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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1883, p. 4

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^ y y * • ' ? »' • J • V „ . VgPCfl wmm-K % Tpirf ,*•« * . \* >tXN v?:^ m '"W-- , ' • ' . , , , a?' , } v '•i, ' "Si 1 \o ^ £**>"* ?: ' i. CORRRSitMrDRNCK, From the Oth ar Sid#- EDITOR I»1>AINDEAL1CH:-THE FEELING «»D WEDNESDAY, .TUT<Y 25, 1S83. •T. VAWf 8LYKE, Editor. H^Anftther fenrfnJ cyclone twept through portion* of MI»n**ot* on Sat­ urday. killing six persons. Injuring many other*. besides destroying prop' •rtjr to the amount of over half a mil­ lion dollars. fe&v tVThe telegraph operators through- out the country are on a strike, and although their places have been filled In part by new men, yet the business Is somewhat retarded. It look9 now as though It would bo AlongaudJjitter *fkt* : NF*Tlie Kansas governor thinks l>*vi<l Davis a promising candidate for the presidency. He says David would poll the full vote of his yarty. It is now In order for some one to Inquire on which side of the fence thi frisky bridegroom has dropped. i-"Y £Vt •v 1ST A mob of citicens entered the Jill at Hardan, Iowa, on Tuesday morn­ ing, took out Hardy, the murderer of the Postmaster of Polk City, and hanged him. After the mob had wreaked -their vengeance they went peacefully away. A Missouri negro wandered about three days without any brains In his head, and this fact Is considered of sufficient importance to telegraph throughout the country; but how many prwniinent politicians are allowed to roam about in the same manner the telegraph fails to mention. lip*Only seven of the northern States hold elections which are of any importance this fall. They are Massa­ chusetts, New York, New Jersey, Penn­ sylvania, Ohio, Iowa and Minnesota. Tliey all vote In November except Ohio, which votes in October. These State* all supported Garfield except New Jersey, which barely went for Hancock. MTSome of the Arizona Indians are reported to be actually pining for peace. Observation shows that the red skin desires a cessation of hostilities whenever lie is out of ammiinitfon, to­ bacco. whiskey or blankets. I mined I- on getting a supply at the ex- of the government, he gives MasteM a/resh coat of war paint and reramelTnls predatory "Operations With untiring industry. , k; • * . 'A fgf An appaling calamity occurred at a water! ug-place resort on the Pa* tapsco river, ten miles from Baltimore, Md., on Monday niglit. by the giving way of a pier crowded with several hundred people--excursionists from tli» «lty--neatly all of whom were precipi­ tated into the water, and between sixty and seventy of whom were drowned( most ol tliem being women tad chil­ dren. S8T Dennis Kearney, of Sand Lots •celebrity, is In New York, on the rery laudable and philanthropic errand of raising the wages and lessening the hours of labor of wnrkinzraen. If Kearney would take ofi his coat, hold his tongue and earn his own living, he would please tlie honest laborer far •sore than by his present course of in­ citing dissension and dissatisfaction katween em plover and employee. MP"There Is a little town In Ohio nasicd Zear, which in these bustling days of progress and ehange is a verit­ able wonder, A cor respondeat who recently visited it say* that the inhab­ itants, who bave no desire to amass wealth, work for one common end-- that is for the good of the community, which owns and controls the entire vil- lage. Including thousands of acres .of the ilcbest land in the Buckeye State. The money goes into one common treasury, the neecssaries of life,Includ­ ing food, provisions and garments, are furnished by the village officials, con­ sisting of three trustees and a com­ mittee of live, who are annually elected by ballot. The village contains about S00 inhabitants, which number has been the same since 1617, and never In- treaaes or decreases to any notices o;e extent. There are no preachers, but all the people are devout, worshipping after the manner of the Friends. The marriage vow is held sacred and the liw'S are rarely broken. excitement growing out of the pnblicr.tkni of the proceeding# in the pension case of Mrs. Lila Perkins has not lessened, and as the writer to the Independent, in the issue of July 20th, who signs himself ••Oic who bled, but is not bleeding still." is anxious that the mattor b® thoroughly aired, and as he has aired but one side we now propose to air the o^her. It is indeed good of the writer to say such beautiful tbingsot a father; listen: •'Whose hand was never raised to oppress the weak, and whose whole life has been spent in right* ing wrongs lor widows and orphans." But when that same person will stand on our streets, on the Sabbath diy, and in the vilest of language abuse the boys in blue, and actu­ ally assist in defrauding a worthy' widow eut of her rights, then we can more truly Judge of the nobility of his life. This same person for rears fed at the public crib and enriched himself under the prerext of serving ihe Government as Provost Marshal. Patriotism is indeed a virtue, but mighty little patriot ism or virtue can such a man possess, and he may see the time when even a wandering jack ass will affbrd him solace and comfort. Much more honorable would it be in him to return to the vocation of his younger da vs. There is plenty of nice horses in the country, and the avenues of escape are numerous, Next we wish to air the mannei in which a certain imported Chicago pauper, raised no apparent respectability at the expense of the Government, maiiifcsts his hatred of the boys In blue. His antipathy is only equaled by the blackness of the lies he has circulated. But enough. He has called the soldiers '•pimps, blackmailers and liars." and says he dare call ai v of them so that will come to his store, every word of which is but a rattle of the serpent that will one day recoil tipon him. Equally notorious is the brother, who is t»o less a political wreck than "Bill" himself. He has, in substance, declared the soldiers to bo pimps and liars, that the/ all ought to bo where the dead ones are. Is this patriotism? Is this virtue? Here is a man who "would not perjure himself to heip his sister-in-law,"and yet is a traitor to every principle of right and justice, a traitor to the noble sacrittce of the boys in blue, a traitor deeper dyed than per­ jured man could be. If it is wrong or unpatriotic for some soldier |o accept their pension, how is it with those Who were too craven to ente# the service lint stayec at home, and at the present time cowardly mimic a wounded soldier leaving the Held ot carnage? Birt, boys in blue, let them go, and bye and bye when their rnrcasses lie blackening In the heat of the bottomless pit, then we will know that lonf delayed jus­ tice has asserted her rights.: ' . Mir^ngo, July Slst, 1883. Picnic. The Queen Ann Sixth Annual Har­ vest Picnic will be held in Michael Senger grove, on Wednesday, August 15th, llrogramme commencing at eleven o'clock sharp, A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. Don't forget to bring your baskets well ladeu, as we will have tables enough for all. Sing­ ing ami speaking to suit every one. Anyone wishing any more information can obtain it by writing to J, Brown Woodstock, 111., Box 334. Fifty pair of Welking Shoes reduced ,00 t< NRY COLBY. ---DEALER a Is? * ' r *1 <"»«'•" rifldlnii i jin. from #2.1 a i - to 91.50, Call fur them soon H. COLBY'S. Iritis a frequent complaint in the printing office that much of the manuscript copy is written in careless, illegible, and sometimes ungramniat- 4cal style. In reference to this fact the Philadelphia Printer«' Circular says the wonder Is that the printer makes so few mistakes. If he had not more than average intelligence and patience he would probably make rs many mistakes as he gets credit for. He ttoes, occasionally, try to improve on what the author has written. Re thinks he certainly could not hare meant it that way, and so he drops in a word of his own selection, te make sense, as lie expresses it. This subse­ quently causes harsh and ui.-feeling language. The printer is one of the indispensable adjuncts' of civilisation and progress. From the ranks of the army of printer* have risen more brilliant men in literature and a great­ er number of statesmen, whose names have been set up In large type In his­ tory's pages, than have risen from the rank6 of any other trade, calliug, or UOLJID TO SUIT. ^llie old facilities for travel were good, the new ones are better. The Chicago & Xorthwestarn Railway by one grand, master-stroke, completes the union of four great States and one territory: Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota. A short cut from the tar west to the north and northwest and returii. See how we get there." Tlie above is thrown broaifeost through the country, telling people in a neat, table below how people can get to any point in the above States for the least money and the quickest time. Our ticket ageut lb supplied with tick­ ets to any poiut the traveler may see fit to ; A D V I C K T O M O T H E R S . Are you umuiroea at night and brok en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at onco and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value isincalcul able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu lares the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, sortons the gums, reduces intlammalion, and gives tone and en« ergy to the whole system. Mrs. WIna» low's Soothing Syrup fur children teething is pleasant to.the taste, and is the prescription of one of tlie ornest and best female physician? and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout tlie world. Price 25 cents a bottle. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! --or--. Woodstock, - - tfttnoi*. offu yon Bn«*ked by Millions of money INDEMNITY against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Stormli CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you J call on me and I will write you a policy, anil wiien either or any of these destructive ele. mcnts devastate* your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policiea, fi»r I will Rureiy visit you, ind minister unto .you. 1 will not forsake you. "! ABA IT. SMITH, „ , CrVnV Insurance Ag't. > <b t * v- •«_;, . *i * i . ' Grand Closing sxraiBCER « V U'" VH.. ,Jt i V" ^ 8 REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLOSE. • •? 'F* < - * * " -i ^ ? * f f ' Kf * > * Ifcncy Straw Goods at 23 16 56 cents on tlie * * &i'i f T man grand attractions at the RfcHENRY COUNTY Linen Wear at less than one-fonrth what it cost u»i. Parasols at cost. >* 'f ' • P O S I T I O ^ below cost., Walkinff Shoes at cost and below; 50 pairs Ladies' Cloth Shoes worth ft'Offl $1.50 t® $2.00 per pai^ reduced to 85 cents. And many other goods at prices that will pay close buyer* to inspect McHenry, Illinois, March 5,1883. >Wl 4 *i- S . 'i * A h. . -" • o listen to tJieir music it "I' were worth the price of ad­ mission each dayv Yet the management offer you at­ tractions without limit, and though the exposition of 1882 was conceded by all to be the best* in the North­ west, the coming one will be superior in all respects. -tip- GASOLINE STAR" RANGES. ^Superior to all. Is rapidly su| perseding (Jook Stoves and Kan- j*es for Summer use. Call and SEE them. < - JOHN I. STORT, MeHenry, May 23d, 1883. For sale and on exhibition at the Wauconda Druj? Store and Book Haunt. Also a raft ot exceeding pretty and funny little and bior chromos, all styles and prices, for scrap albums and for general household decorations. A new stock of Scrap Albums aud more ex­ pected shortly. The fact is we wish to build up a trade in these goods and offer them for less than the usual prices with generous reduction foi* quantities. Just call and notice how far a very little money will go in brightening your walls at home. Wo have also just received a new stock of CHOICE WRITING PAPER, «fec. We propose to keep us good a variety in Stationery^ as can be iound in Lake County. We have the cheapest and the finest grades. M F. B. HARRISON. S . Waucoudajlil,, July 25tb "Si; H0: & . . #^"Tlie Uemour«t« say tke war-cry iM^tt year will be--"Turn tlie rascals oat.** O yi», it will be a fine tiling to turn out the r«scalrf*lm saved the Virion, who freed the slaves, who gave ttie poor nian the liometteari law. who fwcoustructed the rebel States, who resumed specie payment, who gavfe the country a tarlfl that haa made aod Itept us rich cnonjth to pay the Interest ©»i our great war debt an* a part of (lie principal every year, who settled $!ie Norih-weftern boundary question. Who Settled the Alabama difficulty, who «rtt|ed fisheries trouble, who drove Ifapofeun out of Mexico, who proved <4* tii« world long ago that "We area nation," who gave to martyrdom Lln- «^l" *»«! Garield and to the Imperisha- |»|e history of freedom a list of names Hot overmatched anywhere in tlie jMinaia of time, O yes. It will be a great day when these raseaU are turned Now let the reader Jiwt hold his •• "breath until he fees thto grand piece ttf worii aacoinplished. It will cause a juhliee all over I Inland and tlie raeeala • III hide their hea«ta for very «hanie f(ul ttie Grand Old Party will apologize for taking up co miu'h valuable time in dying. Mo d«»«hk,-<-Jutiaxville Recorder Vunullable Mittter. According to a ruling of the postoflUce department the following articles are unmailable: I.iqnhls, poisons, explosives and In­ flammable articles, fatty snltstances easily liqtiidable. live or dead animals (not stufled), Insects (except queen bees when safely secured) aud reptiles, fruits or vegetable matter, confection­ ery pastes or confecUone, aud substan­ ces exhaling a bad odor; and every letter upon the envelope of which, or pofttal eard upon which, indecent, lewd, otocfcue or lascivious delineation*, epi­ thets, terms or language may be writ­ ten or printed, and all matter concern­ ing lotteries, so-called gift concerts, or other similar enterprises oflering prizes or concerning scheme* devised or In­ tended to defraud the public, or for tlie purpose of obtaining money under false pretenses, are unmailable. Postmasters must not accept liquids, oils, ointments, soft soap, razors, explosives, ink pow­ ders, powdered red pepper, or poisons, for mailing, under aay conditions what­ ever.--harvard Independent, WE SELL THE Celebrated Golden Atar OIL STOVES and BAXQ1S. Tlie best and safest manufactured. Have already sold 28 which speak for themselves. JOHN I. STORY MeHenry, May 23, 1883. FOR YELLOW or BLACK BEES -OR NICE Call on John Hendricks, Spring Gt'ov^ . - , ' will Insure your property wTtuI, ftyctones, or Are. I represent the Home, of New York; Uie Plxsnix, of Uurtfoid, and other good companies. amfnst Ho Gossamer circular* and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and a lull line of rubber goods always to be bad irt * ::V\ HENKY CttlWl, '•'y1 '• FARMERS. You can find ihe following first clan Corn Cultivators at E. M. Owen A Son's: Standard, Climax, Bert rand & Sanies. Csse. Granrletour, New Norwe­ gian. KnowKon. Monitor and Fnrst A Bradley, which we will sell lower tban anyother liouse In either county. SUMMER At the Old Reliable Boot and Shoe House Come early and examine my new «roods which are now heingr received and placed upon the aiarket to be sold for very little money Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable he found in the Northwest. Cash Prices. Drop in and take a look and get ray low W. H. DWIGHT, «i Woodstock, 111 JOHN H£NDRICKS. Spripg tirove, 111., June '20th, 1883. CHAMPK >N ill THE ONLY 0JR0AN8 WITH QUALIFYING TUBES GIVING A PIPE ORGAN TONEL Address, CLOUGH A WARREN ORGAN CO.* Detroit, Mich. J •••; ; ---AINR>--.' _; ^ Twine Binders. airs fof all of the above. Rempmhfr that you will ex|w>ri«nce •to difficultv in getting repairs fornuy jUat'liin^S -ohl l(y H. BisliO|i, thus pr«. VeutlniE •'•xntlnus and »»iqxM»elve r1i>. lay® at a critical tiiuoMhoh tliuu uu$aus M«ney. We would call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock' of men's, women's, misses and children's fine, staple and fancv 'Boots ami Shoes ever brought to Wno<1»to3k. These goods were bought from the manufac* turers for cash, and -will he sold for cash at a small profit, and we will make it an object for you to come from any part of the county to trade with u«, :io matter how great the tlis tauce. w. H. PWIOHT. Cor. Mtta St. anil PablkSquare, Wovd*lock, HuoU. If you want. »• black silk dresswortb fS'a yard for 81 .GO you can get it by calling soon at lleury Colby'*, CHIEFTAIN & PERFECT SULKY HAY BAKES, CROFT'S Wind MUli All kinds ot Machinery: ' ' For Sale by L. H. Harttnan, THE SPIRAL SPRINfr BUGGY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD. No 8AC, NO SWAY, NO PITCH, CARRIES ANY WEIGHT. 2 Oiiew.kjr mall promi^ly aiu^ed to. LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. /EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS. SPRINGS WARRANTED: 10 YEAR* THE EASIEST RIDING BUGGY BUILT. JTHE NEWEST AND BEST THINQ v OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUE AND PRICE LIST. "c^;;v..'T he Spiral Spring Buggy Co., ghihd rapids, mich. 1 S. WRIGHT, Seo'y. THE REDDY OIL STOVE, 1 Five difTerent sizes, all furnished complete, and cheaper thttn auy other house in the county. Cull and see them. E. M. HOWE. MeHenry, Ill.» June ICth, 18? < Whea GOLDING WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are ready to fuljfill the promise made to show the people of that place and viciuity the , MOST BLBQAIW And varied stock of Goods for the Summer trade, consisting in pari IDS NOTIONS, GROCERIES. v* * • HATS ATVX> floots, &hoe«v Crockery, Claseware, &c^ Ac. Which they are bound to sell as cheap as good Goods can he bought anywhere. In short, everything that can* be found in u ffeneral store will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, aud everything warranted as represented. .When in wsmt of goods in our line jou will find it foiryouv interest to call f>n<l see us. Wauconda, 111 , Juue 1st, 1883 f •m * ;$ •* m

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