent in letter at our risk. The Magneton Garment* are adapted to all n#ea, are worn over the ander clothing, (not »«•*< to the Wy Hke the aur fialraalc and Klwtrle IInm- •>«(• mucHIm m» eate«H>lv<iy) and should be taken off at night. They hold thi-lrpomr/or*i«r> and are worn at al 1 seasons of the year. Send stamp for the "Nrw Dei a; tore In Medical Treat- lnc nt Wlthvnt Ucdlvlac," with tliuusouds of testioio. MAGXBTON ^PPlIASCK CO.. " - )•, SM State (tt., CUMKO, W. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen- < _ Wx'S,r • ' My stock of furniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be gold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to ca upon mevwhen in want of thing in that lino. * • ' - f;# UNDERTAKING-. In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Gaskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. jpHearse furnished at reasonable rates. ^ i JOHN B. BLAKE, Nothing but the Tiger, Hoi lings worth, Furst- & Bradley* Knowl­ ton and others. All first class. You will always tind both Plrtform Wagons and Carriages of all kinds and styles at our place and will sell lower thau anyone. Also the Celebrated Samcs Wagon Pumps, Pumps, all kinds with the Enterprise or .Turbine Iron Wine Mill at low figures. Be sure and call if iu watat of anything in our line as you are sure to be suited. E. M. OWEN & SON. mm m And ̂ 1 points In Northern teal. Eastern, and Kortbwootorn_ jiNwirfi RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. Y our attention is invited to"our magnificent new line of seasoik able and eloganl styles for ppring requirements*. Every department very complete and prices uniformly low. McHenry, Illinois, March 5, 1883. ><- --OF-- SPRING} AND SUMMER At the Old Reliuble Boot and Shoe Bouse of House Î atRblished in 1805. Come early and examine my new goods which ore now being jr.-' hred and placed upon the market to be sold for very little money. Our Stock'is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable be found in the Northwest. Drop in and take a look and get my low Cash Prices. ; ! foi,:" DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111 * &• <- ,• • ' ' , i-i .£»i , / fa- Wisconsin, Nortbsrn Michigan, Mftira- sota, Dakota. Manitoba, Central audi: Northern Ifeorntkm, C»l»rai», Wyom­ ing. Utab, Idaho. Afontana,i Mavnda, California, Oraffwi, WaStton Terri­ tory, British Columbia, China. Japan, the Sandwich Islands. Jiumtratin. Zralnnd, and all principal points m tbrt NORTH, MORTH WIST and WEST. With its own lines it traverses North-*. ern H.ONOI8, Centrkl and Northero low*, WISCONSIN, Northern MCBI^ OAS, MINNESOTA, and Central XMIKO^ TA. It offers to the traveler att acc modations that can be offered by railroad. Its train service equals of any road; their speed is as great i comfort and safety will permit: thb, make close connections In union depot at junction and terminal points witbp the leading? railrop^ds of the West an# Northwest, and offer to those that uaclf them •PEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connao# tion with all other railroads at that city* . It runs PALACE SLEEPING CABS art all through trains, PARLOR CARS on it# principaTroutes, and NORTB.WESTERW DINING CARS on its COUNCIL BLUFFS and on its OT. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS through day express train* "" -ou wish the Beat Travel! *elln*Aocom. modations you wUl buv yptrr TicketA by this route AND WILL TAKE NONB tfTHEK. For rates for sinele or round triji; tickets and for fall Information In re* snrd to all parts or tho West. North an<| Northwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chicago, III. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Ticket# rthis Line. • D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGHITT, "M Gen. Sup't. 2d Vlee-I'r<,i». and Gcn. W. H. STENNETT, £ : Ocn. Pass. Ast., Chicago. A*t» AgrtcaltBtal H&cM&eiy, t P. CRM'S. Richmond « Illinois. ,.l sell every Implement, Tool or Mnchine a faiwer wnnU. PLATKORM SPRING,. DB*» LIV/5RY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIE# One, twonntl three seated., at low«r prices thnn nny othor concern north well of OIIIC.IIKO, In the Agricultural liepartment I have fha Molint:, Ouvenpori., ami tlie.I<ihn Deere Plows iinib Sulky »n<l Wnlkiii*. The Kevstohe and Rii'hmoinl Champion Plamers. Tho Rich* tnoii'l r$roM«lc.u»t and Superipi- ^eo«lt vs. Hitr. rows of all kin«!s at lower prices limn eve* before. Corn Cultivator# of all kinds, Mow. era, lieapeia ai.d Twine lSnuiers. In Ahort anytlnnsra man wjints in the farm Machinery line, FROM A CLEVIS TO A STKAM £BfV GINE. FINE PAIimreC. In my Paintlnsr Department I have secured the services of if. H. N I('HOI.S, who is well known in Mcllenry ami Lake Ponntles as one of the painters in this pnrt of the conn- try. Call ami see hia work, which speaks fov itself, r'or "Artistic Style" In ^ltls line, we defy competition. Blackfinnithing, a,nd Repaiarin^i Dono in a workmanlike manner and war ranted. Call ami sen me before ptt.ichaoing as I am sure I can save yon money . A. P. OA4IV Richmond, Marsh5th, 1883. vi"» READ! FOB BUSINESS! --I . M. HOWE SUCCESSOR TO O^ G. ITavinsf purchascl.tlie stock of llardw'ftr^ of H! O. t'. Colby, in tl?e Store opposite Uislmp'S J Mill. I ain* now prepared to offer to the bujr* I log public anything in the line of J HAEDWASE, TIITWABS, ̂ Stoves. Ac. At prlee. to .ult tbo tiuiM. ( y'. ( - 'r h? I>A RYMEN, | V Will also And a large assortment of Dairy. J Men's Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, Milk • ' Cans and anything iu that line ut prices as ; , Low as the Lowest. |ftA full stock of BARB WIRE always on hand. JOBBINC AND REPAIRINQ» j Promptly Attended to. Don't bny any* | thing in the Hardware Line until you hay< i examined my stock and learned prices. , | E. M. HOWE. . McHenry, February 87. 1868. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIQ The best Brands of Wines. Liquors ami Olgnrs always on Hand. Good 'Stabling Horses. ALSO AGENT PON Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE leer, ti . - v .w:-.: Reer in Large or SmalliKegs or Bottles *1 way s on hand cheaper tuan any other, qnall t considered. f This Reer has a world 4rtde reputation, and gcodjud^es acknowledge ft eannot oe sar .'issedinthb world. mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. IfretTenry, III. Aus. 10th, 188*. an<l HX:IITIII»« tl»o«O BUcW W«|» mir Ksicn-ioii TaMe* at 81.00 per foot if B. Blake's. SI per ceiit.- oft faf casli. « (fV >*<££17# in

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