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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1883, p. 5

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WLB&IN&SDAY, OCT. 10, 1883, fen± 3 *V Time Table. OOMt« SO0T*. Fasten seer--"... 7:37 A. M .Srf8 " l^sr. lake rrelstht.... 8MWH r,u« Prafttit Benera Uke Kxpress INM take PMMUW. A. v 4:57P. V «:57 M B. Boss, Aircnt. a McHenry, til . „ MMOXIO : w " fHcii|Mi*T R.OF»*»K. Ha iss \. T. md A. ' lte§»larOi»«limiini<->tt\ong the Saturday on or . t ten?* t)M full of the nam and every twe ,? arms* thereafter. ; -y:"-* ~ ClIAS. 0. COLBT, W. M. " W?r<trv nniPTM ffo. St R. A. M --Ke*u- „ aT Canrar.ittTn* hol-t on the seeoa-tand foarth FridaT* in cacli moneh. ; K. V AWOSUSOK.H . P. , •• ̂ B„ PKRKIKS fins closed his Restau- \< rant. In Kelter's. Block, for the winter. WE have seen SEVERAL wry fine string* of fish, caught in the river here - ! In the past few days. ! . j ; , | FsasH OYSTKRS. either by the can or / diah, at Lincoln's Restaurant, next door ' lo tin |KWt<ifflc«. % HUNTERS are now bringing down > large string* of duck* from theLnkes, \ f :4although It Is said they are not as • plenty as in former years. * . , . ' : -- . J. I*. 8XITH has put In a stock of J. ' Confectionery and Cigars, arid now if ^ vou want ftne Confectionery or a good V. ^igar do not fail to call at his neat "r little Jewefry store. * E. M. OWE* has sold the bHck store now occupied by L. D. Lincoln. to . -V/V JT, Pekovsky, of Chicago, who proposes «/>"' -< to occupy It as a Cigar •Manufactory, ll: The price paid we l»elieve was 91.500. ; L. BONSI.KTT hits moved Ills Flour •."•'M and Feoil store Into his new s|pre, one , • ,* door west of the Parker House, where v 'i ',®r<,!*fter be found. ITe ha* a " v; very handsome store, both inside and "k. ?•***** - >'s ' •• £ _ , " i --* r " ILLINOIS Baptist will '*^*1 , meet with the Baptist church In Ster- ** ", ling, Oct. 15th to 20th. 1883. A cordial ,*-3^ Invitation Is extended to ail by the ;.j Sterling elturch, Bail road fare re- **••>^5" dueed. }.* ~ ACCORDING to a law recently passed <*'tl persons who take a newspaper out of |v%jg| the postofHce or receive it at their ;r, lionses, and refuse to pay for ft. are ,|T< snbjcet to arrest, and may be tried, on * charge of grand larceny. : t A SPKCIAL communication of Mc- Henry Lodge No. 158 A. P. and A. f^' Mason*, will be held on Thursday Cto- ; morrow) evening, Oct. 11th. Work on the M. M. Degree. All mcmbecs are 't requested to attend. By order of W. ^ M. c'A Oro. W. RRHLKT has bought of 3mifh A Snyder the store builJing now OCCH- I- ^ ; pied hy^ilxsimmons A Kvanson. and will.occupy it for his drug store as soon as it is vacated. The price paid was I i *2.500. It will make him a very hand- some and convenient place of business. r N. ^. C^LOT has kindly left a fine lot r?,„; of specimens of curious fennatlons, etc flicked up by him at. Yellowstone Park. 1 <>n his recent visit there. We also have fW | a verv interesting letter, written from notes kept In his D'arv on that occ.i- fv - si on which we shall puhli»li next week. ftfr It cannot fail to interest our readers -- PATRONIZE the man who advertises ' every time. A man wiio leally sees the Si'," • titili'y of advertisfng and takes the ad- vantage of it. is the m«n who gives you i.:' tl<« most reasonable bargain, while tlie man who hates1 to see auiukel go out of ^ his hands will be mighty careful that you get no extra weights «»r measures. ( m It's according te nature.. \ .*» * THE Party at the Parker House,* on it ' • • ' • >. : |*j Friday evening last, on account of the ' ̂ severe rain storm, did not drawonta f* 't> very large crowd, but those who did £ * 1 attend report a pleasant time. All f speak in the highest terms of the music. fx prououuciiig it as Hue as any ever heard ,i in that Hall, while the supper was said >[" -..-OS to be superb. Had the weather been - fine t lie re would have been a large turn jr. i0"1- , •. - CHARLES KAKI.S, ef Johtisburgh closed his place of business on the first N of this month, and now offers his prop- erty for sale or rent,* If not sold or | rented in the next thirty days he pr<>- ; poses to open some other kind et busi- ness. Mr. Karls is an old and highly respectcd citizen of Jolinsburgh, and < whatever business lie may see At toeii; ,i; Kugft La* he is sure of a liberal fatrcn- age. v E. tAWl.D8, at the Chicago Clothing ^ Storo, opposite the Biveiside House, , r ;;.i has as fine a stock of goods in his line as can bo found in McHenry county In Ready-Made Clothing he'can fit you | witk a single garment or a full suit of the best quality of gopds; which for ; . style or price ca:iuot be beat. He also -3 lias a flue liae of Cloths, and will make % yeu a suit te order at;d warrant satls- * faction. Call at his store and examine *3 his ImMeiiM stock. ^ • - fe" I;-- PKktSONAL. 'ff% Bbslet, of Waukegan. lather of Oeo. W. Besley, «ras In tewa •e Ttias- day. ' MRS. S. COLTKR will depart for the East In a few davs. where she expects to spend the whiter, 8. F. BAKTI.KTT, ef the Arm of Mayes A Bartlett, has moved Into the rest- dence lately occupied by Mrs. Colyer. MRS. O. W. BBSI.ET was vlsl ting with friends In Chicago the first part ef this v«ek. MRS. J. W. CASTER, of Chicago, and daughter, were the guests of G. W. Bestey «ud f.nnily l^st -«re*k. GLUTTON SMELL and wife, ef Slyrla, Ohio, have been visiting with R. A. Howard and family the past week. H. R. BALDWIN, the newly appointed Superintendent of Schools, called on Tuesday. !/*CHAS. OWIW, son of E, M. Owen, ha« accepted a situation In the office of Patterson Brothers & Co., at the Stock Yards. Chicago. ^ ^ ^ENKT COI.BT, Newel 8. Colby and Isaac Harsh returned from their trip to Montana and the Yellowstone Park, last week. They report a pleasant trip and the sight seeing In that country as wonderful. m . ' > I- R Tilfe house fly begins to sliow his ribs, he stayeth at home, he doth not meander round, he U confined to hifrf room. He lived to* high this summed therefore he doth now have Dyspeptic pains in his Pattcreas, and langulsiieth under Disorexy, Though he hath a thousand eyes yet doth Dysopsy seize him. He crawletb about on liis all* sixes. He taketh no delight in mo­ lasses. On the bald head, he dellght- eth not to whirl in the giddy dance. He taketh no further delight in this w-icked world, be stumbleth over a craek In the ceiling, lis faileth down Into your not coffee--he hath gone to that"borneo** from whence he will re- turu, nobody kuowetlt how. Peace to hi# earthy particles of combustible substauces nuauitiing after combustion. A KULL stock of the latest styles of Fall aud Winter Millinery iust received at Mrs.ll. H. Nichols*. ' - '•BARMAN BROS. BEST" are pro­ nounced the best Cigars in the Market. Try tliem. THE L. L. C. will meet with Mrs. J. B. l'erty. on Friday, Oct. 12, at 2:30 p.m. Topic -English History: 4,The reign of Queen Elizabeth and of James the 1st." ktiss J. A. STOBT, Pres. MrseB. V. JIOLMSTKR, SCP'JT. EXCURSION tickets to the Chicago Exposition will be sold at this Station on • is * B M m «• 17 •• «« " a , . Price of Round Trip ticket, including Exposition, will tie 92.30. B. Bnas, Apent. THE appointiueiits-of the Rock River Conference for this section are as fol­ lows- McHenry an<l Rmjrwoed.--Silas Seaifli! -•1 N umla--*J. M. Coulee. ^ ( ltichinon<l an*! Hebron--G. C. Clark. . Solon an-1 Spring'(i*w*e--1To IteSn|»nlie<1. Woodstock »ml Ki'Hnkllnville--4». li. Hoover Alileu an<1 His Foot--J O. Bigelow. Harvar<l--H. ^chwart*. Marengo--J. M. Olen<lenninjL Poplar.<1 rove an<l Oapron--W. A. ALTMB. ; Green wool--To be Supplied. BKLOW is the programme to l»e car­ ried out at the meeting of the M. C. T. A. to l»e held at Nuuda, on Saturday, Oct. 13: OpenincexereiseA ronsistinff of voeal music T» E Mentc.h, J .1 Vasey. others Eulogy on the work of S D ilalitwin l»y". R H Rcnnie Recitation Mis# Amlrtia BioRraphlcal sketch of S D Baldwin by WE Wire Phvsiolosv (paper) I. K Menteh Pronouncing and defining exercise.. B i» Morse Reading exercise (class) II A KHUer J. A. SIIKMKIN, Vice Pres. II. N. HOLMES has, furnished us with the followi iig Svliool Census for tliis District, as takeu by him the past week: Number of Males tmder W years.i " " (females •« •• *• •„ T<»tal mimtoer under it years.. .'. Males between A and 21 IToinAles •* " " ' • f »<!*>, Total betweenS and SI,...... Males nnderrt years, females " " *• ««7 i' *40^1 ̂ . '..v.'i.niw .. I'..!. 20» .176 ;.~ss4 70 90 Total nn<lcr «years Total Bunubcr in Oittrict under St yrsv. .; . ISO l.Ottd ritKK LKCTUKK TO UOIK& Mrs. BP relay Feieh, of Chicago, writes us from Geneva Lake, request­ ing us to give notice that she will de­ liver a free lecture to ladies, Monday afternoon, October 15th. at three oVlock. This lecture is preparatory to a course she proposes to deliver here. The subject of the free lecture ls,**How to get well and how to keep well.' Mrs. Felch forwards excelleut testi­ monials from ladles who attended her course at Lancastor, Waupaca and Black River Falls*, and the Lancaster paper says: " i'lie series of lectures triven he/e last week by Mrs. Barclay Felch, of Chicago, for ladies only, were signally successful. The attendance was very large throughout, and the ladies who attended were very enthu­ siastic in their praise of the gifted lady. They evideutly heard more good solid sense concerning themselves, during the series, than they ever even dreamed of before." Ladies will cer­ tainly be none the worse of! for at­ tending the first lecture, even though they do not attend the course. She expects to speak in one of the churches. IN MKMOttV OF PKOF. BALDWIN. Thfcy tell us there's a new made grave, A teacher dear has fled; That he IKJWC.I to the Destrcyer, Vet we cannot think him dead. Wo see hut a* we saw him, Hear the same endearing tone, We meet but as we've met him In months so swiftly flown. We miss thee, onr late teacher. Bat they tell us thou art free; That pain and ne'er again Can cast their gloom on thee. Released from Hcliool-room Thy soul now soars a{%•••*-* * Angelic, pinions boar thee To the God of life and lovjJK ^ But we love tlice just as dearly, Thouglv thou resteth 'ncath the i For thy soul will grow and blossni 'Neath the blessed siuile of God. .it! f And they tell us dearest teacher. That we too inust look above For that strength which God will five fS, T$ replace tliine ardent lovo. Though we fain would hid thr spiri% In its earthly home to dwell, Tet we know that God hath told nS Thai "lie doeth all things well." That when done with earth so flce&log* And its wearv scenes of care, Wo shall follow thee to heaven. And shall greet our lost one thefjfcr r i : W e o n l v w i i t , d e a r t e a c h e r , ? • . ? •Till the beckoning of thy hand Snail call toy wandering pupils To join the angelic band. / In that bright land of endless blis^ Where Christ himself do'h rule, We will join again our teacher, In that bleoaed heavenly school. , BarreviUe, III., Sept. 29th, X^tO. ZTL"<* Wheat Wanted, WANTKI». at the Fox River VaJley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will he paid. K. BISHOP. McHenry, III.. Oct. 10th, 1SS3. Platform Both Combination and Wngon* at E. M. Oweu & don's, of >he maM>. *" • " *'• * * '-"Ar*... -Wt, Wts-JiVe-inesdav, Oet. the 3*1, IVffi Mlee rn Tattle, »god te years. She was the only daughter of the late Mr. Josiah and Mrs. Lucy W. Tuttle, all of whom were recently residents of tills place. The family removed to Michi­ gan where the lake breezes seemed to Imperil Iter health, and they conse­ quently made a temporary home In Beloit, trusting she might be benefited by the change. But all In vain. After live weeks of acute suffering the dis­ ease resulted In death. The burial oc­ curred Friday, the 6th. from the home Capt. E. Griswold. Funeral services were conducted by the writer. The mourning circle, with tearful eyes wish here to word their untold obligations to the citizens of Beloit, especially to the ladies for their constant and untir­ ing attention during her protracted illness, and at lier death. Their grati* tude to such friends, at such a time can never be expressed. Heaven can alone reward them. >p • This is the harden of the heart, ' The burden which it always bore, f. • . We live to love, wo meet to part, \ Ard part to meet on earth no mor^n --|i§ We clasp e tch other to the heart, vf , And part to meet on earth uo moret , .rJ There is a time for tears to start. 6 i Vf - For dews to fall, and I,arks to soaii,'* S;; The timo tor tears is whan we part ' -.N To meet upon the earth no more. ': * The time for tears is when we part. To meet on this wide earth uo more. JOKI, WilEBLBK. DIED.--At the residenee of Win. Stewart. Ba~revitle.Oct.5th, ISA, .Mr. John UcOuibie, aged A3 years. JJ- was born in Kinross shitre Scotland. In April. 1790. Emigrating to Amer­ ica in 1S50 he became an inmate of the family of Wm. Stewart, where he had ever since resided. Aud at the end ef thirty years Lord's day. the 7th, ho w»s buried l:i Prairie Grove Cemetery, Rev. Joel Wheeler officiating on that occasion. He was not a relative of the Stewarts, but ever enjoyed the hospi­ tality and respect of a friend. Learn­ ing this fact we were much exercised in feeling over the benefaction and patience which must iiave character­ ized the many and thronging events of so long a period. We were indeed struck with thejpraiseworthy example imposed on all who may by this pro­ longed kindness bo apprised, of the many opportunities for usefulmisr^to society. The unpretentious quie\ ac­ companying the generosity of this no­ ble family, betrays the origin of au ex­ hibition of excellence for a whole gen- geration which can only be expressed In words like the following: MLet not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that lu-as-uiuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done H unto me." . '• i(,. ; A PARTY named Alvin II. Ford, who lives in the edge of McHenry county, has been doing quite a brisk business around here in raising money on forged notes, using the name of H. R. Willard, of Oapron, and D. A. Fox. of McHenry county, Mrs. Df.^Bancroft cnuscd his arrest, having purchased one of the forged notes, amount 9200. The other victims are First National Bank, Mrs. White,$100; W F. Hovey, *300; and Mr. D. Reynold/ $300 or 9400. Ills failure to pay Mrs.\ Bancroft lier Inter­ est led to the detection of the forger* ies. Mrs. Ba.-icrol't,\the Bank, and Mr. Ilovey get security lor their claims, Kerd, who Is a farmer, turning out his horses, wagon, hogs, and a lot of oats iu stack, and skipping for the east, or perhnpb West, before the 8l»erift got wind of the transaction. Ford, we understand, was in daily expectation of a large pension, and a party who knows hini well says he would have stralghrened these matters all out. and nobody would have known lie had ovet; forged a note, But^thc matter cain* to a head hoouer than he expected.-- Belvidere Standcurd. fc I • We are In receipt of the initial nunp berof the Chicago Weekly Rural which has beeu enlarged to nearly double its former size, and which Is christened 7 he Western Rural and American Stockman. This Improvement In the RvCral% which evidently places It at the head of any othnr paper of ite kind In this or any other country. Is only indi­ cative of the rapid development of our agricultural and live stock Interests, and the number now before us. In its brand new dress and its large twenty- four page form, pasted aud trimmed, puts it iuto a more modern aud oon* venient torm than that «f the old Rural. Its typographical appearance is of the fluest and while the compre­ hensive character of its departments is so complete as to make it ouo of the best Farm and Family Journals, It Is a persistent advocate of honest labor aud its rewards, and !n favor of such re­ forms as shall protect the masses of the people from the overwhelming force of monopoly. For free sample copy address Milton George, Publisher. Chicago, III. ^ The Cortland side-bar Top Buggy is light and flue, and is the most durable b**gg? msde. Can always see E. M. Owen & Sou's. *144 * ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:-John Glllitan got a judgment against Frank Tomisky for #700 last week on the bull suit, and some think the end is u>t yet. There is a certain gray team that Is left hitched to a post In towu from moruiug until night without feed or water, from one to twoduys iu a week, aud it seems as If some one should take the matter iu hattd and try and put a >top to It. A new business has been started up In town by a Mrs. Knolton, of Milwau­ kee, consisting of toya and notions. Geo. Dodd's new house is now ready for the masons. Mr. BontwelPs photograph ear ar­ rived here from Huntley on Wednesday of last week, aad he Intends opening up on the 15th off this month for busi­ ness. Gus Magers, Dr. Nason's clerk, had a narrow escape on Wednesday night of last week. He was coming from Dundee with a horse and buggy, and thought he had time to cross the rail- roatf track ahead of the 8 o'clock freight but when he got near the track he saw that he couldn't get across, and turned around so short that he tipped the buggy over, and threw the norse. Gus says that he came within two inches of being killed, but, as It was, a broken thill and a tew seratehes wft* all >the damage dote. \ ' The farmers iiave commenced corn husking iu this section. J. II. Lund has bought the Phoebe Smith property above the hotel barn, consisting of 2} lots. Consideration, C850. Sam Price has got the bills up for a sale of stock on his farm 4 miles west of town for the <2th of October. There was a big game of base ball in town on Saturday of last week. A' juvenile nine from Dundee came down to play a game with our juveniles here, butotirboy6 couldn't get a nine to­ gether, so the big boys thought they would not let them go home without playing, so they played with them aud Dundee took home the laurels. On Thursday evening of last week Dr. Merrill, of this place, took uuto himself a wife, the happy bride being vMiss Thompson, of Dundee, We wish ihem a long life and a happy one. Vr. Nason spent two days in Chicago last week, taking in the sights. The carpenters commenced Ed Morton's new house on Monday of this week. Henry Keyes lias the job. Chapell & Slnnett had a-sale on Sat­ urday of last week of 50 acres of corn in shock. It sold in lots varying from •9 to |10) per acre. As Fred Keppen and liis boy were returning home from delivering milk on Monday morning of tills week, and when they got to where the road passes under the ^ railroad track, the 8 o'clock express came down and frightened hi* team so that they ran away, tipped him and his boy out and at this writing we haven't learned how bad they were hnrter the amount of damage done, - : ; 4 i 1^4 in . pi ' RINCWOOD ' EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--Isaac n.trsh has returned from his ramble through Montana aud Wyoming, having visited the National Park aud many other In­ teresting points, which time and space will not permit us to ineution. School progresses successfully- with about sixty-five scholars. A Wauconda couple visited With Mr. and Mrs. Aiidrus over Sunday. Wesley Ladd is erecting a new barn at the old farm place. Mr. Ingalls who has been very 111 for Some time. Is, we are glad to report, some better. B. K. Duers has been remarking his goods, aud parties In search of bar­ gains should not fsil to visit Ills store. Boots and shoes, and many other classes of goods have been reduced at from ten to twenty per oeut. Come and see for yourselves and satisfy your desi'es for buying a large bill of goods with a little money. Ed Hunt, of Chicago, is visiting his cousin, George Spauldlng, at Mr. Amos Dodge's. We noticed a mistake made by us In the item concerning the folks visiting In Iowa. It should have read visiting at Mr. (Hyde Harrison's Instead of at George Harrison's, N. B. Duers was at home over Sun­ day. but started out agalo on Monday morning, Richard Lawson will show some fine pigs at the Richmond Market Fair next week, some of which will be on sale. Emory Carr visited at Minneapolis, Minn., last week to effect purchases of stock to supply IrfS) feed store iu this plsee. Wheat Wanted. ' WANTED, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid, R. BISHOP. JBeHenrt, lit., Oct. 10th, 1883. v Settlement Notice. As I intend to close out my business. Ml I persons kliowing themselves in­ debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without.delay. Now I mean business aud hope there will be no delay on the part of anyone, as 1 must have what Is due INS. PBTBB SMITH, West McHenry, Oct. 10th, 1893. 9-12-3w* The Jewel and Crowu Jewel Coal Stoves, with or without, ovens, at John I. Story's, The best stove iu the map* ket. Case and Plows at E. Furst A Bradley Sulkey M. Owen A Sou's. THK latest styles and lowest prices in Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Mrs. NicliolSV _____ ' All the leading WtUWiug Plows at Qweu A SoaX ; ' ; f ' .. * ,1; 4 . * * ..J Richmond Department. OowT*iBUTn» ar i r. RSXMKTT. Particular Notice. , Having sold out my business Iqtj gonquiii I am desirous of closing my books as soon as possible. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are earnestly requested to call and set­ tle the same at as early a date as possi­ ble, and greatly oblige JOHN Fergu^S**^*, Algonquin, 9ept, ttuh, is®. ! ; Farm For Sale. What is known as the Keuneally farm, in the towu of Xunda, two and one-hair utiles south of Mcllenry, now held and occupied by Jaines Keuneally, contain­ ing 220 acres of good land with good buildings. Title perfect. For price and terms Inquire of 9-l'2-iu3* JAMES DUHERTY. T The lightest Drop Sulky Plow in the w1>rl(l 13 the Hapgood, found at E, M. Owen & Son's, aud Bold as low as the common sulkey. MRS. II. U. V1CHOL8 .. Begs te inform her friends and the public generally that she is new open ing a new and fashionable atock of Millinery that will be sold at moderate prices. Call and examine my stock and learn prices. Mas. ta. ». NICHOM. Zinc Boards, In all strles and prices. mtirrwoon. ^ TO A. BBSSIR RALOWIir. Oar hljrh ambitions, aims am! se.heaM*,^--' *-. Brttli mt hopes, onr love*, our <1 renins-- These ships we latineh upon life's streaiKt. An<t with our treasures freighted low. The fair wimts tossing ton nil Iru, The wing-like sail* as white as stnW, ' This fair Jloii'ls. valiantly. In rnseatte light of dawning tlajr, Out of youth's harbor sails away. Sparkling and bright the waters Okie Over the rocks on every side, 3ver the caves where storm-Bends hide. Red knows which ef our ships will fly, These hidden dangers safely by, Whicn, wrecked upon the rock*, will lie* . Everywhere driftwood past ns glides, ^ " Aimlesslr floating with the tide. On Time's shore# to be cast aside, ^ And tells ef ships, whose pennons bright. That proudly waved in morning tight Were turled beneath tne waves, ere night. Our worthless ships will so be lest, Onr treasures be like drift iroud tossed, - Bet unseen spirits guide across. To harlior of Eternttv, Each ship, whose freights gift will be" ' Acceptable, Lord, «atO thee. --OORVB DAVIS. Elgin, III. Services were again held In the Con­ gregational church last Sunday^/ If you want to buy or sell anything, attend the Richmond Market Fair on Oct. 17. Don't forget the Richmond Market Fair Oct, 17th. It la to the interest of every farmer and businessman to make it a success. < Mr. Allen, formerly Principal of our public school, has moved to Winthorp, Iowa, where he becomes pastor of a Baptist church. Rev. Graver C. Clark was In attend­ ance on the Methodist Episcopal con­ ference in Chicago last week. We hope he will return to Richmond another year. Dr. E. R. Bennett will practice medi­ cine in Richmond for the coming win­ ter, and perhaps permanently. He will five especial Attention lAiiilftouU cases of surgery. ; i The sad experiences of our farmers in planting Nebraska and Missouri corn last spring, should teach them a valua­ ble lesson, vis.: to save seed enough In good seasons to supply them four or five years ahead, and so be independent of a possible failure of the crop. There are Iu this vicinity some fields of corn that were ripe before tlie frost struck them, and from these fields an abund a nee of good seed might be obtained to supply those less fortunate with seed for next year. It should be done. Seed corn will be sura to bring a good price next season. * The farmers seem to be "catching on" to the Market Fair enterprise with apical of Interest. Almost every one talked to. so far. says he will have some thing on hand for sale, the 17th. Keep the ball rolling. A number of noted horse buyers have been written to, and are expected to be on baud with plenty of Greenbacks. There can be no ques­ tion of sales for all cattle, sheep or hogs brought to the fair. There will be auctions en the grounds--lots of them. An entire household outfit will come under the hammer that day--it is already advertised. Unless sppear- a noes are mighty deceiving, Oct. 17th will be a big day for Richmond. Come and see tiie crowd and buy and sell yourself rich. Tlie Richmond Cornet Band played at the G. A. R. entertainment at Hebron last Saturday night and were treated "right royally." as we are in­ formed. A cltixen of Hebron and mem­ ber of the Post infornrs us that the boys won golden opinions by. their flue playing. The entertaiument as a whole was a decided suooess. aud netted some •60 for the soldiers monument fund. The readings by Mrs. Coggin are very highly spoken of. The bed quilt was won by a young man who lives with Mr. S, Rotnour. Tlie basket lunciies gave a vast amount of amusement to ill oonoerned. We learn that the sol­ diers' monument for the Hebron ceme­ tery is expected from Chicago very soon, and the dedication ceremonies are to be on an elaborate scsle. We have always considered it the greatest triumph of a writer to be able to oonvey to the mind of his reader just exactly what he means--just ex­ actly the Idea that la in Ills own mind when he writes. It is futiguing to read msuy writers, to whom considerable eminence is accorded, because of tlie obscure phraseology In which their thoughts are clothed. In these days or praotloal, incisive thought and action, few will take the trouble to sift a few grshts of thought from a bushel of wordy chaff. But when we consider the obscurity of style of many men and women who make writing a profession it should lead us to look with charity upon the mistakes of the unskilled tyros who work for the press as local correspondents. It seldom happens that the editor of the paper has time to re-write, or even correct, the gram­ mar of his local correspondents whose want of knowledge of syntax should not weigh too heavily against their aeal to furnish the news. A genuine meerschaum pipe lias long been one of the tilings we have desired. We have always intended to possess one just as soon as wc became wealthy, but the Hif* upon which possession was predicted has ever been very Incon­ veniently in tlie way. The thought of possible future ownership of such a treasure lias, however, been s comfort and a solace. Bufc now the anticipation of years is realised. The vulgar clay pipe, the best that can be afforded on the salary of a newspaper correspond­ ent. is relegsted to the obscurity of an empty cigar box. Tlie meerschaum lies in state beside a package of .frag­ rant "Durham," surrounded by manu­ scripts, letters, pencils and pen*. Who wlitif jui^nti fill **ro«it iftna ftiiV tlfi fancy may hereafter weave from Its aroma t ic smoke! Of what rills and rivers of thought may It be the foun­ tain--streams tliatshsll bless the bread winners or the wayside Idlers of earth! What rrlsudly chats may It enliven* what communings may it witness and solace! What pleasant Memories will It bring of the giver--for It Is a gift •from Dr, E. E. Brown, than whom we have never met :r.ors congenial mem tier of the medical guild. May Ills jjiues fall In pleasant plaoes, may lib friends ever be true and the wrath of liis enemies he no more harmful than a curlhig wreath of fragrant tobacco ! 1 1 -- GREENWOOD. EPITOR PLAIHDBALKR:--1There's not tnauy news Items this week worthy ef record, but what wrMve you'll get as usual. Mrs. Prind!e and danghter Oracle •have returned from their eastern visit. Mr. Simmons, who was a former mer­ chant of this place in Company with Mr. Goodsell, but now a lawyer of Geneva, Wi«, made a short visit at Dr. Hart's last week. New goods are constantly arriving In large quantities at D. W. Sopor's. Call and you can secure some good bar­ gains, . John Wire, fireman on tlw Chicago Milwaukee A St. Paul Ryn running from Chicago to Savannah, Is visiting relatives in our little city. O. Garrisoc had the misfortune to cut his leg quite severely while cntting corn, and In consequence of It has been unable to be about for the last few days. We, with the majority of the people also say H. R. Baldwin for Count)* Superintendent of Schools. No person could be found who would or could give better satisfaction. W. A. Baker and wife are vlaitlng friends in Chicago this week. The iSfentfnelscribe attended the Ex­ position the first of the present week. He has not come back yet. He must have lost himself, and probably could not And Ills wey out. We think it would be a good plan to telegraph and put the police on his track, and bring lilm safely l.ome. NOTICE. undersigned, having refitted his Sorghum Mill, three-fourths of a mile south of Volo. is now prepared to grind your Sorghum on short notice and at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. Do nut fail to call. 111., Sept. 15, 188.1. KIOHAEIiaftl. Wheat Wanted. WANTEO, st the Fox River Valley Mills, g«od Milling Wheat, for which the highest price In cash will be paid. ft. BISHOP. McHenry, III ,Oot. ISth, ISO. The largest assortment of Coal and Wood Stoves, to be found In the county st John 1. Story's. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill nory, Dress Making and Fancy Goods Silk Velvets Perry A Owen's. and Velveteens at Cloaks, Dolman's and Ulsters for Ladies and Misses at Perry A Owen's. We have a lot of Hats worth from 60 cents to 93.00. Tour choice "li# 80 cents at H. Colby's, The largest line ef Ladles' and Gents' Knit Underwear at H. Colby's We sell the celebrated axe called the Wood-chopper's Pride, Fully war­ ranted. ' JOHN I. STOKY. A fine line ef Overcoats just received at Perry A Owen's. The Jewel Parlor Base Heating Wood Stove, a perfect beauty, at John I. Storj *s, Go8snmer circulars and coats for ladies and ffontlemen* aud a tull lino of rubber fooda alwupa to bo hitd at HENRY COLBY'S. Call and MS (he Universal Coal Stove at John I. 8t«ry'a. Also th* J#*rei 8Ur' __ i MRS. E. W. HOWE * v Has just received a full stock of Fall and Winter Millinery. Fancy Gooda, etc.. to which she invites the attentlou of the ladies of McHenry aud surround­ ing countrv. We have the latest styles to he found in the city, and prices, as usual, will be as low as good goods are sold anywhere. Call an'd examine my stock. MRS. E. W. HOWE. A large assortment and oomplete line of Coek Steves, the best In the market at John I. Sterv'a. New Restaurant at Nanda. The undersigned having fitted up his building on Main Street, Nuuda, es jteolally for tlie purpose, has now opened one of the finest Restaurants and Ice Cream Parlors to be found In the county. Ice Cream, Lemonade, choice Confectionery, and in short everything usually kept in a place of this kind cau be found here, and no pains will be spared to please all who may give me a call. Canned Goods of nil kinds, and of the best brands to be found iu the market, always on hand. Call aud see me. P. S. A fine Billiard room attached. A, SOKKBKSOHIBS. NttwU, IIL, July Wth. 1383. A full line ot the justly celebrated Bufalo Boots always to be obtained at Colby's. ADVICK TO BOTHNB^ Are you u»«mroea at night afttfwok- en of your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once aud get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is incalcul­ able, It will relieve the poor little sufierer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softons tlie gums, reduces inflammation, and gives toao aad en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasaet to the taste, aud is the prescription of oue of the oldest and best female phy&ieU*s aud nurses in the United Stages, aud is for sale by all druggists throughout the worid. Price cents a bottle. N ECK. TIESL The finest line ever shown In Me* Mew* KmM vilify ^ttllUMS Hotl Go to Mrs. Howe's for llilllf Dri-ssiuakiiig. No trouble to show goods ef questions at K. Bishop's. Bt'f Barbian Brothers'Cigars.^ are (lie best* Velrets, black and tn colors, at Colby's, Buy the Eatey Organ if yea want tl best. O. W. Owen. Mcll*nryA Agent. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. THK choicest line ef Dolmans a Ladle*' Neck Wear In towa at M E. W. Howe's. _ Lumber Wagons, Milk W: form Spring BUgflW Bishop's warehouse. Fishing Tackle of nil kin* at Eugeln'a, In Howe's new Bridge. ' The finest line of Silver and Plat Ware to be found in the cooMy, at W. Owen's. , An elegant line of dress buttons s trimmings alWaya to lb fotiud at Hent Colby's. COKSKTS. A full lino of Dr. W amor's Coresfi i In several styles at Perry A Owen's. Madam MeQee Coviette. The best on the market at -Mayes Bartlett'a CLOTHING. A complete stock ot Men's and Boj Clothing at bottom prlcea. - pBKkr Aowaua Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth and must sell. For sale by R. Bishop • IF yon want anything traa than the Estey Organ | can sell yon one for 910 and upwards. O. W. OWBM A full line of choico groceries alwaya to be obtained at HKMKY Counfa. Chicago " It tor Miilineiy and Fancy E.LAWLUS, Is selling Suits at less t prices. A good Cass I mere 94.50. Call aud see them. Call and exaollno those BUek Wal« nnt Extension Tablee at flJO per foot at J. B. Blake's. Sf per cetfb' oft Cm oash. . Mrs. Schumacher, near the Depot has a full stock of Fall and Winter Goods. Remember that you will experience no difficulty In getting repairs for any machines sola by R, Bishop, tlifB pr»> venting vexatious and expehitfVe 4s* lays at a critical time when tlttwiaesis money, . DIAMOND DYES.. . Wo have all colors of the cekferated Diamond Dyes only 10c a package. ^ HKNKY 9oL*r> Wo desire to call the attenttee i»f the ladles to our dress goods department. We have added a Una line ot gas<»siiiist camellettes, silks, Satina^ ettt. which will be sold on very close maifflns. ... • HutKYOoLBY. Everything In farming implimalts from a Swill Cart to a McOlrailil Twine Binder, can be found at thfl warehouse of K. Bishop. For first-class Insurance against ire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W, Smith, Woodstock, HI. TAKE NOTICE. ,r All persons knowing fhaaMwjrssta ' d e b t e d t o r o e a r e f o n n o £ t e * . the old Frott Most Market, eser tfe* bridge and settle the Same at once, as my books must bs closed. McHenry, Sept. Mth, HOUSE AND LAND FOB SALS. r i The undersigned offers far sale hlg - ' house aud one acre of laud, situated In J tlw village ef McHenry, nest tfcs pub* lie soheoi building. On the. prsmlsss Is a jeeff, barn aud oufheesss, aad small fruit ef all kinds. WllThe sold reasonable and on sasy terms. ln« quire en the premises. Wanted--Tw BoM a Vtorntr Wanted, to rent a ram of from Iflfr to 160 acvea. Cash rent will be pal«£ Apply to this office for further partlcu* lars. FIN* SHOES. Jnst Received,' The tnest stock off Ladies' and Chlldren'e Wear In the county at bottom prlcea at* ferry # Owens. . Fine Shoes. Qor stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. " Foil style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. .ILNAR COLBY. ' HKW PALL MILLINSRY At MRS. NICHOLS. The latest notions In Fashionable Millinery just received. Hats. Piumee, Tips, snd Birds, in all the new shades^: Also a full line of Fancy Goods. House and Lot for Sale. I offer for sale my House and Lol^\ situated in the village of McHenry.oft' the West Side, The house is nearly new, is iu first class repair, newly painted both inside aud out, and Is oee of Hie most desirable Tesidences In the / .; Tillage. Good barn aud out houses oo : tlie premises. Will be sold reasonabto If applied for at ones. For fnll par* ticulars inquire of F.K, Granger, .afc " ^ M c l l e n r y . . . . a. v. AKoasttimkM.Bk Me9so>y« Jiiae Wth. 1883. For 8ale, On account ot slcknosa the nnderik signed offers the following proportv ml: iblsterasa:'r ; r ^.V sale on the most reasonsl span ot matched Mukn^gwutle i broke in every particular, 1 Wagon. 1 Farm W«£on, and 1" noi Grain Drill. Will sell cheap for cash or good ap^ proveduote.orwillexcitangefori ~ bogs,etc. Call at once and I give you a good bargain. &IKON MlCKUtS.. .. :f JSmtaitk, IU., Aug. Mk, USE. STOLEN HORSES. ^ Taken tip by the subserlhsf at Mfc place of residence five olkil w«tk west from Richmond, a team «Sppaaei|i to have oeeu stolen aod abondjonsd by tlie thisvts. .Tne ewwsr Is iy^nssiStk t* prove property poy 'iMMea sadl take thein away. Addresoterr tlou. Chas. H. Tvys W a now have the AIM** «»f Visiting Cards ever seen i *0$' 4f-3L ; i/' 'i

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