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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1883, p. 1

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m:w. PuidhfaodlSvery Wednesday by UJo VA> SLTKE, EDITOI.ANP PUBLISH**. I 4 Office lit Bishop's Block, J --0PP08TTK Pictatr A MARTIN'S.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' , Ine Sf&ar .(it* A-tvancef....... ..»..y.tlJto ,/|f *»t">»H ^ritMit'iraa Months,*..^..* » Sn'»if,rtntlTH re^SHtal far t'ir«®"'##"* 8ix * .months In Win sfin'i proportion. n r fiat«8 of AilveTtising. K, ' We announce liberal rates for n<tvert\ain* fcii |»» the Pi.AiKf>BAi-Ri», and e'deavoi to state so plainly that they will IKS reasily »n- ^^Worstooft. Theyarjs . •••* v* 1 fn«shone ye** -- 08 2- InchB* otic..xQ%r • -J 1° ™ l& year t ,-Vf E S * * •"•*' Column one jrwif - * » • ' * - * T- I® ®° Column one venr i - - " •, • ' W 00 ' 1 Colnmii one year - - <» • *• . 100 eft „ . - One inch rnwmn ttfe"i«H^*h**n!ent>Of one v ij .Hnrh down the column, sfnjrle column width. - '•>' J Yearly advertisers at the above rates, have -:V'SSAhe privilege of chantrim* as often as they " " ehoose, without extra charge. * Regular advertisers (meaninsr those hsvlnsr =, '-C^lnnilln* cards') will he entitled to Insertion of ^'.....-VS^aocal notices at rate of S cents per line each *>#>>veek. \ 11 others will be c harged 10 cents per v * rt<fine first week, and 5 cents per line for each 1 n l)sc<i uont week. ,Sj5|S Transient advertisement* will tws charged frate nf 10 cent* per line, (nonpareil type. " ~'j • name as .his is set in) the first issue, and 8 "•;*' -X-J-tents per line f»-r subsequent issue*. Tlins, • |«n iin-h advertisement will cost <11.00 fir one • ^^Swreek, for twoweeks,t2.00 tor ..three ^^Iweeks, and soon. g~. Tha Pr,AiNHKM«RR will he liberal in giving ' * vU <#pditorial notices, but, as a business rule, ft ' -..will require a snitatile fee from everytwidy /'teeking the use of its columns for pecuniary * r'J6t rain. • 'J •fr'-Wn • i> • -- - . , BUSINESS CARDS. ^ H. T. BROWN*. M.I>. il'DtiVSTDIMf \SX> STTRORON'. Office over L^V-the Post O®oe, opposite Perry A'.lfartiu's :l#$jttore tip stairs, Mcllenry, 111.. i?.i A:; «l ™ " ,1^,5 C.-lli FKGKR, M. IK ^HnTTTSlClW AMU STTRiiEONY | ma." office air Re Hence, on the Corner, McWenty, - - - • v^Oppontre Fnrnli urc Slori*. 11 1 >••". -- >.i 1 11 / 'l'\ -a^.HOWARD,. K D. ^•VfTSTCIAN WT> SURGEON. Office at :1 my resilience, opposite M. Ei Cnurfth-, l?^WeII'e«rv. III. i • • • --' :."'M0!iKV ItKCEIV.BD FOR INVK^TMICVT and loaoed on:mort(t»sre security at <-nf- ;i>§^|rent. nte», without charge to the lender. "aii^Pami«a«« made ai i>cr An . f t 1 and ® Ilonlen Block, Rlgin, f 11. J.. ; , nA*EMK?*Tof Knhnertfa Store, .Johns ill Wfirjrh, TH. The eh^icest brand# of Wines, '.'f^'HjqMors'aintClears always on hiann. Call MAN CI. B.VRBIAK. WORKER. All ku.ds Itair ^TTAIR WORKER. All ku.ds of Work don« in (Irst olass style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north, east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. trKTERIKARY Y Illinois C. 3. URGES; RURGKOJf, Blchmood, • • IAWYER. Law business in any part-at j th". State receives prompt attention. Office room 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illinois. D8. C. K, WtW,lAMS. ; BKSTIST. Residence Dundee. WIM be at M^ilenrv. at Parker House, the 10th and 36th of each m-uiUi. When dates occur Saturday or Sundaj* I m»ke my visits on the following Jlpnday. •• JOH» KT.EtK«K5r. HOtTSK Painter, Orainer. Calclminer and Payer Hariger. llcsidenca nne Block We9t of Riverside llonse. Work attended t» promply and on reasonable terms. Horsdmeji, Attention! AII lovers ot fine Horses are respectfully invited to call at my farm, half a mile west of Me Henry, on the Woodstock road, and see my fine Movjran ami Draft IlorSes. I have a Per c heron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to beat. Oil 11 and ^eo him. «S"N> business done on Sunday. S. S. COLBY. Mcllenry, May 1st, 1885;, Noticato th3 PaWis. IH WE built rt shop just south of R. Law. his'on Brick and Wood Street, where. I am prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. As I have no hoys to do my work, I want v«rv near wliat it Is worth for doing It, I do my'work in 4 manner that, needs no T. A. nuu. Mc.Henfy, Jan. 9th, Wi. C. N. CULVER: ^ Richmond, Illinois. £ Sacs of Stock, Far min«r Toos and Goods ot :t kiiu s uticndoil to pn the most Ueasotiube Terms tind satisfnetion Post Office address, ^ ItKUlMOyD, ILL* guaranteetl. PRATT HOITSB. .V. PU VTT, ProjirletojJ. First cH"ss ac. cotivncv commbd ition*. nt. 'tiood Bhrn In conrfccUon * BARMAN BROS. %»^V|StG\tt'Wannfacturei's, JffcHenfy, 111. Or- i-ft/ de«-s solicited. Sliop. ii Old McHenry, ,f 'V n Kftiter Block, tw« doors west ot IB.4CB1R Office. IfTWill ittsnlprin iebts. RICH AH D COMPTOS iceand 0 >nyi . tl v to the collection of trSTI0B<»f the I^eaceand 0 >rtVeyRhc©r.-»- ittcm I primntl v to the r " V'dlft, Lake County, IIK E. B. RICHARDS. ^41TTASa completer Abstra<^ ot Titles "^o Jj*wd H In M llcnrv County, Ill'nolsi.Omoe with Oomtr Clerk. Wyoptock. III. ^ _ ' E.W.OWEN GENERAL Dealer and Manpfacturors Agent in I-eadint? Farm Machinery.-- ife-vs; Prices tow awl t^riHS fityorablc. Mcllenry, HV . .:)*•* .t *- vSlf^ • R; «. ITH. Bool 1 AND SHOE M VKER. Prompt atten­ tion si* on to Re naivinX. JJhop JRY'A HARNESS SHF»I), OPPOSITE HHRCMWIHOUSE, llcil^nrT, IIHnoifl. 1 - M A R C U S ' GERMAN BTFEBS. Manufactured by P. MARCUS, -DK.VLEB IN-- -&mv* PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND cigars...:, t* ; '^foodstoek *h« best Tonic in the world* Pint and Quart Bottles. IM Pat up In *, ft- jdt&k' 'JF. MARCUS, Pate tee. TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH Smith., Ot Woodstock* Kll. ii*llecan8e he is endorsed by leading Ims. »ml Wk*tiAitla»la tv-'Tt Uft£RDfiU OF m. DK. O. R. WKM.S. FIYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wanconda, l^lkfc Co., III. Alt c:U!s liromplly nltellII' ed.dayor night. Office on M^iu SU4 Barker's harness t hop. • " . ' f 'WW - . H. K. JOHNSON & OOv SOLICITORS of faNnts, 1005 F St., N. W Was'iinjrton, f>. O. REFKHKVOKS .--Hon. J. A. Logan, Hon. W. B. Aliisou, U«w. U. C., Swiitlu l'ftkin, M. E. Sums. edittW Oh ic<igo 2feu», 4\trmer'* Jteoim, Chicago. Send lor instrhceiona. " JOSEPH N. FREUNUt. >00Jf AND RET AURVVT Bonslett's I stand, <n>jH>sfte BUh-ip'i MUI, Me- Hcnrv, III. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and Sigars to lie found in the county, r'resh Oysters in their season served up in any *6ape desired or for sale by the Can. , tiOOO STAB LING FOR iiORSsazv^ ANTONtfeVti BIN, SALOON ar.d Restaurant Buck's old stand .Mcllenry, III.--'Tbe choicest Kentucky Whiskies, "our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc,,, niwavs on hand. We buv none but the best, and. sellat Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters hi their season. A . M . C H U R C H , Watchmaker and JToweler NO. l«S RANDOLPH STREET, (Successor to K. -i. i*. Shirley.) Chicago, III. So­ cial attention given to repairing Fine watch- esand Ciironouic ters. •arA Full Assortment of Goods in bis lino Richmond House, f?IS 1HI.73IS. ILL C. >T. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. TT AV1NG recently pnrcnated the abore Jrl House, I have pttt It In thorough repair, with new fwnltfle throughout, and wonld respectfully l«**t«^%»p:itr!in4?e ot the trav. eting pnbfie liittMlMri. The tables will al- wa vs be piwilMPWIth the bent that can be prncure l, artl(bp»lite and attentive waiters will l>e in r»a$u|os* at all times to attend to tli* wants of guests. No p uns will be spare»T to make tfils a FU'st Class House. Larg« and co> ..nodious barfts on the premises. Free Oandbns to and from all trains. Sample itooiuson ttrst floor. H e; Wl'illTM AX, proprietor. Kirs . chid# i-ljpg, with or Without drivers fuanUhed at reasonable rates. Hll kinds done on sliort ftotice. Teaming ot A. WENDELL* RICHMOND, ILt. (tlRST fi'.KMICM AT MCltKNRV COITNTV FAI«) My fowls are of the ccleitr^icd DITKE.OF TOl'tK strain, remarkable for their great size and laying qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 puinds Eggs, wer setting >f thirteen.• Cl-V.t, delivew«l to purchaser iu Richmond. Sliipi»ed, aecui'ely packed, $2.00. ROBERT C. HKSXRTT. : li. Near the Depot, MeHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the llnesi brands of Hour and Feed of all kinds, which ho will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. 1' Fivedillurent brands (if Fiour always'*on ^jiaiid and warmnted as represented. Flux Seed Meal Always on Hand O^Flour delivered anywhero In the Oor poration. Orders tnav oe given by Postal Oard, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. * L. B0 NSLETT. *«««» >. March «th, I8<»l. E. LAWLUS, , .t'i W-' *. • ' H,* 1 ;u. ' KEEPS Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OB NO SALE. ; ALSO , ;v (;LOTf!TNG, Men's B05V and Childreii's sizes, of the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riversi le House, Mc-Henrv - 111 moil. '•ipgS' #•-, "1: lAnss men apd the press, and particularly where Viest known. ' „ 8. Because his is the oldest agency in the c o u n t y . . . . . 3. Because he represents the best line of companies of ahy agency in the county. 4. Because, with one exception, he repre­ sents the oldest companies in the United States 5. Because, in case of loss, he. gives his patrons the benefit of his long experience in seeming an equitable adjustment. • ft. Because he has always it sued full pol­ icies. 7. Because he pays losses on farm property bv lightning, whether fire ensues or not. * S. Because he insures live stock anywhere •gainst lightning. . ^ 9. Because he insures against tornadoes, ? * CyClones and wind storms. ; ^ « 1*. Because you can tnus save yourselves rasii -from disaster for a mere trifle. 11. Because you will littd him equally as active to aid you in getting yonr money after loss AS to secure your patronage for his com­ panies. 12. Because anv one of the abore reasons can toe fully verified by catling on K. A. Mur­ phy, E. Sessions, J. W. Miller, lrotn their own experience,xnd ">> the entire circle ot his acquaintances from observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phoenix, of Hartford, Connecticut, I take great pleas­ ure in retnminK the thanks of the company ti Mrs. L. Bs^iSiW.ter her promptness and un- usual presence oemind in extinguishing a lli c av her rpsittBKne, kindled from the burning ot E. A. Mtifjiy't residence on .the morning of the tttkjMl* as bv her individual effort, protrtrfywas sa^feil on whtch the -rcmpany *d a JKHICJ of |2,000. A&A GIRTTI? •v-wr . A**- l|.5w • - • O. W. OWEN, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Platod Ware etc. bsM&ik I keep in stock the celebrated Springfield Watch, which is pronouueed by ail to be tne beat watch now on the market. WiU not be Undersold, On any goods ia my line. .: U dUiowssi CONDU< Owing |« Beniietc,'t1i •vent, the ,id antl wltli i 'i.-tdtime vlifnli It tie our soldiegH wHl bf dtflj villi the Ik soon be abl Uttty a<alii. l>oetv wtii»8«| make a 111 write its ft<!i (lie stalest adUbitumi «*tl he troultl cuter to tl iures. Wl< American the ma-saet they may, tlte boys wtlt As the ton potent tlian so the ittC soldier eleni| avail tlian < iftf com bit ttral and |>; Republic By their vi Holly, and | muyoeMarl'.j eflto m< theme which th In free Mion be the |ieoi>l!(r are invitiCll flower of t| prised thek' they hid ill was natural tmtloti'sd^t! dior eleiupflt oor polttliki:^ meiit wliiclt elected Ql Garfleld. | wW will L L MIO ; DR. S. r. BENNETT. !ckuess of Dir. 8, F. fuctor of thia depart- jile npon the editor^ dutlefi, we have< not it that attention But We can assure »» this Department ided to In the future, pat the Doctor 'will , hU ready; |it»; to A. LOO AN, fche great FreilMi it htm who will ^Wa, I[ I may b»t l^lle was willing for rirt|nce to legislate ifoitntrytnen prorla- iTleir song*, and thus aide of tlmlr im­ propriety may the exclaim? "Let nl support whom l am sustained by the blue." pKerattger were more statute* of France, <aiidj^»pport of the |lH iii 9^ far more lher political ageu- id Ills quite tut fat the saviors of the jfjMtape Its ties 11 tiles. Itejr mnit 1 tallied Its led the success of an > cruel rebellion, Tiie *f Europe pride kir atniidlne armtes, mere machine*, rerftil artulei can |fr»m Hie m«wei of |« to erganiaed Hie late war the ?rlean yoiith com- armies, and- when PaiSOii into Its den it ry should siiape the Si nee 1868, t he so! mnlly eortt rolled flie soldier ele- !d Lincoln,- twice llected Hayes it|d soldier e lomeut Ifesue Ih 1884. "*|up MIS strsin a second it three- sugar ' blatik-b)ankety*bl«iiked-blank! You are'getting too close to my figures, and if you don't get out I'll kick you otitT He didn't wait to be kicked out. I ivas told this story this week by $ navnl officer who assured me that it has never before beeu glren te the pubHe.-- Veteran. and dignity of his presenCt!, as pressing his hand upon me, lie said, *Mv young friend, restrain yourself, and for Heaveirs sake do not m%ke a slaughter "1iou.«e of yourself.'* The shouts of laughter that greeted this story allowed that the Governor had made a point.-- iDetroit Free Prets. fWill tuko contract* f-r pntting "rMLflfteen to twenty imiiutea. To Bttilditigs and guarantet* mv wnrk wi' everT ^4 Df jelly add the juioe of one compare with any man 1 it the State, {-every pins o jv j 1 can .and will do work from 15 to 2t» per|*ein00* cent citeatwr titan other carpenters. as| 1 have two of my Iwys whrt work wititr me. wlii^li makes it possible for rae^ to do so. All: Jobs in tlm Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me aeall. A. WENDELL. ATTENTION ECCNQiyiY IS WEALTR cansuvo monoy bij giving your orders F. W. MS AS, ILLINOiSi RICHMOND, - FOR-- Wagons, Carriages of all /pafrinar. Paintinor, descriptions. Be­ ne rat smithing, Ac., Ac., Ac ^Repairingof plows ami all other Im­ plements is given particular attention. In mv niiinufuctures I u!?e onlv the best materi­ al^ and, keeping the very best workmen in alt departments, i am cn.thle I to.guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop as first-lass in every particular. . t JPECIAl. GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop ttre warranted for TIIBKK YKABS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT*. I sell everv agricultural implement, incluil. ing, es^eciafly, Norwegian Walking ahd Rid­ ing Plows, N. f'. 'rhonipson and (Jesley Bros'. Howsami Cultivators, l>\ II. Manny feeders and Corn Cultivators, the Dowagiac Sjn-ing Tooth seeders, the J'lano and D. 51. Osborne A- Co.'s Harvester and Twine Binder, the War- riprand Hopkins' Mower, and all other first- class machines. Warranted first-class or no sale. BLACKSMITHING of every kind attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed., & W E P A J N T I P f G A SPECIALTY. I have engaged J. STILLffElL, the boss iialiiter of the Northwest, for one year, or longer, to take charge df my paint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work of that kind will be done in the best and mostartiatir stjle. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repays, wood-workman of twenty years'ex­ perience, and I-. Howe, carriage blacksmith. Goth ui surpassed as artizans in their line. •Finally, come and see me and I will-guar­ antee satisfaction as to prices and quality of work to all interested. F. W. MEAD. I0H YELLOW or BLACK BEES -- . OK moss honst. Call on s John Hendricks, Spring Grove, 111. Also will Insure your property against wind, cvclones, or Ore. I represent the Home, of New "York; the Phcenix,-of Hartfoid, and other good companies. JOHN H£NBBICKS. Spring Grove, III., June 20th. 1883. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. F ITE ten-weeks terms per year. FIFTEEN COURSES:--Teachers'. Collegiate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic, Penmanship, Elocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac. tern . Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci­ men copy of paper FREE. C. U GREGORY, Principal, Bushnell, 111. IlllOIIf ill 1511 l(n l« rjillglllvvl l"K| Whole expense for one year, $H5 Wes- Normal I,ec,tnro Bureau. Western Engfneert' Superstitions. "Amsterdam is now on the dead list," id an old grinded engineer of the York Central railroad, as he JUtnced over the acooont of the third fatal accident at the crossing in that ivUlage. The reporter was ignorant of the ugnificanoe of the term "dead list." He expressed his eorioaity. "By a dead list I mean," said the en­ gineer responsibly, "that that crossing u now out of dangmr. Three deaths, you know, baptizes it. That is what the boys say. Tom know they believe that if one man or womaft is killed at a certain point there are dead sure to be one or two others before long. Super­ stition ? Yes, that is what it is and no mistake. But some of us engineers who have run a machine for twenty or thirty years, as I have, take stock in it r • -*• -f • ~ • A Blockad* Runner's Interview With Commodore Foster. In the old war days, when there1 was grentcrv-by big muiiufacturers-rand little cotton, every expedient that In­ genuity could suggest backed up by men and money, was called into requi­ sition to add to the available supply of the needed commodity, writes "Win- thorp" in the New York Graphic. For­ tunes were niude In it single operation, and, while the risks wore great, the rewards for success wore enormous. On one occasion the late Commodore Fos­ ter, of the navy, then in command at some point on the Mississippi, wits told that a gentleman wished to have a pri­ vate interview with him, and lie was told that the probable object of the visitor wa6 to get some cotton through the lines. Iu a very diplomatic way the stranger unfolded his business. Certain friends of his had a boat which they wished to get past the flagship. He would give his word of IIO IOI that the boat contained neither troops nor munitions of war, nor anything that could aftect the integrity of the Union arms or cause. Ail he nsl^eil was that Commander Foster should shut his eyes aud let the boat slip by at night un­ challenged. "Cotton f" asked the com­ mander, tersely. "'Well, yes, it Is cot­ ton, and I'm authorized to pay you 810,000 to let the boat pass your block­ ade." The commander laughed grimly. "Not enough? Then I'll make It 820. 000/' Stiil the exasperating cschina- tlon^ "More SU11?" The commander nodded. The bidder 'saw" himself and raised It to 850,000. "It can't be done-- the risk is too great." "I'll make It 875,000." and the man was growing ex­ cited. "If I'm caught at it it means, at Hie very least, a court martlal.di«missal from the service In disgrace," The commander had stopped laughing- there wasn't even the ghost ot i a smile on liis face. "But you won't be caught --there isn't one chance Ih a thousand --and If you are, why I'll give you en­ ough $o make you comfortable for the reft'of yonr days--I'll make It 8100,000, Springing to Ids feet the commander yelled, "Get out of this, you blank- Aft Old SftMter an Pension Attorneys, Most of them Vtere our comrades tn afipl, ;T4tey t^tfHiaerd^wltli us on the tented field. They suffered, with us in the privations and liandsltlps of the campaign. They marched shoulder to shoulder with us against the enemy of our tsenotry. They laced with us the death dealing missies of war. and when we went into the thickest of the light where shrapnel, shell, and bull plowed the earth, and thousands went doWn in the red blaze of battle, they were with us there; and, thank heaven, they are with us still, laboring for our cause and tlielr cMU8e,.the cau*e of our coun­ try's defenders, fighting the great bat­ tle of justice and right as against monopoly and wrong. Had It not been for their work, in uniting and and concentrating our in­ fluence In Cot-gress and the President, we would not have had that just act, the Arrears Pension Law, that carried joy and gladness to our households^ and fed Slid clothed and sheltered the widows and fatherless children of those who died that onr nation might live. Many of our attorneys and claim agents arc diseased, maimed, crippled, and broken down like ourselves. Some of them left an arm or leg, swept away on the bloody Held. They are onr adv acates before Con­ gress and the departments. They mar­ shal our hosts against our common enemy and the enemy of the common people--the bomlholding monopolist, soulless corporations, and corrupt com. filiations, championed as' they are, by the . great and poweHul metropolitan press of our large cities; subsidized in the Interests of the mottled powers, as against the great 4»borin^eJ*ment of tlfe country. Our Cause Is (hell* cause. The sense lees hue atidciy against them is Intended to prevent us obtaining our just rights, aiui it Is a cowardly, back­ handed blow against the soldiers, with­ out whose sacrifices we would have no cpuntry, snd of course Government bonds woyld be valueless. VBTtbRAM. ] says that when Lee's army was passing through that place in 1863,on the way to Gettysburg!!, Mr. Messersmlth, cashier of the bsnk, standing on the bank steps, undertook to ascertain their number, tallying every hutidred on a slip of paper, tn his hand. A rebel officer ordered hltu to desist wider threats of arrest. Mr. Messersmlth po­ litely liowed, went to his barn, procur­ ing 100 grains of corn, which he held Jin his right hand thrust In Ills pan- jtaloous pocket. He took his stand on ithe steps of the bank like any other !lookcr-oti. aud for every one hundred imen he dropped a grain. When his Ihand was empty he had numbered ten iihotisaudmen, »iid then he gathered *the grains up again to repeat the cen- jsas, Thus he stood In the hot sun counting until he had numbered the entire host--sixty thousand. The night after the marehjie had commit ti lea ted to Governor Curtain (Its in formation he had thus gained. ' orriGAL riOUKK HhAlxfl^ - From a Washington I.etter, • "Ifw fifltcial "Figure Head" in Warhi^gton appears to have antedated the late war. The Brst and most striking instance of that class was ftowell Cobb, of Georgia, Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury In the presiden­ tial campaign of 1SSH, Cobb threw aside bis law books and hied hiiti to Pennsylvania, where he took the stnmp for Bitch*.hatt and made some effective speeches in the interests ot the Democratic nominees. As an ofiset to Cobb, the Whigs prevailed npion the Hon. Conneth Ray nor, of North Carolina, then a shining light in their party, and an orator of great force and wonderful resources to repre­ sent their side ot tne question in the Key­ stone State. But it have been a bad year for the "broad cloth" party, and Pennsylvania was carried for the Democracy by eight hundred majority. When the cam­ paign closed, Cobb's friends waited npon Buchanan and prevailed npon him to make the ambitions Georgian Secretary of the Treasury. Although a good lawyer, Cobb did not possess a single qualification that would fit him to preside over the nation's ex chequer. Entirety lacking in method, and as lasyasa lasacure, he found himself out of his element when he assumed charge of the the Treasury, and it was he who first inaug­ urated the system of permitting all the de­ tails of his depirtinent to be conducted by underlings. Old clerks in*the frfeasnry re­ late with evident gusto many anecdotes about Cobb and his methods. Me is repre­ sented as having been a gay, rolllnking, easy going fellow. lie had sp-tiled a food lawyer to make a poor cabinet officer. He deligfttel in chicken Aghts, and would lay aside his official duties to attend a circus. He effected to patronize horsemen, and sports generally, and was always ready todrink with his clerks whenever Invited He nevef could tolerate Wigfall, of Texas. One day, while heaping ippreonlions upon that Senator, Bob Toombs remonstrated with him, and asked how it was thnt he (Cobh) couhl drink with Wipfall and then abuse him. "I have drank with worse men than be," retorted Cobb, "I have drank with you." 'Tea.** responded Toombs, "my knowledge of you is that you will drink with anyone who will pay for the liquor." There appears to have been no sunh humbug. In Cobb's time as civil Service reform. When he found himself at the h'&ad ot the Treasury he sent down to Georgia and brought on a score or more of young bloods whem he settled down into fat places. In those days clerks drew their salaries quarterly, and would only make their appeamnco on p*y day. They then did the q«*H^rTs works in, say three weeks, when tlHIy 'ironld go to thefr homes and enjoy thetpfelves until the next pay day. Among the aneedotes told en Cobb and his Lord DnfferSn^may, not r-fsfe, *i. man .* the Aoieri?ait ae term but he I* a friend «fS'|§gali has strong faltli ftl fWs frtflit*. Thl taJth Is not ba^ed mi heresay. bat Itfl what he lias seen aud cow try. The English sti have for generallotis atte||| tioif of the rrxed Irish qw attempted, any thing on scale as that proposed byj noble man, it scheme dispatches say Ihi^BritMtfltiPl has Oecided to officially niittttfjl>k». The details have not yet;;f|ii|H pis before the publltJ bt*t It t| i it is the most elaborate s c h e m e e v e r k t t o w n ^ S o m t r _ proposition was made on heHsifofl Canada Pacific railroad to thousand Iri?h families npon aud eqidpped farms In the vl Wintietie*, the railroad t» §«f-. penscs of moving and settitftf lfcfMR« provided the government Wi«|d ioai the company #5.008,000 wtifctfit lat«*» est for ten years. The settisn^were t*° have the farm npon wkieh^t*ej.wwi|| »et tied upon tlie payment of ffiOO wl amount was to be .seenred by m «sff5: gage without Interest for the first thttji yeai-s and thfee per cent after ting Ijerfod. For various evqsmwtttjf i was found impractieibis, Dn fie re n has not altoWsdtlsi SSnUmr ̂ rest. Ue is convinced thnt eml| is tlte only tttte remedy for thei ty prevalent In the Ktnffild ;:Wl It seems that the government IMMT come to the same conctasloti. snd' undertake to carry out his Ides*. Tl scheme takes on some of the charade! of the American homestead laws.' are to be divided into section^ of acr^s, each section to be provided wife % buildings, eqnipments, airfnaiK, and fond necessary for ilin t*lfi of farming on nubrtiken land. tended to provide for two hi thousand of th%^eh jMp^ head of the hougf1lMld*w<^ use of his hontlitiiiil three years, and After that will be quired to pay as rent three per cent 8500, but may at »| time acqttlwi lute title, npon tto payaMnt snm« 5 .r15-5- Such In brief it the English government pr to relieve freland of oiVlU'pifiilJliiitf' General Shermau recently had some shirts made at a furnishing store In Washington, and the cutter, a few weeks later, met the general with a friend walking down the avenue. The general remembered the face, but could not locate him, and tlte cutter greeted hiin with "Good morning. General. How afe you to-day ?" The general stopped, shook hands, and the cutter perceiving that the geueral's inlnd needed refreshing, said quietly: "Made your shirts." "OltI I beg pardon," said the general quickly, and turning to the gentleman with whom he was walking he said: "Ah! Col. . allow me to introduce you to my friend, Major Schurz J"' At the Grand Army encampment at Des Moines, Iowa, resolution* were adopted commending Senator John A. I.ogan "for his able and exhaustive ar­ gument In the United States Senate in opposition to tlio restoration of Fits John Porter to his former rank Iu the Army, and that Comrade Logan has the thanks of the encampment for his defense of the right and condemnation of cowardice." Treasnry. When SttSWi wsr by firing on Port Suaiter, he hnrrted down to Join the Palmetto force. Ke oare lessty locked tij> his cat. in his room and car. ried away the key. In about tvro weeks Cobb happened to pass that room when liis-olfac- tories « ere greeted by an intolerable stench, fie ordered the door opened, when there lay a dead eat, the first victim of the Rebellion. Cobb was not only a failure as a Cabinet of!) cer, but he was also a bad failure as a Confed­ erate geueral. He commanded Governor Sen. a or Brown's militia, which, as Gen. Sherman paid, "were raised by robbing the cradle and the grave." When Sherman was "crashing things to the sea," Cobb confronted him at Macon, but the Feoeral advance "flanked him" and Cobb's forces "skedaddled." •Since Cobb's time the official tigure heads here have been as plentiful as berries in Jnne. \Y hen a statesman is left at home by a wis# constituency, he comes to Wash(ngton to be made a cabinet officer or chief of a bureau He manages, when once in office to stay there. Ho caters to the whims of each succeeding President by passing doubtful claims pre. sentnd by the friends of those high iu author, ity. Our figure heads are never so happy as on pay day. The result is that Assistant Sec. returies of the venous departments. Deputy Auditors and Deputy Commissioners do all the work and run things to suit themselves. W.|iat is needed more than anything else, Is the abolishment of appointing defeated poll, ticians to offices, and the substitution in their stead of coinpotent men in the various de­ partments, who understand their work, and who will faithfully serve the government when the responsibility of their official acts fall upon their own shoulders. Until that is done, the public servi e must continue to be a farce, and citizens having business with the government will continue to receive the in. jtiatice whlch is meted out tn them. " -.'ft K'tirHf! Tiii ! .3L3&. In warning the veterans o( the late war against exaggerating what they did and taw In lt, ex Governor Curtln at a Washington banquet relat­ ed the following anecdote of a Revolu­ tionary veteran, who,'having outlived nearly all of his comrades, and beiug in no danger of contradiction, rehearsed his experience thus-wise: "In that fearful day at Monmouth, although en­ titled to a horse, 1 fought on foot. With each blow I severed »» English­ man's head i'rom hi# body, until a huge pile Ot heads lay, around me, great pools.of blood on either side, and my shoes were so full of the same dreadful fluid that my feet slipped beneath me. Just then I felt a touch upon my shoul­ der, and, looking np, who should I be­ hold hut the great and good Washing­ ton himself! Hever shaH I forget (he L3f"; . t Only a Btt of Gtosa i When that famous gem, th^fttft-l- noor diamond, was committed to the care of Lord John Lawrence, he stulled It into his waist-coat pocicet and went on with business. Dinner time came; lie changed tils clothe#, and threw his waist coat aside. Six weeks later a message came from Lord Dalhouseie that the Queen desired the diamond to be sent home at one*. This was men- tiotietl by Sir Henry at the hoard. QlfotlTjoiilK "Send for it at once." t Send for it! why, you've got It!" In a moment ttte facts came back to him tore the first time, and he said to him­ self, "Well, this is the worst trouble I have yet got into!** But he allowed n* misgiving to appear. He soou, however, fbund an oppor­ tunity of slipping away to his private room, and, with his heart In his mouth, sent for his old bearer and said to him : "Have you got a small box which was in my waist-coat pocket some time, ago ?" ' Yes, Sahib," the man replied., adibbia (the native word for it); I found It aud put it In one of your boxes." "Bring it here," said the S«r hib. Upon this the old native went to. a broken-down tin box, and produced the II t tie one from It. "Open it" aajji John Lawrence, "and see what iatftr side." He watched the man anxioudf enough, as fold after fold of the saw* rags was taken off, and great wa&hiA. relief when the preeious gem appeared Tlio bearer seemed perfectly uncon­ scious of the treasure! which he M >0 his keeping. "Then* Is nothing he$f v Sahib" he said, "but a h\| of glass." yent the succe*ftfi0 «ec<tii|g the scheme. Titty wtNl|%WliMt«l about the Irish' homes on itecottn t of tfpai greed and more about thfs they are sumtoderfVfef They ment in liilaM:ai«dWNN»» -df' Ireland and what If ll destined to America. This is an* age of tnislpiftri sentiment. It Is far Irfsh people In Ireland ** thirty-five millious already done--eoek lfppy':hp|>>|i elgu countries--than to i and agitate and starve. |f | to get ahead of the f let them leave their no cue to till them a^lMA«tiip| where they can be their otpiip' More than the uunther pNlte|||||i tie In^Canada are alr«d^4i^Ot»M^I 5 States, and they ilM olt iMjl kmm m . such advantageous bodied in this offer. • They had |tt] their own passage, or their frl< America had to do U fnr I were not ottered capital ** business'with. They we--ilimplyi fered the land free If they <Mltlvat It for a certain number of ys«rs, they must have espltnl to ;|Hfi tlM tn# year, to erect httlhllbgs. .tit fcmy In tho United Slates, wlilfe^all thssi^J are to bo^turnlsked at tt^Mut In cordance with Lord MKHVl gramme, Iu Canada thejr will be subject to tl same laws that they have hftpB dMMH^ lug for Iu Ireland, and «(th»| loss thejr see fit to nak« t^im will have a voice In the governHmf i the Dominion, and.thflr nwjijNl^l be so giftat tliat thejr qp«)d tSM extent,slum* Ut« f®T«m«sant a saw fit. Expax whatever point at it, lfc W°old seem that thi tlon is OMV. whieh the should not hesitate for a agoept. The ctlmatlc chM^p I tfto great for son^ pe«^|||ig| not be for-them. They N*at hardy people, andln.I(««^piii^ eration tlie$ would I to the new^c|intato« i rjjsli leaders after the winds I given to the pnhlie will with iuterest. ARRA^OJUI WTt lM*« the editor of thia «NMt can, at HIT tlnva ern Norma) institute at oihec school. 4^i-«hn edneatlon W every one% ho ha e*d ••<*. poor. A«y „ tn school ewklds weli t* oA«o hsfeis 9e%V>«H^|l<tll» Camf lnM>l algnad. on of> two year old hereby Mtiltd ti L charges and talto hiir away.' r . - rr - *€",; -!

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