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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1883, p. 1

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IvhA;.® p*=. .ia 7J wreath, flk MW3& eitee } OiM«*go, III. .8 repairingFine walcfcfe hUtlnet htm her* I f u. *«,«-•••"•"- ®w" A. HXBARD ILL f*ROPRlETOB. foil the nUrtre borough repair, t. a»it \v.ouM *>t ti •W«S Of A <1 "••nts It*re Wi tftMpte wi trains. the brnsb^fcll (we w*re distn (floe «r«r AiSfarlln's Me Henry, " Qorner, em or rntes. HKKKDKtt OF ill E. Pi rat nlass Re rn in "-ottnection iUS HMOND t, PR.1T •f eommivhtl aiieenrfa. III. bb«t to i11 •:» A'« 7Tt^j,: r^r. r*"'-'-"* towhajfej p'*ft^1**%"'""" ft" if*> jit tf-]prrf ^ t l|,»|'».jKi. *|Si <of the l«>ntlie Major Wce: Infantry In the jjor be- were torfeootaprot. Wefe * ill ..,. ,„ ., and trem- «nt: ~fo« Af tm itAltfti.vK mww. fncitirerK, MVjtenry, III. tit " ted. S»hop. H OW MWwrr, , t^ro d<wM wu« of Pur*-. *TN> COMPTOJi. 'pace'in I 0 mvevaneer.- "itly t>> the colloc^io# of loiinty, III. $ICU VHDS. • Untru't -w Titloa to tand I witty, tll'noU. Office with mistook B. II. OlfKN i ICNKK.M. Dealer im-t Mannfa«vtiirer» ml irt LeaiUn? Fnrro % M«r.!»l»ery,-»w «ni>l Unpia favorable, McIJonxy. O. SMtTHF. ttSft, Prompt atten- IB*. Shop in Ur««g- fte'Rlveraidc House, (FIRST PREMIUM A.T MrHfcKRV COURTV FAIR ) My fowls are of the wlchf*»(l DUKE OF remarkable far their grout siJte I ci%Li)p«. .* Art* of wcisrirtft* lirte en., Sl.£o. <1 eti ver«< I >n<t. ynp^^iiliHiifiy1 ROBRKT C. BKXXE'lV. * tcyy- .jLlii fcisi: iS» CLOTHING, Children's sizes, jgswtiy** lineof **T MC Sited rail not Wfiere nn yourselves i Uodersald, pn any MMHl n»y line. Jioll«arytF*K McHiUNY - - • ILLINOIS. Keci'Sfbrt^titVtlf ihe Uttest l>tan<U of t lOHr^ttreivt nf hW kittdx, wblch ho ^111 set? Mt Whot^le or Retiill i| Bottom Prices. ; rivedMWriiit Hrj»nils of Fioitr nltmya' on numi ami W*r*»uue<l as represenietl. Flux isceil Always on Hand •arKlour<lfell*ert<l'iii»jfwher« In the Cor pora lion. Oriers may lie gireu by Postal 5iinl, Box 107,1'osl (jftice. i --rt'^ IfjftYK Ml: A CAI.T- -i r ! L. BONSLETT. ireflen jr. M*rrh 8tb. WI. | E. LAWLUS, Vi i f f .., i-. •••; •'«;? Ifcrdiant Tailo^: °e ' *Wps Foralflfl tnd DoBWtic Cloths. rnJkJiLMS. i Boys*, opd the l>est qual­ ity aud at Chicago pri^i. I , Store opposite Uivei-ai le House, 3S|cl|i|nry - Illinois. W. C»Yt31V, Gtocfcs, WSlthes, Jewelry, nmtknam**# *»««». e<Bletirated sjWSfieM agccl l»y all to fee market. aw.ow*& wli« wagons «n4l frooi capluro. '4ip »| IMeimni Mill, Shrsve tohM httve bean Inken kikT tli« Trrtii^MI»|»#||^| D«CN|r|. "'n eml.M f »w»3r I" H»» l««n from tlif» Tliirteentli !*• ttiultfr Brigadier-General Rhii> ; ll»e' 'i'l«infl tMvi8lon «»f the Six* bj G«n«nd cr, «nd tlie flrst OlviMon, Nine- Corps, commanded by General Emory, wiili th« cavalry under Oeneral with tk« «- C«rp«-- la.* W> Al«v «inl«itr t80 ih«u mltrclicd to Xnt«MiM*te«. is lies from Al<»x* t rnusporuSSl^l^iiii^^^^! then thirty4v ««ri p«l4 the Qo»# " <HI»«# remtmtrft •• tl» HOW * filth# Iradla ioN: I iMiy on of ih« with on* ti pirwlate. -At when *vh*r« tlwii- nrrl«tol In ttwaft*n»6«) April 7,1664. Th« iiezt^lay w® marched ililrtrcn mllM to Stblhe, UNtM-iondi, m rrl vH<g^l*»»w »»OMt Wc Itm at ret ira tovrard Hieasiuii.fnp, otir rrgi• «*»Ht Ueln* im^xvalrtl. "We readiea a. m„ April 9 li, entli Cor|M. ; i lie esi^ayoiiienl tliit ditT:our (Nitt^tcetitli) »«|*gei{, »i ^tf#ehtli Corp.*; l|ii|Mllttrs 1^9$ >l.r».| divlf|(j^4;iflne- ***# disabled, should be relm|^^||r*t for s«Mh disability, and that fro«t^fik mmm* m **mm n»»t «i»r Rep. :v f" • tote to *le *9«&1 jMtks to «Vfe¥y soUier^that be not cut oil by lipt|y|on. Wte demanil the rnjteitl limit#* lion clanso In tlie nrrestr* Act, and pay It to every soidl« r who hn«i»r ma* Iter* Rfter N?P»y. be al­ lowed* pension. IVe^eitildeeMiHl that *wry'.i^that |ln«<r^fi«Mkrtr ;• forward to repretettt m !•» mi be called 4m* •° on that qimtVa^l Jw&h# ||lkv«pe»lw«,i#*»e;4i»ttll»r i tflled by aaoldter, If he be fomtd cap*, ble ami xti>ri|ije. T«| thU end «111 «»nr «•»««• be »llw»ictmv waHI the last tie- wuiid it oompllMi^H^^tfveiKe. ft la to be It I' MatetV that the anallone. A vetel a^ilpliia a<lr| CM. | tf ttf »r«f'jU|p! "*Xi<» m ti •eemte M wen. fl MiMPif hear «# 19 • Wffl t:il<^ WHtrm'ts fut put 11 ng"' it|i ^Milltii^s aijd giiaraHten mv work will coli^rtre with any man in tliu .State. I cm and will do work from lo to 2«. per cent chOHi»t»r tlinn other rai pont^rs. na I haw two of niy boys who work with me. wiiioii make* it possible fur ne, to tlo so. AHJobs;in theCnrpenter line pi>(»<H)|it|y 44££«t<letl to. G»ve mo a call. A.WENDEI.I. • ' ; ^ -wSTtJ 'wm-. IS vwe&lii. lW^%j*^to»oaey by gl\ia» yoarordera HICHMOND, - ILLINOIS, . --rcn--- . .... Wisgons,, Cariingcs of all., dcsrriMtinns, Se- -, i^irinz. Paiiuinf, j.'»evaj t lack. < . «iuithing, Ac,, Ac., ftc. Itepairinsf ot plows amt-a 11 other ferm im. nU'inentif i* given '-pttrtlr.uliMr attention. In i«v manHfurtiires 4 wse oatv the tK?j?t tunterl- ••tUaart, teroittK llu» v«ry bmit workmen in nil <t«partiaenu,4 am eatvlitei ,m Kuiu-antce and wacrentaM <^jllrtl,#if»eei a»y ,-al»op as 4iyM«lft0»iR every partirtilnr, . 5PKCIAL GtT.VttANTKE OK WAGONS. At! fitrm wagons manufaetnred at my shop are vkars. AOmCULTIIItAL IMPLEMENTS. irti'ral implement, iurlu<l. tnftjp*Myi J^a-wejrtaa Waltohift and pi«i- ing Plows, S. fl, Thow|i«Mi:«wi J>««1«ur Brp»'. i»eeffers RpHhft Tooth Sewters, tlMPtftf^Md&lirOnlioi^e ft BC.ACRSMITI«INti of every kind attended tjspi^atpfcly aail saii»(acUon guarantee*!. ^ifN^E FAIBITINO tr.}i. ASJPM.CIALTY. • longer, totake «barge of my print, is s ft^^^ptgaanpau^ttutki" ~ ~ ktqtf^i'wm^^|^^Wt« It iMKWtd not that I eiKbloy J . Repap%woo<!.wu(Mail< of twenty years*«. ' U ^»lac«*»nUh. their line. >1 t will £iiar- *ntt quulity of weefciem F. IT. MBAU, Call on John Hendriclca, ifprlng Groro, Also *ll| Insure yonr Wind, eyclones, or lire. I of Kew York? Um Ph other good eeayaaiu. 1*1. property amlnst present the Homo, •f Hartfoid, anil And Cifcimerelil Inatitute. r,F1 Teiagra KlocnMon >KWP^I l#1 Wes. Wester# CtBtafagues and specU ^yfincipal ,8V making the two mlwntwi Journey, gf«»t a Union liullet through my hat and my Irft t«'ii»|.le brushed, while my horn* wwlvetl n flight woimtl In the head. Whrtt regiment sent (h<> cold* lend 1 nfver knew, i^re^teo thenyt^iilyaflu) to Inquire, 's'i' ' H* KI tie pieces of OmfWerate artillery lit front of us ojwiieil atj|00 yards about 10 a. iti. or a Utile lateVv and a Union battery soon took pochlon In the road on ear. line. Sly place lit line^waslftbotit 100 tVet from our battery. Both tha Union and Confederate guns were worked wi tl» prodigious energy. Gen. A««l. Smith caw« out to see us on hie brown |»nccr, and our commrnder asked periiiissiiin to carry tlie rebel buttery. The oltl chief replied; "Walt a little; give me this cavalry ae»i| iaa««M get to Shrevej-ort.M And naw, Cotl^tde Mc- Ki'isey, ill closing. I williaft#st I am wilMng to bestow the brightest of hen ore upon the fair fame of tlie Sixteenth Corps, but In tlili: case 1 am tioi willing that they should get away with the whol« eake. I would like to hear from Ransom's menjof the Thirteenth Corps who fought by our side at Man*lle)d~- |he rhiy of disaster,--or from the Nine­ teenth Corps, whose infantrj*, on^timt terrible night of the 8th of^Aprll, IMi. reeeived and repulsed the determined charge of tlie^whole Confederate host, I notice that seme of the Hlxteeiith Corps have fallen into the erroneous pre pun) pi ion tliatfthe Infantry ot the Nineteenth Corps were whipped T#| MtuisAelri. Tlie truth. is tiiey were lialted and foinied their I at tie IIti^ nbout Ove mll^s iu |i»e rear «f the con- tending forces. Had the Nineteenth Corps proper b«;en joined with the cav­ alry and the Heeou>i division of the Thirteeutli Corps nt Mrusfleld. the Con­ federates would have been defeated. As It was,eiijii(ce«i skeleton regiments were pitted against sevenljf-two. Yet tlicy fought ft houia*duraiioo.i> -f Late 8ergeaiit^#th Mais. Cat* tM» , U"- "• Tl»e letter in the Tribune of July 12 1883,'concerning tnej aj|alr al Yellow Baj'ou, represents the One ITnndred and Nineteenth Illinois infantry as be* tongitit? tout he Third division. Six­ teenth Army Corps, which is'tto: exact­ ly the case. I was a memoer of com­ pany A, One Hundred and Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, and was l« tha Aght described. We were In tha First bri­ gade. first division,*,Sixteenth Army Corps. We crossed the mentioned stream, not oa pontoons, hut by wading through. The Ninth Indiana battery men didgood work on that d»y--never turiiad their backs to the enemjr. Tha wag** was dismantled by shell. I recollect very well tha name of the wagoner waa Jackson Vanormer, who a m«mber of <st»mpnny B, One liBadred and Nineteenth Illinois--no* A. Cochrah, Iftllaa, 1C<^ IU. 10ft Cor|>« was driven from tha position they were holding on the road to tia blue Cross roads. The result of the battle ef i'lag^knt tlill was precisely like o( Saalne Cross-roads, i e , we . repulsed the attack of the Johnnies and held our ground until some time in tha •Might, when wf all started back for Qrnnd Kcore, About G p. m. my regl- Meat passed by a brigade of the Six­ teenth Corps, who said that they had not llred a gun; neither had we, though wider fire all tlie time. TUK SIIRKVKPORT MOVIK, I do not believe that wa could have got to hhreVeport If we had tried. Tha river was tmusually low; the gunboats and transports. npon which we depend­ ed for onr snppiies, could not get up there; our force was and would grow lees every day, while the time that General Banks could retain the Six­ teen tit Corps had nearly expired. Had we got there. It is doubtful If we could have held our own long, or have saved, a gunboat, transport, or ourselves. And further, for a "totally defeated" army, those men of Dick Taylor's were inuelt like "ZmvIi" Taylor at Bnena Vista-- they would not "stay whipped.* Comrade Scott must surely remem­ ber that they# followed us to Graud Rcore, aud iitme nealr cutting oil onr retreat at Cane River.' Crossing Monet's Bluff, April 23(1, they were above and below us at Alexandria, while Col. Blftiiy. o# tlie Thirteenth Corps, waa building the famous dam (spelled differently by tlie Sixteenth Corps). At . MaiiMira, (not **ilansula,'H as Comrade Scott has It), the Nineteenth Corps had }nst as much flglitrug at .the Sixteenth Corps, and did it ns welt. I give the Sixteenth Corps credit for what they did. Tfiey dl«t noble service at Pleas­ ant Hlll-^wlry should they not? They were.a portion of General BanW»' srnij*; had teen,.there all night while the rest •f ew were fighting and inarching; were utKjjer tlie orders of Genernl Banks that day. the tame as we were, but that tlie credit of the repulse of Dick Tay'.or be. |es|l to the Sixteenth Corfis alone, 1 deny. General Banks relied upon each Corps to do its dutyv and each did it. General Smith equally relied upon each brigade and regimes!!under hlin to do Its duty; and Caoirade Scott knows that the failure of one brigade, nay, of one regiment, might hwra caused de­ feat to us all. H. A. Tutrr. Co. F, 29th Me. Vols, 1st brig., 1st div 18 th Army Corps. .. ... ^ * * ' , ' f %Vr\, • ' Bine HHI, Me. ':Z\ U .. When wf consider the Vflst'WibrirCes of tha Nation ta day; the rapid growth and improvement In art, agrlcnlture and science; the great trade facilities, and commercial advantages, we almost wonder If this Is the saw# people and country that from 18S1 were en­ gaged In fierce and terrthia conflict. And are we the same hays that respon­ ded so cheerfully to the call for volun- teers when the nation *as in danfwra*. •.'tf1 been tr«9jr I saw the 1 - • "si,- : 'i--M* -r^ f "'I J• ft, m 8 sufferings sired itnllant from which arfe now received. As has said by another: **The tnen wlK» staid at home and grew fat In pttatH and prtigMKiMy while the bravo soldier was wlktil his Ufa and liealth to pro­ tect that vei^ piirse and praparty, are »•»* whinl.i|t^ttaoiM9y>*fr M»o !»»• slow Ust." amlaiMH "ft will Impoverish the Treasury." Well, what If it does? Who has a kst> ter r%htt«4slt tfca* > sha> who aavstd the Tveasaryf would yoarlw^stadtMaiHiryhava hoen If tha rebel hordes had not Men driven howling bMlt fWia* lu v**5r doors by '•WWderi? ildliit ara perfectly eon- tent that tUe ^reei^ut shall he pen- slotted at fifty tlHiqif^kd dollars a year ; that Judges and gfflg»*>ors and con- |p^|^M^g»nd a hundred t^aosand Other oBrisli shall receive pensions ranging Iriim five to fifteen thousand ^otlarfe per annum. All this Is proper a»»d right; hut if the poor Soldier, tot­ tering tipon one leg. toiling with oaa arm, hts health ail shattered tml bro|(. an in iiiaoottntryV eereiee, asks for O^. iol*erabie plltanee of tight to 'imagr. dotjant per stonth, ahnwl of Indtgna- tion bursts from their lipe. "Too much, too miHth! It must ho atopfied. it-Will bank nipt tl«0 Gov?|^a*nl.^ There is r.ot iha le^ 'da«ga#HM sMe(» a result; but il sucb a result shoidd oaaie. It wnold be, at leatt, one ctjw of hanfcr rnptcy in a glorlous cause. Not one dolfar too much <|fc thes#Jil^^ dkti^get. 'fene ^-iNHiMRfii#. ought to recetee han«e4 from it q^iflng1 ttchn<v^i»1 mmorthr a great govevamanfi>> He- who is small ' t l i f t i i i * ' i » o o r * ° i , , i ? r Itts tittle «OH|peasat^n Is unworthy tit* 4^ne of jpTli a mocked ,|gj aborclen, a writialmj hwrlesqiie oa hw- msnlty, a llb^^ .JUU Creatof.--J*A« Veteran, Latuiiqfit Stfioh. •• Re union* .ire yjiry popular tkltfiiti and our comraitel everywhere ai^^'l^'. coming eiithtisla«tlc on tha snhje# Keep the ball rolling nntll tha Ian vet'eran Is mustered Into tlie Grand Army. Boys, that's your home, don't stay ont in the cold when warm hearts arc Inviting you and wady to give you a welcome to oar aheltt r. There j» room In our bunk for you and blanket enough to cover another. Wa are wllK Ing and glad to aharo o«r h%rd tack with you, drees your old wo«mds and give yon alil^lljl hand In time of nee d. Step into the procession, boys, when It conies along; for It la coming your way. Don't fall to come into tha ran|c», for these are the sapo asea wiA whom you , (M on -tht when Mllve teemed a «ln<le, wlien your life was not worth a tliey stayed with yon through It bttre,MrtacM M***t the .•u^'lteJNHiia^eV'-aaw. OK ^ with aiaedal iiwk In . » • -m . « - ^ ~ •' •" , :fi'i ^ LI Kmros^) direction* for I cow(#n«|j an^£ lenoa*! ing. but i an ce*t pntla;: weeks, WjM I took out n»y I rection*,] and thread «hWw,rfi»e#i chl to threa t usedaal rhf.r lna«awi<i >were-1 .... tfartst af^fiii*! door, s for __ weight; it waaootr * to gat 9m \ qtwtatlaM uiarkatacC ' do with# marke^a'W«Mij att>r * my Ic J

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