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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1883, p. 4

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WBPXKSDAY, JULY 11. ,T. VAN StYKlS. Kmtor. HjrTt. 1# ohp^rvftd l>v one of our ex- rlmiijrM Hiftt Mrh« tramp and the Deni- orrnftc party areopffn to the mime ob- joction?, tlM»yla«k a certificate of char- ncfPf.'" Onr cxrhnnjfe should not exnggprate thl» "hjoctinn. The man. who got up the Moray letter can them, nnfr. |<3^Tln»re »»"* exemptions to all mien, even to that. which declares that Hghtn^lnr never strikes twice In the name place. Mr. Ira T,. Ctimininff*, of Mlddlefon. N. Y.. can hear witness to the divergence In this direction. He bad fust finished a dwelling at a c»fit of $25,000. At Ave o'clock, one after­ noon. » bolt struck the hou*e doing little <1ama|re; hnt at ten o'clock that night a second crash came, and the building with Its content# waa de­ nt rnycd. Measle* and the amal! pox often get a second grip. too. Jj®"* There in trouble in the Norfolk (Va.) ^Tavy Yard, growing out of the employment of two colored men whone aervice* were not needed, but who "put In their time" electioneering for the |(* , Mahone ticket, Commandant Mayo . demanded the e nforcement, of hi* orig feti Inal order directing Commander Mc- 't;i Ulenncy to employ the men, which wan k '( reflined. For thla WcGlenney was " ' ordered under arrest, and confined to bis quarters. The result will probably ^ be a court of Inquiry, as Secretary >/< ; Chandler lias shown every disposition | <( to have an bonost Investigation of matters* and to correct any abuses found to exint. li-V The re ban been much discussion astowWn the new bigb license law goes into effect. In reply to a letter from the Mayor of Bmldwood, Attor­ ney General McCartney responded as follow*: "The Harper bill, now a law. prolilh- Itn the Innuing «f a license after .Inly 1, 1883, amounts therein fixed, or more, at the discretion of the muni- clpal aiithorUies granting the license. After .Inly 1. therefore, no new licenne can be Insued. itor the old one rene«#%d. without complying with the law. whether It hud been given or not for the whole niuniclpnl year. If. however. Krevloiis to July 1. 1883. a license had sen granted for the inuuicipn! year, that licenne will be good to the eiid of that year. If a payment for the license ban been made for only three or nix monthn. thnt is a license only for the time paid for. and If It ends after July 1,1883. no renewal CHII be had without complying with the terms of the Hai- 'per bill, I answer theso questions In­ formally and unofficially, and as a mat-' tfrof DMutwy nnlr." A NAfmnL oM0fstaci$. U h tHr»lo«Wr that flttF^tentlort* of law-abiding «nd pure' minded clti­ re ns for eradicating the foul uloer of polygamy maintained by the Mormons iu defiance of law and decency,seeut to have been completely nullified. The legislation of Congress has; had no re­ straining Influence, and the crime Is encouraged and even required by the officers of the church, with apparent contempt for the law of the land. The disloyal power is Intrenching Itself and expanding beyond the bounds of Utah Into adjoining territories. The Mormons are rapidly colonising Idaho, in whose last Legislature haif of the members of each House were of that church. In other Territories they al­ ready hold the balance of power, and In Colorado they are purchasing large quantities of land for their colonies. Their leading men assert that 20.000 converts will join them this year front Europe and the Southern States, thus strengthening the alien and unrepubll- can institution, each of whose 150.000 followers, as the Salt T.ako Tribtme fearlessly says, "is under the most solemn o&ilis of hostility to this coun­ try." The apathy with which the gov­ ernment tolerates the treasonable de­ fiance of its authority by the rules of this theocracy, of course only encour­ ages their contempt and hate of it. The jconsequenoes requires no prophet to prcdict. Procrastination and indulg­ ence are what the leaders desire until they are so firmly intrenched that they cannot be dislodged from their strong­ hold. The very mea«*ire that Con­ gress enacted for tlio carrying out of the Mrict laws it had passed against the crime of polygamy has been frus­ trated, and the commission appointed for that purpose have been hoodwinked and entrapped^by the wily Mormon diplomatlstn. The New York Tribune openly charges the majority of the commis&ion with a betrayal of their trust as the agents of the government, and with iieutrnlixing the good "tlmt culminated in the pannage of the im­ perfect Edmunds law.*' The Mormon leaders will now press the admission of Utah Into the Union as a sovereign !K*te,«nd there is too mncli reason to fear that political requirements will accede to the shameful bargain that will be uiadc. *•'<: 1- •GT'Ttie Rochester Democrat (Hep.) takes a liopeful view of Republican prospects In that state. It says: j, „#Jit ta n^t»required in tbis'connection ,!o dincitxn the question an to whether tjiede/^ftt of the Republicans In the slate election#' of 1882 was deserved; but it is certain that the discipline of defeat has been whelcsome. It hns at •uce curbed tbe pretensions of self con­ stituted tenders, lias evoked from fac­ tion!!! disturbance* the benign spirit of conciliation between elements hitherto antagonistic to each other, and lias at Imulatod a consideration for the vir­ tues rather titan a criticism of the mis­ takes of either. It has shown that the party, As a whole, mun maintain the highest standards of political action, und that it csinnot be insensible to the best tfemands of the limir. The disci­ pline endured lias both cemented and purified the party. Hereafter there will be no groping among the ashen of past controversies, but there will be hold and positive declarations of prin­ ciples which all true Republicans hold, and to which the intelligent independ­ ent voter must yield his cordial assent- M^The Hon. Scli'iyler Colfax writes to the Lock port, (N. Y.) Journal that while he has no intention of returning to public life he still believe* the peo­ ple have confidence in his integrity, and avers that. Oakes Ames oath to the contrary, he never had a share or a dollar of the dividends of the Credit M obi Her of America. |&*The alarm which has been caused throughout Europe, because of the out­ break of cholera in Egypt, lias not ex­ tended across the ocean: yet the dis­ ease lias been communicated to this country three times during the last century, usually the year following Its outbreak in the old world. Those were lu years when steamboats and railroads wore not as plenty as they ars now, and with the increased facilities for fugitives to reach distant points, It would not be a bad plan for our gov­ ernment to adopt such quarantine nsoasures as are enforced by foreign countries against any vessels coming from Mediterranean ports. It Is said that the disease la not of the malignant Asiatic type, but the number of deaths that have occurred among those at- fitcked by the dire malady, tbow that Its virulence Is just as great. It is more to be (trended than England's latent cargoes from I re laucf's work Itouses. ' 'iHrInquiry is being made through­ out the State as to the provisions of tlie BOW road laws, passed at the recent •onion of the Illinois Legislature. These laws are In the uaturo or amend­ ments to «x!nthig laws. They are voluminous and compltcatejd. Briefly, It may be stated that they require the comuilseiyuers of highways, instead of wanting money each year in mere tem­ porary work, U) construct permanent roads as fast as means will permit. They require work to be doue in ac­ cordance with the ben known inert)* oiNof road rnakluz, and to be let by contract. They prevent. *« f:ir as pog. slide, the seeding of weeds, thistles, &c. Full, propitious are iuade for draining tlrte road* with .tjle, aiid for entering adjacent Jau<J« aud carrying draliis through them, and al*o for con­ tracting with the owner# to dram into it.-they paying part of the expense. All road taxex, including poll taxes, must lie paid in money, A levy of 00 cestts ou lite #100 is permitted, if need­ ed, with an additional levv of 40 cent* (mnking f»l iu ail), iu view ot guy con- tlugeucyl tviili llie consent «»f the Town Board. T|i« supervisor, of the town- Ship-is utadeex officio Treasurer of tlie 4't»iiiii>i*eioiit r- an I t-ii" i«>u a c» rk iheir tK- ' MSM;}; - WOOD. EDITOR PLAIXDEALKR:--Sweetened wind seems to be in good demand. Mr. Jake Westerm^n and -wife, of Dundee, are in town. Mr. Fred Stratton, of Atliol, Mass.. is expected in town this Week. •• Mike Dasso has been repairing his house by putting on new shingles. Dr. Joe Dawson returned from Towa last week*and will remain some time in this vicinity. We hear that Mrs. E. D. Fink Is sick with diphtheria. Mr. Fred Dalley, one of the proprie­ tors of the Daiiey Preserving Co., of Detroit, Mich., will spend Llie present month with his parents in this village. Johnny Dasno has taken out the two largest (tali ef the season. Tlwy were pickerel, the weight of the larger one being fourteen poiiii^ aud two ounces, that 4f the Smaller>«• twelve pounds and two ounoe*. If the story hadn't grown old. we would tell how a certain person climbed to the top of a hoiue intending to hive an warm or bees, but found a nest of hornets Inntead. <»<--/i<SEr<-- V'; *.*» voLa ^ ISttWOtt PLAINDEA LER The Wldbw Graves has quietly laid down life's bur­ den, ai«d passed to the other shore on the fith inst.. at the age of 82 years and two months, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. Ackley. in Elgin. Tlie remains were brought here for In­ terment. The funeral wag held here in the M. E. church, and Rev. Mr. Hill, ef Elgin, delivered tlie luneral discourse. The display of fireworks of the night of the 4th. as could be seen from the high ridge the road passes over one mile north of Volo, never was excelled iu Lake or McHenry Comities. At four different points and all playing awajr at the same time. To tlie northeast at Long Lake; due uorth at Fox Lake; at Jobusburgli due northwest, and due wesi at McHenry. Tlie display was in the order In which the)* are mentioned. The greatest eruption was at Long Lake and was of all colors aud shades. But old Fox done some tall shooting. . Wlnfield S„ Smi of J. D. Fox, Is very low with that fell destroyer, consump­ tion. Kind aoil willing hands are doing ail that can be doue at his father's house. Wtt.f+."e©WLFN II. {•irCOCSSOK TO K. M. CLOTItlKltj WJlR CLAIM SOLICIfOE ATTORNEY. CO ---Or OF rum T l O H ALSQT FOTAIT PUBLIC. Prosecute* pen«lo* »r any her claims against the sfov^mmont, rflaitnj; to tho l.-tte, or former \v;u s. Coinplicjtteil tviises and re­ jected claims mnde a specially. If slnmps are enclosed for reply, ull coininunicatioua wiii be promptly answered. 4 i? ,*i Office at Sesidenee. XADISOW tT., / WOODSTOCK, lit- V : - ; ADVICK TO MOTHKR8, Are,you disturbed at night and brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at <>ncc and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup for childrei.1 teething. Its value Is incalcul­ able. it will relieve the poor little fiiflerei' immediately. Depend upon It mothers, there is no mistake about it. it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- lifes the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softons the gums, reduces inflammaiion, and given tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething U pleasant t» the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and be*t female phy*ieiat>* and nuo'es in the United States, and is for sale by all* <lruggi*tH throughout the world. Frlce 35 cents a liottle. Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer ntock of five Shoes, and can show von the finest assortment ever found iti this market. Call and see, thein at Henry Colby's. Durham Bulls for Sale. - Three tine youtjg Durham Bull* for sale, at my fa"m tliree mile^ Smith of MWtury, u» the (Jrystal l.ake road ' V ' . •*- n s-'. KflV • ;• References bj- nermisition as repirda char­ acter, busiuesa ability, reliability, Ac., Jtc : Gen. John A. Logan, (J. 8. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. .f. C. Smith, &tate Treaeurur of Illinois. Hon. K Kllwomi, M. C. 5th III. Dim., Syc­ amore, III. lton. John f. Sherivin. ex-M. C. 5th Hi. Dist., Aurora, III. Hon. .V. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III Col. .Fas. A. Sexton, Pres. Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. Jetse A. JlaUlwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi- ca?<>, III. Messrs. Sals, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces. The Mc.ff enry Bnck Mrtnnfactnrirt? Com pany are an w ready to supply Brick la tpiaa- titles SHALL LOTS NATIONAL BANK At tftbdstock, Illinois* -AT- ^ CI088 of Business June 22 f83i ftKSOUKCKI toan s and dlsennn ts .fttl.W «7 Overdnifts .. 2.151 OH tr, Bonds to secure clreolntion... 5G.U0O on IT.-S. Bonds on hand................ 9<>,830 00 One from approved reserve ajrents. 110.5SN Bfl line from other \iitionul BiMik.s.... 12,#81 (let Keal estate, furniture and li\Uires. . 4,2(io Cn Current expenses and taxes (mtd.... ' 393 W Premiums 1'aid 5,3S) 37 Checks and other cash itetn»........ IfiSl 66 Bills of other Iciuks 1,100 (K) Krr'i papev cur. nickels ft pennies.. 133 OS Specie 14,:m 00 Lena I tender notes 6,n600h Redemption fiind with U. S. Treas­ urer (6 pj»,re(»it of circulation)...... 2.3SQ oft » ^ Total 0113.401 MAtUI.IT'lES. y- Capital stock paid in . » : 0# Surplus fund fc 8,<*» 1# Undivided protts , 1,277 47 National Bank Notes oatstanling..". '4i>,00ft no Individual <le|M>i<ltH milijcct to check 311, US 05 Demand Certificate* of duposit...... ; H0O <M) Due to other National Banks. ... 1.27« 7iJ Total |»i2,40I IS STATKOr ILLINOIS * ; vjgg---.. Mciinjrnr COI'NTV, ) I, John J. Murphy, Cashier oftheabovo named Iliink, do solemnly owear that the above statemcmt Is true to tlie bestofinv knowledge and belief. JOHN J. Muaenr. Cashier. - SnbscritKHf and sworn to before me this 27tH day of Jnne, I88». « " • CIIAB. H. HONS KM.*, Notarr Pahlip. Correct Attest ,JOHX J. MURI'HT, *i ,/F W. H. STRWART, K. A. MCBfhv, I; . , DireAtora. Money to Loan On Keal Estate, in sums of $500, to $10,000. Timeftud payment^ to suit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. Their Brick are sot-owf »ene to he fi»«ad in tlie market, and will lie sold at the Inwesi market price. Persons intending to bnild, or those hand ling brick, will do well to cull and see us he tore | urchasing. For further uifbrinatioa.apply le or address Brick Maifactoriiie : Company, McHEVRY - ILLINOIS July 5th, 18^2, j V-S-., •' ^ •'€ «.'A. To show you have no desire to we ASA W. SMITH, ' Wood«tock, *• I# Illinoiss, Barked by Millions of money oflftus von INDEMNITY' damage by Fire, UgHtning, Wlrid Storms. CYCL0XE8 AND TORNADOES, Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon; call on me and I will write you a policy, suid waen either or any of tliChe destructive el**. incuts devastate* your proj»erty, happy will you be il'you ludd one of niv policies, for I will surety visit you, *nd minister unto you. 1 wilt not forsake yon. ASA it*. sMrrrr,, (Jen'l Inxuruiwe Ay'U O oS!i£ JfiT; 1 «4 ",<0 ' \ e > . : t . t4 \. * J* ,. -•4 t '• l'1' W<t»- +>nn mm f t I w ATLANTA, 1H.V U.Hf WAVCONDA. tl^NOI8| ""vW: X ; IgricoRaraf Wplefflmtsr ! ' Of ALL KINDS. W« keep a full line of Farm Machinery oflltK ^st mannfkifltnre and self a« - v:., i ; • -v- ^.,.n Want anything in the Affrienlt Machinerv line, do not fail to call on m« fere purchasing, as I can save yon money. I am also ageut ter Lake and Mcilenrj Counties for the . CHAMPIt W " Feed Cutter. Yon can have a grinder attached to grinc at the same time von are ending. Every pm chaser gels a written guarantee with h i» ma ciiine. It is imsitivelv tlie KA IET Ht7!t. NINGFKED CUTTER IN THE MAItKKT Give me a call. " • ie. c. mm% Wanconda, IIL, Deo. ML 1882. *" f Sec'y, WooirtocS:, 111. Mr DEAR SIR:--Your Invor of the TW»elv«tl ftidrl It is my desire and purpose to be with you on the 13th of Septemoer prox, I bc«r pt' you, however, to iet me come nnd uo »8 any other quiet citizen. l am not accustomed to public demonstrations or public notice of any kind, nnd am now too advanced in life to desile those things, t po, ','¥«» respectfully yours, ; JAMES LOXGSTREESff : If: B- are requested to call at the Secretary's office and read the original. Also letters of January 15th an4a Feb­ ruary • #3^*' .'f s ' tfiiJk: • • l%ffcMTCRv'. * Ton ean HikI the Tollowlnsf first class Corn Cultivators xt E. M. Owen & Son's: IS ta: ul a id. Climax. Bert rand tt, Nauios. Ose. Graii.'letour. New Norwe­ gian. Know|ioii. Monitor ami Fiirst ^ Bradley, which we will sell lower Unto anyotlier house In eit lier county. i#m -DEALER • ; f S:i;: t itYfox, IN- RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY. ILL Grand Closing1 4 -i 'TV'V. jt swKKPrsa KmtJCTim « ̂BTCES Fmicy Straw Goads at 25 to SO cents on the dolli| Linen Wear at less than one-fourth what it cost IM» Lawns below cost. Parasols at cost. Ifalkin« Shoes at cosi and below; SO pairs Ladies' Cloth Shoes worth from $1.50 to $2.00 per pair reduced to 85 cents. And many other goods at prices that will close buyers to inspect. MtfTenry, HllnMs, Mafch 5,1883. THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD. No SAO, NO 8WAY, NO PITCH, CARRIES ANY WEIGHT." LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS. SPRINGS WARRANTED; 10 YEARS. THE EASIEST RIDING BUCCY BUILT. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE L1STV I THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. a,, y iiM: i- <• ?HE "GOLDEN STAR" GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to all. Ia rapidly su­ perseding Cook Stoves and Han> ores for bummer use. Call and see th«m. .JOHN I. STOUV. Mollenry, May 23<l, 1«83. THE REDDY OIL STQ^E iii • Five different sizes, all furnished complete, and sold as cheap ojr cheaper than any osther house hi th« counjty. Uitll and see thcrn^ >, McHenry, IU., June ICth, 1883. E. M. m •A When GOLDING BROTHEKS, , WAUCONDA, ILLINOia Are ready to fulfill the promise made to show tlie people of that place and vicinity the I •/it;"',. 'ffl -ff And varied stoclc of Goods for llie Summer trad#, consisting in part of Dar GOODS. NOTIONS, GUOCEIUES. Celebrated Golden 81 OIL STOVES aad EAH^IS. The lipot uiul pnfcM mtuiiiliKliirf«1. iltivn niroHily Mild 28 whicli »^enk for tiietucelves. : JOHNI.8TORV MeHfCWry, May 23. 1883., . 'f " 4: PION r ^ h' - ht.. *. • Twine Binders* Kepairs fior all of lira CHIEFTAIN & PERFECT SULKY HAY RAOS, CROFT'S Wind Mill* All kinds ot Machine ̂ For Sale by . "k . 1 • L. H. Hartmaiv Ridgefleld, III. prclefo b? mail nttomled to. James Robbinsy Solo. Mill*. . » 111* --dmIot Farm Maohinery* We imve the 4 CHAMPION HEAPEBS AND UQWEBS, An«l tliu Beat ; A.*" RAKq in the market. •TKtpiirt of all kinds constantly an hand. Call and see mc. James Robbing. Solon Mills, Jnne 90th, 1883. t : . HATS ATVI> CAP^,. Boots* 8hoe$, Crockery, Classware, &e-» Ac. Which they'are bound to sell as "cheap as <zood Good is can he bought anywhere. In short, everything* that can be found in H general store will be kept and sold us low as the lowest, aud everything warranted as represented. When in want <>f goods in our line ^ou will find it calland see us. y „ GOLDINQ BROS. HICE HONE?. • - • " ^ , John Hendricks, iprlng G^rove r • IU. At«o will Insure your profterty aniinst wind, cvrlnnr*, ov lire. I represent the Homo, of N>w'Y<irk; the Pha-nix, of Hartft»id, «»•! Other gowi com [>:m ic«. JOHN HfNDEICKS. Spring Urerii^ttl^June ttKh,: , . 1.H •

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