'rU:h WWHCE8DAY, JULY 4. :• Passenger 7:ST A. * **pre»8. freight Express .. OOIVQ KOKTfl. B«»*n Ule Freight. §« Beneva M SteMCbpftt *:» r. M InmkMt KIM«M finm Uke Kxpress.... WMTI L»K< PHNIIW., A. V #MB •• 4A7P. M 6:57 " B. Bru, Agent. MeHenry, 111 MMOWlO MCIIKITUT T/mo«, la 15* \. V. and A. M.-- Bean Ur-Qe«M»«M™t long the Saturday on or howw gjiajfiy the moon and every two W**fcl! !*t i-.f r* CHi«, O. OOLBT, W. M. I Menirwr OhAPTRn tf«.3t R. A. M --Reim- ir C*BToe*tion« held on the second and fourth Fridays in cach moneh. E. V. AKDR«M)K,H . P. THB Depot. Ill this village, has been tncMd to a cost of pslnt, whidi mucli Improves its appearance. FRKD SCHNORR is putting up a tasty and handsome wire tone* In front of his residence. 11 f* * great improve ment to the pre mice*. ATTRNTION is culled to the card of Dr. C. H. Fegers. which can be found An the first page, the Doctor having *•©- rtwved to this village. Do not fail to go aud hear the Ten* neasecans. at. Riverside Hall on the 17th, *flH»"'(Entertainment will be for the bene* *tof the Cemetery Association. Miss Belle Stoddard wll School in her schoolrooil six weeks, commendnj pnpil. TUB subscriber whb asks what ar^ the best books for yotrtig men Is in formed that pocket books--well filled-- lire generally considered most desira ble. j^Hi ww addltlriut&Phfl^Itaiiperlsch |*liop Is fast assuming proportion*, and {will soon be readj for oecunancv^ Mr. prists VAra^T"" n«SO»ALi MRS, JOHN C.8*1111, of Richmond, visiting friends here lost week. A. R. ALEXANDER, of Richmond, was on nor street* on Saturday last. Miss MART FRISBT. of the stem wind has gone to MeHenry to spend a week among her people.--JElgin Newt. W11.1. SIKRS, of the Elgin Watch Factory, spent the 4th with friends In this village. Miss COROLYN HALK, niece of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Nichols, spent Sunday in this village. JOHN SHOUT and S, A. Dufleld, of Woodstock, the former local a:ul the latter traveling man for the Dem ocrat, made our sanctum a call on Wednesday last. C. A. KNIGHT and wife, of Chicago, came out on Saturday night, and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Brown. Mrs. Knight will renalu six weeks or two months. MRS. NEWKLL, daughter of WM. Mc- Colltim, who has been visiting here the past few wiek#, will leave on Monday nest for Rochester, MiunM where she proposes to spend the summer. ONB of the best locations for a good Baker, to be found In MeHenry county, is in this village. One who under* stands lils business and Is willing to attend .to it. can team of something to his advantngs by applying at this office. orkiuan and hjejmslnes* Is constantly Increasing. THk two cent postage act, it should be borne In mfrnl, does not go into eRect until Oct. !st. Yhe new stamps are to be "crnshod^i raw berry'?' lii WHILE more boys are born than girls it I* a singular fact that there is a surplus of female population. It i« easily accounted for. Fooling with toy pistols, playing base ball, and fall ing oft cherry trees, all boyish pas times, are six times mote hazardous than wearlnif corsets and jumping the u-ope fly* hundred times in ouo Inning. LOST, a Shepherd Pup, three months old. Is black withgtan colof^ 011 the feet. Will answer to the n'aine of "Sliep." A liberal reward will be paid for his return or information where he may be found Word can bo left at the PLAIXDKALKR office or sent to me, one tuile east of McHe or v. JON* OLAXTOST. fe' THB L. L. 0. will meet with Mr*. F1 K, Granger, Friday afternoon at 2:30 Topic: "English History." ^ !t, Miss JULIA *TOBV, > BBRTHA HOLUSTKK, Secy. A TOCXG ladv arrived^! the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E Saylor on Sunday morning last and will in the future call Ed Pa. I'lie father Is as well as oouid be ex|>ected under the circum-taitces, rapidly nessing itife time wlren the small boy will lay down the un. loaded revolver, the toy-pistol and lakeup the green apple, which Is. per- Vtt fatal, so no tthie Is lost. liOst.--A valuable pair of Gold Eye /? Glasses. between Mrs. Wm. Harrison's and Woodland Cemetery, MeHenry. , The ituder will he liberally rewarded byleaving the same with Mrs. E. M. •'••• Owen. . .. . . OUR merchants are havlfig quite a good tradeVconslderlng the busy farm- lug seasou.but then It is not to be ' ^ wondered Al, they advertise, sell good " goods ftt low prices, and are accouiuip* dating to their customers. 'l&ii • •. ; • ; JT|- • I'#' • IT la probably unnecessary for MS tn 55*-5fe Inform 01 ir readers that the lieated term lias arrived. From ninety to a hundred degrees In the shade Is cer- Y tallily good corn weather, but a little ' too watin for comfort. ,, THK painting of the exterior of Hie Block lias been completed and It pMfSentfc a very neat and handsome enpeuranee. The job was done by John Kfeifgeo. wlio <« one of the best ^alut- crsiu this section. * you seccred 3*0111 reserved •eats for the Tenuesteean*. who will be RiVersidtt Hall oil the 17th? If liot you should do so at once. Their pro gramme embraces a large variety and wide ranigggof singing,- which caunot fall to plejpPkll. Wis are requested by County Super1- intendent Baldwin to give notice that IN* more apollcaiits for certificntes will be examined until after the. Fall insti tute. Teachers will therefore'take dne^ itotloe ^il^uverti themselves accord! . A party of young people from Elgin, umbering some twelve or fifteen up 'rom Elgin on Sunday to Fox Lake, and returni ig nday spent a few hours with Is in this village. did |»p| names. Is one good thing, about this -postage. The swarm of sis won't he compelled to face idfnl fact that the postage on the-9|^f*K>pe is worth three times as much ite the poem inside. It will on)/ : be worth twice as much. Looms, the former one-price Ofiticaii, who sold hundreds of $pecta- cles In this vlINge last sear lias again , cooMnenced werk. If you like one prlW dealing, perfect goods and perfect fitting wait for him, and jo* will not M fa* ^appointed. M. CAPT. HiLt.. of the Fox River fleot, was looking unusually smiling on Frl- last, and on asking the cause of a friend we were confidentially told that a line boy had just taken up his home at his residence, a»d tipped the seales at ex actly 9} pounds. All parties are dol ng A TRAKP lefti the following poetic prose lu a oox car: "Barns and box cars is my bed room, rob a hen roost when lean; take ashlrt off the clothes line. I am the stnlf they spread OH land; rttmitlng lies Is my occnpatlon, hunger ^ gives me many a cramp: work and I am no relation, I'm a i'enus^ Ivaula tramp.1 JO?. WLEDKMANN. Ill connect Ion With some friends from Chicago, lias built a Club House near Pltson's Point,on Pis- taqua Lake. The building is new 16x24 but will be enlarged In the future, as occasion demands. When completed it will be as cosy a place as there is on the Lakes, and nobody knows better than Wiedemann how to run an Insti tution of that kind. AM exchange says that the Grand Army of the Republic has been swindled by a scheme called the Veteran Mining Company. A recent meeting at Den ver decluf^&that this company title to t*t« mnd in Which the mines are situated, even it the miiies themselves have any valuevwhich is a matter o< serious doubt. The chief mining has been done in the pockets of those credulous comrades who trusted to re commendations of the scheme by ofli- cers of the society. THK Waukegan Gazette ssj^I: "At A meeting ol the Directors of the Lake County Agricultural and Uorae Grow er's Association, held on Friday, June 29th, the matter of Fair for this year was discussed, and the following action was taken: "Inasmuch as the Illinois 9tate Fair for 1883 is to be held at Chicago during the week In which this Association ha* been accustomed to hold its annual Fairs. Resolved, That It has seemed best to us a* Directors of this Association, to hold no Fair foi this year, aud it is so ordered."' WK learn that a child, aged about six years, of John Schumacher, who lives north of Jolri«hurgh, met with a severe accident on Wednesday of last week, and it would 6eeui almost a mir acle that It did not prove fatal. A brother of the child was pitching hay over the fence when the fork Slipped from Yiis hand, striking the child in the breast, just over the heart. Dr. Fegers was iuiiuedUitely cn'led Who found the child im£5nscious, and on «xamiii*tlou ascertained that the edge of the heart had been punctured by the fork tine. Restoratives were applied, the wound dressed, and the child is now ip a fair way to recover. ^ BUSINESS at the Clovsr Dryer Is still booming, and Clayson Is the happiest man in the county. H« took in at this place the past week some over 01m Iitin- died thovisandjjounds, and lu the past two weeks lias received at different places in the county about three hun dred and twenty-five thousand pounds lof blossoms.! He is now sure of the 400.0(W p7>uffus called for, but will buy all that comes. Iu this place Ills Dryer Is running :iight and day and there Is not an empty building in town but. what has been utilized for storing and drying, and teams are constantly drsw* ing from here to Crystal Lake. It cer tainly Is an immense business. Mr. Clayson paid out here on Monday last over 92.000 to pickers. . v* THE Annual Summer Trotting Meet* Ing of the Chicago Driving Park, will be held on July 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st, 1883, and promfses to be In *11 respects the great trottiug and pacing event of the year. Sixty thousand dollars In purses, stakes and special oilers are provided for in the programme, embracing over twenty great speed contests, the nominations for which were closed on May 1st, with the unprecedented number of 280 en trees, Including nearly every first-class trotter snd pacer In the United States. This meeting promises to be one of the most successful ones ever held by the Society, and will be a gala week for patrons of turf sports. For full pro- gramma or other particulars, address the Secretary. D. L.Hall, 116 Monroe Street, Chicago. Parasols, Fans. Lawns. Laces, White Goods, Floe Shoes etc., very reasonable. C)IU iu. FLTZSIXKAXS FT EVAKSO*. s"t .!.• ^ <?$, • ll»Mvln'S Orljpn*I TCSSMHMM, Not "Tennessee Jubilee Singers" bat Donavln's Original Tennesseeana, Col ored Concert Company, is ttm present name by which one of the two Excel lent companies under Mr. Donavln's management Is known by. They slujt the soul-stirring planta tion music delightfully, but the varied programme and wonderful talent plaees them In tlie class of thoroughly cultivated concert singers, the peers of any vocalists of any race or color. They have been imposed upon by all these one hundred aud one troups of jubilee singers who sought to succeed by mis leading the people In appropriating all or a portion of this genuine com pany's name. Mr Dooavin now adver tises the Tenneseeeans. with a success ful record of nine seasons, to Hie peo ple of MeHenry. They appear In Riverside Hall, July 17th, and give one of their popular entertainments for the beneAt of the Cemetery Aid Society. Reserved seats are sellling tapldly and those who have not secured one should do so at once. KATK FIELO thus describes the American dude: MTake a strip of something, that, for the sake of con venience we will call a man--which, by the way, Is a gross libel on man. Around Its neck place a tight collar, enshroud with a hideous scarf and breastpin. Put upon it a silk hat and a cutaway coat. Clothe its lower ex tremities with pants wherein the calves were never intended to grow. In J is hand a cane, and on Its feet boots thai creak at every step in limping measure. Place a cigarrette in its mouth; teach it a brief vocabulary of verbs and adjectives commencing with 'immensely cleve,'and'see you later, you know.* and in my humble opiuiou you obtain a fair conception of the brains aud capacity of the American uude." . IMPORTANT.--!*|M'cial Instructions to postmasters at money order officer: On aud after Monday, the 2nd day or Jul}', 1883. a single Domestic Money Order will bo issued for any amount, from one cent to one hundred dollars. Inclusive. The fees to be charged for Domestic Money Orders are as follows: For Orders not exceeding #10 Scents " *' exceed'# *10 Mnd not exceed'* #15 I0e .. .. .. w .. .. 39 «s 4« 40 ' " t M,: . % t* • it 'i f ! i •. . .. .. .. .« « .. KM4&. Postmasters are Inst rotted to refuse to Issue In one day to the same remit ter and In favor of the same payee more than three orders, payable at the same postofBcc. » «» ' My . SO 13c 4fl -iOc 50 25c 00 HOC 79 35c MOIOr. THK AtRDK WKI We have Just receIvod ?rorn the pub lishers a copy of "The Album Writer's Friend," containing nearly three hun dred selections suitable for writing in autograph «llt|iuiv Those of our read er* who have been Invited to Inscribe their sentiments in a friend's album, will find this little volume a valuable help. It contains 64 pages, and will be sent by mall, post paid, on receipt of 12 cents, by J. S, Ogilvle A Co., Pub lisher*, No. 91 Rose St., New York. ARRANOKMKKTS have been made with the editor of this paper whereby stu dents can, at any time, enter the West ern Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any other school. Tills school Is placing a first-class education within reacn of every one, be he old or young, rich or poor. Any one oeutemplating attend- In school would do well to call at this office before deciding where to atteud. ^Mi^vertiSf meut In this If stir, 2|L CREENffOOD. EMTOR PLAINDEALISR.--Sheep shear ing is about over for this season. P. Dallej' and wife visited relatives in Marengo a few day* sincr. i fedd Toles lias a swarm of "dies that have been hived eiglitf times. John Crookshauk had quite a severe attack of neuralgia last week, combin ed with a cold. He Is now much better. The scholars of our public school held a picnic at Its clo«e'. The teacher. Miss Leinmers, was presented writh a pho tograph album, thus showing their es teem for h6r. Henry Baldwin ti expected home this week. W, D. Lee has lately arrived bring ing with him another carload of cattle. Mr. and Mis. Bigliam have returned from their overlsud journey to 8torui Lake, Iowa, visiting friends by the way. ' One of our c^lzens went out hunting for wood chucks a few days ago, taking a rifie as his weapon of destruction. A Iter snapping caps at them for some lime, the gun failing to discharge, he concluded to go down to the shop and draw the charge. He earne, aod4|»4>ert-"*ftr?d w ily saw why it iiad ^ai1*^ explobv^ efsr. the There was nn lond in lt«^ "* •fees The failure of McOeoch, the "Lard King of Chicago," for about 61,- 000,000, onljr proves that there are too .many hogs raised in this country for one man to control the price Of . them. The rapid decline in lard, after the failure, was. apparently, a natural re action from speculative prices. The shorn lambs ih this speculation were not of the Innocent kind. The effect on business ought to be healthy, rather than otherwise. Houft and Lotfor ftato. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated in the village of McIKtory.on the West Side. The house is nearly new. Is iu first class repair, newly painted both inside and out, and is one of the most desirable residences in the village. Good ham and out house* on thp-premlse*. Will be sold reasonable If applied for at once. For full par ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger, at MeHenry. E. v. iiontoii M. D.' MeHenry, June 10}h. im. Please rememoer our prices are al ways as low as the lowest, and we stand ready at all times to meet any and all competition. . BKXBT COLBY. EDri$# Pf.AWlMtAr.KH'Thermom eter eighty-four lu the shade. Ira Ellis Is haying a new house built for iris swine faintly. The public sowol closed on Friday of last week. Tli« principal treated bl« scholars to Ice cream. The M. E. Church presents a neat appearanoe In Ita new summer stilt of white. Croquet parties have been In vogue for a week or more. We have only lizard of the two champion players be ing beaten twice, ( A large party attended the danse In Eugene Swan's btirti Friday night. The evening wrs apo«t hilariously. The mnslc was independently furnished by the Richmond stri»|g band. Hurley Begun wept to Missouri last week and Is expected to return to-day (Monday), bringing with him a bird for Ids new cage, invitations are nut for a grand reoegjMon this Monday eveuing. i Mr. Charlie St^n|»n. of Janesvllle Wis., spent last wee% iu H«bron, visit ing friends and recruiting his health. Dicing; the first of his visit he was obliged to wulk with a cane, buj; 4®g to . .'}) t Amnsereeets, rtfle4nd jfwl ear#k. New m«|kand country mr, J,i lie returned home milch benefited. Tim Sons of Temperance Installed the foKoa-Iitg officers;on Tuesday even, ing for she ensuing-quarter: W. O. Boii{hto:i, W. P.; Mrs. F. E, Gration, W. A.; Hurley 'Begi^i, R. s.; Delia Conn. A. R. S.; ̂ C. Jtowe. F. S.; Mrs. E. Coun, T.; S. O. Bongtaon, C.; L. D. Hewes, Con. t Lucj* Wool from. A. C.; Jennie Seaman, I. S.; Charlie Aldred, O. S. Mr. Joseph Ayres, wiie went for a visit to Re u ii ing ton', Vt., about a month ago, died last Friday inonilng at eleven o'clock. H^luid been ailing for some time, and becoming worse two weeks ago, *|rs, Ayer* yas telegraphed for. The friends with (he remains are ex|»ected at Ilaryan! t£day-- Monday. Hebron will celefa^t with a l>a«kct plwio There will be a match ball between the Uebro the Keystone nine. Fi evening and several bullion ascehilons, and end with a grand dance in Union Hall. It Is hoped there mil be a large crowd to see the Cyclon^f iu their new suits beat the Keystone*. two weeks ago, wheu tin 24 to 10. ion the Fourth the grove, game of base tjyciones and iworks lit the s they did score stood WAWCONOA EDITOR PLAiHib^ALTITI-Wiil Wer- deu has secured a desirable position at Oak Park. Much as his friends miss hit Jolly fac#, th|£ art glad of his success. Mrs. Flint lb I*!#living <i|jtli her son- In-law, J. R. W*!Ift| Esq. ^ Dr. Butterfleld and family Intend moving to Barrington drter the 4th. Miss Nellie Bangs Ms visiting at 100km. \ • MstQilbwrS ilnbtord Wa4o hMnnawy friends a short cal) Monday. He has moved from Ringwond to Nun da. though lie still runs Ills former harness shop In Ring wood, by an agent. Arthur Tldmarah has returned from Elgin to work with his father, and help work up the best Brass BamnWauconda ever produced. The new band will probably organis*«4t»aiedUtely after the 4tli. i Mr. and Mra, Wm. Seymoui^are visit- Ing in Iowa. They Intend'spending the 4tli with Mr. aml Mn, E. % at Odebolt, the resi Bangs. Mr. and Mr#. J. V. Janesvllle, Brooks mbrpse present w|| Stevens' si school wo Dr. and brief visit last Mr. and Mrs. Chicago, are vislting^|pi Justin Wyman. Will Wbitcojnb, son nf 111 make for the Mr. H^uconda et seojbred. sou plaid us a k Wy^ban, of motttir, Mrs. Whit- comb, ii gfopplm at bis grandfather's. Miss 1l^'||h^|piiibbard, of Waukegan, Is here l»surSj% Asl^glitjr J«*lljr tl.«»« with her old playmatos. 4 , | Mrs. C. L, Pratt presented b#r liege lord wltb alhlM|jfh|Kron Tuesdsl. Tlieroil^MWl|^urii«d from lis last regular a'laj||^p|j^4o \yaukegan;|Bat nr- day. Mr. Jtcmf took tlie itbbonl Mon day inertilng. ly enacted hribittMl an*^ 9ST Among tuo Illinois laws is one criminals, persons arrested aiurfc con victed of crimes who have - »erve(^ one term In the Jjaaltentiarv. an Oxtra dose ofIt is claimei for the euafl||ont4hat it will materially leeseu crime by the driving of wim- InAlS to other where the ?iaws are less sunrpttmnK "0 to speak, (and where j>e >,tlce. For Ibrved one t be brought pa la lively trlv' finding guilty |w with it atSJeast lifi nument, tlisre 'will There Is suctnathin gnat and swallow I a thing as eh^avi much and falling *of the bill evidently1 ber that the lntellij|if(bl Ji^ror loomeU up between the criminal and the siii*- eesbful working of bis are not ii^er> it were. I^w- W to jus- who |a<« intlary, may for a com- and as a |»W»S8arily carry years' fmpris- Ictlon. ing at a One's self; such ij?jg to do tpo The framer d to rement- Advocate. 'It - '• PARTICULARITOTICE.^ AH penons are heff§£$> notified not to charge anything to me anless by my personal order; as 1 will ^gKMiaiely pay no afisli charges. ' '1; £ ' STBPHKSt P. SMIfB. MeHenry, lit, July 3d. 1883. WANTED. « 50.000 pounds Choice Butter, which we will pay more than Ma| Price iu Cash or Trade If quality parties making fine Butter wouli Hell tiiaili and see us. RTTZSIMXOKS 4 KvAirsais. As our communication of lsi| week, found a place in yonr columns, wo will take It as an Invitation to eome again, so here we are, Messrs. Thomas Wbltson 4k Son and E. Furer have laid new and substan tial walks of three Inch planks lu front of their store ou the east side of the square. Last Thursday afternoon our eltlsens were startled by the cry pf "fire!* Tlie alarm was caused by tho discovery of an incipient biaxe In tlie wood house of B. F. Church, opposite the armory. Tlie engine was started for the scene of the alarm, but, happily, was not needed, as the Are was soon ex tinguished by a few palls of water A "Puuch and Judy*' show Is holding forth In a tent which has been pitched on tlie vaeaut lot ou tlie south side of the square. Hon. C. H. Tryon was shaking hands with friends here last Saturday. A large delegation of members of the G. A. R. went to Richmond last Wednesday eveuing. to assist In In stituting a Post of that order tlie re. We learu that Dr. S. F. Bennett was elected Pos*. Commander, aud from a personal acquaintance with the Doctor believe that a better selection would have been Impossible. We prophecy a bright future for the new Post. James Burton and a grandson, Albert Rogers, arrived here a few days since from Albany, N. Y.. and are visiting with the family of W. H. Dwiglit^ Mr. Burton is Mrs. Dwlght's father. The Sunday School of the Baptist Church wer.t on au excursion aud pic nic to Fox Lake last Saturday, going to MeHenry by carriages, thence to the lakes on the steamer "Mary GrlswoUl.' The piirtv are unanimous in praUe of Capt. Walter Hiii. who, they declare, did ail in his power ro make the day one of genuine pleasure to every one who went on the trip. We have often wondered why Woodstock people would drive twenty-five miles to Ge neva Lake. when, by driving one-hall that distance a much pleasanter boat ride can be taken up Fox River and through Plstaqua Lake, flual!y reaqh ing Fox Lake, which In tlie oplr.ion of many, is far ahead of Geneva Lake. If one goes for style, by all means go to <$eueva. If you go fot pleasure, com- f^gt aud a view to economy, go to Fox Lake. As we write, the old "rat bole" Is be ing made resplendent by new signs* the work of Goodrow, tlie painter. They announce the fact that F. Marcus keeps a wholesale and retail depot for the sale of tlie Phil Best Brewing Co's> oelebrated Milwaukee lager beer. Mlfcs Eva Pike is again a compositor in the Sentinel office. Miss Clara B. Owen, of MeHenry, has re-opened her studio over Wright's drug store on the .south sldft oi the square. Miss Owen Is iinquestlonsbly one of the most ocoomplished artists In the west, as a visit to l»«r studio will prove to any one. Thieves were abroad oue night last week. Mr. A. Dreyer. being about to move, had taken up a carpet aud left It hanging on a line In the yard, but wheu morning came, the carpet was non ent. Tlie family of S. Van Cureu also lost a lot of bedding the same night which bad beeu left hanging lu the yard. Charlie Hooker, wlio has been the gentlemanly assistant of Sheriff Udell during the past six months, has gone to Harvard, where he will learn the art of maklug tinware. The Hon. M. L. Joslyn, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, arrived at Ills home here last Monday evening. The Guards attended divine service In a body at tin Congregational Church last Sunday. We were pleased to meet Mr. Tlios. Rushton, of the Arm of Kuthton A WI Illume, attorneys, of Elgin, here last Monday. Doctors Northrop and Anderson re nt 3 ved a cancer from the lip of Squire James B. Church one day last week. Mr.Church Is 84 years of age and withstood the operation nobly. Two men were srrested here last Monday evening on the charge of pass ing counterfeit coin. Many bogus 25 cent pieces were found in circulation and traced to the parties arrested, who were strangers here. It is Impossible to get further particulars at this writ ing, as no examination has beeu held. Hail's Great Western Parlor Circus and Museum is billed for tbl* place July 10th. Tho MeBywIslt kit mix- The hottest Binder contest «v*r held In tiw United States. All the leading Binders represented, all Mtasla| bust- ••ess but the Minneapolis wlna. cutting «|glti ac*e* without missing a bundle or choking. 1.BXI*OT°W. KTm Jaae M. Ml JlMlltyOw iMfNitff Iwiltr Tim hottest contested trial evsr bald In the United States, was to-day, ai Islington. Ky- with tlie Osborne. De«r!iig, Champion, McCormlck, Buck eye, St. Paul. Dennett. Wood, the Buck eye Low-down and Deerlng Low-down. Minneapolis wins, not missing a bundh or choking lu cutting elglit acres ol •badly lodged barley. All others missed ami choked badly. Eleven machines were sold on the ground. PETRR MILLS. O. M. HAWKS. Tlie Deerlng ••Two-Piece" knotter fails to tie, and the Woods has a chok- lug spell. The Minneapolis makes no skips. ^ iiJ22!4irl3AJ"~ Field test at MlnonkJlils.. Wednes day, 13th. Minneapolis. Woods and Deerlng competing. Woods choked twlct*. Deerlng choking badlvand mist ing one-quarter of tier bundles, Minne apolis sustained ber record without a "hip. S. B. HAZARD. Five hundred farmers witness the de feat of ilie Deerlng, Woods and Marsh- Whitney by the Minneapolis. MowMot-TH, lu... June Mth, MS*, Wimeapolit HurveMer Work*: Minneapolis walked away with tlie Deerlng, Wood and March-Whitney be fore a crowd of five hundred farmers without ir aking a skip. S. B. HAZARD. Field trial at Columbus, lnd. Eight Minneapolis binders sold lu the field after a signal vl> torv. COLUMBUS, inu. jaae 1st*. HS) minneapolu Harvetler H'orii; Field trial here to-day between the Piano. Dennett, Esterly, Osborne, Mc Cormlck, Buckeye and Marsh-Whitney. The Low-down machines were an en tire failure while the Osborne worked no better than last season. Sold eight Minneapolis binders hi the field. W. B. SMITH, C. B. KKRR. The Minneapolis is for sale In Me Henry by E. M. Owen & Son. Farm Bells cheap, at John I. Story's Building Story's. Gents Fine 8lioes, Perry A Oweu's. Paper, cheap, at John I. several styles, at A fine assortment of very line Gran* ite Iron Ware at John I. Story's. 50 pound wool Mattress for #4.75 at J. B. Blake's. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Owen's. - Madam McOeo Corsetta* The best on the market nt Mayes A Bartiett's CLOTHING. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. Psaar * Owas. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth aud must sell. For sale by K. Bisho|H A full line of choice groceries alwayn to be obtained at HBNKY COLBY'S. BCKTINOS In black snd colors. Nuns Veiling, Cashmeres, Summer Silks. A full 11ns of summer Dress Goods and Trimmings at Perry A Owen's. BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prloss, at John 1. Story's. A let just received. Jail aud see them. Ladles, we think we eai the "prettiest" line of laces that ever brought to this market. Ask to see litem at Henry Colby's, Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will inake an offer by which you cau earu 63 to #7 evenings, at your home. Men, women, boys or girlacan de it. H. C. Wilkinson A Co., 195 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. FOR L ADVICK TO MOTHKIUi Are you disturbed at night and brok en of your rest by a sick child suffering snd crying with pain of «nitting teeth? If so. send at »nce and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, its value is incalcul able. it will relieve tlie poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is uo mistake about It. it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lates tlie stomach aud bowels, cures wind colic, 8ortous the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrtip for children teething is pleasant to the taste, aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and best feinaie physicians aud nurses in the United States,.and is for sale by all druggists throughout thft world. Price 25 cents a bottle. t' : if ' 1 £v:", • Everything In farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormlck Twine Binder, can be fouud at the Warehouse of ii. Bishop. For first-class Insurance'against fire ^nd Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, .tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. qpnlth, Woodstock, lit. H Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot IM e&ceUed. Aak to aee them. BBVRY COLBT. Remember that you will experience no difficulty In getting repairs for any machines sold by K. Bishop, thus pre venting vexatious and expensive de lays at a critical time whea tlmt apans money. CkXhlnff 1TTLE MONEY.--Fltaslm- mons & Evsnsou have too msny Suits on baud, and In order to reduce stock will give a Discbunt of 16 percent, for the next 20 days. It will pay you to look tlitfni over. We would call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock of men's, women's, misses and children's fine, staple and fancy Boots snd Shoes ever brought to Woodstock. These goods were bought from the manufac turers for cash, and will be sold for cash st a small profit, and we will make It an object for you to oome from any part of the county to trade with us,no matter bow great the dis- tsuce. w. H. Dwionv. Cor. Main St. and PablieSquare, Woodstock, Illinois. Bakery Supplies. M. Engeln. at liis store a few doors north of the Riverside House, lias made arrangements to supply his customers and the public generally, with fresh Bakers' Supplies of all kinds.' Fresh Bread. Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, etc.. can be found at his store at all times, and he respectfully luyites the public to give him a call. He also keeps on hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with any to be fouud In the market. Give me a call M. BITOKLW. MeHenry, May 8th, 1883. Secure The Original, i ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES. L. E. Bennett, Photographer, wishes to inform the public that he is now prepared to do all work In bis line In the best style of the Art and warraut all work just as represented, or no charge will be made. Being perma nently located lu slcHeury, I am in a condition to make m; guarantees good, and will allow no pictures to leave my Gallery unless satisfactory. The fol lowing from the Nuuda Herald speaks volumes. Our people are hereby cautioned about dealing with strangers, espec ially not to psy for negatives until yon get your photographs. We have beard of people getting left by transients. We warrant satisfaction if youdenl with our, advertisers. Ask Geo. Skin ner how he liked his pictures. Call at my Gallery over Perry ft Owen'a store, take a look at my sped- linens, and if you want any pictures either of yourself or friends, wo will guarantee' satisfaction or uo cliarge will be made. T.. S. Rmmr. MeHsary, III., Jaae SKh, tN|. Go to Mrs. Howe** 9m HI Dressmaking. Down's celebrated Cotitti, at H. H. Nichols*. No trouble tm slwnr que*ilo«is at JR. Carriages •••# lew ASonls. Ladles Wi audUlsters.nt ureat • Chain for Carpets. WalFpaaer ft Shades, fnll line, nt FtrfjT A large variety of cheap, at Mrs. H. At Vl A /our drawer, for #7.50, at J. B. The Story's. The latest Cultivators with 4 Shovels wltti tb« Bona Foot Lilt at M. Owen A Son's. « lb> host Tiger Rake, with Pole. Is tbe At a! M. Owen A Son's. The celebrated Bi<scil Carpet Sweenrflr for Si The best thing In the niarsaC at John I. Story's. It will pay you to call and esamlae those Bureau Waahstands for fftjM, at J. B. Blake's . Lumber Wagons, Milk Wnfaas,Plat* form Spring Buggies for sain at K. Bishop's warehouse. Fishing Tnckle of all kinds Engeln's, la Howe's Block, new Bridge. at K. the The flnest line of silver Ware to be found in the cc W. Oweu's. . aad Plated oaty, at O. If yon want n black silk drese *«M| •3 a yard for SI .GO you can get It fer calling soon at Henry Colby's, Ws /'I •H a As usual we have this spring the flnest llue of Embroideries in town. Ruttf COLBY. An elegant Hue of dress buttons ond trim in lugs alwaya to be fonnd at Henry Colby's. Bargains In Bod Spreads, also Is Mens Clothing at Flts*lN|Mgc«> * Evausons. DIAMOND DYES. - We have all colors of Diamond Dyes ouly lOc n ? •< • a**t® 1 CLOTH I NO. Onrstodc of Clothing la complete and wiU bta*ld v«r Our stock of (farqgav cheorieal* and patent modielnee was more complete. Goods and prices right. n. we Yearn aw our spring i Shoos, and nssertaMat oyer ieand ^i . Call and see them at Heetf YMMI yylHai. aus i THE choicest lino of Dolmens and Ladle*' Neck Wear la town at Mia E. W. Howe's. GLASSr GLASS»I, w# keep Gltss of aflsleea na|l1iai>| on hand. Special slsos ct i»|s>t extra charge. Joa» I.MWI. Rakes, at S. V. Owoa A SeaVt Hew Holllngsworth Tiger end VIM * Bradley Self-Dumps, ltnowltoa. Anker and Coates. All warranted. Cultivators. All Mods at the house of K. M. Owwa A Son. BARB WML , , " The bottom dropped oat. MI atlll live to meet or beat as| aad all Gate that has been or may be made, on Ber* wire. Joan I. Sitoat. OoBsaner ciruulan and coata for ladlea and gentl--ea» and a lull line of robber aeodl alwaya ' tobehadat HBBBT COLBT*a. ^ The Ladles witl alwaya fled a iae' line of Laces and Neck-woar at Mrs. II. H. Nichols'. She keeps a full as sortment of i ho latest sty lea to be found In the market. •'« i' \ New aad alegaut LM of Drase Goods in Bunting of latest shades, worsted In different styles. Lawns, etc. Parasols in great variety aud priftt very moderate at Fltaslmmene * Evaason's. • - Biader 1883 |« jingn ' for 188S. sae that It lias the provements. See tlist It has aa Aagie Iron Bar. See that It liai Appleby's latfSg Packer Trip. Don't buy a clogging Binder. Don't pay your money lor an expert i merit. Buy a Binder which has a well trirdi and successful Trip. Buy a Binder which has a Knotter known to be perfeetlv reliable. Buy a MINNEAPOLIS aad y«m will get tlie latest Improved aud mo«t reliable Binder offered. Sold by )|» M. Owe a A Son. BINDERS. TWINE BINDER*, Farmers, do not be ikceivetl by the claim that the Appleby Binders are all alike. The Minneapolis is llio only machine that has Mr. Appleby's lata improvements. All other harvester companies use only Ida invention* op to 18*0. The Minnesota Is tae only "FULL BLOO IT Binder on the mar- ket. Take :i<» agent's wor«| bet decide for yourselves. Ro member the Mtnno* apolis is the best, at K.M.Owea ASoa*s. BUSeiV §l WMJN. Would respectfully Inform t«ie lie that ttiey have removed their tngrapbic Tent frvm MuBearv to Nuuda, where they are now ready *• take flrst clssa Ptetnree at the folloar- lug low rate£ Cabinets,. .M per Card Photos^ SI per i 4in 1 ypes..»«..««**«..«.4 forffS Wo will turn out nothing baf (dam work, aad Invito the poblle teeatt andoxamiae spedasons at oar Teat. AU work warranted satMaetory. To the cltiseas of Mcflemry we wish to say we shall return to yoar «Hh«e on or snout September 1st and remain durlnc the Winter, and hope to merit your patiouage la the future as la the past. BrseaTiWaasa 9atc4 Jaae Btfe, tM.