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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1883, p. 5

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rEDNESDAT, AUGUST St. WW, Ta t • •94*0 COOTS. ..£:» A. N <t) ra. ^SSSfe::™:;v-r. _ kO Mspiess...*..*. .•SWr. *^g^T >thef*1t«f tlM f -pjeeks tfosreafter, .•4 A.M. on or «try twt «*W» C4U«. ft OnWT, W, M. J* •xoilrtton. 4Af;" Tli® Steamer"Mary fcrlsetold" will ;'*t*$ake n trip to VOK Lake en Sunday ^ ittbxi; A«ipnt Xih, Wi*in| hrt itack, In IliU village, at 10 o'clock A. X. thorp. „ .||an, round trip SO (Will. . WAVpBftlflU.O|pUta. . i w -- -- ;»^1tuiKMniBR tlie Old Settler*' Reunion, Thursday. Sept. 6th. . " 1 • - i • 1 •, . This section WHS visited B) a heavy ' HNiin on Sunday night. •W: $- fesS". w:-.. *i . V RKAD llie new advertisement OF the ^gjjfclleury Comity Fair, to bo found In f<3 another coliuuiv. . • { ' • . . * | ̂ WR Irani tlirft ft jroiin| toll6t Qhtft. broke his arm this Weduea- day morning. Dr. Fegcrs WM called. .*r jfe did not learn particular*. ^ Owiko to the crowded state "jaf our l^lumiis we are ob1i|(6d to onalt the •immni of tlie PLAINDKALKR'S Annual ^hickeii Hunt until next we«*k. AT tlie Camp Meeting to he held at ' :',|2herry Valley, III., commencing August 24th, Titos. Harrison, the "Boy Jreeclier," will be prewnt. THE storm of Sunday night done considerable damage at the Brick Yard, some thirty or forty .. thousand brick that lay upon the yard being spoiled. Wit are requested to say that Ills expected that services will be held at lit M. E. Church in McHenry andKing* wooden Sunday next, at the usual " fcburs. - - s:i;|TBl Re-Union of the 05th Illinois f ifantry will be held this year at eivldere. Tuesday. Sept. 4th. We hear of quite a number from this seo t|on who contemplate attending. ^l!?v. W* learn that Justeu Bros., furniture <£esiers. near the depot, have purchased - the building now occupied by I. N. .. Mead's hardware store, and wlltoccupy lite same about January lit. - Rrv.JoKL WIIKKLKR memorialised Lerjfe l)uy. the 19th iu«t.. as the forty* #i*a^»^wfiW*¥'M iH« dfst «wUg#H»u» service oft«*red in McHenry county, as ualso the fifty-first yearof Ills ministry. Invert of Base Ball will lie glad ; flo ie »rts that a game will Ite played in • "this village on Friday next, the 21th. Jwtween McHenry and the Barrlngton r%»k." Gam* to be called promptly at one o'clock. • ^QBIT* a largo Picnic party came over " V«n Woodstock on Friday laet and Went to Fox Lake via tlie steamer f#laiT Grtswold." We saw quite a *. jtiumber of Woodstock's solid men In tW crowd, yfc^'Tfi* Wauconda Drng Sto're and Book flaunt has a new advertisement this ; Week which no one should fail to read, •specially tho*e who contemplate at­ tending the Soldiers Reunion at that jplace next week. IT *? RKV. MRS, WHRKLRR will please ac-j ;'#pt our most heartfelt tliauka for the wry handsome bouquet left at out jianctum on Tuesday morning. F«»i ' tlie oft and kind remembrances froni 4liis source* wo are indeed truly grate lion on TI ,«MMr4>as the han MiiManfoi pest office In Molfeary ikMtktf, The new boxes were built hy MWatTb and It a piece of nrchltefctural Work of which he may well feel proud, jfo descriigtbm we can give will half do them justice, <JW1 end aeo them for fswuWL , SP*" •••* '•»»»>'fliiVft . • SOLMRBS AtnrrioH. -- Mllo B. Stevens 4b Ce„4War Claim Attorneys, will be represented fey a special agent at Wnodstock, IlUllonday Septomtbor 3d. Brlridera, Ill^'iruesiliy, Septem­ ber 4th. And at B^ickford, Iiln Wednes­ day, September &lli. 1883, at the office •f the clerk of theoeurt. Solillers hav­ ing claims «re cordially Invlcod to call at the time and place most convenient. ioRR Kulroni has jnst (loiilied pointing the house, barn and fence of Chas. C. Colby, which much Improves the appearance of his premises. Ho has also painted tho house of Geo. Colby, and Is notv at work ou the Hons* of Page Colby, which h» will lia#e ftn- Islwd this week, Mr. Kielfgen Is a first class Pat liter, and has all the work lifcaii do. "flow would you test a miiijNi dis­ cover whether lie Is a roal Christian or not?** "Well,if lie tells tho truth tlie weight and *is£ sir the ttsli he catches when lie gnea flshing. you may feel confident of the genuineness of his Christianity. This Is probably tho best tlkt^ that could be applied, for ther* Is no occasion upon which » man lias more difficulty U ^resisting the devil than when lie is Axpatlating upou his angling prowess." OUR attention has been called to some Cabinet Photographs, taken of MM H. Parker, deceatad, by L, £• Bennett. Pliotograplier of this village which certainly do great credit to Mr. Bennett as an Artist. They were taken from a very pale tintype, but the Cabinet! produced l>y Mr. Bennett aro superior to many wo have aeon taken froui life. In short they are per feet In every particular, and are ample evidence that Mr. Bennett has few equal* and :iO superiors in his liue of business,:. THE Re-(Jn1on of tlie old soldlersi of l.ake County, whicb Is to lie Itehl at Wauconda on ttie 28th and 29th of the present month, promises to be an In* terestlng and euioyable aflalr. An addtocs by Judge Smith.of Woodstrck. a poem by Miss Stella Warner, of Au- tloch, and short adriretses by otiters are among the attractions promised. An artic!e In another in another col umu from the Waukegan Gntettv' gives full particulars. There Is oo better place In the northwest for a gathering of this kind than Wauconda. 4 All who go are suro of having a good iliM\ OU> SfcTTLKtM' NKKTIXn. ^ ' v PnsparaMons for th« 1>e-Union and Picnic of the Old Settlers Association or Lake and llcllenry Counties, which' is to be lit'ld in this village September 6 h, are progressing favorably, and everything promises a ploasar.t and enjoyable time. Tlie fact of not hear* Ing from speakers has mused some delay in getting out the programme, but it will be compietod In a day or two. There will he addresses by em­ inent speakers, and-besides the Usual exercises the amuseinfiit cominitte^ will get up boat races, foot races, wheelbarrow and sack race*, etc. In short, a good old-fashioned time may be expected. Look out for the posters uouncement this week. will. /OK Friday ;• >1 f$ til: .. fc'V " I-'- mffe: THERE IS one good thing about thl 9>cent |>ostage. The swarm of sprinj won't be compelled to face tli| Areadful fact that the stamp on the en .f«»lo|ie Is worth three times a? much a tlie poem will only be urortl twice as IU«K-II.--Ex. I. P. SMITH lias removed Ills Jewclrj Store to hi" new building one door eaai of Mrs. Searles' Millluerr storcAwbere crter be ^ounu ready to sell ' you all good* at reasonable prices or ;4o |rwhf work on short notice and In a #Mltmantlke manner. Call and aeo him ^||i bis now quarters. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS ha« Ju»t returned ;.i|om tha city with a lull atocic of the ||itest styles of seasonable millinery to Igrhich she Invites the particular atten­ tion of the ladles of McHenry and sur- joundin^country. Her stock Is full t- 4Nid complete and prices, as usual, will IM as low as the lowest. 7, HOWARD, of Lake Count vaa so severely Injured by being thrown from a load of hay by a riin- away team, we learn has passed tlie crlMs and is now slowly but surely re* ^covering J This will be good news to friends la this and Lake Counties. !1 C':. • .Do nut fail to read the advertisement. %.:io bo found la another column, of ^ *MMooded~stoCk for sale at auction, by Chapell it Slunett, Algonquin. Hav- . 4«g sold the farm they are oflcrlag for |ile seme of the finest cattle a»d horses be found In this section of the e eounty. The sale will take place on j.',f rid^jr. September ?th. v,;;^As tlie 26th conies on Saturday, Dr. E. Williams, Dentist, will make his V ijegular visit to Mils place on tlie Mon- ; lay following, the 27th. 1|« will also ,ii5 Jfislt Wauconda oo tlie 28th. for tlie ^ purpose of closing np. Ilia uuflnlshed Dusin«m In that place. Those indebted t*> him or wishing to see kin will {please call at Uw Pratt House on that . . 'Hate. - morning l*«t Michael Ryan, who liv^don the east aide of the river, in this village, was found dead near a pile of lumber In front of his residence. A dose* different rumors were in circulation dnrliig the day as to (he cause of Ills death, hut as near as we can learn tlie tacts are these: He was pan eighty-years of age, and had been around town the day. before con­ siderably under tlie. influence of liquor. Sometime during Thursday evening he was led home by men. who left liiiu at lii« door, tjrfcer* he probably fell into a fttupor from wlil<Hi he never rallied. Old age, exposure anj too much liquor was undoubtedly tlie cause of his death. The story about his being robbed we think is believed by few. Tht coroner was notified, who came over and empaneled a Jury, who brought in a verdict tf| substation as ^|bove stated. 1 A Mltlrk mt iBW^ Vkiwaa ^ | Chicago as a vlUa^e,<ras lnc«»morated August ITtls. 101. eoveriag less than a square mile of I*'id with * population of 350. Tn 1837 it contained t^BOO in­ habitants. In 1840 tlie first census was taken by Judge Samuel --, who reported "less tnau 5,000 souls." At this time the space appropriated com­ prises Ave miles by seven, and con talus 600.000 inhabitants, Tlie first religious sermon preached on the premises of now. Chicago, was by Elder Isaac McCoy, a Baptist clergy man, October 7th, 1825, Joss. VHSUI. L Soldters' Re-Uuion Dtnee. There will be an all night Dance at the Old Hotel Hall. Wauconda, Wednes­ day evening, Aug. 29tli, 1883, the last day of tlie Soldiers' Re-Union. Tickets, including supper, fl^O. Music. Tld- marsh's Band, Sitting-room accommo­ dations and all baggage taken care of. Also good accommodation for teams. All for 91.50 per couple. No pains will be spared to make it pleasant for all. E. A. GOI.DIMG, Manager. FOR SALE AT THE WEST END. IQ.000 yards of Cloili, consisting of Ginghams, Prints. Cotton and Worsted Goods. Plaids Cot tonade, Ac.' &c., in remnant* at one half aud two thirds of regular value, sttlo will open Thurs­ day moriiiug and continue until Satur­ day *veo|4gg 8 o'clock, aud (OK Cash only. riTZSIXMOKS ft ITAISOI. SHOE MAKING. it will pay you_to get II dam at Smith's. Miss ETTA ROSEWREROSR returned' |Mt«tek from hnr visit In Minnesota* ,P. A'. PARKER and wife returned from their trip West on Friday last. A. A. MARTIN, or I>es Moines, Iowa, spent Sun£av In this village. C. E. CHAPELL, of Algonquin, wu In town on Saturday; Miss ALICE BKMIIRTT has returned heme from her visit In Wisconsin.. JUDSOM SKOOKS. of Algonquin, was on our streets on Tuesday, Miss ELLA HIMRS. of Elgin, Is ylslt- ing friends in this village. J. S. MEDLAR and famlty, of Wood­ stock, took tn Fox Lake, via Steamer **Mary Grlawold," on Sunday. C. L. CCRTIS and wife,of Weodsteek, were among the vial bora to Fox Lake on Sunday* THE Elgin Military Band were camped at Justen's Point, Pistaqua Lake, last week. GEO. CH APELL, of Clitcago, called on Saturday. He was on his way |o the Lake*. H. KLEiraiAwd wife^ of Chicago, have been spending a few weeks with their parents, in this village. FRED SCHNORR, of the 4 m of Schnor • Bros./Athol, Dakota, Is visiting with Ms parents in this Village. PAUL BROW* and Charles Owen are making their aouual encampment at tlie Lakes, II. B. TTKRKLX. and wife spent Sun- day In this village with C* H. Beers and family, ^ •. / MR. AMD MRS. KLKipoEft. of Chicago, wish to return thanks te Miss Etta Tor­ rance for a beautiful.Boquet of flowers. MRS. WILL MARKT and Miss Kittle W hi taker, of Elgin, were the guests of Ml«s Bertha llollister over Sunday, JAMES VANDRMARK, wlife and daugh­ ter, of Hornesville, N. Y., are the guests of 15. Grlswold and family. MISSKS FRANCES and Ella Kult and Master Fred Kull, of Geneva Lake, spent Snnday with E. D. Slafterand femily. In this viiUge. JOHN W. SMITH, of this town, was taken side while In Chicago last week, ami at this writing lias not been able to return home, but at last accounts was slowly Improving. JOHN D. NISII. the gentlemanly and efficient Mall Agent on the Fox River Road, has been suffering the past week with a severe lameness. His many friends hope for his speedy recovery, MU*RY TTRRELL came Into town on Friday last with an unusunlly broad smile on his countenance, aud on our inquiring the cause, he said It was a boy and weighed ten pounds, MR. AND MRS. E. R. THOMAS, Mr. and M«. C, II. McOinher, Mr. R. Israel, and Mrs. A. D. Lynn, all ot Chicago, were camping with J. I, Story and family at Pistaqua Lake for the last two weeks. VMIVARV. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--On Sunday. August 5tli, we consigned to th#grave all (hat was mortal of Wm. Henry Prickett. an old and esteemed citizen of Rlngwood. Some of us have known him for many years, aud we feel that he was one of tlio»e meu deserving of something more than a passing notice. Wc believe that this W%|le community will bear us out lu thumper!Ion that he had not an enemy. Its led a quiet* un­ obtrusive life, honored and respected by all who knew him. For many years he had been a consistent member of tlie M. E. church In this village. | think I an perfectly anfe In saying there was uot a man In this county, minister or layman, better versed In tlie Scriptures than Mr. Prlckett. Re had a wonder­ ful memory, which seemed to retain ail its vigor down to the very day of Ids death, lie died In the faltli of the Gospel, ami gave his friends to under­ stand In the last hones that (hp Savior whom be loved In life, was able I# sup* port him in death. Mr. Prickett was born tn Kent COUfity, England, In tlie year 1808; consequently was seventy-live years old at tlie time of his death. He was the father of twelve children, seven boys and Ave girls, nine of whom are still living. He came to this county thirty-five years ago and settled on tlie farm now owned by Mr. Richard Lawson. Since he left the farm lie lived In litis village up to the time of his death. In his death our town has lost a good citizen, the chjSMft a good member, his agog, wife a loving husband, antf^MjtfCiiil%l>n a fattier whose example ̂ well worthy of their Imitation. Wll« NlCKUfc Call at E. G. Smith's for Boots and Shoes. Altkiudsof Repairing neatly and Cheaply done- Shop opposite Riverside UOUS*. Call at tho Remnant Sale the last of the week, at Fitzslnimon* dkEvensongs, <nucs issmrtm. AH Institute for the bene it of teach­ ers and those desiring to teach will be held at Woodstock during tlie last four days of August. 1883. Prof. Geo. E. Ki epper, principal of the high sshool at Peoria, and one of the host institute workers in tlie State, has been engaged to work with us, and some of the best teachers in the county will assist. Prof. J. B. Ktitee writes that he will be pres­ ent if circumstances will permit, and will give some illustrative lessons In U. S. history, A free lecture will be given on each evening of the iiwtltute. An exan\lti*tiap will I* bel4 at the close of the Institute and a(M at tke following times aud pl*oe*i Harvard, Saturday, Sopt. tt. Wos4siett»flasenUy« Sept. ft 8. l). BALDWIN* Co. Sup't of Sctawl*, Woodstock, I1L. July St. H8S. Remnants of Clothing. Bosyta ftnft Shoes, a few hats, Ac. Thursday. Fri­ day and Saturdajrof this week, ouljr at fiHHlllPloill * $vaM«f* ';/£fthe mCetinappe# to f»r toldie i« t^jMIowiog business was t. Meeting calh|d teorder fcy Fownrs, Vlos Presldswt, Oeote was elected secitwtary. Motion made and seconded that we invite ail the c!tiseu$ and soldiers who will to meet, at; ten o'clock, A. Mn on Satarday, August 25tli, to put tlie grounds In order. Carried. The Barrlngton Post «f the G. A. R. will be present on Wednesday, the 29th. ^ There wllljbe a picnic dinner fur­ nished oy the cltisens on Wednesday for the soldiers, and all soldiers who have badges are requested to werr them. W. H. Ford. L. H. Todd and G. f. Powers wete appointed com­ mittee with power to call on whoever they want to help them. Arrangements are being made to have a game of base ball ou the 29th betwoen the McHeury end Barrlngton clubs. H. H. Harris, E. A. Gold Ing. Samuel Taggart and Arthur Cooke were ap­ pointed a committee to solicit sub­ scriptions to pay the local expenses. Any penons wishing to place stands on the grounds are requested to apply to the committee, Merrltt, Lake and Arthur Gooke« ATFSTM Oooun, aseietaty. MMK towSoor VOOM vkuse Patronise home Industries and enterprises. If you buy of your neigh­ bors tliey will buy of you and all will prosper. If tlie men who deal In boots and shoes or hardware send away for dry goods and groceries for their fam­ ilies becausc ther can save a ifttle thereby, they break down the business of their neighbors who deal la these articles. To get even they send for whit they don't keep and you do, and destroy your trade. So, too, with pro­ fessional men and mechanics. In order to prosper they must help each other. Every member or tlie community must do this, or those who And %usl- •ie«s nnremuneratlve will leave and go elsewhere. Every man who works, produces something, and his neighbors should patronlaa his industry to retain htm among them. If he and Ills family go to another place, every kind of Inisi- ness loses his custom and Its profits. Contribute to all public enterprises that look to UMi general good. If a new manufactory Is to be built, con­ tribute by snbstfrlfcing, or at least say a good word iW|i. If you have a bus­ iness, advertise ,it, and people will know what It Is and will patronise you. Yon cannot- hide your light itn- d»r a bushel and fl>*n expect people to see it; if yon attempt it you will be the loser and aught to suffer. Small hives hold but Mule honey, and the bees have to#iwaw»out and ffy fawity from It. Atatge'hive wMJwld honey all Its iumat*a ain| have-^me to spare. So in a cotisauntfy. Iff all help to build It up, ft will grow large and your business expand accordingly MtnlU'trar*. The Influence of NaVal c#nflt'cte^fei determining tlie <*urreut of human af< fairs has never been fully estimated. Mations Invincible on land, often suc­ cumbed in a single desleive onset at sea and faded Into Insignificance. A dls- comdtcd aud panic^tricken army fre­ quently retrieved Its fortunes In a new trial of strength; rarely was this true of a leet. The hitherto unconquerable Persians received so signal a check at Salamis, the esrijgtt memorable sea fight on record, that Xerxes rent his garments and wept. Actluin sealed the fortunes of Antony and Qleopatra. Looking down the ages we see Lepanto, where Mohammedanism and Christian* Ity contend for tlie mastery of tlie world. The Cross wins and the Crescent pales iuto Insignificance. A little later tlie Invincible Armada is wrecked by wind and wave and English prowess, and 8pain sees herself prostrated never to rise again. Ha.l thjAtttle of the Kile been a French vlcffy tlie map of tlie Old World wouffl have been Changed; and in our own day, had the Monitor failed to meet the Merrimac, who could hive fotetold the conac- quenccsf The history of Naval Warfare has hitherto been a neglected Study because the facts were inaccessible except to a privileged few who were able topes- seSs large libraries. We are glad, hfett* ever, to know that this Is no longer-th* **se. A new volume ha* just made iH ap­ pearance, entitled "Naval Battles, Anr- cient and Modern* (J* C., McCurdy A Co, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., Clifc* cinnati^O., Chicago, HI., and St. Louts, Mo. See advertisement ii^ another column),, which gives a clear and con­ cise history of all the most noted sea *ights of the world. Tfce iWbor It Medical Plrector Shlpp^n of the V. 3. W.. who has &eea a>e#e than thirty yeacs of active service^and whose emU neut literary aUHIty Is very generally conceded, Tlie kaok is written la a fascinating and readable style .elaborately illustra* tee, low priced and vary popular, wt understand, as It certainly deserves to bsN Write (ke pvblUbs^a fw par. VictUsfs, Wag|t*K!~*To lient tt Wanted, to rent a farm of from 100 to 150 acfes, CtpU rent wW be paid. Apply to this ofioe for further particu­ lars. E'- * HM -:i'- FINE SHOES. # . . The finest ttttflk; of Ladies^ and Children^ Weaa in the counter at bottom prices at Pe?ry A Jjssllteceived, Owefpw fine Shoes. Our slock of Fwter's cetetirate ̂ Qeloit Shoes ia, oomplete. For at^le^d durabiHt> they canuojt be Ask to see them. H«H*TCOV»T Oat. 4L ft lnnais ««t anin, hut Ws late Bwimleatveeafmeeet feebTeaess.. 10 û*jviRarMn • itwiapi Sad iealhs are few httcabNM, a»aneMase«efSeia4 as part heroof. L aHMle a IMM etarye apea the imlrM ekicket eaeaaipwwst. if he es<eae« «ieeesh ea.* when invitee «e a eeveuty cent Ami u la ..mum.,n have ea thewwhllaeyawusW, «HIMI ta lMs eaa* was a dlaaer tleket. Ask Mayee Ba«ke«." * ItiSWMl vegvet that we hear of tM death <MHwa;:L*. laMwIa, «t Harranl. late flrsns tMs iMiM, where she was Ionian* fftvotalily .hesru, WostMeek has a IklH newapa >wapan«r |B tlM D. SilUmn pra|Hietnr. The ley and well supplied with valuable reartiac. Sail (M MMOwaa MM te *^«teh Mi" appetites ef our eMaaas who went tbroaxh theaMtleas at Ms suauaer reaort. Hoist de l^tus M diaaer table. A Meaoina t*Nsa Is nauMS Woman nhn««, •4 IhtafcS'helnte sreat naaie beeanse he baa ma Okjeage gtrTs feet as she was riding a tuiei " Oar fMtdftM.! O. R. ffiithv.flrth, was taken wtthaCNwHr- the haefe»;U«i]|«»ara4ay eveatag whUa'after hfeeee^ ^ad aow Iteasf. most helplees, |uviag he eoau«l. ever hi* lewer extiwitM. oa of A sweet girl actuate wrote a« easey ina HSs, and gave# haaatilaf detertpnou the aeanner la whlsa the milk was extracted ttnaa the toeelB of the eew. In aotlnst Impvoveuieats law last we filled te ante a aloe new edMee hearty eempleted by Bartley Hlwdes, the tmss ttoae ssaaoo, aad he caa't be tieat vSry easily stinging mortar. We also aegleeted to aaiae a small hut easy eettage ta baiMlng, to become the home of Oarpenter Pearaea and loeated en Orystet Lake atrrct. The drouth, f e drenth, that dr«a,tfi)l drouth, I# heard** every hand;and wM vltb the d rout a and «M with the cool weather •he eora crop has hnt little h> wayefea- eourafenieat te the farmer. And stilt other evidences of thrtft. J. M. Carsea.has built M Dean street a neat eottage tor rent. Here toe we sea the taste of aad judeiaeat of Or. Green In liaprevlag his grounds aad residence, wee. Herd well l« flt tiag a eottage heie tor rsat. A socMpgusher, la telilcg where ahe was eoiag fer the snauner', aaM: I am going te Newport;and I am golag to take m* matd, my nurse, my two doge, my ehiktrsa, aad--aad - and, eh yest my hashaad. Ware those two Jngs put lato the vonag lady's phaeton by mistake, or as a Joke* If by mistake tefenanMoa ooaeernlng mid Jngs can he had by a little laqul'y of enr poatmlstreas. If a Joke, the Myls ahead. "Tee,** said the Vermont deaeea. "1 always • emu taw v oi mwus uemwu. a niwwje gedowa to camp meeting and alwaya come back fueling fsod. Do yea see that atagniS- neat horse tnere in the ield? Well you onght see that magma- Well yon wght mhaveseaa theoht pint I tiohdewa there." A vonag bachelor who had been appointed jpnty kherlg was called npen taehamat against a heaatlful to serve aa at yoany widow. He aeeerdlufly eolled upaa nee and Said: "Madam. I have an attachment hr yen." The widow blushed aad said she waa happv to ta- form him his atleehmeat was reetprooatod. "Ton i*o not nwleramnd me; you must pro- toeourt.N "I Know it la leap year, Mr. yen would do the eourils bnt I -Mrs is waitiag. fer a parson.' Wo wereea the grounds at the Oraeaereed Harveet Ptenle, aad we had . so many ianta net 7 .this Is aothae Snr tHtlag;theJnstwe •The Justice, why, I thoald p Unas to aampie the cookery of farmers' wives aad daughters that, like Alexander of eld, we shed tears, uot because there Was no more to i abroad, aad eat, bat because tt was so goad that our uaastBl) v» not equal to the eeeaalwa aad therefore caused seme dimnahn ia the vicinity of our w^lst baad. Who would net slag: I long «o ha a farmer, And wltn the (hrmers ataad, after wltaeasiag the cheerful countenance? and symptoms of prosperity and happiness there exhibited. Aad please stick a pfr here; I shall he there next year It alive and well. One very attractive feature advertised fer our Pair will be the Military parade, as sev era! eompanles are expected from -" «h hear vt intimated that serem trSias aro already eagaged to Wat the guests fjrnm * dlsiaaee IO wltaess the drill, farmers or MeMeury oouaty, do not let the repatatlea PrenehOaasuUhe lest, bnt turn ont aad bring sssea others eith yon and convince General l^iagstreet what caa he accomplished by a community where every man is bis owe tanner, tiring your stock, your produce, your manufactures, your haadlwork, yonr Sne oats, yoar skill, yonr cooking. In short every thing that «illa<id to tho icurest of the eahltdttor apd though yon do not get a piemtum yea add to the value of your form*, yoar stock, aad in shorf every article ot merchandise. Thoee of you who heard Geaeral Ogletby one year ago will bear me wltaess that his remark* alone added thousaade to our tarm asarket. II eame to m« knowledge, and I presume lo yours, that trades agreed npoa but aot reduced to writlagas the law requires, fell tbroaghand new contracts made at aa Sdvaaoeecftem ivs te ten dollars per acre. plai Ue« WtNOWOOO. EDITOR PLAINOSAMC*:--Ben Hendee and wife, of Halnesville, spent Sunday, August 13. at Mr. LaiM's, and called to see other friends In Ringweed. Mr. Rlclmrd Harrison, whom we men­ tioned as belnc III, Is neadliy Impiov- mg. much to tlie satisfaction of his innny friends. Miss Sniailes, of Elgin. Is making a very pleasant visit with Miss Ellse Carr. Quite a nnmlier of persons from this lace are attending camp meeting at sPlainea, Thomas Kewlny a former resident of this place, has been staying a few days with his mother, Mrs. Prldiett, but de­ parted this morning. Miss Cora Dygart visited at Mr, Ladd'e last week, but liss returned to her home in Algonquin. Geo. Coates is having a selge from dumb ague, and has had to quit work at Mr. Allen's, A lady who once nttended school here, then Miss llattie McKee^kaa been spending a week with Mva. Usoar Tabor. Fred Power* and staters Anna and Etta called at l|r, Qreen's ou Sunday last, au&wu a*Wl*r'*te«ftlon they fav­ ored***:!* acali *1^7 Soaae ot Um teachers in this vicinity •Mm going to attend tl>e Institute at WOO4K|PC1I next week. TIW«. * X. W. It, R, Co, are erect- tng a new depot at this station. Tiny at^ Stlso to move some of tlielr sprt|fli tnifAk %ad have heard that llipfiep was to, be run lu on tlie east side of the mate track. It «»s bo(Vo«d c( late by some of pup factory folks tliat Ed Bell puts Ik an appearance earlier titan usual, and tn looking up the remipp. discovered that these la a tUtiis -datsya&a!* staying at his ptace^Kai rousea the wbole family evosf morning by hk ^swenstvatlous MvM the ho«r for mUklug ifcaa arrived Pastlpa who lytve tried the Bishop dour, aiaaufaptumi alnoe the «eceut Improvements were made pronounce It to be the best dour la the marltft, being very white and qttlok to rise. Try %fack and if after eating a 1 of tue biscuits yoa don't change yous politics we'U ebaUenge your at thu aext elrctlau. y . 1 1 • J. t Piwfoi TBI CATHOLIC A Picnic will be held In Wfceelerie Woods, about one utile southeast of (he village of McHenry. on Katurdigr August SStli, for the benefit o| ^l(s Catholic Church, of McHenry, Refill ineiits will be served on the grounds, aud meals served for all who wish. A flue large platform for dancing will be erected on the grounds. Music by Mudgett's Quadrille baud. Dancing nffernooii ami night. Amusement'! for the day will roti«i«t el Rifle and a "Baby Doll** Target; alan a Mimical Fish Pond,containing rare curiosities. One aud all are cordially iuVited to come and have a good time. Br Oansit OOXBITTBS. Building Story's. Buy the best. O. W H. B. Bnrrett hoe remoti4 th» lie Jgv fence In front of Mi iMMnMt anil Has buHtn due picket ftoce la Its place* Miss HOHOR, or EL£!u. And M1M Pit- klHi Oi have been visiting Miss Neltfti BeUge. H. D. Woils Is taking aMI^ va- catloa driving across the country, visit­ ing Ituckfordk Belvldere and other towns la that sastlen, From the number of loads of coal drawn from Barrlngton and placed in the cellars here last week* we Judge that Wanconda'V supply has been nearly all delivered. Mrs. H C. mil and Oracle has re­ turned from Iowa. Mr. AVerv, of the Wanfcegaa MtftmbU- can. was in town last we«k. Charles Wright recently sold a fifteen months old colt for gJOO. Tuesday he bought the hay mare formerly owned bj J. 11. Wyntan. A very enloyahle picnic was held at Slocnm's Luke on Wednesday last by a company of Wanconda ladles. Threshing has l<egun In eait.est. The reports thus far fur a heavy yield of oats are favorable. A pension agent from Washington, f>. C„ has been here Investlgntlng tlie petition of Henry Bucher, a former resident. Ned Duers Is In town sgaln with his »hm.»i..??"!!Jv wholesale wagon. There la no question about it, Ned line just the nattiest rig on the road, Tldmattli's band Is now In demand. an all here, _ nday afternoon and night It plays at Buflalo Grove. Arrangemente have been made to OotoMts.8l*eVf4* OrtMiuiAkbtfi v itr -imn n if" llo ttottbie to show goedC Sf questions at M. Farm Bells cheap, at Johh L 9tory*a Pepejr4 cheupi at deha t* trmsttha ' iliPMls A Sue assortment of very Im ftraas ite Iron Wufeatdokn I. sftury*s* The "Boss'* ItaMMi^htutt at John 1» Story's. ' City resldcaca* for sale* Apply IS Asa W. Smith, W«»t$*esfc*fiL The celebrated BldSiMI for gS. The best fhl _ at Jehu I, Story's. " « Lumber Wagsma, Milk WsgOhs, flat* form Spring Buggies for sale at Jt» Blsliop's warehouse. ; , Ftshfng Tackle of EhgelnVt, lu llowe*s new Bridge. . . . The finest liueof Sllvev Ware to be found In the < W. Owen's. kind* at E dfc neer tha flate^ it Ot i uiniann i unn«i te now m num Thursday night It jilayed for at night dance nt Deerdeld; Fridny, 1 at Gelding's all night dance; situ make the Soldier's Reunion here Aegmt ttth and SOth n glorious success. We 'liiderstand that not mnny puhlle exer­ cises are expected. There will be good speakers to be sure, perhaps a public drill and sham battle, but the special feature wc understand will be the re- newing or old army life by soulal visit­ ing and story telltn? among the boya. W auconda. howe rer, possesses abund­ ant attractions to render the time spent here thoroughly enjoyable. Whether our visitors be old veterans or aot. One probabi* attractloa will be a m%tA game of bell between McHeary nnd Barrlngton. We believe, however, that positive arrangements are act yet com­ pleted. Came Into the enclosure of the under­ signed on or about Auguet let, IM, a two year old Heifer. Tlie owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges aad take her away. JAMEM OI«ABT. imofcil ind 9mH Mill. t ofler for take at my asarket In Wau­ conda, Salt and Smswpd Meats at the following low prices; • Smoked Hams...... IS cts par lb SlHwMrn .. 10 " * . Smoked Bacon.. 19 ** " . Lard It* " - A supply of Freslt Meals of all kinds and of the best quality always en hand. BQSKY. Waneeoda, tli, Aeg;«Mi, MM, , V' ' . for tteiej.t t- On aceemit si Sickness the ander* signed oflerathe Mkihi property for sale on tlie most reasonable terms: tils' span ot matched Mules, gentle and well broke !n every particular, 1 Spring Wag on, 1 Farm Wagon, and 1 new Grain Drill, Will sell cheap for cash or good ap­ proved note, or will exchange for cattle, hogs. etc. Call at once and 1 will givu you a good bargain. &IMOM MICKLM. Jobnsbnrgb, III., Aug.Sth, IStL ' HotHMMitd LotfortalAa I oBer tor sale my House and Lot, altuated In the village of McHenry. an the West Side. Tim bouse Is nearly new, is In first class repair, newly pwiuted both Inside and out, and Is one of the most desirable residences In the Tillage. Good barn and out homes en the premises. Will be sold reasonable If applied for at once. For full par* tlculars Inquire) of F. K, Granger, at McHenry. I. V. AXDEBSoSt M. D. McHenry, JaulhMM. ARKAKOKMBKTS have been made with the editor of this paper whereby etn- dents can, at any time, enter the West* em Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-thin! the coat of any oilier school. This school Is piecing a first-class ednestiou wltliln reacn of every one, be he old or young, rich or poor. Any oue ceutemplatlng attend- In school would do well to cull at tlila office liefore deciding where to attend. See advertisement In this Isiur, Cwtt toPilwiwo«i- Seventy-ftve Awan saved by giving one bonis of Dlvktaaaa'sOaw Prescrip­ tion soon after the eew sal yes, to pie- ve«t milk fever. Never was a case of milk fevet known where this medicine was given. It will al*a are vent garget aud all other diseases incident Iftllp cow. For sals by sll druggists. Manu­ factured by C. DICKIKSOX * Son. Barrlngton, 111 Bltflktmllli Bualneaa Hr lad it Ntaiuffr The undersigned offers for sale his tools, stock, etc., in tho village of Ntvida. Is a llrst-dass location for business. Will sell cheap as I want to get out of the hwdnesa. A geod oppor­ tunity for a live matt. ^ ̂ Nnada, Ilk AtWv New Restaurant ft* 2fnnda. The undersigned having fitted up Ills building on Main Street, (teoially for the parpoae, hss now opened one of the finest Restaurants and lee Cream Parlors te he found la the county, Ite Cream. Lemonade, choice Confectionery, and In short everything usually kept In a place of ibla kind can Us found bore, and no pains will be spaved to please all who may give me a caU. Canned Goods of all kinds, and of the beal brands tn he fonad In the market, elwafs on hand. Call and see me. A due Billiard room attached. A. soesnascnum. *aed<vW, J«iy isth, moL AUVKRW skdromn. A^e you itwinrsea at night aad brok­ en o.f youK rest by a sick tSblld suffering and ipvlijtt With pain of •Hitting teeth 9 U so*, seu^ait *u»ee nnd get n bottle of Mis, Wiualow'e Soothing Syrup for children teelhlug. Its value is iucalctd able. It witt relieve the poor little suierer immedb^, Depend npoa It mothers, there \s mistake about It, votes dysentery dlarrhoet. regit- kte* tlie stomach av,4 bowels, cures wind "die. softons t)|| gums, reduces intfaiiiiita'ion. and glveg ^^oe aadep- ergy to the wiiole system. Mra. Wlna- lows Soothing Syrup fvff yhMUren tectliing is pleasant to the ts^^e. ami is the prescription of oue of the ^>b*t atul l»esi re male pUysidaas ami uwrsee lu (be U"Ued States, and Is bv ail druggists throughout the Wvrl4*. P r i c e 2 & c e u U a b o t t l e , > v , ! #ess Indians ami be round-it Henry C o l b y ' s . . " • - t ^ . . '^/GORSEta.. "TT,4 A full line of Dr. WI In several styles at 1 ll«d«nB')ie00e; Tlie best on the market at Mayes 4k Bartletfa A complete studt ot Hen*s aad Boy% Clothing at bCttoai pHirea. ' .. PtMT A OWIS. Drags t>rags, Dragsw a lot on hand, steel tooth and must sell. For sale by It. Bishop lr you want anything lem -ttaMP the Estey Organ t can sell you aak loc ftB and upwards. O. WsOWKM A full line of choiqe grocetln alwayn to bo obtained ̂ HtiigOww^. : BIRD CAQE8. Bti^t Cages, la all styles aad prices, at John 1. Story's. A lot Just fycelvcd. Oall aud See the in. E- LA W LUS. Is selling Stilta at lem than Chlcaga prices. A good Cassiraere Suit for •4.M. Call and see the in, ^ Call and examlatc tllnan Black Wal* nnt Extension Tnblee at #1.00. per foot at J. B. Blake's. S| per cent. «t fet culi, . Remember that you will experience no dlfBcoUv in gettlmi n^«d«ell»r any machines m>U1 by * BlihaB), tlWS pre­ venting vekatioiis and C«|n<nslve de* htya at acritleal iimeWlmntlMs hieana "W. • ; '- DIAMONpDYES. We have all coldes of the Dlameud Dyespidy ljla - We «les1»e is wHdn ai ladies to our,: ; Wo,'have' adile camellettes. silks, ,;iM9ns^ will be sold on very c Everything in ferinlng from a Swill t^nrt to a Twlna Bl nder. :M«v.lie rofti warenonse of K. Bishop. OuT«tock ofd and patent more complete. andprioea ri^hi and Lightning. wla4 «b tornadoea, etc^ ete^ ap| Smith, Woodstock. III. TUB choicest line of fTolmsns Ladle*' Neck Wear In town M Mm> E. W. Uowc's. • • I m RimreoUf, ^ GLASS! GI^ASS' We keep Glaaf of all slaos conatantf? on hand. Speclnl extra charge. The bottomdgoppftls^t, . live to mepr-tfr beat any aad nU Gsta that hasHMen or may be made. est Aa# Wire. Jumk KJteSMtv. HOUSE AND LAND rat lALE^ The uaAr«tgnedof^m jl^ is|te hta honse and one acre of'Msil. altnaied Hi the Tillage of McllehiHr( near ftm lie school bnlldieg On . Mm premises ie a good Mini and emthnaiss, aad small fruit of ail ktads.1ra| be aaM reastmable an* «in ee^pf tenas. In­ quire «H> the praailapa. L^BSARY. III. Bakery fiiij||iMii» ̂ M. Engeln. at hM store I few north of the Riverside Bonse,haa i arrangements to supply his and the public generallv, with Bakers* Supplies of all kinds. Freeh Bread, Biscuit Cakea.l*let, etc. can be found at bis store at aM times, and he^resitectfully luyltea the poblla to give liiui a call. He hand Chick's and Speaasrt' >loSMr. - whloli will compare with mty. to be fown4 Itk the murket, Qlve d«a a call MeHwary, llay s»by Kit. OossMmer ciroqltit antcwtli for ladieB and o«nUeaien& end t tull Hue of rubber fidodo alvsn tobe baUttt HaswTCou«% ERE THE L. E. Bennett, Photographer, eh)e« to inform the public that he ll «h»W prepared to do all work la ht| Jlae la the best style of the Artnail ... all work just as represented, ar charge win be made. Meh uenily located In stoHenry^ condition tomnke nu and will allow no .pljft Qallery unless lowing from tbeKuuda volumes, Our people are ! about di-»lfng w||H lally n»»t to pay for/ «•* yuur pbotoi of people'gettlt Wo warrjant sati with «ur »«iyertber«- uer bow lie liked 1st* ' Cnil at my' Oaller Owen's stw " imens. an«l ' either ttf y»ur*»i or ta _ . gun rant «HS aa t Ufacllsa will be made. ' * ' 1.. B. Xctfeary,lll.» Jae^lOtb,

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