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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1883, p. 5

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•ft* WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If. 1883, 1#$ RSftroal Thne Table. ' ?" aoitro SOtTTR. - Bene^a T«ake Pf*i*en*er... --7:97 k.M ,, , Benev* f.ake Kxnr««s - .*:?* •* '* r,nk* frei:rlit *•* 'i: Weascbeat Express .». ..v. a-xti mrjti Bw«»Trtk« Freight RtMmtowt Express ..... Bentn lAkt Kxpraw.. Bmurii Idiko PiMenwr «:57 " B. BN««. Airent. McHenry, III #ti! fir £'to! mm ) mti't * "• CI? ; 'T- « .jK'iu<i.:n flnt Steamer • .5:15 k. U «:57 p. w MA«WVno McTfB*BY Low**, No.JISS *. F. and A. M.-- RntnltrMmnnimtioni the Mtnr<hr on or beforetha full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. _ „ CHAR. C. OOLBT, W. M, nvrr^i '*r>. K- A. M --Tfetm ar Convocation* hetd on the seconl and fourth Fridays in casta meneh. K. V A»D«Rao*,H . p. r- 'A? M a. t v£« *4 *:> To file Lotus Bed*. Mnry OrUwolil11 will make t trip to the Lotus Sunday next, August 19th, leaving he dock*.tn tails village at t o'clock p. i. *harp. returning:. ar$i>4 at Mellenr at abo«t7p. Mm The Lo{«s will the i be In * fill! bloom, and It will be tl best tine in th« season to visit (lie e famous,, bed*. Fare, Round trip fO cents. | *u:"' " Vi ft*' _ __ THE Univer«alist Sabb|th School, i-JWi tlilevillage. 1b plcnicing at Justeu' Point, Plstaqua Lake, to-day. I *>*$ Qr SKTTT.Kns' Anjtnnl Ue-Unlon In McHenry, Thursday, September 6th. 1883. Full programme next w«tk. . ^ „ !\ Br letter we learn that Dr. 8. |l Bennett, of Richmond, Is slowly recov * '«' erlng from his late severe accidentj but Is still ponfined to his bed. THB Rev. L. O. Powers will hold M vices In the Universallst church M< Ilenrr, il|„ on Sunday, Aug*. 30th, it 10:30 a. m. •< MRS. GKO. W, BKSLKY WILL accei ^ ^ thethanks of the editor and famih • for the first mess of green com we hare » V i had this season. • ,k • - - " ^ "• * " \ *" •.Thr Rubber Stamp frat^d wM again ,C^ In our midst the first of the we»-k, but t • those who have used them are in no danger of getting fooled * second time. ' U i^t, Ox account of Camp Meeting at Des- Plai.'ies, there will be no nreaohing In the Methodist Church of this place and King wood next Sabbath. Sabbath school as usi}*!!. Tmiattentlou of ourreadurs in Wan- conda. and vicinity Is directed te the card of Dr. O; W. Wells, of Waneonda« which can be found on the first page of this paper. not gi ve yftiir orders foi4 Job print ing to, drummers for out of town "p int shops." We can do any kind of work In the printi ug line, do it as well as anybody, and our prion are always as low as the lowest. IT IS lawful to shoot prairie chickens to day, but if those fellows who have been unlawfully slaugrfiterln;* these birds for the past ten days don't see ghosts Itefore the week is out they won't get their just deserts--that's all. THE Base Ball hoys wi.«h us to returu thanks to Mi*. Charles Hubbard, for the very fine Watermelon delivered to them on their way home from Wau- oouda on Friday evening. If there WM ever a time when tiiey felt like "cutting a watermelon,'* it was then It was a savior iu time of need. pii* MISSES STUKIUVAXT and Daytnent give notice that they are now prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, dress­ making, cutting ar.d fitting.etc.. at the residence of Miss Stitrdlv tut. in the south part of the village, I.adius wish­ ing anything in this line should bear this in mind. NEXT week our Education*! Depart* ment will he opened iiguln, and will, os heretofore, be under the direction of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, County Super­ intendent, which Is a sure guarantee will be ably conducted, and will from week to week coutain much that will be of interest to teachers and others. If* have Jtat NMln^fraatlMiflr* side Publishing Co.. Plilladelphia, Pa^ a copy of "Battle* for the Union,"* handsomely bound volume, which con­ tains between its covers a eemplete history of all the prominent battles fought during the Rebellion, by that prince of authors, Wlllard Glazier. It is a book that will tell In every ramllr. Agents arc wanted. See advertise- bie MRS. F. KTl &RAXGKR met with a vere and painful accident on Sondar vening last. Some time after dark he went out to take down a bird cage i'h1ch wag hanging upon the ptaxza. nd, not knowing that the outside iiatchway to the cellar was open, walked off into the cellar, falling ahont six feet. She was taken up insensible, and Dr. [Toward, who was immediately Called, found tliat although she was considerably bruised no bones were broken, mid at present she is getting along as tvell as could be expected under the circumstance*; & was a arrow escape. ' HOMER WATTLES. ESQ., came neat" be­ ing killed by a vicious bull one day last week. The bull had run with his cattle the entire summer, and they hart ncit; the least s^picinn that he wn& ugly, but on Thursday last when Mr. Wattles entered the yard he Immediately at­ tacked him, and after a severe buttle he succeeded in getting away, but iu a badly bruised condition., His left jaw was broken and his body a mass of bruises from head to foot. Dr. Fegers was called and at the time of writing he is able te ride nut, but It will be some tline before lie will, hj* able to attend to business. |t was a narrow from death. / THK PICKLK CHOP. The Pickle Crop In this secti«t#*fo*ci not promise very flattering resudts at the present time, the continued dry and cool weather being extremely unfavor­ able for their raidd growth. At CriRty, Walker & Oo.'s factory,-«p to Saturday night, they had received about three hundred and ieventy bush* els, which Is fully equal to the feceIpts of l ist year up to t he corresponding dite but the prosp*>cts for the season was than this one a little >sed end in barrels, 'fa bet ween ft and belong t: RRCTOR C. HITT, of Ottawa, III. pass­ ed through here on Saturday last, on his way to Geneva Lake, and we had the pleasure of taking him by the hand. He was a clerk of the last Gen­ eral Assembly , l« a staunch and relia­ ble RepubJioan, and as he told us just where we could find him, we < shall certainly caU if we ever pass that way. WILLIAMS &CO„ of Carpentersvllie, Fare digging a new well at Crlsty, Wal­ ker ft Co.'s Piokle Factory, having commenced on Monday. They have started it about twenty feet north of the old one that was dug last year and caved in, and propose to strike the Lsame vein of water^fTher are practical men al tlie business and we ttave no deubt.yrtll make a suocess of it. ^THE game of H£se KaV between Mcllenry and Wauconda came oft on Friday last as advertised, but was rather a one-sided affair, the McHenry boys winning by a score of 41 to 8. This fact is accounted for la a measure by the fact that the Wanoonda's were unable to get eut their regular Nine, and then again, aithfmgtfthe first game for the McHenry Sob this season, they played like veteiitnaAEvervthlng with the best of feeling on both sides, and it il to be hoped that a return g^uie m*y be arranged to be played in this village at an early da^ The game was fair and - impartially umpired by E. A. Golding of Waucon da, an.l it is the universal' expression of all, t hat he was Ut« "rifhi «aa la |1m right place.1* hund^Nl^^l sixty nor? more thanhfllHs^wJiiticli as lS&Cvear. Owing to theJ^ir^ntas^hia l^m quite a sto^of last: that in tliflll1 factory iundred bushels In saU to4j|gugtitim» t Bishop's sal|lng factory they had [taken hi up to Saturday night about [three hundred aid twenty basheis of [icumters for thf« sen?oiyKaiid we roiTW WretlrPt oftli'ls WfeK they have been coming in quite rapidly. They have couiracted ills year, we bellev, about three hundred a -res. Theirent Ire crop of last year wa» eohl at g<M>il Hg-I ures anil has beeb shlppnilyajvay. so that the .factory starts in again this season free from the old crop^ • ~ : : M • TBK C'OO^TT rtlR. I The Mareugo Republican, in speakin of the coming County Fair, says: "Tin 31st Annual Fajr of the McHciiry Co. Agricultural Board will be held at Woudatock, Sept. 11, 11, 13, 14 and 15, and will undoubtedly be one of the grandest and most entertaining Expo­ sitions of the season, R8 the manage­ ment liayc been at work for many months in securing attractions which will be of great inducement for all to go and see, viz,: "General James Long- street. one of the ablest Generals dur­ ing the late war, though against us, but on surrendering ills sword ackuowl edged his error, and has since held the office of U. S. Marshal iu Georgia, sinoe Grant's first administration." 2d. One of the fine sights will be the Prize Military Drill for 8300 00 in pre­ miums. Among tlieentries will be the Beloit City Guards of Wisconsin. 3d. Friday, Sept. 14th, the Chicago Bicycle Club will give a grand Bicycle entertainment. As this Club ranks first among the chibs of the State it wil( be one of the great attractions to the Fair. 4th. The attendance of the fanion* Elgin Military Band each day of the Fair will be one ot the flae attractions which will be appreciated by all lovers of the beautiful.' , . The addresses by Gov. Hamilton,uen. Clark E. Carr and cithers, will be one of the pleasing features of the Exposi­ tion. I" f*<* everything will be first- class and a credit to the County. Let us all bear this in mind and .attend the Fair." The closing out sale at Fitzsimmons & Evansou's 6eems to be appreciated, and another revolution Ins l»een made this week uf which may be mentioned a few of the following alleles: Ginghams 7} ami 10c, former price 12 cents. French Gingham 13c, former price 180. Dress Goods 6c pei yard, former price 10c. Dress Goeds 7e. for­ mer price 12c, Dress Goods he, former price 15c, Dress Goods 18c, former price 25c. White Goods such as Piques. Marsailes, etc., reduced 25 per ceut. Ladies and Gents low shoes at cost. A small lot of Ribbons, worth from 8 to 20c all marked down to 6c per yard Metis suits tbat used to bring#11 to f 12 are selli.ig at *8. Everything^ must go and be converted Into cash quick. Cash t>uys cheap. CJall oyer at the West Eud aud see, JFITZSIMMOKS A EVAHSOK. V - Wealth- The Fair will soon be here, hence all #lsliliig privileges, viz: booths, stands, ftti^, are requested to make application at ouce. Terms .and conditions given v A.*SV W IUGU|, Jtetyr. FltfK SHOIS. ?: Just Received, The finest stock of Ladies' and Children's Wear In the eonntf at bottom JP«fry A Miss CARRIE JOVRS. or Darten, Wie„ Is visiting with A. Walsh and family. Mrsa MINERVA OHTRAN6KR Is visiting with friends In Janesvllle, Wis. MISS.?ENWI* BARRirr, ef Elgin, Is visiting In this village. • » • - j . Miss Lou RcssRix.of Batavla. Is tii* gnest of Mrs. S. Co Iyer, in this vlilare. Miss IDA BUTZRL has lteen v'sitlng a few day* with Miss Jennie S*nrlw^ Miss MART WRNTWORTH la visiting with friends In Chicago this #eek. JOHN KKLTER. or Ciiicago. was call­ ing on friends here on Mondav. j: Mtss KATE DANA,of the Elgin WatMi Factory, was the enest of .Tames Walsh and family oyer Sunday. FRANK PATTERSON and w!fe, of Chi­ cago. spent Sbiiday with friends in this village. GEO. VAN VELPER and wife, of Dele, vnn. Wis., were tha guests er A. Walsh and family over Sunday* Mtss MAY ADAMS, of Kenosha, Win., is the ffuept of Ml»s Maggie Clark. In tills village, Mt«s AWik ano LOLA JACKSON, <%F WoodstocV. Were the guests of Jessie and Clara Wight man pver Sunda,y. HOIN. CL H. TRTOW. of Hebron, made our sanctum a call on Saturday., Sorry we were not at lmme. PAUL J. DIMICK and Au*usihs*Drs- per. of Cliieago, spent Sundar with J. Bishop and family in this village. JOHN BYRNKS of 276 South Water Street. Chicago, was <M» our streets on Monday. i J * ' > Miss Alioe DrvnAM, of Junesvllle. Wis.. I* visiting with Mrs. L. Stoddard, In this village. W. S. PISICKKTT. of FulrfleM. Veb.. was visiting frit nds in Rlngwooil and Mcllenry last week, MRS. I.. BRNTHUSRN,- of Vunds.spent Sunday in this visage, Mrs. Benthu sen l« a daughter of L. D. Lincoln. MRS. Ai.LRN.aud son,of Ciiicago. was the gue»t of Isaac Wentworth and fauiv lly over Sunday. BURNHAM PARSONS, late t^ Malcom, Nebraska, has returned with his family to this place. * F. VAN VELSERSIMI wlfVtof t>eleva«. Wis.,Is visiting with Mrs. T. J. Cimon In this village. JOHN ZIMPI.KM VN and wife, of Wood­ stock. were among the cn#ilo!ilits to Fox Lake on Sunday last. WILLIAM E. HOLMES, of Wankegan, called on friends in this village last *eek. ' JOHN LA.VSIITO. t'me resident of Mcllenry, hut now of Fairfield. Meb. was calling on friends liere Sat unlay and Sunday. C. D. BEERS had a young lady imarder arrive at his residents on Fri­ day night last. She is healthy and ruggAl and tipped the scales at exactly leven pounds. 1 . - • •• • *'• FRANK TORRANCE, who has been with J. I. Story, has aecepted a situa­ tion iu the lln»hop of T. Whitson & Sons. Woodstock, and left far that place oil Tuesday morning. s ' , f Old Settlern* llfeetiitf!4 " The Aiinunl Meeting of the Old Set* tiers' Association of McHenry and Lake Counties wa# helil at the Riverside nouse. In the vlllnge of McHenry. o<t Tii.irsdav. August 9th, 1883, John 43, Ritgan, of Wankegan, in the chair. The election of officers being first In order, a vote was taken that the rules be suspended for this meeting, and that they be elected viva voce, which was carried, and the following w<*e elected officers for the ensuing year: President:--John G. Ragau, of Wau* kegau. Vice President*:--Albeit Kapple.of Lake Comity, Joel H. Johnson, of Mc­ Henry County. . jf 7Yea*wejy^»Klcliard Bishop, of Mc­ Henry. v ; Secretary:--J. Van Slyke.McIIenrjr. Onrrenpnnding Secretaries;--.1. B. B.ilicock. of Marengo, John Avery, of Wankegan. Executive Committee:--For McHenry County, C. B. Curtis. Mcllenry; C. E. Chapell. Algonquin; Richard Wray. Richmond. For Lake'County--Walter White, Hainesville; J. R Weils, Wau­ conda; A. V. Smith, Fort Hill. On motion the time for holding the next Re-Union was fixed for Thursday, September 6th, 1883, and the Public Square, in the village of McHenry as the place. On motion, duty seconded, the Secre­ tary was authorized to act witb the Executive Committee In seenring speakers for the occasfen and advertis­ ing the Re-Union. On motion adjourned to meet a* Re-Union Sept. 6th. : JOHWG. RAOAivPrea, J . VAVSLTER, Bec'y. ' Oweu'a. m&msm HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDHAI.KRIf you want to laugh go and sea dans Van Smash at Union Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings, Mies Morrison, of Dele van, la visiting at George Wickliams. Mr. B. H. Pierce Is making friends In Hebron a short visit. Mrs. May Trow, nee Wallace, spent a few days with her sister. K Those who attended Culver's Har­ vest partv from he*e had a pleasant time. Hope to be able to go again and induce others to do likewise. Mr. Fred Grilling, of Woodstock called on old friends and neigh bars last week while on his way home from Kaye's Park, where he had been spend­ ing a few days with the boys in blue. There wiif be a concert at the M. E. church on Sunday evening, August 19. given by the Sunday school, assisted by the choir, , Do not forget the fframatic Enter­ tainment at Union Hall. Thu sday and Friday evenings. Proceeds are to be appropriated toward a public library for the town. Admission 25 cents, chil­ dren lo cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, curtain rises at 8. Reserved seats for Mia at the pest ofltoa, - . ... Dan Coggin is here on a visit. Mr. and' Mrs. E. W. irooks hava ra* turned from Iowa. . Dr. llCChesney's father visited his son last wtek. Ha traded him a grey mare, {or the Doctor's Fisltar otare and colt. Instead *f the sapper Iu the old Hotel Hail, the Ladies Sewing Society held a lawn supper on Saturday p. mM on Mrs. J. Bangs' grounds. It was a Tory e«r joyable affair, and was sucoeufal finan­ cially. Mr, Louis Anlt, a cousin of Mrs. W. flf, Foj-d, recently sent her sons a curi- eus zoological specimen In the shape of a Texas Horned Frog. It lias been safely pickled, and can be seen for a few days at the drag store, by the scientifically Inclined. Dancing Is again becoming the rage, Ed has a dance svery w«ek or two In Ills kail, and Frilay evening a bAll was given at Esq. Givens', and on the same evening a t'ance at Barringtoa attract­ ed a load of gay Waucondi tns. . Herman Malman has gone Into busi­ ness for him «eif, and la now prepared to manufacture first-class clothing at reasonable rates. Herman is a mighty good fellow, and a tip-top workman. He certainly merits, and will doubtless receive a good trade. Perhaps the little drive on the Mc­ Henry boys last week for proposing to play ball for money created a wrong impression. It seems th#* were per­ fectly willing to play a friendly game, but hearing that Wauconda was so anxious to play they said, "Yes we will play them,aud If they wish will put up ten dollsrs on It." That at least is said to be the how of It. But knowing we bad no regularly organized nine, not knowing they had been thirsting for an opportunity to play MuHenry, and the clialletiKO being to play for 810. we took it to menu what It said. The McHenry boys afe gentlemen certainly, and they beautifully scooped us Fri­ day. As stated last week. Wauconda liad no fears as to the result--not a bit of it. Why should they? Fear, la an enterprise deliberately and willingly undertaken. Implies a degree of uncer­ tainty. With the lack of practice, and absence of two of the best nan, the pitcher and estcher, there was little uncertainty.; The result was expected, hence was not feared. But the fact is McHenry lias a rattling giiod nine, and It Is no dlsgraos to be beaten by them, tliongh It Is s*1d they hare had little practice this season and their regular catcher was absent. • Picnic. FOR tfti BENEFIT OP) /THE CATIiOLifJ CHURCH. ^ There willfbe a picnic In Wheeler's woods, on the east side OF the Driver, McHenry, on 3«tfMB)ay, Awpsl 25tli, for the benefit, of^h C;tthe|ie Church, of McHenryj RefresWments wl II he served on t<i« ground, and a line plat­ form erected for daneinf. Miwiu by Mudgett's Quadrille Band.. The grounds will be ou the east side hut •Iowa the river. Alt are cordially in­ vited to came out |nd hav* a • good time, aud aid n worthy cause, ! BV oaosa OdSitmi. DIKII. L A WSWN. --Near RingweoA, at the iwsMence of hit parents, Angu«t 4th, ISSS, ROBKRT SncpriKN. son .if Itir hard and liary Ktlen Law- son, ag«J 12 years, I month and S week*. Lines, respectfully laeertbed to Mr. Mrs. Lnweon, iu mumory Uf their little son in heaven: Br A FHIKMO. f rom our your little Robbie gone; Gone to those innnsloa* uf heavenly rest, Where no more pain and suffering- can eome. "sorrow not, for ue<t kaoweth what la best. No more here his bright, tunny face ahall we »ee. No uiore here hisawaet loving voice skali we hear; No more little ants of klndnea* ean he do for hia Pa and Ma, that were so dcaik->. And no more will lie a*k his Pa's help f'v.-: To hitch npold Riackie into the nart{. And no m ire will he ca)l U>At#a»<l to Mttty Tto get his thing* for Mm to on his ride he could atart. And down to see Grandpa aad Grandma; " There he will to no more. And no more will they wait and wateh for him For now lie is wailing and watching to greet them on the golden above. Friend* ami nsighbors, too, Ultle RobbiS'a fte« will mi«a, and with hi jwrenta aincereljrgrieve; " An'< his little schoolmates, too, > They think it very tuurn that he firoat tS9m j had to leave. ' * fVeep no more, Robbie'saareota dear. steji^r For with your <1arMag all ta weli< ,. , Forever f«-efe from care and pain, Your precioas ehild shSil dweU. . ' And thopgh it lie for many roars fell Before you meet nbove, Votir little Uobbie shall know you thi- And welcome you with happiness anil --R. K. 1>. Ringwood, 111^ Aagust 7th, laSS. TKACHKKH* INSTITUTE. An institute for thtt baaefft of teacli- ers and those desiring to teach will bo held at Woodstock during the l^st four d.»y« of August, 1883. Prof, Geo. E. Ki epper, principal of the high school at l'eeria, anid one of the best Irstltute workers in the State, has been engaged to work with us, and some of tlie best teachers iu theoounty will assist. Prof. J. B. Estee writes that he will be pres­ ent if circumstances will permit, and will give soma illustrative lessons in U. S. history. A freo lecture will be given an each evening of the Institute. An examination will be held at th< close of the Institute and also at the following times and plaoesj Harvard. Satnrday, Sept. 15. v S;A»SSA5,8SRI,.,V'?K ; N inula, Thursday, Sept. as. IMotitsond Friday. saJpt. ai. Woadsloekt SetanfayTsept, M, 8. D. BALDWIN^ Co. sup't of 8g|^(. Woodateek. 111., July si, 188*. £ , HARVEST PARTY. Yourself aadh ladies are eerdially invited to attend a Hsrvest Party at the McHenry House Hall, Oft Monday evening, August 20th, 1883, ^Musio hy Mudgett's tjtaadrille Baud. Tickets, 50 ccuts. Gao-DnuiBtv Proprietor. Call and examine those Black Wal­ nut Extension Tables at $1.00 per l'o«*t mj.a.«*.•», ' - ' x.~. t„Lt !i'. i. As to sojou«-ners, arrivals, departures, absentees, visitors, ete„ etc.. we are not posted, and therefore we are ex- eusable if these are not mentioned. Prof. Estee. so report says, has placed our school board !n a quandary by pleading Indisposition to fulfill his contract to superintend our school the coming school year. A New York clergyman says: **A man does tint take a wife because she is a philosopher, but to satisfy his cravings for the beautiful, the good, and the gentle.'1 Our Co. G. boys have just rattttned from Lake Geneva, where they have been in camp for a week and report a good time, and we take pride la not­ ing from reports to Chicago papers, that for deportment and drill as a com- (ytny, they lai# no secoud place In the regiment,; In strolling through the streets of our beautiful city, we note the signs of tin ift and improvement which have been steadily advancing, by way of comfort and adornment withiu the past few years. We cannot, of course, without a more ininnto survey than we have been able to give, mention all. On Clay Street we notice two partic­ ularly attractive and comfortable new residences, completed within the last two years, on grounds long left vacant, after the binning, many years ago, of an antiquated and uninviting struc> ture. One is that of Arnold, and the other was built by Dr. A. E. Bald­ win and now owned hy a stranger, whose name is not uow remembered. Near these, on the same street. Is a renovated residence of very respect­ able appearance, owned by a Mr. Craig. The residences along this street are noted for their neat and quiet appearance, and bear testimony of nfflu^nce and industry. At the cor­ ner of church anil Madison Streets, Mr. Eckert is making decided improve­ ment by changing aud adding to his residence. At the corner of Madison itnd Vine Streets, C. P. Barnes, oiir en­ terprising young attorney. Is trimming and Improving the lawn and grounds of his new home, lately purchased of A.W.Smith. Ou South Street Mr. Seymour l« building a fine residence. On Calhoun Street, the Presbytarian church aud parsonage and the Improve­ ments made by P, M. Buuker on the M. W. Hunt property are the attract­ ive features. A Mr. Wright, a wealthy business man from Chicago is erecting a palatial residence midway between Jackson and South Streets. On Jack­ son Street E. E. Richards and A. K. Bunker are Maintaining the reputation of our "Wabash Avenue" by ttsir new mansions, fast approaching completion. Near the court house we note the cosy and home-like appearance of our old and respected eit'aen, the obliging deputy circuit dork, Erastus Richards. May lie live yet many years tg ettfoy Its comforts. On Judd Street Fred Reulcli, the tobacconist, and A. Dryer, the harness maker and carriage trim- mervare building homes worthy of the beautiful sites selected. On Chemung Street the new German church is the oue principal building lately erected, which reflects credit .ipon the church and their popular pastor, the Rev, Mr. Kolh. The residences which have been built anew or rebuilt wltliia a year or two are many and of no mean appearance,built, as tliey.are to a large extent, from the savings of the own­ ers from daily labor. The residence of Jacob Zimmer, Esq., oua of our en­ terprising highway commissioners, shows that his taste for home comfort is equal to Ills good judgment far road- making. Well, Jacob is rstlier puny and consumptive iu his appearance, no wonder he wauts a comfortable home. Mr. Whltbeek. the marble man. has made the old to become new. Phi­ lander Woodard has added to Ills. And that fresh coat of paint on the mansion on the hill near the gravel pit, shews that -Crystal Lake Street Is alive to improvements. Smoked and Salt Meat* : I offer for sale at my market in Wau­ conda, Salt and Smoked Meats at the following lew prices: Smoked llama....j..'*. Shoulder# ,V..... Smoked Bacon. ... . Lard ; .. A supply of Fresh Meats of alt kinds and fif th! oest qnallty always on hand. ? • ' J. F. HONEY. , Waaconda, III., Ang. fith, 1881 ^ . For Sale, * On account of sickness tlii under­ signed offers the following property for sale on the most reasonable terms: One span ot mat cite o Mules, gentle and well broke !n every particular, 1 Spring Wagon. 1 Farm Wagon, and 1 new Grain Drill, Will sell cheap for cash or good ap­ proved note,or will exchange for cattle, lioga. etc. Call at once and 1 will give you a good bargain. , SIMON MlCKLKS. Jehnaburgh. lit, Aug. 8th, 1881 We would oall your attention to the fact that we have the largest- stock of men's, women's, misses aud children's fine, staple and fancy Boots and Shoes ever brought to Woodstosk. These goeds were bought from the manufac­ turers for cash, and will be sold for cash at a small profit, and wa will make It an object for you to come from any part of the county ta trade with us,no matter how great the dis­ tance. _ „ _ W. H. DWIOHT. Cor. Maia St. and P»bUcSqnare, Weodatock, llnois- ' Houae and Lot tor Sale. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated In the village of McHenry. on the West Side, The house Is nearly new. Is In first class repair, newly painted both Inside and out, and le one of the most desirable residences In the Village. Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable If applied for %l OQO*. For full par­ ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger, at Mufltiiiry. ». Mra. Bowa*afor OovraiacTBO ar s. Farm Bella cb»ap. ai John 1. Paper, cheap, at Building Story's. Ray £***£* °r«e,,1v T°* St. O. W, Owen. IfeHeury, Ost ysst Slwsp Wash Bros. 13 ets per lb w " 10 •• " 12$ u u IMET>.--On theoKirning of tbeSth day of Ang- IM, of pul nonary eeiuaiptlea, LEWIS EDWIN, only snnof SFWM'«?R and Carrie Cot- ting, aged It years, t9 months aad It daj a. To our weak humanity the coming of death It almost always unwelcome, un­ der any circumstances. The severing of those tender ties which bind famll lea andkludred together Is Indeed hari to bear. The death of the bright lad above chronicled, seems more tha usually sad. He was the only son ol an only son, and in his death Is extlngnlah- ad tha name of Cotting la tha male Hue, In the third generation. In direct descent from the venerable C. G. Cot- ting, lately deceased. As woidd natur­ ally happen, he was the hope and pride of the family. Grandfather Cotting often remarked that he would give hi" own life to |ave the boy's. Whether at home with his father and mother, er with the family of lilt grandfather be was welcome aud loved lira same, and the hear|s of "Grandma" and "Aunt Hannah" are as desolate as any at his loss. He was a boy manly and thought­ ful beyond his years,aud took an Inter­ est In the affairs of the farm and his father's business that made hlin seem more like a lad of 20 than 14. Even at his «arly age lie evinced a good deal of business talent and method. When his health began to fail and it became evi­ dent that he had consumption, every effort was made to restore him, but without avail. He was patient and un­ complaining through all his long sick­ ness, and not {infrequently spoke of death, apparently without fear. Iu fact he once remarked: "1 do not see why anybody should be aflrald to die when It isso much happier than to live." He fell asleep peacefully in the morning, to awake to a brighter day beyond the river. The funeral services were con­ ducted by the Rev. G. C, Clark, and the remtlr.s were buried in the family lot In the Richmond Cemetery. Mr. Clark paid the following tribute to deceased at the funeral: Louie Cotting was born In Richmond III., Sept-mb-T 21. 1868. and died Aug­ ust 6,1883, aged nearly 15 years. His illness has been long and lingering, and for several months his case lias afforded Ills friends but little hope. It was only ton apparent that consumption was slowly but surely accomplishing Its work of desolation, and the coming of the end was ouly a question of time. Louis was a quiet unassuming boy. witli s kindly .genial nature, and a gen­ tle winning manner. Ha had a loving heart, was bright and thoughtful, and always faithful aud ambitious. He was much beloved by all who knew him. He was the only son of his parents and his death makes a large vacancy in the home from which he haa been taken, and he will be missed by a large cirde of his yOung schoolmates and friends. He died peacefully, and hie weary, wasted body Is at rest. |MiAKOiMKKTt har« been made with theeditor af this paper whereby atn> tents can, at any time, enter tha West­ ern Normal College aud Commarohd Institute at oue-third the coat of any other school. This school Is placing a first-class education within reaen of every one, be he old or young, rich or poor. Any oue ceutemplating attend- In school would do well to call at tl^s office before deciding where to attend. Sea advertisement In this Issue. Qraat Saving to Dairymen. 8eventy-flve dollars saved by giving one bottle of Dicklnnon'sCow Prescrlp- t Ion soon after t he cow calves, to pre­ vent milk fever. Never was a case of milk fever known where this medlciue was given. It will also prevent garget and all other diseases incident to tlta cow. For sale by all druggists. Manu­ factured hy C. DICKINSON A So*. Barring ton. III Blaokamlth Iwilnoss lbr Solo sit lunda The undersigned offers for sale his tools, stock, etc.. iu the Village of Nuoda. Is a tlrst-class location for business. Will sell cheap as I want to get nut of the business. Ageod oppor­ tunity for a live man. A&VCSEB. Nunda, III., Aug. 6th, 1888. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers tor sale his house and one atrn of land, situated in the village of McHenry, near the pub­ lic school building On the premises is a good barn and outhousea, and small fruit ot all kinds. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. In­ quire ou the premises. C. STBQBXAXa, McHenry, III., Augnat 1st, IMS. Estray. Came into the enclosure of the under­ signed, on or about August 1st, 1883, a two year old Heifer. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. JAMES CI.ART. Xew Restaurant at Nunda. The undersigned having fitted up hia building on Main Street, Xuuda, es pecially for the purpose, has now opened one of the finest Restaurants and Ice Cream Parlors to be found in the countv. ice Cream, Lemonade, choice Confectionery,and in short everything usually kept in a place of this kind can be found here, and no pains will be sparei to please all who may give me a call. Canned Goods of all kinds, and of the best brands to be found in the market, always ou hand, Call and see me. P, S. A flue Billiard room attached, A. 80iS|MCHIM Nanda, IU,, July Hth. 1883. Everything in farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a McOarmlck Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of K. Bishop. ADV1CK TO MOTHERS^ Af* yn« uiaiuroea si night and brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? freo. fend at once aad get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for children teething, its value Is iucatcal able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the Stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softous the gums, reduces inflammaiUm, and gives tone and en­ ergy to ti\e whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Southing Syrup for children teething Is pleasaut to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest aud best female physicians and niiraes In the Uidifd States, and U for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Vtfce ce^ts | A fine aseortasent of v**g|li|$ ~1 Ite Iron Ware as Jobn I. &orjfc. The -Boss" Barfel Chnta at John 1 Story's. City residences for sale, ; Apply Asa W, Smith, Woodetocfc, IB. The celebrated Bi*ec II Carpet Swee pet for ft The best tblug Iu tha market at John I. Story^s. Lumber Wagone, Milk Wagons, Plat* f«»rm Spring waggles ' ~ Bishop's warefcom*, Fishing Tackle of all Jtlod* at H. Engelu's, in llowe's Block, near tha new Bridge. ^ The finest line of stiver ssd Plated Ware to be found in the uouaty, at O. W. Owen's. . An elegant line af drem but tone aad trimmings always to be foaad at Hoary Colby's. COKSETS. A full line of Dr. Warner's Corsets in several styles at Perry St Owea's. Madam McOee Corsett*. The best op the market at Mayes * Bartlet*%./; XJ - % CLOTHING, J A complete stock of Men's - Clothing at bottom prices. PBBBT town. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth aud muet sell. For sale by R. Bislioi„ Ip yon want anything lees than the Estey Organ 1 can sell you one forttfr and upwards. O. W. OWEN A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HEN AY CUTANEA. BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styfM aad prices, at Joha 1. Story's. A lot just received. Call tad sen them. * ^ 7 ? B.LAWHJS^* "£3' Is selling jMts at less than Chicago prices. A good Cassiatere Suit for •4.50. Call apd see them. Remember thai you will experience no difficulty In getting repair* for anjr inaefcinae sold by K, Blahop, thus pre* venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time when time -nifiirr meaey. DIAMOND DYES. Wa have all colors of tha celebrated Diamond Dyes csiy lOr a package. HKNNT COLBY. . :" Our ttoek of Oruga, and patent medicines was *ne*er more complete. Goods reliable and prices right* HMTR COLBT. We desire to fell! the attention of tha ladles to our drees goods department* We have added a tea Hat ot easlimer**, camellettes. alike, katlne. etc.. which will be sold en very close auttglns. HaNKf COLBT. For first-daas Insurance against tie and Lightnltyt, wind storaw. cyclouoaL tornadoes, eta^ etew apply to Aaa WV Smith, Woodstpck, III. THE choicest line af Dolmaaa aad Ladlet* Neck Wear In town at Mrt • E. W. Howe's. GLASS! GLASS * We keep Glass of all si see constantly on hand. Special sixes cut sltliwi extra charge. Joulr I. STOKT. BARCTWIRE. The bottom dropped out. Hut I still ^ live to meet or beat any and all Cutt that has been or may be made, on Barh 1 Wire. JOUN I. STORY. Bakery Supplies. j M. Engelu. at his store a few doors |i north of the Riverside House, has made ^ arrangements to supply his customers i and the public gene rail e, with freslt Bakers' Supplies of all kinds. Fresh Bread, Biscuit Cakes. Plea, eto^ can be found at bis store at ail tiiues^. " | and he respectfully Invites the publie , to give him a call. He also keep* ot hand Chick's and Spenoer'n Flour* which will compare with any to ha found In the market. Give me a eeH | It. Esmaui. McQenry, May Sth, MHL ; Hurricane! And hurry M rs. Cane, and harry 8aalt% and hurry all the rest of the inhabitants " 'f': of Mcileiiry and vicinity, and go ge| ^ some of the hue photographic views M# vour handsome littie village, at E. W. Wheeler's bo«»k and newsstand. And /f< you who have fine houaee will never have a better opportunity to get beau* "1 tiful pictares made of your homes. Call ** and see samples of work at WbeelerX aiMljiMMFIbacatrt there. _ . i-;| Gossamer circulars and coatSc for ladies and gentlemen, aad % 4uU line of §oodt tobshsdst HBMBT (VbS^t*. Secure The Original*. ERE THE SUBSTANCE PADMP^ L, £. Bennett, Phatepeaphev, wl%% to Inform the pahliathat he la qp# prepared to do all work Is hit lina.1% tlie bett style of the Aet aad all work ist as r*pceseatedv or, tharge will be made. Being perma­ nently located In ssoHenry, 1 ant,, la % vondillon to make ui; guaraateeagood«. and will allow no pict.aies to Ipaae m|f Gallery unless satisfactory.. The feV», lowing from the Nu#do Jt^aMayali volumes. Our people are hfV^hy cti»tioQf|| about dealing with strangers, tapt v* tally not to pay for aegari.ves i#*l&y««t; gat your phot cor raplis. We haw hesmt of people getting left by tteealeetv We warrant aatisftetiMi If ye*> de*| with oar advertisers. Ask Qeo. HWp';.: nar'how be liked his p'cturet. Call at my Gallery nvef fantl C Owen's store, take a look at pjr ijM , iinens. aud il V«m» want tpy pltfSWt either y»»ut»eil »**, ft fit guarantee s.itUfaotfoa IK MO tSSKgt ' atlli be made. KeM^ary,lU.. Jmaf

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