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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1883, p. 4

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mmm • if" mmmmsmim i-K-t •".-* '1-W* •o *XJ? WRntfESDAY, SBBr I>KC. v:i* w... m&K4> ®tt>* sin? SlLYItR K'litoi ' J WAUCONDA, ILL. Everybody goes there to buy STORE iilllmbis *$• | iU"#s(i WEST EiV»; ;Vvf* X-. ;jrf AND mBEALMB WMfm J*? * ^ : »;r ** iS «,»••• sM: t4r*Sol«ii Chased new jErreanba'k •Tf*« h*< been ehrlstend the Head- tight. Thtt's tho trouble with most, gl»«nb8ck"rs--he«<l light.. . . ^ s J . . .- -"- -•-••la •oh'-* f,.; B^T Mason. the man wh» "*f" *3ult**n. h** *«M»n parrtone'l. H« npwr have hem conTlctud. FT« *r*» merely trying to wage holy wrfr against cranks. •The Evening Journal office, Chicagofures ilamaeed by fire on Satur­ day nl<?lit to Ihe extent of $50,000, and In consequence no f>*jv»r was Issued front that office on Monday, hut on lNe«d \y It appeared again a* usual. •-- -1 " "'/wg .' - i jjtfl^Durin? the recent gales on TVnk* Michigan (tfty-five lives were lost ««d ilxty vessels. Only cleren of the lat­ ter were **Hev«»d, while twenty-six Teweta, representing A value of $400,- OBOl, became totJl leases. , |€J*On a farin in Kansas, formerly ihe property of the notoriously murd­ erous Bender family, a sealed can was plowed up last week which contained $3^000 In greenbacks and coin. This revives the memory ef that atrocious fanily. whose criminal tendencies have net been equaled in this or any •Urn country. i*r *• - . i^r- rfi i®*For seveteen veflrs, says the fn^-' "lliihopolls Times, "the Repnbllcafi*•' have gone on pivi'i/ the nation JII •debt at the average rate of $4,458 000 'per month, This too, In spite of the predlotlon of Democrats that not a •dollar ot it ever would be paid. And •yet the Democrats talk about turning ,-%bf Republicans out. i^pTtae first session of the Forty- 4^l|thth Congress convened Monday. In th® House John G. Carlisle took the ••ath as Speaker. The roll of States for tho swearing In ef members then be­ gan. A wrangle occurred over the Manning-Chalmers certificate, which prevented complete organization until Tuesday, To the Senate the n?w mem- bors were sworn In, "but no other bus}- >HW8 was transacted. - iarJames Russell Lowell, Envoy v^|ktraorcl»nary and Minister Plenipo­ tentiary from the United t States to Great Briatin, was last week elected Rector of the University ©f St.An­ drew's. A) the pridclpal duty Of the position will be the delivery. of an ••ration, the Incumbent's new office 'will not compel him to neglect any of the arduous toil incidental to his di­ plomatic position. As a compllmentQto -American scholarship, however, and an Indication of good feeling toward the TJnltod States and our principle rep­ resentee in England, the election had * pleasing significance which firty mil- Ken Americans may enjoy with Mr towel!. The University of St. An­ drew's Is the oldest in Scotland, hav l»8 been founded in 1411. The present rector is Sir Theodore Martin, author #* the life of the Prince Cohsort, and ibany men of eminence have held the position. V'i^l^Congres?man EUwood has been Interviewed by tho Sycamore Weekly In relation to his choice of president next year, and says; "Well, without answering that question definitely, as ttt sometime before the selection* are to be made. I will say that there a More of men prominent in the party and justly honored for their eminent .public sevices who wonld make an ex- -eellent head to the ticket. There is Arthur, who may aspire to' be his own ;iftccessor, and he is well spoken of by - iiie Republicans generally, and Edmund Of Vermont, and Gen. Logan of this . Mate, and thit old her). Gen. Sher- man, who is just retired as General of * ^ie Army. In fact the woods are full theni.#v We want no old fossils foi , place, but g*od, live, energetic men With broad, liberal views of govern 4Hent and of good executive anility "iftnd as there are plenty of swell to chose *1fh>m*I am entirely willing to leave the *J|ecifcien to the next republican nation convention." Of course the result of the Speaker­ ship contest does not satisfy all the ii'lements of the poer old Democratic ^arty, and it will not be surprising if ^e eliall find that seeds of future trou- - <fJ»le have been sown. It is an or.deub- : ||ed faet that Mr. Carlisle more nearly Represents the sentinjents ef the great "-;:-^|aajority of his party than any of the ^>ther candidates, but there were some -- ^werJui Influeuees hroHght' to bear inst hi in. ami the fight meant a good leal more than merely the choice of a |uan tO'preside over a llouse. Several §amlidatee for th£ Presidency wer« interested In it, and there were rail- jray corporations and other large in­ terests behind, to say nothing of the 4rouble»ome tariff question underlying "ft all. But the raid of "the solid South" lipon all the positions to be disposed *4+ from tlie Speakership down, was ian illustration of what we might ex­ pect to see in tlte future should the Democratic party everSuceeed in elect­ ing a President. That these hungry representatives of a war-impoverished •ection did net make a clean sweep is not their fault. 9 A <11,ANCR AT HUROPK, Twelve years have gone«ince the 4terce light between France and Ger- ninny^ dnt Europe i^ no nearer assur«d quietude than it was at the close ef that War. The circle of power of the German ulianculor Is ht preseut so ex­ tensive that It may safely be compared with that of the first Napoleon. Aus lriii ha# for a number of vear3 sailed nnder the German flag. Recent events shews that Italy has Joined fortunes with the German empire, and Spain and Portugal are likely to follow. The next great power, England, Is quiet and glad to be alone, while Russia Is so occupied with straightening Its own home aftalrs and trying to root out nihilism, that !t exercises but little Influence on the alt nation of things In the old continent. But France is completely Isolated. The very condition of this once power­ ful and mighty country, unstable, un­ safe and incomplete, which Is the cause Of Its preseut Isolation, Is an element of danger. 'lira similar manner, as oc­ curred during the latter years of the last century, hundreds of aggressive spirits ef the second rate are quarreling with each other, and ir© one seems sufllcientlv powerful to prevail. Her smart editors, who accused the Ital­ ian king of pocketing the, money con­ tributed by French for the Ischiasnfier- eres, have caused King Humbert to become an aggressive enemy#- while a French inobha* made Spain an enemy ready to strike at tne flr?t favorable opportunity. The news to-day indicates that hostilities between her and China can not much longer be p ostponed unless ^ther nations Intefere. No toiiht. France wishes they would, but the^ rumors that England, Russia and the United States would constitute a board of arbitration not only lacks con­ firmation, but does not seem possible on our part at least, as It has been the policy of the present administration to keep out of &Jl foreign quarrel, even where our own Interests were Involved,' « Did France possess moderation, that virtue so necessary for the maintenance of a republican form of government, there would nor be such a mass of fer­ menting fanaticism boiling in that pot frem which so many esplesions have heretofore come. The caisls is near. Gambetta: la gone and so Is Thiers, An internal strife is raging and a great war is about to be commenced with France unprepared for it, and not a friendly nation to help her ont of the difficulty. It invited the opposition of England by its course at Madagascar, when the good will of that nation should have been its first desire. If ever the French republic needled a leader. It Is new. Yet it. may escape the darger which now threatens it without a leader. The French are queer people and difficult to under­ stand. There is no safety in tnaking any predictions as to what they will do. More than once they have recov- ersd from deathlike lethargy and overcome all their adversaries Perhaps they can do It again, but it does not look pessiple. The French republic has reached the j imping-oft place. I Cf?OOSRIS3, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Ladios' and Gents' Gossamers, Ladiea' and Gents' Gloves and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A nice stock of Cor­ sets and Hooji Sitirts, an EXTRA quality of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton I3attin«y and all the Staple Articles kept in a gen­ eral store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated .markets. doOD - BUTTER ANB ':EWS And the Highest Market Pjrjce i i _ } . Colding Bros. Jp^c. JL, 1863. ,f ; i warn LAKE COUNTY^ to Mil That Is. the Large Stock of Goods and Low Prices to be found at 16?* From last week's Freeport Journal and Republican, edited by Gen. Smith D. Atkins, we clip the fol­ lowing: The Chicago Evening Journal says: In reply to a reporter Governor Ham­ ilton said that he had never been an Arthur man..but If the Republican can­ didate for the Presidency must come from the east, he thought Arthur was as good a choiee as could be made. He is. however, in favor »f a western man. and expressed his preference for Gen. Logan's nomination. He thinks Logan would carry the soldier vote Sfdid. It is unquestionably *rne that President Arthur has grown rapidly In the esti­ mation of the Itepiihiicaus of the west. Hid administration is spoken of as ad­ mirable. one of the cleanest and wisest of late years. Without any of the brass band profusion* and tlop-doodle of tlavee. President Arthur is giving the country a quiet, clean, honest ad­ ministration, and Is growing as a Pres­ idential candidate to sneceei.1 himself. But in Illinois, Gen. John A. Logan leads the list, and ought to be, and probably will be, supported for Presi­ dent In the next Republican National Convention. If black Jack Logan is nominated for President he will arouse an enthusiasm among the rank and tile similar to that which carried Harrison into the Presidency in 1840. The ablest volunteer soldier of the late war, he was among the bravest of the brave, and the old veterans would work and vote for him with an enthusiasm no other candidate could begin to awaken But he has stronger claims to the Pres Ideney. Iti publ^e life always IiIr en tire career has been pure and clean. In a Presidential contest, his bitterest foe could find no blot upon Senator Logan's record. He has never been mixed up in speculative schemes, and is«o poor that lie cannot maintain a house of his own in Washington, and lives at a private boarding house. He has espoufed and ably defended the jHght n'ule of every great public ques­ tion tliat lias arisen since 1861. With a brilliant record as a soldier and *tates- nian. lie would, as a candidate for Pres­ ident, gather strength like a rolling snow-ball from the day of his nomine tion until his triumphant election. STATE OK ILLINOIS, -- In the .Oirruil Co f- i WAUCONDA, To Cldthe all of the 500 Boys they expect«#. The Suits were t66 hisrh, perhaps? NO £>IB! The Prices were all right. At least the Boys think so. The fact of the matter is this: A new invoice has just hoen received aad the little 4«felle*a" cap be suited with a new Suit <- :•<*:*& .• if i ? C:.",!«??< s i Out Dollar . v. CJents. 'i-H Have you, Cash Buyers, ever within your memory, bought & good fcSuit for $1.65 ? It is not all wool, of course, but good, honest, every day goods, just such as ye bargain hunters md cash paying customers are looking for. Now we have better Suits for $2,1^ $3.00, $3,50, $4,CO, $4,50, $5,00, $5,5C, $6,00, &c., &c., and everyf, Suit bought and sold !•';<• -ft -H viiy fWA.O'is.X"l fK-r-TA ' mm,i "in* Almost on the same Basis as the Little Fellers- '.i»K fothijMK for Men. Youth* anfl Boys^ Ready 5wlw «nd maile to order., Also i full line ol Gents' Fnrrishinjl Goods,' Hats, Caps, Boots, Slices, elc, ' ' Also & Large^Stodi of CLOAKS MD D3LMAH3, Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere In the County. We mean business anrf t^ bound to please you if you call, b ,4 NIHS. H. MAI AN, Has just returntd from the. city with a full and selected stockof Fashtor. uhle r Mill inety. whiih she invitee^ th-' ladles of Wauronda and Vicinity to call and examine und learn prices. „ - „ „ H. MAI MAN. Wauconda, Dec. Sto, 19S3. FOB BAESAIHS IS FOB COAL AND WOOD,; -CALl« ON- E. M. HOWE, Opposite Uisliop's Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves In the markot, ua well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechafflc's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in faet, everything in the hardware, •tore and tin line. ASK your newsdealer fo» Crumbs for Ail Kinds of Chickens, u new Ohieago f>l-monthly Illustrated. Humorous, ' }i«* f)ramatlc. Musical, Literary and Sport- r*y ' iu^ paper, edited by Will Grander , one of the best humorous writers of , ^the day^ $1 a year,~ln advanc«; single ^ ̂ jcepifg, 5 cents. Good caii- ;%assers wanted In evwy town, to < |w,,®n, liberal Ju'lucenients will be ofl- ^^ered. Addrmw J. A. Kilte^n. Manager. J Crumbs rul>li«liiu<; Co., P. O. Box 586, wpffWTi Mellenvy Conntv^ .. .t A IM mi vourt, Jiiniiarv, A'ifilla H. Iliwh\ v*. An.lreiv ,J ll 'c'ird, in ChMncevy. Altlilavitnt non r«s'ulonoe of the rtffeniliint having iicen flloM in iin> Clerk' oflti-.e of tlt« Oirrnit f^ourl of »:iM <-ou!ity. no­ tice is therefore he re It v j;iven to tlie »nt<"l non reKid'tnt ilffen IBIU that the coin pi linant flic her bill «f fon)r>l:iint in BAKI court, on the Ohanc.orv slln thereof, on the tlrst <l:iv ol Dee.emlier, ' is-?:j, ainl tlmt lhereu|w>n a turn. inonn out, of sniil Court, wherein f-aiil suit i» now peii 'linp, returnahlc on the 14th <tny of tlie iiion I It ol 'January next ftf is by law re<iuii 'c<l. Now unless yon, tne sai.l non-resi- dent liefcnilanl aliove named, shall personally kuairl anpcnr b«tore sai«l Circuit Court, %ii the first rlav of the next lenn thereof, to ite holden at. VVooiUtock in uinl for the saiil conn. I.y, on the 14th 'lay m January l pit-ail, nnswer or (lemur to the saiil coinplainanl's bill of Bom^Jaint, the same, nn«l tlie matters ami things therein charifeii and stated will he taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you uncording to tho prayer of taid bill. K. K. RIcnARl>«, Clerk. Weodstonk, 111., I 'ecenWier Int. 18<M. IRWIN &. KG AN, Qompt's US WJIU- NOT BE UNDERSOLD, s <*;all at hi« store before buying elsewhere. Joliinn,' ami vnpairinjf jtromptly attended to. vdTKemeiaher, extra /good bargain u canal ways be obtained at llowe's. Mi'IIenry, Dec. 1, 1883. 1. Srour hasjnst added to his fitock the duest assortment of Lamps to be found in <h« county. IIangiu<; Lamps, bracket Lamps. Hand Lamps, and. in shorr. every style to be thought of. and »he tlnest designs, can be found at his store. Call and see them. WOOL, at $0,50, (('lgth manufacturer] at Beaver Dam. Wisconsin,) its use less] to look tor any cheap, cotton trash. Then you ^can htiy a $30 Suit, Satin Lined^ for $20, und any quantity of Suits from to $18. •- ; ;• Are selliHw1 at siarht. No fancy profits asked, but a fair, honest, reasonable and living margin is all you are required*o pay. Doltnans Drugs, Ifedidnes, Faints, Oils, Met Articles, &e. The following are a few of the articles to be feund-liLoUr^ Stodt: % Han^ng; Lamps, Bracket I.atnps, All kind* and deatgaa Fish t»lobes. s : < Imported China Moustache Cups i ^ Vases, Toilet Sets, Smoking Sots, Oil or C»g(>8, Jewel CasketH, Oipsy Kettles, Choice Perfumery, all kinds, very frtnoy aeta. Klnrenoe, Celluloid, Ituliber Itressiug cases in blue, red and green |>lush. Hanti Mirrors in bluej^d and green plush Florence Ilnnd Mirrors, U»ir, Cloth :md Toooh B tishes, nil kinito, Combs. Fancy Toilet ^oaps. Puff Boxes, Spectacles. Faee Powder, Cosmetics, Fancy Box pa pur, writing paper, .-ill kinds Teuchers s>c,liedules. Heivard Curds, Desks, Pads, Itlankbooka, Memorandums, all kinds iilid sizes Autograph Albums, Pencils, plain and fancy, Pent, Inks, all kind, Inksinnds, inner desk, Slates, Mnscilaget Toy I'jtiriic, Playirg.,Cards, Checkers. C lieckei boards. Dominoes, Dice, Dice Boxes. V'olin Strings and Bridges, Schoo Crayons, BANKS, Jolly Nigget-, Kieking Mule. Toy Icon Gymnastic, Tin, Tin Toys, all kinUs,- "4 * Vursery, DB, • * U»;is--ivax, bisque, all kinds and slsei, fiwmt cents up, . ( * Toy Dishes, CaetoiS, • l.a^lief Hags, Pocket Books, Purses, Spe- ie lings, • HariKonlca Floten, llaraionteas, all -kinds Uic ktor, Famous Double Hickter. Concert. Pipes, all kinds, Meerschaum Oigar Holders. Cigar Cases. I.onllar l lamous n. Plug, Silrer Coin, Navy i 'lug, Fine Cut. Cigars--Famous N« 1. Mary Ann, Little John, <;criic!, Bouquet, Barbi.iu Brw. Standard M. TAa Itcsts. liuzori and Strops, Famous Duda Rator. Key Kings, ' ' Tooth I 'owden, • , ' Km-e Powder. >'<M:k«t Mirrt#^>' ; Wi" • Tooth Picks. Lead Pencil Krasers. •SmokiiiK Tobacco--Old Judge, Old Rip, Tepsy Navy Clip., Golden Chain, Peerless, Juet Thing, Plu«li Picture Frame*. 1 fijiL fflittak Ami T irt^nra fW Mrfltrinul f 7 1 ** MvwCllliU use* .Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Family The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. -- C£0. W. BESLEY. ^ November 28th, 1883* i Yes! leslTfon Can Sa?B Mofley! i c And buy good reliable goods at the old established house of J. B. WELLS & SON, WAUCONDA, ILIu. a At extremely Low Prices. We have it few Clouks left which were sold at $6,(XI, and thoujrht the price reasonsihle enough, but now they will jjo at $1,95 to close. The Waterloo Shawls are also worthy of your inspection. Table Damasks in White; and Genuine Tur­ key Reds at 48 cents a yard. 500 Towels, lnvjje and all Linen, at 16 cents. Extra large Towels 25 cents. Junesville Waterproofs, double width, 48 cents per yard. Extra Heavy W«stera made Flannels 37 cents. Cheap at 50 cents. 75 Cent Underwear, Kf Cents. 75 Cent Silk Handkerchiefs, 50 Cents. !ats and Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Ladies and Gents Foot-wear Of every description. Particular attention is invited to a llandp Made, Grain Leather Boot for $3,95. Also to our Elgin and Roek,^ lord Booos, which for style'and durability are unsurpassed, Ladies Calf, Grain, Fine Goat and Kid Shoes, all of the best makes knowa to the trade. * They have a full and complete lia© *of Goodls>4or tfa^ trade, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc.; and have just added full assortment ot goods selected for the •»!§ Examine tliat 50-cent Umlerehj^rt I FiMeilttlDOUB & at STATE OF ir.T.rNOTS, M<-HenfT OOnnty, H».--In tlie Circuit Court, January term, 1^4. Midiael Sclinnl vs. Harriet L. joslyn, I.eltoy JoMyn, Kittie n<nis<'Tn:tn. Afflditvitt of non rc!«i'l<!nc« of the llnrriet 1>. .Joslyn, I.olioy Joslyn and Kiltie Domemail, tliealiove d«fen<l«'ntt4, liaviux lieen tiled f in the Clerk'u olll •,<) ot the Oirouit Court 'ht •••ltd oountv, no­ tice is thcrelore hereby (tiven to the 8.tid non. resident det'endiints "thai the complainant filed hiH hill of complaint in said court, on the Chancery sid« thereof, on the 48th day' of November, IH-f'S. and that thereupon, a sum­ mons" issued oiit of said Court, xvhcreiu said unit is now pending, rotiirnalde on the second Monday in the muiitli of January next, ae i» l»y law required. Now unless you. the «aid rori-ref identdetendantsabove na':ned, H«rriot I,. Joslvn, Leltoy Joslyn »nd Kittie Doimo. man, shall personally he and appear Itefora said Circuit Court, on the tirst 'dny of the next term thereof, to be liolden ot Woodstock, in and for Ihe caid 'ounty, the neivKid Mon­ day in J inuary ne.\t, and plead, answer or • lemur to tlie said complainant's hill of com. complaint, the same and the nmtujrs and thini;« therein charged and Htatcd will be taken as possessed, and ft decree sntered atrninst you according to the prnver of said UU1- . JR. K. RltiH AUUSl, Olerk. Woodstock, III., Novf28, 1881 1 " ASA w. 3UTXN. Y*I»ITT'» The purest and best. Can* bed Fruits^ Black Berries? Gooseberries. Cherries and Strawberries, 10 cts. each. Coffees, Teas, Spices and Syrups, and a Prime article Japan Tea at 50c per lb. We are very anxious to receive a reasonable share of the trade and will u» everv possible manner end«a#vor to make it provable for our patrons, y^jfCALL IN. Directly Opposite the West McHenry Post O ' which csnecial attention is invited. We keep none but good goods, and will make prices as low liny other house, quality o%J goods considered. Our stock of " : Colonics** I>olniaii.«i mid Ulsterette« |s completer. :• (>all and see them and letirn prices. J. R. WELLS & SON. Wancomln, Dec. 5th. 1883. m PERRY # OWEN.1 General Merchants. --HEAL QT3 A RTERS-- ,ir .1 - Dolmans ani Ulsterettes, MEN 1ND BO|3 CLOTHING,^ Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Buffalo Robes, 8cc., &c ̂ <Bl OWEN. - PERRY tf, 1883. ~.n -

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