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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1883, p. 1

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<?* \-.ZS * 'fW*r " • Jw>m k-:-4$®4 ~H*tirSv # , Published Every Wednesday by % VuVK 'srv W •'.1 >4 <v -tfrt i ,»i p»Sf •-•«** '"Wfer \-3* A ".'•ViftT 'T • ' W iff '"J "V "" a vftioO; but to Truth,;to Liberty and iw M'HENRY, ILLINO BENNETT, M BUSlXE^ft CARDS W L I N |>HVSiClASi AXDS^RGKOX, 1 States Examining £urgooi> Illinois. Al so United Richmond NAKTii. RABBI AX. HA TO WORKER. All kn.<l* of Hatr Wwrk donw in Hr»»t class .styI® and at reasonable print's. Rooms a I residence, north- ^easum-nerof Public ware, McHeoryilIt. -±uh CLOTHlERl JOSEPH X. FREPND. QALOOS AND RKT ATJItVNT Bonslett's tl old stand, opposite B'shop's Mill. Mt Henry, 111. The c lotcest Wines, j* tti and Cigars to be found'in the county. Ovster^ in their season served up slutpe paired or fr>r sale by the On "GOOD STABLING' FOtt HOttSESi C. 3. GWEEN. ^ETERmAli* Itychmond (<>v *» ANTONY ENGEIN, AtSO PUBLIC. JESSE A. BaXHWIN, r- AWYKR. Law biisiaess. in any part of il- lh" >>taje receives prompt attention. Office rflom 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illinois SALOON and Restaurant, Bitck'sold stawt McHenry, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, >*our Mash, Wines, Cigars, ett\,, always on hand. We tinv none Imt the beat, and s«H at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Ovstera In their season. Prosecute* pe against the gover or forraev w:n« jeeted claims aVe enclosed for will be promptly anv other claims relating to the late, ted-cfcses a ltd re- ciatty. If stumps I communications A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker snitl Jeweller N MALISON ST., 00 TO. Vtt RANDOLPH STREET, (^ucreiaor to E. R, P. Shirley.) Chicago, III. Spe clal attention given to repairing Fine watch es and Chronometer*. A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. regards char liability, Ac., fte . Senator, Chicago, Treasurer of Illinois Oth 111. Dist., Syc- ex-M. C. 5th III. t U. S. Attorney, Chi »,4 %?f2X& •-£*£" t efci*o* A*nv rtfBWsttmrn ;'V -^'1" ,»> •' '* r-' ' :*'r X y - HftjRc'e in Bishops Ulrtck, rVv<'^. /t-OPPOSITB ' P»«f|PT'.. «- ' P"H < k ^ •"•! 1 • ' t \ * • ' - ^ ^ TERMS fiUHSCBIK'fW^ ' ^ r~fl % if j .Vii MA 1 : >ne Vcar (in Vlvnn<?e) ...,••.'••". *»•"" Cf f )t •» ii l \yit 'iiir11 rai Jtouttjl. -, 2.80 rpMlml' fn* I'triH or six nontha In the snm« proportion. :r " M M - r:< *-f ~k Sivy • <4rl p '"?13 t •'ii JV't e» ».'f, ,J *&rim #&"• Kates of AdyerHsin^. We announce liberal rates for advertising <n the Pr,AiNr>KAT,E«, and e*dpavoi to state tliem no plainly that they ivjll bg yeadily un der6tood. They are Us f«l _ 1 Ineh one rear . I 8 Tnch«« one yea.r t-' •.<•» 10 ̂ 3 Inches one year , •» »t , V, ,' i W 00 ^ Column one year SO 00 Q Column one veftr;\'V--'»..Vis* / .» * ti w 1 Column one year •WW- «0 One inc.n means the'measi^rnetit of on» inch down the Mtnmn, single roluitin \ridth. Yearly advertisers at the alKtve rate's, have *ho privilese of chansrinsf as often as they r.hoo^e, without extra chaTRp. Rejrnlar advertisers (meaning fbnjte havln* mandin(t cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others wllVtw cnarwd in cents per line llrst week, and B cents per lino for each subsequent week. Transient advertisement# will bfe charged at rate of 10 cent* f>er line, (nonpnT"il type, same as ibis is set in) the isane. and 5 rents per line f«>r snbsequent issue*. Thus, nn inch aflvertisement will cost *1.00 f>rone week, *1.50 for two w^eks, $2.00 lor -three weeks, and so on. Thn Pt.AiM>K\ will t>e liberal in civin? editorial notices, hut, as a .business rule, ft. will rixiiiire a suitable fee froni ov^vvIkxIv seeking thq use of its coltimne for pecuniary fciip. s«: Ui * - ^ BUSINESS CARDS. w. t. nnowx.M.Ti. OHT^TCT.\"V AKD STTROSEOX. Ofllee hver 1 the Post Ofllce, opposite Perry AJMartln's ttor«- up stnirs, McHenry, III. ^ c. n. fectKr, m, n. |>WYSlCtAX A\n STTRaEOV, MeHenrv, 1 Ills. .Ofllce at Ue idence, on the Corner, Opposite Blake's Furniture Store. mtMm O. J. HOWARD, M. I>4 flHYSICIAX AXT> StJUOErtV. Oftee at " my residence, opposite M* E. Church, ifcilenry. III. MOXEY RECEIVED FOR INVESTMENT imd loaned on mnrtirajre security at ent­ rant- rites,, withonr .chirtrc to the lender. Farm toans made at six pci cent. J.WR\X«TEAD, 1 and 2 Borden llforfcj Eljrin, II1. " ' n:V'4'-V «ifci 4--- J. J.MYERS. ' Saloon and Restaurant, •"ST BA^EMEXT of Kuhnert's Store, Johns- 1. burgh, Til- The choicest Irrands of AVines, :ui'l ahv.ivs »nd see inc. <«• on haurt. Call I PllA A. PRATT, Proprietor. First cISss ac. co-ninodations, tiood Barn in connection auconda. III. • • BARHtAX BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111., Or­ders solicited. Shop, 11 Old McWfnry, jn Koiter Block, two doors west of Plaik- Oflice. ' RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peac.eand*Couveyaneer^-Wlllattend promptly to tlie collection or lebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E.E.RICHARDS. . HASa complete Abstract ot Titles to land in M HenrvCounty, UI»noi«. OflVca with County Clerk, Woodstock, IU. E. M. OWEN GEXERAT/ Dealer and Manufacturers iVgent in l.eadinp Farm M«ct>inery.-- Prices low a«d terms favorable. Mollenry, yt'. ' :••• • { K. G. SMITtt. • ^ BOOT AXD SHOE MA«C«R. Prompt Rtten-tlon sriren to Reintivintj. ^hop in jirt-.g- Harness Shop, opposite RivorsmC House, He Henry, Illinois. R O U S ' GERMAN DR. C# E. WII.MAM^. y , DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will he at McHenry, at Parker House, the lt)th and 25th of each month." When dates occur Saturday w Sunday I niakp my^visits on the following: Monda#'. JOHN* KliEIFGEN. HOT^sE painter. Grainer, Calciminer and Paper Haiisor. Roshlnne.e one Block West nt Riverside House, Work attended to prom ply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! all lovers of fine Horses are res^ectfutly invited to call at mv farm, half a mile west ot McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my tine Morsran and Draft Horses. I have a Per cheron Xomifin Draft < 'olt that is hard lo beat. Call and see him. *®*Xo business done *»n Sanday.; v X. fi. COi.BY.i Mcftenrv, Ma* 1st, 1998. M, j 2 Notice 1o the Public. 'of E. IH \VrE baitta shop just south hi*'on Brick and Wo„i street, where I am prepared to do all kiftds of werk in my line. As I have no boys to do mv work, lAH„;,,na'm firsi rt<»or wartt very hCur what it Is worth for doing it.' I rfr» my work In • manner that nee<ls no watching. • F. A- HEBARD McHenry, Jan. flth, 1SS2. ^ r i-u.-vax C. N. CULVER,- W i Richmond, Illinois. Saes of Stock, Far miliar Toos and Goods ot a kiiu s attended to on the most Heasonalie Terms and satisfaction -guaranteed. ]'o$t Office address, - - RICHMOND, ILU. : "' "• 8ilM-j t\«- EOBERT C. :. 1EINETT, -HRE15DER OF- 1'OWl .s^ T RICHMOND, ILIi. l'RKMir M AT MCJIKMIT COl'KTV FAIR) Mv fowls are of the celebrated DITKE OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great size and luvinir qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Kggs, per setting of thirteen, fIJif, delivered to purchaser iii liicluuoud. yhipjwd, securely packed, sfi.U0. • ROBERT C. BKXXETT. w/mmmmm&miikfa»fck "T'tmr an il^yarny^ Payors'Win uf and wo Pear 8haU Awe,' JULY 18, 1883 Soldiers' Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. S. F. BKXXETT. Richmond HousO^ RJCH WI3MD. ILL C. N. CULVKH, t Proprietor HAVfNO recently ^*»r*hnfnd • the aV>ve House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fumitno tbroujrhor.t, and would respectful'v invite the patronage ot the trav- eliusr public and others. The tables will *1- ways We provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters Will tie in readiness nt all times to attend to the w ants of guests. No p tins will be spared tii'inake ttlis a First Class House. I.iu-gtt and commodious hams on the jiremiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample »in '" H. !. W ftHTTM AX, Proprietor. Fifrt tnss rlss, with or without drlv«rs. fu.inlshed at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kind* done on sliort notice. Established f£55. JOHN STERBA, Woodstock Woodstock, 1 Formerly of McHenry, Chicago, lias returned lo »a4 An<l hnfc now on band the «t»r k of Klinois, largest and lies Manufactured F. MARCUS, -OKA.LER IX- i -J}-v Iporewines, uauoittr-iNb CIGARS. Woodstock III. Put up l^n mm l>est Tonic in the world, i. Rnd Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. r TWELVE REASONS, FUR INSUBlNi-i WITH W. smith Of Woodstook, lit. i: I. Q&fr ,3 ; I. Because he is endorsed toy leading busi­ ness men and the press, and particularly where liest known. 8. Because his is the oldest agency in the c o u a t v . . . . 3. , Because he represents the best tine of eompuuiee of any ajreney in tlie oounty. 4. Because, with one exception, he re pre, sents the oblest comi>anles in the United States. & Because in case of loss he gives his pat­ rons the benefit of his long experience in se- enringan equitable adjustment, «. Because he ha# always issued full poli- eies. 7. Because he pays losses on fariq property by lightning, whether tire ensues or not. '8. Because he insures live stock anywhere against lightning. 3. Because he insures against tornadoes, cyclones asul wind storms. ML Because you can thus save yourself from disjisi cv for a mere trill e. II. Because you will And him equally as active to aid you in getting your money after loss :> s to secure your patronage for his coitt- iianies. B. Because every one of the above reasons can be fully veriiied l:y calling on E. A. Mur­ phy,' E. Sessions, J. W. Milter, fi;om their own experience, and on the entire circle of his acquaintances fro o observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Pbft'nijc, of Hartford, Connecticut, I take great pleas, lire in returning the thanks of th*- company to Mrs. 1<. I). KcHy fvr hur promptness and UnuVuai j-rcviifi' "i niind in ^ j,11 . .-.i • ii u; a * Use >it iiut'.jrv«i<ien4'v, .kindled fr.t.a the burn- L. Near the I^epot, McHENRY - - -'I'LLlfttfif? Keeps coustniitly on hand the lltiest brands •if flour and Feed of all kinds, which lie will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent brands of Fionr always* on hand and warranted as represented,"-.^ Flax Seed Meal Always 011 Hand flSTFlonr delivered any where inthe Cor poration. Orders nviv i»e given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. -•i'-V GIVE ME A CAM.. ly&tlZ. L. B0NSLETT. ' f » » » < . • - - m-: <:*fi r* E v ^ L A W t U S , Merchant Tailor, . KEEPS Fjorpign and Oomestie Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OH 1 NO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices; Store opposite ttiversi le House, McHenry -r . Illinois. O." W. OWEN, -DEALER IX- Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, ^||v©r and Platsd Ware etc. "t' w>t.lMMft,l» :«toek the colel.rated Sprinffleld Watch, which is pronouueei bj all to be ine best watch now on the market., READ? HADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, &c., to lie found in the Conijt.v, and has , evervthing made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and seo me. J OH If STERBA. CASP11IT1S AH3 imm • McHenry, III. Will tak« ootitraors fur puttitiJl up Bnildiiigs mill iTiitirnnteH «nv ivork will compare with uiiv man in the* State. I fin iiinl will do work from 15 to 2u per <!t»»t cheaper thiui other carpenters, as 1 have t wo of my boys who work with inc. which makes it poi&iljit! lor uie, to do so. „ All .Jobs in the CArpenter line promptly attended to. Give me aeall. " A.WENDELL. References by n acter, liueiliess (i><n. John A. Log Illinois. tien. .1. O. Smith, ! lion. H Eli wood,! aoiore, IU. Hon. John O. Di-^t., Aurora, III. Hon. A, M. Jones, Col. Jas. A. tms Club. Chicago, III. Jesse A. Baklwti cago, III. Messrs. ^ela,! and shoe Dealers. -1 Also buudredt • ces. WOOD Breecb WflWW", Oaf tor tale. Fishing li All xinde^of Nportlii{ AND REFi A goon Breech . tt^tn. warranted T* -i AVir.ebester llill^ ^Nickel Plated61 Helf cocking I'rlt A good Single Single tiun. warwi I will nnderseli i 'Ouns and S;ioitiufr! r»od gun it will m| warrant every Clothes W new Kolls pair warian ^Mfooditoe*, Marshal, Chicago, III Pits. Union Veteran ; Co,, Wholesale Boot , 111. ty and home rcferen- rman, CK, ILL, R IX- uzzle Loading 'ad», Had CWrtjH4<et> ie cbeapi t ., •.. ; Goods, IKING DONE. in*. Double Barreled j 20. fmodel, 15 Sboto, 88w JhRevidver, ti.M. pjBull I)og Pistol, .00. rrel, Loading, i liousc in the county in His. If you want a to call and see, me. n*l4fred & >n. Frice par M-»(K Ji. SHERMAN, mm* Wl HL'i- i; !j ̂ Ji'kn i •SEWIMG MA£EME CO- CHICAGO ILL/ _ -ORANGE, MASS. AND -ATLANTA, GA.-- -- Kew Home Sewing Wachins Co. 24 State St., Chicago. AgM. * ' McHenry. III.. .•*fc Will not be UBdersolt!, ate^t «f E. A. J^ivrphy'sjesi.leiiCe <n, theoinorn. • "u,.. . ^ ^ ,-v' . ",e Pt.h in, !)j her rndiviaBaLeffort [.Onany gpsodain.ttty ttaeJ • i&fi. oi the Tn-oucrtv \v • -i i.ivc i • mi w'utcii me 'co-ttpan-y ; •dip.-iiiii WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks terms per year. fJFTEEN COURSE*:--Teachers'. Coile^iate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic. Phonographic, Peninanrbtp, • Elocution, Medical, Engineering. Drawing, *v W '.iol<; uxnviife for oa.a j;>'«r. JK5 Wes- fern lUvtuie r.nreftu. western, KovniiU'"A'tvoCiUf." Catalogues and spevi. Wi-u-cony of'i*B'p«*r "FREE. . , . m ' -:;v •. ; M -'i* <t$4 ^ .L1"- ** ' * %• • -- .t -4 V ATTENTION ECCNOMY IS WEALTH. You can save money by giving your orders "F. w. MEAD, RICHMOND, • ILLINOIS, FOE Wagons, Carriages or jail descriptions. Re- pull-ins:. Painting, juncral Llack. smithing, Ac., Ac., Ac. Repairing of plow s and nil other farm im­ plements is given particular attention, in my manufactures I iisp otilv the best materi­ al, and. keepintc the very best workmen in all departments, I am enabled to guarantee and warrant all woi fc liiat goes from my shop as first class in every particular, SPECIAL GUARANTEE OX WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for tiikkk vkaks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every agricultural implement, iiiclnd. inir, especially, Norwegian Walking and Rid. ine Plows, N.'C. Thompson and Gesley Bros'. I low sand Cultivators, F. H. Manny Seeders and Corn Cultivators, the Dowagiae Spring Seeders, the I'lanoand D. M. Osborne & (>>.'« Harvester and 'l'u ine Binder, the War. riorand Hopkins' Slower, and all other lirst- class maehines. Warranted Urst-class or no sale. BLACKSMITHING of every kind attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. F I H K P A I N T I N O A SPECIALTY. I hnte engaged J. STILLWELL. the Imsa jmiiiler ot Mi:: Northwest, for one year, or longer, to rake charge of my paint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work ot that kind wilt be done in the beat and most artistic st>le. It should not be forgotten that I employ.J. Ke|>a»s, wood-workman of twenty years'ex­ perience, and L. !lowe, carriage 'blacksmith, both in surpassed a- artieaus in their line. Finally, come and see lue and I will guar­ antee satisfaction as to prices and quality of work tutenMtMLv; ":k F. W. MEAD. ,, ii - x~.. i.i -- The McHenry Urick Manufacturing Com pany are now ready toMpply Brick in quaa- DCx sum ton Loads. Their Brick ait *oco»ct to none to be found in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those hand ling brick, will di> well to call aud see us be fore j urcliasing. For further wformation^pplyjto or address McHrary Brick Mamifactnii ? Cmpany, McHEVBY - ILLINOIS Jdly 5th, 189% -r 'S- lyitleu r«»a«s Crow 15 to 50 c«nis «a<di. aadta;ll' wekr at coft' aiid below ? * fFrom the Kational Tribune. CORPORA I. JUNKS, , " I n t l M spring of 18G4, while on atrial service In the district provo«t-mar»h»rs office at Vicksbnrjf, Miss., I came in contact officially with one of the queer­ est characters and most brazen adven­ turers tlie War produced. The lup*e of time lias erased from my memory tlie nHftie t>f ibe liftfo of thl? sketch, but he ! was a corporal in some Indiana regi­ me nt.a n<l for the present- purpose I will ca). him Jones. Up to tlie surren­ der Jones was doing full duty with his soittpany. but he had an idea, and this idea worked and rankled in his bosom until his proud soul revolted against the dally drndeery of camp life. In short, Jones yearned to be released from service aud engage in sosne lucra­ tive business speculation. One day when lie was eorponl of the guard at or near General Grant's headquarters, and while he wa* sauntering leisurely up aud down In front of the guard quar ters, he found himself face to (ace with General Grant and Adjutant-General Rawlins, of his staff. "See here, cor- |K>rai," said the general, "get on that h£rse ride over to Colonel »'* tent and deliver this packet." "But general, tlie guards over there won't let me through." Gen. Grant took out his note book, tore out a page, and wrote ou It, "Guards pass Corporal Jones.--C, N. Grant, major-general." That night Jones was the happie«t man in the Army of the Tennessee. He went back to hie rvgiioent and reported to his officers that Genera*) Grant had selected him a* a special detective to work ti{» heavy cases, and that 'hereafter toms one else must carry his gnn and knap­ sack. Green witli envy, his comrades crowded around him and gazed open- mouthed aud with bated breath at his pass aud Its awc-liisp!ring signature. Jones At onoe laid Aside his unforin and accoutre iii elite and donned a nobby suit of citizens' clothing. Qe swagger ed around the hotels, ogled the tebfl women,looked owl-like and mystei ious, and even imposed ou tho provost mar­ shal of the district with Ills pass and « brass star. As soon as General Grant left Vicksburg he attacked business in earnest, hiring all the Idle uegtoes that 2ould be induced lo work, and aeiti-.g tlieiu to gathering and packing rags ead. By March. l£64,he had uiade a profit'oT?ft^riisfsii*r ta'nirma-f» lions in debris gathered from the iunu merahle camps around Vicksburg. He boarded at the test hotel, wore a dia­ mond pin, and sported a splendid team of lm|M>rted blacks. Ifut presently rags began to get alarmingly scarce, and Jouea yearned for more worlds to con­ quer and for fresh fields of enterprise. Being In excellent luck, he had not long to wait. The little Vicksburg theater lost Its lessee and manager and our hero stepped Into tho breach and became an operatic impressario. The unbounded "gull" of Jones is shown by a little incident which hap­ pened abo*it the time he opened ills theater. Needing some Attractive tal­ ent in the way of prima donne and ballet girls, he called on tlie Post Q. M. aud on tlie plea of working up an Im­ mense smuggling case, actually procur­ ed transportation to New York aud return for himself and such men and wotuer. as lie might with to bring back with liiiu. 'He went to New York, secured a full corps de ballet, a r.umber of actors aud actresses, and brought tlietn back to Vicksburg at Government expense. But, as they say. in dime novels, the avenger was on his track, and Jones1 downfall was near. By j means of his rag business and theater he was fast getting rich was be­ coming excessively overbearing and arrogant. It was always a sacred custom in Vicksburg to deadhead into places of aouieenitfut every one con­ nected with th« provost-marshal'*office .from the colonel down to Torn, tlie janitor, and so firmly was this custom lixed that many evenings tlie best seats were occupied by the provu&t-marshal's crowd, while paying auditors were standing in tlie lobbies. But Jones favored reform, and one evening, tlie occasion being the benefit"Kf M'lle Galletonetti. he tacked up a shingle just where the eyes of the boys must rest as they came up the staiis, which bore the unpleasant legend: "Free List Suspended." This set the whole de­ partment by the ears. A council of war was held, aud as a result. General Sioctim. post commander, received the following letter: "Genlral: Jones, who runs the thea ter, picks rags, and sports a, diamond pin. is a common corporal of the ------tli Indiana regiment, and remains away f:tun his regiment on a pass from Gen. Grant, written on a flyleaf with pencil for temporary use only, while his poor comrades are lighting in the Red River couutry, &C. Geo. C. R., and others." Like an avenging Nemesis. General Slocum pounced upon Jones aud his diamond pin, Tlie ballet and prima dontie wept, the blooded horses were put into a battery, and Jones became "fresl/flsh" for the inmates 6f the mili­ tary prison. As soou as arrangements could be made, a mournful procession left the Vicksburg jail in the following order: 1«t. file of soldiers;.2«£ Oor-|»Qra| >Ioue$; 3J. uboliu'i" file of Si'Micis; 4?h. marshal »nd two clerks. Slowly and sadly the procession marched down to the levee, where the steamer "Uncle Sam" lay wailing to bear Jones to his regimertt. It Is needless to say that Jones' rag warehouse aud theater both bore on the door panel tlie legend: "For Rent.*' . - • *tt! -•« h-i Daunlc.Team Trotting , freat tlea! of wonder is being'#*1' pressed by the public generally at the tnile in 2:15$ made by llr. Vantierfeilr's pair of mares, Maud S, and Aldine, but a careful investigation of the matter is all that is needed to show that, while the performance is undoubtedly a re­ markably good one, it Is not greater than might have been exp«cted from the teana which made It. ' The fact is, that for a matter of near­ ly twenty years not the slightest atten­ tion lias been paid to double-team trotting; while the eflorts to make horses go a fast mile in single harness have been unremitting. The Hrs>t that was done In the way of record-breaking by a double team was on the 10th of May, 1862. when Mr. Robert Bonner drove Lady Palmer and Flatbush Maid a mile to road wagon in 2:26. Three days later they went two miles in 5 Oil the last quarter dpIii£ trotted in thirty thl-ee seconds. Now, at that time. 2:11*1 was the fastest record ever made by a trotter, and yet these two mares, neither of whom could beat 2:25 singly, pulled a wagou the last quarter of a two-mile heat at a 2:12 gait--a rate of speed that it Is doubtful if any horse then on the turf could equal. Tills fact thotild have taught people 'that two horses of slmillar temperament and isait could speed much faster together than singly, but it does not seem to have done so, aud the driving of double teams for speed was about this tine abandoned, tlie old fallacy that the fastest time must be looked for from a trotter in a single harness retained Its sway. t But tlM old superstition that * trotter can go faster singly than in double harness Is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. People 6ee horses that cannot for the life of them, beat 2:25 alone re­ ducing those figures several seconds when driven with suitable mates, and ti»ey begin to realize that, with a di­ vision of the weight and the constant presence of a horse to incite the com­ petition of real racing, it Is hut natural that a higher rate of speed could be attained. Nobody believes Aldine le [ capable of trotting,alone In 2:15$, and gtfpiHrr.Tittfftfirotiwi t horny fortfee statonu'iit thai tdie kept iter traces tightened all .the way during her fam­ ous uiiie with Maud 8. In nearly every instance of remarkably fast time by teams'the records made in single har­ ness by the horses composing them have been beaten. That the "best on record" will eveutuslly be made by a team of trotters is not. in view «f recent developments, a matter of much ,--Breeder'# Gazette. x-*a fl&rThe I.eglsTcttfr* p«te«<t th« f# lowing MU at it* late aesnieu, mm) it ti now a law of the State; A Bill for an actio require operator* of HiUter and Cheese t'letomen on the co-operative pfeaV. to gmettomidx, and to prescribe pettdttles fat* the violtttUm thereof, „ •Section 1. Be it en*£ted by tlitt People of the State of Il^wiii, rfpl*- seuted in the General Aaotmbly: That it shall be unlawful for any prrstfn or persons, company or corporation, with- in this "State, to operate, yirry on or conduct the buslne**of ma)ufacturiii|£ butter or cheese, on t lie o»-oper»liv« or dividend plan, uut'l such person «r pfp- soil)', com pan? or corporation, shall Itavw filed with the circuit clerk or rooontef* * of deeds of tlie couutj' In whldh It i« proposed to carry On such hu*inet*, a good and sufficient bond,to be appro***! by such circuir clerk or recorder of deeds, in the penal sum of six thousand dollars (6,000) with one or mor« jgnotj \ securities, conditioned that such person or persons, company or cor|w»ration, proposing to carry "on such busine**, will, on or before tlie first day of <ta«h month, make, acknowledge, subscribe aud swear to a repott in writing, show Ing the amount of produces maiuitae* tured, the amount sold, the prices re­ ceived therefor, and the dividey$« earned aud declared for the third moutte preceding the month in which suet* report Is made; and will file a copy of such report with tlie clerk of the town or precinct iu which such factory i* located; and will also ke«p pnblielv posted in a conspicuous place in such factory a copy of such report for ti» inspection of the patrons thereof, and that such dividends shall be promptly paid to the persons entitled thereto. 2. buch bond shall run to the Peopt# of the State of Illinois, and shall be f# tlie benefit and protection of all pat* rons of such factory; and suit may bn had thereon by any person or persona injured by breach of tlie condition* thereof, by an action of debt tor the u*a of the person or person* interested, for all damages sustained by them, 3. Such bond shall 1m* retarded *»r thn circuit clerk or recorder, with whom the same is filed; aud all such reports, so filed with any town or precinct (Merle shall lie preserved by lilm ami held ml* jec; to tlie inspection of any person of persons interested. 4; Any person who shall wilfully - violate any provisions of rliis act. shall belinbie to a fine of not less than two hundred dr>iiar«t (9200). nor more than five hundred dollars C$500). or in>pri«oA* ment In the county jail for not les« than thirty days, nor more than six months, or both, iq the discretion of the court. - •ISfiiS **J- It AlWiurCuu**:*, f • > •• • i • -x "> K 'm if FRKAKS OF LIoatNlNf,, As John Vogie, of Northampton, Mass., was standing by his team iu his baru. lightning killed one of t|io borscs without injuring the other one or the man. In a thunder storm at Ououdagua, N. Y., a man had both eyelids torn away by lightning. A physician, is now transferring bits of cuticle from the patientVarm to make bitn new eyelids. Tlie three little daughters of Jacob Morowitz, of Winona, Mich., were struck by lightning while walking un­ der an umbrella in the street. Two were killed and the other slightly par­ alyzed. Three inulei stood In a row In a barn belonging to Jou Johnsoiit near Bing. hamtou, N. Y. A stroke of lightning killed both of .tlie outer innlea aud left tho middle one' uninjured. The barn was badly splintered. While u«ing a telephone dnring a storm, William Walter., of Williams- town, was fttru^k by lightning. TVe electricity ran. from the side of liis nock down through his boot into the floor. Ho will recover. Six negroes, at Bonhaij], Texaf, had just left a hack in which they were riding, to escape the storm, when the vehicle was struck by lightning, which killed the,driver and team, and tore the hack into kindling wood. Lightning struck a tenement occu­ pied by liutigarians, at Ashland. Pa., paralyzing one man, breaking the arm and leg of another, and burying a woman under some timber. Another man became insane through fright. Solomon Deetz and his bride, of Miilersbu^, Qliio, were cleaning and furnishing their new house, when lightning struck the building and in­ jured them both so badly chat their recovery is doubtful. We wtttiid oali your attention to tlie fact that we have tlie largest stbek- of men's wonieu's, mi.-ses and children# fine, staple and fancy Boots aud Shoes ever brought to Woodstock, These goods were bought from tho manufac­ turers for cash, ami will be sold for cash at a small profit, and wo will make It an object for you to come from any part of the oounty ttf trade with us,no palter how great the Uis- tauco. < ^ u, DwiOHT- Cor. Mala St. owl Public Square, WooOsioek, UUuvis. •( '; to WGF With a kindness which President Arttfur should never forget, the Ne# York Wortet conies to his rolief wlth a bran new Cabinet, warranted to WMr without fading or shining until MaKh, 1885. It rnns thus: Ulysses 8. Grant, of tli| Unlt«4 States, Secretary of"State.1 - .4ob».P.;J*M»t*:»f;«f va4a.Secf»*«ff of the Treasury. John A. Xd^ran^ ot Illiooia, Secretaiir of War. ^ George C. Goriiam, of California, Sob retary of tlie Navy. Don Cameron, of Penniylvaula«See» etary of tho Interior. Chauncey I. Filley, of Missouri, Poati* ̂ master General. The Hon. Franklin Bartl«tt, of Hi York, Attorney General. The last-named gentleman Is not much known, but the rest enjoy N# tlonal reputations, Thre* of them ar« iu the Senate and might not care ta retire from that body, and Gen^ Grant Is supposed to be o?it oi politics^ but the other three statesmen might be in­ duced to accept, just for &ccommod«» tivn. The present Cabinet will pleas* send iu their resignations promptly and save trouble.--Inter Ocean. Some Odd Facta. A watch m&de entirely of Iron and in perfect ruoniug order, was exhibit^ ed in a Worcestershire fair recently. At Sparta, Ga„ the other day, * family of children were attacked by * buzzard, which kept up the tight uutlk killed by a shot. At one of the EnglUb races a specu­ lator has a *mall lottery game, a uiou- key taking from the wheel-of-fortuoo. box the number that wius the pool. A farmer near Stoeton, Cai., has had his farm devastated by million of little birds no bigger than a man's thumb. They pull up tlie young grain. A little more than 100 years ago, la £«glaiul, when tlie Saukey caual (six miles long) was anthorized, it was upon ooudltiou that the boats plyiug upon it shtfuld be drawn,bv men only. A New York woman visiting in Blr- ingham. Conn., went too uear a swarm of bees tlie other day, when they alighted on her an J slung Iter into un­ consciousness. She was lound lying on the grass stung In more than a thous­ and places, her face swollen beyond recognition and her recovery doubt­ ful. The Hartford (Conn.) Tmu* saya that it lias been foaud Chat worm-oaten and decayed logs make the beat sound­ ing boards for piauos, and that within a few years piano firms have sent agents through Counecticut to find fallen and partly docayed ci»«**tnut ioga and such timber has been, sold at' gw«»d prices after the owners had considered it entirely nwlea. m Oi I y residences J'or sajfe. Aptrty Asi \V. Suiilh. Wwi<vIsldok, , •" •• 1 A . • '.v. . Abbakgeuknts have been made wltll the editor of litis paper whereby stiis" «?ents can, at any time, enter the West­ ern Normal College and iJouimervlal Institute at one-third the coat of any oilier school. This school is pbtoiug a first-t'lass education within reach «*f nvery one, be he oid or vuiihk, rich or poor. Anyone cetitem plat ing atleud- ln >CiM>vl would d« well i«» call wt tltia othere ttftor^ ilecidiojt where to attends Si; dvertis<. uit?tU lu IhU i»*ue. Jh' ti it «< t'*i --it '. •! -« " t"t i* "• VL - % i! *i* *£ r -

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