r " in tlilft dtr h«s In hU .[>!** the M»g%1i#bYtf which is •Mr* Jftllan frorp the heavens sck near Accord. Irt th« >f jOft{ftt6ii soma weeks circumstances which lead to It^dlfO^^ry wure told by the finder* «?«t**kon ofMr. Btll, • IwrjerftC Accttrd:-- i»4o.«thi lioyMys, %*mtor was called out late at ftijgfct to fttteiuj a patient. At 2 A.M. he returned by the r!*er road. As .he wa*4rlvlnff oe*r the shore, he saw to •Aifftiweet what he supposed to be a •hotting star. A moment later there ,vm« vhl* and a whirl in the air above liiin. A line of lire seemed to strike the water not far from the river hank and there was a sizzle and a splash He thought lt#was a meteoric stone) Knowing my fathers interest in scien tific matters, he told hira of hi«ex> perlence. My father had a superficial search of the river bed madj^but didn't Und anything. "Three weeks afterwards I was row. Inff with seme friends in about four feet of water. Suddenly the boat struck something. Putting my hand in the water* I fell what I thought WAS a me talic bar. I tugged at it and called to the beys to back water. In that way we hauled out this huge •werd. It stuck about throe feet in the water, and was bent at the point where it protruded from the bottom efthe river, as though it had been heated when it struck. A clergymen who has a book of hieroglyphics tried to decipher those on the sword, but did tytt succeed." The sword appears to be one .piece i»f steel. It is five feet ten inches long, two and a half inches broad in the middle.and weighs seventeen pounds Tht hilt Is eleven inches long, and fttarded by huge bars of ateel. Both lt*lt and blade are covered with dotted flgares which look like geometric de- fork Sun. FO* SALE Oft RENT. Two hooses in the " village of Binffiwod, one house with ten rooms, the&lfier with 9 roflrof. A jjood Weil and -fcarn on each. Pingwood has a gnO$? school, makinsr it, a desirable place of residence. On the premises is a shop aiid a good opening in the vil lage for a shoeinnker, blacksmith, *r any meWntn fi\ For further par ticular! iuquiie of . - •' "**" LABD.. Kingwood, 111. FIRST GUN". The Minneapolis Twine Binder sus tains its reputation. Cockryviixs, Mi., May 14, 1883. Minneapolis Harvester Works. Gents.--Exhibition in heavy, green rye here to-day. Never missed a single Mtcnf. wirh machine exactly as it come from the factory. Yours. D. SAGOR. The Minneapolis for Owen & Son's. sale at E. M. K IXDKMNE Advices relative to the United States treasury operations, as given in a rlh- '{Mitch from Washington, give which fpatifying information; such as that thefnatlonal debt is oue billion dollar) It wmeighteen years ago, and Mm naturi interest en It is one hundred Millions leas, with other satisfactory facts. Most people who have been continually preached to by treasury Ojftcimla jutd money deflfrs as to the •fcorniity of pMnff ni* a hundred and twelve million silver dollars in the tnpsary vaults, can now make a true ^Iftpaitfcef thegetmlAenesaof that per- M|^it ' howl, from the fact that two millions of those silver in the vatrttt a? security for that amount of silver certificates in cir- oifttioi. Seventy-two mHitona of the persecuted dollars are therefore virtu ally la use, besides many millions tliat we actually ill use; forty millions, then It tlNr number of them realty 'lying welese in the treasury vaults," as the Kit York Herald* Tribune and other etrlctly gold eoin papers assert. And ,;if. ftfce-adminiairatioa of the standard illver dollar act had ever "been In the KjMids of it* friends, instead of remain tWStn the bands of Its enemies from sh**r it becnjpie a law nntii now, a Mfcftirf >rrnnnt would doubtless be ren- $ered of the usefulness of those fort| tttlllionsthat are at present useless rHUM- THE BEST ' SOLIO WHEEL MILL BUILT «ELr GOVELRNINGk Smpi£&Perfect In Construction WILL STAND ANT WIND Sew Fir Illustrated Catalogue. Flint,Walling&Cq. L0 KCNOALLVILLE, --- INO. <9 I _ BRANCH HOUSE UFAIETTEJND. -J TII33 Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR BEAUTY, DURABILITY AXO LIGHT RUNNING. W S>* •** *V •f -. ;«c * • a® ..1 ;fe* '«!:•'* ' « ' r , , ; m%i *>* t * f , ft /4fc« • t ' .v*» U > '! > ' * ,' * * hl*iL If you contemplate buyin? anvthinsr in the fmploment line we wish to announce to you that we have a <rood, honest lines of Good on hand of all descriptions, and for reason*? that we are ready to explain, know that we can save you munev on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. All Goods warranted to bo as represented and if jSUid them not as represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. v > Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Rock ford Sulky Plow, the Skinner Stubble extfc\ double dfeln-hardcned, either in wood or steel beam, the Reloit wot>d or steel beam Stubb.'e Plow with Gesley Jointer; also the Gealey Sulky .Plow that can easily be handled by any boy that eao drive a tea% t ^ •{ j J Vi »>• % pld you say Kakest we have oil hand a full lin&* . The Red Bird, Ell wood ^df Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but. riot least, the Old Reliable Holling^sworth Su)k^ RaKe. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original. It i^ no uew auii untfi^U implem^ot. It^Uuds king of the field to-daj. , > k ' The McCormick Iron Mower.' To niate bay while the Stiff chines is a good old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick hos<«tio equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower, General Merchants, Tj-W» • L- ' i . i i i1 HAVE THEIR USUAL F^LL STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS. Fans & Parasolsl Umbrella * \ls t it\ I " f"~ ' * v- r-r itfrt-•! A, „ iw: • M a ., i : , ^ A^i "f%4" «f«wrArit»fS|fety country A PROPEferS' von on tvery b*nH. The mutter of ^^•le *IV( f»on, gicttoon, ttloon, cyclone, tornado, '^wiadstorm, or whatever name may bt given ft, Is heard in some cectlon of the jjMdyturjrdi;. i.,?l Th# Fire Fiend -.-'||ay toraalr oat at fupy moment--the econom •• • tmtu Utetlm* be conHnmed. Death must come to 41L By a smalt pnvraen each year you cmi ,• --are to yourself u fot tune, should you live, \...-..ffc M th« event o( death before the time 'i jjfpirei. your Cunilv is provHed £ur. also. ipyDM tt rei>re»ented by this agency. Our •MM* are aa low as experience tins toun<l to n aafe. You will save money by iaaurmg iffli me. - f*.. J4ieneral Iaauraace, Life, Fire. Lightning 65?' Toraado m specialty. Thanking al! my : Jriends for tbeir liberal patronage, and, liop. ydfifr If *4»aia dealing, to merit a continuance Tpt the MMM, X beg to subscribe myself, r - Eesuectfullv yours, w „ o. tL MtHiEY. MpHaprf, I|U Jane 11,1^3. 7T Sew method of attaeb- tafUi luxnro IT ' •" TEE MOST POWEEFTL BURABLE HILL BUILT. ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Bttan hMl br«rM»CMilt[iieMmhi]k|k BOCBAIAH WIRD HILL 60, BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. With all Its late improvements foi 1863.- The owners of the smallest farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eata nothiue, never strikes for higher wagea, is a faithful,obedient servant, never wearies iqf work, alwajs pleases the ladies, as it involves iw additional boarders. We make the easiest running Wagon, use only the best seasoned material, sret up work ih good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our *tock is full and overflowing1, and feel con fident that we can please you in quality of goods and Prices if you will favor us with a call. With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same upon the claim that we Will sell the best GoodiJor the least money., , Gloves, | Corsets Ribbons <FC Laces, Summer Silks, Rummer Dress Goods, White Goods, $ y > •- , " h »! * i "t, :r,y* t . . H * " < 4# ' i" it iji- i^ .-m ' - . ' , .f-' w*i i •/ «S -t ; J Nuns Veilings| * ntmg Buntings, nmmmgs, [Embroideries, 4»'\ 'T. Yours ,* ' B. BISHOP. -tr imi DO YOU WANT TO T5UY Sewina Machine? J liave on hnnd an<l ain eellingat the T>ow- e«i pricott, the Dmnc.sttc, KMredge, New Heme, Sprin^rtelii, New American, and Singer e wins Machines, and \v>ll not be undersold uy any tigoHt in the <'oiinty. A jrood Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the Work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and sue me. O. W. OWEN, Mctyenry, Feb. 20, 1883. WAUOONOAM WTHSUTMEDKIHE. 1 ^ •••' . i . soon be hete 1ir vast num bers, and many oi their waais 5 can promptly supply 1|\, - *fc,the i>rug Store, tc'm' *;,s • • r;/:v :!'jv^rrn • For the k »*'- ;; POTATO BUG •Vt< *1 i. We have lots ot tor sheep ticks the unsurpassed O&SOLIC SHEEP DIP. For Flies, Liofe oti Stock, or un- menliouub.e household vermin the celebrated humble friends we a supply of IfilkBI Tatte, Arclery M r ̂ S u p p U e « y E t c ; s, THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURE r» In (h( ba< t-8? Mn"r tun4t'4, th*> Without m. <ii<iTV! -- l»:iTn In tliobuc; . liip i, l..u<t, *1B1 '"' ou" (ji niTuI debility, Mourautlom, parnljf*!., n» urulti«, (wlntUa. g«oJ ihc kt.li>PT,,.I:1n«l dl.cu«e*.1or[.i«l llv*-r, stout, feenilnul cmU«!oit«. Imixitvikcy, ft.ihtna, heart. <H«-eu«e, dy»!>(-p«la, <n Jn<llBe«. u»n. lieriilu or rupture, cotarrh, plica, cplliptr, anmb ugne, etc. Wlu-n any debility of the GKNKlt\TIVKOR6 AN9 fl|K!urti. lost vUallij, luck of ncr% o t'urce and vlgor^ *tlDK tresliBi'MiR, find ill (limo dl^cuscs of to per- til Mutfire, from what«-vr-r can sc. tho oonlinuou* ;vm of M iTJu iivni p<»rTnf-;(tin^ l!iroi!|r!i tlu» purts •matr^afort'llifin to a hcAlUr ACtiau* l&tru iano u:>o«it t]iik appliaii .H. W ith an uuusually 'arge assortment of Hardwaa Tiaware, Stoves, Granite Iria-W |̂f ,*»AT BOTTOM PRICES-*-- •ii'Xi i r/-Mt - iFOHN I. STORY, ( At the odhtand of Jacob Story, McBIenrj, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Mik Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything: in the ine of TIN AND GKAMTE IKON WARE, which he is seing at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship anrl quality of goods" guaianteed. Tin Koofinjof, Eave Troughin<r, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to Re member. extra good bargains can always be obtained ^H#EALE1!S If* Bry Goods Groceries. .1 V HEADT f; At Centerville, McHenry. McHENRY, ILL., January 23d, 1883. {Straw Goods, etc., Paints & FOR Boots & 1 JMr.s Mixed ̂ Paints, K V a si'ec ia r/ry, PERRY 4 •m I.m 'the stufferl or fooled but * csH FARIo NG TOOLS, which is far larger this season than ever before* It y u want plows we have the old make of Furst & Bladleyj Grandetone, Moline, Norwegian, Caae^a,nd the celebrated In all styles of walking and riding. In Planters we can show you al:d s^l! you the renowned Keystone, Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any one in the stall. We have the R audal & Keystone Pulveiizing Harrow \yith their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny and Knowl ton- are lighter draftand lead all the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. . . " . The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the market for 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovemcnts. It takes only one-halt a f^am to run it. Call and we will show it to you and you will see it will save you time, horse flesh and money. MITIIRE! CHEAPER THAN EVER. LAD|CJaGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. If • pre afflMet lthcumiit l.iii) When In need of anything in our line, dun't tail to call. F. B. HARRISON. - ' ' f. TO THE L A B i E S , , ^ m ^wrulgls, AITH.ui EfIsnctlsn.hkIr,orwllIi UUeuftesofthe Llv* «ir* Kftdfiefm UciMJiulie or fold VcvU Swollen or fVtuk Aiiklr«, of R*ol!<>n fv€U an AMomlnal Belt 8nUa pair ol Magnet k* Foot Jiatterienhave no supeiiot i the t o iff and cure of all th<»^ < «jn»pfahits. They Carry a powerful uiaguetic tvroo to Uio Mutt of Disease. fop I-am^ of th« Spirit, Fall* ItiK of th" u oitili, Kf u rorrhu ti, Mintit'v InflHiiiinu* tlunmid t'U-i*ri«l!on uftUe Womb, Jucichitlul •rrhH^o «r K!oo<t!i»sr, I'utitful, Nuppr<*«f>r d end Ir> f<«iilsir Mfiw'i natlo'1, lturrevim>««, nnitf huntte of l.'.ii-, thi« lithe litst Applluuce and Cumtlv« A^eal Kuo*\iw • For nil forms of IVmalc Olfllciilt!^* It Is tinptiiv tot anylhint,' nejorv inv( nt«-(l. b« th nn acutativ# iiiidMa^'irwof :ioivrrnnd vU.irt/Mllon. -jjPricu of cither vltn Matrn<tk»Fof-t b&t;«'ries. tlO» t«nt» y fxprosC.O. I> .and « x nUnation allowed.or by ma«l on receipt of i rire. In ordtiiBjr. w«d mwurc J^t/irul <'f: lu»e. iiit'e ca.li b«; nmde 1ac\U> tfiv.y. ^-:it in brtlor «t o ;r r:>k. T!i«* <»ar!u«'Ti?s«\rr* i»r!apt^rt +c> «1! oprw. are Voni ov^r Uir- U!!(ii r ctot Jiinir, 'not to tliO hftdr l!ki* the mutiy <*(ilvunlc u»nl Kl' ttrh-PUitK n'l^ cr'K'Ml »« rxt^n-Sv lv « . jukI i l>e taken oft At nlfflit, Th^y hold ihtirpototrforg^vr, and ftrtr worn nt «>f t>*»»v*»or. F^.Tiil :-t«Tnp f'Tlbf'S'i" tnrnt Without Mtdifluc iilixlt. XIIK M^JNTTOX J\?rMA^Ci:tO., (»U, Hi, I'<;r ait«>-fln Trr>ife» with tiiuu»uji<l?» oC Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* My stock of Yurniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, uid will be sold as cheap asanjr other in the coquty, and it will be to -he interests of the buying public to <ja upon me when in Want of anything in that line. ' ^ In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and via a ti il ma<*<i!1 lv<•* Jis a ti/I ••>> 11 4-• n _ A Ll Ait t*aA ^ 111*n 1 ii nAfl Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable v»U& ̂ , '0%, JOIN B. mmM> Nothing but the Tigor, Hollingsworth, Furst & Bradley, Knowt- ton and others. All Hist class. You will always tind both Phtform Wagons and ifJarriages of all kinds and styles at our place and will sell lower than anyone. Also the Celebrated Sames Wagon r Pumps, Bumps, all kinds with the Enterprise ^ Turbine Iron Wine Mill at low liguros. fr Be sure and Jf iu want of anything in our line as you are sure to be suited. - ^ jL, % M. OWEN & SON. MIWWWWESTERN OfcD MTABL^SO SHORT LINK C H I C A G O And til points in Northern 77!<i««i*. Cen tral, Eastern and Northwestern i< Wi» ..isoonsln, Northern Michigan. Bota, Dakota, Manitoba, Centrfii and Northern Nvhranha, C'omm<1*, Wyom ing-, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, California, Or<<jun, Washington Terri tory, Uritiih Columbia, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands. Anntralla, A>» Zealand, and all principal points In the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own linos it traverses North ern ILLINOIS, Central and Northern J -̂ON«!N. Northern MIcSK OAN, MlNNhst)iA, and Central DAKO TA. It offers to the traveler cOl accom- mcxritiona that can be ofiered by any railroad. Its train service equals thati of any road: their speed i3 as great as comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading' railroads of the West and. Northwest, and offer to those that use them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connec tion with all other railroads at that city. It runs PALACE s« I i:i'5XG CARS on all through trains, PART.oit cars on its principal routes, and north-winter* DIN'IN:; CARS ou its COUNCIL BI-IIFFS and on its ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS through day express trains. If you wjish the Best Traveling Accom modations you will buv your Tickets by this route AND WILE, TAKE NONE OTHER. For i-J.tes for single or round trio tickets and for full information in re gard to all pi rts of tho West. North and Northwest, write to Genoral Passenger Agent, at Chicago, 111. All Coupon Ticliot Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J. D. LAYNQ, MARVIN HUGHITT, Gen. Sup't. 2fl Vicc-I'res. and Gen. Mannwy, « «W-jH. STENNETT, ^ . < Ocn. Paea. A^t., Chicago. .•"and Agdciltiral Machinery, i ii Richmond Illinois. I sell every lmplnniPnt, Toot or Machine a farrt»*r wants. IM.ATKOUM SPRING, »K- MVSKY AND FARM WAUOXS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES» One, two anil three seatedat lowfi- price* Hli.in any other concern norl.hwesl of Ohi« «nr<»-« I In the Agricultural Oepnrtment I hsive i'ha ploline, Oav<tnport, and tlie.folin Deere I'lows ' with Sulky Hnil Wiilking. Tlie Kevst.*>ne tin I {iohniond' Champion Planters. The R'eh- •Imond Hroaflc.ast and Snperipr Seedtrs. Ifar. rowsofall kiiwts at lower prices than eve* before. Corn Cultivator* of all kinds, Mow- ers, KeaperH tn.d Twine Hinders. - In ahnrk anvtlfiwr n limn .wants in the farm Machinery* Une.itKKtiM A CLKViS TO A 8TKAM 1£N iGlXE. ; FINE PAIf TiKC. 1« py Paifttina Department I have secnro-l :i the services <»t" It. 11. N K.'MOI.S, who is welli known in McHenry and Lake bounties as one of tli» In st .|>ni»tt;rs m this |Ktrt of the coini try. Call and see his work, which speaks lot itself, r'or "Artistic Stvle"^ iu iliin iiu«, w« ilefy conipelitiou. •* ,i, . ana r?opniriii« Pono in » workmanlike manner nnrl war ranted. Cull and sen me before pu.iclia&in£ as 1 am sura I cuu eave yon money . A. p. GhAir% Richmond, llar^h 5th, 188i(. I i E. M. HOWE, SUCCESSOR TO O. C. OOLBT] Havity? pnr"!iased.the stock of Haiil ware of Colby, in the Store opposite Bishop's O. I'. Mill. 1 am now prepared to offer to the ing public anything in tlie line of buy. HARDWARE, fUTWABS, Stoves. price*,to suifttie times. DAIRYMEN* f- ^ Will alro And a large assortment «# «klrr t men's Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, Milk. Cans and anything in that line at pricea aa Low as the Lowest. A full stock of hand. BARB WIRE always M JOBBINC AND REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. *S"Don't buy nny- thinjr in the Hardware Line until yon bar* examined my stock and learned prices. E.M.HOWE. McHenry, February 27. 1883. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THK BEP^T. MCHENRY, . ILLINOIS The best Brands of (Vines, Liottors lixt Clears always on Hand. Good 'Stabling foi Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR I'ranz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, Beer in l,ars« or Small Kegs or Bottles *1 way* on hand cheaper than any other, qttali tv considered. This I Seer has a world wide reputation, and pood.iudirt's acknowledge it cannot oe sur jUasiid. iutlie world. * fi Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, III. Aug. 10th, WRS. Call and examine ilmse Black W H U iHit Exti'nslnir TaMe» at $1.00 per foot at J. B. Blake's. 3J i>er cent, oil foi • - s ••