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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1883, p. 8

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$r -r ;5'.sr.>K »f«rafflW •*;< *«*$*« ̂ .4 4 > if. 't •• f '•' - f •M ' ' ' '. ' • ' - - fMNtartr to #|iolJ Mid tWrtj^ou ^Iftir position indent,* ftgCHtd aroint' till It a Piece ob ; though **' I doan see tie Ian' doao prevent *ls und churolios from tittle*! matters." politics ffetx°u «otP'* », tome time tgo ^fien I «ra> for justice ob de peace, I gin * totiiMMMe ter some ob my Irion's De 'JStSp.fe'btt** de fttk *ud "I doo't see «rt»y the fact that jroa j^fi'S.fcarbeciie to your frleude sliotild hare c»aseil any trouble.'* Neither doee my*ef, boas, but yer MM, dey said 1 ftele de hogs wliat 1 barbecued. .Dtfjgqir wan't good and I think dat da »!•«#: wrong In ackin upoaaech fclim^lMlliaony. Da said dat I cotcli <lc bege iu a cornflel\ " I kaew dat waB't true. 'case it w« a wheat tier where I catch 'em.'Vplr- Traveler'. • •• (."/ ,.te| Brook llerferd hai written an Inter- eating article on the trust-worthiness of ancient tradition; in which he takes the position that in all ancient times traditions were sacredly guarded as the only evidence of proprietary rights, laws and hereditary descent. He savs "*eiue things have to be remembered |n all times liowever barbarous, re'.i- 'gtons, laws, names, and great deeds of ttieu." Traditions being history, law, and title deed* so the memory was trained care tally. - , The Iliad of Hemer was transmitted orally for generations, and probably for nanturies, 15,677 lines, heg- Veda or sacred songs of India consisting of 1017 hfinuf,was aud iaatill transmitted by memory, orally. Barbarious nations bad more cutitldenoe In oral than in written Hi;e«. Ho with the Rabbinical school, amid which the Talmud grew up. In early times minstrels recounted the deeds of lie roes. In Ireland the Brebou laws were banded down orally. In England the land boundaries were knpt by memory, as they distrusted the Written record. Heroditus as a his­ torian collected traditions. In Tahlte genealogies are preserved for a hundred generations the same with Hawaiian* and in the Sandwich Islands. In Egypt, Palestine, Pompeii, Baby­ lon and other ancient diles these tra­ ditions are constantly being corrobor- ated by ancient Inscriptions and other nfldeuces.--Sandtoich Argm. Ma*y»«f]M>aare. , • DANGER TO LIFE ̂ PROPERTY Besei yon m every hand. The muIter of the sivcoon, sickloon, saloon, eyclonc, tornado, windstorm,-or whatever name may be-given it, is heard in some section of the country nearly every day. 1 ?.v;Vv.' , Tho Fire Flo May break out at. {any moment--the economy of a lifetime l>e consumed. Death roust come to all. By a small pavmen t each year you can secure to yourself a foitune, should you live, or, in th« event ol death l«efore the time expires, your family is provided for. *150.- ooo.coo is represented by this agency. Our rates are as low as experience lias found to lie safe. You will save money by injuring with me. Genera! Insurance, Life, Fire. Lightning and Tofnado a specialty. Thanking ail 1»»y friends for tlieir patronage, and, hop. tug, by square dealing, to merit a con tin nance of the same, I beg to MibsiM-ilio my.self. Respectfully vours, C. A MORBT. McHenry, 111.. June II, 1883. •James Robbins, Solon Mills, «. * • ; --Dealer UH-i' Farm Machinery, We have the CHAMProN v ^ EEAPS2S AND MQWEBS, Antl the Beat JIA.Y BAKK in the market. SSVHepalrs of all kinds constantly on hand. Call and see me. James Robbing. Solon Mills, Jnne 20lU. l&y.^ ;. ..... ^ . R. 0. HILL, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, -v.- v. - .. • '.J-j i V « Agricultural Implements ̂ OF ALL KINDS. We keen a fall line of Farm Machinery of th< best maanfitetam^Bd ssiljnin--;^ J -;J ?f' Bed Rock l£%«>n Want anything in the AgrlcnUuta Machinery line, do not fail to call on me be tcre purchasing, as I can saVe you mnn^jr; >, I am also agent ter Lake and MciieOr} Couiiiies for the ^prThe Third Assistant Postmaster General has issued a circular notifying pnstmaste rs how to proceed in the matter of the two-cent postage rate which takes effect 011 the l«t of October. The public is -specially interested iu --a ef the instructions. The circular staves that tliree>oent stamps and stampea envelopes in tlio haiuiA of pri:- vati holders cannot be exchanged by pesllasters for two-cent stamps or •tiftsifnd envelopes until further notice Pnstmasters are, however, notified that as iwn and three cent stamps anil envel- opn Wlto preMnt issue will contimw to llVlHdtftar^Jnt date they mus| be accepted Iu payment of postage when etfenM in proper amounts, and that three osnt stamps can be used in com- Mnatlon with other denominations on l«u«rs requiring mors than one rate and.eo parcels of the third and fourth d»s. Two oent stamps of the new de- sitfn will be issued on tne 15th of Sep- temper, but they must not be sold be­ fore October 1st. The rate on drop totters will remain the same as at pres- ••t* > mmmmmmmmmmm--.•-- An Intelligent young English- JBln, a Bvronet's son, who has been laKgely investing In lands in Texas was asked bow It was that so many of his conntrjnen were buying land in this OMinmr Just now, "I will tell you," he said. "There Is a very general feeling lhat there will be a great cltange in England eoon, equal ro that made in the Sonth by your civil war. Althou^li Mw«y would luugh at the idea if you Mggested it nine out of ten men in •upland believe that Albert Edward, Prince nf Wales, will bs the last King England will ever hare. A revolution tasilently but Mtrely preparing that ^Ill nproot all theremnants of tbe old '*•i|udal system." a case now pending before the Ht&raai) Court of Common Pleas. In Kentucky, a curious question arises. A testator, on l»Mk- deatit bnd, b»: qieatlted to biswi fe, In case she shou id alMr Ms death hi. delivered of a daucliter, oue-Uaif of his estate, the other half to go to the daughter. In case she should be delivered of n son, •fe-thlrd was to go to the wife and two>>thir^ to the son. The testator dltd awl tiie wife had twin*, a girt and • *l*he wife claims half the es- 1 1 she has a daughter. The son's fen claims two-thirds and the 4M!ght0i*kf|nardjM one-half, Howls ««a^a to1if (Avlded ? -Legal News > Bakery Supplies. M hi' st°W a few'doors Riveraiile House, has made irtTMyMftopts to supply Ills customers Md tho public generally, with frcsli •nkon* thtpplies of all kinds. froth Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, etc.. mm1 be fonnd at his store at all times, #nd he respectfniiy iuyites the public fogive him a call. He also keeps on •and Chick's and Spencer's Flour Which will compare with any to be louud In the market. Give me a c»ll - McHenry. May Sth. 1SSS. EKOKXR. 1 Feed Cutter Yon can have a grinder attached to grlni at the 6*me time you are muting. Kverv pni chaser gets a written guarantee with his ma chine. It is positively the K.\ IET KUJT SIXGFEED ObXTUit IX THE MAUKKT Give m» a call. /?. C. BILL Waneonda, III., Dec. S^ lSSf BO YOU WANT TO BUY Sewing Machine? iV >«*iU uri* ;{. ;*rfV'A bt •te'rr-* ,v#jji 'i BVAn iHUi'Td •Jl* A wCf t.,y-r IvVii If you contemplate buying nnytVin# in the Implement line we wieh to Announce to you that we have a jsrooJ, honest lines of Good on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that we ate ready to explain, know that we can save you money on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented and if you find them not as represented we willcheerfrlly refund your money. Our stock of PlovriMs complete* con«istin<r ©f the Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner Stubble extm double »hin-hardened, either in wood or steel beam, the Beloit wood or steel l>eam Stubb.'e Plow with Geslev Jointer; also the Geslej Sulky Plow that can easily be handled by any boy that can drive a team. . Hakest S Rakes! > t Did VOU MT/Rakes? Well WE have on hand a full lin& /The Red liird, KUwoou Self £)iitnp, Centennial, Surprise; but riSt least, the Old Reliable Hollinjrsworth SuJky HaKc. !No imitation in ours, 110 uo, but the Original. . It killer ot the field to-da^. «/ ^ - - The McCorniick Iron Mowef. Tb iliaKe haf inline the Still >hihes is a yood old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick has 110 equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. With all its late improvements foi 1883. Tie owners of the smallest farms now see it is to their inteirest to use the I"wine Binder, as it eats nothing, never strikes tor higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies of work, always pleases the Jadie», as it involves no additional boarders. We make the easiest runuing Wagon, use only the best seasoned ^material, get up work in good style and finish:1 and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. , " Finally will say that our stock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of goods and Prices if you will favor us with a call. " With thanks for past tavors, we solicit a continuance of 'lie same upon the claim that we will sell the best <}oodj lor the Yours wBi BISHOP. 1 SKPWiS: mmm •. <• f-> t. llV.: '£2s&i. »f-» yi'h- tf •-}[> v IJh « % } 4 W'itR M-Unusually large assortment of ; Jtfeww, Stoves, Granite Ir«i-Ware., &c, •AT BOTTOM PRICES^ JOHN S ^I'ORYi •m'- JK ' At the old htand of Jac ob Story* Mellonrj, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, inYact everybody, to his large stock of Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARK, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing piomptly attended to Remember, extra good bargains car. always be obtained I have on li;iii<i awl am selling at the Low­ est prices, the U>uicstic, Kldredge, Ne*' Home, Sprinzlield, Now American, awl Sinjtur e wing Machine*, awl wMl not be undersold by any agent in the county. A go:>d linger Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. CaM *n<t «*» tne. , », > r i &. w. OWENS . MC«WI}!|' £«*. 20, ; •.) . ,a* "m w*" '* . fiij' zmmm t*n #*»- DISAL1.RS m iiimp) THIS MAGNETIC BELT 18 WARRANTED TO CUREMr® Sj; wlthontm«Jlciiio :~l»uIii In the bad , llml», I>er««d« .lKb1;ii V([UB1iiuS0i K> nenkl 4«bl|itr, rhcuaattam, [ jrulj-.i.. BturuS* iu, esot »b«kltiarira.avlnaa top[tMllvcr,««at, seralMi nalHlaa*, ln|K>(<-iut, ifthnta. kniglS utJr dll •eiBlMlMMoa*, tmpotrnry, fc e«»e, O VHIKHm, Ii tlon, semis or rmptmr*, cuiurrii. bllec. t dumb tgoe. «le. ^ When anyd< occurs, i«t •twllit wei muI etream »f JUimetlsm permeating tbrwucli tile nrtl ln"1 """•"/h';" •* • TU**e it no mistake aoout this f>i<|>llaiice. *? Work Given Out. On receipt of yotu- X? #<l<lr«M we will make an oflcrljy whli li Iwi can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your Men. women, boys or girls can ' •» It. H. O. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and * |97 Fultou Street, New York. •. s!r> > "Pleaae rememoer eur prices kl m low M tlie lowest, gnd we MN! ready at all tloiea to meet any all competition. . sfe* M* . L^^SlGn*.' * i* •••• ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER, t* ' StvtH ••.•tMMlftr with IMwmm •rths i!ir tr«. ncatfacke or Cold Fett, Kwollcn si or fiwollm Feet, an Abrtominal Bel TO THE U01ES:-j"J"»aySt! _ . _ AeurBifnii« Ezhantloa * * •r, Ktdu W euk AnLlea, or Swollni Fcct^ an Abdominal Belt and a pair of ll;»jrneti<* Foot Iiatterieg huvi> no HUpeiloK In the re'S^f and cur« of all these complaints. They carry a powerful magnetic force to the seat of th« Fi»r L«tne Back, we*kne»ii of tk« Mm, Fall, tho womb* Lc«e«rrfca &, 4 hr«alo lnlUmma. tlon and 1 l<'mt!;«i of tbe Womb, Incident*! Hem* •rrLf?i»o OP Kl.iodlfig, Pulaflil, ^uppreiaed fad Ir* reaulur IIPHMPIIHIIow, llarreiiiio»t», and cbaaga at {'irr. thU Utile Ue#t Appliance uud Caratl%e Aaaat Known. For all formfi of Female ntllScuTtfeft It Is unimr-passr<l by anything beioiv jiivciitiMi. hoth a« a ciirattva anUasa Houvc©*;f power and viiaii^ation. Frif^ of either Belt with Magnet icF<)< t liaticrle#, |T>, Sentl y exprt-MC.O. I).,and examination aitowcd.ort y mall on reootpt of §iric-c?- In ordering. mensuTe ct traiKt una size <. f t-h-je. Ken ilt;mee call he inade ill cur­rency sent in letter at ot rrlf k. The jJugrnfton Garments are adapted to all ami. are i,!**.Sl"> hi'Wm-fJlothlng, i not m< VI to tho BMy like the inunjr Gulvunle and Kl< ctrle Iliim-ndverlUrd «• eiten.lvrlv i amt nhniilil bo taken on at m^ht. 'Ihrv ,liuM their power forever. AUd. are worn at all seavoira of the year. Senil itami) f .r the "Ni.w Dei ft'lure In V«Hc»l Treat-Dm*)it U ilduMt ^Icdlclae,with tli»usau(hof te«ti»#io* Uia..-. XlJIi MAtiNKTON API'T IANCK CO.. SU» Mate Mk, CbiuieeTik « v f \< -fw. •. . t^v.f hprtmn ??;•(?• w&in '.*? y-mh 'mf y ri'i >».jj i«> ;«i.( jf - •„ ' ,) -1 '.iiMiuud \jf-.n-'u> . 7 . " . g 0 •hit:.;; S|! fik trl j I >» <ttl • >(UJ' '•» • • (J BIT V •$&»>) CLOTHING READY . MADE .'i'Ssf. At Centerville, McHenry '.McHENRT, IW,.; •-M * • tMU- .23d, 1888/ «&4-.•riv'tix CHEAPER THAN EVER. I t f.y li Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* My stock of Yurniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be »old as cheap asany other in the county, and it will be to he interests of the buying public to ca uponfme.when'in want of anything in that line. *iu. i! « f 'M In this department I keep a first-class assortinent of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable W *»%"*' " «*I • •- '•;>« '»i;r 'i •» J'i ' l»t -, I' ' *- "J • " " ^ . . •>** >4 h -f " , J|.* i <1 ) ' f Vff ."Vf •' '> • 1 ;#pp- %r>i. ft "*?s Uti'*'- -s ' *.w i'tp'i i -.f,-1, -PE AX.KK Ilf»f w ^ ,, yi, s> t % t,, - }£f 5fi"' »'«• : * ; > ' ! "i-.* iyfk' £#•>£<&£};;&^ :%7- w ' J in «i'k4 f ii'."1*"'1 , -j •» ' ^ " 4 • -Ailor l. At'. •»U." Ak**,;sj itif* 4 -• ii %•>, i 5- jr V RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. V'fi" . . V'«.J | '^|iiuid Ulos?ng sale T LINE »T»I/£ f« I. !- ,i I v". •»! I S.K?A J '£*A f And all point* In ..trjil. Eastern b No: sot&ltafcofi inff. Utrfi, cflfr Idaho. t Iowa, Mlnne-_ and . ru*», wyom- Mdntana, Nevada, 1 \ ^ t , i *-• &X' sys* t + ^ f|VEEPINO KEDUCTTON T» PRICES f TO • Fancy Straw Goods at 25 to 50 cents on the dollar. , .. liinen Vfea^a^ less than one-fourth what it cost u^r. tiawns below cost. Parasols at cost." flValking Shoes at.cost ancl below. & 50 pair. Ladies* Cloth Shoes worth from $1.50 to $2.00 per pair reduced to 85 cents. ^nd.mak^;0tlier.^od4-&t^H^ that will psiy close buyers lo inspect. ' HEPTRY COLBYi McHenry^ Illinois, March 5, 1883. !$?• wB ^answuiu iwawga. rwc.F.. Jiw ligtmhmd, and All prtwgpol pedots in the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own Una* it traverses North­ern HX1NOI8, Ogitid «nd Northern WISCONSIN, Northern Micm. r GAN, MiNNEJiOTA. and Central DAKO­ TA. It offera to tho traveler ell accom­modations mat can be offered by any • railroad. Its train servtee equals that of any road: their apebd is as crrec^ as comfort and safety will permit; they make close connections in union depots ,at junction and terminal points with !the loadlag' railrMwcf tti.West and Nc^thweetTa^d elS&r to toaB* teat use them 8PEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close conneo- all throusrh trains, PABtOB CARSgn its throusrh day express toaina. If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will buy vour Ticket* by this route AND WILL TAKE NONlS OtHER. For rates for single or round trip tickets and for full' information in re­ gard to all parts of tho West. North end Northweot,-vrite to Gcnorcil PcEsengoi* Agent". o,t Chic^o, 111. All Coupon Tiokot Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J. D. < -.^^,4- z.,£il'ur. •:< ** ; •>>; . v'. . ' if -'t. r ^ I 1 h- 1 *^4.# -s-;; :a' ;' h tf . 3 • ' f' „> i I , 1 '« ........ ... i h's- bm IT LAYNQ, MARVIN IIUGI'TTT, Qm. Snp t. 2<1 Vicc-IT s. and (icu. MauaflBt, W. H. STENNDTT* - ... Oen. Pas*. Axt., Cltlcsgb. iW' FOR 4 . '.j * -.v '• Cii i'- 'ANT» Agricultitr&l lluhipery, ms*.®?* Richmond • Illinois. THE REDDY OIL STOVE 1 is tbe Five different sizes, all tui'nislied complete, and sold as ehe.ipjp(i cheaper than any other horse in th<5 county. Cull and see them. -- : E. M. HOWEI; Mcflonrv, III.; jf«m lCth, i883. COME! When QOLDING BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine farmer wan to. IM-ATFORM SPUING, OB* I.IV'SItY AND FARM WAGONS. TOP AND OPEN BUCCIE3 'One, two ami three seated., at lowr-r pr!c.>« 'tli:in any other concern northwest of Cluciy.». s< In the Agricultural Department I have the ;,Moline, Davenport, and the John Deere I'i w* *noth Sulky an<f Walking. The Keystone :in>l ^Richmond Champion Planters. The Itich- t'mond Broadcast and Superipr Seedtr#. If«*•- VoWm of nil kinds at lower prices than ever iKifore. Corn Oultivaiom of all kinds, Slow. >ers, Reapers ai.d Twine Binders. Jn short .anything a man wantx in the farm Machinery line, FROM A CLEVIS XO A STEAM EN FINE PAir TiKC. In my Pnintinirt)epartment I have secar-j I the services of If. II. NKJHOl.S, who is vr-t I known in McHenry antl Lake Counties MS OI» < of the lif st painters in this part of the coju try. Call and see his work, which suenka f<» itself. Kor "Artistic Style" 1« this line, Wi defy competition. Blaoksmlthingt and Repairing Dono In a workmimlike manner and war ranted. C&ltftnd see me before puachabing . us I am sure I can eave you money . A. P. Oh A Y, Richmond, Marsh 6tli(. 1883. i Are refldy to fulfill the pjrepise made to show the people of that place and vicinity >***<*# i^r- Is And varied stock of Goods for the Summer trade, consisting in part ^ NOTIONS, GKOCERIES. > poofs, ;'i: HATS Shoes, Qrockery, nr TH •u fia.1 >u- •l ' ' Glassware, &c-, &c. ey are bouiid to sell as cheap as good Goods can he bought In short, everything" that can be fonnd in k general store Which the: anywhere. „ will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. W hen in want of goods 111 oup line you will find^t^ for your itit^res^ to call and ,se<» us. r IHTailGand^, 1|(*9 J uue 1st, 1883. -or? •M ft id -.jMl x-M'> '••«! J »>v,' ,f>4t <•»! ^ Jt"t; » n'l »» if*' , ? • i^.,, • i*fv»i . i SPRING, AND ii J j-t . r. • 'tit' - |A ' Mil- A- 'i , " -"'i' ' It tie Old Reliable boot ami siidi Bou* of * "M i J* tnu ' ^ i if t'ri t H. DWIGIIT. House HSfitfiblislied in 1865. iHkkv-.-' !*rti rSifl" --nii Vi. fortte early ttnd e*Rtftift»» my iie^ ^oods ^hletr are now beiiif received and placed upon the market to be sold for .very little money. Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable he found in the Northwest. Drop in and take a look and get my low ' C a s h F i k ^ ; ; % 1 ̂ - • ilt&s'j *j J," ^ ; I4V < : • 'S' ,*^<#-5.' ^ • " -4_ ' " » ^ ' •> (•* _ •«.. '4;i- 'mm/* 'OMi: • M' .'i ' -n D WIGHT, - Woodstock, HI w E M HOWE, SUCCtCSSUR TO O. C. COLBY] Having purchased.the stock of Hardware O. U Oolhy, In the Store opposite Bishop*-. Mill. I am now prepared to offer to tlie hay ing public anything in the line of HABDWABE, TIN WARS, Stoves. &c. iwtik WiTtklfo niid a large assortment of D»lr/ men's Utensils, Mlik Pans, Milk Pftlhs, Jli Cans and any tlung iu that line at prices a* rices to suit the times. "" &<$>*'• ,, IJAIBYMENfl ( How as the Lowest. B4BB Wilts: Always on . , , .1 ".><• I ' *- •••.•> JOBBING AND REPAIRINC, Promptly thing in the examined ly Atti tie Ha mj!sti ttenfletl to. OTDon't buy any- lard ware Line until you lu}y< stock asd learned price*. E. M. HOWM* McHenry, Feltrtiary 27. IKS. JOS. TOZCOUHN. ; ?i'. i TMK MoHENRY, »*FO*,rivi^ . ,.,X ip ILLINOI3 . WImsl Llnvors •wl Cljptrs always on Haad. Good ^UHMiBg foi The best Brands of Igars i Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE r* ; Lager Beer, Beer In 1<arg* or SmalT Kegs or Bottle* n" ways on hand ehcaper than any other, qua! tv consitlered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, siwt pood judftes acknowledge it cannot oe snr t asted in the world. Orders bjr mail promptly attenried toi. JOS. WIEDEMANN; Melfenry. III. An*. 10th, 18^ 'r\ i ,.'•£* * r* ^ Call am! exnmln^ ttioao Bl.wk W .i- nnt Extension TaM«*» nt 81.00 per fj.»t ^J-e-afauv r« < -x v ..rfi " . il'lr. ,-j

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