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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1883, p. 4

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Kditoi*. of Elgin, * , shet * ynnnjf tlbMlcinghanf ami then tragedy' occurred IfeiMbOO Wednesday of > #Mi tho came. I* now In the posl- l^n who once owned a f«»t pNMtt «trade got * muck stover Whe« be etraetl the tfwtter fee i]! tlwtlm; but after tlie al trays behind and could i idl liM ftin IT he felt so disposed. mmmmm ISM. the teretT^rt of Mich­ igan hat# fe**B Roptifcllsa^s, outil tast when by » fwhn of Greenbtckers and Democrats Joslnh W. Begole WM reform government Is IHf ilmM with malfeasance In the * " of the. estate of his do- He Is accused of appro* t«it part of the Ingram* on his of handing it over to tittwgfjl, The hill also asserts that the soa deeded to the acres of land, "far# the UST4ft ting Bull scents to hare lm- Mhtd the a»-|$|ocr;<tic notion, of the divine right of Kings. He told the fteuatorial committee the other day /stlwt- he ^had been appointed by the ' >at spirit to talk to them, aiul he eded to talk se Insultingly--Inti­ mating, amoii* other thing?, that some of the comuittee had been making a too free 1««e of "fire water**--that Gen. Logan took* tlie old Bull by the horn*. •«t| told hi at that lie might expect un- lesshe behaved himself. That council furnished a snUject At for an artist's / |n*»icH--tlie conspicuous figures In the group htftng the glum «iid defiant chief of the Slotix, the most warlike ai d tr«Mtble*o<iie of alt the savage Indian tithes that liifest tli«4 wild West, and the stalwart form and hlack-tiearded viaage of the Senator from Illinois, as lie stood there laying down the law to the old rwil. Our "Black Jack*' let the cliief of the Sioux know distinctly thft fhe commlftee did sot Intend to be Bull-ted.--Ex. - good govertii the stsud It ti cart-loads of the plow, the studying of jive stodcdyfog. Farmers sre HjftggM ed to know as mo8h shout t»mfog< ^V#5tf£*^*£Z3 quite as *m«rf,wben f*irfli l» tr tocnt. But tho ttgov^ ahrt tlifeelr P to Wits of t ise' i i as ludivl<lMlR,far«Mt« wwWtttoehffe i nte rest Ih the selecting of frtopet offi­ cers to represent the people, many of the .evils complained of would be promptly corrected. If tad men are permitted to )ni$»b1ic places, unjust law* «uu»t to tesEpocted. , ...... - ' •& ' [ ̂ PresHlaattai rtXHrtog;. In 188# there were 869 Electoral v^tes ana it rehired 185 to elect. Garde Id and Arthur had 214. In 1884, through the Increase of representation under, the hew census, there will be 401 elec­ toral votes, of which 201 will constitute a majority. If the States should vote then as th>y vested In 1880 the division would l>e as fotlowss Republican. Colorado... Connectica*... . Illinois.. .<r.v... Indiana.... ...... Iowa ...... ....... Krnisas ... - Maine |y In our i than li* En-f free trader* Great These c to 1*4 s ."te .1 . « M.-is^achiVsettS. I* Michigan.... .IS Minnesota T Nebraska.... .5 New Hampshire... . I Sew York.. 38 Ohio....,.r ,.„S3 Oreiron 3 Pennsylvania, 30 Rhode'IntHra... .... 4 Vermont."!..... WUcoU9it...i> Total. i.W .228 nuiwtftaft Atabama •.*.,»... W Arkansas 7 C a l i f b r a t a . S Delaware . t'lorida..... Georgia .... Kentucky.. T.ouinianH.. Maryland .. Mississippi Missouri ... Ner<i<l«,-- New Jersey, ..... .... 3 ... ... » ..i.:...M . 3 » North Carolina II Soujtb Carolina..... .. 9 Tennessee...;. ...... 12 Tesas ...13 Virginia"...". :.... Ul* West Virginia..'*.. e Total .173 hi on the confluent, •s are uot the real teat fte^'at question If tf^ Ptr o(>eraitive« are as weM oft as ^Itethe^fll^ cannot receive more than they now do of every thing which renders life desir­ able. attd cau not be elevated In every way in moral as well aft material condi­ tions. But after aW, the Inqiflit h* practi­ cal one. whether in otiier land* among thole Who work with thel^handi, homes are more coin for table, individual' development is better promoted, and life is less burdened with the cares and evils.of struggle and poverty, ti- Knrope, the demands of military ser. pairer| p Tills (S f f ' " - * m 111* UnM*. -V- ? J - lli^r#!*^ f» the failure ef the'fHvIs Crea-nerleii at lltneklev and at several •ther points, th^ Vnmra Beacon makes the following timely comments: ••There hit been more rascality per­ petrated,by creamer? men of late years than la other Mngle branch of bwi ness, peffcapo; but farmers are them­ selves largely to blame, and- this is a fair example of the numerous 'other failures. Hs was a stranger, and to •eenre bnsiness was compelled to bid rtPfg a HUM of UrUlnaaf ^Irith their nsiial anxiety to gra«p the liighest p»«s«lble price for their goods regardless of consequences, they readi­ ly swallifred his bait. Had tliey taften the trouble to think for a moment that •with creamery butter selling at twenty •oents per pound, when he agreed to pay litem eighteen eents for tlielr •cream at the door it mnst cost him at least two cents fo t^usport It to the factory,5 compelling him tu throw In the tubs, salt and labor for nothing-- «nd they would at one* have sot him 'down as a knave who proposed to yie- tiintss them soorer or later. The fiHttre was a severe blow to the bttslneas tntereets of Hinckley, not s» •Such because of individual losses as from Ute general leeling of unrest and diatrast, which will necessarily be en- gendered; but if it shall Induce farmers to place less confidence In the fair promises of- smooth-tongued stranger*, and realise-that it is to their own in­ terest to deal only with legitimate tosiiiees men. the lesson will eventally " j^fro,^cilve of more good than harm." This woulfl give the Republicans a majority of fifty-five electoral votes over the Democrats, and ttfOnty-seveu more than the number nwessary to elect. Both column*, however, embrace Slates that in any intelligent calculu- . iloc must be classed as doubtful. f)f the Republican column, Connecticut^ indiana and New Tork nj^y te Included tn the doubtful listv and of the Demo- crath; coIihbm. <'alifornia, Florida. New Jersey and Virginia. The revUed table will stand thbs*: / : ; ' - 9ure Ren.States....I71j 9ur« Dem. R**ter...129 DoubtfuL i " A itoubtfut. . Conneciieut S[ California... ........ H tn<linna K Florida 4 tiew York .-.OSl Hew Jersey...*%.... • . •GitroliM. ....II .. -ijVirgifeur Donbtfat l«r .J>| Dotibtfal Pom. '..44 Willi 171 sure electoral votes, tlie Re­ publicans would have to secure just thirty more from the list of doubtful States in order to carry tbe Presidency. New York-alone would doslt, wi«h six votes to spare. If New York were gained. a<*1t whs in 1880. every otiier doubtful Mate might be yielded to the Democrats* Or If Connecticut, Indiana and New Jersey were gained, the Re publicans could win without New York. Or, again, if they secured California "have an excellent chance, they could saf«*ly lose New Jersey. Or. Still age in, ir they carried Connecticut, California, Florida and Virginia, they, could win without Indiana, New York and New Jersey.--Phitn. Wires*. p. ii ^ TH* FARMERS and the OIom, In his address to the patrons of ho% baudry at their aunnal meeting in P^wnsyltstnia, President Atherton, of the State College, advised the farmer* not to iaifibine to elect civil officers from their own number, pointing out where they could accomplish more and better v«sitlts by attending strictly to the business of" farming. This advice Is good. Iii a measure. The voting population of the United Stales is composed largely of farmers whose In- terest Is at least a* great as the Inter­ est of any other person in aecuriog fust legislation. They have personal Inter- eatato perform tluit attainments may be had. The government is not the spontaneous product of destro, It «a0 not be attained by the farmers devot. Irig their whole attention to the every­ day laltor on the farm; nor zan It l»e secure'! by agrimiltural organization* devoting tl.eir time to studying reme­ dies to prevent the dying of cattle and horses from preventable diseases. Good government come* only of eflort prop, erly directed. When offices are to be filled, evil minded persons and design- Ing poliftularis often co operate to (III them In such a way tiiat offidal favor may reward their scheming. They are aetlve In piirsnit of every advantage and too often «iiecetsiol, because men Whose duty H ts to wateli carefully -«vll influences neglect wha ^hem deeply. Tim* we have •IMP elected to serve powerful corporations that wropg the publiv and •WW*®*-* wiroBg by law. It cannot to corporations exert ^Ijl^f'IsKwsc#' In making laws to ^MSte,%ili%Slses. We cannot sen the In the grange or any other agrl- si orgaulKatlon making an effort top to any uncli work. As In IWeW* give less attention to i af candidate* fir office of *0 OUIIIMMU AT T A • : > > ' Attorney General MeCartiey, having been asked to define the statute passed by the Jast General Assembly relating to gambling on- fair grounds, has pre­ pared a Jetter.on tbeeiibjcct in which lie says; A gambling devtaft prohibtted by this law is any machine, instrument, article or thing upon which .money or other 'valuable may be risked upon mere fortune or chance, such as cards, dice, wheels, and it is not iiitended to prohibit games whore such depends upo » the skIII, ex)M>rience. practice or accuracy of the person wlpo plavn. such sis impl^menrg upon which to exhibit rings or q.ioits. shooting target guns, rolling bails, and test of speed in hordes, but even upon these devices betting should not be allowed, without violating the spirit of the law. The general s a utea makes tlie olllcers at the fair liable to severe penalty for permitting gambling upon tiiegroHiul*. Tli9 laws apply to the officers of fairs and fair ground* the same asauy other pre mixes, and officers allowing it may be indicted and puiiiKiied as oilier per­ sons. and any pei>ou losing money witliin the fair grounds upon any game permitted by tlie fair officers, may ob­ tain jiilgmeut for the losses and fell fairgrounds upon the judgmeftft/n • ••----1--Tgg 1' . GREENWOOD.. Editor Plaindbalkr : -John Barber has a new lumber wagon. Cucumbers are turning out big;con seqtiently folks that have them are rolling in the coin. Mrs. F. A, Prliidie has returned to Connecticut, owing to ̂ he sickness t»f her mother. ' C. R. FI nk takvp a posi t io« i»i|ie Bigfoot cheese factory, and Kntory at Megamauo, Wic. A Mr, Sampson, of Chicago, Is enjoy I ng the' healtlifnl country air, '(nd rs stopping at J. ft Garrison's. L, F. Brltoii and daughter, of Elgin were visiting her^ the latter f>at:t of* the week. Jas. Crookshank lias beoa unwell for * few days past, brit ts now much bet­ ter, and ta able to be in hit shop oiu-e more. " ^ !' Quite a number of Greeywoddites plcniced at Geueya t>ake iast Friday All enjoved the mrelves find are feeiing the better for their day of recreation Some of the old. veterans of tbe ninety fifth attended its reunl«»n at Belvidere the fourth Inst., shaking old comjrads by (he hand, and ^fighting their battieso'er again.M Throe cheers for the gallant ninety-fifth. "No more shall the war err sevar Or tbe ariwtinx river be re<l; r Thev IvniUh juranger forever, wiien they laurel the grave* of *ajr d|Wd.'i Vice are an element which effects larjge- 4y the earnings and ilie hopes of men. In Great Birhaltl. while thife element of annoyaucc and expense It not felt, the trials and evils are not unknown to millions who have come hither to teH th^lr own story, ft thns happens that the comparison Is not rim ply one of fgnres laboriously-gathered by special coirespondents or consuls, although these are culmlnatlve and conclusive. Tlie decision does not depend on esti­ mates of the accuracy a mil rushwor thl- ncss of individuals, ^tudtous examina­ tions of prices and of earnings in vrri* ous vocations In tills country and In the old world* follow- 1'he-same path to the same ends. In no other iand does the operative In factory or Jurnace,4n me- chiuiicitl tratt^Wfciiy sort, earn so many of the comforts, and even the luxuries, far beyond the necessities of life, as In the Ubited Stater. A visit5 ,to #iiy manufiicttiring village In New York or England, and in England or 5cott> I;iiid. ^ in'Belgiitw br tSermany, will attest tlui facjt, it U certain that 111 no other count rj' does so large a per cent Of the operatives pass from dally Ijibor fit- wa^es to the ranks of overseers and •employers. A. prjiuer cau earn 'Ju« about double here that he can earn In Great Britain, outside of London, atjd can tive as weli hereon thesathe outlay as tlieri1; so that lie can lay np het-e air amount e<p«al to his total earnings la Britain. The case is slinllar In man^ other trades. The witnesses we call are fpeakliv jnot by words, subject to qualifltlon, an.l to be accepted with doubt. They tcs- ify by act* involving »ot; oiily their own interests but the future of their families. They cast Ihcir whole fortune and all of their hopesuii the testimony which they give, TheSe WItues*<§8 nwwlynaft T?«7n7 all ua: Ions of tW world.. They . come hither to Hit pro vf tli.elr condition. a'lWl very few of them ever reluru to their liomes in disappointment. Tiiey'have been rushing hither for acenthry^ Their numbers have increased in recent years as the experience ot geuerwiioiis In­ duces those who I rave tried tli® field to send back aistirauce fb. tlieir rchitives and neighbors. Themovemertt f-- II to its lowest iu bot, attained new strength in 1880, abd has kept at Irs full ever since. dntMreeteatKt'.iese witnesses to the stipet ior condition of our operatives have numbered, nearly two milfion. Tliey were457.257 lit 1680, 669,431 iu 1881, aud inarshalvij no fc.wer than 788.992 in 1882. These witnesses do not quibble about details. They do declare by tlieir deliberate act that, weighing prices as well as wages, pros­ pects as well as preseut results,,the United States Is by fat* the best country for the working man, CantImied and Intelligent immigra­ tion furnishes the absolute demonstra­ tion on this point. It eoverstlio whole list ot industrial occupations. It makes comparison with every other land. It relates to the whole round of consider­ ations which may a fleet the laborer. The comparison began generations ago Tlie force and the volume of testimony bear ou tlie situation of the immediate present. The tide of Immigration Is larger now than ever latere with, the single exception of last year. The testimony is hot gathered to advance any theory. It Is the voluntary con­ tribution of persons wbo have investi­ gated and know tbe ̂ grounds of their words and acts. Tliey ire disinterested witnesses with all variety of experi­ ence and observation. They risk every thing on the truih of their conclusions. Tlie. largest number of our Immigrants from any single country are from Great Britain. The evidence relative to that kingdom lacks no feature of complete* ness. • " the improvement gAlugon In Britain aipd on the continent tu the condition, ot, o|>eratUes Is due In no small degree to tlie United States and to the drain of muscle and sinew from the old coun­ tries to our shores. The bright homes, the prosperity and progress which can lie found hare, show that the tndu«trial classes here have not altogether thrown; sway their magnificent opportunities. Labor i# better paid than a generation ago. better paid In all tbe «lemeuts of comfort and progress* :.But although our operatives arc earning more In all that money can buy than their prede* cefsors, and certainly more than Is earned in like vocations In any other laud, tlh^re is >et abundant room for luiprovemeiit here, Tlie teiidency must be to shorter hours, t6a larger fiiare of the product of htbor In |ts division with capital, and to a general advnnee In s«>clal as well aa materkil surnonudiiiKS, But the Individual mu^t* pav the price hW little Wyman IinK just vecelved a d earriage, it Ik a yery uatty llttle rig. < t? The hail lti the storm Mon.fay night ift^e eleven lights of glass for I'ranlt Powers. Corn was prostrated Insome fluids. The; crowd of Snnday School scholars who went to |he Diamond Lake picnic from Wauconda Saturday, must have been very gratifying to, the Superii> tendeiits. There niw«^wonderful In- create since the preceding Sunday There were delegations from Liberty, ville, Ivanhoe, Fairfield, and other places, perhaps. bitt , Wauconda doubt­ less took the cake. In numbers, at least. There . were , probably twenty-five teanps In all, earryIng some ISO to 200 people, headed by the bratft bartd. A Very nice time is re|»orted. ;; : ' A rainy Tuesday tnornlug made the prwsisect for a successful sol diers1 re- nnion look rather dubiorts. Tlie weatli- er cleared In due time1; however, and tiie nicely watered streets and cool air produced by ti|e rain, added much to the comfort .of tlie celebratloii. ^ very interesting game of ball between the Barrington second nine and Wau­ conda occurred in tlie afternoon. Bar. rlugtongained six runs tlie first inning; after that the gAme Was close and well played, The final score W:ts slx to four-, teen in favor of Barrington. .With the exception of a street drill ivot very inu^i of general public re union 'ex­ ercises occurred Tuesdny. • By '-"night, old associations and an excess )pf Spir­ itual comfort combined to make a. po'_ tion of the crovvjil--not entirely com-, posed of old soldiers by any ineane-r-' aggressively aociablei. Comparatively few^people weto killed, however.! '1« the. evtir.lng th<?*«,yl«Ut'^s rei'.ewed old army life atoiind c-.«inp fires tn Deacon' lord's grove. Still later, a. party com. posed mostly of our own village boy#, made night, hideous by outrageous yell-.' lugs and qi her gentlemanly (.?) amuses Wi#ht8. Wednesday brought a greatly increased crowd, among others the old iriah hlniself,*0 that a full report of th«day's exercises w111 donbthss .be V' - -t .f » •«. i tftUTOIt Pi>AINt»KA.LEU:--Will yon sale. Bm the advert isenidut lu ner column of oor piper;1 We pre* * r /- •••••*• ct Og^pRMMrU fortunate enOtij to seSi^^^^pnc|r, in iblftittio this ^boo^, wlll swrclj" make money. . ^ I hu've ^eiV TOh^e w t li -t^ edSww^lis prtper whereby stu- mm* ti me, ente r th# % est- <^l|«Ni|P^MIege and OnWtiMrctal lhvtttn(# at one-third the cost of any other siihool. This school Is placing a ftrst-dtoii education within reacn of e)rety one^ be tie old oir young, rich or P0#r. Any one ceutemplating attend in aci '*5-1 Mi tig >.f ' «»• WJ'ttl # , SKtfafc «> .ii.vV , >:r; awtx ,/4* %• naxf *Ty ? '.'^^'1,1(11,1',Al tAh v'T ; , , , ViiH its- fit - • -- - • • y tti ;4i e. tm'f i*.- nachool would do well to call at this office before deciding where jo attend. See advertlsement In this Issue. ' ' ' We have a lot of Hata worth front 50 cents to 83.00. -Your choice fbr 60 cents at H. Colby?*, sap AUCTKIN ! Friday, Sept. 7,1888 HftvinjrsiM the farm, we offer, -without re­ serve, to the liigliest Uiifder, the entire per­ sonal property rtti the farm, sitnfilert \% miles- North of AlgtonqsiIh, on the Mcllfenry nwtti consisting in pnrtaf-ttic ftrllovi ing property; DAIKY CATTI.E. ,, | 4l<Th'»iee Cows; 5«Iiom-P h;»lf-hlofid Holsteln Cowe; 3 ehoice liull hlooii Jtolstein IK'ifers. 2 renrs» oil; :> nhotee HAtetein (leifers, l year ol«t; 1 choice 3-qnailer lilond Hot.stein Heifer, 1 yeitr ol<l; ft choii-.e lialf-Ul'itxl IKiUtiMu.SprinK Calves, 6 choice SpWnsc Oalven; 1 cholre 8-4 blood Holatein llnll, 2 j ears uild this full. -' IIOK8KS. 1 Span hlllf-lllooll• Norman Marcs, well mnti-lieil, 4 yc;»rs old; J Span i-orrei Mures (liy Kichmond ftojt) well m;itclied, S veais old; I Brood Mare, hftlf t*i.-»ler to Ited Crosa, 7 yeeia old; 1 Brown Ueldinsr, s voarsold; IBnyGel '. ing (L-y Ulchmond tU»v) 3 years old; 1 Stallion C«)lt, 1 veur ol.l, sired hy i;leaner; 1 Mare Unit J year old, sir3U by Wleaner. . , .. . Toot.s. 60 Milk (..'nnsj l Seeder; 2 Snlfe'y Caltivatori; ITtlding Plrtw ;8 Walking Plows; I Reaper nhd Mower, noinhined; 1 Corn I'Unter; 1 Com Marker; ,1 lirag. I Corn sheliev; I 1,timber \V:>>ron; 1 Track Wufi'in; 1 Milk tVairon; 1 HHtlcrM'Top Catria'jfe; 1 l.i^hr Uoiid Wapon; 8»^et Doiildo Harness; | Cnrri.isre Il;ifne»^ i;| Fiirnace Kiltie; I Set lluavy Itobs; 1 >etl/i^ut Bolw, auu alt fai'mihg tools on'(lie place. ' ' ••'chops. - SO acres thick Corn on the j?>'°nnd; 35 seres Wit Corn on the jtronntl ;.J.<KW> Inishels Q»t«; 25 iloni Tlmrtthy Hay ; siiirsucls Tirnoihy Seed. ' Come Early. SiiXiood Lunch ierVed at the sale. " •" •Tkrmh of S^i.R.-rOno year* time will l»e given on approve! Votes at"per cent. Interest Tvfo |K5r cent off for cash. " ' Chapell & Sinndtt. J.' A. SHERWOOD, Auctioneer. 1 • ; I • f - .'j' rrt f *-.• •«» i ji. ' * ' i % v f . ff *»? tvf < i'. ^ \ '• 41 ' fM a house received old reliable have bought an stock this fall of very oods. " These were Bo 3J1UH- tli mW mmvm arm r,e r>?.. S Cor. Main St. and FubISc Square,' Woodstock, III. \i ; ' • 'f .;:.-• (>• -I V . (J . : - itan^ ^ t.'i'H-'f" flu ti •• '• - ' . •'•• ---<?• ^ tfttnt.,W j| yia- ^Ittini^tratar^ Notice. J; iSTATE of Mii'hsel Uynn, deceased. The nudersi^nqd having'tx'en ii|tjioiii;ie«l A«l- ;;v>o of JlictiiH Uvan de- Quite mii excitement in town a few nights ago. Marauders had better he <>»><.r..i .t ^ . "® | out tne tiMttviiiual must* wav the orlce tateful or tlioy ^hat wouldn't ,»f ^.icl, In-lust! v. hy thrift, by tir.nle.uv 16 ^',p Ineni, but what they mo#*-, "V liioral a in! futellecTuiil eflort.' The riclilj* deserve. | o|»erat i ve mo«t Itv l»l» uierlm eommtiiid Herhlo McCwter haa • ki. : ' l'r«'<reis wlileh ihi* <-munry, hevond tbansMH cntiX«d fa olb«rpur- luuiU. " •:'ST *^ .hl«» t® t»lay iwtl I to-dayt The game. Uet|i;een the fll^ln Redii and the Sfureti^y., (Vlaj'ed oi^e, wee^. ngo.M ondaj: at |j]^iii» t**!^nlt«ejti lit the defeat of the Mare-i£<a& Another game will b«. iilajscd to-dar ( Momf iv) at. Ma- re'ugo, when our hoys expect to citrry 4>flj4ie laureI t IT^ ^-amH-irn min w#' played betweeu the, fKidv uiue of Hareiijgo and a like nine from iluuiiey, last Thiii^SiIa)". \Wileli re.<u,lrei,l^ in the victor j of t!io ho/ne teuu by a Score of 13 to 14 iu fW tetitli lutrttg,: • Mr. Kd Sliiii tIeft,: we uiiderstiuid l? to takt lifs d/fiiirkitrC for Dakota tills w'her4 lie iii^etid^ to i>i|reua the •t'sialy df ^ f Tom MarsiiaUVof XftitteaitoJU, Mlnu. is visiting with 0U! frfo«ds-iil Matvti^«>. Tom has seen a goo.T deal tif our coun­ try trorth. west, and south,, but lather likes Illinois the i)est, i"1,,. , • The funeral services of J^lss -^flnttle Weaver took |)laee Suinlay at: i Velovk |>. tn. at tho Wesieynn church/ The de ceased was tlie victim of malarial fever and suflered intensely before death, release<1 he r froin liel* suffyri tig., Many friends nynipatlit*<i with the afflicted family in their berea'vetueui. Joiin Arlington purclins^d the bou«<e and lot owned hy Henry Sanders tvif •I.41)0. 11 Is a good t'fice. but i t Is also a good plare*. Charlie Fillmore purchased the Cunvr mings property for ouo thousand dol­ lar*. He will tlx it up mid make a iilee place of It, Mr. L iverne Crlssey, of Marengo ami Miss Dora Henry were married otr last Wednesday evening at tlie residence of the bride's father* John K. Henry, Kev. liaisey oflleiatIng, assisted by the Rev. Catnpbeii, The" event was one long to be retne m bered, and as t lie mauy guests pre^eiit wished them Gnd speed on life's lottruey, w* mentally ej icuiated anion. j Jos i ah St. John and Sadl i Dun Wood, of Uiiey, were married Aug*, ^th at Belvidere by Rev, .1, Ik Reeves. ' ffeorge Bates ami Nina S liuuiion, of Rile)*, were Married at Belvidere Aug. 26th, by Rev. J. H» Reeves, - in As we are getting along l»i yeH'rs |f does our poor eyes, good to see th<? young matching up. It looks a« though tliey wt re pre pari ug. to take the places .of, (lie old - ones wlio must soon pass aw£y. Joy to thetji and thelj-s. ..J^ay hca,veii bless them ahundantfy.'V t ' • - .i.i. i r ma • Great Oaving 0 Dairymen. (ieveiiiy-ilve doTlars saved hy giving" onk bottle of Dii'kf|iimi,iOow Prescrip­ tion soon after the Cow catves, to pre­ vent milk fever. Never was a c'lse Of milk fever known whera this tnediclne wa« given. It will alao prevent sarget and nil other diseaxe^ incident to tii¥ cow. For sale by all "druggiBti*. Mrinii- factured by (J. Dickinson <t Son. i.>' 1 B«rrfngloh,11l Yonr Attention" Please. . Ph.w shoes, former price $1.60 now 05 cents. I.ndfes Walking Slioes, former price •1.65 now $1.10. Ladiea Walking Slmee Bntton, former price 81 now 80 cents. 500 Groeg Fancy Drtsa Burton*, new and stylhli iiist arrrlvedj retailing al! over the Count? for 25 c»«»tii. We are selling them at 6e per «lo». fall in. . 4, riT/.AtMM'lNS A KVAMSOX. Velrets.blacaand CoIbvV E ministrai rlx of tlio e«t ^ ceahed, laie of ttK> <-(miiUv of Mrfteni'v Hnd St:Ue ot l.ilimiiK.jlierebv jrivet notice -tliiit Mi«t wi'UI appear lit'f<n-e tbe Counl y Court of Me,-; Herr\ ("oilnly, nI tire Court House, in Woftd-) etot'k* at the" Nove»til>er Term on tlie- third. Sfonday in N.ovem!»er next, at wl\i'-h time alt persons havinjr eialms a^iiinat sftld c8trite, are: notified and roqneetrd to ktteiin for the jnir- pose of iu\v iiik the same ndjuaied. All per. son* indented to said estate are requested to raxke fmiaeHiate {isymeet to the ttndersnrned. Dated, this Htst «Ay of Angnst,.A- D . ,j MARY R YA A", AttrniniittfUriT, mrwpen l'v? 'ii'iri >» i~A H* Aiir.inistrator's Notic8* 7STATK of Siieldon Cidver. defeased. The E nndev«Jjrn«d hiivinn Ix'pn an.»ointed Ail- m'nii«ti:>trix of tin; e<sl:ite ot Sheldon twtyer, deeea»ed, late oif thcerfniity ofltletlenry a«»l sUntf <>f Illinois, hereby give* notii-.e that she ntork, at the septendier - term on the third M.^n I-«y in Scpto nlKM- next, ut wnieh time nil l»er«tov.s havmsr cl ilrns :ig; said estate,href- notified and requested tu atterul for tne |>ni- I'mte of havjnir the s line mljiiHied. A ll neiv. sons indebted to said i>si>ue are requested to nutke immediate )>tivmoiii to the undursignet. Qated 3(»th d;»v ofJutv, A. 11. isdi. Marv II. Coi.vkk, A liiiinistritrix. Live Agents Wanted. To •ell Or. Chasii's Itcripef. oe Informntion ftir everyl»Oif\% in every rotinty in tlie llnite<l 9ta!eKa»d Onnertn. Knfarfre<l l»y the i>nldis!ier* to «I8 pane a. It ronti.ins over b.O'iO honfohilit '•wipes and i» suited 10 atl fl:if»es and con. dition of hOf.iety. A Woederfiii iHH>k hud u liotiM'lioliI nece»i>ity. It sells al rfiirht. Great- c-t imluceitiei"ts cver olTci-i d lo iK»>k ajfeniH., i.*!imnle>;«ipie« Sent^hv mail, I'ostpiiid; t»>-S2fl0/ Exclusive terriiiHM' (;iveu A;Mnts more than' d'inhls fh«dr monev. Address Dr. ,f:lnue's Steam Printing House, Ann Arlibr, Mil'h. DR. JOHN BOLL'S I Vltea CNf Y.) Herat*. Iti&'A.. •7. iii doiors, '"iii r ft, MA KB your on trios this week In stock Jt arlll jf've you wore time uest wssk FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandAGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, » *HD ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. jThe proprietor of this celebrated atsdt dine justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the publis for the 8AFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PE&- MAJfEHToureof Ague and Fever, or Ohills and Fever, whether of short or long stand* ing. He refers to the entire Weitern and SoatheriLjsountry to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no ease whatever will it fail to cure if the dine* tioD« are strictly followed and carried eat. Xa a great many oases a singly dose haa been sufficient for a care, and whole fhai- lias have bean oursd by a single bottle, with in smaller doses for a week eif two altar tho disease has been checked, mere especially in diffieult and longstanding oases. ally this > medicine will not reqnire amy aii to keiep the bowels in good prder. Should the patient, howe ver, reauire a cathartio medi'ciixe, after hav^gtakeH three orfbtur dosec of the Toiiic, a nagle dose ef IVU1 •S01VABLE FAULY PILLS will be suf- fteient.:. : : BVW^ SABSAFABZLLA is the old and medy for impurities of the blood . dlooa affeottons--the King of Furiflett. DE. J0HH BULL'S 7E0STABLE W0BX BSSTBOTEB is prepared in the form of sandy drops, atttatfftie to the sight and pleasaat to the taste. a , SR. JORN BOLX>*fl 8 T0N1C SYRUP, " T ftULL'S 8AR8APAMU.A, BUiU8%0M DE8TR0YEB, * THO Popular Remedies of the Day. Maelyal OSes, 881 HaIaSt.,LOIIlSTlLU^Kl Baw&*/6i«tkB Union *rt. PUaifS BBBD A Mte Pairs S Trioi 4% . - v.: >,w- 4 FOR SALB. >* 5: h " t s - u IlavinfC mede n uneetnUy ofPiW# BrWl l'oWh,' ; I now offr r for sale a few jjp^rs Mil TWfl from the Itest strains to WlbMittl IB lis United stale*. .,tf yoa; waot the follow tag bints gl re ne a call , THE "50LDEN STAR" CASOLINE RANCE& Sti^>crior to at1. I" nipkWy an- pei'sedin*? Cook Stoves :uul ixstn- «fes for SiiniDier use. t's»H and" see thorn. .Jo^t^%oiiy. : Meiienry.M^yiaM. >A-* ; • -AajU;..v5 . " M'-'iV •" -.Him fMteart'Bnfi t BMBftiM ReS 6ise, i Java Ci lijit Brato I warrant. m'P'hinls'nll Pare Rreft.anft If In ^ want of «nv of tliote nanife^'glTe Ml call aSM voh are Htiro lo he pleased. • ^E^m their c.w. Wauconda, 111., Aug. 6tb ;»rri j >: ii '-itf •mm '•yr .fife.'il .m: Horaa Shoeing, Qejieral til adaiitlftlj^ WAG0NAND m?,. $ •• % • • WEi BtSLCi I'M. K Celebrated Colden Star • OIL STOVES Md 8AS0SS. The host anil safest iniiiiiil'.-iftureil. Have alr«»atly »oUI 28. which speak for tiifiiifelvee. JOHN 1.8TORY Mdlenry, May 23, 1883. P.HAUPERI8CH, MoHenry llissoto. m'i f$ol: W M . H C P W L I N [8VCCKS80K TO M. M. OLOTIIIKB] (I. S WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY .y-" ALSO NOTAR^fUBLjtC.^ . Prosecute* pen si OR or any other ttoiw* agatnet the (fov«*rnment, relating to the late, or former waig. Oompiirnted eaees and re­ jected, i-lHiws made a specially. If etumpa are enclosed for replv, all eommaoicaliOBS will be (iromplly answered. f V OSeoatBesiAaaae.KABlSMtT^ -4^ : --•&>:»tiM* tn • • « .? * WOaDSTOGK. 4a,' Reference® by permiislon as rejmrdi" Ohar- acter, biisineaii a.Viiity, reli»l>ility, Ac . Ac : .. Gen. Jolin A. Logikn, tT S. Senator, Chleago, Illinois. Gen. ,r. (J. Smith, fttate Treasurer ef IIMnola. lion. It Ellwrbod, juL 0- OW^I- JOiat., Syc­ amore, 1H. . . . . Hon. John f. Slierwln. ei-M. III. Diet., Aurora, III. . , , ,,, (Ion. A. M. J<ines,tr. S. Marshal, OWeaga, 111 Ool. .las. A: ;<ext*iH Pres. UnieO Veteran Club, Qhieaaro, Ill.> ' „tl .let-se A. Jialdwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi- earo, 111. f • ' Messrs. Seflz, -Schwab A Co.Wholesale Boot W wm.. DON'T YOU ^ ma t f ! 4*3 »:m. ;r»f. • ,YUf|noi». - .w&siy. t • •"> . .ons of nonoy e®S4 y« against damage by Th««ldoat and most relfttiile sterrpn^er imtdtshed in tlie West. It tan large cljrtu.ii.itte paper, full of Ir teresting si.tries, sooletv new* and humor. Kvery new siiliicriiicp pee'eivoo n liook its a premium. Price 01.00 per yenr. fi inniio »"»pt«M free. A ldre«% the C III CAU O JLJuU^iiU, CUi ago, 111, \ 4 ,T r, ; : :^sa w. smm Woodartoojkr, Bitched l>y Mill} IMOEMNlfY agal Flro, Lightning. Wind Sterms, CYCLOSES AKD TORNADOS Drop me a postal car<t and I will *i«i»yop! eat! on me nn t T wit! write yon a poller, n^d waeiiviilier or any of these' destructive ele­ ments ilevA»t:tM your property, happy will yon lio if yon hold 'one of niv pnllelee, for I will Miroty vU»it you, *»il minister nnto yon, 1 wilt iwt wittke yon, ASA IT, SMITH, Qen't Imurxmot 49% Would respectfully inform his enatomera nnd tlie public irenemlly ihnt he is now better than ever pre|Mre<f%0 4l0 all work In bis line. Of all binds on ahort netlee. SQnQIre as a call and wo will please yon bath in aaailtjr and price of work. ~ - p . H A u n t a i s e H i Meneary. llf., Aaff. 7th, MA' 'MM «« M beantlfnl Tiserves T.lnen, givs« < pretet/ts the Irea tient atiekiaff Sttunlanl p C£, CISTXLAVD ;«OMT«EIITAIg PINTHIIIT, Cracked » ; { j ! - *">•"P.-t*«Ks'--' fftwli, tpnin^ | .SC/iA'lCHES AND SORBS * "v I j ; - ' " - =' .• - - jr «;• '• y'lP Atlk rnur Storekeeper for &*r wr4i* ^ v direct to the Manufacturer*. "" W:%v ur HORSES, CATTLE ft AMEEICAV 2.VBB10AXZM Oil CO^ * - r i CLEVELAND - - oma. •*>}, . ..J r&L .* * \ ' ^ it! •At* lid' 4 * Ji* .*

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