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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1883, p. 8

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m ^ V - *: i.tffc::^,.i. v' V .^.- .•*.. '• W'. '..-/• . , - '«' .wteS^WK * i>. .1: "ittWSfiv- >!3«iwsKi»s. Ml * ^ ,»W>| j|M «Ii||liiiS»*»».%.<M»ll'WiiJIWIii'Ti*- '-3K * '•^*1- . • *;•/ , ̂ r*!M«i%4tartfi#M *•<> oft«| t®^io n»11 t*e ifttf $»*?«» of «|WPhi8- tlcatelf v«j«r» by th«q> TT*ey do not Caw for Wit office, but -Mo merely rnnning because the people wish them to, and if elected they Sacrifice them- Wlvetfor th« eounfcrrV good by accept­ ing the oJRoo. T]iejpll«wing fm«i thie Toleda Btad* tell» how one of them ' S * * $ j g ( f U r t e f t r . / . f . . . . " f DemoftheneR Bowhard was a csindf- or Justice of the Peace down in '(Mb Oak toa-nship, and, as the poTlti - H cal parties are nearly evenly divided in that precinct, he was engaged in a vl&- yt ^inrous canvass. While returning frorti *y h tht Tillage post office h% met Hans Van Ifooflinger, and accosted him with: "Hello. Hans! How are you aud how's yonr ffllka?" • '* ^ "Veil. I Vaa veil, tind mine frau vas veil, and leetle HHIIS imd Yaweob, und K^trina uud der paby vas veil--ve vas all breedy veil, I tanks you." **Ah! glad tojliear it--glad te hear «*, U,". said Demosthenes, rubbiug his IJijtcids delighted. "AhetA J I suppose yon know that 1 shall bo a candidate « $1 for the office of Justice of the Peace at ' " ^ the eusulng election?" . , . . $:•<<&• "Ish dot so?" .. • : • " v " . " „ r *Yes, they would Insist ttpetiihy tak- 0, fng the nomination; did all I could to ** Induce them to nominate somebody else, but it was no use;seems as though 1 wis the only one they wanted,'and f-* jf tliey were bound to have me." S **And $o you did not rants- der office, "* imd dey vili makes you took it?_Dot £ vas too pad." "Well, you know a good citizen is al- :/v "|l ways willing to sacrifice his own inter- f ests to some extent, wheref he feels | that the public good requires him to .vs;. do so. And now that I am in for It, I >S snppose that I may depend upon your support?" fcV * I "Vlieb a feller does not vant some- ,4 dings, it vas not rigdt to make him take • I It. I does vat 1 can for yon--I votes Still Out of the Ark of Safety. "<% **W •* •>* / -i* . • . •' Sife- . Many O^yea *re. DANGE -4 x£8 ..r ^ • , wp. V" •* : for de odder chap all der dimes, und I talks mit der poys und tells deui vhat you said, und I dinks mebbe I gets you ."7„ peat. Good evening."' , • Demosthenes now alludes to Hans as 'Ilk a poor ignorant old Dutchman, anil says |J§i^ ' it it a thousand pities that such ignor- ! ant people should ever be permitted to ?£ c»gse the right of suffrage.^ " fH » "> Weep|So Jfora. j tJattif the Allegheny Ceni grave lying due cast and west; sepa- v^} n xated.«from it by but a narrow step of ,C 'i grassy turf i» a grave lying duo north *<"1 south. The first Is the last rest- p| # Ing-place of wife Who was hidden from Lj, is mortal sight not a row ago; the I#* other holds the remains of a husband pi'- who walked this earth within the last b/ eighteen months. The position of the |tf" graves is such that if "his" was efx- ; tended but a few feet toward "here" it would make a letter "T." IS, So much for the gruund plain. Some W * 4.liree months ago the widow was weep- Ing over the liiieband's grave, and "the widower was weeping ovor the wife's grave« By chance k" 'tliey raised their -eyes, and tiie V . sorrow that levels all earthly forms, the £ouch of nature that produces #^universal kinship, were there. They 'sepoke. He told his woes and she re Hated her troubles. Then they wept in . unison, th3 pearly and valine drops that " ^trickled from their eyes and fell of! the ' tips of their noses splashing on the same .tombstone. The next week they happened to meet there again aud once more they wept together The third week they wept by appoint­ ment." All this coud have but one end­ ing, and so they were nrarried. The ceremony took place recently,and those who wept now weep no mof*.--PiUif bvurg Commercial, ** TO IJFE JTE PROPERTY Reset yon on every hand. The mntlcr of the. sivc«ni», eirklivin, salwon,cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name* may be given it, is heard in gouie section of the country nearly every day. The Fire Fiend K May breaV mit nt |any moment--the economy of a iitethno be consumed. I>e:Uh must c(ii»e to all. IJy a small payment eiu-li year you can se'eure to yourself a t'<»i tune, shouM yon live, or, in tli«j event •>( deutli Liefore tlie time expires, your family is provided for. $tse.> 000,000 is represent,e"<l tiy tliie ajrency. Our rates areas low as experience has found to Be saffe. You will save money by insuring with me. Oencra! Tnsnranc.e, Life, Fire. Lightning aivl Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends for their liberal patronage, and, hop- injr, bv square dealing, to merit a continuance ofthc'uiae, I beg Co ftvibscribe myself, Uespectfullv yours, (\ If. MVREY. MeHcnry, I1L, Jane 11, 1883. Solon^M 111m* : I-1« * «st flENRY SCOLBY, XXTVITBS To his hir<2re stock of seasonable goods for fall and.winter \vear, consUtiug of ' J M T-' .t «v„" ; DRY GOODS. CLOTHING BOOTS .Msl &u. James a --Dealer to " • ' . . .. We have the . _ CiampioD M Dsiiiisl Binders.. CHAMPION EEAPEHS AND MOWERS, And the Beat V-^S ' . * 1n the market. ail kinds con&Mtly e^ tltand. A}1 ne-w and desirable sroods, Department complete, as usual i\n ffuaranteed on every article. HENRY t^PYou will find our Groce ry d prices very low, Satisfaction COLBY. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. c jSBwii James So^>Q lSSi J t' i " 'Sg - *fi?sps Robbins. R, C. HILL, WA UCONDA, ILLINOIS, ' , ' ' i*f * v- . ̂ ̂ ii« ->4- -! A--DKAtEtt nr--! Agricultural Implenienls, fOtAZJ. srims. We kee|»a full line of I best manufacture ana sell at Machinery of.tbe -,.V Rock Priced If von Want- anything in the Agricnltnra, Machinery line, do not fail to call on me be. fere purchasing, as I can save von money. J- \r> 'fl3 J iJf- i-:'> , oSsjL Feed;Cutter Ton can have a grinder attached to grim at the same time you are cutting. Every pui chaser gets a written guarantee with his ina chine. It is positively the EA IET KITS- Nisi; PEED CUTTE& IN THE MARKET uivemeacall. R. C. HILL v jK*U£»nda. 111., Dec. 26.1S82. DO YOU --TO I! WAN! Sewing Machin§? J: * A IVon4«if(it Street. **••<--• Ex Secretary of tlie Treasury Win- dom Is now in London trying to rai«e money for building qp arcade under the whole length of Broadway, New York. If he succeeds that will be tlie moat extraordinary thoroughfare known to the history ot cities. The scheme Is to oSake a new street under ^ki. present, surla^e of Broadway, ex­ tending to the houses on each side, and lit by electric lights at night and glass reflectors in the day time. The middle of the street would hold railway tracks not only for elty travel tut to accommo­ date i»-c»ming trains ffom every part of the country. Tlie traveler in San Franeiaco or St. Paul would not only buy lits ticket for New York, but tlie hotel on Broadway where he intended tp step. Freight and baggage would be conveyed directly to the warehouse or tie received by the express car which wa8,to convey it to any part of the country. • Then traffic of all kinds could b« carried oiit on each side of the ar­ cane. There would thus be a double tier of 9tore*. Provision could be made tor setters, water main), gas pipes, and heating tubes. In short, it would be- oome a double street and the value of the property quadrupled along the route. Engineers say tlie scheme is entirely practicable. There is busings enough now on Broadway for two thor- jMlghfares. s5&?sz I hive on hand ami am seliii est prices, the Domestic, it the Low- Eldredge, New Home, Siirinztleld, New American, and Singer '! wing Machines, and w<ll not be undersold bv any agent in the eonnty. "A goo it Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and see me. O. W. OWEN. Mcllenry, Feb. 20, 1833. .» t ̂ I "w>,M »i;l f :9-:' . »5r •• . . -FOR il With an unusually large assortment of Hardware. Tinware, Stoves. Granite Iron-Ware, &c, iWRIl" " 7* •"?. * ^ <y»-. , * ; r.W-vlSf- . BOTTOM PRICISS- >M .If X* STORY, At the old ntand of Jacob Story, McFIenn, invites the attention as the lowest, workmanship and quality of <aroods guaianteed. Tin Hoofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended o Remember,fcxtra good bargains ear. always be obtained II i i ' ... ' ' efi Oooila \tten«leU Itcttbonablc CHEAPER THAN EVER. FERRY r & OWEN. ' ! General Merchants, i McHenry # ^ Illinois. We are daily receiving otir Fall Stock of Dress Goods in endless variety. Men and Boys Cothing without limit. Boots and Shoes enough for all. La­ dies Cloaks and Domans, which we guarantee to be the best fitting garment which can be made. , P{A Full line of Ohoife ceries always on hand. C N-W Don't fail to give us a call and jou will OUR PRICES ARE LOW equaled* McHenry, 111., be convinood tnat and the quality of our Good? un- PERRY At the Old Stand /' - > 19,1883 OWEN, & Martin, AN IMMENSE STOCK, AND For just received Winter at Dwight's old reliabe cash house. We have bought an extra large stock this fall of very desir­ able goods. These goods w ere bought for CASH and will be sold for great bargains. , , w. H. DWICHT. Cor. Mlatn St. and| Public Square, Woodstock, III., 1 TUB(-- Chicago & North-Western OLD E8TABtS?Rp^HORT LINC C H I C A G O And all points In Northern TIHiioli, Cea- tral, Eastern and Northwestern iow«, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Minn^, sota, Dakota, Manitoba, Central and. Northern A'ebraska, Colorado, Wynm.' ing, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada* Culif'trnia, Oregon, Wadilngton Terri­ tory, British €"luinbin, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands. Australia, Zealand, and all principal points In th* NORTH, NORTHWE8T and WEST* With its own lines It traverses North- era IIXTNOIS, Central and Norther IOWA, WISCONSIN, Northern MIC O A S , MINNESOTA, and Central DAKC TA. It offers to the traveler all accost- era h£ KO» modationa^ that can be offered by peea its as grrei fety make close connectic railroad. Its train service equals of any road: their speed is as great aft comfort and safety will permit; they bions in union Aej at junction and terminal points i the leading railroads of the West Northwest, and offer to those that them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close conneo* tion with all other railroads at that citv. It runs PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all through trains, PAlttOR CABS on its principal routes, and NORTH-WESTERN .JOININO CA 31S on its COUNCIL BLUFF* • arid on its ST. PAUL end MINNEAPOLIS v throuqrh day express trains. If you wish the Best Traveling- Accoro-- v Nations you will buy your Ticket# <MS route AND WILL TAKE NOK1I • -1SU. ' rates for sin&rle or round trip ^ and fo^~ full information to re- j" rfo all ports of the West. North und uhwo3t, write to General Passenger • ^ent, at Chioipro, 111. $ AU Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HtJOfiITT, Gea. Snjj't. 2d Vlce-I'rcn. and Gen. W. H. STENNETT, QCD. Pass. Agt., Chicago. f - ' -M JOS, WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAK| THE I>EPOT, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS *he be»t: Jtran.l8 of Winda. Xi^tiors an<l Clears always on HaDd. Good pi tabling foi Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Iranz Fall's Y% MILWAUKEE ' ; ' Lager Beer, Bqer in Large or Small Kegs orfBottles a ways on hand cheaper than any other, qaal tv considered.. This Boer has a world vide reputation, and pooil jtulKes acknowledge it cannot oe snr ^aeeed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEf McHenry, 111. Aug. iftth, 1882. 4 WIEDEMANN. w - " i • And Second Hand. -AND- ';|No Doors Mlorth ofFerry^&l^wenr,;' My stock of Yurniture is complete with a larger stock than ever^ and will be Bold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will l>eto the i n terests of thebuyingpublic to Ca "upon me when fit iitfant of anything in that line. ' , "r . s •.m( 0mm THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO GtRE, i the bnc Or 5!onoy Re- uitdt'd, tho foi- jwinK' dt.sroses In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. f r 4 , hv t > kip*. hcu<1, «r Bcnerxil debUlty, , fichxt't'd, pl<! liver, ftoutf irifhout nn*f1Mnr» • Po! in'i v no* ,»u .. ... tmru!jr«tft, net:rn! e« »»11 he !<'n<-v«,«plt>ul <1 t nt'inlDul i'nsi^iuns Impot'.'ncyy stM'tmu* lieurt <ftte* tiw1, con«ripulion, rrjulpvliitt, Inillgc^ tli»n. Iicrnla or rujpiurt} cut«rrh, piles, epilepsy* fltiTiib iisr'ie* et<'. When m ydfl iiity of theCKMHRATITEOR6AN8 r-^nrH. loxt v!t(k!tl.v, itfnvr\t- l.*rce Biid vigor, «xi&«tinir wciiUneMM'ii, six! till ll»o*c dUcane* of a per* •oaul n;»t:«ro, froiii whatever cause, tho routiii'ious brn-am of Maini'linm |;« rn;cutSiuj tlirougli llu' p»r|« mu*t lo a hcnlth/ octlon- There i» U<J t this uiij'iiuiK-e. JOHN What Hannibal Did. ""What (llil Hannibal do after the bat­ tle 4i Cannae?" asked a G«rmau school teacher *»f his pupil®. let pupil--"He pursued the Boinana with great vigor." rong--Next!1 ' ad puf>il--"He encamped on the bat- ike field." Teacher--"You are A little liar. TSt x.t!" 8d pupil--^'*He retreated to his former fMBitton." - "You are nnether, yoii miserable afl- <ilepatcd uinet4[H<(4^jp. Ain't you ' iwhitnunl of yourselves that none of yuu know the correct answer to a simple •question Hk« that? I eay. you hoy at the loot, of the da*?, what<lld Hannibal jd® after the hattlt* of (Januaj?" 'Last Boy-'Please, air,),don't know." ^Teacher--"Korrect !>y buv, yon have ••ud ied your lw??on properly. Go up to the bead of the «la^s. You don't know, and nobody else knows, what ^Hannibal did after the battle, of Caunie." mutaku AGENTS WANTED, LA0lEg'A6NETI ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. m TO THE LADIES:-H:,;fFf™Ir. ExhRu«tton,0r*pcn*>laloi' with lliameoofthc Li*" er, KIdn-• v<s llcuduohe or Cold reel, Swollen or Weuk An'UI«n, or Swollen Feet, an Abdominal lielft f»n<l a pnlr (»!' Mnjnei ir V*>ot Batteries hft\ i- n»» »U|u»i lor ia the ic'iof niifi <;ur<» of all thrb& coDipittintf. They rarry a powerful maguetic force to tliO &eut of tb« I'or Wpuknp*" of the Pplne, Fall* tn^ofth<> womb, LeueorrlMtfu* Chronic Inllantnia* tSon and nccrullon of tlivr \Voinl», lnt*l<V. iitul i*cm- orrhtteo or l'l.M>dl»;r, J*uluful« Supuronwod «t"d Ir- rvffulur M<'M«trii:itton, Uurrciin< •>». and rhance of tM»U iko ApplUmoc* and Curatlw Agent htii.trn, r all forms of Female DIIRcu1tl«*« It U tin^ur- \>y nnvth'.ntf b<?r«>r<* os a ctuutivo ajzr-t.t andasa vju.-cvof ptmer and vitnli'/at ion. PricH? of lit hcrlV'H with Ma^nr'.icKru.t r.iiticrJen.Hrt. fc-mit-y oxprt-.-Kc.O. I) .and ex.iruinn.U<»n ailowctl.i r I y mail on rrr4-l|>t. of price. ord'-rinfr. M-iu1 m<-.<sure i f ^ttthti.n'1 17."' f * liuo. Ileiv.ilt nice can bo inciuv renoy. ;,t in lei tor at our risk. Thr M. rjiu ton Oiir:uont j4 arc adapted to all agrca, arc •* ovt-r tlw* wn'ler clot^iiiuf, Ciiot- wfit to tf»o any t-:i!\ »nil« uti*i i^utciclluin* "V" 's-|,0 fsf/'-flv -'ri n?-rl ho i» » 'I oil at Xln y lioJd theirpQU,irforeviir,B/ui r" vom at nM r.f ttwyrn?; I r "V-w !)«' «• trrwln Modlnal Treat- y-m \% ituaui ivIeiiU'ltio,:T v. itil tlioUoiUiiU of t©sill»»»0* body liU-» l'»c For CONQUER, ING TIIK \VlL- DKRSKFS, or XK W I'irTOKIAI. H I r i T O H V o r T I I K I < i r n AND TlMKdOVTIIK i'lONKI'.K HKKOKR AND IlKKO- INKH or AMKHKTA, liy Col. Frank Triplet. Over 200 sii|it'rb eiigravings. Covers tlie three cms of lJion«'er Progress (l) from th« Alleclie- ni»s to :he MiNHixsiiipi; (2) troin the MiMsi^. lo the Mountnin«; (3) California to the 1'iicillc Slope. »K\v. Combines gmphic LhrillinK narrative with prot'usenc8» of »'le- Wint illustration, by eminent artints. Nearly 1()0 personal portraits, embrni1 in>? all the pio­ neer leailers, besides scores of incidents. A tootuve gallery of rare interest. A true his- plileal work of thrilling adventure, in iorest, pains, mountain and stream; covers western proj?resi and civilization. Fights with In- •IIAtii;; deaperit to advent urea; narrow eacapes, wildlife on the border. A K'an,l '*>ok for a^onts. Outsells evorytlmiit. 720 o-t:ivo pages. Low in price. In leacli of the masiies. Asrent's rompli'te Outllt, 76 eeuts. ffi*"Write at once for confidential tei-ms and illustrated description. Addle*8, S. I). THOMPSON ft CO.. l'ubs., 8». Louis, ilo.jj^New York City. INFORMATION FOB ALL. ---THK VALUABLE-- BUSINESS CUIDE. SHORT BULKS for the convenience of Merchants, Manufacturers, Farmers, T'eacti- crH, iStudents, Clerks, Kverybody. - Short methods lor measuring sizo, weight and capacity of everything. Tables for tore- telling weatner, all easily understood and a perfect mystery tw those who do not under­ stand them. BUbN ESS LAWS! Interest Tables; Complete Tables fot Labor­ ing Men by the I>ay, Week or Month, and rec-1 ords of universal interest. A remarkably useful liook, nicely bound in colars, conven­ ient for the pocket or ofllcc desk. Sent post- patd for 26 cents. Agents wanted. W. O. WEEK8, D«lavan, Wis. 'SOi • STOLEN HORSES. >T«k«n up by the pubferiberlit his place of residence Ave mlh'S sontli west from Ricliniond, a team supposed to have oeen stolen and abandoned by llue tbievof. Tlie owner Is requested t« Drove property pay charge* and take them away. Address for Inform*- ti«n,Uiiatt. U. Aryon, KUiiuioud, 111. ANEW TELEPHONE <Q#"For Private and Public Lines; Latest, Best; always reliable. The only Telephone having an Automatic Line Wire Tighiener, and is protected by an ou'-door Lightning Arrester. Illustrated circulars free. Agents wanted. V, 8, Xftlg phftnft COa HadiuiLlad, F • 0 .EoiSI. Go to the Drug Stora Havinjr nscertained the different books used in all the different districts tributary Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality and variety, will be sufficient to promptly supply your wauts. You will also remember that this is the place to £et bargains in Albums ot all kinds, Pocket Books, Ladies. J&UMl jfafgZf.. Stationery, Oaj^ls, Music, Spectacles and Rattling Good, FIVE CENT CIGARS. tgr-TRY ONE AND YOU WONT FORGET IT. Fk B. HARRISON. The McHenry Brick Manufacturing Co m gvivy are now ready Brick in quaA- FEOM SMALL LOTS Car Loads . • f-*u* - "-n?1* -if Their1W*l%re sc-ond to -Wtne tn be fnnnd HI the market, and will be sold at the lowest n.arket price. Persons intending to build, or those hand l ug brick, will do well lo call and see us be lore l urclia8ing. For further information|npply to orfaddreaa. IcHciry Brick HaoiMnriit McUEeiKi • - ILLINOIS \ ' July 9th, 1S82. •;ii Waticonda, Sept, 1st, 1883. tf'%- THE When BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are ready to fulfill the promise made place and vicinity the show the people of that And varied "6tock of Goods for the Summer tradet consisting ill part cf D»r GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES. - . HATS JLTVI> aAPS, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, &c an Which they are bound to sell as cheap as good Goods can be bought In short, everything that can be found in a general store ivwhere. will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. When in want of goods in our line you will find it for your interest to call and see us, , • ; ' ' -- Juue ^NEWllOME^ •SEWING MACHiME CD' 3b;UNICN SQUARE NEW YORK CHICAGO.ILL.-- ORANGE. MASS. AND ATLANTA. GA.-- JraafrfeCTOTiTrtil $ New Home Sewing Machine Co. 5W ^14 State St., Chicago, J. P, SMITH, Ageni, \§4\ ̂ !• -'i'JLLl* ~ W- Mb

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